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[Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Ryxis, the battle over, realised he was probably a little more hungover then he should have been, and possibly that accounted for his rather poor showing, o well, he'd kept the tigresses busy, that was part of his job and he'd done it, just not in the most impressive of fashions.

Catching each Tigresses as they slumped low, Ryxis half dragged, half carried them out of the river and towards Nerina, the Sphinx's last minute showing having expedited things very nicely. With an appreciative nod and a smile, Ryxis went about helping in any other way, and stayed close to Rajak on the off chance he was going to need help move anyone or keep a cranky kit in line.

"That could've gone worse, we taking the young'uns back to our camp Raj? or did you have another place in mind. I don't rightfully care overmuch, but two Tigresses, a rare find, especially together." Ryxis said, voicing his opinion in a roundabout way and curious to the answer.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

The Jaguar took up the fallen kittens without complaint. “Hehheh.” Though, while they may have been helpful, their empathy at their prey’s plight was hardly strong, as Gahman proved. “Stomach giving you problems, boy?” Kachende was, if anything, less polite. “You should have kept fighting. Now the tribe will know you’re a spineless coward… why did something like you think it could take up a weapon?”Gahman nodded agreement. “There are better uses for kittyans than fighters… maybe you need to be shown that?” his expression took a dark turn, looking back to the helpless furball he carried. Such a short fight was hardly punishment for the rebellious felines, and also far from satisfying for the bestial cats… they would have to scare them a little more. Kachende was on the same train of thought without so much as a wink, sneering at the meekest of the cats. “Oh, not a bad idea… but what are these things good for?”
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Nerina frowned, taking break from her healing to smack the Jaguars on the backsides of their heads, "Boys, they've learned their lesson," she fussed, "You can stop torturing them."

Maternally Vicious Feline lady?
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

The Tigresses would barely manage to stay on their feet, likely only doing so due to the pride within all Tigers. It was obvious to him, as a fellow Tiger, that they wasn't happy with their situation. All the same, they wouldn't struggle further, accepting their defeat, grudgingly.

With the Jaguars carrying the Kityans, Khaja and Theris would go to round up the Pantheresses, while Rajak kept his eyes on Kachende and Gahman, a frown on his lips at their continued attempts to further scare and punish the already cowering Kityans. He'd smile with approval once Nerina smacked the backs of their heads though, but made no comment.

Once the Kityans, Panthers and Tigers had been rounded up and Nerina set about on her task to heal them, with Khaja and Theris assistance, there would be more than a few pained grimaces for her to behold, as there was bruises and burns aplenty to treat, the latter being of her own doing no less.

At this point, Rajak had rounded up the Jaguars, Cheetahs and the Tiger, and made his speech. At Ryxis question, the old Lion looked over to the striped females, and shrugged ever so slightly at the much bigger and younger male. "Even among your hardheaded kind, there are those that can stand each other enough to stick together. What with them sticking together so closely though, shows that they are mere tribals with no real combat experience or proper training. Given time, I'm sure they'd be a worthwhile challenge for you... Not that this was a fair fight to begin with."

Rajak's last few words was said begrudgingly, and he slowly shook his head again. Nerina and the two Lionesses had no troubles dealing with or seeing to the recovering younglings, while Rajak once more looked as if wanting to speak to the others under his command... But something caught his attention, and one of Rajak's ears twitched a little, followed by him looking out over the Savannah, back towards their home still visible to them in the distance. A lone Cheetah boy was making his way towards them, and Rajak scowled slightly. "A messenger? What do the Elders want now...", he growled quietly, and began to walk towards the rapidly approaching Cheetah, but left no indication as to what the others could or couldn't do.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

"Rajak, there's no such thing as a fair fight in all honesty. Not even within a pit. The world is too chaotic for that, so we stack the odds in our favour, and walk away with a victory to reflect it. It's the way of the world in my eyes." Ryxis said in answer before Rajak was running off to get a message of some kind.

Turning his attention to the Tigresses, he kneeled. "I'll make you an honest offer, as I'm sure the others will as well. You're out here on your own, it isn't wise or safe. So swallow a little of your pride in the name of survival, and come with us. I'll teach you to use those clubs personally, and anything else I can in exchange. All you need to do is follow some very basic rules, and follow my lead if you're unsure. There's a reason I'm with everyone here, they're like family. So what do you think? Think you can handle some good food and drink, training, and company in trade for a little work? It's not a bad offer." He said quietly to the pair, already suspecting that the others were setting about their own proposals, questions, and what have you.

Standing slowly while the two tigers thought about his offer, to directly take them under his care, he looked at the others and shrugged. "We could use the extra muscle, they've done well to get as far as they did. I see no problems with giving them a proper home, real training, and a family if they'll have it. What about you guys?" He asked everyone.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

"Doof." A Jaguar being hit in the back of the head by an averagely-weak caster was about as painful and noticeable as the landing of an insect - the verbal admittance of noticing it was excessive, even as emotionlessly stated as it was. That didn't stop Kachende from turning his head back to the sphinx. "...Did you just peck me, bird?" In a different tone, that may have been a threat, but the big cat remarked it rather lazily, barring a mild grumpiness. He didn't push the issue himself beyond that, and apparently didn't bother the kittyans any further either.

"The fair fight is the fight that we win." Kachende agreed with Ryxis, though Gahman immediately followed with "But the hard fight is the one that is fun." The conclusion of the statement drew a shared grin between the pair.

When Rajak moved away to see to his messenger, the Jaguars at least followed him fairly openly, each of the brutish felines slinging their burden over their shoulder. If they had wanted to be cradle-carried, they shouldn’t have tried to rebel against the tribe.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Rajak had grinned briefly at Ryxis and the Jaguars comment about fair fighting, and briefly voiced his thoughts before heading off after the messenger. "We need to find you some booze, Ryxis; of everyone among us, you're not the one I expect to utter such wise words.", the lion chuckled heartily as he wandered off, with Kachende and Gahman in tow, although the Jaguars were denied a chance to slung the Kityans over their shoulders, with Theris and Khaja standing in their wait. "You two won't need to carry the kits, Kachende, Gahman. We'll take care of them. You two go with Rajak", their words were stern; while the old Lionesses usually got along with most of the pack they had cared for, Kachende and Gahman were likely the two they were the sternest towards, which likely were necessary given their overall mannerism.

The Tigresses stared blankly at Ryxis for a bit as he made his offer to them, and then they looked to each other in silence for a while. While one of them got a more apologetic look, the other one bared her fangs, growling quietly. The first one looked up to Ryxis and nodded slowly. "I, I think I'll accept that offe-", she was immedietly cut off by her sister, "Don't you dare do this to me, Sister! He is weak, like the rest of them! He's a liar and a hack! He accused us of relying on magic, only to accept the aid of their own shaman!", the first one growled in return, glaring at the second. "Yeah, you think so? At least he's giving us a chance, and is willing to teach us how to fight properly, thats more than our own damn pack ever did for us!", the two Tigresses were growling loudly, fur standing on end, and everyone knew that not even Rajak was comfortable with getting between two angry Tigers, even less two female ones. Only Ryxis, a Tiger himself, was Felyn enough to stand between two of his own kind.

The lone Cheetah boy slowed down to a halt, and leant forward, one hand on a knee, the other holding out a small rolled up parchment that Rajak snatched up and unrolled, reading through it. A quiet growl rising in his throat, followed by a sigh. Once he had read it, he rolled it back up, and looked to the recovering Cheetah. "Anything else from the Elders, runner?", the Cheetah nodded inbetween soft gasps, but soon recovered enough to stand up proper, murmuring a bit as if trying to remember what he had been told. "While the Elders are in need of your assistance in the south-west, Rajak, the Felyn you've been teaching and training are needed in the east; as it was their maturity we celebrated yesterday, the Elders see it fittingly enough that they are the ones to take on the trading trip to restock some of the goods used, in particular herbs and spices, from the trading towns of the Outcasts in the great desert.", what with everyone being in fairly close proximity, unless they were busy with other things, such as Ryxis dealing with the Tigresses, everyone would be able to hear the Cheetah, as he spoke loud and clear. Rajak frowned slightly, "They always come for me when the smaller prides are causing trouble, don't they?", the question wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, but the Cheetah kept his mouth shut, and the old Lion only shook his head in disbelief. It wasn't too common, but certainly not rare, that Rajak had been sent off to deal as a diplomat of a sort with smaller prides were growing restless or trying to bite off more than they had the right of to chew on.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Ryxis did indeed have his hands full with the Tigresses, and more importantly with getting them both to fall in line. While one was reasonable, and simply recognized her defeat and the wisdom of his offer, the other was equally stubborn and likely to hold her defeat against him until he proved her excuses for her loss to be unfounded, and that no matter what had been said during the battle, that she'd have still lost. It was going to be interesting for sure.

However, Rajak was right, he needed a fucking drink, he was still hungover, and not in the mood whatsoever to deal with the bickering that was about to start, and with Tigers that meant a full out brawl. As much fun as it would be to watch two females of his species wrestle around in the dirt, it was Currently not productive and not wanted. If the others watched, they'd see him standing there, his body flexing up and down as his eye began to twitch, and then he stopped their arguing cold as he used his impressive size alone and spoke the only language Tigers understood. Raw power.

His intercession was followed as his shoulders bunched and an explosive roar tore itself from the pit of his barrel chest, blasting through the trees and the grass like a thunderclap as he glared down between the females. He refused to back down regardless of their next action. "I am not in the mood for arguing." he said, looking at them before turning his attention to the one who'd dared to call him weak. "If you cannot recognize when one's taunting can be used as a weapon, then you do not even understand the weaknesses of your own nature. You have more to learn then your sister, that much is pathetically obvious. If you think you could have won against me, then STAND UP. PROVE IT. OR Silence Yourself and accept the situation." The large tiger snarled, his mace slipping to a proper grip as he squared his stance and set his shoulders.

"Well? Are you going to prove me weak? or accept that the only weak thing here are your excuses. As you are, you are not even close to my match. I dare you right now." His voice had turned into an angry rumble as his eyes held hers.

He stood there, refusing to move out from between the two sisters, and refusing to back down an inch even as he continued to speak "You don't approve of my tactics? You think I care what the defeated think? Or that you should? You're a Tiger, act like it."
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Nerina's eyes darted between the Tigresses and Ryxis, a small and amused smile appearing on her face. This was just beginning to get interesting and would likely end in more bloodshed. Which meant more healing.

Ah well. Couldn't have everything the way she wanted it.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Kachende huffed at finding the lionesses taking their burdens from them, but both jags still handed them over. There was no comment on the way their tiger ally treated his opponents, though his roar managed to get Kachende to jump, and Gahman to growl. There was little that could scare such brutish felines, but a tiger in rage was one of them.
The loss of their lion leader didn’t faze the pair; it just meant a better chance to prove themselves. “Good luck.” Kachende wished, though Gahman teased, “You might need it more than we do.”
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

The cheetah trio stays nearby, splitting to keep an eye on all directions like they've been taught to - a useful habit to have for scouts, even if there's no actual danger.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

The Kityans cried out in terror and fear, their hands going for their ears as the folded over and curled up. The Panthers quickly put their hands over their ears and grimaced at the ferocious roar. The Lionesses had been quick to cover their ears, knowing full well what was coming. The Cheetah messenger cried painfully while covering his ears, surprised by the roar. Rajak let out a growling groan, more annoyed and bothered by the interruption of his conversation with the messenger than anything else, but still covered his ears as she turned enough to shoot Ryxis a quick glance, to see what the Tiger was up to.

The Tigresss that had given in grimaced, but beared with it. The other Tigress snarled defiantly, teeths baring and eyes narrowing. At least he had her attention now, instead of the surrendering sister, and as he called her out on her whining, she growled, and shakily began to rise to her feet. "Don't, Sister, please sto-", she was cut off quickly, "I will not stay, I will not be silent, but I am not stupid; I will fight you, but not today...", the defiance shone clearly in the Tigress eyes, and while there was still fire in her eyes, it was little more than embers right now. "Call me weak, call me a coward, but I will NOT follow you, I will NOT be taught by you! Always people like you tell us that there is more to learn, always more to be taught! Fine, teach my sister, but I will learn my own way!", she growled again, and gave her sister a scornful look, and the other Tigress gave a saddened one in return.

The Tigress turned back to Ryxis, a quiet growl still in her throat. "We already have a home, and if my sister is so eager to come with you to yours, so eager to leave us, then you can have her for all I care! I will not follow her, and I will not follow YOU!", the Tigress growled the last word out and aloud, and wouldn't wait for Ryxis response, instead looking over towards the smaller Felyns she had fought together with, the Kityans still cowering, while the Pantheresses had a look of defeat, of failure, to them. "We'll go home, we won't make a fuss, you defeated us... But they will walk on their own, not be dragged or carried. Nor will I be treated that way.", the Tigress spat the words out, she wasn't happy about their defeat, but she showed little intent continue fighting.

As the Tigress, the Kityans and the Panthers slowly got to their feet and began heading off, Rajak would call out, "Let them go, we got better things to do than babysit them. We've done our part.", That was all that they had been out to take care of after all, to bring in some rascals, have them return to the pridegrounds, the large settlement off in the distance.

With the defiance mostly crushed and most of the young Felyns spirits shattered, unless Ryxis tried to stop the Tigress, despite Rajak's orders, the defiant Tigress, the Kityans and Panthers would begin limping their way home, but not before shooting another scornful look in his and her sisters direction. The sister that sat limply near Ryxis had tears forming in her eyes, but she didn't utter a word, she only stared after her parting sister. Tigers that didn't get along rarely stuck together, and once they parted ways, it was a rare thing that they'd ever walk down the same path ever again, and it would appear that Ryxis and his offer had been what split their paths.

If things would go smoothly, Rajak would groan and slowly shake his head. As Gahman teased about the old Lion needing more luck than they did however, his lips formed a wry smile. "I think you'll be needing the luck, Gahman. Because while I am gone, Ryxis will be in command.", the Lion set his eyes upon the Tiger, a stern one. "That is not to say he can do whatever he pleases, I hope you all will be able to work together, for despite his tendencies to drink, his heart is in the right place, and despite his looks, he ain't quite as dense as the Rhodons are. As stubborn as one, sure, but not as dense. And that is why I put my trust in him as the leader. Can I trust this task to you, Ryxis?", Rajak dismissed the messenger with a casual wave of his hand as he began walking over towards the large Tiger, intending to discuss the task at hand by the looks of it, and the Cheetah male blinked a little, briefly looking over to Kachende and Gahman, then the others of the group, and unless stopped would simply turn and run back to the settlement.
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Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Ryxis was oblivious to any disturbance his roar caused, more a spontaneous showing then anything else, though the way it caused others to react always made him chuckle if he thought about it. Listening, he neither bared his teeth, or snarled, he had made his ultimatum and it had been turned down. As the young retired from the field heading towards their own lands, Ryxis directly interposed himself between the sisters once more, shielding the one that shed tears near him from the unwarranted scorn of the other.

Looking at Rajak as he made his pronouncement however, he raised an eyebrow. "If that's what you think is best, then yes. I can handle the task Rajak. Best of luck to you regardless and do try to watch out for yourself Oldtimer. We wont be around to save you." He said, his lips forming into a wry smile as he regarded the old lion. He knew he'd be fine.

Turning his attention now to the Tigress, he knelt down and lifted her eyes to match his. "Come now, Think of it this way, she's already vowed to return, in that time we'll make you into a warrior that even she cannot disregard. I made you an offer, I intend to hold my word." Helping her stand up, he wrapped an arm over her shoulder and gave the Tigress a squeeze before letting her go. "Let your tears fall, mourn now, the training starts in the morning. Tigers do not Regret, we shoulder the pain and we move forward."

Turning now to address everyone else, he scratched his head and chuckled. "Well? Rajak taught us all better then this, The hell are we standing around for! Lets head home, we have a new family member in need of a proper reception, and I have chores to do apparently hahaha, Hera, I'd like a word with you and your sisters while we walk." With that, the call to home was sounded and Ryxis started off, his new charge in tow, and someone he was looking forward to getting to know better, she would be a fine addition to the Pride. Glancing over at her, he asked what was probably going to be the most important question of this meeting. "My name is Ryxis, The Cheetahs are Hera, Penelope, and Helen, The grouchy Jaguars are Gahman and Kachende, and the Sphynx with the mad look in her eye is Nerina. What is your name?"
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Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Both Jaguars' faces looked as if they had bitten into rancid meat after hearing Rajak's retort. Ryxis wasn't nessesarily a bad leader, but he was a bit headstrong. The smaller felid brutes couldn't half the time tell what he was going to do.

"Well, at least we still won't have to take orders from the back..." Kachende added, haltingly. One thing they could certainly guarantee is that the tiger was probably going to be even in front of them when the fighting started.

The grumpy jaguars gave a grunt of uncaring recognition when noted, though Kachende’s stoicism was immediately broken when the tiger described their mage, letting out a laugh before covering it with a cough.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

"Pity," was the only word Nerina murmured before she pushed her way through the small group to listen to Ryxis speak to the new member of their little Pride. "Mad? Me?" she laughed, "I hardly think I'm crazy, you big lump."
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

As Ryxis starts herding the cats towards the town, the cheetah trio falls into line, Helen and Penelope a little behind while Hera, looking slightly grumpy, walks next to Ryxis. "What is it, Ryxis?"
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Rajak had grinned slightly at both the Jaguars grimaces and Ryxis response to him. "So eager to hunt without me, Ryxis? Good, you should be. You young ones could do with a trip outside Felyn territory, learn a thing or two about the rest of the world. I'll head back and start preparations, I advice not lingering too long, as the journey ahead of you will be long, and there is much to prepare.", the old Lion turned his gaze to his mates, beckoning them with a wave and a call, "Theris, Kaja, we're heading back home!", and with that, unless interrupted, the Lions would start heading home, leaving Ryxis and the others to their own devices, be it lingering or following suit.

As Ryxis turned, the Tigress looked like she were just finishing wiping away her tears, ears twitching a bit as she looked up to him. She smiled slightly, a hopeful little smile, and nodded before slowly rising to her feet, accepting his assistance to do so, if mostly to accept his kindness. As he put an arm around her shoulder however, she wasn't a slouch on putting an arm over his back and side, not quite letting him pull away, a small grin on her lips. "You honoring your words is relieving to hear, I was afraid I'd have to beg, or fight, for you to keep your words.", her words teased, but there was still some sorrow lingering. His words about her tears was enough to make new ones form and roll down her cheeks, but these ones were not of sadness, but of joy. A quick nuzzle against his neck accompanied by a quiet purr would wipe them off on his fur though. She had little to say however, but his words did bring a smile to her lips.

Still she kept close to him, an arm around him, not once letting go, as Ryxis called out for everyone to return home, and she seemed almost as eager as him, to for the first time head back to her new home. The Tigress looked around herself as names were made known, looking around at the Cheetahs, the Jaguars, and the Sphinx, acknowledging them all. None of them seemed to catch her interest much, except Nerina; but that was less interest and more wariness, the sting of scorched fur still fresh in the Tigress memory no doubt. And then she was asked for her name. "Rana, not that many call me by that.", she turned her gaze back to Ryxis, a toothy little grin on her lips. "Then again, I am yours now, aren't I? Perhaps you got a new name for me?", she purred the words out, part teasing, part curious, by the looks and sound of it.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Ryxis chuckled deep in his chest as their new addition stayed quite literally glued to his side, nuzzling her back as she showed the affection, not averse at all as they moved. Though the question of her name drew a raised eyebrow. It was true that Tigers were known for such things, that different names marked different chapters in their lives, but it was a practice that Ryxis had never held to himself. Giving Rana another squeeze he laughed. "Now now, As you are, as you were, and as you will be. You are Rana. Pride in your name is pride in yourself. He said quietly, nipping her shoulder playfully.

When Hera turned up as requested, he smiled and nodded. "Yes Hera, Well, I admittedly have a problem with acting a little rashly at times. I'd prefer if you kept your's and your sister's eyes open for me, for there are none Keener in our family. I'll need your help the most in moving forward and it's appreciated." He said, chuckling. He was in rare spirits and it showed, maybe he was just happier sober, no one really knew why he drank like he did, or even if there was a reason, but Sober Ryxis seemed very nice, although Drunk Ryxis was admittedly more fun.

And then Nerina spoke up about not being crazy... And Ryxis paled slightly and looked at her. "I would NEVER imply that you were Nerina! Because you'd hurt me if I said as much.... And I need you to patch me up when I'm stupid."

Turning his attention back to Hera, he piped up one last time. "If you have them, I'd like the maps for the outer areas, I know you and your sisters range the farthest. I think Rajak is right, a journey is just what we need, my tail is already twitching with excitement."

And then it was time to go home! And to tap what was left in that barrel! And smell of berries once more.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Nerina scoffed, "I'd never hurt you Ryxis. I like you too much." She turned to Rana and gave her a warm smile, "I'm glad you decided to come with us, and I am sorry about your sister. I know how it feels." Sorrow clouded her gaze before it was gone again. "This big lump will never replace her, but he'll do." she teased.
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Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Hera shrugs at the question, letting Ryxis finish speaking. "We have one map, though it's not very good: only a rough sketch, really. There are a few passes through the mountains, though only one of them is passable at this time of the year, I think. We could also try the tunnels: those will get us most of the way under the mountains. Either way has lots of places for ambushes, though. Or we could try rafting along the coast: That would be longer way, although possibly a little faster if we get lucky, and the land gets swampy where the sea and mountains meet, so it wouldn't be pleasant, either. On the other hand, less chances for an ambush."