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Blank Page Organization


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
Reputation score
As some of you may have noticed, the Blank Page has been reorganized into several different Sub-Boards, rather than the singular CYOA we had before. I hope this will make finding content you are searching for much easier.

Here's a brief breakdown of the new sub-boards to make clear where posters should direct their material:

CYOA - If not already clear, CYOA stands for Choose Your Own Adventure. Interactive stories written by an author but the unfolding plot being chosen by the readers via a series of choices. All these interactive forms of writing fit easily into this sub-board.

Narratives - This sub-board is the home of non-erotic fiction and poetry. Whether it be original work or a fan fiction, it will find its home here. The stamp of "non-erotic" does not mean that one must keep sex out of the writing, merely that it is not the focus.

Artwork - While many things can be argued to be considered art, this sub-board is for visual work. Photo-shop, drawings, paintings etc. It need not be Safe For Work.

RP Templates/ Campaign Notes/ Game Design - This sub board is for the threads holding the core rules of possible RP/Gs, as well as laid out campaigns whether for a home brewed RP/G for DnD and the like. Threads about Game Design also belong here, if not welcomed in the Hentai Board. Again, need not be Safe For Work.

Erotica/Smut - Being the adult based forum that we are, this board is for writings of a sexual nature. Pornographic stories and erotic tales are all welcomed here. This segregation from normal fiction is for easy location alone.

Archives/ Personal Corners/ Comment Threads - This sub-board is for people who lump their work into a singular thread, or have a comment thread separate from their stories. Also welcome are archive threads where author's leave links to their various works.

Something that does not fit into these categories is to be posted in the normal Blank Page board.

Also, anyone who does not wish to have their stories interrupted between chapters with comments are to post a comment thread in the "Archives/ Personal Corners/ Comment Threads" sub-board, and provide a link within their work for easy access to readers.

Any questions, comments or concerns I can take.
Re: Blank Page Organization

I heartily aprove of this sorting method <3
Re: Blank Page Organization

Love what you've done with the place.
Re: Blank Page Organization

I'm glad you guys like it. To be honest, yes there is a bit more work for the posters now... however I was thinking of the viewer when organizing all of this. I wanted it to be as easy to navigate and find content as I could.

I may still tweak things a bit... but I doubt it.
Re: Blank Page Organization

My thread got sorted into the game design board. Confused me a bit.
Re: Blank Page Organization

If your talking about the threads that are dealing with games....
Re: Blank Page Organization

I had a bunch of charsheets for Dark Gate in it, yeah, and those dressup screens, and a little preview of some doujin.