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Blackshard Prequel: Rise of the Nethermagus (Special Hell)


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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I'm putting together another RP in the , a prequel to the Blackshard stories and RP created by lurker. For those of you familiar with the setting, this would take place before the Rift Wars, or the discovery of Rift Magic or Fleshcrafting, or the foundation of the Kingdom of Braxil. The game will be held on Thursday afternoons (EST). Interested players should feel free to enter a placeholder and/or post their characters, using a format along the same lines. At any rate, here's the campaign premise...

Malgroth was an unlikely orc chieftain for the Bonegrinder tribe. The runt of his litter, he quickly learned that orc society was no place for the weak. To compensate for his small stature, he had to train twice as hard... and be smarter than his siblings. He learned at an early age how to pit his brothers against one another, using diplomacy as a weapon before he entered puberty. Eventually his skill with a blade became such that even the fiercest berserker could not lay a hit upon him, but the lessons from his weaker years remained with him. With the rest of his siblings beaten down or swearing their fealty, he took the chief's mantle when his father died in a raid by a rival tribe.

Diplomacy would not work for a weak tribe--and the Bonegrinders were certainly perceived as such, until their new chieftain challenged the warchief of the Hammergnaw tribe to single combat for leadership. Malgroth defeated the experienced warchief, using his speed and swordsmanship to overwhelm the massive axe-wielder.

The Bonegrinders absorbed the Hammergnaws, and the tribe began to gain a fearsome reputation. Using his unique combination of martial prowess and diplomacy, Malgroth's life was dedicated to uniting the orcs of the world under a single banner: his own.

Malgroth knew that his work would fall apart upon his death without a successor, so he sired many children--one from every conquered tribe. This would permit his eventual heir to call upon both the Bonegrinders and the other tribe through blood-ties, further cementing his power. He allowed his children to fight among themselves in order to vie for position... and eventually, there was only one clear successor: his daughter from the Stormrider clan, Malgra.

Malgroth saw much of himself in this daughter: intelligence, ruthlessness, strength, and ambition. He trained Malgra himself, showing her his grand design for a world united under the protection and leadership of the orc. Not only would orc domination ensure Malgroth's dynasty, but it would end petty political rivalries and bring peace to the world.

Eventually, Malgroth's forces were ready to march upon the lands of other races. He sent envoys to the goblins and trolls, arranging their support in battle through a combination of threats, bribes, and assassinations. His health was beginning to falter, however. The middle-aged orc had a rare heart condition that even the most skilled healers could not correct, and during a march with his troops his heart simply gave out.

Malgra had made special preparations for the funeral, knowing that rivals within the orc world would seek to use the disruption to seize back power. The funeral was so lavish that anyone of note would be sure to attend. Malgra addressed the multitude of orcs, blaming her political rivals for Malgroth’s death... by poisoning. The clever lie was successful, and Malgra's rivals found themselves bound to the great funeral pyre, a sacrifice.

With no more internal rivalry, the time of the great orc crusade had come. The attack would fall first in the Underlands, crushing dwarven resistance and clearing tunnels that Malgra could use to bring surprise assaults to the surfacers. The Orbweavers and Webhunters of the Under Elves signed a separate peace with Malgra, loaning her skilled scouts in exchange for being left alone. The Darkrazors buckled under the pressure, pledging their own neutrality in the conflict. Of course, having Under Elf scouts permitted the great orc crusade to enter Wood Elf lands with little difficulty, pillaging and raping as they went. Half of Braxil found itself under orc occupation, and there seemed to be nothing to stop Malgra’s advance.

Yet the crusade hit a stumbling block. At the Battle of Carathia’s Pass, fleeing elves joined with dwarven defenders, holding back a massive orc onslaught. Thousands of orcs perished taking the pass from fifty dwarves and thirteen elves. The dwarven commander sent a single dwarven soldier, a young soldier who was a good speaker, to bring news of the battle to the elves, the dwarves, and the humans. The sacrifice of “the brave sixty-two” galvanized the three races, and representatives met at Kalifer to sign the Greenleaf accord (so named for the elven ruler who proposed the treaty), binding the three races in a military alliance under the guidance of Lady Tela Greenleaf.

Lady Greenleaf realized that it would not be numbers in the field, but heroes that would save their world from orc conquest; so she put out a call for adventurers, summoning them to the Capitol to help destroy the massive orc coalition… before it became truly unstoppable.
Here's the format for character sheets:
Player Name
Character Name
Character Race - One of the main races of Kalifer, . Note that Abyssites (Rift Races) aren't really around at this point.
Items and Equipment - This is far less technological realm than lurker's Blackshard 2 campaign. Early firearms (flintlock) are available, but for the most part this is high fantasy. You might also mention what manner of your character uses.
Motivation - Backstory. Why is your character reporting to Lady Greenleaf? Glory? Government orders? Perhaps as a treacherous spy working for one of the orc tribes or their allies (though if you ARE an orc spy, you should probably tell me, and keep that fact secret from the rest of the party).
Here's a list of NPCs that also answered the summons:
NPC (DM62)
Sir Regulus Malius
Kaliferian Human (Noble)
Description - Regulus is short, standing at 5’3”, but is built like a battleship, with a barrel-chest and massive biceps. He has green eyes, black hair peppered with grey, and a generally jovial disposition.
Items and Equipment - Regulus carries a two-handed axe, and has a pair of throwing hatchets hanging from his belt. Tucked into a hidden boot sheath is a sharp dagger. He also wears a small buckler on his left wrist, which gives him some defense against a determined attacker. His armor is built with mobility in mind, consisting of thick leather under a layer of chainmail. Over his armor is a blue and brown surcoat bearing the Malius crest, a griffon in flight with an axe clutched in its talons.
Motivation - The Malius family is a minor noble line, entrusted with the logging colony of Axetan. Regulus was the third son of Lord Finius Malius, a noble fop who enjoyed little more than his mistresses and his social events. As the third son, Regulus was unlikely to inherit any position, but worked to learn the business so that he might assist in managing the Malius estate. To better understand the loggers, he joined their ranks for a time; this is why he wields a two-handed axe. Eventually a plague known as the Crimson Death swept through Axetan, killing logger and noble alike, including Finius and most of Regulus’ siblings. Regulus’ older sister, Shae, survived the plague and is currently the governess of Axetan. Regulus himself bears the scars of the Crimson Death on his lower neck and chest. Still, he made a full recovery, and headed south to answer the summons of Lady Greenleaf to help protect the colonists of Braxil from orc invasion.
First Appearance: First Session, Part One

NPC (DM62)
Arturus Windsong
Half-Elf (Wood Elf and Human)
Description - A tall, redhaired half-elven male with grey eyes. He keeps his face immaculately clean-shaven, favoring his elven ancestry.
Items and Equipment - Arturus is a spellblade, trained by the sage Ashur in the use of force magic. He carries a mace and a longsword, each forged using magically-attuned metals so as to help Arturus combine his magical and martial might. The longsword is an elven family heirloom, with a diagonal diamond seated in the pommel that shines “with the honor of the Windsong clan.” He generally wears green robes with a silver elven breastplate.
Motivation - The Windsong clan is an old elven family that has begun to die out. As one of the few remaining members of the family, Arturus is in a difficult position: there are few elven noblewomen available for marriage (a necessity to continue his noble line) and of those few there are none who would consider marriage to a half-elf. Marriage among the lower castes might continue his lineage, but would do even more damage to his family’s reputation. He could always marry a human… but then he might as well leave elven society altogether. Arturus has answered the summons of Lady Greenleaf in to uphold his family’s honor, and also in the hopes that he might earn such a reputation that noble elf maidens would overlook his mixed heritage due to his hero status.
First Appearance: First Session, Part One

NPC (DM62)
Description: A blonde, four-legged faun with tan fur, white markings, and blue eyes.
Items and Equipment - Nisala wears a full brown quiver on her hips, and carries a longbow. She also carries a pair of daggers for close combat. Her clothing and armor is very close to that worn by Arturus Windsong.
Motivation - Nisala has been a friend of the Windsong clan for many years, and is happy to carry Arturus into battle. Though it’s never been discussed, Nisala also has something of a hopeless crush on Arturus. Combine this with her overactive sex drive, and she has great difficulty containing herself after carrying her half-elven love interest for hours.
First Appearance: First Session, Part One

NPC (DM62)
Description: A young, albino kitsune, with red eyes, white hair/fur, and three tails.
Items and Equipment - Irena carries no weapons or armor openly, but wears a necklace with a flarestone in it. She does keep a knife hidden on her person. She is highly proficient in aura magic and shadow magic.
Motivation - Irena is undoubtedly the least talkative member of the group. She responds to any question with as few words as possible (or none, if a gesture will suffice). Irena is not above using her shadow magic to take on the guise of another, in the pursuit of sexual gratification. The kitsune has recently revealed herself as a “fourth-tier” operative of a large information and smuggling network. She has also retained Raz’Qui the dragonkin’s services as a new “fifth-tier” operative within the party, in exchange for property and monetary compensation.
First Appearance: First Session, Part One

NPC (DM62)
Description: A lithe, brunette gnome, with blue eyes and a small tattoo on her forehead, marking her as an exile from her people.
Items and Equipment - Jenna is currently wearing black leather taken from the under elves. She carries a small knife for basic self-defense.
Motivation - The gnome was being defiled by deathrollers (gator-men) when the party rescued her. Since then, she’s tagged along with the group on their quest, and taken a sexual interest in the dwarf prince, Helvoque Magmahammer.
First Appearance: First Session, Part Three

NPC (DM62)
Clark Gable (AKA Thomas Cruise AKA Jack Nicholson)
Description - When the party first encountered this human smuggler, he had long grey hair, a long grey beard, and an eyepatch. Now he sports a neat black beard and his black hair is shorn close on the sides, the top in a knot.
Items and Equipment - The smuggler dresses in a reversible robe. Currently it’s a dark, red scholar’s robe; reversed, it looks like a ragged and tattered brown garment. He defends himself with his dagger and his wit, both of which are quite keen.
Motivation - Clark works as a “third-tier” operative for the same intelligence organization that Irena does… in fact, his first meeting with the party was part of a scheme to free Irena from her under elf captors. His organization seems interested in seeing the success of the Greenleaf Accord, as an orc-dominated society would cut into profits significantly. Clark has agreed to help the party, in exchange for a kiss from the lovely Shiriti warrior, Zyanya (and, recently, quite a bit more than a kiss). Of course, it can be assumed that his organization is also compensating him handsomely for his work.
First Appearance: Fourth Session, Part One
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Re: Blackshard Prequel: Rise of the Nethermagus (Special Hell)

I'll write the obligatory author-tying-in-important-lore-characters later. It's too damn early. *flop*

And now, my char :D

Player Name - lurker
Character Name - Helvoque Magmahammer, third in line of the Forgefathers
Character Race - Dwarf
Description - Typical dwarf, three foot or so tall and rather stout. A large, partially-braided beard and short brown hair, with brown hair.
Items and Equipment - Stone hammer with Flarestone molded inside of it, shield with the Magmahammer crest, two-handed waraxe of Dwarven forging, dwarf-sized breastplate and helmet. Water horn, various dwarven trinkets devoted to the Goddess of the Smith.
Motivation - History remembers Helvogue's early years probably better than the two Forgefathers that preceded him- mainly due to the fact that he still rules the lands even in the modern ages of Kalifer. What history has forgotten is his early years as a regent commander during the early years of Malga's Crusade. Noone could have ever expected the Orcs to start the war against the giant, underground fortresses and the terrifying horrors in the deepest corner of the Underlands, and it was thanks to his retainers informing him to flee that he was able to bring word to the others of his kind. As of now, he has been instructed by his father, Magni Magmahammer, to hold in the human capitol of Ritzerite to await further instructions, and to aid the humans and elves as much as possible to further preserve the continued line of Forgekings. Helvogue sees the call for heros as twofold- first, a literal interpretation of his Father's orders. Second, a right chance to prove himself and wipe away the invaders from his homeland in the name of all the clans of the deep below.
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Re: Blackshard Prequel: Rise of the Nethermagus (Special Hell)

Player Name: Ranger9000
Character Name: Thraexyra Audaxia
Character Race - Drider
Items and Equipment - Staff that she uses to channel eromagic, clothes, waterkin
Motivation - Thraexyra is a rather odd drider, and she's currently on the surface in a bid to prove herself strong, so that she can go back to the other driders not as 'that odd drider' and instead return as 'the drider that stopped an ork crusade' Hopefully then she can gain influence and become a major power in drider society. A goal planted into her by her chimera slave Vel.
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Re: Blackshard Prequel: Rise of the Nethermagus (Special Hell)

Player Name: Caulder
Character Name: Alexis Darkwing
Character Race - Dragonkin
Description: A 6'1" Black Dragonkin with piercing orange eyes and four long white horns jutting out from her temples, and sharp black claws on the ends of her fingers. She's dressed mostly in adventuring leathers, and carries a multitude of pouches and small packs on her person, mostly her belts and bandoleers, outfitted for extended travel and survival.
Items and Equipment - Mostly survival gear, such as ropes, flint and steel, travel rations, all manner of supplies for surviving out in the wilderness. She carries only a whip for a weapon, though she has an overabundance of training in Force magic at her disposal.
Motivation - Alexis is an adventurer. She has no real home for herself, and mostly wanders, seeking fortune and material wealth, the same vanity her ancestors suffered from. Hearing the call to arms from Lady Greenleaf, however, she's seen an opportunity to set herself up for life by helping them, and has heeded the call.
Re: Blackshard Prequel: Rise of the Nethermagus (Special Hell)

Player Name: Zilrax
Character Name: Vel
Character Race - Chimera Beastkin
Items and Equipment - Steel Slave Collar with attached Iron Chain Lead, Metal lockable mittens, x2 Ring Gags, Ball Gag for Snake with chain to lock to Collar.
Description: Vel is 4' 8", with golden fur running down her arms legs and back, her torso exposed. She has a semi feline head with curled horns on top, and a snake for a tail complete with separate head at the end. She generally wears nothing at all beyond her slave garb, which amounts to bondage gear, to keep her "Under control".
Motivation - Vel's been a slave all her life. Kept small through means both magical and physical, she's been a lap pet, toy and once of age, sexual relief for many diffrent masters, traded about as a commodity, before eventually discarded to raise Thraexyra on her own. So Vel taught her what she knew. Being a slave.

As time passed, raising Thraexyra as she was herself, thoughts ran through the chimera's head. The chance to use the drider to her benefit as she had been, to get prestige, for both of them. But it'd take subtlety, and for obstacles to... disappear.

Thus Thraexyra was trained to act the proper dominant drider in public, to the best of her ability, and Vel acted the slave, while keeping an eye for targets to deal with, and eventually place her Smidgeon (Her pet name for Thraexyra) on top the totem pole and thus live in luxury. With the orc incursion, a risky proposition opened itself. Defeat the orcs, and thus be able to talk holdings and power from the defeated. A short cut for them both.
Re: Blackshard Prequel: Rise of the Nethermagus (Special Hell)

Due to a player schedule shift, we will be holding the game on Thursdays, starting on 24 September, in the afternoon EST.
Re: Blackshard Prequel: Rise of the Nethermagus (Special Hell)

Let's say I wanted to make a tetra that could spin web, would that be possible? And if so what kind of magic or whatever would I need to have?
Re: Blackshard Prequel: Rise of the Nethermagus (Special Hell)

Let's say I wanted to make a tetra that could spin web, would that be possible? And if so what kind of magic or whatever would I need to have?

No, but you could come close. A drider could spin web, though the party already has one (and I'm not sure about the utility of TWO characters that can spin web). Or you could be a tetra who specializes in nature magic, as practiced by the under elves (less focused on manipulating plants and animals, and more focused on manipulating fungi, webs, and underground critters... and bondage).
Re: Blackshard Prequel: Rise of the Nethermagus (Special Hell)

Player Name: Tenta
Character Name: Oboro, the Spider Lady
Character Race - Wood Elf
Items and Equipment - A Scepter for amplifying magic, a whip strapped to her belt, A pair of daggers, and a light mace for dealing with undead.
Oboro is a dark skinned elf, with long black hair, golden yellow ears, she wears a revealing purple outfit, with thigh high boots, and arm wraps. Both of her ears are covered in piercings, and she wears a self fashioned crown, with a high collared black red lined cape attached to her outfit by shoulder pads. She also has what appears to be a red gem in her hair. Oboro is a cautious, maneuverable, sly lady with a regal bearing. She enjoys playing with prey before going in for the kill and can be quite seductive.
Motivation - Oboro is a Wood Elf who orphaned at a young age by a necromancer attack on her village. She wondered the wilderness for some time, barely managing to get by scrounging plants and herbs and hunting wild beasts until she was found by a travelling trap door drider and taken to the Under to be trained as an assassin for hire.
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Re: Blackshard Prequel: Rise of the Nethermagus (Special Hell)

Player Name: Aust Nailo
Character Name Zyanya
Character Race - Shiriti
Stands at roughly 6 feet 3 inches, possesses dark hair and grey eyes.

(Same outfit but made of fur rather than cloth, and a pair of hide armbands on her wrists decorated with bright feathers) Basically, tall and fit with a slight hint of musculature but modest bust. They get in the way anyway!

Items and Equipment - Befitting her tribal roots and upbringing, is primarily trained in the use of the spear, an obsidian tipped spear to be specific with the shaft made of a fine hardwood found back home. Has minor bow knowledge but prefers not to use it.

Motivation - Zyanya is the daughter of one of the current tribal leader of the Shiriti, sent to represent her people in the coming crisis. Though the problems of the mainland do little to affect the Shiriti (I figured cause of their location), her mother realized the potential danger a united orc army held and the potential for them to use ships once the mainland is conquered to invade the Shiriti home. Even with all their strength, the Shiriti would be unable to oppose such a force and would be enslaved or wiped out much like the mainlanders would be. So in response to the call for aid, Zyanya was sent as a liason.
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Re: Blackshard Prequel: Rise of the Nethermagus (Special Hell)

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Rathuris said:
Player Name - Rathuris

Character Name - Raz'Qui "The Razor Wing"

Character Race - Dragonkin

Description - Raz'Qui stands at an impressive 7' 8" His body is thick and heavily muscled, but not so much as to not allow a full range of motions. His body is covered in small smooth white scales, being almost invisible from their size. Raz'Qui is a martial warrior and his body shows it. A nasty scar runs across his right eye, leaving the orb a milky white. His wings have seen more wear and tear then the rest of his body. A portion of the last limb on the left wing has been cut off. The membrane is noticable lacking on both leaving behind a skeletal frame. The rest of his body is covered in pale scars and are nearly invisible having been ages old. Both his claws and teeth have been sharped to fine tips designed to rend and tear his foes.

Items and Equipment - Wears very little in terms of clothing, wearing only a simple loin cloth. When battle calls he straps on a few unique pieces, aside from his simple white leather armour. He also carries a large two handed blade on his back when his natural weapons are powerless against armour.

The first unique weapon is his tail is equipped with a sharp blade on the tip, more designed for slashing then to stab. The outer limb wing limbs are equipped with a razor sharp blade along it's length. In the case of his broken wing, the blade has a extension to match the missing limb segment.