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Blarggame Interest check


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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I am pondering attempting to once again run a thing, despite loathing running things the last time I ran things. I am UNSURE how long the game would go before I hate it forever and just crap out on it, but, yeah. I am ttthat hongry for a shiny new game. So, fair warning: as such and as abhorrent as it feels, I'll probably saddle you with some GMPC. I prefer supporty type characters, though, so you're not likely to get one of the shitty spotlight hogging types. P-probably.

I've found that I'm pretty passive as a GM, so if you're the type of player who just sits around until an adventure hook comes along and slaps you in the head, uhh I am not sure we are compatible.

I would like it to be a team game so I can do less work by letting you guys RP with each other even though I have yet to actually see that happen so as a team game, if it fucking sucks to read your posts, I am also pretty sure we are not compatible.

If you can't keep a decent post rate, I am pretty sure we are not compatible. That being said, my post rate isn't exactly stellar either, so if you can manage like 1-2 a week you're probably alright.

So here's what I'm willing to into:

- D&D 'generic fantasy' flavor without the D&D baggage. I've bugged Spider about it occasionally.

The default scenario in my head is that the group are in a rough and fairly dangerous woodlandy frontier/tropical coastal town and probably in debt for one reason or another.

Witch Girls Adventures - SEKRIT WIZARDS in MODERN TIMES. The default is derpy as fuck, so just think Harry Potter. I haven't been able to find a share of the Director's Cut version of the .pdf, so I'd probably have to put that on Google Drive or something.
Core =
Sheet =
A Splatbook =

It'd probably just be slice of life shit or something? Dick around with magic, fuck up summoning rituals and acquire tentacles, wizards with no sense of right and wrong, etc. As a sidenote, the game by default starts you at Harry-Potterin' age - around 12 or so. We'll up that to by default, 21 or something. The book has rules with increased stats for starting older - I'm not sure if we'd want to do that or just use the default spread and just say the PCs are older.

ALSO despite being a 'Director's cut' the game is a herp. If you see something dumb like the Rustic's +2 to Elementalism, bug me about it, because really, it's dumb.
Current houseruuru list:
Rustics get +2 Herbalism instead of +2 Elementalism.
If you make a bullshit Outsider Immortal Punchwitch I am likely to hate you.
You do NOT roll Basics-2 for untrained skills. Instead, it will just be a roll with [the dice used with the skill I'd WANT you to roll]+0, with possible penalties or bonuses to the roll depending perhaps on how difficult the thing you're doing is or if you have a skill that mmmmmight be relevant.

Uhhhh, I remember having a third thing in my head for this list? It uh might've been that one hoambroo I've been pretending to occasionally work on, but that's kinda derp.

Oh now I remember.

I can't remember anything about that shit except that it's shiny FF-flavored homebrew. I'm not really a big FF player, but whatever, fancy homebrews.
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Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

Goddamnit, why isn't this getting any replies.

I'd be willing to try fantasycraft, eventhough I'm not quite sure how well I'll be able to keep my post rate up.


Tentacle God
Jan 4, 2014
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

Sounds like a couple interesting ideas. Though I am fine playing either of them, the hijinks from the wizard one sounds more fun.


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

I'd totally want to derp around as a witch and explode all the things if it wasn't for the fact that my posting rates have the bad habit of going beyond abyssal due to fretting.
[fretting intensifies]


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

Oh right, now I remember. I think the third system was:

FFd6 -

I can't remember anything about that shit except that it's shiny FF-flavored homebrew. I'm not really a big FF player, but whatever, fancy homebrews.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

Imma witch you maybe.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

Would play a witch girl. Naturally skilled at slime summoning. :cool:

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

Admiting interest in the witch thing. Not a FF fan, and not so interested in the general fantasy thing unless some particular theme or plot element is mentioned that grabs my attention.

Interest in the witch thing pending on seeing the sys... oh, you've added that. I best take a look now then...


Tentacle Monster
Dec 28, 2014
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

Witch thing seems pretty interesting, I'd go for it.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

If we're interested in the Witches game, should we start posting potential characters to this thread?


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

Sure, why not.

It's going to be in the magical college, and errbody should be at least 18, o'course, even with the Prodigy heritage. No special ruurus for playing a dude, if that's what you're doing Tiffanian.

Said college has a portaldoor maintained in the back of a (witch-owned) book store in the college town Hocarston. It's sunny as fuck and built on the coast - beach!

The college itself is definitely not located anywhere around Hocarston, as far as you can tell. Rolling fields and meadows n' shit. The front gate leads off to the magical equivalent of a college town, where you can get witchwasted instead of regular wasted and have drunken sex with ogres instead of fratboys.

The portaldoor is sort of a second main gate, with statues on the promenade and such. As mentioned, the school is run by and/or teaches a loosely organized conglomerate of Witches/Wizards With No Sense Of Right Or Wrong, so watch out. There may or may not be scorch marks and burns around the place.

For the group thread, you'll all be dorming on the same floor. Also pick your major - just freeform it, though easy suggestions are an appropriate-seeming pick out of the magic skill list or one of the Magic Types.

Iunno about teachers yet really, except that I want a minotaur teacher and also that there is going to be a (attemptingtobe)chaste succubus teacher who teaches some bullshit boring classes like Mundane History that are always filled up every semester because everyone wants to ogle her butt.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

Blue's Witch Girl, Shayla Lebleu
Name: Shayla "Shay" Lebleu
Player: BlueSlime

Clique: Insider (Strange Relations)
Class: Country Girl (+2 Life, +2 Zap, 1 Free rank in Fighting and Herbalism)
Heritage: Conjurer

Basic Attributes
d6 Body
d4 Mind
d6 Senses
d8 Will
d6 Social
d8 Magic

Secondary Attributes
16 Life Points
11 Reflex
18 Zap
11 Resist Magic
2 Actions

Misc Bonuses
Heritage: Conjurer (+1 to cast and -1 Zap cost for Conjuration; Size and Duration of Conjuring is one rank higher; +2 to blocking or breaking a Conjuration spell.)
Trait 1: Tough (Ignores 2 pts of damage and has +1 to resist magic.
Trait 2: Friendly (May use an action to grant an ally within range of her voice +2 to a single roll)
Knacks: None

Other: None

Mundane Skills: 20+ 2 free ranks in mundane, +1 free rank in fighting
0 Acrobatics
0 Acting
0 Art
3 Athletics (+1 Life/3 ranks)
0 Bargain
3 Basics
0 Build/Repair
1 Charm
0 Computers
3 Dancing (+1 Reflex/3 ranks)
1 Drive
1 Fib
4 Fighting
0 First Aid
0 Games
0 Gossip
0 Gourmet
1 Hear
0 Hide
0 Instrument
0 Leadership
1 Look
1 Etiquette
0 Mythology
3 Plucky (+2 to Resist Magic against fear causing spells)
0 Pop Culture
0 Scare
0 Science
0 Singing
3 Sports (+1 Life/3 ranks)
0 Streetwise
0 Track
0 Urchin

Magic Skills: 15+ 1 free rank in Mysticism, +1 Free rank in Herbalism
7 Casting
1 Cryptozoology
0 Enchantment
1 Flying
6 Focus
1 Herbalism
1 Mysticism
1 Potions

Ranks: 10
3 Alteration
3 Conjuration
0 Curse
0 Cybermancy
0 Divination
0 Elementalism
0 Healing
0 Illusion
0 Mentalism
0 Necromancy
2 Offense
2 Protection
0 Time & Space

Signature Spell(s): Goo Girl Transformation (Alteration) – Transform self or target into Goo Girl.
Conjure Sentient Slime (Conjuration) – Summon a sentient slime from the immortal plane of Goo.

Wealth: 2
[Starting savings = 20]

Basic Broom
Basic Wand
Witch Gloves (Counts as wand and changes color to match outfit)
Mundane Outfits
Sports uniforms
Training Outfits
Beach bikini

Description: Never far from the beach, Shayla is a laid back, friendly girl with a naturally athletic build, though she doesn’t train all that much to perfect it. She stands at 5’7” and has brown hair with hazel eyes.Her body is beautiful, though she doesn’t often use it to manipulate anyone.

Background: Shayla (or Shay as she’s known to her friends) is the only child of a highly skilled sorceress from the French Antilles island of Martinique in the Caribbean Sea, and a five time world surfboard champion from the Mundane world’s Hawaii who now owns a beachside bar and grill not far from her college campus. She speaks fluent French and English, though she was raised on the West Coast of the USA, though never hidden from her magical roots. Her mother frequently had her visiting the family’s special magical pocket realm – a large magical ship resting upon a sea of sentient slime mass. She specializes in alterations and conjurations that replicate the qualities of her home pocket plane’s unusual sea.
Shay isn’t much into modern tech, preferring the unhurried lifestyle of the shore and the amazing world of magic. She’s up for a fun time, any time, but has trouble with school, her focus is simply not on learning trivial knowledge. Her mother hopes this will change in time and that some time in a good magical university will push her to develop her natural flair for conjuration - which is her declared major. Shay doesn’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend at the moment, but she enjoys being among friends and being part of a group. She’s thrilled at the prospect of finally learning alongside other witches, as she received only mundane schooling and home magic lessons so far.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

Would consider playing a trapwitch for the lulz.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

You're going to force your PC's to actually interact with each other and actively participate? That's fucking bullshit.
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

Alright so WITCH GAMES are apparently going to be a thing.

As mentioned, I'm pondering a groupthread for people I'm relatively sure can into reasonable posting rates and teamery (Blue, Tiff, Astarte, Squd n' Rathuris), but I'm also pondering solothreads for people I'm less certain of or whose characters are less suited for teamplay (Kakka, RJ n' Nanodesu).

A-also I'm still interested doing FantasyCraft, though I question doing such with just Spidu and Rathuris.

I am slightly pondering halving whatever the spell point pool I'm pretty sure exists, but also making relatively rare and valuable consumable-style items that hold power a thing. I may or may not be pondering Dominions 4 for inspiration regarding this.

Also for some reason I keep thinking PEARL DIVING.
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Tentacle Monster
Dec 28, 2014
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

So I may still tweak her a bit, but my witch is basically ready. Have already discussed most of the altered stuff:


Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

, the purple flower dom lady

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Blarggame Interest check

Oh, and also, since I was interested in the group thing exclusively, and my first prototype chara was 2dom4blarg, I have made Hazel to be dom-lite. So, just letting everyone know what I'm gunning for so they can promptly declare their lack of desire to play with said dom instead of Blarg breaking the news to you later and thusly resulting in all the rage and burning of churches.


Tentacle God
Jan 4, 2014
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Re: Blarggame Interest check

My witch

~Witchy Activity~
(It might be a good idea to put your numeric bonuses in the OOC section at the bottom, for ease of recordkeeping.
Also by ‘base values’ I mean shit you have without anything that can be removed from you, like your familiar or wand or whatever.)

Name: Cassandra Thedae
Player: Rathuris
Major: Transformations and Magical Beasties

Clique: Sorceress(Merchant)
Class: Country Girl (+2 Life, +2 Zap 1 free rank in Herbalism and Cryptozoology)
Heritage: Prodigy

Basic Attributes (base attributes)
d Body d4
d Mind d8
d Senses d6
d Will d6
d Social d6
d Magic d8+1

Secondary Attributes
10/10 Life Points [Body die*2] +2
7 Reflex [Body die+3]
22/22 Zap [Magic die*2]+4
12 Resist Magic [Magic die+3]
1 Actions [Reflex<10=1, <14=2, <17=3, 18+=4]

Misc Bonuses
Heritage: Prodigy - +5 magic skill points to use on any magic skill but casting and +2 Zap Points. +1 Magic type ranks and 1 extra signature spell, +1 to their Magic die (written dice type +1.
Trait 1: Rural + 1 to die rolls in rural or wild areas. Also ignores penalties from wilderness terrain and weather
Trait 2: Tinkerer free enchanting rank. Build and repair times halved
Power Word:
The character’s signature spell(s) is cast with a quick single word. The Spell has no need for a standard gesture or Incantation and is –1 zap points to use
Magiphobia Necromancy:
The character chooses 1 magic type. They can never learn that magic type and are –1 to skill rolls dealing with it.

Mundane Skills: 15 (basic skill values; also bonuses to shit, if they give you any)
3 Basics
3 Mythology
3 Games
3 First Aid
3 Art
3 Science

Magic Skills: 15+5 +1 Herbalism, +1 Cryptozoology +1 Enchantment
6 Casting
3 Cryptozoology
2 Mysticism
6 Focus
4 Enchantment
1 Flying
1 Herbalism
2 Potions

Ranks: 12+1
3 Alteration
3 Conjuration
3 Curse
1 Offence
3 Time and Space

Signature Spell(s):
Alter Object (Alteration) - Can change the appearance of an object, or change it into something else.
Shapeshift Humanoid (Alteration) - Like disguise except the transformation is a complete one. Including fingerprints and the like. Though DNA remains the same as there original body
Summon a Lesser Demon(Conjuration) - Summons a lesser demon to do her bidding
Animate Voodo Doll (Curse) - Animate a connected voodo doll and in turn manipulate the one it is attached to.
Small Portal (Time and Space) - Creates a small head sized or smaller portal that opens up somewhere else. Can put limbs through it or cast spells through it. So could punch someone from unexpected angles. :)

Wealth: 2
[Starting savings = Wealth*10]

Basic Broom
Basic Wand
Lil'Devil Winged Dress
Witch Gloves
Bigger Bag
Voodo Doll Kit
Cat Reginald
Babble Ring
Casual outfit
fancy outfit
sports shoes
fancy shoes


Cassandra stands about 5' 4" with a lithe and curvy body. Lightly toned from farm work an, though pale surprisingly. She tends to favour form fitting and flowing gowns and dresses. Rarely wearing pants and only when she needs clothes for rough work.

Background: Cassandra grew up in the country side of the college town. Her parents running one of the few farms that supply the collage and the town with real food and other supplies. Even from a young age, Cassandra was lucky and it did not take long to figure out why. She took after her mother as was a witch. Her powers manifesting a a very young age. Growing up she learned how to use alteration spells from her mother on the many farm animals, especially if they had a shortage of one and too many of another.

When she entered high school, she set her sights on learning the intricacy of alteration and curses. Her knack for both soon becoming apparent as she was a magical prodigy. After a few suspensions for transforming other witches she managed to graduate from high school. She returned home to help with the family farm. Though she continued to practice her magic on the poor unsuspecting animals. After a few years her mother shipped her off the collage so that she could perfect her magic, though mostly it was to stop her from experimenting on their animals.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Blarggame Interest check


Rath and Squd seem kinda busy or sommat, and I'm not willing to roll with wait times quite that large. I've only got Blue, RJ and Astarte down, and I'm not really confident in derpy team shenanigans with just three players.

I guess I'm still offering derping with FantasyCraft and I guess , since AI mentioned wanting to do Outlaw Star stuff, and DUNGEONS: THE DRAGONING has a little Outlaw Star splat. ...We wouldn't be playing straight up Outlaw Star, because it kinda voids a lot of the fun dumb bullshit of the system (mostly by replacing the plethora of races and shit), but having grappling-armed spaceships, caster guns, a shady wizard mafia and questionably legal space adventures seems pretty doable.

I might be pondering AQUATIC ADVENTURES and PEARL DIVING I guess. I might also be pondering a house rule replacing FC's default spell point system.

I haven't really looked at the rules to call it 'balanced' or whatever, but: Basically in FC you get about 2 spell points a level if you're a spellcaster, and spells cost SP equal to the spell's rank, which works pretty DND-ly - 1st level spells at 1st level, 2nd level spells at 3rd, etc. The dedicated Mage class also get an ability that regains them some SP, IIRC. I was pondering either halving that, OR just giving a flat 5 points ever, and allowing everyone to refresh their pool in exchange for becoming winded or something. There would also be magic items that could hold some SP - say, 3 at most - and somewhat rare, valuable 'gems' that can waive costs and boost effective spell level and such. This houserule is a pretty blatant rip of Dominions 4's magic gem thing.
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