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Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(heh, perfect....)

The walk is quiet, as if the rest of the denizens are watching as these two forces approach each other. The massive door opens with a creak and she spots him on his throne swirling a glass of blood. "Hello Alicia...."
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

From the moment she entered the throne room to the moment she was greeted by the castle's master, Alicia's eyes were filled nothing else but hate and contempt that had been specially reserved for this encounter.

"...Good evening...'Sir' Dracula...Have you written your will?"
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

He simply chuckles and remains seated, "No, I have no need, tell me child, have you figured it all out yet? Who was your protector, why you continue to grow stronger.......why you are here?"
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...Purpose?...The purpose of the Rozenburg family is to slay you. That is all. As for the rest...how would I know?..."

Still remaining where she was, Alicia did not move yet...there was plenty of time to fight later, but for now...answers came first.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Dracula laughed and sipped is drink. "I was the one who ordered you not be killed, I'm the one who gave you that cape, what I gave to you was not a curse....but my power. As you slew fiends in my service you absorbed the darkness in them, you felt it correct? The strength, the more you took the more unstoppable you felt. I gave you that power because I wanted to see if you were worthy.....to be my bride...." He opens a curtain behind Alicia that shows a portrait of her and Dracula sitting together. "I've seen it in your eyes....the anger, sorrow, lonelyness. I could end all that, make you immortal and strong enough that no one could ever look down on you again." He takes another sip calmly awaiting her response.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Power of domination...))

Alicia...upon hearing the 'truth' behind all the mysterious occurrances, was...bewildered to say the least. Blinking her eyes a few times to make sure she was seeing things correctly...the girl finds herself extremely confused.

"...You saved me...multiple times...cursed me...to make me your...bri...bride?..."

Head spinning from the sudden revelation, it took the girl a extended moment to gather herself, and reassume a more normal personality, her mind apparently having been..."blown" upon the revelation...

"...Too...complicated...Can we not just cross blades last before...and let the victor decide?...After all, as long as I'm a Rozenburg, it is my duty to slay you..."

((Irony, in the bad ending of the 2nd N64 Castlevania spinoff, Dracula DOES marry one of the main characters so as to effectively neturalize that line of vampire slayers, and incorporate their powers into his own.))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(Yeah I loved that ending)

"If that is what is required to bring you to my side of eternity very well...." Dracula stands and throws his glass onto the ground grinning.

(*starts dance of illusion* And Alicia's fate will have to be decided tomorrow, need sleep.)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Righto, same probably goes for me.))

Accepting that as a cue to begin the battle, Alicia charged forth with her family's transformed heirloom weapon, attempting to cleave Dracula apart like she had done to the others thus far...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(just assuming she attacks until out of MP ^_^)

As Alicia lunges Dracula disappears and reappears behind her blasting her in the back with dark magic. "I expected more from you..." His grin quickly fades after Alicia simply pushes through his fireballs and lands a blow, her fury seems unstoppable as he continues to try to elude her but finds himself unable to assault her again as they dance about the throne room.

(Alicia landed 5 attacks and got hit twice)

HP:36 MP:0

(using items are a free action, just one at a time though)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Of course :p))

In mid-pursuit of Dracula, as Alicia felt her energies diminishing, she somehow manages to use telepathy so as to drink one of the mind potions she had obtained in the underground area of the castle. Re-energizing her and allowing her to continue hacking away with her scythe. As soon as she saw her chance, she would be drinking a health potion next to speed the recovery of her wounds while continuing the fight against the vampire...

((Mana potion + Demon Hunt, then next action is Health Potion + Demon Hunt. >.>))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Unfortunatly when she's distracted drinking potions Dracula attacks, she recovers fully with the potions though and though she gets blasted backwards by one of his dark orbs she charges ahead and lands a blow that causes the dark lord to stagger backwards. "I see you're too strong for normal tactics..." He grins and draws a blade made of blackened metal.

(What? Did you think he was going to teleport around until you killed him? ;P)

HP:40 MP:0

(Got hit 3 times, landed blows 3 times)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Would have made it a lot easier. :X))

Panting slightly at the extent of the effort she went through to inflict the blows she did, Alicia appeared to be slightly worn by the time Dracula drew his blade.

"...Flattered...to hear that..."

Drinking another mana potion, while levitating a health potion at the same time, Alicia charged forth at Dracula once again to cross blades with him...

((Same as before, mana potion + Demon Hunt this turn... Then Health Potion and Demon Hunt next.))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(Hey at least I'm not cranking it up to Ecclesia level......yet)

Dracula calmly waits until she's done and strikes with surprising speed, even though she's cut Alicia notices she hardly bleeds. "Hmph...see, you are already like me, there is little hope to return to normal." He grins dispite Alicia continuing her assault.

(Landed 4, took one bad hit)

HP:38 MP:0
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Well I run out of MP pots this turn so...yeah...))

"...What do you mean?"

Ignorant of the fact that she had been cut to virtually no effect, Alicia instead uses that period of time as an opportunity to attack, managing to land another blow on Dracula.

Drinking her last mana potion using her telekinetic powers(while in a deadlock with the vampire), Alicia pressed her attack, giving it even more than before as she knew that her power would run out soon...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(you made it count though, 2 crits)

Dracula seems taken off guard when his monolouge is interrupted giving almost no resistance as Alicia emotionlessly slices into him repeatedly before her scythe returns to normal he pants as she pauses. "Have you ever considered what would happen if you defeat me? You may absorb my power as well, all you would be doing is becoming another force of absolute evil such as I..." He regains his composure and wipes some blood from his mouth seeming to be mildly annoyed now.

(landed all 5 blows and definitely took a huge chunk off his triple digit HP)

HP:28 MP:0