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[Ch01] Riverside Ruckus


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
Green = Savannah(Plain Terrain), Grey = Rock(Light Cover, Impassable), Blue = Water(Rough/Poor Terrain)

Rajak(Lw1): Perfect Health
Ryxis(Tw1): Perfect Health
Kachende, Gahman(Jh1): Perfect Health
Hera,Helena,Penelope(Ch1): Perfect Health
With breakfast behind them, the four groups of catfolk had made their way out of the village and towards the south-western river to deal with the runnaway youngsters, with Rajak taking point. "They'll be around here somewhere, and remember what I said: It is fine to roughen them up, but remember: We want them alive, not dead or crippled for life. Apart from that, treat this like your first real battle; we don't know what youngsters have fled out here, so we need to be prepared and ready for anything." With this said, Rajak headed forward with his two mades in tow, their swords and shields ready to be used.

Move: 1 South, 2 Southwest
Action: Uses Shield Wall! +1 Shield Bonus, Counts as Heavy Cover for Allies
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Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

The three cheetahs spring into action, eagerly passing the old lions with long and fast strides, keeping an eye out and trying to spot some sign of the youngsters while drawing their bows.

Move: 2 hexes southeast, 4 south
Action: If spot the enemy, use vital strike to hamstring them.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

“I suppose you already know who we’re up against, Rajak?” asked Katchende, in a better state of mind once he had reached the battle itself. Not being as willing to take hits as Ryxis, the pair made for the nearest rock, taking cover behind it as they tried to spot their unruly tribesmen.

Southwest 3 to be behind the cover.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

"Ooooo I heard there were panzies who thought they were manly and took to the river alone, they thought themselves safe but then saw my mace and the tiger all covered in bone!" Ryxis shouted as he just wandered straight in, his shield held in one hand and his mace in the other, whistling as he acted like he owned the place, and realistically, not many could tell him otherwise.

"Come on out you miserable little cretins, i haven't had enough to drink yet to be expected to tolerate your weak minded bullshit. Come on! I'm claiming your home you worthless kits, come prove me wrong if you think you've got the stones!" He bellowed, roaring out an insulting challenge to these prideful youngsters who thought they knew better. There was gonna be a thumpin....

"""Go 3 south"""
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Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Green = Savannah(Plain Terrain), Grey = Rock(Light Cover, Impassable), Blue = Water(Rough/Poor Terrain)

Rajak, Khaja, Theris(Lw1): 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, +1 Rating from Leadership
Ryxis(Tw1): 12/12
Kachende, Gahman(Jh1): 4/4, 4/4, +1 Rating from Rajak's Leadership
Hera,Helena,Penelope(Ch1): 1/1, 1/1, 1/1, +1 Offensive Rating from Skirmish
The groups set out and about in their search for the troublemakers, but amidst the tall grass, shrubs and occassional tree, they couldn't make out their quarry just yet. As for Katchende's question, Rajak merely shrugged. "Why would I? Me and the mates have trouble just keeping track of you lot, we ain't tasked with caring for anyone else but the younglings in your part of the village. And I know for certain these kits ain't one of ours.", the old man grinned amusedly at hearing Ryxis boasterous, obnoxious challenges to the kits causing trouble... And sure enough, soon a unison of loud, feminine roars was heard, followed by a less loud but audible sputtering and grumbling from what was likely far smaller kits... Looks like they had riled up the troublemakers!

-Player Phase Done, Enemy Phase Begin-​

Kityans(Kw1): Healthy
Tigers(Tt1): Healthy
Coming from a distance, a pair of tigers approached the river, snarling in annoyance. As far as anyone could make out, they were a few inches shorter than Ryxis, but with the typical bulk of any tiger out there, and not much younger either. Likely one of the oldest of her packs generation. Wearing nothing but loincloth, and wielding little more than a big club each, they looked much like tribals, largely untrained, but making up for their lack in experience with numbers and dirty tactics. "Who's the guy calling us weak?!", one of the tigresses roared out, with the other following suit. "Yeah, he's in for a beating!", their eyes looked over the groups closest to them, Katchende and Rajak's teams, but the two of them scoffed in disbelief. "Not you puny things...", and then their gaze moved to their right, with both of them twitching their ears up in attention at the sight of Ryxis, and predatory grins forming on their lips. "Ooh, see that one, sis? He looks big and tough, doesn't he?", the other tigress nodded. "That he does, that he does... Think we should drag him with us? We could use a guy like him around, not just these puny litt-", and then she was cut off, as a fiery-colored Kityan spoke up angrily. "Don't you dare call us puny, or small! You agreed to not do that if we took you along!", a sand-colored Kityan girl spoke up, nodding in agreement with the fiery boy. "Uh-huh, you heard him! Let's deal with these old geezers, then decide what we do with em!", a more mellow, earth-toned Kityan girl watched Rajak and the younglings under his command, and slightly raised her shield, as if to hide behind it. The tigresses groaned and nodded. "Fine fine, fighty time first, play time after, we got ya..."

And with that, the Tigresses held their clubs at the ready, grinning joyously at the prospect of battle, while giving Ryxis more than one long, intentful look every now and then. The Kityans however, raised their Javelin-holding hands, and looked as if focusing; their bodies gaining a faint glow that surrounded them, while Rajak hissed in annoyance. "Kityans... I bet they're charging up to cast a spell, luckily they ain't no proper Shamans by the looks of it... I expected more rascals thought... Be on your guard, everyone, who knows what tricks they might have up their sleeves!"

-Enemy Phase Done, Round 1 Over, Round 2 Begins, Player Phase Begin!-​
"Remember kits, wading through rough terrain, like the river before us, is slow business. It'll hamper your movement, leaving you both open for attacks, and making it hard to strike back properly. Shouldn't be too hard for our Hunters to cross however.", Rajak spoke his advice aloud, making the opposing tigresses chuckle amusedly. "Gee, they're that wet behind the ears, old man? Even me and sis know basics like that...", the second tigress smirked. "Looks like it won't be hard to get our hands on the big one~", she coo'd the words out, while the first tigress nodded in agreement. Rajak grit his teeth, and moved a little closer to the rock Katchende was hiding behind, while the lions kept their shields held up protectively.

Move: 1 North-West
Action: Shield Wall, +1 Shield Bonus, Counts as Heavy Cover
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Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Ryxis, seeing and hearing the troublemakers grinned, before starting to move towards the tigresses, and then his voice took on an incredible volume to rival his size, his next words more roar then language as he leaned forward, raised his shield, and started jogging towards the tigresses. "take me... With you? WITH YOU!? YOU MISERABLE FLEEBITTEN SAVAGES AREN'T WORTH THE FUR ON MY BACKSIDE!"

His ire was up, he'd smelled a fight and seeing the other Tigers, knew he had found exactly what he was after to shake off his lethargy this morning. His strides took him into the water, but his weight alone, although doing nothing to improve his pace, steadied him in the current, the water breaking around his form like a stone as his shield stayed between him and the enemy.

Full movement to the west, 3 squares and into the water. Shieldwall if usable while moving.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Noticing that the others have spotted the rampant cubs first, Helen takes on a pouty expression as the trio dashes back, taking cover behind the old lions and ready to act.

Move one hex north and 4 northwest
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Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Gahman was the more amused of the pair to see that some of the little-er of the little kits actually thought they could weild javelins, though Kachende certainly found some amusment in the idea as well. A good deal of said amusement faded once the kittens proved able to use magic to bolster their somewhat lacking phisique, instead replaced with... of all things, thrill, at the prospect of a battle against such simmilar foes, to prove the Jaguars' superiority. wordlessly, the pair looked at each other and grinned. "Red." Said Kachende. "Yellow." said Gahman, immediately after. Then after a pause, the both spoke at once: "Then Brown." The attack order agreed upon, the pair bumped clenched fists just before Kachende leaned out from behind cover, counting down from three on his fingers behind him. At 0, the pair darted around the side of the rock, no longer covered from the diminutive warriors but still at least somewhat protected from the tigers and anything else lurking in that direction. with practiced care and precision, the pair launched javelins charged with the magic of muscle, intending to throw two salvos of the javelins at non-vital, but quite critical areas - arms, legs - with enough force that they may well end up shattering bones on a sucessful strike.

This contest, Javelin-cats against Javelin-cats, was quite personal for Kachende, and to a lesser extent his companion. He would prove himself the better of the younger magic-users; he would not allow himself to fail.

Move 1 Northwest, use both actions to attack the kitty warriors.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Green = Savannah(Plain Terrain), Grey = Rock(Light Cover, Impassable), Blue = Water(Rough/Poor Terrain)

Rajak, Khaja, Theris(Lw1): 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, +1 Rating from Leadership
Ryxis(Tw1): 12/12, +1 Rating from Rajak's Leadership
Kachende, Gahman(Jh1): 4/4, 4/4, +1 Rating from Rajak's Leadership
Hera,Helena,Penelope(Ch1): 1/1, 1/1, 1/1, +1 Rating from Rajak's Leadership
Nerina(Ss1): 5/5, New Arrival!

Ryxis and Helena's group had been a little off on their intuition as far as where the rascals would approach from, and had to change their course accordingly. Ryxis loud and continued taunting seemed to yield positive results, as the two Tigresses growled challengingly in return. "Oh yeah? You think so? I'm sure you won't be so tough once we've pummeled you into the ground!", "Yeah, what Sis said!"

Kachende and Gahman meanwhiles, found themselves quite thrilled at the prospect of proving themselves superior to the group of Javelin-wielding, dimunitive, catfolk warriors. With all their might they let loose, their Javelins soaring through the air in search for targets, and with the weight and strength behind the throws they would surely leave the Kityans crippled, if not outright incapacitated!

The first javelin was smashed aside by the fiery Kityan male, "Hah, better luck next time!". The second javelin was nimbly dodged by the sandy kityan male. "Are you guys even trying?!", perhaps the Jaguars were frustrated enough by now so that their aim erred, or they figured they might try to strike down the earthern kityan female together, as both their javelins soared through the air towards her. Surely this time it wou-CLANGCLONK. Both javelins ineffectively crashed into and shattered against the raised shield the kityan female cowered herself behind, leaving her completely unharmed, just like the two males.

An audible slap was heard, as Rajak facepalmed just a few feet away from the two Jaguars, growling annoyedly. "This is just embarassing, I thought I taught you two better than this!", his two mates offered Kachende and Gahman apologetic looks, but such pity might not comfort the two by any stretch...

It was then that Nerina arrived at the battlefield, the Sphinx had overslept, had eaten a hasty breakfast, and recieved instructions of where Rajak and a few others of the young adults had gone, and for what reasons; they had been tasked with dealing with some uppity younglings that didn't care for the Prides rules or traditions, and was in need of lecturing. And given how no one appeared to be a Shaman apart from herself, her magics would no doubt be a boon for the old Lion and the catfolk under his leadership.


"Embarassing indeed, old geezer! If the rest of you are this bad, this'll be a cakewalk!", the sandy boy said with a huge grin on his lips, only to be smacked in the back of his head by the fiery one. "Oh shut up, we haven't won yet, and it might just be those two that are this lame!", he turned to the earthern girl, and pointed towards the Tigresses. "Now, help those two, that tiger guy of theirs look dumb like an ox, but also as strong as one!", the female kityan nodded, and stopped cowering behind her shield, and began to chant. She had a soft, feminine, tone that was completely unfitting for a warrior... Sadly, her chanting was detracted from as the other two Kityans joined in, their boyish voices, while undoubtedly aiding in channeling the spell, didn't do much for the charming tone of the spell to be cast. Strands of magic flooded from the earthen female, arcing through the air towards the tigresses, and weaved into their bodies. Their arms, legs and faces growing stone-like plates, and they grinned ominously at Ryxis before heading his way, but wouldn't hop into the water, instead waiting by the waters edge. Perhaps not the brightest pair, but fighting from the stream against enemies on steady ground but leave him at a disadvantage, and they appeared fully prepared to 'welcome' him aswell... "C'mere, tough guy, let's introduce you to our little friends...", one of them growled out tauntingly.

It was then that Gahman and Kachende was in for additional misery, as a pair of Panthers suddenly rose from the waters, leaping up and striking at the two Jaguars! Their first attack were aimed for the two males weapon arms, but they managed to evade. The two females hissed and sputtered in annoyance, but quickly followed up, swinging wildly and viciously after the two larger males! Both Kachende and Gahman ended up with the mildest of cuts, as the Panthers either missed or their blows got absorbed by their armor. And then at the peak of the nimble, lithe females frustration, they lunged forward. Not only did they hit without fail, but the piercing thrusts tore right through their armor, leaving the two males bloodied, but far from out of the fight! The Pantheresses showed no intention of wasting time talking, unlike the Kityans or Tigresses, perhaps they took this as seriously as the two Jaguars themselves.

Green = Savannah(Plain Terrain), Grey = Rock(Light Cover, Impassable), Blue = Water(Rough/Poor Terrain)

Rajak, Khaja, Theris(Lw1): 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, +1 Rating from Leadership
Ryxis(Tw1): 12/12, +1 Rating from Rajak's Leadership
Kachende, Gahman(Jh1): 2½/4, 2½/4, +1 Rating from Rajak's Leadership
Hera,Helena,Penelope(Ch1): 1/1, 1/1, 1/1, +1 Rating from Rajak's Leadership
Nerina(Ss1): 5/5, New Arrival!

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Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Ryxis was entirely too focused on his own opponents to care much for what was happening elsewhere, so when magic was cast and people yowled, he figured the fight had just started elsewhere, surely his comrades could handle themselves against a bunch of kittens if they took it seriously, and the old tigers were no slouches. Tactically they would need to flank the casters and deal with them while he handled the tigers here, and anyone else hiding around.

Still, when he saw the magic take hold around the Tiger Females, He snorted in utter derision. "And here I though I may find a worthy mate here, I was wrong. Look at both of you, relying on a kitnyans magics? You don't even qualify as tigers. I've already lost interest in both of you. You know, I was supposed to avoid hurting or killing you, But I'm bad at following orders" He growled before he turned, and ignored the tiger females completely, or seemed to, instead heading north, literally just walking upstream towards the miserable little casters.

In reality, he was trying to bait the other tigresses into the water with him, he wasn't stupid, and this helped him position further. Plus, he was weighted down in the water, the current wasn't strong enough to move his weight, but the unarmoured tigresses? He bet if he knocked them on their asses in the water, that they'd flow a little ways away from him, and look stupid as hell. So as he moved, he kept the corner of his eyes on the tigresses, their tempers wouldn't take this taunting or this insult for long, his shield ready to turn and intercept their blows when they inevitably moved.

Turning now though, Ryxis saw how things were going. Whistling loudly, his loud voice bellowed out over the battlefield. Yea, they'd been trained, and well, and he was the one failing, he was the loudest, he should have been directing the battle, he had grown too used to the lions handling it. "Helen! Cheetahs! Flank north and deal with Kachende's problem, Nerina! A pleasure to see you this morning! Give the Jaguars some back up, I have nothing of interest here, the Tigresses aren't worth teaching."

In all honesty, whether this worked, or even if anyone listened, he had no idea, but he had always found that his taunting was pretty effective, and if the group focused on the hidden warriors they could ALL turn their attention to the casters across the way. He had no doubts that he could handle the tigers, but he couldn't afford to do that while the casters were throwing things at his back.

Ryxis is moving northwest 1 space, Shieldwall.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Nerina dashed into view just after the failed attacks and not looking the least bit winded. She wasn't exactly sure how this would bring the arrogant errants back to the pride, but whether they came back or not, she figured a beating would do them well. She grinned at Ryxis' comment, unashamed of her sleeping in, but still hoping that she could have snuck into the fight.

"I almost didn't bother!" she called back, "I thought you could handle this on your own, but you're taking too long!" Then she slinked through the grass towards the Pantheresses counting on their distraction as she drew in her mana and sent a firebolt at their legs with a sharp word and a flick of her fingers. She hoped to wound and surprise, not to maim.

Move two hexes Northwest, Act to draw in Mana and then to use Firebolt at the Panther ladies
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Somehow, the pintsized warriors had wrists strong enough to not snap when they tried to block the incoming javelins. The pair of Jags had to give the kittyans something, they were more capable than they looked. Still, they surely didn’t have the strength to fight back from over the river, and the pair had many javelins. Now they knew they couldn’t just break the shields under the force of their throws, they could try to seek more opportune targets. Still, it was disappointing and embarrassing to have misjudged their foe’s capabilities, most of all in front of Rajak. There was no doubt he would have something in store for them later for that one…

Before the pair could make any follow-up action, Gahman briefly spotted a panthera in the prowl, grabbing Katchende in time for the pair of them to avoid the blows of the ambushing females. After the initial attack was out of the way, the pair scrambled to avoid the counterattack, and did quite well – the panthers were behind them in training, and the Jaguars knew how to spot what they intended to do and how to avoid it. When the women became frustrated, however, they acted out of pattern, making a desperate attack that caught the more powerful cats off guard. Throwing swipes to force the panthers back, Kachende and Gahman circled their now much closer foe, still conscious enough of the battle around them to get further away from the small ones while they dealt with the new attack. Then, in a fitting position, they pounced the pair right back. No cat was better equipped in teeth or jaw than a Jaguar; they were able to bite right through bone, whether armour or otherwise… and their claws and legs were barely any less dangerous. Not having any melee weapons was not a problem – remembering not to kill the foes, however, might soon become one. Kachende took poorly to receiving wounds, and intended to make the panther pay – and the pair were both quite bloodthirsty in general. They were not holding back anything as they clawed and bit at the typically weaker breed of felines, aiming to draw much more blood than had been drawn from them.

[move NE, claw then bite the panthers. ]
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Helena and the others are already running, and almost before Ryxis barks his order to them, two flights of blunted arrows leave the bows of the cheetah-trio, sailing straight towards the pair of panthers, though the cheetahs themselves stay where they are, ready to offer support where needed.

Move two hexes north, spend both actions to pew pew at the panthers, 3 arrows for both
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Green = Savannah(Plain Terrain), Grey = Rock(Light Cover, Impassable), Blue = Water(Rough/Poor Terrain)

Rajak, Khaja, Theris(Lw1): 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, +1 Rating from Leadership
Ryxis(Tw1): 12/12
Kachende, Gahman(Jh1): 4/4, 4/4
Hera,Helena,Penelope(Ch1): 1/1, 1/1, 1/1
Nerina(Ss1): 5/5, 3/4 Mana

Nerina's first action on the field was to draw mana and fling a bolt of fire at one of the female pantheresses. The night-furred youngling barely had a chance to notice the fiery glow before it impacted, sending her flying into the river with a loud splash. After a few moments, her body resurfaced, and she could barely keep herself afloat. She wasn't going to provide any further struggle, thats for sure.

The second pantheress might've been the less lucky of the two in the end, as Kachende and Gahman tore into her with their claws, her flimsy hide armor providing barely any resistance for the jaguars combined assault, and she fell to the ground with a resigned whimper before they even got a chance to bite her. Another one of the rascals down. And as a stern reminder, Rajak called out. "Remember, hurt them, don't kill them, or you'll be dealing with me later!", it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, but if it had been it likely would've been at the temperamental jaguars.

With the Panthers down, Helena and her friends were without targets, not to mention Nerinas advance had left them just a little bit off their initially intended course. And it was then that everyone could hear a loud splash, as Rajak and his two mates leapt into the river, and despite the heavy armor they wore they didn't slow down one bit as they made their way across. Of course, by the time they had crossed, the Kityans had already prepared to attack them...

=Player Phase Complete, Enemy Phase Begins=​

Green = Savannah(Plain Terrain), Grey = Rock(Light Cover, Impassable), Blue = Water(Rough/Poor Terrain)

Rajak, Khaja, Theris(Lw1): 2/5, 3/5, 3/5, +1 Rating from Leadership
Ryxis(Tw1): 10/12
Kachende, Gahman(Jh1): 4/4, 4/4
Hera,Helena,Penelope(Ch1): 1/1, 1/1, 1/1
Nerina(Ss1): 5/5, 3/4 Mana

The fiery and sandy Kityans growled challengingly at the older and bigger Lions, and stepped forward... Sort of, as the Fiery one basicly leapt up and smashed the edge of his shield into Rajaks face, causing the old man to stumble back with a pained, furious, growl. The Sandy one made a half-step, and then spun around, smashing his shield into Khaja who managed to absorb the blow better than Rajak did, but she still took some damage. The Earthern one didn't so much smash her shield into Theris, so much as bullrushing the lioness, making her stumble back and fall on her ass, growling in frustration. And while the Lions prepared to strike back, Ryxis was about to get company.

The Tigresses blinked a bit at Ryxis words, and then snarled furiously. "Rely on their magic? Oh no, we certainly don't!", they waded into the river, and Ryxis would likely be pleased at the sight of the fury in their eyes. What he might be less pleased about though, was that despite the watery disadvantage both sides were suffering from, and his skill with a shield, the two of them split up and pincer attacked him! He managed to block one of their oversized maces, although not quite as oversized or as finely crafted as his own, but as he turned to face the other one he took a harsh blow to the stomach; far from enough to bring him down, but it was certainly felt!

The battle was raging on, and the young rascals were losing it...

=Enemy Phase Ends, Round 4 Begins, Player Phase Begins=​

The Lions, as soon as they recovered from the Kityans assault, snarled viciously, provoking a taunt from the Fiery Kityan. "Haha, thats all you got, old ma-", CLONK, Rajak struck out with his shield in a way that made the Fiery ones previous blow pale in comparison, sending the young male flying a few feet before landing on his back with a thud. The Kityan slowly curled up, whimpering and crying like a kitten. The other two Kityans could only stare as their 'leader' had been beaten in an instant, and that moment was enough for Rajak to follow up, swinging his sword once at the Sandy Kityan, managing to strike the nimble male, and then making a wide slash over towards the Earthen one, but she managed to block.

Khaja followed her mates lead, slamming her shield into the Sandy Kityan, and then following up with two slashes, but despite taking a shieldslam in his side, the Kityan kept his wits about him and managed to evade the blows, but he was only barely still standing after the assaults he had taken, breathing raggedly. Theris did as the other two Lions had done, slamming her shield first towards the Earthen Kityan, but the smaller catfolk managed to block with her shield, the Lioness then lashed out with her sword, managing to cut the Earthern female once, but the second strike got dodged.

(Rajak's Groups Action: Dual Wield Attack, starting with Shieldbash and following with Swordslashing, for anyone wondering)

With the Kityans either knocked out or under heavy pressure from the Lions, the rest of the group following Rajak had only a few targets available: The Tigresses that Ryxis were facing, and the remaining Kityans. This battle wasn't going to last for much longer, regardless of what they chose to do.
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Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Nerina smirked in satisfaction at the Pantheresses went down, internally wincing at the reprimand, before she turned her attention back to Ryxis and snarled at his predicament. Resisting the urge to yell that she was coming to help, she stepped lightly around the cheetahs, wings held close to her back before sending two more bolts of fire, one at each of the Tigresses. Their armor would likely protect them... mostly at least.

Move one hex south, the other southwest and two actions to firebolts the stripey ladies
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Rajak called for the pair to stop at an opportune moment, Gahman following the pantheress’ decent and putting his jaws around her neck. A moment away from ending her life, he growled out, “Give. up.” The jaguar did not intend to give her more than one chance..

The tigers could fight it out in the water for a moment, because the Jaguars were set on fighting the other javelin wielders, the wounds caused by the panthers non-withstanding. Passing the river as if it wasn’t even there, the big cats closed with the shielded kitties. The pair intended to grab the weaker felines, pin them with their superior strength while the old man had them distracted. And if they had to have their faces shoved into the mud, or their ribs punched in before they gave up, well, the Jaguars would oblige.

[NW 1, SW 3 to close with the kittyans, attack with kicks for both actions.]
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Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

It seemed he had finally gotten the Tigresses mad enough to do something, which now meant his entire job was to keep both of them busy while everyone else handled the others. Besides, a real fight, now that was too good to pass up. taking a blow, after turning one away, Ryxis grinned madly, suddenly baring his teeth as he snarled at both women. "Now Now~ Seems I finally got your attention. Allow me to give you a lesson" He said quietly, before blurring into action, the full strength of his massive form now dedicated to combat.

Deciding on a target, Ryxis suddenly dashed forward, leading with his shield before bringing the heavy mace up at the Tigress' chest, the large weapon hard to block, before using the momentum from the strike to snap his shield arm out for another attack, looking to bludgeon one of them into submission quickly as his blood pounded in his ears, roaring out his fury and his joy as he joined the battle properly.

The best part about being huge, was Inertia of course, and as the motions of his attack continued, the shield bash turned him so that a short spin led into another back hand with his mace, the heavy metal whistling dangerously in the air. He wasn't worried about killing or crippling either woman, they were Tigers, if they got seriously hurt, then they were jaguars with stripes. The thought made him snort loudly in amusement as this third attack of 4 made him step back shortly before aiming the side of his shield at her stomach in a short, weight driven charge. They would regret taking him lightly...
Mace and Shield attack on Tigress numero 1, Let the thumping begin!
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Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Helen, Hera and Penelope quickly take a few steps to get closer to the action before sending a flight of arrows at the kitnyans and another at the tigresses.

Move 1 hex southwest, use one action each to attack kitnyans and another to attack tigresses
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus

Green = Savannah(Plain Terrain), Grey = Rock(Light Cover, Impassable), Blue = Water(Rough/Poor Terrain)

Rajak, Khaja, Theris(Lw1): 2/5, 3/5, 3/5, +1 Rating from Leadership
Ryxis(Tw1): 10/12
Kachende, Gahman(Jh1): 4/4, 4/4, +1 Rating from Leadership
Hera,Helena,Penelope(Ch1): 1/1, 1/1, 1/1
Nerina(Ss1): 5/5, 1/4 Mana

As Nerina stepped forward, approaching her targets, and began challening the fiery energies that were at her beck and call, she felt a rush of power throughout her very being. Her eyes flared up as if lit aflame, and an audible 'FWOOM!' was heard as she unleashed the two fiery bolts upon the unaware Tigresses. Loud, pained snarls was heard moments later coming from the large females, the impact of the explosive magic taking heavy tolls on them.

Meanwhile, Kachende and Gahman made their way across the waters swiftly and without hindrance, and descended upon their foes. Here in melee, with the Lions already beating them back, the Kityans proved to be easy prey to bring down. Despite an initial struggle, Gahman managed to knock the wind out of the Sandy Kityan with a knee to the small felines stomach, making the previously cocky male fold over in two, sobbing in pain. The Earthen Kityan however, managed to once more cower under her shield, whimpering quietly with a soft, meek voice. "I yield, I yield!", the Jaguars wouldn't have a chance to further beating the Kityans up however, as Rajak and his mates approached, the old man letting out a growling warning. He knew full well how the two Jaguars could descend into bloodlust, and the Jaguars in turn knew well enough not to cross the old mans orders.

The Tigresses were still relenting from the Sphinx' display of magical force, as Ryxis finally decided it was time to try finishing the striped females off, or at least one of them, not to mention now that the Earthen Kityan had been subdued, the stony carapace protecting the large females crumbled to dust. His words were ill recieved, however. "Lessons, rrr? Calling us cowards... because the small ones used their magic... when you have such aid of your own?!", the Tigress however, managed to take note of Ryxis intentions, and stepped back just in time to avoid his swinging mace, and was quick to duck from the outlash of his shield, but he had her on the run that was for sure. She was breathing raggedly and heavily after the fiery blast she had recieved. As he used the momentum to swing his Mace a second time however, he might've been in for a surprise, as the Tigress, with a defiant, loud growl, managed to recover just enough to swing out her arm, giving a pained grunt as she brought the momentum of his mace to a full stop with her bare hand, and gave him a harsh, accusing glare... Only for him to take the opportunity to smash his shield into her face, making her stumble back with a pained yowl.

And then, Hera, Helen and Penelope took the opportunity to finish things off, what with the Kityans being brought down by the Jaguars, and the stoneskin boon upon the Tigresses crumbling to nothingness. Hera's first arrow soared through the air, striking squarely at the back of the defiant, if greatly weakened, Tigress' head. With a defeated, last groan of pain, the striped female stumbled forward, falling into the river, and unless Ryxis stepped out of the way she'd weakly hold onto his leg in an attempt to not fully submerge into the water. The second Tigress managed to look up just in time to see a hail of arrows coming her way, as Hera's group let loose for full. Despite the Tigress attempts to shield herself with her arms and mace, the arrows struck her one by one, with Helen getting the finishing strike. Much like her sister, the striped female sunk to her knees, weakly clutching after Ryxis for support to not end up floating limply in the river.

=Enemies Defeated, Players are Victorious!=​

They had been victorious. And they hadn't suffered any particul wounds or losses either... Save for Kachende and Gahman, at least, with Ryxis having gotten a bruise or so at most. Rajak and his mates had taken a few blows aswell, but nothing they wouldn't recover from with a bit of rest and maybe a bit of healing from Nerina. Rajak would grab the nape of the fiery Kityans neck, and order Kachende and Gahman to do the same with the other two Kityans, caring little for who got to drag which of the smaller catfolk, but if they for some reason chose to bicker over it, Khaja and Theris would be told to take care of them instead. As the older lions made their way over the river, Rajak would shout out at Ryxis, ordering him to drag the Tigresses ashore, even if only to dump them in a pile next to the river. Hera's group and Nerina was told to round up the Pantheresses afterwards. None of the previously defiant young catfolk offered any resistance, their egos likely as hurt and bruised as their bodies... Or at least as far as the male Kityans went.

Once the rascals had been rounded up, Rajak would turn to Nerina. "Patch them up a bit, would you? I'd rather not have to drag them home, listening to their whining about broken bones or having them bleed all over us.", Rajak wasn't the most charming person, but in his place, Khaja and Theris would help the Sphinx carry out the treatment of the hurt younglings. Meanwhile, Rajak would gather up the rest of the catfolk that had followed him into battle. "We'll return homewards shortly, good work everyone.", there was a hint of praise, even pride, to the old mans words over their performance. He wasn't going overboard with praising them though, lest it go right to their heads. "I'm sure the Elders will be happy with our work here... Those old grouches...", the Lionman scowled a little, slowly shaking his head, he didn't seem entirely too pleased about this whole business, now that it was done and over with. "There won't be much to do here, save licking your wounds or going for a swim...", he looked skywards, the near cloudless skies providing no cover from the sun glaring down on them. The old Lion smiled, soothed by the warmth. "... Or spend some time lazing in the sun I guess."

Whatever the young adults chose to do, it looked like they'd be able to spend some time however they wished before it was time to head back home, or they could go on ahead. With the rascals weapons confiscated, and their defiance quelled, they wouldn't be making a ruckus any time soon, hopefully.

[Every player is awarded 15XP, hold onto them for the time being]

=Battle Over, RP Mode Engaged=​
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Nerina's wings quivered and her tail-tip flicked amusedly. "Healing? Not a problem." She drew her mana in and reached forth to lay hands on each of the wounded youngsters in turn, sending the gentle warmth through their bodies. She had to admit, the uncomfortable look she received when they felt their flesh knitting together was entirely amusing.