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Boozed and Used (TAB)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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There were few fermenters in the village; and, worse yet, only one was willing to provide Zalla with the fruity drinks she so loved. This hasn't stopped her from having fun or training with her axe, one of the only Descendants in the village to follow said school. If it weren't for her weakness to the drink, she'd be a pillar for the village... But, when danger calls, she was the first to get to the elder's hut...

[Current Position: Village, 0,0]

[As this is an open-world game, there's not much direction in the beginning. Make sure to check the Village thread for quests and resource pools.]
Re: Boozed and Used (TAB)

Zalla was happy. Visibly happy, with a spring in her step and humming a tune as she walked. She may have been well-known for her personality -- after all, it's not every day you see a tall, shapely, powerfully built young women with odd-colored skin and a giant axe described as "bubbly" -- but something was different today. Today was a very good day, because from now on she was allowed to kill things.

Yesterday had not been a good day. Her usual sparring partners were out of commission, with her older brother having broken a leg during a guard patrol and her sister still heavily pregnant with her second child. Zalla could have sparred with her brother-in-law, but he was so clumsy and unskilled that battling him would have been a waste of time. Everyone else she challenged either made up excuses or simply ran in fear.

And so she hadn't been in a fight in days. Days! It had been starting to wear on her nerves. The way most people become jittery during sleep deprivation, or strung out when expecting to be ambushed? Yes, this would have described Zalla before the Elder's meeting. This life without punching was torturous.

But with the Elder's call to exploration and adventure, all that was about to change. Finally, the leash was removed! No more being tethered close to the village, no more stern commands to flee from dangerous foes, no more rules against wearing necklaces made from the bowels of her enemies! Finally, she could use her blade against worthy adversaries, and her axe would sing as it rent her foes asunder!

After some thought, she realized that the rule against bowel necklaces was probably still going to stand. A pity.

But first thing's first. Zalla needed booze, and fast. It was fortunate that a visiting healer had taught her the importance of drinking water during binges, as what might have otherwise been a splitting migraine was instead just a dull headache; a reminder to take her medicine.

She rummaged through her pack in search of the precious bottle. She wasn't out already, was she?

Inventory audit. If she doesn't have any alcohol, head to the fermenter.
Re: Boozed and Used (TAB)

[Results of Inventory Audit:
Dull Stone Axe
Tribal Clothes

...That half-orc be poor, yo.]

Looking through her... possessions, Zalla found what was on her back, in her hands, and several empty gourds that carried the precious fermented fluids - one had even cracked, making it completely useless for refill. The fermenter wasn't too far away from her house - Sure, there was one that happened to be a bit closer, but after one of her 'episodes', she wasn't even allowed close to his house.

Upon arriving, however, he seemed far less than happy to see the half-orc arriving. A short, gruff man, with half a beard and one eye, he was graying and grizzled; and while he always wore something of a scowl, hit was much less friendly today.

"No. No more," He says, arms crossed, standing between Zalla and his yurt, filled with the fermenting equipment, "You ain't gettin' no more. We're runnin' low on food, including the fruits I use for yer booze. The Elder says no more, not til our reserves go back up."

[Current Position: 0,0]
Re: Boozed and Used (TAB)

Zalla's life flashed before her eyes. Alright, so that's probably an overstatement, but not by much. No booze? No nectar of the gods? No fiery spirits, which make the thrill of battle all the sweeter? Inconceivable.

She strapped her axe securely to her back. It was time to put on the charm.

"Look, I know things have been rough," she said as she broadened her most-winning smile. "Not enough food and water to last us the cold season, not enough fruit to last you the month. Who could get any sleep with that sort of worry?"

"But that's exactly why I'm here!" Her hand gestures and steps became a bit exaggerated, like a shopkeeper making a sale. "Why, in just a few minutes I'm going to be headed out into the wilderness in search of precious resources. Water, wood, metal, and beasts to mutilate- I mean, beasts to hunt. Our troubles will soon be over once Zalla starts scouting!"

She then lowered her voice and adopted a mock-fearful tone, continuing to ham it up as part of her "sales pitch". "But what will happen if I have to defend myself? There are horrible monsters everywhere, lurking behind every bush! How could I possibly hope to eviscerate the bloodthirsty hordes with just one tiny axe?" She straightened her posture slightly, hopefully making the gigantic weapon on her back a bit less visible.

"The solution, sir, is you! Or more precisely, your fine product. Sure, you might've heard how I successfully dueled three of the village's better warriors at once, or how I snapped the bones of Sain 'The Boulder' while arm-wresting, but those were simply because I was well-stocked with spirits at the time. Without alcohol, I'm worthless." She added a little pout to enhance the point.

"But you can fix that. With access to your booze I'll be able to fight through the wilderness, which lets us gather materials, which saves the village! You can make this happen, right now!" She paused. She thought she'd made a convincing argument, but she had to provide real incentive. "And... you'll get first dibs on it all when I get back. You can have anything you want!" That should do the trick.

It was just then that Zalla glanced down. Her smile cracked uncomfortably as she realized that when she had secured her axe onto her back, the strip of leather cut across her chest and pulled her clothing top very tightly. Her cleavage had been dramatically accented and the cloth was nearly bursting at the seams. She further realized that due to the height difference between the fermenter and her, her breasts were directly in front of his nose, just inches from his face.

Re: Boozed and Used (TAB)

[Charisma attempt:]
Zalla: 4 + 6 + 10 (Beautiful) + 10 (From the show) = 30
Fermenter: 9 + 8 = 17

[Int Check:]
Zalla: 18 + 6 = 24
Fermenter: 20 (Nat 20)
Zalla doesn't quite understand what the fermenter wants from her.
The fermenter seemed to be enjoying her little show, even more so as she approached during her little speech. He seemed unphased by how tightly her clothes drew in, accentuating her breasts and figure, staring up at her with one eye. The scowl on his face deepened, glaring up at the half-orc. Had her display, both the accidental and purposeful side, angered the fermenter? He was known for having a short temper in the village, and nearly having the same strength of a Descendant...

After a few horrifyingly silent and awkward seconds, the fermenter only shrugs, his scowl breaking. He take a step back, enough to look up at Zalla eye-to-eyes, still with a small frown, but much less antagonistic than before.

"Alright. I have a little something that I use for special occassions," He admits, rubbing his grimey hands on his pant sides, "But I only have one gourd left. I'll give it to ya, but you've gotta do something for me." With that, Zalla notices his eye drop down, rather nonchalantly, to her chest, before sliding back up to her face, the scowl replaced with a smirk. Even with the rather obvious display put on by the fermenter, the half-orc is hard pressed to understand whatever he was talking about.
Re: Boozed and Used (TAB)

Success! Once the momentary tension broke, relief overcame Zalla... not to mention a little pride. That little spiel had just convinced him to give her his special stash! So little effort required too, compared to beating the tar out of someone. Her prize was so close, she could practically taste it.

Zalla grinned as she eagerly (and obliviously) awaited the fermenter's request. "Okay, sure thing! Lay it on me!"
Re: Boozed and Used (TAB)

"Thick as stone, eh?" He laughs, looking the half-orc over, "Listen, if you really want this so bad, then you'll trade anything for it. All I'm askin' for is your body for an hour or so," The Fermenter says; his eyes roam over her body, and Zalla now realizes he's looking over every little curve of her body, taking it all in. Descendants were supposed to be treated with respect, but this was... not what she expected.

"A nice strong lass like you should last that long..." He says with a smirk, reaching to rub Zalla's thigh.