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Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

In his last dying throes, Kelly managed to spit up that nasty liquid right on Brooke's face! She stared down at him dumbfounded for a long moment, crimson streaks dripping from her chin when something changed. Letting out a low growl, Brooke spat the blood right back at Kelly, her blue-gray eyes crazed like a beast. The last thing Kelly saw before he passed out was that awful she beast, his sire, rearing back to punch him in the nose. Pow!

When next Kelly woke, his newly crooked nose wasn't the only change. He felt cold as ice, laying on the floor of an abandoned warehouse, crates strewn all over. His skin had somehow become even more pale, a deathly pallor. What was more, he felt like he hadn't eaten a single morsel in months! Kelly nearly buckled over from the pangs of hunger in his gut.

Just then, the new vampire sensed he wasn't alone. "Bout time you finally woke up kiddy vamp. Ya really pissed her off, haha!" The woman walked out from behind the crates, carrying an old bowling pin over her shoulder. She was dressed like a gangster punk with a black tank top, cargo pants, and spiked collar. Sometimes people just dressed like that to be cool or hip, but this girl had the scars across her left eye and arms to prove she was legit. Her skin was just as pale as Kelly's, perhaps even more so, and her dark brown hair was pulled back. He could tell she wasn't normal. She was someone like him.

"The name's Nikki, and I'm your baby sitter apparently," The girl rolled her eyes as she tossed Kelly a big green flask. "Take a swig of that. It'll tide you over until we can find you something better to eat. Makes it easier to control yourself once we do too." Nikki waited a moment before continuing. "That was some trick you pulled on Brooke there. I even thought it was funny until I got stuck with baby sitting duty. Now it's just annoying. Try anything, by the way, and I'll match your face to your nose."

He was in a storage room in the alley, so yeah. And it's okay, he just has to deal with a crooked nose now. ;) Could always try to make a deal with a Tzimisce to fix it I guess.
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Kelly's eyes flickered open as something inside of him seemed to force him off the cold floor. A sensation he barely noticed with the all consuming hunger gnawing at his very soul. He looked around the darkened room as though he had no control over his own movements. The hunger within was almost like it belonged to something else and he had no way of controlling his own body as it mad him struggle to his feet.

Whatever he was he sensed someone else in the room even before she made herself known. He was already up and running towards her before she had fully stepped out and he likely would have attacked had she not tossed the canteen at him. The beast in control of his movement, for what else could it be, stopped at the strangely delicious smell coming from the flask. He tore off the lid and began guzzling the...blood as soon as it touched his lips. The stuff was better than the sweetest alcohol or anything he had ever tasted in his life and he slowly felt a measure of control come back back to him as he fell to his knees and set the canteen down.

The blood in the canteen wasn't enough to completely chase away the gnawing hunger within but he was Kelly once more and he was pissed. He didn't even respond to the girl who was supposed to be his babysitter? He was more consumed with the thought of what he would do to Brooke if he ever saw her again. He had no clue what she had done to him but he knew it wasn't good. Wait no she didn't deserve something like that he was still alive after all...or was he.

He remembered her drinking his blood, fangs. Now he was up and moving but not breathing and he had just drank blood. This was all some weird confusing drink fueled dream he was having. Just smack yourself across the face he told himself and you'll be awake. Unfortunately it turned out it wasn't a dream and that little smack he had given himself sent him flying to the floor.

Getting back up to his feet again he looked at Nikki as if she hadn't been standing there this whole time and looked at his hand for a second and thought as the smallest bit of his confusion disappeared and he just sort of blurted out to no one in particular. "I'm a fucking vampire."

Ah, yeah I guess you did mention a storage room looking back. Broken nose is fine since he already looks like he's probably had one before at least in my mind. Also yummy scarred punk girl, it's almost like you know what I like.
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

"Whoa there cowboy!" came Nikki's surprised shout as Kelly went tumbling to the floor. It looked like he had no idea of his own strength! The only plus side of punching himself in the face was that it didn't actually hurt that much despite his strength. Besides, his nose was already broken.

Nikki had extended her hand to help him up and kept it there waiting during Kelly's revelation. "Ha. I always knew Brooke would pick a smart one. I'm a vampire too. We're all over this damn city. Some prefer the terms "kindred" or "cainites," but to be frank I don't give a shit about Caine, and most of the other vamps in this city don't give a shit about me, so we ain't kindred. Vamps or vampires works for me. Might not if you come across a snotty ass cammy though."

The punk girl crossed her arms, arching an eyebrow at Kelly. "So... got any more amazing discoveries for me before we go find you something to eat?"

I do try to please. :D
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Kelly just sort of nodded at Nikki's explanation about what vampires apparently called themselves. He wasn't sure if he entirely believed his apparently smart guess. He was bound to say something smart once in a while but it would have been nice if it happened when it was useful rather than now. The look on his face probably conveyed the exact same message as he nodded and said.

"Sorry I don't think there are any more profound ideas rolling around inside and I hope there isn't a quiz afterwards because I probably won't remember any of those silly names."

He waited for her to lead the way for a second before he realized his nose wasn't quite as straight as normal and reached up and tried to jerk it back into position. Likely making it worse as he still had no idea of how he strong he now was.

"We -uh- so do we eat just like in the movies. I'm not really comfortable with killing people even if there are some that might deserve it?"
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

"Whatever you say Sherlock," Nikki replied with a smirk, drumming her bowling pin against some boxes as she walked toward the windows of the warehouse.

"Pretty much the only name you need to know other than your own is Brooke. She's your sire, ya know... she made you and all that fancy stuff. The only reason you need to care about that is it means she's one of the only people standing between you and and a pile of ash."

As Nikki was talking, a girl walked out into the alley outside the warehouse. She was a redhead of average height and shoulder length curly hair, wearing a black hoodie with the hood down, sweatpants, and headphones. The redhead, looked up, sighed, and sat on the steps in front of the side entrance to her apartments.

"Most aren't," Nikki continued. "That's why your a vampire and not a monster. The trick is to surprise them, take just as much as you need, and then stop. Show your beast who's boss, and let them go. Just don't forget to lick the wound closed when your done."

When Nikki turned and saw the girl sitting outside, she grinned. "Looks like your lucky day. She shouldn't be too hard for a big bad like yourself, eh?"
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

The mention of Brooke once more drew an outright sneer from Kelly as he spat out. "I don't care if she's Saint fucking Patrick, I might prefer having the pile of ash to having her protect me. Whatever the fuck any of that means. Does she always go around turning people into vampires against their wills. She sounds like just another asshole trying to tell everyone how to live their goddamn lives rather than simply leaving them alone."

Kelly felt strange after his little tirade, it was almost like another part of him was even more pissed off than he was. He actually felt like he wanted to just take and ram his fist through Nikki's face but he thought better of it. First she could probably handle herself at least as well as Brooke probably better from the look of her and two she hadn't done anything to deserve it. He huffed and crossed his arms with a growl before looking out the window where Nikki was pointing.

He didn't quite understand it but just the sight of the girl stirred something within his gut. The gnawing hunger was still there and only barely held back by the swig from Nikki's canteen. He smiled as he started to head for the door into the alley, his fangs extending as he walked up to the door and shrugged. "Check show the beast who's boss and remember to lick the wound shut. Wish me luck."
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Nikki simply shrugged, hopping up onto a box where she sat, dangling her feet back and forth over the edge.

"Good luck. I'll be around. Lemme know if you need me to hold her down for you or something," Nikki added with a teasing smirk.

As Kelly approached the door, fangs extended, he felt the anticipation rising. The need to feast on flood, something so strange just yesterday, felt so natural now. He was a predator on the prowl. Like most predators, his prey didn't even know he was coming.

"Friendly tip before you go," Nikki called out just before he opened the door. "If you go stalking toward her like a creep-o with your teeth out, going grrrrr and all that, she's probably gonna run like hell. Just sayin."
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

"Nag, nag, nag." Kelly said as he slipped out the door, he of course still took the friendly advice and retracted the fangs after a second or so of thinking about it.

He thought to himself as he made his way around to the alley where his prey sat oblivious to the crazy world he suddenly found himself dealing with. She's probably still going to run screaming when I come walking around the corner. At least if she's been living here for any amount of time she would, not to mention this whole not breathing thing. He stopped before walking around the corner to make sure. Yep, definitely not breathing...or blinking for that matter.

He stepped around the corner with his head staring down at the ground trying to act as casually as he could. Just a few more steps and he would be at the door. This might be kind of fun he thought as he drew nearer if it wasn't for this crazy urge to just straight up eat whoever this poor girl was.

Well here goes nothing he thought as he drew close to his prey. He looked up and gave a brief nod as he walked up the steps past the girl like he was going inside. Then he reached a hand in one of his pockets and then checked the other one before turning around with a confused look.

"Shit! Did I drop my keys again. Dammit." He said out loud as though to no one in particular as he looked around at the ground in the alley. Waiting to see how the girl would react.
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

The redhead hadn't noticed Kelly yet as he drew closer, deeply wrapped up in her loud music. She nodded her head back and forth, holding the headphones to her ears to hear the music better. Once in a while, she even mimed the words to the song. The girl was playing her music so loud that Kelly noticed with his new and improved hearing, he could pick out exactly what she was listening to - that new song on the radio from 3 Doors Down, .

Luckily, that meant the girl didn't notice Kelly until he was nearly right on top of her. She jumped right up from her spot on the steps when she saw him, pressing a hand to her chest as her headphones flew down to her shoulders.

"Holy crap! ...Whoa. You scared me..." Kelly could practically taste the fear rippling off of her body as she breathed heavily, but it seemed to be more from the sudden appearance than anything else. She did offer an apologetic smile when she heard his explanation about the lost keys, starting to go for the door but then hesitating.

"Oh... that sucks. Ummm... no offense, but I don't really know you. I probably shouldn't just let you in right? I know... want me to go find Vinny? I can do that real quick, and he can let you in and help you to your room."