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[Ch01,Story] A New Dawn [Finished]

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Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Yesterday had been a day of celebration, the day the kits were kits no more, but adults. Food and beverage, song and dance, boisterous tales and secluded companionship, all that and so much more had been part of it all. It would be a day to cheerfully remember for most. But with adulthood came responsibilities, the kits of yesterday had not been without responsibilities as they grew up, as everyone had to one day begin doing their part for the tribe as a whole.

Today would be their first chance to prove themselves capable, to show off their prowess for everyone else to behold, and do their first duty to the tribe. Still early in the morning, the young adults were roused awake by their shared mentors, Rajak, Khaja and Theris. In particular Rajak. "Up with you, the dawns first light is upon us, and most, if not all, of you are still lazing in your tents!", always a charmer, Rajak was an old, gruff man of a lion, he had always been fond of pushing the kits to their limits and then some during the spars and training sessions.

In the tribe, every generation had their own living area, and the current one had helped make their own homes the past few weeks, hunting hides and gathering wood and bone to make the tents they would shelter in during the nights, circling around an open area where they shared their meals. A little village inside the village, one could say. The moment anyone were to stick their noses outside their tents, they could catch the scent of breakfast being made, as Khaja and Theris were busy readying soup, bread and drink. The two lionesses had always had a more motherly side to the kits, much to Rajak's dismay, but despite him calling his mates "being too soft on the youngbloods", he had rarely gotten between the two of them and their kindness toward the kits. The few times he had, he had been the one getting a stern talking to. "Breakfast almost ready, young ones."

Rajak, Khaja and Theris had always been there for the kits, as they had been the ones given the task of taking care of and training the young ones. While the Kits had still spent time with their parents, the trio of Lions were as much Parent as they were Mentor after all these years. Or at least Khaja and Theris were in regards to the former. They were all in the later side of their prime, with grayed golden-brown hair, ears and tail, with amber eyes as alert as ever. Rajak was a bit large for a Lion, but not uncommonly so, standing at 6'/180cm, with his mates a bit shorter than him, 5'4/160. They had lean bodies with noticably toned muscles, showing the result of a long life of physical activities and prowess.

(The feast of yesterday did include alcoholic beverages, so hangovers are very much plausible. And kits of the same generation can still wary in age. People can join in later, as there are bound to be some youngbloods so hangover'd they're pretty much out of comission for some time)
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Re: [Ch01,Story] A New Dawn

Almost immediately at the mention of breakfast, Penelope sticks her nose out of the cheetah trio's tent, sniffing the air carefully before stumbling out of the tent as Hera pushes her way outside, followed by Helen, grumbling about the early morning as is her habit. Unsurprisingly, Hera seems to be in a sour mood as well, considering the amount of drink consumed last night. Only Penelope seems clearheaded.

The three cheetah's all share similar appearance, though each has their own pattern of spots and Hera is slightly taller than her sisters at 152 cm while Helen has larger ears than the other two, though not unnaturally so.
Re: [Ch01,Story] A New Dawn

Ryxis had to listen to people talk. Why were they always talking after he had been drinking. WHY!, still like all the others he stuck his nose out of the tent to smell for breakfast which admittedly he didn't want, but unlike everyone else, it was his whole head that came out of the tent to look up at Rajak in a slightly accusatory manner before heading back inside to get his armour on. Several minutes later, the behemoth of a cat walked out of his domicile looking if anything even crankier in the bone armour, the mace hanging from his belt and his shield strapped across his back. Possessed of impressive endurance and a brute strength that was just expected given his large frame, Ryx, like other tigers kept to himself.

"There old timer, I'm awake." He said to Rajak, moving to one of the leftover barrels of wine for some hair of the dog to take the edge off his hangover. Waving at the cheetahs who seemed to be up as well, he took a seat and started herding the actual children around. Like some kind of surrogate big brother, Ryxis always made sure that the true young ate first, and then made even more certain they got to whatever classes or training they had next to help take the strain off of the lions because he always remembered how lazy he had been and how many times Rajak had smacked him upside the head to get him to move when he was younger.

The problem was he always did a job with one hand, and had a drink in the other so he smelled of berries and wine almost constantly, which HE preferred, but knew several others didn't. Yawning loudly, he continued to sheppard the children to breakfast with his foot, occassionally having to pick one up by the scruff and set them in the right spot, but sooner or later something always happened, he wound up being some kind of mobile siege tower for the children, covered in kittens riding on his head and shoulders as he moved around, some nibbling on his ears, others hanging from his tail as he walked around, ignoring them. It was a morning game they always played with Uncle Ryx. And this was mainly because Uncle Ryx really was enormous at over 9 and a half feet tall which made him the best jungle gym ever.

Sitting down with his own meal, the cooks looking at him with a mix of amusement and annoyance, they proceeded to dole out food for him, and the numerous passengers he had. Which meant he had gone from bus to portable table, the children thankfully careful about spilling on his armour, which they all knew he would make them clean later. As all this transpired, he neither smiled nor frowned, complained or admitted he enjoyed it, literally ignoring the young ones as he ate, although the older lions all knew better, that he loved the attention, and that it kept the kits out of trouble which was more to the better. Happier children were easier to train and teach and look after because they listened for the most part. Besides, once all this was dealt with, he would either have work to do, or a favourite pond to go jump in for a swim, and maybe throw several kits in as well if they had the day to themselves.
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Re: [Ch01,Story] A New Dawn

Rajak gave Ryxis a nod of acknowledgement, and little else, as Ryxis showed himself and later got up and about in full gear. The gruff lionman, even if he didn't show it much, he was not ungrateful for the tigermans efforts in helping to herd herd the kits when needed. That had never stopped him from working Ryxis just as hard, if not harder, than the others however. He had done the same with other tigers, working them that extra mile given the chance, due to the physical attributes that their race was known for. Then again, he had been known to do the same with the equally if not more temperamental Jaguars. His mates usually trained kits of other races, as his temper and gruffness was less suited for those of less physical prowess. Admittedly, he'd never let lions slack off either, often saying that they, above all, must know how to work together, to be examples for others to follow.

But today was not a day for training, today was a day to recover from yesterday, and then some. As the kits began to form circles around the fireplaces, Khaja and Theris were busying themselves with serving food to hungry mouths and hands. They had been working with a few other of the young adults of this generation to make the meals, to make sure there was enough to go around. Even when Ryxis came carrying some of the smaller and younger of the generation, there had been little grievances, and Khaja and Theris even laughed at the display that was so common, as it never failed to amused them. Penelope, Hele and Hera would also recieve their servings as they came, the fastest hunters of this extended family wouldn't have to go hungry, and even recieved some of the finer cuts of meat, that they no doubt had been part of hunting down to begin with.

Once everyone had settled down and recieved their first serving of food and drink, and begun to eat, Rajak would step up to the center of them all. Everyone was familiar with this, he would begin to talk, and he expected them to listen. "Today is your first day as adults, so eat and drink well...", he briefly looked to Ryxis, his eyes a bit stern. "... but don't drink too well, for all of you need to be in your best condition this day.", he made a sweeping glance over all young adults surrounding him. "As you all might be aware of, the festival of yesterday often results in some of us getting a little too much to drink, making us rowdy and irritable the day after. I've watched some of the other generations making a ruckus around the village. In particular, a group of kits, those that are just a bit younger than you are, making a fuzz near the great river."

Rajak paused briefly, letting the information sink in. Then he spoke again, his voice carrying a low growl with it, one of annoyance. "Some of you will come with me, Khaja and Theris, and calm them down after breakfast. We will face them, and calm them down.", he paused, drawing a deep breath, and then letting out an equally deep sigh. "If they prove unco-operative, which I expect, we will remind them of their place, but do not, even for a moment, expect me to forgive any serious injury befalling them. They are our future warriors, much like you are now, but they WILL be reminded that they are still kits, and that there are consequences to their actions.", Rajak paused again to let his words sink in. "Have I made myself clear?", there was some murmuring among the young adults, but most of them nodded. Rowdy kits wasn't uncommon, and fighting them to make them calm down wasn't rare, if nothing else it would prepare them for future battle, which would be under far harsher conditions. "But for now, enjoy the food and drink, I know I will.", and with that, Rajak headed over to his mates, so that they could have their first servings of food amidst the youngbloods asking for seconds.
Re: [Ch01,Story] A New Dawn

The three cheetahs takes their food and take places next to each other with not even Helen talking too much or too loudly. That doesn't last too long however, as the familiar stream of complaints begins anew as Rakak starts talking about having to deal with the kits, though she has enough sense to keep her voice down, and all three murmur in agreement as the old lion finishes talking.
Re: [Ch01,Story] A New Dawn

One jaguar rose wearily at Rajak’s orders, leaning over to thump another of his kin in the chest. “Katchende, up.” He said, voice even heavier and thicker than it typically was thanks to the previous night’s festivities. With murmured grumbling, the second jaguar carefully rose from his own bed, too hung-over to give any articulate response.

Gahman seemed the less affected of the pair, though more likely thanks to his constitution than any additional modicum of moderation. Still, Katchende was able to walk of his own accord, fetching food alongside his companion – and water. The pair of ‘Jaguar had no trouble finding somewhere without anyone nearby being noisy or bothersome, both due to their general reputation and because most all else in their age group were also being as quiet as possible, nursing their own side effects of too much fun. “Well planned, old man… a good way to be sure we are not drunk in the fight is to be sure we are hungover before it.”Katchende muttered to himself, eyeing the mug of water and downing it in disgust, more at his own condition than anything else.

“Ah, don’t worry about a thing, old man!” Gahman called to their teacher once he had finished speaking, at his insistence that no overly considerable harm come to their opponents. “Leave the kits to us, we won’t harm them – much.”
Re: [Ch01,Story] A New Dawn

"So... No Mace then? Alright" Ryxis said grinning, looking at the children before grinning around him. "Should we spank them like little kits?" He asked chuckling with a rumble even as he waved a short greeting to the jaguars as well before standing. Still covered in scrambling children, he started to extricate them from himself by the scruffs one at a time, setting them on the ground with a pat before shooing them away as he glanced around, looking for a sapling tree, which was thankfully nearby.

Grinning, he lumbered over to it, continuing to drink without a second thought as he pulled a long, flexible branch, the wood still green and the sprig making a whistling sound as he lashed it through the air. "Well... Switch first, fists if that doesn't work I suppose, a good old fashioned whipping should bring them in line, maybe draw a little blood." He muttered, bending the branch a little as if testing it before grinning.

"Do we have a particular plan in mind? Or do you guys have a plan while I provide a distraction and something to hit per usual?" He asked, thinking everything he had just said was both completely normal and utterly acceptable, taking another long drink of wine, emptying the mug before tossing it near his own tent for later.
Re: [Ch01,Story] A New Dawn

Rajak noted the two jaguars pressence, but waved off their comment about not hurting the kits 'much', and then looked to Ryxis. "Your mace will do fine, Ryxis, just make sure you don't cripple them for life. A few broken bones might do them some good in the long run.", he chuckled dryly, shaking his head at the sight of the big tiger swishing the branch about. "I meant it when I said we will remind them of their place, and them or us getting hurt in the process is possible. Just don't go all out on them, alright?", he murmured and muttered slightly once asked about a plan. "Well, I figure they'll be located past the river, figuring being over there means our rules no longer apply to them. They wouldn't be the first bunch making up such a brilliant notion."

And with that, breakfast would be had without any particular topic being brought up by Rajak, allowing people to rub sleep out of their eyes, fill their bellies, and nurse their hangovers for a while longer before it was time to head out. Perhaps some more people ready to serve the Pride had woken up by then.
Re: [Ch01,Story] A New Dawn

By the time breakfast was finished, and no more people had stepped forward to help with dealing with the ruckus makers, Rajak, Khaja and Theris went to their tent to grab their equipment, donning their bone armor and readying their swords and shields, followed by Rajak shouting out. "Those that are coming with us, grab your things if you haven't and get moving! We'll have our morning exercise by dealing with the runts!", and then they went on their way, leaving Ryxis, Kachende, Gahman, Hera, Helena and Penelope to catch up with them.

[Story Thread Finished, move to Battle Thread]​
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