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Bloody Tears (Keylo)


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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The forests seemed to stretch for miles. Every tree began to look the same, a normal person could get lost, Alicia was not a normal person though. She had a way of knowing where to go, that evil, calling out to her, she could follow it across the earth. Her only solace knowing that she would be free from her curse one way or another. Soon the trees parted and she stood on a road cutting through the forest, nearby a sign read "Wallachia 100mi." She could follow the road or continue her trek through the wilderness.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Soon...everything will end... just need...to...hold out a bit longer...

Five years...the doctor had given her condition that long before it claimed her life. Now, after three years of suffering and searching, she was nearing the end of her journey. Every instinct told her that. Hiking through the woods towards her destination on foot, Alicia continued her long journey...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(19, 20, 18 jeez three perfect travel. Bah you actually made it all the way to town unscathed but I'll get you eventually, and your little scythe too! EEeeehehehehehe!)

Alicia's trip is uneventful to say the least, occasionally she would sense something or think she saw movement but nothing came of it. As she exited the wilderness the ruined town of Wallachia was laid out before her, not a soul left. And in the distance with ominous darkness swirling about it's towers stood the castle, beckoning, challenging her to survive it's halls or be consumed by the evil within.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Alicia is cursed with being dragged to fight Dracula once again. But on the other hand, the curse also paves her way to Dracula XD. Or so it seems. Nice title by the way, Castlevania 2 I take it?))

"And...here it is..."

Taking a moment to look over her "final destination"... Alicia walked worth, her scythe as a support, intent on ending this as soon as possible...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(All the titles are music from the series yeah, tried to make the title fit the character's situation. Bloody Tears seemed a good match for someone who's dying :) )

As she passes through town a swarm of bats flies from the ruined buildings, however her swirling scythe destroys them all with ease. Not so much from the axe armor that ambushes her from a doorway, she barely sidesteps away from the thrown axe causing a huge tear in her dress before she returns the favor with her scythe and cuts the fiend down. The road up to the castle is unsettlingly quiet, at least until she reaches the smashed gate and it's two gargoyles come to life.

(I totally forgot her stats, I took 10 out of STR and HP and put them on INT if that works for you, seemed to fit the character)
Alicia HP:30 MP:8 STR:20 INT:80

Alicia took 6 damage from the axe armor

HP:24 MP:8

(And everyone has set off those gargoyles so far.)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Hahahaha, yeah.))

Bats that defied her will and impeded her path... cut asunder by her scythe... Reanimated armor that tried to end her...crushed and rendered inanimate... Alicia was as a pale reaper of death,her bloody red scythe evidence of that regardless of her physical condition.

And when the gargoyles came to life... the same applied.

"Begone...I have no time for you..."

Knives flying free from the dress obscured holsters strapped to her legs, the shot forth towards the gargoyles, intent on tearing them asunder.

((Dice will decide how many and if they hit <:D))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(First match a draw then...1 *winces* Well, I guess I did swear to get you afterall)

The speed and manueverability of the gargoyles caught Alicia complely off guard as the shot away from the knives and then swooped by her in opposite directions, their claws absolutely destroying her clothes as they practically disintigrate. The gargoyles resumed their circling appearing to regard Alicia as little more than a toy now.

Alicia took 12 damage and is now naked.

HP:12 MP:7
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Pity. Oh well~ At least I have an excuse to roleplay the extent of her curse.))

Alicia, upon her knives missing, had attempted to backstep away, to avoid their attack...however, was suddenly caught by an all too timely influx of her curse, causing her to put her hand to her mouth as she coughed out blood, a searing pain in her chest...leaving her open to have the gargoyles effectively destroy her dress.

"Do you...intend...to humiliate me...as well monster? Is cursing me...not enough for you?!"

Making use of her powers, Alicia used her will to retrieve the knives... and send them flying at the gargoyles again.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(4, looks like you're paying for the free ride)

The gargoyles once again dart away and as if to answer her question glide down and grab the girl beginning to fondle and grope her. They growl and begin growing stone phalliuses their intent becoming clear on what will happen soon if things do not improve.

Alicia took 6 damage from gargoyles, a hit will dislodge them otherwise she'll take grope damage each round even for ties.

HP:6 MP:6
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Har har, figures. Karma is a bitch after all.))

"Ngh! You...leave me be!"

Letting out a wave of psychic energy, she hoped to repel her assilants away from her...if not destroy them outright.

((Blast, close range.))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(They hold on one turn but Alicia manages to blast them off)

The force of the blast throws the gargoyles off but not before they manage to excite Alicia to the point of arousal. Should they get her again she'll likely fall to their ministrations.

Alicia took 4 points of fondling damage.

HP:2 MP:5
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Making a request to boost the next attack via additional MP expendage if possible then in case of an unfavorable roll. You decide how much extra.))


Perhaps the curse offered her more than pain after all, given how easily she had been aroused by simple fondling. Not having engaged in any carnal activities since her defeat at Dracula's hands, the girl would not have been privy to any...other side effects. Nevertheless, upon realizing she was beginning to become short of breath... Alicia became desperate, and expended a greater amount of power than she should on a single gamble of a blow.

"Please...ancestors...give me strength..."

The remaining knives in her holsters flying out to join the ones already 'deployed', a vertiable wall of knives floated behind Alicia....and shot forth at the gargoyles she had blasted away.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(And.....of course....you roll a 20, only charging 1MP since you crit, damn I almost had ya:mad:)

Against so many knives they stood no chance, screeching as the cloud of metal engulfed them, the gargoyles where litterally whittled away into dust leaving the narrow path to the castle clear. Before Alicia stood the massive gates of the castle which creaked open of their own accord inviting the battered girl inside.

Sen calmed down a bit and regained 3HP

HP:5 MP:4
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Following the blades making quick work of the gargoyles before returning to their sheaths, Alicia began to feel a bit... dizzy, having expended too much energy at once.

"Need... to rest...I'll continue... after that..."

Forcing herself the extra distance so as to put herself just inside the gate, the girl then slumps her down against whatever surface she can to catch her breath...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(Alicia manages to rest 2 turns, regaining 6HP and 2MP but gets caught by the boss)

Alicia gets a small reprieve but before she can fully recover a gust of wind draws her eyes skyward. With an ear splitting screech a giant bat glides down towards her.

Castle Gate boss: Giant Bat

HP:11 MP:6
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...Sending a greeting to me...monster?..."

Knives coming forth from their sheaths once again, Alicia glared at the beast which swooped at her...then let her blades fly. Hopefully, it would be skewered or at least wounded by this act, so long as Alicia's powers held out without her curse interfering with them.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)


The knives darted by the bat covering it in cuts but it still seemed healthy. The attack served to drive it off and make another pass seeming single-minded in it's intent to engulf Alicia with it's massive wings.

HP:11 MP:5
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

As the knives failed to kill the bat, it is then that Alicia clutches her family's fabled scythe with both of her hands, and raises it over her head... On the next "fly-by" of the bat, she would attempt to cut it in two...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(16 not bad)

As the scythe and bat head towards each other the bat veers but not fast enough to avoid getting a nasty gash in it's chest causing it to screech in pain. Once again even though in horrid shape Alicia manages to hold the creature at bay.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

A surge of pain shot through Alicia's body as she slashed the bat with her scythe, the strain of using the weapon in her current physical condition taking its toll on her. Forced to one knee for a moment as the bat flew away for another pass at her, the girl clenched her teeth and fought to get back to her feet, before angling her scythe for a vertical upward slash...

Can't...fall here...