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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Be careful, Fletch. Sunrise isn't far away, and I'd hate for you to go sunbathing." Eve gave him a wan little smile.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch gives her a long, unreadable look before opening the door. "Take care of yourself," he says instead of an answer, leaning into the door. "There are freaks out there. Worse than us, I mean." He closes the door and turns to walk home, not waiting for an answer.
She thinks you're fucked up.

Yeah, she probably does.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"I have my own place. Not very nice though, always so dark," Claire said quietly looking towards the sky. Her eyes widened and she smiled.

"I bet the sun is so pretty anymore. Do you think it would be prettier after death?" she suddenly asked Renee, almost gleefully. Some small part of her, at the back of her mind was screaming at her, knowing it had to get rid of this taint inside of her... but it was getting drowned out.
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve watched him leave with some trepidation. The night hadn't been the best for either of them and she leaned her head against the steering wheel for a few moments before driving off to the Apartment she'd picked out for her new home.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((When you get to your havens, knock yourself out describing it. Just remember that you're still at your starting cash flow right now.))

It doesn't take long for Eve to drive to her apartment, as there is very little traffic as of yet. Once inside she is finally alone with her thoughts as she gets ready for the sun to come up.

Fletch takes off down the sidewalks hoping to clear his head a little after this night. Though he gets the distinct feeling it may only get worse from here on out.

Renee just looked at her with a happy smile, before answering.

"I like dark places myself, but to each their own. Yeah the sun probably is pretty, though I wouldn't test out that little theory. You may get a sunburn you won't forget."

She continues smiling as she pulls a phone out of her pocket and writing down her number on a scrap of paper, hands it to Claire.

"Any thing goes wrong give me a call, and I'll do what I can. Till then sleep tight and enjoy what little is left of the night."

With that she takes off for her own place, turning and waving as she runs off toward the hospital.

Rain looks around and moves over to the mattress where she lays down on her side. With a little giggle she looks up at Ronny and says.

"So where are gonna lay big guy there doesn't seem to much room on this thing for both of us."

Ronny moves across the room shaking his head and closes the door to the bathroom so no sunlight can get in the room during the day.

"On my mattress where else would I lay you crazy ass loon. Now move over and make room."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

It doesn't quite register with her that Raven's crying, not even as he turns away from her, though that seems strange. Her brow furrows some as she watches him mimicking the crow, and as the sensation starts to fade, she massages her temple. "Drive away? What are you talking about?" She watches him, a little more wary of the way he's acting than the person she spotted earlier.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

As Fletch trudges through the nightly streets of Red Deer, he just can't shake this vague feeling of dread. 'course, the magnitude his hallucinations have shown tonight is bad enough. But that eerie silence, and that bone yo-yo, and The Bitch is also still out there somewhere... He shakes his head to clear the thoughts out. He stops for a moment, slightly rocking in his heels, before starting a jog that soon turns into an all-out run. The wind in his face slowly starts to blow the worries away like dirt. Who knows where they'll settle next.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Before Raven can answer Izzy's question a small flock of six crows comes flapping down. As they land near Raven he kneels down and while trying to maintain eye contact with the creatures he continues to caw. For some reason he seems to be having trouble as the birds just seem to stare back at him.

Behind her Izzy can hear the one she had seen earlier call out to her. His voice voice is calm and aristocratic, though his language sounds strangely old as if he were stuck in the past.

"I would be careful of that deceitful Egyptien you are with, their kind can never be trusted. You should come with me instead, I would be happy to have such a beautiful young maiden by my side."

Rain makes a show of moving over though she just barely gives Ronny enough room to lay down on the mattress beside her. With a smile she rolls closer and practically lays on top of Ronny, who proceeds to push her away without much effect.

"Now why would you try to push me away like that, you big tease. After all it was your suggestion that we share the mattress."

Ronny finally manages to get her back to her side of the mattress and lays back. All the while thinking to himself why did I let this freaking crazy bitch in here, I would rather have to spend the night listening to Claire and Eve argue. Finally his thoughts were interrupted by Rain asking him another question.

"So you mentioned earlier that you don't think you're a Brujah despite what everyone else thinks. So what makes you think you aren't one of us, if everyone else does?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Shoving the paper into her pocket, Claire starts to stroll down the street towards her old home. She cuts through back alleys before sticking to the side of the road until she finally comes across her old house. The remains looked almost like a blackened skeleton, charred wood sticking up from the ground.

Claire paid no attention to the scene, and didn't even bother to look around for anyone who might be paying attention as she pushes open the remains of the front door, not even hearing it crack in two as it hits the ground. She wanders through to the kitchen, and pulls back a few loose boards piled against one wall, revealing a doorway leading down into the darkness of her cellar.

She nearly fell down the stairs, barely managing to close the door behind her, and ended up laying at the bottom laying on her back, laughing to herself. She took a few moments to calm down before she crawled over to her bed, an aging mattress tucked into the corner which she promptly curled up on. Her only furniture in the basement, whose only window was covered in leaves, dirt and debris from the ruins of her old home. From her life.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Having a bit of an idea of what Raven's doing, given that she did get a quick rundown of their abilities, she doesn't bother him, just watching him with the birds until she hears the voice behind her. Turning around, she tries to place the timbre of it, whether it's from age or something he's doing to go along with the look. As much as she'd wanted Raven away from her earlier, whatever caused those feelings had faded and she wasn't about to just up and leave him.

"He hasn't given me a reason not to trust him," she answers the other. Her lips quirk a little. "Besides, I already know he's shifty. I'll take a rogue over a knight any day."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

The caped figure laughs haughtily before responding in the same calm, aristocratic tone. The voice almost reminds her of the way they would speak in a Victorian novel, though the accent is similar to what little German she knows.

"I would hardly consider myself a knight, noble yes but hardly a knight. As for not having a reason to trust him, why don't you ask him for the truth about his dear sweet sister Aditi...."

Suddenly the caped figure is surrounded by the cawing birds that Raven has finally managed to coax into driving whoever it is off. The caped figure quickly takes off away from them int the trees opposite of where Izzy and Raven stand.

Raven himself now calls out to Izzy as he wipes the blood from his face, though he seems to still be keeping his distance from her.

"A-are y-you all r-right, Izzy? W-we should probably get out of here, s-since it may not take that guy long to get rid of some crows."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

And of course, the 'villain' always has to throw that one out there, comes from the remark made about Raven's sister. The crows startle her as well, but she turns at Raven's voice, her attention to the other vampire broken by this point.

"Yeah, good idea." She hesitates a second and then holds her hand out to him, intent on making it back to the car and getting the two of them to their haven before anything else decides to add to the crazy list tonight.

((And since I'm just doing a drive-by on this, haven can wait and personal discussions can be done in PMs, perhaps. Let's wrap this puppy up!))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch slows down as he reaches the apartment house he lives... unlives in? The borough isn't really one of the finer neighborhoods. He quietly sneers at some of the more unsavory folk around before heading inside, locking the door behind him. Up the stairs and towards the back, windows going out to a dingy backyard, is his flat. This door, too, is locked from the inside. Living room with cheap carpet and couch, bedroom with cheap carpet and closet, bathroom with cheap tiles and shower.

Fletch doesn't feel like watching TV right now, so he heads straight back into the bedroom. The two windows, the only ones in the entire flat, are boarded up tightly - Fletch doesn't half-ass stuff when it comes to fwooshing. Still, he runs his hands over them like he does every night, shaking them a bit to see if they're stable (they are). Finally, he tiredly kicks his boots off and falls down on the bed. With hands behind his head, he thinks the night over for a while.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

As the sun finally rises over the city of Red Deer the coterie is safe and sound in their havens.

((Good, Chapter 1 is done.))