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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm


Nov 10, 2008
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Once again as the sun has set over Red deer, and the kindred once again rise to meet whatever challenges this night holds.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch rises only grudgingly. He's always been a long sleeper if he could afford it to, and getting up when it's dark outside still takes him a bit to get used to. He also feels pretty full from that jogger he took down yesterday, so no need for hunting. None... His head shoots up, and he turns it left and right, just to be sure, but no. None of his dead friends around to torture him either. He could spend the night slacking off and watching TV... or he could get to work on that Defender he keeps on talking about.

With a nod, Fletch throws on a denim jacket - not because he'd be cold, but because he'd draw attention without it - and heads out the door, walking towards his shop and, more importantly, the yard behind it.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Izzy's phone was blinking when the pair woke in the morning. On it was a simple text message.

[No classes today, maybe you should spare some time for that visit you need to make?] It read cryptically. The number it was sent from was 123-456-7890, obviously faked or something of the sort.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eyes opened, and there was only a thick darkness. Hands explored, still dressed. Claire pulled herself off the simple cot and moved through the burned remains of her old home, stumbling out onto Riverside Drive. With wide eyes she looked around, feeling hungry, feeling a need within her. She began to walk down the road, not entirely sure where she was going.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve rolled over and buried her face in the jersey cotton of her pillows. She never got up at dawn, always preferred a "night-life" and generally never got up until several hours after, and now that she was a "creature of the night," waking up at sunset was as bad as waking at dawn. Letting out an indistinct sound into her pillow, she rolled back over and let out a yawn (out of reflex, not any real need) before rolling out of bed and hustling into the kitchen and starting the coffee maker. She may not be able to drink it, but she still wanted to smell it, by god. With the smell of coffee permeating the apartment she headed over to the front window and sat down.

The windows were all boarded up, but covered on the inside by large pieces of canvas. She gathered up her paints, stared longingly at the picture of the sunset she was holding, and began to paint...
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Isabella opens her eyes as the sun sinks below the horizon, her line of sight interrupted by the outline of the man lying next to her on the mattress they had stretched out on the floor. Funny how she didn't think it was at all strange to be sharing sleeping arrangements with her Sire when she was fairly certain waking up next to someone would have probably startled her before her Embrace.

Running her hand through her hair as she rolls up, she huffs a little. "Shower's in order, I think." They had a few toiletries down here for quickly freshening up, but the one thing the room lacked was running water. Had just about everything else though: WiFi they could mooch off of, sockets for a lamp, room for a salvaged desk. It really wasn't all that much different from her dorm room, really, except things were a little more second hand.

Raven let out a soft noise. "Th-that means d-d-dealing with your R.A."

"Well, you don't have to come if you don't want to, but I know I need to feed Bruce, at the very least of things."

"You c-could bring him down here."

She shook her head. "Plant wouldn't live and he needs that. Are you really that intimidated by her?"

He frowned. "I-I-I don't like what sh-she a-assumes. A-a-about us."

She gave him a smile. "Better than her realizing the truth."

Another frown. "Lead the way," he mumbled.

Scooping up her things, she turns her phone over in her hand as she hears it beep. "Our meeting?" Her brows furrow. "What meeting? Do you remember?"

His brow furrows as well, and then go up. "Th-Th-The hacker."

"Ah." She draws in and huffs out a breath. "Then we probably should get cleaned up. Want to make a good, well, I guess second impression, after all."

That done, he dispels the illusion that covers their sleeping place after listening to make sure no one happened to be randomly walking by, not that anyone really should be prowling around in the lower levels of some of the campus buildings, but college students were a strange lot and you never knew sometimes. Determining that the coast was clear, they headed up through the back stairwells and emerged out of one building to cut around it and head over to the one with student housing. Once they were in the building, she picked up the pace a little, wanting to get this process over and done with.

"You know, Isabella, you ought to just see about getting your boyfriend to transfer over here," the R.A. chuckled, giving her a rather exaggerated wink. "Would save us so much paperwork."

Raven handed over his ID without a word and scribbled his signature on the appropriate line. They'd been through this so many times and the woman really was starting to get annoying about the whole thing.

"Maybe I just like making your life miserable," Izzy chirped, making her voice very saccarine but by this point, she was starting to mean it. One of these days, the woman was going to catch on.

Not today, though. She hooked Raven's arm and tugged him along after her, heading for her dorm room. The lobby held a few of their fellow students, but no one really thought twice about the couple cutting through on their way to the rooms. Once there, they both spent a little time freshening up. Funny how Raven was right and she didn't mind cold showers at all anymore. Not that she exactly paid for her hot water, but still.

After feeding her beta, she began running a comb through her hair. "Do you remember where we were supposed to meet this guy? Person? Hacker? Thing?"

He nodded. "I think so. Ready to find out what this is all about?"

"Oh, definitely. You?"

"Y-Yeah. Hope-Hopefully this'll be worth all...all the trouble."

"No worries, right?" She reached out, threading her hand into his, giving it a bit of a squeeze as they made their exit, glad to finally be finding out who the phantom hacker was.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch moves quickly down the streets, avoiding the random people who pass him along the way. His hunger is easily under control despite the fact that when he gets close to some of them it reminds him of when his mouth used to water when he passed by a restaurant.

Suddenly he notices that walking just up ahead of him is one of his fellow kindred. Ronny to be exact, though he doesn't seem to be walking like he has been the last few times Fletch has seen him. He's moving slowly with his face down towards the ground and strangely enough he's wearing a pair of heavy gloves along with his usual outfit.

It doesn't take her long before Claire finds a meal, a simple matter of waiting along the jogging trail before pouncing from out of nowhere. Strangely it was even more exhilarating than any of the other times she had done it. Now she just wandered down the trail in her heroin-induced state, trying to decide what she should do to get rid of it.

Eve's project was coming along well, but as she looked around at her apartment she realized it would take her forever to do it this way. As she sat looking at the start of her painting her phone rain from beside her bed.

((Guess I don't really need to do anything just yet for Izzy, which is fine for me since I've been pretty busy lately. Plus you do Raven so much better than I.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((It sounds like ye already had Claire feed... so I'm rolling with that. Also Ronny I've mentioned the duffel before.))

Having taken her fill Claire moves into the darkness of the bush, a smile on her face. She looks up at the moon and laughs before letting out a mock howl that sounded horribly off key. She wanted to run and play, wanted to dance beneath the moonlight. Giggling she let herself go free, dancing along the trail, spinning in circles whilst claws extended from her fingertips, her eyes glowing red and making the night light up.

"So pretty," she whispered to herself, looking at the sun above, she opened her arms wide and basked in its light. She was alive again. She was free and continued to skip along the path.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

As Eve realizes how much time it will take to finish one of her giant canvases she lets out a little frustrated growl. She sets the brush down and runs a hand through her hair, getting a little paint in it as she paces, right before the phone rings and scares the jeebas out of her. With an indistinct noise of discontent she rushes over to the phone and picks it up. "Hello, who may I ask is calling?" She says in a very polite tone.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch narrows his eyes as he slows his step. Ronny has always struck him as... odd. A bit too friendly at times, then too depressed, really bipolar. The large man is not really keen on making conversation, but it can't hurt to keep an eye on him as long as they share the same route, right?
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Remembering that the hacker supposedly lives with River and that she had given her address to people back in the warehouse, the pair head downtown, eventually winding up at a rather cheap-looking apartment building about a block away from the hospital. Knowing River, she probably lived on the top floor, but they didn't have the actual number for her apartment. The room buzzer had last names beside the call buttons, they read as follows:

401: Smith
402: Jameson
403: Faulk
404: Unoccupied
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((You did say you were going to feed in the OOC thread after all, besides it's Chapter 2 we can gloss over the routine stuff now.))

Claire skips down the path oblivious to her surroundings, when suddenly she hears a rough male voice call from behind her.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing, you do realize that's a breach of the traditions."

"Hello, my dear this is Alexander."

Came the eloquent voice of her sire over Eve's phone.

"I'm terribly sorry that I wasn't able to converse with you last night, but my position can be quite onerous at times. Might you be able to come over and see me tonight, we have much to discuss before the upcoming party. If not perhaps we could arrange to meet somewhere within the next few nights."

Fletch follows Ronny for a few more blocks as it almost seems that Ronny is heading to the same place. Ronny continues to walk slowly with his head down towards the ground unaware he is being tailed, he sometimes seems to hold his hands up and stare at the gloves.

The block before the pair would reach Fletch's garage, Ronny suddenly turns with his head up and quickly goes down an alley."

Raven standing nervously beside Izzy looks the room buzzer over and looks reluctantly at Izzy, before he reaches out and presses the unoccupied button.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch harrumphs quietly and stops in the entrance of the alley for a moment to peer into it. The way Ronny acts is weird even for him... But, Fletch quietly decides, if the man's not killing a hooker or something he's gonna be on his way. Just another block.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

A moment or two pass as Izzy and Raven wait for the answering buzz that unlocks the door, but it doesn't happen.

((Shit, have I never passed out River's last name? Dammit. Well, everyone has her cell number.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((If you did I missed it, hence the reason he pushed unoccupied.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire slowly turned, her vision piercing the darkness. A sheepish smile crossed her face.

"Sorry, kinda woke up dead this morning, I'm kinda lost. But I'll eventually find my way home, can't tell ye where that is though. Not supposed to talk to strangers," Claire whispered through her fugue, that was starting to get a little worse.

((I'm assuming its getting worse now that she's using the heroin laced blood, rather than simply having it sitting inside of her))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((S'okay, Ronny, I'd have opted for the unoccupied one, too.))

After waiting the few moments and getting no response, Izzy frowns. "Here, faster idea." She pulls out her phone and dials River's number. Even if the Gangrel isn't home, they can get the apartment number and meet with their 'mysterious and creepy benefactor.' She hums softly to herself while she waits for the other to pick up, or, at the very least, for voicemail to maybe give a clue, too.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The phone rang about four times before River picked it up.
"Yo." She said simply. Oddly enough, she sounds like she was breathing hard, and there seemed to be a stiff breeze in the background.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The breeze she doesn't think too much of, but the breathing is a bit odd. "Hey, River. It's Izzy. Raven and I stopped by to meet with our mutual friend, but we need your apartment number," she chuckles as she actually glances around, half expecting to find River standing on a nearby rooftop or something.