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Cell T


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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A small, darkened cell, usually with the sound of echoing crys inside...
Re: Cell T

Shadow fluttered threw the room until he was able to find the source of the crying...
Re: Cell T

The source was a figure in the corner, who was croutched down, head bent downward. You insectlike eyes weren't that good to see that many details though. Damn compound vision!
Re: Cell T

Not able to resist getting closer he flys toward the girl and if possible lands on either her head or her shoulder/shirt sleave if she is wareing anything...
Re: Cell T

When you landed, your insectlike feet picked up the feeling of cloth, signifying she had at least something that covered her shoulder. It was too dark to tell, but she seemed at least to be dressed...
Re: Cell T

He desided to change forms and after fluttering away from her he changed into something that could see in the dark a jet black cat he hid him self in the courner trying to see what she was without drawing attention to him self...
Re: Cell T

She looked human, with a t-shirt and jeans on. Her skin seemed pale too, though that could go with her short black hair. Her fingers seem longer, maybe clawed, and her eyes gave a small, faint glow...
Re: Cell T

Might as well show her my true self yes? he thought to him self. Slowly Changeing into his altered form his pale black armor like skin similar to hers if not for the fact that she was a pale white... He took a single step forward not wishing to panic her and allow her to notice him on her own no matter how long it took he was willing to wait...
Re: Cell T

Strangely though, she didn't seem to react, just sobbing gently...
Re: Cell T

"Why do you cry yes? Are you lonely yes?" he Said at a near whisper she clearly liked things dark and quiet why disturb that now by speaking loudly...
Re: Cell T

The girl suddenly stiffened, and her now red-glowing eyes faced the intruder. A growl comes from her...
Re: Cell T

"Do not fear me I am a creature of darkness I will not harm you yes..." he continued to speak softly
Re: Cell T

With a sudden, extremely loud scream, she leaps forward, claws extended as she rushes as you, ready to cause some bodily harm!!!
Re: Cell T

He Growled loudly changeing his Hands into claws similar to hers as he lunged at her as well. "One as beutiful as you need not fear me yes..." he said Hopeing to parry her claws with his if possible he wished to lock his hands with hers to prevent her from clawing him...
Re: Cell T

The girl seemed surprised at the sudden change, and suddenly, your claws were melded, and she gave you a strange look, though her eyes were still glowing a furious crimson.
Re: Cell T

"I See your Confusion yes? I can take any form I choose Any form I choose what ever form you like most..." he contained the yes this time his head seemed to hurt forceing him self to stop the tick. "Name do you have one yes?"
Re: Cell T

The girl looked even more confused, her glowing eyes going from red to green as she distangled her claws and stared at him.