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Brotherhood of NOD base.

Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

As the sword deflects off Burrito's it disappears and reforms in Gig's hand. As Burrito rushes towards him he too also bursts towards Burrito, but at the last second he ducks underneath him and attacks him with his sword yet again.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Burrito is caught off guard, the sword piercing his left side and making a loud grinding sound as it cuts through metal. Burrito groans in pain as he grips the sword, his left hand glowing brightly as he raises his right hand, his sword and hand glowing equally as bright "Light vanquishes Dark!" he yells, slamming his sword down towards Gig's shoulder where the break had first been made, now most likely covered by the armor again.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Gig lets out a cry of pain as the sword splits open his armour and cuts through his shoulder, the arm, surprisingly, was severed and now floats madly in the air.

"You bastard!" Gig growls at Burrito even as his arm regrows. "Light may vanquish dark, but so long as a small amount of darkness exists, darkness will never truly be destroyed!" With that a burst of dark energy rips from Gig and darkens the dimension, hopefully impairing Burrito's view.

"What can you do in a dimension created for dark beings?" Gig's voice echoed around the entire dimension, seconds later a barrage of sword attacks was made at Burrito coming from all directions.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Sin snarled at the clone that had healed itself, before shoving her blade through where its heart would be on a normal person. The clone looked like it was about to laugh, until its eyes went blank.

"Yeah, Thor had the same fucking look," she said, pulling her sword out, and looking at the other clones. Each of them tiny fragments of a creature who thought itself a god.

"And all Gods think themselves untouchable," Sin said smirking, remember another God she killed before.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

((Why the hell are you deciding what one of my character clones does?))

the clone momentarily disappeared though it soon reappeared and continued it's frenzied attack with it's brothers.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"I can fight the darkness for my freedom!" Burrito yells, his body suddenly shining as his one good eye turns yellow, scanning the darkness for Gig, noticing the sword attacks and moving to try and dodge them, while also using his sword to deflect what attacks he couldn't dodge. He begins to analyze Gig's fighting style, slowly finding what little gaps he could in the flurry of attacks, thinking that they wouldn't be enough for him to make a successful attack.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

The attacks stopped as suddenly as they started, probably confusing Burrito in the process.

Gig laughs. "How can you fight for your freedom when I embody the darkness in the souls of every living being. Chaos consumes all and in that process it brings about destruction. It's just the same as your planet. But, if I were in control I'd at least be able to reign in that chaos and put it to good use." It would be no use for Burrito to scan for Gig as he wouldn't be able to find him. It's as if he is part of the dimension now.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

As the clone came back, Sin was startled.

"What the fuck?" she muttered, slashing at what should have been dead as her eyes darted about, locating each of the five clones around her.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Burrito would step back from where he was standing, his sword at the ready as he places his sword back into it's sheath, releasing it as it slides in. He would then makes fists with both of his hands, slamming them together as the glow began intensify, when suddenly his mouth began to overflow with light energy, his tongue glowing yellow as he opens his mouth, a ball of pure white forming in his mouth.
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Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"At least you gave Sin wings before you went,"

Went? Mind giving the play by play to those without binocular vision?” Host said, still in his seat. Copper had been speaking quietly, but, as a Lurker, Host’s ability to pick up on quiet conversation had long become second nature. …In fact, sometimes it’s difficult for Lurkers to not do… Besides, the transport was hardly that large.

I knew I should have gotten binocular vision, damnit. I mean, there’s only so much room for stuff in my head, and the psudo-psyonic Lurker base communicae system is more than worth it’s space, as is the quote device… but what was I thinking when I got the metal detector? I still haven’t used it for anything, and now something comes up where the binocular vision would have been useful, and I don’t fucking have it.

Worst. Judgment call. Ever.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"All the clones are clustering around one target, Siphon must have gone somewhere." Shrike elaborated, standing from her seat and walking to the base of the transport ramp. "I'm sick of waiting for this to end. Anyone else want Sin to lure them down here so we can get some action too?"
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

“No… Not really. But then, I’m just a demon from hell… I don’t hold a candle to anyone else here.”
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Don't sell yourself so short, I'm sure you can take a hit better than I can, at the very least." Shrike says casually, staring up at the battle above them, but too far away to make out any details in the fracas.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

“Oh, in general I can hold my own, certainly,” Host says, gesturing and posturing as usual, “But this is a distinct ‘godly speed battle’” – he makes the air quotes – “where pretty much any hit is likely to kill, and against enemies with a distinct resistance to bullets. Copper has that vampire speed thing, and you can probably telekinetically push yourself around to speed up, but I remain the big lurching tank… against the guys who punch like Panzerschrecks.”

"...On the other hand, I could stand in place and scream my lungs out for a good twenty minutes. I always wanted to see if that actually managed to improve my physical capabilities..."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Shrike chuckles at both the comments, answering the later one first. "That only works if you're secretly a giant ape, though it works miracles for hair growth. As for telekinetically pushing myself around, the short answer is, I can't. It's like flight, have you ever tried grabbing yourself by the legs and pulling yourself off the ground? It works about that well mentally too, every way I'fe thought of to try. I do the psychic equivalent of watching your opponent's eyes during combat, and make a barrier for anything I can't avoid." She explains nonchalantly.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

All hell broke loose suddenly.

There was a sudden surge in the air of power, and a flash of swirling red light indicated the arrival of a seemingly complete stranger.

He stood in the same spot Siphon had when he'd vanished, and was about the same height as him. Yet this man seemed more human looking, his eyes the color of ocean blue, and he was completely bald. He was sporting a long black trench coat, no gloves, and his shirt and pants were hidden by the coat.

The strangest thing about him though wasn't the sudden appearance, but the simple fact he had a long gash over the right side of his face, extending from the eye down to the chin itself, and it was still dripping fresh blood.

Anyone who could sense blood, or 'soul' would know even before the man spoke who he was, even tell that he was half vampire, half something else.

"I told you I'd be back to deal with you Gig. Come on out to play you bastard."

The man, despite the changes, was in fact Siphon, though once more something had happened to him, and it seemed as if the virus wasn't as strong within him and clouding his mind, but the question remained, what the hell had he become this time?

The teeth showing were clearly vampiric, and the way he'd come in, to those sensitive to it would almost feel like a rip torn in the very fabric of not only space, but time itself.

"Miss me? Hahahaha."

((This is the LAST fucking time I am remodeling this character, I'm sick of having to do it. And for anyone wondering, this is a test for something I have planned elsewhere.))
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"We could," Copper replies to Shrike. "That's assuming the little details Host has brought up about speed and taking hits doesn't factor into it. If you're willing to head out there, I'll go with you, though."

She doesn't seem too inclined to play-by-play the battle, especially not with the sphere in place, since even her vampiric senses can't pentetrate the darkness there.

Her face remains stoic as Siphon suddenly re-appears, her head cocking to the side as she catches sight of his appearance. "Tch. Liked the other look better, really." Though she can't sense a lot of the changes, what she can do is smell the blood and what it...lacks.

"I'm thinking we'd better wait a little longer, what do you think?" She glances over at Shrike with an arched brow.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Shrike sighed and tossed her hands up in frustration. "Yeah, I guess we'd better." She says as she plops down on the side of the ramp.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Siphon glared over to them both.

"I didn't like the other looks, at least I look less like an abomination. Now I just look like total shit."

Then he laughed, and they got the impression he wasn't exactly mentally stable right now.

"Come on out Gig, here kitty kitty kitty."

Another evil laugh, this time punctuated by a clench of his fists, and a sizzling, popping noise in the air, the smell of burning flesh permeating their nostrils.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Just a suggestion." Copper looks down at Shrike. "You don't have to agree with me." She looks thoughtful for a second. "I wonder..." She reaches back and under her trench coat, bringing out the stunner that she'd taken off of one of the Wraith. "Wanna take some pot shots at the clones?" She holds it out to Shrike.

"You've got that right," she hollers to Siphon about him looking like total shit. Part of her wants to know what the hell happened and another figures she's better off not knowing.