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Brotherhood of NOD base.

Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Too far off, and I'm pretty sure Sin can't afford to take a hit with one." Shrike says blankly. "And Gig's in that." She tells Siphon, pointing a finger at the ball of black hanging in the sky, without turning to look at it.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Siphon snarled, a sound not untypical for a vampire, but certainly not one you'd expect to hear from him.

His facial features changed, warping to reveal extremely sharp teeth on both the top and the bottom, and his eyes narrowed in more. Then, there was a strange noise, and a swirl of red light where he'd been, as he literally cut in front of one of the clones, appearing and attacking so fast he'd just about tear it's head off, only to probably have the fucker reform.
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Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

((As far as I know, Sin's not even in the orb... is she?))

Darting away from the clones, Sin moved down, closer to the ground. She called after them, taunting them. Luring them. She had to get to Gig, and these... shadow puppets were just in her way.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Ha, you think an attack like that will hurt me?" Gig's voice shouts throughout the dimension. "Fine, lets see what you can do." The darkness that had shrouded the dimension started to move, swirling around Burrito and after a couple of moments Gig reformed, standing about fifty foot away from Burrito.

"Lets see your power, lets see if it can stand up to the Gods themselves!" Gig rushes towards Burrito, laughing maniacally as he lifts his blade up and readies it to strike Burrito.

"Fall, into Oblivio-" Gig is cut short by the sound of Burrito's blast ripping through the very fabric of the dimension itself. Gig is engulfed by the blast, and those outside would see the sphere of darkness literally crack and shatter, the fragments of negative energy momentarily spreading outwards before quickly breaking up into pure energy and dispersing.

Gig's body plummets to the ground, the impact throws up dust and debris and a couple of moments later Gig gets up, though it is clear to see that he has sustained heavy damage. His armour is in pieces and doesn't even seem to be reforming itself, and Gig himself has negative energy rising off him and dispersing. As Gig was struck inside the dimension the clones were about to deliver a fatal blow to Sin but they dispersed as Gig was hit with the beam of light energy.

"Yo- You fucking bastard," Gig manages to gasp out, he slowly makes his way to Burrito but lacks the strength to do anything else. Losing it, he drops to his knee's and looks up at Burrito. "H-how did you..." Gig lets out a shocked gasp, as if seeing something that no one could see. "Of course...it makes perfect sense now. The Goddess of Order...was keeping a watchful eye on me after all...." Gig drops his head and starts laughing. "I'll be back though, so long as there's chaos I'll never...truly die..." He says this quietly so that only Burrito could hear him.

After a moment or two Gig suddenly stops laughing, and without any warning he lets out a loud scream as dark energy rips from his body. Once the energy burst finishes kneeling in Gigs place can be seen Oni, though his body is quickly breaking down as it was tainted by darkness for so long.

"Looks like I was right," Oni says, loudly for everyone to hear but not directed at anyone. "This planet, and Burrito, held the key to my peace. Who knew it was in death though...." Oni then looks around the area. "And how radiant this world is...For so long I was clouded by darkness, unable to see things for what they really were...But now..." Oni goes quiet again, his body has almost completely faded away. "You're a good man," He says suddenly to Burrito as he stands up. "Take this world into a new age. One without darkness. Maybe one day I'll be reborn. It would be nice to live without fear of the darkness. But for now, I'll bid you farewell." With that Oni's body completely disappears, though if it's permanent no one could answer that.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Landing, Sin cocked an eyebrow.

"Well... that was unexpected," she muttered to herself.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Burrito slowly began to descend to the ground, listening to Gig's words. he nodded when Oni began to speak, landing on the ground as he had fully disappeared "Farewell. God of chaos." he says, turning around to look at the group "Let's go kick some a-" he says, starting to walk and falling flat on his face mid-sentence, obviously drained from the fight
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Siphon moved, or rather ported directly on top of Burrito, catching the man before he hit the ground, then placing him in the transport.

"That it was Sinful, that it was. I'm afraid those wings are going to retract painfully in a moment, so I tell you what. If it's too much, hit me."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Retract? How painfully?" she asked... before she stopped moving.

the wings slowly crawled back inside her body, and her face seemed completely contorted with agony. She didn't move, didn't speak, just stood there, a mask of pain.

When it was done, she walked over to Siphon and punched him in the face.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

He opened his mouth to reply, then closed it when the point became moot.

He made no attempt to move out of the way of the punch, and it connected square to the face. This of course popped open the cut which had begun to seal shut some, and fresh blood seeped out of it, staining his face.

The thing was, he almost seemed to enjoy the pain.

"So .... now what?"
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Now what? Now we hunt down Supermeme. Though, perhaps we should give Burrito some time to heal up first," Sin said, ignoring the cut across Siphon's face. She simply moved on like nothing happened.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

A slight nod.

"Very well, gives me some time to do something that needs to be done. I'll explain to you folks later what happened."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

The fighting had seemed to have stopped, mainly because there had been a rather large explosion and a small light - well, darkness - show. A good bit of shouting, too, and a few moments of calm which Host assumed could only be for the necessary speech, which could only have one possible outcome: Gig had died. Host got out of the transport and made his way to the pair in time to watch Oni fade to inexistence.

So it’s going to be that kind of ending, is it?

You know, in a way I sort of wanted him to win. It takes ‘nads to go down the true destruction path, even knowing that you yourself are ensuring your eventual destruction. And then there’s the obvious fact that your doom was by narrative causality, which I myself will inevitably be subject to, so there’s going to be pity through similar circumstances. Especially since he was so horrifically blind to it. Of course, it’s a very small part and every other part of me is overjoyed, but it’s there.

Gig, Oni, as fellow beings of Evil and useful tools, you will be barely missed. Which is more than can be said for most beings. I’d insult you some, but I get the feeling that narrative causality would kick in again, and you’d come back from the dead just to beat the crap out of me for it.

When Siphon mentions explaining things later, Host just nods.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Agreed," Copper remarks, answering Sin about the climax of the battle. She makes no remarks, one way or the other, about the outcome, neither cheering for their commander or lamenting the fallen godling. What does get her is when Sin punches Siphon, that causing her to bark out a laugh, a quick short sound and she quickly covers her mouth with the back of her hand, though she's still grinning.

"You know," she remarks to Siphon, "it's a good thing you don't smell right or you'd be damn distracting during a fight if you do that all the time." She gestures to his face.

She settles back into her seat once more. Either they're going to chill here until Burrito recovers or they'd be making use of the transport. Regardless, she remained in her seat, elbows resting on her knees as she worked on finishing up her cigarette. All the way down to the filter, where the heroin gets hidden.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Siphon half grins over to Copper.

"Well, I suppose I need to fix one of those problems hmm?"

He purposely left out which problem to fix, making her wonder if he was completely alright.

Then he sat down at the wheel of the transport.

"Let's hope I remember how to drive this, hmm?"

When everyone was on board, he stepped on the gas, heading back for the forum, his intent to get Burrito to Silvers's place, if it still existed.