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Caged Bird (Serena)


Nov 9, 2008
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"Little bird in a little cage, will you not sing a song so sweet to charm me off my feet? No? A pity. In the world of mortals, there are those who are hidden away from society, too precious to be exposed to the dirty outside world. Locked away in a small world to be interacted with only by choice individuals, these birds mature into the sweetest and purest singers over time. As a result of never being given a chance to spread their wings however, they soon lose their will to sing as they begin ever more to desire the chance to fly out only to have it never granted. But in this world ruled by a witch, caged birds shall be set free so long as they please their Lady with their songs. So will you not sing for me, my lovely songbirds? Fufufufufufufufufu....~"


The flickers of candle lights... the sound of rusty metal scraping...a slight "swinging" sensation... Such were the things that greeted Serena as she awoke from her slumber to find herself bound and gagged on the cold metallic floor of an enormous cage suspended from a ceiling an unknown distance away...
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

Sarena tried to move... but couldn't. It was odd. Again she tried, but again it failed. Instead, she settled with just staring off into space as her sleepy haze slowly wore off.

Now she tried to yawn but... something was in the way? In fact... something was in her mouth! Again she tried to move, to take out whatever it was in her mouth... and again she couldn't move. What was going on?

A few blinks to be rid of the sleepiness that shrouded her mind, and Sarena tried to take stock of what was going on. Okay... she wasn't on her bed, which was odd. She couldn't move; very odd. A gaze about confirmed the worries that were really waking her up.

"MMPH!" she gave a muffled squeal in fright. Where was she? Why was she tied up? What was going on?
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

Panicked and scared, Serena's eyes shot around the room, attempting to make sense out of her situation and the predicament she was in. Where was she? Why was she here? Why was she bound and gagged on the floor? Alas, try as she might, such answers eluded her by simply looking around. She did however, discover a ceremonial dagger stuck in the floor of the cage she was in, as well as an envelope next to it...
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

Sarena blushed at the realization that she was quite naked. She whimpered as she tried to worm herself over to the dagger. It was her only hope to cut herself lose from this perverted joke.

What kind of sick creep would've done this?
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

Cutting her hands free from the bonds with the help of the dagger, she manages to remove the rope and gag, leaving her utterly naked. Once this was done and she was on her feet, she would find that there appeared to be nothing else in the cage asides from the dagger, and the envelope with the following letters written on it in an enigmatic blue script:

"To Serena"
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Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

Sarena sat down and took the rather creepy letter, looking it over. She also modestly tried to cover herself with her arms and legs, to whatever sort of prying eyes there may be.

"Daddy? Mommy?... Anyone?" she meekly cried out, though she could already guess there wouldn't be much of an answer. But, she still hoped.

A moment of just listening for any sort of response, before she went to the letter. She opened and started to read, nervously glancing about every few moments.
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

The letter read the following:

Birdie, birdie, birdie in a cage.
Little birdie, scared birdie, trembling birdie...
Will you not humor me a witch with song?
Will you not allow this Lady to hear your screams of pain and pleasure?
A melodic voice in despair does wonders in curing boredom.

Let the Games Begin,
The Lady and Master of this World​
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

Sarena just stares at the letter. It was a joke, right? This must be some sick demented dream, right? She pinched herself and squeaked in pain. Okay... a realistic dream....

The poor girl just sat there, continuing to cover herself, leaving the letter off to the side. Surely any second now, her father would wake her up from a nightmare.
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

Despite her wishes, that wake-up call never came, no matter how long she stayed there, shivering slightly from the cold air around her. Whatever this place was, it was clear that sitting around would do nothing...
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

Sarena bit her lip, looking down at the letter again. Why couldn't she just wake up? She sighed. Well, as long as she was in this creepy nightmare, she might as well go along with it.... So, a song?

She looked around nervously before she quietly started singing 'Row Row Row Your Boat.'
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

(Serena needs to learn not to humor the Lady too much...given that some of her servants find that as entertaining as she does.)

Unsure of what to do, the girl began to sing to herself quietly as per the letter's instructions.

"Row row row your boat...
Gently down a stream...
Merrily merrily merrily..."

It was then, that the naked girl suddenly felt two gloved arms wrap around her seemingly out of nowhere, followed by a whisper into her ear in a rather sensual manner.

"Life is but a dream~"
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

(Hey, she's the naive one~ Sheltered, right?)

Sarena froze for a second, really double checking that there were hands on her. Then, she let out a scream as she tried to flail about and hit whatever it was that was grabbing her. "G- GET AWAY!"
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

(True that, but getting the succubus stalker to appear as your first encounter is a 'really' bad idea...)

The flailing Serena fails to hit whatever was grabbing her, however she does manage to make it release her for the moment and create some distance between them as it moved back a few feet.

"Don't be scared little birdie, I won't hurt you~"
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

(Not as if I could've done anything anyway! Besides, she thinks it's a creepy dream.)

"Wh- what the..?" Sarena crawled quickly to the side of the cage, to turn around to face whatever it was that was there. She also took a moment to cover herself up again with her hands.

"I- I'm no- ot a bird!" She sputtered out. She could feel herself panicking.
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

(True. In character play is always valued, although looking around for an exit from that cage would have probably served her better from a gamer's perspective~ Although on another note... I'm running out of hair color's to distinguish individual succubi :x. Probably need to start naming them from now on.)

Spinning around and crawling up against the cage, Serena beheld an strikingly beautiful green-haired woman wearing a sensual black bra and pantie made of lace in addition to black silk gloves and leather boots.

"Aren't you now?~ Your voice is so sweet after all~..."

Instinctively crawling back as she watched the woman begin to approach her again, something within her telling her that this woman was at least remotely dangerous.

"Of course...~ I bet your the sounds of your screams would be even sweeter so~..."
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

Sarena's blush only darkened seeing that the other woman was scantily clad. Of course, the fact was the poor girl was still naked wasn't helping either.

"I... I'm... not going to scream for y- you...."

She backed up against the bars, her eyes scanning about for a way to get out.

(It's your fault she's trying to run away now)
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

(Pft, what else was she going to do? Sing twinkle twinkle little star?)

Scanning her surrounding area, the girl manages to make out the cage's 'door' a short distance off, close enough that she should be able to make it over there in short time barring intervention from another party. Unfortunately for Serena however, it would seem that the 'other party' caught onto what she was trying to do, as the succubus had moved into close range and grabbed the girl's wrist.

"Silly birdie, Do you really think you can escape from me?~ Although if you tried, it'd just be more fun for me~"
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

Sarena tried to pull her wrist away while moving towards the door. "L- let go of me..." she whined.

Her breathing was quickening as she was slowly getting more and more frightened. This had to be a dream, right? There was no way this was real life... who has green hair in real life? Why would she be in a cage? It had to be a dream....
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

(Uh...critical success for the succubus?...Narrowly avoided a critical fail in addition to that though...so it's not all bad... )

Serena finds herself twirled about before she is able to escape, and pulled close to the demon. Both her hands now caught by the succubus, the girl finds herself unable to stop the green haired woman from both wrapping her wings about them, and nibbling at her ear gently in a sensual manner.

"Let an adorable little animal like you go?...Why would I do that? I'd much rather have some 'fun' with you first..."
Re: Caged Bird (Serena)

Sarena squeaked cutely in surprise. "G- get away. I... I don't want to have fun.... I don't want to play chess or something with you!" she complained as she tried to push herself away, quite embarrassed at the moment.