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Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Second Session, 28 May (part two, Duarnar has questions, Don puts his father at peace, Vand finds Sarah)
DM62: Duarnar's expression is now slightly sour, but he shakes his head. "Some of your friends may have been taken to a lower level... there are high-security cells below. Designed to hold all manners of creatures, even mages and Avatars and servants of the Goddesses. If any of your friends are truly important to the cultists... or truly dangerous... that is the likely place." He produces one of the rolled-up maps, showing the group.

Vand: "Can think of one that qualifies. Can think of two who should be down there if they knew what was happening.," says Vand as she moves over to look at it, humming a bit.

Miter again references the map herself, complete with passages.

DM62: Argast nods. "That leaves Sarah, who has only made one appearance. She lost to... Mistress Muhr. And I think she was claimed."

Miter: "...The Big Bad? Oh what new spore of madness is this..."

Vand: "She's with her... Damn. That complicates shit big time, especially if she's a squealer... I might need to actually go full bore if I can't get her away quietly."

Don: "And how is this even close to an even fight." Don growls to himself as he sees the wound stitch itself together near instantly. He wouldn't be able to hobble the abomination before finishing it. Odds are even if he cut off an arm it would come back too. That left him only with the hope that it's head wouldn't come back if he cut it off. Though he would need to avoid hitting those plates if he wanted to get through. Trying to bait the monster into slamming into the wall once more, he'd keep his axe at the ready, planning to strike for the neck if he could get the shot.

DM62: "That would place her... in theory... in Mistress Muhr's personal quarters, located at the other end of the complex... here. Probably the most heavily-guarded place in the compound." The elderly Gurnold sighs. "This entire compound used to be dedicated to the Goddesses, you know... the whole place. We Lunarians, and our brother Solarians... we revered the Sun and the Moons, but we worshipped the Goddesses of the Aether. And then... the Nether Beasts came, to walk among us. And our people became... corrupt, decadent." He looks very old, and very sad, looking at the map of the Riftlands, remembering an older time.

Miter: "Well, if we need to, they'll have a bit of a reckoning to deal with... Hey, where's the armory?"

Vand: "...I see. Well. We'll see if these critters are as eternal as all that. Armory? That way.," says Vand, pointing in a direction.

DM62: Braxis turns, huffing, charging forward again. Once more he slams into the wall, but turned at an odd angle, and Don's axe ends up slicing deep into the larger minotaur's metal-plated skull. Braxis' entire body seems to go limp, falling back with the axe still buried in his skull. Then his head raises, and he looks at Don again, seeing his son. "Don? Don... is that you?" His breathing is labored, but he seems in control of himself.

Miter: "Well, it seems like most of this lot doesn't know what blast powder is, yet... So if I can hammer together a makeshift cannon, we can blow apart a good chunk of the guards with little work... Though that'd be a hell of a noise..."

DM62: The elderly Gurnold sighs. "We... we did not know what to do. But our High Pontiff... he said we could ask the Goddesses for their protection. Surely, after centuries of devotion, they could answer our plea. And he attempted to call upon Lilorious' aid." He sighs, now reciting what sounds like a scripture. "And the Blackness did come forth, and swallowed the Great City. And the land was rent asunder. And the seas did turn, and the plants grew teeth, and the Goddesses abandoned their children to the Great Doom of their time." He shakes his head.

Miter: "Wow. Heavy stuff..." she mumbles to the older dude.

Don: So it was Braxis, but as much as Don wanted to break down at what had become of his father, he was unsure if this was just another trick or if the people that did this to him had some other means of controlling his actions even with their control seemingly temporarily broken. "Yes it is me. What did they do to you father?"

DM62: "Son... they have... changed me." He shakes his head, concentrating. "They are trying... to draw out your Mother. She must... never... know." Braxis grits his teeth, his muscles bulging. "Please... you must... finish me. Or they will... make me kill you."

Vand: "Yeah, best leave that to me, Miter. Needs less construction.," says Vand, looking over to the Gurnold with a frown, "...Never heard that one. You got the book you're quoting? I'd like to borrow it if you don't mind?"

DM62: The Gurnold sighs. "If you're going to take books from my library, we're going to have a word in private, first... Argast, if you could walk Roland and Miter to the kennels for the moment?" The kobold nods. "Of course, Master Duarnar." He gives a bow, leading the wolf and goblin away. ((Vand and Duarnar dialogue in PMs for now.))

Don: "I figured as much father." Don said, sadness in his voice. Moving to grab the axe, hopefully without a fight if his father's control remained in his own hands. "I'm sorry for this father. I shall miss you dearly." He'd raise the axe and try to finish what he started, hopefully cutting through Braxis' neck with a single hard swipe.

Miter: "H-hey..." Miter starts to complain, before Roland stops the tirade by grabbing her by the nape and dragging her away.

DM62: Braxis's neck is tough, as with any minotaur, but Don is strong and his stroke is sure, beheading his father in the single stroke. Much of the audience is cheering... but in the balcony, Mistress Muhr is scowling. "Back to his cell, now!" Mira is standing near her, watching Don with a look of anger... and there are two hooded figures, also standing nearby. Guards flood into the Pit to restrain the young minotaur.

DM62: The slightly-sweaty centaur flops down next to Rowenna, snuggling her close. "I... I'm just wishing this night wouldn't end, dear. But guards will be here in the morning, to drag you back to your cell, regardless of my wishes. And you may have to fight again, tomorrow."

Don would mutter a silent prayer to his father, hoping that eventually he would find peace in the afterlife, and hopefully Thrae once again. (Though that would probably take a while considering Thrae.) After that he'd drop his axe and wait as the guards came to take him away. It was not like he could hope to fight them all and short of finding Thrae they could not throw another suprise like this at him again atleast...

DM62: The kitsune with the dirty-blond hair moves forward, examining the wound... and she scowls at Don, even as the guards slip the restraints onto him and haul him away. "You killed my creation... I guess you take his place." She folds her arms, sneering as Don's taken out of the arena, then the red-steel door slams shut and Don loses sight of her, being taken down stairs back to his cell.

Rowenna: "Shame that, but that dosen't mean we can't enjo things for now. We have plenty of time till tomorrow morning." She snuggled against the centaur, a big smile on her face. "Want to snugle with something a little fluffier? I've heard my wolf fur is quite cozy. Well...mostly from other wolves that I bargined with. Trying to find places to sleep on the road wasn't easy some nights."

DM62: The centaur laughs. "How about... your hybrid form, dear? I still love a woman's feel... but fur might be nice and warm to hold, too." She gently kisses Rowenna's neck.

Rowenna: "Ho boy. Here we go. Not everyday I do this." She'd close her eyes and focus for a moment, her form shifting as she did. Her body grew much furrier, the color a nice grey color with a hint of silver. Her eyes were the same color and she has a small tuft of fur nestled in between her chest.

Rowenna: "Guh...that felt weird still. Don't use this form too often..."

Vand: "Hey, Miter? You and Argast can come back in now."

DM62: Argast nods. "Actually... it's rather late. Unless there's something else we need to discuss, I should bring Roland back to his bed." Roland whines.

DM62: The centauress giggles. "Mmm... I like this version of you. Furry... but sexy." She playfully licks one of Rowenna's ears.

Miter yelps as the wolf drops her back in. "Brat, she admonishes the bigger creature.

DM62: The Gurnold nods. "Good luck, Vand." He gives the goblin a smile, though he looks just a bit sad. "Come. Help me finish cleaning this device and re-assembling it. Heh... those cultists will be in for QUITE the surprise." Argast nods, climbing atop Roland, who licks Vand's hand once before turning and bounding back to the kennels.

Miter: "Do I really wanna know what that was all about?" Miter quips, going back to work on prepping the device again.

Vand: "You'll know one day.," smirks Vand, heading out too, before slipping away to go map out where all her allies were located, besides Sarah and Don. She didn't want to risk getting close to those just yet.

DM62: Duarnar chuckles. "Tell me, Miss Miter... is there a point in having everyone else leave the room for a private conversation, if I then tell other people what was discussed in a private situation?"

Miter: "True enough..." she mumbles, shrugging and continuing the work.

DM62: Sarah awakes the next morning, with Miri curled around her in the Mistress' bed... and Mistress Muhr standing at the foot of the bed, arms folded. "Well... glad to see someone got some rest last night." The Mistress seems a little grouchy this morning.

Rowenna: "Not many people say that about this form. Usually it's my human one from other humans or it's about my 4 legged one from other animals. Never knew how randy wolves got until you spent a few nights with them." She giggled, quite enjoying the attention

Sarah awakens, gently groaning. When the Mistress' presence is heard, she immediately works to disentangle herself from Miri, hopping off the bed and kneeling before Muhr. "I apologize for Miri and I's use of your bed, Mistress...It was my idea...So please punish me, not her." she says obediently, her head to the floor.

DM62: Eventually, Don is restrained, and his cell door opens within the hour. Mira is walking in, along with a hooded and robed figure. They are flanked by several guards. Mira scowls. "We might be even, now... both of us lost a father. But I'm afraid we still need Thrae. Tell me, Don... there was a chimera that Thrae worked with. What was her name?"

DM62: The next morning, Aisalla wakes early, bringing Rowenna into the bath to clean her once more before the guards arrive to bring the wolf-woman back to her cell. Aisalla gives her a passionate kiss to remember her by, and then Rowenna finds herself quickly whisked through the hallways, ending up at her cell once more.

DM62: Mistress Muhr folds her arms. "I punish whom I like, Sarah. But as it happens, Miri has permission to use my bed... and to bring in other pets, as well." She shrugs. "So I don't care. Just... go bathe, both of you." The disgruntled cubite sits on the bed. "And then maybe you can both suck me off."

Don: "I refuse." Don said straight up as he looked at Mira. "I figure you some action my parents took resulted in the death of your father. But I doubt they did something as abominable as what you did to mine!"

Sarah: "Y-Yes Mistress..." Sarah says, moving to rouse Miri and get her to come to the bath. Once they're there and alone, she settles into the water, actually able to relax in it for once. "The Mistress seems to be in a foul mood today, Miri...We had better do extra good at pleasing her so she relaxes..."

DM62: Mira looks slightly troubled, but shrugs. "We'll never know, will we? But as I said... this has gone beyond my own revenge. We want Thrae. And you're going to tell us... the name of that little furball that accompanied her on her journeys."

Rowenna: A new morning and another bath had Rowenna feeling quite good. But such good things must come to an end and there was little she could do to stop being taken back to her cell. Of course, she had a lovely gift to remember the centauress by and she wasn't about to forget it. Only she could break her out of this hell. Once back in her cell, she shifted back to her full human form.

DM62: Miri nods at Sarah. "You could always... tell her about how you've been fantasizing about centaurs lately. Especially after Mistress' horsecock cums all over you." She produces a sponge, cleaning the kitsune.

Sarah: "Indeed...We should give Mistress a good morning...Get her in the mood for even more debauchery...Then tell her I've been fantasizing about that centaur after watching i ravage Rowena."

Don: "I will not." Don said with contempt in his voice.

DM62: The buxom elf nods, continuing her cleaning of the kitsune, gently massaging her breasts but careful not to spill any milk yet.

DM62: Mira nods. "Then... we will have to modify you." She gestures, and a cart is wheeled in... containing the remains of Braxis. "We will change you... using parts of your own father."

Sarah: "A-Ah...Careful, Miri...They're really sensitive this morning...I need to beg Mistress to milk me later..." the Kitsune whimpers, her sensitive breasts arousing her as Miri massages them.

DM62: Vand has seen Rowenna being returned to her cells, and has located Aisalla and the Desert Scarab's cells. She also just found Mistress Muhr's quarters... where a busty elf is bathing Sarah (who has larger tits now) as Mistress Muhr rests on her bed.

DM62: Miter also wakes up the next morning. The elderly Gurnold is hunched over the device, which looks completed... some sort of piston device, it seems. The Gurnold has a rather... mischievous smile on his face.

Miter: "So, is this the part you explain to me what this device does?" Miter asks after stretching and looking at it.

DM62: He shakes his head. "Sorry, Miss Miter. Suffice it to say that... you will tell me, as you are departing this place. And this device will keep your captors... rather occupied." He gives a mirthless chuckle.

Vand: Hm. Oppurtunity. It'd have to do. She slips down and quickly covers the woman's mouth with her hand her whispering quietly. "Shhhh. Nice rack Sarah. You alright? Your friend here cool?"

DM62: Miri's eyes go wide as a hand seems to come out of nowhere, covering her mouth.

Miter: "...I see...." she mumbles, though her eyes narrow and her ears twitch.

Sarah gasps gently, nodding her head as she recognizes the voice. She nods again when asked if Miri is cool as well, raising a finger in front of her covered mouth for Miri to also be quiet.

Don glared at the woman, but said nothing. Given they were able to find Braxis with how little information he gave them, he would not give them a single bit about the chimera. He would not even think of their name. He would not be the cause of another death.

DM62: The elderly Gurnold has a sad smile. "I see you understand my intent, regardless. Do not mourn. I have lived a long life... and I would only slow your group down, my dear Miss Miter. Oh... and if you wish to take any maps and books from my library... I'm afraid it won't matter what I'm missing, once you start your journey. I will be making a journey of my own, one that I have longed to take."

Vand carefully let's go of Miri's mouth. "Sorry. Do you two have a way to slip away from here? Things are gonna get a bit crazy shortly, and anyone sticking arounds in for a bad time. I just need to get to Don and then we're all gonna bail, us and anyone who is sick of this shit."

DM62: "Alright." Mira nods, glaring back at Don. "Guard. Find Malady Quinn. Bring her here. There's work to be done." The black-hooded figure departs with a handful of guards, leaving four guards and Mira with the minotaur.

Sarah: "Miri...Are you ready to leave this place?" Sarah whispers, a broad smile on her face. "I know I am." she says quietly.

Miter: There's a bit of a gulp and a sad nod from the goblin, but she sighs and nod. "I'll do what I can to make sure you aren't forgotten, old timer, put it that way..." At this point, Miter quickly moves around, digging away at the shelves and doing some tinkering on the gobbocycle, asking for assistance so it's quickly turned into a small cart, chucking anything that could be valuable into it..."

DM62: The Gurnold nods, helping Miter assemble a small cart for the device.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Second Session, 28 May (part three, Miri raises the alarm, the break-out begins, the fire elf)
DM62: Miri raises an eyebrow, then nods. "I could, I MISTRESS! INTRUDERS!" Guards begin entering the room, weapons drawn, as Mistress Muhr rises, pulling daggers out of boot sheaths.

Sarah reaches her arms out to embrace Miri, trying to look afraid of Vand, a sad look on her face.

Vand: "Damn it Sarah.," curses Vand, "One job. Damn it, times up then. Party time." She gives the loyal slave a hard smack to knock her out, then tries to direct her armor remotely to start breaking the others loose and dragging weapons with them, starting with Simone and Chu' Gris. Meantime, seems she'd have to get Sarah out the hard way.

DM62: Miri is knocked out with a single blow, and Muhr growls, hurling daggers of ice at Vand. The guards move forward to slash at Vand, one of them moving to pull Sarah away from the melee.

Sarah whimpers as she's grabbed by the guard, pulling away from Vand with tears in her eyes.

Vand throws up a wall of Water to slow the thrown blades, using the bath water to her advantage. She ducks the swings before spinning and sending the full blasts of the water to try and slam Muhr up against the ceiling.

DM62: Muhr is hurled against the ceiling... but is not done fighting, trying to use force magic to press the water away from her body and free herself. The guards are still advancing, and this time their attacks will be harder to dodge.

Vand Redirects the water, eltting Muhr drop to take the time to slam the guards moving to assault her and try to send em flying, and to grab one of their blades for her. "What I get for trusting someones word, geez..."

DM62: Vand obtains a blade, and the group of guards are sent flying back... except for two guards. One of them scores a lucky swing, giving Vand's leg a gash. The other is slammed into a sharp corner of Muhr's bed... and is almost instantly killed, falling lifeless.

Vand barely blinks as she's cut, her making the end of the water into a sharpened point and jamming it forth to impale a guard as she moves after Muhr. "Dunno why things aren't ever easy."

Sarah notices the dead guard, and makes a bolt for it, snagging his aura before it leaves and rebinding it to the corpse, intending on making a mindless thrall to fight for her. "Rise...Rise and make me more fodder..." she whispers in its ear, praying that her hasty zombification would work.

DM62: "So make things easy... and DIE!" Muhr turns, snarling and slamming a large fist of force into Vand's body. Meanwhile, the guard rises, blade in hand... and turns on his fellows, driving a sword into an unsuspecting guard's neck.

Vand grunts as she is thrown back, hitting the Wall, before recovering, grinning, "Nah, I've got things to do still. You've peaked and I've got places to go." She makes the water surround Muhr and try to crash down on her. She figures she'd throw a barrier up, and tried to make the water flow around then spear up from underneath her.

Sarah laughs as her zombie gets to work, moving to the next corpse and doing the same, thinking if she spent as little energy as possible on it she could make more than her norm, despite them probably decaying rather quickly. "Come on...Get up, servant...You exist to kill for me, now." she whispers in the second's ear, reviving him as another mindless thrall.

DM62: The guards decapitate the first zombie, killing it... but then the second one arises, stabbing another guard. The other two turn, one of them holding back the zombie, while the other moves around to try to attack Sarah directly. Muhr growls, forming a barrier... but the barrier extends from floor to ceiling, and the airtight seal keeps the water from reaching the cubite. She scowls at Vand. "Should have kept you in the special cells. But your friend Don... he won't be around much longer."

Sarah cries out as the guard attacks at her, grasping for another of the dead's weapons and intending to thrust it at his chest, not very well trained in how to handle a weapon besides her quarterstaff.

Vand smirks at her. "Yeah, neither will you. Enjoy your time out." She surrounds Muhr thickly with the water before freezing it solid around her. "Ice is a real bitch to break when it's thick, even with force magic. She swiftly unleashes a blast of fire at the guard attacking at Sarah, "Geez, does nobody teach necromancers offensive magics these days?"

DM62: Meanwhile, Vand's armor has managed to free Chu'Gris, Rowenna, Sonja, and Simone, handing Rowenna and Sonja their weapons wordlessly. Chu'Gris is standing in the hallway with the others, holding his axe and looking dumbfounded. "What sort of fuckery is this?"
Also, handing them their armor. Vand's armor seems to have requisitioned a somewhat squeaky-wheeled cart to haul all the gear.

Vands armor shrugs, before making it's way for Scarab and the centauress next.

DM62: Vand's armor overhears a few guards shouting a few hallways over. "Where is Lady Quinn?" "Can't find her!" "Right... we kill the mino!"

DM62: Meanwhile, in Don's cell, Mira stalks off, grumbling angrily about finding Quinn herself.

DM62: Vand's magic manages to kill the guard, and the last one is rather handily dispatched, giving Sarah ample opportunity to raise a few more servants if she chooses. Muhr is furious, but her threats are muted somewhat by the thick wall of ice around her.

Vand: "Right. Grab what you want from here Sarah. The others are bailing out Don, so you and me gotta let the slaves loose and grab a few champs and then collect Miter."

Sarah giggles as she begins movie to raise herself a bunch of guards. "Thank you, Vand. Be on the look out for another Kitsune like me, name of Quinn...She's a fleshcrafter, and I WANT her...Even if I have to dogpile her with zombies." she says, raising her personal guard of mindless, overprotective Zombie thralls. "As for Muhr...Leave her. She can have her "loyal servants" try to break her out, or make her a show piece."

DM62: There are only four guards along the way to Don's cell, easily dispatched... and Don is restrained, with four more guards in the cell, also rather easily dispatched, courtesy of the three great warriors in the group (Rowenna, Simone, Chu'Gris). There's also the broken body of a mutated minotaur, laying on a gurney next to Don. (And I think we'll pause that portion of the escape until we hear back from Don.)

Vand: "Don't order me, flufftail, I know what I'm doing. We're not sticking around long enough to execute her or to go hunting fleshcrafters. We'll get everyone loose then bail out. Trust me. We don't wanna be here when the party favor arrives."

Sarah: "Alright, alright." Sarah says, standing from her fourth zombie, and nodding. "Alright you four. You're my personal guard. If Vand needs help, you kill whatever's hurting her. Follow her lead, and protect us." she says, giving orders to her zombies, hoping that they'd understand, despite her not weaving personalities into them.

Vand nods and gets going. "Sorry about your friend. If you wanna drag her with you and keep her under control you can. IF you don't, she'll not make it."

Sarah: "We need to get her out of here. Muhr has brainwashed her, but deep down she's a good girl." Sarah says, pointing at one of her zombies, then at Miri. "Carry her." she orders.

Miter: Meanwhile, Miter had created a sizable contraption to move anything that the old man had wanted salvaged from the upcoming apocalyptic action to come. As an added bonus, the three-wheel cart also had a small spring-loaded launcher, and several large spikes to use as ammo, a little extra she had whipped up in an attempt to prepare for some of the animals and monsters that he had warned her were outside the pit.

Vand: "We better grab Argast too of course. Frig, grab everyone and elt em run for the hills heh."

Sarah: "Yup. C'mon, let's get a move on." Sarah says, ready and waiting for Vand to lead the way.

DM62: The zombie moves to pick up Miri... but she's no longer in the tub... or visible in the room.

Vand: "...Think we got played a bit. We better hurry."

Sarah: "Yup."

DM62: The elderly Gurnold is quietly snoring in his throne as the goblin finishes up her work on the odd bicycle. Sarah, Vand, and zombie guards are closest to the champion chambers, at this point. The ice around Muhr isn't cracking... but something makes a loud, snapping noise. Based on the hairline cracks in the floor, Muhr decided to go down, instead of out.

Vand: "Damn, sounds like she got loose.," grunts Vand, heading over to Scarab and the Centaurs Cells, and using water magic to unlock the locks and get them open. "As promised, Miss Scarab. And Hello Miss Centaur, this is your emergency one time offer of freedom. If you can direct me to all the slaves who want freedom and all that for me to set loose to do whatever and what not, this place won't be here much longer."

DM62: Aisalla raises her eyebrows as her cell's broken open. "Well... I know a certain werewolf woman who wants to leave pretty badly. But I'm not sure who's in which cell... even the Champions are restricted from learning some information."

Sarah: "I'm guessing you already had a plan in play, Vand? To rescue our friends?" Sarah asks from behind her zombie guards. "Whatever it is we gotta get it done fast, before the whole place is up in arms.

Vand: "Rowenna's already free. She's part of my troop. So you can rock that tight Wolf rump again if we survive this. Yeah, it's more like a mishmash of everyones plans but roll with what we got. Oh up in arms is least of our worries.," says Vand, "Cmon, you can tell me which of the champions will waste my time fighting when we find em, and the more general slaves. I'm not the type to leave people to be locked up and then die for no crime of their own."

Scarab: Naturally, the multi-armed champion's a bit surprised, with her swords leveling at the door from the many skull trophies that made up her cell walls. She lessens a bit upon seeing the group. "A jailbreak? I hope you have a plan..." she mumbles, grabbing a few straps of cloth to act as clothing to make up for where her armor exposed herself.

DM62: Aisalla folds her arms. "We could just... knock open cells as we go along. General chaos might serve us better, either way. And you never know when someone might come along, then turn on us. Or go back to tell them where we are." She smells the air, then groans, looking at Sarah. "You're... one of Muhr's, right?"

Sarah: "Y-Yes...But I'm not brainwashed. I was actually hoping we were going to free you, miss Centaur. Because I need you to teach me your special talents, and fix what Muhr broke..." Sarah says, trying to hie behind one of her zombies.

Vand: "She was taken as one. Try to keep it in your pants, I smelt it too, but we can't afford playtime right now. And yeah, works for me." She smirks and begins hurrying, opening cells as she goes. "Freedom time, run away, stay and die, fight for vengeance, whatever, but now’s your time!" She grumbles a bit,"Pity I have to rush this, love to make a great merc group from this lot, but work with what we got. Okay, we swing along, grab Argast and the lynchpin then head to meet up with Miter with the others. And find the last fellow. Where are you, Chaplin..."

DM62: "Not the conditioning, dear... though, yeah, need to keep an eye on you. But Muhr also has the body scents and pheromones of her special pets ramped up incredibly high. It not only makes them irresistible to beastkin... like me..." the centauress futa blushes, "but it also means that they can be tracked. Very. Easily."

Vand: "Only matters if Muhrs goons can follow fast enough."

Scarab: "Depends if they'll risk it. The place outside isn't the most hospitable," Scarab replies, moving towards the front with her buckler-blades ready.

Sarah: "C-Can we undo it on the fly? Are you skilled enough to do it, miss Centaur?" the Kitsune asks as they move along, the zombie guards on the lookout for threats. "I-If we can't, I'll let you work it out once we're safe. Deal?"

DM62: "They know the ground, and they've never failed before." She sighs, but nods, moving along to break open cells with weapons pulled from her personal chambers. She carries a trident, a net, and two unusually-long iron clubs. "Can't do it in a hurry... don't wanna fuck you up worse, dear."

Sarah: "Helping you work it out once safe, got it."

DM62: Don is rather weak, having been kept malnourished and chained for the majority of his time in the Pit, and having just fought an abomination of his father recently. Chu'Gris growls, "We need to get the others, still. Who remains to be freed?" Don looks over at his father's remains. "Burn... body... so they can't use him anymore." Simone and Chu'Gris are supporting his weight.

Vand's armor holds up two fingers, before heads out, heading to look for Mr. Chaplin. Vand’s armor also points them in Argast's direction.

Rowenna: "Damnit, this mess isn't getting any easier. Lets pick them up before anything else happens."

DM62: The first high security cell contains what looks to be an elf... with bright orange hair. He scowls, folding his arms. "My answer remains the same. Mordensi is no servant of Mondur..." His scowl deepens as he spots the armor and the others. "And... neither are you. This is... an interesting development."

Vand’s armor shrugs then goes about getting the door open.

DM62: It takes some work, but the armor is eventually able to wrench open the door. The elf chuckles. "Interesting. And... who might you be? Not Nether Cultists, I can tell. Looks like the invaders of your world are... being invaded in turn? Haha! What fun!" He grins. "But seriously, I'd like to know who the FUCK you are, before I decide that you're boring me."

Vand shrugs and pulls the helmet off, revealing she is literally no one, giving a sweeping bow before putting the helmet back on.

DM62: "Now THAT was NOT boring. But not exactly stimulating." He shrugs, looking at Rowenna. "And... you are?" Chu'Gris shrugs. "I am Chu'Gris of the Wailing Blade. And we just freed you, dolt."

Rowenna: "Rowenna Sheridan. Resident of the norther realm and your rescuer. Or at least we'll hopefully be. It's high time these cowards be shown a thing or two about pushing their prisoners too far."

Vand's armor starts wandering to the next cell, peering inside

DM62: "IIIIII LIKE IT!" He laughs. "LET'S FUCK UP SOME MONDURITES AND ATHULLIANS!" The orange-haired elf practically dances out of his cell. The next high-security cell contains the smuggler... looking rather dehydrated. As though he was simply left to rot in the cell for a few days.

Vand's armor gets the door open in a hurry, hurrying over as she hold a globe of water out to his lips.

Rowenna: "Damn. He looks terrible. There anything we can do for him in his state? We'll practically be carrying him out

DM62: It still takes the armor some time to get the door open, and the smuggler looks more dead than alive... but he IS alive, and he manages to sip down a few gulps of water. The elf raises an eyebrow. "Hmm... he does NOT look useful. But you... water magic? Are you planning to... open the rest of the cells?" The elf giggles.

DM62: Chu'Gris grumbles, "Hope he doesn't always talk this much."

Rowenna: "We had that in mind, yes."

Vand: The armor nods, letting him drink before she helps him up, carrying him easily.

DM62: The elf chuckles. "Well then... if you can COOL one side of the doors... I can HEAT the other side!" He grins. "They might explode, but most of them will simply weaken significantly!"

Vand muses, before nodding a bit, familiar with how metal warping can work, carrying her charge with her.

DM62: A few of the cells have long-dead corpses rotting inside... And the last one contains an odd creature, an insect-like creature with massive spikes coming from its body... and four wasp-like wings coming from its back. It clicks its mandibles. "You... what... are you doing here?" The elf just grins, and Chu'Gris shrugs. "Freeing everyone. Fight, life, stay, die... I assume that you're no friend of these cultists, since you're here." The thrull looks at the armor, its antennae moving curiously.

Vand's armor waves a bit, before working the door, making sure to carefully direct the cold to avoid explosions.

"Right... that's all the high-security cells." The elf grins, nodding. "So... I presume you wonderful people have a plan beyond this?" The thrull clicks her mandibles.

Vand's armor thumbs up the elf, heading over to Argast's cell now.

Argast is standing in his kennel, washing the fur of some lagonic threshers, with Roland helping to herd them over to the beastmaster. Roland gives a bark (which terrifies the threshers), running over to the armor and the rest of the party excitedly, his tail wagging so hard that his rear half is wagging as well. Argast grins. "So... the rest of the team is here." At this point, Sarah, Vand, Aisalla, and Desert Scarab arrive at the kennels.

((end of session))
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Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Third Session, 4 June (part one, retrieving Miter, leaving Master Duarnar, the Pit-Stop)
DM62: When last we left the party, the two largest groups had just re-united in Argast’s kennels. Argast the kobold beastmaster and Roland the wolf were already present when Vand’s armor arrived, entering with Rowenna, Don (weak but still moving), Chu’Gris, Simone, Sonja, a fire elf, and Charlie Chaplin (currently carried by Vand’s armor due to weakness, age, and the after-effects of severe dehydration). Vand had entered shortly after, along with Sarah, Aisalla, and Desert Scarab. They still need to retrieve Miter from Master Duarnar’s library, and also find Ulyana, the mysterious half-breed under-elf bartender. Miter, meanwhile, is busily looting Master Duarnar’s library for anything that looks useful or valuable, having already packed a stack of books that Duarnar pointed out to her.

Sarah pouts as she rides along on Vand's shoulder, her undead thralls shambling behind to protect the rear. "Still wish you'd put me down, dammit."

Vand: "Ah there's my two babies!," says Vand happily to her armor and Roland, walking forwards with a grin, Putting down Sarah then walking up to the armor and it seeming to unfurl in the back, letting her step into it. "Much better. Right! Ladies, Gentlemen, it is so nice to see you again. Alarms been raised and times ticking down fast, if we stay here we are going to die, this is not hyperbole. Argast, bring us to the bar, we need Ulyana then we need to get to Miter and Master Duarnar and then get the hell out of here before their Frostday present activates."

Vand: "Because once that thing goes off, this entire building and everyone in it is history."

Melodious, the Desert Scarab, eyes the group a little bit as she keeps herself ready for a scrape.

Vand: "On that note, you may wanna open the cages and grab what critters you can carry and send the rest scurrying outside, Argast."

Sarah hops onto the shoulder of the biggest of her zombies, much more comfortable not being forcibly held. "So then where do we go?"

DM62: Argast raises an eyebrow. "But... Miter and Duarnar are down a few hallways... almost on the way to the bar," he says, turning to a cage that seemed to be Roland's, but which Roland had never been actually placed in. He scampers into the small cage, and then the group can hear something unlatching, as a secret, second cave is opened. There's what sounds to be an alarmed grunt... then a loud, low-pitched bleat. "Alright, alright, calm down, Boris. Come on, boy!" The kobold chuckles, leading a rather large billy-breaker with eight horns out of a hiding spot. "Mistress Muhr wanted Boris killed, after he rammed her one time. But Master Duarnar helped me hide him here."

Sarah: "So he rammed her the wrong way?"

Vand: "Nice. Okay, sure, we'll grab them then get to the bar. Whatever works, but we gotta move!," grumbles Vand, supporting Mr. Chaplin, "Less joke, run time now! Scoot, get, anyone still inside when the party starts is dead, I can't emphasize this enough."

Rowenna: "Seems a little much for a slip up. Course, I don't expect much sympathy from these vindictive cunts. The sooner we get out of here the better."

Sarah: "I'm in agreement, let's get the hell out of here."

DM62: The fire elf laughs. "Oh, I don't know what you people have planned... but I'm EXCITED!" Argast raises an eyebrow, looking at the fire elf. "You guys are bringing along a Pyromancer Cultist of Mordensi?" He shakes his head, moving to unlatch cages. "I can't keep this many animals calm and in one place... so most of these beasts are just going to be running over everything to try to get out. Should help clear a path." He concentrates, and the bulk of the creatures start charging down a large exit to the south. Argast nods. "Right... follow me to Master Duarnar and that goblin." He starts leading the group into another southerly hallway.

Vand: "What I was hoping for, Argast. And I dunno what a Mordensi is, but gonna be honest. Long as he burns enemies, not friends, me and him are gonna get along fine.," says Vand, "Right, follow the kobold!"

Rowenna: "Agreed. SO long as the fires directed towards those that deserve it, then I don't care what god he follows or cult he belongs to. An ally is an ally."

DM62: Argast shrugs again, reaching the well-appointed wooden door of Master Duarnar. Miter can hear the knocking from inside. Master Duarnar seems to still be asleep.

Sarah pats her Zombie on the head. "Forward, men!" she says happily, her honor guard of rotting corpses moaning and shambling after the others, managing to keep pace despite their decaying limbs.

Miter, having finished looting as many books, charts, and other items, moves to the door, creaking it open. "Oh, er... that's a lotta people.." she mumbles to herself, eying everyone.

DM62: Argast nods. "Time to wake up Master Duarnar, as he requested. We're about to head out."

Vand: "Hey Miter, met the army. Ready to party? We just have one moe person to grab. You know the exit right?"

Miter: "Well, a wee bit yeah," she remarks, pointing to the three-wheeled cart full of stuff. "Anyway, waking him up now..." she mumbles, rapidly moving to prod at the older creature behind the desk.

DM62: The Gurnold grumbles, but wakes quickly. "I wasn't asleep, Miss. Just checking my eyelids for holes, is all." He turns, looking at the group. "Right... time for you to leave this place. And never come back." He rises, reaching out to pick up an ornate hourglass, then turning it upside-down. "I wish you all good fortune, in saving your world from these... cultists."

Vand: "Thanks. Cmon, we need to grab Ulyana and go."

Rowenna: "You mean we haven't gotten everyone or did we leave someone behind? Because I'd like take think we grabbed everyone"

Sarah: "We're goin' after some bartender, right Vand?"

DM62: The smuggler nods. "Ulyana. She... might be able to help open the Rift Portal. Operative word: might." Aisalla raises an eyebrow. "So... we don't even know if this is going to work at all..." Simone shrugs. "Better to die than stay here as captives, either way."

Vand: "Yup. Let's go and get her. Move it!"

Miter nods, going behind the cart full of crap and beginning to push

DM62: Argast turns, leading the group back down the hallway, then down another. At this point he spots a lagoric thresher, hopping excitedly in a circle. He sighs, gesturing, and Boris picks up the thresher in his teeth, bringing it along. "Poor thresher's addled... too much inbreeding in that batch." He shakes his head, and the group travels down several more southerly hallways. Finally, they reach a pair of double-doors, with a door hung over the top: the Pit-Stop. "Right... this is the place."

Miter: 'Even in other dimensions, there's groan-enducing names for pubs," the goblin quips

Rowenna: "Sounds almost like places in my neck of the woods. Honestly I'm use to that crap."

Sarah: I beats being called the "Wet Bitch" or "Randy Mare."

Vand nods and hands Chaplin to Rowenna. "Protect him." She presses a hand against the door.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Third Session, 4 June (part two, guards and a Blot, meeting Hareng and Ulyana)
Vand nods once twice, then looks to the pyromancer and jerks her head for him to step up with her.

Rowenna: "Got it." Rowenna did her best to support the weak man, knowing full well what sort of crap he went through. "You'll be safe with me."

DM62: The fire elf moves forward with a grin, leaning in. "Yeeeeeees?"

Vand: "They're waiting for us. Some goo thing. How you feel about combined fire power?"

DM62: "Goo thing? Blot, then." He shrugs. "Never fought one, before. Guess there's a first time for everything, though." His fingertips catch fire, and his grin widens.

Sarah whimpers as her undead guards draw their weapons. "The hell is a blot?"

DM62: "Black ooze takes over a body." The fire elf looks over at the kitsune. "Nasty fuckers. Supposed to be damn-near invincible. Killing the mortal body helps, but... gotta get through the blot, first."

Sarah: "So...Don't let it touch the zombies?"

Vand: "Cooking might work. Alright. Let's do this.," she grins, making fire herself, before rearing back and booting down the door, before starting the fireworks

Miter: "Icky..."

DM62: Vand and the fire elf open up with a torrent of flame, and a few of the guards inside are rather thoroughly cooked... but the blot moves up, and the woman inside seems to grin, growing faster as the flame hits her. She swings out a massive fist, catching Vand in the side with a blow like a sledgehammer, then turning to attack the rest of the group. A wave of submissive sexuality comes over the group as well, and Sarah is having a hard time concentrating, feeling the need for something to fill her ass. Chu'Gris brandishes his axe, but is stuck behind several members of the group.

Sarah whimpers as she hugs her zombie/mount's head, her fluffy tails swishing behind her. "D-Damn that demon bitch!" she whines out, shivering a little. "W-what the hell is this feeling?"

Vand grunts as she's slammed to the side, smashed away, before springing back up. "Nice try, but you're facing me!" She snarls before unleashing a torrent to try and knock the blot back away from the others

Miter ducks a little, hiding with her pile of junk, but quietly figits with a device hanging off the side of it, sliding a rail into it and trying to get a good angle on the creature. Melodious meanwhile is right at the front, ducking and weaving and trying to put her six arms to use to sever and slash down the blot-thing.

Rowenna, her shortened weapon in one hand and the weary gentleman being supported by the other would feel the wave was through her. Fucking hell, no. Not today. I've got a job to do and I'm not about to let this beat me."

Vand: "Rowenna, you got that boomstick, use it, but don't go for the blot!"

Rowenna: "What the hell am I suppose to shoot then, the wall?"

DM62: The blot-thing laughs, catching several of Scarab's weapons before lashing out and giving her a hard knock to the jaw... then Vand slams back with a torrent, and the blot looks angry as it's tossed backward among the rest of the enemy guards. Don moves up as well, axes brandished. Aisalla leans down from behind Rowenna, plucking up the smuggler. "I'm useless in these small spaces, dear. You go kick some ass." She gives the Valhal woman a small peck on the cheek before giving her a little push forward.

Rowenna: "It ain't easy to use a rifle one handed, you know."

Miter's still trying to get a good shot with her makeshift harpoon as the melee keeps whirling around everyone. With the knockback by Vand, Miter gets a short window and takes it, firing the two-foot piece of sharpened metal at the blobby batch of bitch with a metal KATHUNK as it flies forward. The Scarab is sent reeling, staggering back for a few feet as she shakes off the blow, before she rights herself and moves forward again to take the foes on, instead focusing on the remaining guards to eliminate them.

Vand: "You ain't now! Don, Sparky, Miter Let's cook this fucker! Sparky, if you can do a shape charge, focus it at the core, make it flinch! I'll throw air to bolster the cook, Don, lightning through the middle once Miter impales it with a metal spike! Rowenna, Scarab, keep the guards off us!" She immediately begins throwing as much hot air to try and pin the beast down and empower the blasts, trying to generate as much pure oxygen close to it.

Vand: "Sarah, if you can keep your head, send the corpses to back up those two!"

Sarah whimpers as she watches the fight, her zombies, and herself, at the rear, watching for threat there, but unable to help against the blots.

Rowenna: Caught i the back, made fighting a little more difficult, but she almost hadn't considered the gun. Or the fact that Aisalla was helping them. A great thing to be certain. "Oh. Thanks love. Don't worry, we'll have this thing dealt with before you know it." putting her halberd away, Rowenna would retrieve her rifle and first ensure it was loaded. Once she was certain, she would heed Vand's orders and open fire on the guards. "Come on, you fuckers. Just try and get past."

DM62: The Blot is trapped by the harpoon and the hot air, growling at the party. Rowenna's shot is true, killing one guard, and Scarab cuts another apart, de-limbing her. Then the oxygen is ignited by a full attack by the fire elf, and there's an explosion. Scarab is tossed back by the blast, and the remainder of the guards are barbequed, as the combination of alcohol, oxygen, and fire magic sets the entire tavern ablaze. The area is also swiftly being filled by smoke, and it's hard to breathe.

Vand grunts, cursing, "Someone check on Scarab! Right..." She curses before unleashing a wave of water outwards to shove the smoke and fire off to the side and clear her view, looking to see how much damage they had done to the target.

Melodious: The multi-armed warrioress is sent flying, smashing into more bottles and furniture and falling limp. Meanwhile, Miter coughs a little, quickly tugging a blanket over things to try and limit damage. "OK! Who's idea was that?!?" she grumbles, trying to consult a map for the right tunnel whenever they start running.

Vand: "Guilty, chew me out later, we need to confirm the target being down and someone needs to make sure Scarabs alright!"

DM62: Also, the submissive sexuality spell is no longer in effect.

Sarah groans as she comes back to her senses. "Oh please tell me there's a few functional skeletons left!" she says, quickly hopping down off of her zombiemount and pushing through the group towards the scene of carnage.

Hareng: "This isn't an advantageous place anymore, please, take my hand." The hooded man whispered, as he grabbed the hand of his companion, leading them down from alvoce on the tavern safely towards the floor and away from the flames... but, he was in front now of a number of people. "... Ahem..." He cleared his throat as he rested his hand on top of the hilt of one of his longer daggers. Pulling Ulyana behind him to keep himself between the unknown factors that the pair had been watching from the alcove fight with the guards and the bloted woman. With a light pull, he removed the sort of muffler from his mouth, smiling as he spoke at the group. "Hello." He chuckled, hiding pretty well the relative nervousness he was feeling.

DM62: Ulyana shouts a warning, but then a massive fist comes out, striking Vand. The blot creature has removed the harpoon, brandishing it and moving forward, aiming it at the goblin.

Rowenna: "Fucking hell, watch where you're throwing those damn things! Nearly killed us all! And I ahve fucking gunpowder to worry about." Rowenna would complain, but at least she was alive and the fight was said and done. Once she picked herself up and dusted herself off, it seemed the fight would be far from finished. "Can I shoot the damn thing now?! It seems like it's taking a lot longer to kill!"

Hareng: "Ah, what bad timing." The assassin lamented as he pushed Ulyana farther behind him, and unsheathed his dagger, planning on defending himself if the blot came their way.

Miter yelps and rolls to duck behind a nearby bench, hoping to at least dodge the deadly bolt. In a corner, the Scarab groans, slowly staggering back up, using her curved blades to steady herself.

Sarah spots the newcomer as he and Ulyana show up. "Whoashit!" she says, pointing at the strange blot creature. "Kill!" she says, her zombies shambling forward, trying to push past everyone else and engage the creature, moaning stereotypically as they do so.

Vand: "Oh hey, oh fuck" Vand curses as she's slammed into the wall, grunting as her chest is visibly crushed in, her helmet coming off. She looks down in stun... Before looking really, really annoyed. "Okay, you know what? Fuck it. Just, fuck it. I am sick to god damned hell of your shit, and clearly I need to stop sandbagging it!" She glares as she walks forward along the fist, letting it impale through her as she runs right at it, her own fist transforming into a massive drill of water, her snarling as she rams it at the things middle, "LET'S DRILL DOWN INTO YOUR GOOEY CENTRE, BITCH! YOU WANTED A CHALLENGE! LET'S DO THIS!"

DM62: The creature's harpoon misses Miter by a hair as she rolls away, and it turns with a look of shock as Vand begins to borrow toward it with the water limb. The zombies charge forward at their mistress' command, though they might not be adding much to the fight at this point.

Vand snarls, as her other hand becomes a giant watery claw to grip onto it stubbornly as she drills into it. "YEah, you like someone who can fight you on your terms huh? Didn't expect to fight someone like me! You scum, you're just attacking on whomever to be the big girl! Well, now the main event is here, and how's that not going for strong opponents and getting better working out for you huh?!"

DM62: The Blot reaches out, trying to crush Vand with its other hand, pressing in deeper. But the drill moves in, piercing the mortal flesh in the Blot, and it gives a wail of rage and disappointment as Vand begins to dismember it from inside. Ultimately, it collapses... and the blackish goo seems to disappear into a crack in the wall.

Sarah whimpers as she watches the fight, motioning for her zombies to move towards the newcomer and the woman, motioning to them to get out and use the zombies for cover, and let Vand duke it out with whatever the hell this thing was.

Vand: "Yeah you better fucking run!," she snarls as she stands up, a big hole through her chest, revealing through the skin and armor there's just... Water. "Questions later, Ulyana, new guy, follow, Miter exit, that took way too long!"

Hareng: With all the commotion, Hareng saw fit to take a few steps away, leading Ulyana away from the fight and toward their nearest door... until the blot was destroyed. Leaving him staring at the different members of the pair with a big smile, an elongated dagger, and Ulyana behind him. "I'm afraid I can't come just yet." Hareng exclaimed. "I don't believe I've been acquaintaned to any of you, and I'm shy around strangers." The young man joked, holding his dagger towards the zombies approaching.

Vand: "Whole buildings about to be destroyed, new guy, introductions can wait."

Rowenna: "Damn, Vand. Remind me to never piss you off. We gotta get moving though. We waste enough time horsing around with these damn interruptions. We have our out, we should use it. And ne kid, it's either come with us or be left here and submitted to a life long series of torture. Take your pick, sunny jim."

Sarah stops once he introduces himself. "Actually, folks...He's right. Except we need to know why we should trust him while he has THAT around his neck." the Kitsune says, pointing at the amulet Harang is wearing.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Third Session, 4 June (part three, the Sanguine Grove, Tremorfoot sighting, meeting Scarlett)
DM62: Ulyana chuckles. "Relax, guy... I know at least one or two of these people, and they might just be our best chance to get back to our home realm. Well, maybe. Though... they seem to have made a mess of my tavern." She coughs. "And they blew up the bar... awww, there were some REALLY rare brews in there! But no... I think we can trust them, Hareng. And we should REALLY get going." Then there's a massive thump, shaking the ground slightly and echoing throughout the complex.

Rowenna: "Case in point. We've little time to waste, unless we want to find out what's making that noise."

Miter: "Aw hell...." Miter mumbles. She takes one last look at the map and points a direction. "That way, and really, as fast as inhumanly possible. MOVE IT!"

Hareng looked at Ulyana, nodding as he lowered his dagger. "I'll trust you then." Hareng replied as he looked at the group in front. Frowning a bit at the mention of the amulet. "Right, let's go." He said, moving his amulet out of sight.

Vand: "It's a nether beast. SO ANYONE WANNA ARGUE? NO? THEN MOVE!"

Vand starts moving, and just, flows around anyone in her way, liquidly.

Sarah: The Kitsune stumbles when the ground shakes. "We'll interrogate him afterwards then!" she says, stumbling into the arms of her mountzombie, and clambering onto his shoulders. "Run, shamble, gallop, I don't care. I don't wanna know what's making that noise!"

Vand: "I forget the actual name. But this place is toast.|"

DM62: Aisalla nods, scooping up the Desert Scarab and putting her on her back along with the smuggler. "You keep him from falling off, dear." She hustles along behind the party, and there's another THUMP. Then another THUMP. The loud thumps continue, starting to get faster and faster, until it's basically a heartbeat rhythm. There are a few scattered guards along the route, but they're no match for the group, and the tunnel goes sharply upward... then the group finds themselves outside, looking around what seems to be a vast forest of trees and shrubs with crimson leaves and markings.

Vand: "Hey Sparky, I don't know your skyline, which way is south?"

Vand: "Cus I want a lot of distance between us and here before the nommening."

Miter frowns, looking at the map as they go. "Yeah, if I recall correctly, the old guy said this place wasn't no cakewalk anyway, so just be careful, lads and lasses..."

Vand: "We will be, but I want to be away from the edge, cus flying rocks."

Sarah whimpers as she clutches her zombie tightly. "Just get us away from whatever is making that noise!" she says, her ears folded flat against her head.

Rowenna: "Oh goodie. Forests. And with red leaves to boot. Cause those always scream good things. Hopefully whatever's out there has eaten already and isn't interested in a furry wolf woman."

DM62: The fire elf looks up and around. "Eh... I never really learned astronomy..." The two moons are hanging ominously in the sky, the thumping continuing. (Miter remembers that they were leaving by the South entrance.)

Miter: "Ah! Right... we left going from the south entry, so if we keep going forward as straight as possible, we may be able to get in the ballpark range of this portal thing..."

Vand: "Supposedly there's lethal plant people in there, so we get to enjoy that.," says Vand, "We'll just convince them that they're better off seeking other prey than crossing us. Right good enough, pick up the pace, I want to be as far from here as possible before the resulting earthquake."

Sarah nods, moving her zombies to once again take up the rear guard. "L-Lead the way. And if you get chomped on I promise to put your body to use."

Vand: "That required me to have a body but I appreciate the sentiment."

Rowenna: "No offense, but I'd rather not come back as a zombie.Feel like I'd be much better off without the...curse of undeath."

Sarah: "It ain't a curse, it's a blessing of immortality you fool."

Rowenna: "And I'm a werewolf. My lifes already gonna be plenty long. Undeath just dosen't scream good times. Plus, being controlled isn't my idea of an afterlife."

Sarah: "Give me enough time and I can restore you with full free will. Just gotta work at it."

Hareng kept close to Ulyana, keeping her within range to protect her as he followed, slightly unsure about the whole deal with this new group. "We'll work with one issue at a time." He added, still clutching onto his amulet

Sarah: "Hey, pretty boy!" Sarah calls forward to Harang, hugging the head of her zombiemount. "Once we're safe we're gonna have a nice long talk."

Vand: "We all are obviously."

Vand: "Because I oddly enough think someones gonna ask about the wolf riding elephant in the room."

DM62: The party heads south... and the trees seem to grow slightly, sighing as the mortals move among them. Duarnar's map has the ominous title for the red forest... the "Sanguine Grove." As the group heads into the forest, they hear a massive blast behind them, the thumping rather suddenly stopping. Something massive towers into the night, and there's a deafening scream as the great worm Tremorfoot bursts through the middle of the Bloodlust Pit, sending debris and rock flying, some of it landing near the party.

Vand: "See? Told you."

Sarah: "Uuuhhh...Is this the part where we cheer, or we turn and move faster?"

Hareng: "Faster!" Hareng exclaimed, grabbing Ulyana by the shoulder to bring her closer, in the event rocks fell closer to them at least hope he'd shield her a bit.

Vand: "Yeah if you can move, I can but earthquake and walking tends to be a fun party."

Miter: "...Much faster. Someone help me push this faster?"

Rowenna: "Only way I can move faster is if I change shape and I'm not thinking it would be a good time to do so. We move. Fast."

Sarah points to two of her zombies. "Help Miter push the cart you oafs." she says, the two groaning and moving to help the goblin.

Vand shrugs and changes her lower body into a snake tail and slithes swiftly, so as not to worry about tripping on the bucking ground

DM62: The group moves further south, and there are explosions and screams echoing in the night, but then it begins to quiet at last. Then Hareng feels something cut his leg... a thorn, sticking out from a shrub. It seems to... turn, as the drops of blood are absorbed by the shrub... and there's a rustling in the trees, despite the lack of wind.

Hareng: "This isn't good." Hareng sighed, just as he pushed Ulyana towards the nearest person. "It's actually pretty bad..." The man smiled as he pulled his dagger out, to try and cut out the piece of shrubbery from his leg. "I hate to state the obvious, but this place is going to try to kill us. Watch for the roots and branches!"

Vand: "Yes, course it is. And if it gets very serious about it, we'll let sparky ignite it so it'd be best if you plants play nice with us. Feed a little but go for the kill or the capture and I'll make sure the meals not worth the effort."

Sarah whimpers as she notices the shrub try to let some of Harang's blood. "Thankfully my zobmies don't bleed, so they aren't going to be a tasty meal."

Rowenna: "Of course. Cause it isn't normal for forests to try and fucking eat us. Why would anyone want to live here anyway if everything has an appetite? "

Vand: "Makes a good defense and counter to escapees."

Rowenna: "But beyond that, it serves little purpose other then to be a constant annoyance. I wouldn't like the idea of my back yard getting tire of me and eating me for lunch."

Miter: "Now we see why they don't worry about escapees as bad..." she mumbles, looking about.

DM62: The shrub seems to dodge Hareng's dagger, pulling back... and a red-haired, pale-skinned child emerges from its brambles, licking the rest of the blood off the thorn. "Mmm... delicious." She grins, a toothy grin. Around the party, the forest seems to close in, vines moving and shifting to block the party's escape routs. Other red-haired plant creatures are moving in, licking their lips.

Vand: "Sigh. Miss plant ladies, I assure you your numbers are very threatening, but not threatening enough. You've an interest in survival, and so do we. And in a fight, I promise you, you it will end badly for everyone. And while you may get the eventual upper hand, any one of you may not survive to see it. And I believe you have more care for your lives than that. We on the other hand need to get through. So how about we work out a deal instead?"

Sarah: "I'm with Vand on this one, I say we work out a deal." the Kitsune pipes up, despite cowering between her two remaining zombie guards.

Rowenna remained silent, feeling she was not the most diplomatic of people, especially when dealing with pale skinned plant creatures.

Miter quickly moves the harpoon launcher, cowering behind the larger creatures, while Scarab raises her blades in a threatening matter

DM62: "Please forgive them... they're just hungry," a melodious voice rings out from behind the wall of vines, which begin to part. It seems almost impossible to argue with that beautiful voice... so pure, so sexy... so innocent, so reasonable. "I'm hungry too... but I'm more curious than hungry. I have the... rather rare trait of considering my meal, before I dine." A voluptuous woman with pale, delicate features moves into view, under the moonlight. Vines turn, moving in toward the weapons held by the goblin and the tetra, but the woman raises a hand, and they stop. Even the odd child is looking at the woman, though pouting slightly.

Sarah: "Gods above she's pretty." Sarah mutters out from her hiding place, her zombie in front of her groaning gently.

Vand: "Oh I understand perfectly, ma'am. Everyone needs to eat. But we do value our lives and do have pressing business at the far side. I assume that you've been around long enough to see the temple degrade into... Well to a prison and now a tomb then?"

Hareng: "Can I be let go?" Hareng exclaimed, swinging his dagger against the root again, trying to get rid of it before he got caught further in.

Rowenna: "We are dealing with a threat far greater then any most of us. I take it the children are yours?"

Miter: "...Well this is creeeeepy... Worse than the giant undead army you lot beat us with out of nowhere..." the gobbo remarks, still cowering and keeping as close as the vines would allow to her mounted weapon.

DM62: "I've seen lots of things. As for the children... no idea, really." She waves, and the shrub moves back from Hareng, pouting but releasing him. "Pressing business. Dire threats. Creepy things. Undead armies." She laughs. "You have my curiosity piqued, now. And since you're heading south-east, toward a bog that will not just drain you but devour you whole... maybe we should sit and talk for a little. Ultimately, it will save you time." The beautiful plant woman moves forward a little further. "Besides... some of you are looking half-dead, and I can help you get a good night's sleep."

Sarah: "That depends on how much blood you wanna suck!" Sarah cries out, before hiding behind her zombie again.

Don looked at the plants around them, noticing there hunger for blood. Odd that plants would be hungry for such things, maybe they had some relation to the undead? But atleast they seemed up for negotiations so that was a good sign. Though he wondered how the 'older' plant girl seemed to have no idea bout the younger ones.

Vand: "Long as they actually wake up and are not dead or too bled to move. Or survive.," sighs Vand, "But a safe camp would be appreciated. We're definetly going to be hunted. Basically, cultists are planning to invade another world, do horrible things and such. And we're gonna stop em. And maybe restore things to way they should be. If my... Okay really guys, when you're threatened you put on a confident front, this cowering thing is really counter productive. Yeesh. Okay where was I. Oh yeah. So they're spreading plagues and such into our world, so we gotta stop that. Ad that portal is our best bet. But I'd love to hear about it cus I was thinking I'd just freeze the surface solid and thick and walk over it."

Hareng moved closer to the others, deciding that the chances of them being enemies was worth taking when all of them were... basically stuck. Everyone else seemed to trust the woman just fine but the assassin was a little unsure still. "If we're going to posit our trust so readily, could we perhaps be allowed to set up camp before more complex explanations?" The man suggested, with a bit of a resigned smile, sheathing his dagger for the moment.

DM62: "Well... we might want to move on a little, before stopping to rest." She chuckles. "As for... freezing the forest... that might not be your best move at this time. You're not even heading in the right direction, you're heading south-east. After five days, you'd reach the ocean... IF you survived the grove, and then the bog of carnivores. And then you could turn... and try to find your way through an ever-shifting wilderness. Or... you can negotiate for a guide. For now, I suggest you follow me." She waves again, and the plants move back a little from the party, the vines falling away and retreating. Then the plant woman turns, leading the party away.

Vand: "No, the bog, not the forest. Why would I freeze a forest not trying to kill me?," says Vand wryly as she follows the woman, "Come on, folks, we don't got much to lose. But yes, guides sound lovely, as well as time to tend to my friends here. Some of em got real scuffed up."

Rowenna: "Honestly, this is the best bet we have ina land that actively seems out o kill us for no other reason then that we simply exist." Rowenna was of the mind to slow down and try to think of a better route. Cause they honestly were there for what...a couple days? The best escape plans take weeks to form and this team seemed to do that in a tenth of the time. And scatered. A little organization wouldn't hurt.

DM62: Argast pats Boris, who gives something of a bleat before following the group.

Vand: "No, it wants to kill us because it's hungry."

Sarah pouts as she clings to the back of her zombie, the undead abominations moving to continue with the group, the two on Miter's cart still pushing it for her.

Don looked at the plants moving away with a bit of wariness. It would be just as easy for said plants to move right back and trap them after all, but really what other option did they have at the moment, even if he was worried they'd have to fight there way out of something anyways soon. Following Vand he looked at the woman, he was rather hoping that they could get a moments rest soon, he did have some questions to ask her, best to know the full capabilities of your companions after all. Though he didn't quite want to do it with this plant woman right there.

Hareng remained quiet, except for a sigh every once in a while, as he walked, trying to stick close to Ulyana as he followed the group, eyeing the zombie-commanding kitsune once in a while, to try and keep tabs on her for a bit. All in all, the situation seemed to calm down, so he at least tried to smile.

Miter: Both Miter and the Scarab are quiet as they follow along with the others, Miter trying to keep the cart going under the uneven terrain.

DM62: Eventually, the group reaches a clearing with a small stream. The plant-woman gestures, and bramble-vines close around the clearing, essentially cutting off any view of the outside. She chuckles, and vines come down from surrounding trees, creating a small throne for the woman, who sits. "Now... here we are. No one will feed from you tonight... at least, not without your consent. So... we can talk, and then you can sleep. Set watches, if you like... I will prevent outside attackers, but I understand that you have no reason to trust me."

Vand: "If anything it'll be because I don't sleep.," says Vand wryly, as she pulls her tent pack off her side, setting it down. "I'll set it up after. It's really big and climate controlled but if I take absolutely everyone it will be cramped as fuck, just warning you now. Anyways, may as well start with names. I'm Vand. I'm equally curious about you. I get curiosity but you clearly have an interest in us beyond merely who we are."

Hareng: Well, for another prison, this one seemed to be at least nicer than the ones at the pit. Hareng chuckled a bit of the idea of having just changed the scenery for their prison as he looked at the woman take point in the talks. He'd still not leave Ulyana's side, but he'd finally attempt to give her some more space given the circumstances. He sat in seiza pose, betraying his place of origins if his clothing hadn't already already. "I would definitely like to know our new host's name, but if the price to that is our name, I can only oblige. I'm identified the moniker of Hareng."

Vand: "I'm sticking with New Guy."

Don: "I don't sleep much myself either, but do not take it as an insult to your integrity. Also I would probably take up to much of the tent" Don tried to be diplomatic, laughing at his last line, even if he didn't trust the plant girl very much himself, the attitude drilled into him by his mother was starting to come back of 'don't piss off people if you can avoid it.' He did listen intently to whatever response Vand's and the new guys question would get, as interested to know himself.

Hareng: The man shrugged, keeping quiet as his wound slowly sealed up without anyone noticing if nobody bothered checking

Vand: "Rowenna, you've been upgraded from newblood to Rowenna. New guy is new guy now."

DM62: Argast nods. "I'm Argast. This is Boris." The woman's gaze moves over the party, and she pays particular attention to Hareng and the kobold, practically licking her lips as she sees the beastmaster. Chu'Gris shrugs. "This is better than facing attacks from those cultists and blots... I think. I am Chu'Gris of the Wailing Blade." The woman smiles. "Please. Call me Scarlett. To be honest... the Sanguine Grove is not always this cordial with travelers. But we... recently ate. Fleeing animals... Athulians... Mondurites. One of them was screaming about defilers... she made for a tasty mouthful, though."
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Third Session, 4 June (part four, discussion, making camp)
Sarah whimpers as she remains hidden amidst her zombies once they arrive at the clearing. "S-Sarash Softail...A-and don't you forget it!"

Miter's look at the talk of devouring things is somewhere between fascinated and queasy, with queasy winning out moreso. She holds tight to the cartful of stolen knowledge, glaring at everything with a wary eye. The six-armed woman meanwhile has squatted down, finally resting for a moment.

Vand: "Yeah, we sorta fed their house to a giant worm.," says Vand, "Honestly it's a good thing then. I wasn't actually bluffing, we're really not good prey choices. If I had blood I'd offer a bit for us getting guided and stuff but... Sarah, come on. Show some spine, and not somebody else's. Besides, you've got me."

Don: "Don." The minotaur said with a quick nod. "Though I must say, it is not very often one runs into plants that feed on blood and flesh?" Except those mushrooms, but he figured they weren't here.

Hareng replied to the plant-woman's stare with a simple smile, figuring there was little gain in getting overly worried. The other seemed to join in the in identifying themselves. His eyes would roll over towards Sarah for a second, causing his smile to shrink a bit before he simply closed his eyes, exhalling quietly. He'd keep the extra information fed to them about the plant-woman having had already devoured someone before in the back of his mind, and his hands close to his daggers.

Sarah: "W-Why not somebody elses? They're probably stronger than me!"

DM62: "Simone, of the Scaletail Isles." The kitsune gives a curt bow, and Scarlett nods. "Alright... we've exchanged names... or at least some of you have. Now... you know that I live here, in the Grove. And you know that I and my kind are hungry little plants, who just want a little taste of what flows within you." She chuckles. "Perhaps now you'd indulge me, tell me where you are from... and what it is that you seek?"

Vand: "Another world. Well most of us. And to go back. As I mentioned before.," says Vand, "Hence why we want the portal in the bog. Can you get us there?"

DM62: "I can. But you've seen my world... tell me about yours."

Don: "Well, I don't think we have any forests like this in our world. Though I must admit I haven't seen it all."

Vand: "Planning to visit I assume? It's dangerous, but nice. Forests, mountains, plants and trees, deserts, cold, hot.," says Vand, "Plenty of predators, some who might be a match for you guys and prey you could catch. Has critters like all of us. No Nether Beasts though."

Hareng: "And it would be great to keep it that way." Hareng added, before letting out another sigh.

DM62: Scarlett nods. "You..." She looks at Don. "You smell different... something about your blood." She looks at Ulyana. "You too..." Then to Vand. "And as you said... you have no blood at all."

Vand: "Yeah. I'm special. No blood. Them... No idea. Probably crossbred. I'm basically a roving bundle of trouble for everything though."

Hareng: The man's eyes quickly opened at the mention of Ulyana's name, but he remained sitting, controlling any impulse he had, staring at the others instead, following Scarlett's order of mentions before Vand spoke. "I'm a pure human. Thank you."

Don: "Like yourself I am at least partially required to sustain myself on the blood of others. Though I don't quite devour them, just take a taste." Don said with a small laugh. "Though I have been meaning to ask Vand, what exactly are you if you don't mind telling us."

DM62: Ulyana nods. "Half under-elf. Half human." She folds her arms. "House Palpimae. Not that it's any of your fucking business." The plant-woman chuckles. "I don't necessarily devour. I also take pleasure in keeping... paramours. Blood is willingly given... and much pleasure is had."

Vand: "Mmm. Guess I should get this out of the way now I suppose, Scarlett could probably just spy on us via plants anyhow.," sighs Vand, stretching a bit and cracking her neck, before seeming to just... Melt, roiling an becoming transparent, until there's just a 12 foot female figure of water, curvy but lacking any features. "I never lied about my name. I'm a servant of Kirellia and the goddesses, sent to investigate the recent magic spikes in the world thats been attracting my sisters. I determined what it was soon as we began crossing through. So... It's my fault we were captured. I needed to find out who was behind these portals, to see if things were playing out as expected. I don't have all the answers I need but I've enough to know we need to get back. I have to report in, and we need to stop the plagues. I understand if you're angry at me."

Miter: As expected, the goblin takes it in stride. "JUST HOW MUCH BLOODY MAGIC DOES A GIRL GOTTA TAKE IN ONE LIFETIME?!?" she groans, flopping back down. "Ugh... Nothing against ya personally lass, just throwing around magic willy-nilly seems to be what's started a lot of these types of messes."

DM62: Roland barks as Vand transforms, running around happily... {IT'S BATH/WRASSLE TIME!!!}

Don: "Huh, didn't think I'd see an actual elemental, though I kinda guessed when you had only water for insides." Don said with a bit of surprise. Another species to check off his list of 'met' though he'd probably have to see about adding to the 'met and fucked' list at some point. That last thought brought a small laugh to him to. Then he realized what she said about the portals and he frowned and glared, rather extremely, at the water creature. "Could have used a warning. Given those people you were looking for were targeting my family."

Hareng: There was some surprise in Hareng's eyes as he stared at the figure. but the man just shook his head to get rid of his worries again, and his smile returned fully the more he stared at Vand, his hands clapping together and his eyes closing as he mouthed something quietly, a sort of prayer. Before he relaxed his body and put his hands on his legs again. "It'd be hard to be angry against a servant of the godess. Though I don't think I'm officially part of this group, am I?" the assassin grinned, before he closed his eyes again.

Rowenna: "So...you mean to tell me you've been an elemental this whole time? And that you didn't jst have a crazy amount of elemental magic at your disposal? Guess there are little surprises everyday." Rowenna shrugged, not as bothered by the turn of events as the goblin. More along the level of Don. "I'm with Don on that one. It seems strange you would hide that from us. I for one try not to keep any secrets. Least my people have never been one to keep secrets. We're a very straight forward people."

DM62: Aisalla looks at Hareng, laughing. "Do we have... an official group?"

Vand: "You live in world's saturated with magic, Miter. You're gonna have to make your peace with it I'm afraid. The problem isn't use, it's abuse." She smirks as part of her stretches out and begins wrestling and washing the wolf. She looks at Don, her voice sad. "I don't know whats happened to you, but I swear to you I didn't know what we'd find or who on the other side, or their motivations. I had a feeling and tried to hide who you were but they already knew. They would have come hunting for you anyways. They seem to be going for everyone involved in the old war then if what you said is true. Sec."

Vand: She promptly sends mroe tendrils at Roland, rolling him over. "Silly mutt."

Rowenna: "At the same time, i'm no expert on the will of te gods. They do what they please and I'm just caught in the waves of their intervention"

Hareng: "If there's an official one. I might stay away from it after all." The man chuckled back at the centaur. Remaining calm towards all of the situation.

Don: "Well to start they tortured me for days, but that wasn't too bad even if it was painful. Then they turned my father into a horrible abomination and made me fight him to the death." Don glared again and left that comment hanging, not like he needed to add more. "Now they are hunting my mother as well. I know revenge is atleast some part of their motivation but I do not know the rest, except that if they kill or capture Thrae they will likely have much more control over travel between realms."

Vand: "Alright. I do have incredible power but I've been trying not to blow my cover. I'm less mortal than you all but there's many ways to inconvenience an immortal. I am actually an elemental mage and a warrior though. I hid myself from everyone, not just you. I wasn't sure if there's a spy amidst you all. I'm not still sure but my hands played already so there's no point in hiding. As for the group, well... I wasn't lying about who I am either. I'll need a new persona probably but the Frostwolves are a real mercenary group. And we're always looking for new Jaegers and such y'know." She looks back to Don, "I'm sorry. But if they had your father, do you think they couldn't have gotten you at the same time? They got the most hidden of the folks involved, assuming they've no one else, it's only due to being surrounded by powerful figures or luck."

Miter: "Well, part of the whole 'trying to figure out what's going on' is why I lugged all this crazy shit in a cart," the goblin points out, gesturing to the pile of books and other things.

Vand: "Yes, I saw that. Good going Miter. I was glad to see someone did that."

DM62: The smuggler coughs. "Well. Well, well. A servant of the Goddesses. And I almost got lucky..." He frowns, facing at the minotaur. "I did not know you were... related to Thrae and Braxis, young minotaur... or that you or Braxis were even in that hole. But I do... well, I investigated that woman who was hunting us. And... she seems to want revenge for something. She has a family... but I believe they're simply a front, a cover, so to speak." He sighs. "My real name is Tolwyn. Tolwyn Rickster."

Don: "They got my father /because/ of the torture. The most I gave them was an /entire damned country/ and they found him. If I hadn't been pulled into that world he would have likely still been alive and I'd probably still be wandering without a care." Don was rather livid now at the elemental.

Hareng: "Travel over the realms?" The man's smile quickly shrunk into almost nothing as he turned towards the minotaur. A long, long sigh left his mouth, figuring he'd have to speak with all of these people after all, even after the initial urge to just finish his own mission.

Vand: "Do you really believe that, Don? They have a vested interest. That man there is a friend of your family, not that you likely knew him. Of anyone, he could disappear best. Which seems more likely? That they wanted your father or your mother? You two are bait to lure her out. Revenge is the cherry. I suspect I've encountered this Moira of yours, Tolwyn. She's quite the chameleon."

Vand: "Very little pride either, or is capable of suppressing."

Don seemed to fight himself for a moment, before letting out a loud snort and settling his anger for the moment. The elemental had a point, even if he'd like to point out that his father had been uncaptured before then. Instead he turned to the smuggler. "I'm guessing you were part of my parents old team during the crusade?"

Vand sighs a bit. "I hate to bring up a final point but I should. Time flows diffrently between the worlds. It has possibly been a few months since we left Kalifer."

DM62: At this point Sarah speaks up. "Before we reveal any more information," she walks about from behind the zombie, looking at Hareng. "Show me that amulet. And maybe... explain to me how you got it. And who you got it from."

Rowenna: "I don't know much about the concept myself, new guy. I'm use to traveling oerland on foot like most people or animals. THis little trip into another realm was a first for me. You have a lot to learn like myself."

Vand: "Oh, yeah, new guy. I was just sorta figuring I'd pop his head if he was trouble. May as well answer her, Hareng."

Miter: "Months?!? Holy crap, what coulda been happening during that?!? They could have even started whatever crockin' invasion while we've been sitting around!" Miter panics

Vand: "Possibly. But there's no point in panicking, it won't get us any closer."

Hareng: "..." The frowned, while keeping his eyes closed, his hands still near his daggers as he shook his head. "I must question the importance that my amulet has to any of you." He replied, as he opened his eyes, looking at the everyone in the group one after the other.

Vand actually tkes a moment to focus on the amulet.

DM62: The kitsune folds her arms. "I can explain the amulet. Or you can explain the amulet."

Vand: "It's magical. So there's that much."

Hareng: The man let his head hang down for a couple seconds, only lifting it when he'd taken a long breath, smiling back at Sarah as she 'threatened' him. "This amulet was given to me by the living master of underfell." He finally admitted, not entirely too pleased with having to talk about it. "It binds my loyalty to them."

DM62: Sarah looks taken aback. "Mistress Jenna? You're... under an Amulet of Compulsion... from Jenna?"

Vand: "I feel like I should be generating a twister right now. Wonder why..."

Hareng: "That is correct, yes." Hareng replied, closing his eyes again, resigned to whatever people would think about him. "Is there a problem with my current allegiance.?"

Vand: "Nope. Not with me. I just wanna know why you're here."

Rowenna: "So you're just another lacky of Underfell? Well, at least it was for a decent member of the group and not the Masters. Just their titles make my skin crawl. Jenna seemed a nice enough person."

Rowenna: "I have no qualms either basically."

Vand: "Mmm, incidently, anyone want a drink? Magically generated water. Not of my body. I mean you could drink from me but most people find that weird."

DM62: Argast rolls his eyes. "Come on, people. Not all of us have been paying attention for the past few sessions, and there are players who didn't sit through the first story arc, too. A little extra exposition would be nice, here. And I would love a drink, Vand." The kobold smiles at the elemental.

Vand holds up a hand, creating water. "Fiiiiine. Okay Jenna is another veteran of the old war and thus may be a target of our little mess here. Obviously the cultists tried to have her killed to start a war between her and the under elves. Didn't work out."

Miter: "Not our fault the Forth Wall's kinda a bitch around here," the goblin pipes back. She's mumbling, digging through the books idly, frowning at all the runic words.

Vand: "I trust her to be on our side, and thus I trust you, assuming you're not lying, to be on our side. But I do wanna know why you're here, and not there."

A note falls out of one of the books that Miter is reading, quietly picked up by the goblin female.

Hareng: The man nodded at the explanation, looking a little more at ease with the situation. "My reason for being here might be the same as you, lady Vand. Under direct order of Master Jenna, I am to escort Ulyana safely back through the rift, and investigate possible dangers to our dimension... and if possible, stop them."

Hareng: "My life will be given back to me upon completion of that task."

Vand: "...I see. Ulyana, can you shed why he's got these orders? Cus Jenna knows you evidently. Also, yeah, offers still on if you're still up for it heh."

DM62: Ulyana practically growls. "I have no fucking idea. People have been after me and watching me and hunting me and protecting me all my fucking life. And sometimes I wish all you people would just piss off."

Hareng: "Unfortunately for you, Ulyana, pissing off puts a risk on my life." The assassin responded to the girl with a big smile as he mentioned that.

Vand: "Woah, hey, I honestly have no idea who you are, promise. I only know about you cus of him. I'e been up front with my motivation with you.," says Vand, holding up her hands, "I'm not omnipotent by a mile. I know a lot cus of how long I lived and the opposite but I don't have a goddess in my ear at all times. On that note..." She has many tendrils come off her and begin setting up her massive magic tent, "Glad I sprang for extra large... Well. Way I see it... We may as well focus on settling. And maybe stop rudely ignoring our host. Sorry Scarlett."

Miter's quiet for a little bit as everyone talks, thumbing around a cloth package as she flips through the last book she had rummaged idly. She perks up a bit at the current conversation. "Right, stop all that. We did NOT just make a bigass worm-thing eat up an entire city just so we could kill each other!"

Vand: "Yeah that. We've too many other things to kill first."

DM62: Scarlett shrugs, smiling. "I'm finding all of this fascinating. But we should really come to an arrangement, regarding a guide for you."

Vand: "Agreed. So, we need to get to the gate. I imagine you want blood in return or something? Or are you gonna ask us to bring seeds through?"

Rowenna: "Sometimes life throws shit you don't want at you hun. You think I wanted to become a werewolf? Been running for so long. Been ages since I've been back to my homeland. Sometimes, we just have to play the cards we're dealt." She agreed with Miter, but would say little else in regards to the discussion. She'd said her piece.

Hareng: Well, that seemed to go better than expected. Hareng smiled as he shook his head silently. Problems had already piled on him the moment he caught wind of the problem the minotaur in the group was related to... He'd have to work hard on that front too. He chuckled to himself, managing to find funny how his life was largely becoming someone else's the more he heard about these people. He'd never be freed from the amulet, would he?

DM62: The woman looks around. "No. No seeds. No blood. Though... I'm still a bit hungry, and if someone wanted to give me a taste... I could easily pay them back, in... other ways." She smiles. "You know... I was an old tree when this world was broken. When the corruption spread, and when the Hunger spread over these woods. Along with intelligence, that could never truly be sated in a forest. So believe me... I understand what it means to live in a broken world. And while I can sympathize with those of you who have lost loved ones," she looks at the minotaur, "You haven't lost your world, yet. You haven't been broken. So whether or not you help me, you have my word. I will help you."

Vand: "I see... Well. That's really kind of you, Scarlett. I'd volunteer if I had what you needed, so I'll leave that to others.," says Vand, nodding as the tent is set up, rolling the furs for the ground out inside, "Unless you can think of some use for water anyways. For now... Think everyone should take the time to cool and settle down and savor the fact that while we aren't home, we're at least free."

DM62: "Well... blood would be nice. But that's not the favor I'd ask." She chuckles.

Vand: "Well. Guess some of you are home. Sentiment stands damn it! I already owe two favors but I'm listening if they ain't calling dibs."

Melodious: "Indeed, some of us are home... I guess..." the Scarab remarks morosely."

Vand: "Or someone else rather. Hey now Scarab. You can always make a new home. Plenty room in Kalifer for exotic folks too."

Rowenna: "Believe me, I don't want to lose my world. I still wanna go home someday." Even if everyone thought she was dead already. A new identity was easy to come by.

Hareng: "I will offer myself then." Hareng announced, feeling rather animated about his situation. "I don't believe it will be a problem as long as it doesn't involve death."

Vand: "Well, there you go."

DM62: "I'm a single tree, who lives on blood. I live in a forest full of other plants who live on blood. And it's terribly, terribly dull here, either way. No, I wish to leave. To see new things, new horizons. Breed with strange beings, drink blood freely, from those who give it freely." She licks her lips. "I want to come with you. To see your world, as you have seen mine."

Don returned Scarlett's look before giving a wry grin before chuckling. "Well, I thank you for the sentiment Scarlett. As for coming with us, I'm all for her joining us." Don chuckled again. "You've practically got the same goal I did when I was setting out from the bloom. Though I had a bit more 'battling monsters and evil' in there as well."

Vand: "Oh. Might as well started with that. Sure, why not, I'm bringing this lot. He probably wants to check out our version of volcanos. He's a pyromancer, seems to be some sort of universal calling and he can hug my firey sisters, Scarab can learn from me if she likes or maybe become the best farmer the worlds ever seen, And uh... Well boob centaurs pretty strange but eh, all good way I see it."

Vand flops back on the ground as she regains her living seeming consistency as she turns into a shark mermaid, smirking, "But for now, I'm just gonna savor not having to keep up appearances for a little while."

Miter continues to work her way through the pile idly, trying to read more of the stuff she could read.

Rowenna: "Well, we all earned friends from our little escapade, least we could do is bring them along. And I see nothing wrong with having Scarlett along for the ride either. Not like our party could get any stranger."

Vand: "Of course. Ain't leaving anyone behind who doesn't wanna be."

Hareng: Well, there was very little else to do. Hareng remained sitting where he was, eyes closed. Whatever the plant-woman decided to do after he offered, he'd accept instead of backing off on his word.

Rowenna: "Oh and are we all changing shape now? I didn't get the message fast enough. Though I guess I'd rather keep my human form until absolutely necessary. "

Don couldn't help but raise an eyebrow toward Vand's current appearance. He had to admit, she looked rather...interesting to say the least. Chuckling again he said. "I would say that looks uncomfortable on dry land, but I highly doubt things like lungs verse gills really matter to you." Then his eyes moved to Rowanna. "Wait, you can change shape as well?"
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Third Session, 4 June (part five, resting, breaking camp, the path ahead, burial of a smuggler, the in-fighting begins)
DM62: Rowenna is pulled closer by the centaur. Aisalla chuckles, kissing her neck. "Speaking of friends... maybe we could retire for the night, dear? I could... brush your hair?" Scarlett nods. "I appreciate the offer... and.. Hareng? Maybe you'd like to join me for the evening?" Miter continues reading, and a clean Roland shakes himself almost dry, tackling Vand for snugs. Argast curls up near Boris, laying down for a bit.

Vand: "If you wanna, do it. This is my favorite body form. And it's as inconvenient as I want it to be.," she says as she lazily waved a hand, lifting herself up as she makes a pool of water underneath her, "Swimming on the surface isn't as free, but it's still easily doable. I rarely get chance to be around large bodies of water so I learned to improvise. And unless my favors being called on or someone wants to spar or something... Heh, take the tent Rowenna, I don't mind. Just don't complain if you gotta share."

Vand: She chuckles and scritches Roland happily. "Missed you too, pal. But yeah. I'll answer questions too long as they ain't inane like whats my future or something. Not a god damned Fateweaver."

Hareng nodded at Scarlett's words, "I will do then." The man replied as he got up from his sitting position. Walking towards the woman as he looked at the others.

Rowenna: "I'm a were wolf don. I can shift betwen three forms at will. Though the full moon tends to force the issue and I get rather violent and...well lets just say you don't want to run into me when I'm in that state." She'd yelp slightly as Aisalla pulled her in, the human chuckling in the process. "Well, if you want. We could use her tent or we can find a little place nearby. Though with Vand deciding to swim, we have plenty of options."

Vand: "It's less swimming, more drifting on my back. I wouldn't wander far from Scarlett though."

DM62: Rowenna can also feel the influence of the two moons overhead, which are almost full... basically forcing her into werewolf form, and making her more randy and aggressive than normal.

Rowenna: "Either way, I wanna get somewhere private quick. Damn moons are making it hard to hold onto my human state."

Vand: "Mmm, need a chaperone, if you don't think you can cuddle your wolf side, Rowenna?"

Don: "Heh, wouldn't think to ask that. It'd take all the...interest, out of adventuring." Don seemed to pause over that word, as he might have said 'fun' if it hadn't been for the previous events. As for Vand's rather casually given offer, it would be rather easy to notice that the minotaur perked up a bit at it, given he did not have much access to either blood or sex during his imprisonment, both halves of his bloodline were getting very difficult to control. The minotaur managed a rather strained if still sly attempting grin, "I certainly wouldn't say no if you wanted to, do it, Vand."

Rowenna: "It's most likely gonna be my hybrid form or wolf form. Though not sure which."

DM62: Aisalla gives the elemental the look of a jealous woman. "I'll be all the chaperone this wolfie needs, dear."

Melodious: The six-armed woman shifts herself to a nearby rock, resting herself against it as she sinks her many swords into the earth nearby, in easy reach. Clearly Miter had found something of interest in her pile of information, eying through a tome with renewed interest

Vand: "Hm? You asking for a spar, Don? Y'know I don't got blood right? If you feed off me you'll probbaly get an headchill.," aks Vand, looking up, before glancing to isalla with a lazy smile, "Heh relax Aisalla. I'm not going to steal your mate. We're close but we aren't sexual close. Just looking out for a fellow merc who expressed concerns about her nature in the past." She flopped back on her tummy, "You okay there Scarab? You took a hit before..." (Pft, Vand sleeps with anything. She slept with one human almost, she'd be fine with another.)

Melodious: The multi-armed woman shrugged slightly, quietly resting. "Just... taking advantage of the fresh air for once..."

Vand: "Alright, if you need someone to look over any injuries, let me know. Need to take care of yourself after all. The rest of my offers always open if you wanna learn new techniques too." (Heh, you say that like she's never slept with msot of these species before. Vands the oldest person there cept probably Scarlett.)

Don: "Heh, I'm only half vampire Vand. Turns out through some freak of nature I can help deal with the blood issue by catering to my minotaur side." Don said with another small laugh. "Though I wouldn't say no to a spar either." If only because it would help make sure his muscles hadn't gone too rusty being chained up.

Vand: "Heh. Ah, you wanted the other. Either or works. Goes like this though, we have sex, you get the condom. No kids for me. I mean I can breed but any kid I have is gonna be in a hell of a spot so if I have one I wanna give her the best parental bloodlines and aptitudes as possible cus fuck knows she will need em. So I'm either really impressed or really forced down and violated before I'm having a kid. So yeah. That said if you wanna sparI'll let you take top if you win heh."

DM62: The party wakes, fully-rested, with some needs satisfied for the first time in days or a week. Scarlett is awake, stretching. "Alright... I suppose it's about time we got a move on." Chu'Gris grunts. "Best night in a long time."

Vand "wakes" up, in so much as stops daydreaming as she takes off an absurd hat, and reverts to her armored human form, compelte with sword, sliding her helmet on. "Right. Learn anything useful, Miter? Those of you who napped in the tent can help me put it away."

Melodious: The six-armed woman grabbed the blades that had rested near her, soon returning them to latches on her thigh armor. "It was certainly a night at least..." she mumbles. Miter yawns form somewhere in the cart, eventually shoving a pile of books to one side to make a way out. "Somewhat..." she mumbles. "Most of this is in whatever language the others speak here, but there's a few of the cult-spewing ones speak of the bigger things walking about here..."

Vand: "Neat. Heh. So, they said you wrecked a caravan by yourself Scarab. Care to share a bit about yourself? If you only wanna tell me I can use magic so no one else hears. Or not. It's your call, but I'm curious."

Hareng walked out, looking plenty still plenty replenished for someone who'd gone at it the whole night. He looked out, at the people who were awake and decided to simply sit down, enjoying the scene for a bit with a smile.

Don wakes up outside too, given also, for a definition of 'waking.' Grumbling a bit with Don shook the kinks out of his muscles and bones. Getting his armour on and attaching his axe to his belt he said. "Well, guess time to go brave a bog and see what we've missed at home..."

Melodious grows tight-lipped, not seeming to deem that with a response beyond a muddled Abyssian string of curses. her somewhat morose mood souring more.

Vand: "Okay, okay, sheesh.," sighs Vand, "You don't have to talk, I'm sorry for prying. Everyones got pasts they rather not discuss, it's my bad for forgetting it. Don't need to take my head off in another language."

Hareng: The man chuckled, taking a bit of a liking to the apparent life these people had. Though he still made a mental note in his mind to talk with done and the smuggler at some point.

DM62: Aisalla, meanwhile, is trying to convince Rowenna to stay in bed just a little longer, and let her lick the Valhal's pussy for another hour or so. "We've got plenty of time, dear, and it's not like we didn't just leave a place where it was all on display." The randy centauress is ready to go this morning, kissing Rowenna's belly and massaging her thighs.

Scarab just shrugs three times over, eying the cage of brambles with the wariness of someone who never feels quite safe at any moment. Miter is again thumbing a rag-wrapped package, looking a tad pensive as she digs through another book.

Vand: "Oi! Unless you've a harness to strap her upside down to your front or underside on the go, I want you guys ready to move. Tents coming down either way and you're helping it come down. You use it, you help with putting it away."

Vand: "I appreciate your wariness, but I don't sleep and I've been watching the whole time. I doubt anythings getting by Scarlett either. Love the dedication, but I figure we're good until the bog. We might get pursuers but we'll hear them long before we see em."

Rowenna: "Another time, hun. We had plenty of fun last night and you did more then just "brush" my hair. When we get to the surface, i promise we'll have more fun. Escape is our first priority."

DM62: Aisalla sighs, giving Rowenna's pussy one long lick anyway. Then she rises up, sticking her tongue out at Vand, but helping to unfasten the tent. Argast is helping as well, and Boris is roaming around, munching on small tufts of grass. Scarlet chuckles. "Glad we're all rested... or at least satisfied. If we make good time today, we'll rest at the border of the Hollow Bog. So I suppose we should talk about the Bog. To be honest... it scares me a little. I don't have any real control there. But I think there are ways through it."

Hareng: "I think we can deal with the bog with all of us." Hareng chimed in confidently as he stood up.

Vand: "You mean besides me freezing the place solid and walking across?," says Vand, her looking amusedly at Aisalla, "Careful sexy, it might stick like that."

DM62: "You think that freezing the ground will stop the individual carnivorous plants to let you across, in relative safety." The plant-woman looks amused.

Miter: "I'll do what I can to look up some good ideas to get through the thing... Maybe..." Miter mumbles, thumbing through more books. "Considering how common Common was in the Pit, ye'd think they'd have written more of these or translated em..."

Vand: "If they're aquatic plants, I don't think they can stop me. I also know plants take naps in the cold generally. But hey, I love hearing alternatives, so I'm all ears."

Hareng: "Can we really assume the plants here are the same as in our world, though?" The assassin questioned, joining besides Vand as he looked for Ulyana.

Rowenna would giggle softly as Aisalla gave her one last lick, promising her to stay in her hybrid state for the duration of the journey to quote "Give her something nice to look at as they made the trip." As things got moving and plans were discussed, Rowenna would offer her two cents "Well, didn't Scarlett offer us a way around or at least a potential solution?"

DM62: "That's the trick. Not... aquatic plants. More... aquatic... plant." Scarlett is smirking.

Melodious: "Indeed, by what little I heard you riskef-kin have much...." Scarab struggles for the proper word for a moment. "...nicer?... plants and beasts..."

Don: "The whole swamp is a single entity isn't it?"

DM62: "Well... I'm not sure if it's a single entity or several massive entities. But they are not... single bulbs for a single plant."

Hareng: "That doesn't sound good."

Hareng: "Maybe we can't really take on all of them with our group alone then." The assassin chuckled.

Miter: "This is why magic's bad! It creates weird shit like that!" Miter pipes up, though the tone is a bit more joking.

DM62: Scarlett raises an eyebrow at the goblin's statement. "Magic? That wasn't... magic. Magic was used in this world for centuries. No... that was the curse of the Goddesses themselves, if the legends of the Gurnolds and Gnarleds are true."

DM62: "So was my sentience and movement, if you believe the stories."

Vand: "Hm. Couldn't tell you. Seems unlikely. Speaking from experience, if Kirellia wants to punish you, she uses natural disasters not talking plants. Thats not any of the gods MO's.," says Vand, looking over to Scarab, "And some are nicer. But we also have real rough critters too. Like Snurflers."
Vand: "Anyways, giant hungry plants huh. I'm not good enough at air magic to carry everyone over it..."

Miter: "Hard to tell if ya go jus by the books," the goblin quips some more. "Every damn one of these cultists texts are trying to take credit for it."

Vand: "You said you had some ideas of how to get by, Scarlett?"

DM62: "They seem to live on two things. There are pink bulbs... and purple bulbs. The purple ones... no one ever emerges. They swallow a person whole. But the pink ones... they just... taste a person for a while. I think they live off the sweat... or something. But when the pink ones feed... the purple bulbs stop being hungry, too."

Vand: "Can't help on that one besides replenishing lost fluids..."

Vand: "Though I can at least scout out purples and pinks safely. I get swallowed,I can escape easy enough."

Miter: "So, they got two different types of feeders? Good to know..." Miter mumbles. "If only we hadn't blown up the bar, I coulda stole some of those bottles for firebombs..."

Vand: "Yeah, my bad, I underestimated the enemy."

Melodious: "...Apologies, but what's to stop of from turning these things into... into... salad? I think is the term? I mean, they're plants, it's not like they'd be that threatening..." says the tetra.

Vand: "Giant plants. I'm gonna assume they have defenses. Or tons of bulbs."

DM62: "Miles... of bulbs. And when they rise up, hungry... we need to make sure they're satisfied."

Vand: "There we go. I'll scout out pinks then some brave volunteers will get slurped awhile. I'd do it myself but all my "fluids" are water and food coloring."

Rowenna: "And take the risk of running into the people eaters? Can we just avoid them or do they have to be satisfied. Cause if it wer eup to me, we'd off the bad ones and only deal with the pink ones. Least then we won't die."

Miter: "Yeah... either way this is risky as all hell. You sure we can't just skirt along the coast and get to the same place?" Miter remarks.

DM62: "Pink... purple... same plant. You kill one bulb, the others get violent. Fighting is not a good option, here. As for skirting the coast... you've seen the map. It's a full day from the edge of the Grove... and a day-and-a-half from the ocean shore, through the bog."

Vand: "May as well just keep the bulbs sated. Seriously, I'd volunteer to take the risk if I actually sweated."

Rowenna: "So that leaves those of us that can. Wonderful."

Vand: "Unless we know an alchemist who can alchemically create a similar solution anyways."

Miter: "Don't think we'd be that lucky lasses and lads," Miter groans, leaning back.

DM62: "Well, we might end up fighting our way through, either way. If one of the purple ones gets hungry at the wrong time... then the only option will be to fend it off. Possibly to kill it, unless your friends are expendable." Chu'Gris growls. "I prefer a good fight, either way."

Vand: "I'll take the brunt if possible. Eating is... Not pleasant but still not quite as lethal for me in theory."

Melodious: "We are in agreement, green one," Melodious remarks, her own swords returning to her hand. "If it comes to it, we'll be able to at least defend ourselves for a time."

DM62: Scarlet chuckles. "I don't think the scent or taste of water attracts them."

Vand: "Probably not, but it'll have to spit me out to eat someone else. And in that time I can make it regret it while it is occupied."

DM62: Argast looks over from smoothing Roland's fur. "Scent? It's the scent?"

Vand: "Evidently? I mean we can test it when we arrive?"

Miter: "True, if we can find a way to outfox how they react..."

Rowenna: "Then we'll calm them down for a while. Least I hope so. THe more we sit here talking the more doubts we'll foster."

DM62: Aisalla shrugs, walking by the Valhal and giving her a good scene of her centauress musk. "Not sure how a group like ours hides our scents." Argast shrugs, continuing to stroke Roland's fur as he barks happily. The vines around the party retreat, opening the party to the open forest again. Scarlett smiles. "Well... if we're ready, I suppose it's time to move on."

Vand: "Maybe not hide. If we can just put a strong scent on one, strong enough to mask everyone elses, especially on me..."

Miter nods, hopping down and moving to shove her cart along, while the Scarab moves ahead of everyone, alongside the plant-creature.

Rowenna: "That...that is true. I mean, many of us can adopt or are beasts in some shape or form. Hard to mask strong smells and the like 24/7. Maybe roll around in the dirt? A good ath also does wonders for getting rid of scents and odor"

Rowenna: But she was just rambling at his point. She'd press on when everyone else did.

DM62: The party seems to be up and ready... except the smuggler, who's still curled up near the tent, laying on his side.

Vand moves over and checks on him carefully. "Hey, you alright...?"

DM62: He does not react... and he's not breathing, his skin cool.

Vand: "...Sigh... Least he went in freedom...," she curses, checking to see what finally did him in

DM62: The smuggler seems to have passed in the night. There's no sign of foul play or even discomfort. Vand isn't sure why he died, but there's no apparent cause.

Rowenna: "Fuck...But he should have been able to see his home before that. Not this fucking hell."

Vand: "..." She picks up her sword, turning it into a shovel. "Man was blind. They took his eyes. Took his family. Only thing they never took was his spirit. I'll give him a proper burial but it won't be the last time I see him. I'm honestly a little disappointed Iwon't get to see him ask Dicen why she interrupted his chance at getting laid and replaced it with torture when she hits on him."

Miter: "...Huh. Now the pantheon makes just that little more sense," the goblin quips.

DM62: Sonja shrugs. "The Goddesses smile or shit on us all, from time to time." She kneels, starting to help dig with her talons. Scarlett sighs. "Amateurs." Roots dig up a tunnel almost instantly, creating a suitable resting place for his body. "If you wish... we can place a tree over his resting place."

Don muttered a small prayer for the man's soul. To guide it through the realms till its final destination. Judging by the man's state he guessed that he just died from the failings of the body. Though there are much worse ways to go at least.

Vand: "Can't be good at everything.," says Vand wryly, putting him in gently, "The goddesses are a lot more mortal like than most priests would admit. Makes things amusing to watch sometimes. Sadly it's you guys that often suffer for it. But they can't smack me for honesty until we get back to Kalifer so let's not keep em waiting."

Rowenna: "I'll have a bone to pick with them then if that's the case. They're as mortal as you say, then they wouldn't mind a good slap." Rowenna said rather dryly. "Rest easy, you old bastard. You've earned it after the hell you went through."

Miter: "Aye, I wanna see what assholes have been trying to nick my stuff too!" Miter jokes.

DM62: Scarlett nods... then roots close in, pulling dirt over him. A shrub is pulled into place over the burial place. Sonja raises an eyebrow. "Someone getting buried and you're worried about your stuff? Fucking goblins."

Hareng would remain silent, not forgetting to rid himself of his smile as the man was buried. "I don't think something like this is fair still." The assassin sighed, his head hanging down. "It just isn't." The long sigh would leave Hareng looking a little too depressed as he stared at the newly made grave.

Miter: "Hey, not much I can do for the guy..." she replies back. "But considering how much crap the bunch of gits obsessed with flying machines were scavenging, I'd like some of my prototypes left alone, thanks..." She sighs, shaking her head a little. "Cides, some people deal wtih grief with levity, suck it up. I don't like he got stuck here either in the end, but yeah, still not much we can do about it unless Vand skirts her responsibilities here."

Vand: "Life's not fair. Never is.," shrugs Vand as she moves, "And yeah, you slapping a goddess is... Yeah I'd love to watch that." She looks over with a shrug, "I deal with grief with knowing that I have the luxury of being able to see them again after all things are settled. Part of why I don't like advertising what I am is most people treat me diffrent after, or think of me more as my role than myself. But it's moments where I lose someone that I often have to think that way too. I'm upset but... Well. What am I gonna do? Nothing I wasn't already going to do. And the man's been a favorite of High Command for awhile so..."

DM62: The harpy flies over, plucking up the goblin's bicycle. "Oh, no! Oh, look, I have the gobbo's stuff!" She flies about, above Miter's reach.

Vand: "...It begins."

Miter frowns, and simply slides a bolt slooooooowly into the harpoon launcher with an obvious rasping noise.

Hareng: The young assassin clapped his hands, giving a prayer with closed eyes like Don had done before. Before turning around to see the madness starting a new. There would be many sighs to be had in this trip after all... Hareng smiled dryly. Before he tried jumping up to try and get bike before the Goblin hurt someone.

Vand: "Sonja, give her bike back. Miter, don't threaten your comrades."

DM62: Sonja smirks, dropping the bicycle none-too-gently on Miter's toes. Scarlett raises an eyebrow. "I've been getting more blood, thanks to you people... heh."

Vand: "Sonja, if you hurt your teammates like that again, I'll ask Lunis to give you the room next to the noisy ice machine for all eternity when you pass."

Miter gives a yelp, before struggling to shove it back in the cart as well. "Lousy sunofa feather pillow..." she mumbles, but does let go of the launcher and focuses on the task at hand. "And what's an ice machine?"

DM62: Sonja sticks a tongue out at Vand and Miter. "Probably just some lame attempt to abuse the fourth wall as well as the DM."

Rowenna: "They asked for it Vand. You shouldn't have told me anything." Rowenna gave a confident smirk even in her hybrid state. "We should get going though. No use lingering. And I think he's tired of listening to us argue anyway. Probably just wants to sleep."

Hareng: "If you don't mind, I'll take point." Hareng offered.

Vand looks over and makes an ice cube form and stick to the end of Sonja's tongue. "See? Told you it'll stick that way. Really? You're not gonna let the lady who can't be impaled take point?"

Vand: "Hey it's your call man, I can dig it."

Hareng: The assassin nodded, giving a smile at Vand. "I'll do it then." He replied as he looked at the path.

Rowenna: "I'll stay about in the middle. So I can leap in either direction towards a problem should it arise. That's the perks of this form I suppose."

Vand: "I think the perk is Aisalla get's to ogle your wolfy ass the whole way."

DM62: Sonja growls, pulling the tongue back in to try to melt the ice. "Thath noh vawwie nieth oth ooh."

Melodious grunts, moving her six-armed butt forward next to the guide, while Miter shrugs and starts pushing)

Vand smiles wryly and helps melt it. "Neither is stealing and stubbing girls toes. But it was nice. I coulda made it a glacier."

((end of session))
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Fourth Session, 11 June (part one, old tree, biter shrubs)
DM62: The party continues roughly south-west, with Scarlett leading the group through the path. Chu'Gris is looking around with an odd expression, and Argast is riding atop Boris, quietly taking in the scenery. At one point there's a bit of a clearing in the trees, and the party can see to the West what looks to be a massive, ancient tree, jutting out of the treetops around it, towering over the rest of the grove.

Vand: "That's a hell of a broccoli."

Miter is quietly dragging herself along with the rest, her cart full of books, charts, and random devices. She eyes the tree and does a small blink at it. "Well, can't fault the place for the scenery." Meanwhile, Desert Scarab continues to try to lead, walking fast with her blades ready.

Hareng walked calmly, still somewhat at the front of the majority of the party. "What is this place again?" The assassin exclaimed, letting his smile grow a bit at the comments prior to his. "We can still fault it for lethality. Is it safe to be around this?" He chuckled.

DM62: Scarlett clears her throat nervously. "That is one of the dangers of wandering this Grove without a guide. She is the oldest tree I know of... and her hunger consumes her. She's drained the trees close to her, and anyone who happens upon her roots is... well, food. None of us would survive the encounter." Chu'Gris looks at the Garden Watcher with a thoughtful expression. "I've seen some of this fauna... in Braxil. There were woods with red plants... that drove warriors into a rage. Malgra refined it, made it into something called the Blackchew."

Vand: "Wait, it's one of THOSE? Damn, I gotta update our files..."

Hareng: "I assume it will be a lot harder talking to her than you, right?" Hareng asked, looking just a little disappointed he was right.

Rowenna: "Is there anything beyond you Scarlett that isn't out to kill us or hurt us? Cause honestly, the more I hear of this place the faster I want to get to the surface."

Vand: "You mean our plane. We're on the surface, just of another plane."

Don: "My mother talked about those plants. I guess they were from another dimension instead of just a mutated wood." Don said as he tried to make sure he didn't step on any exposed roots of any kind around here.

DM62: "This is the Sanguine Grove. Anything with warm blood in its veins is basically a juicy meal to us. Of course... many of the Garden Watchers here would NOT kill you. They would simply keep you for themselves... and they would find ways to make it a pleasurable experience for you." She gives Hareng a wink. "But some of them are slaves to their hunger, especially in the deeper parts of the Grove, where we rarely have... company." Boris gives a bleat, and Argast pats it. "Speaking of hungry... I don't suppose anyone got a chance to grab some rations while we were escaping the Pit?" The rest of the party can begin to feel the pangs of hunger, particularly Hareng and Sonja (who were recently fed upon) and Rowenna (who is now stuck in hybrid or full wolf form, due to the positions of the two moons). Chu'Gris also seems to be struggling slightly, having shifted into a hybrid werebull form.

Vand: "Or maybe both were mutated by the same source thats affecting both worlds. Sorry guys, wasn't food in the armory. I can give you water but I don't really have much else... Still, Scarlett, some of the plants here must produce fruit, if just as a lure at least."

Miter: A loud growling comes from the goblin's stomach. "Oh... crap."

Don: "I half think any fruit around here would probably be a poison of some sort." Don grunted. "Especially if it is bait, probably just full of arsenic."

Hareng could only let out a big sigh, forcing his smile to stay unmoving as he felt the hunger gnaw at his stomach. "Would it even be safe to look for something edible here?" He exclaimed as he adjusted his clothes a bit. "It wouldn't do to get more tired and hungry from trying to find food."

Rowenna: "Honestly, I'm with Don on this one. Is there really anything here for us to eat? I mean...me in my state. And I doubt the wolf me would be welcome around here with the local predator community. I might be seen as lunch."

DM62: "It's a little dangerous... there are the Biter Shrubs. They feed on younger Garden Watchers, luring them in with the red bloodfruit." She pauses. "I don't suppose you all eat blood?"

Hareng: "It would be awfully convenient, but personally, I don't feed off of blood." Hareng lamented.

Vand: "No, pretty sure most of them would throw up if they tried. Rowenna might be able to but... Yeah okay hm... guess we're just gonna have to manage for now."

DM62: Chu'Gris shrugs. "We could try cooking it, maybe. Especially with the flaming elf." The fire elf raises an eyebrow? "What's that suppose to mean? Oh wait... I see your point."

Vand: "Cooked blood? I like Sparky better. Flaming elf is way too open to interpretation as was just demonstrated. IT's that or we hunt murder-broccoli. I can get the fruit off em safely probably."

Hareng: "Some of us should probably help. It would be easier than having one single person tiring out. It goes without saying, I volunteer for helping."

Don: "I will likely just get tangled up in whatever there trap is." Don said, being neither a dexterious or stealthy creature he knew his limits.

Rowenna: "I mean, I can eat meat raw occasionally, but only in my current state. The human me would be very unable to stomach such a...feast. And I can help hunt if necessary. Hunting is my bread and butter back home"

DM62: Simone shakes her head, "You had best remain back, Hareng. You're looking pale and tired, and your death will help no one. If Vand requires assistance, I am willing to lend aid."

Miter: "Yeah, only thing I like bloody's a good hamhalk.... and even then that's with a good searing," the goblin remarks as well. Mebbeh there's game of some kind around here we can bag?"

Vand: "I literally do not get tired. I am not biological. I am literally a spirit inhabiting a lake. So, y'know, not really limited. Still, as the person who isn't, my responsibility to help those of you who are. Show me the way, Scarlett."

Hareng couldn't help but to give a troubled smile, feeling against the idea of sitting out of the situation. "I guess that's how it is then." He shrugged, as he looked to at Simone.

DM62: Scarlett nods, then points a hand at the ground. Roots spring out of her hand, digging quickly into the ground. "There are... ways to locate a Biter Shrub, without alerting it, if one knows the technique." She concentrates for a moment, then nods. "As it turns out, one is on our path. We would have had to go around it or face it, either way." She guides the group further southwest, finally spotting what looks to be a moderately-sized shrub with round, red fruit. There don't seem to be any trees very close to it. "Right... the bloodfruit is ripe." She licks her lips, but stays put. "If you pluck the fruit from the Biter Shrub, the ground will fall away under you, and it will try to devour you. It's more like a large worm than a shrub, really." The scent of the blood in the fruit also reaches Don's nostrils... very fresh blood.

Vand: "I see. Right okay then. So how big a hole we talking?"

DM62: "Depends on the shrub... but wide enough to devour a tree. So... fairly large."

Rowenna: "Yeah, I'm quick, but not that quick in getting out of the way...Unless I had an arm that could extend super far."

Vand: "Right. Okay so extendo arm time.," she shrugs as her arms transform into water, "See, Rowenna's thinking with water! Let's see, gotta stand about... Here. And let's give it a go. At worst I get icky." She reaches out with water tentacles to pluck a bunch of fruit quickly.

Miter has her flintlocks out, eying the red-fruited plant with a frown. "This thing got a lot of reach? What stops us peppering it full of holes here?"

Vand: "That it's underground. Be like shooting it's hair."

Hareng: "Is there a way we can just hook it or pierce it?" Hareng asked from the back, looking around for something that might be useful if his idea was any good.

DM62: As the water tendril pulls at the first bunch of fruit, the shrub seems to tremble... then as the fruit comes off, the ground seems to open up underneath the shrub, in a roughly twenty-five foot circle around the shrub, revealing a massive, gaping maw filled with tendrils. It makes a shrieking sound, trying ineffectively to latch onto the water limbs, as Vand manages to pull several large pieces of fruit off of the shrub. The screaming intensifies, and the creature is shaking, trying to reach the tendril. Scarlett shrugs. "Little point in killing it, really... but I suppose you could try."

Hareng: "It's loud, wouldn't it draw something bad out for us?"

Vand: "What Scarlett said. Never held for pointless murder. Killing to protect something sure. But life's not something to be wasted. If for anything else, corpses are boring. It eats everything, if anything everyones running away from here now. Here you go, Sparky, fresh and full. Here's hoping they're edible cooked."

Don: "Gods below that thing is loud. Guess it's bitter about losing." Don said, covering his ears, even if he laughed a bit at his own joke.

Rowenna: "Goddess...could wake up the dead with that sort of noise. Remind me never to piss off something like this again."

DM62: The fire elf nods. "Anyone have a metal shield they can loan me?" The Biter Shrub makes a few more desperate attempts to catch something, then pulls the shrub down into itself, closing up the earth around it.

Vand: "Hurr hurr Don. Puns are a crime against the goddesses you know.," says Vand, sticking her tongue out as her arms return to seeming normal human arms. "Not me, my armors actually just enchanted more of my body."

Hareng: "That's better..." Hareng exclaimed as he walked closer to look at the fruits. "Maybe we could use something like a long, flat rock.?"

DM62: Chu'Gris grunts at the pun. "You should meet Fel Blackiron. Between his songs and your puns... these cultists would all wither and die of despair."

Vand: "Hey, his songs made a bitter feline smile, clearly there's something to them."

Don: "Bah the gods have a world of stone between us and them, not like they can hear my puns." Don waved it off, then looked at the others, and took off his rather large breastplate. Given his massive frame and curled edges, it would probably be more then enough to serve as a 'pan' "Try not to heat it up too much, don't want to weaken the steel."

DM62: "Well, for what it's worth... Fel's songs were a massive improvement over what we USED to march to," the orc grumbles. Sonja raises an eyebrow. "We're gonna cook our food in Don's hairy chest sweat?"

Don: "It's called sanitizing it first. Heat does a very good job of it… or we have a water elemental"

Vand: "I can hear you and thus they can hear you. Don't you sass me, Don. And hold on, sheesh, you guys act like I'm not capable of generating baths on demand. See! He get's it." She moves over and starts washing it out, grumbling, "Swear, I spend more time keeping you lot clean."

Rowenna: "I could eat it raw or cooked. In my form, it dosen't really matter to me."

Vand: "Yeah well we also don't know if it has interpanetary diseases so we're cooking it anyways. Lest you wake up with the dreaded girl plant dong disease."

DM62: The fire elf shrugs. "Well... are we cooking them as is, or does someone want to slice or smash them up first?"

Vand: "Well they're full of blood yeah? So unless you want blood stew… Maybe just score the sides of em so they don't explode."

Don: "Blood grenades, I'm almost tempted to figure out a way to use those."

Vand: "Necromancers beat you to that by a few decades, Don."

DM62: The fire elf nods, taking the cleaned breastplate... causing the few remaining bits of water to sizzle and evaporate. He rolls the fruits into the breastplate, turning them and rolling them around. A few of them burst, covering the rest of them with cooked blood, but then he puts the breastplate down, letting it cool. "No idea if these are fully-cooked... but help yourselves, folks." Chu'Gris nods, picking up a scorched and bloody fruit and biting into it. "Not... not bad."

Vand: "Please describe your food enjoyment in detail. I literally have no tastebuds."

Miter takes one of the fruit, eying it suspiciously. "Beggers can't be choosers I expect," she remarks, chowing down on it.

Vand: "Be my vicarious tummies!"

Hareng: "Alright. Let's give it a go then." Hareng exclaimed as he grabbed one of the fruits and tried giving it a good bite.

Don, given he fed only just the night before, was not exactly terribly hungry, so he would let the others eat, ontop of that he wasn't entirely sure if cooked blood would work for him like raw blood did.

Rowenna: "Here goes nothing I suppose." Rowenna grabbed a fruit, taking a sizeable bit out of it. As Chu'Gris said, it didn't taste bad. Far from perfect but she reall didn't have much choice in terms of food right now. "Could do in a pinch. Not something you want to eat daily, but it'll do."

Hareng: In the back of his mind, he was certainly hoping it was edible for a human like himself. He smiled, chewing throughly, not really minding the taste that much. But it could stand to taste better… Yeah... I guess the only thing I can say is 'not bad' too."

Vand: "Well least don't have to worry about bloodborne diseases cooked like this. In theory anyways. Well aren't you all wonderful. Guess my vicarious tongues suck too. Great. Hmph."

DM62: The fruit tastes pretty-much like rare meat, barely-cooked and bloody, but it's not a bad meal, especially given how hungry the party is. The aftertaste leaves much to be desired, however, and most of the party has to rely upon Vand to help them wash the meal down... and it doesn't exactly fill the party up. Still, it's food for starving people. Scarlett nods. "We'll keep an eye out for more. When we reach the Hollow Bog, there'll be no more food for us, until we're through the portal."
The fire elf only takes a half of a fruit, producing a chunk of bread which he dips into it as he eats it.

Rowenna: "Then lets get going. THe faster we're back in our realm the better. Goddess willing I'm going to gorge myself with actual food when we get back."

Hareng's face turned into a frown for a second at those news... wondering just how much he'd be able to go through if he ended up hurting himself. Not a good prospect. "I agree with the wolf lady." He exclaimed, regaining his smile.

Vand: "See, you know, thats always bothered me. We've mages who can generate infinite energy, like me and sparky and don and Force Mages. We've mages who can control the dead like Sarah. But there's no Breadmancer."

DM62: The fire elf shrugs. "Not my fault you guys didn't grab any food from the tavern cupboard."

Don: "I wonder, a mage probably could find a way to create matter could they not? It would probably taste terrible and take a lot of practice."

Vand: "It was on fire, and I don't eat. I tend to not think about food."

Miter: "Depends if the mage knows how, really?" Miter replies. "Not like a guy that knows how to make energy constructs would know how to create bread.

Vand: "Well technically energy can't make bread beyond infinitely running a windmill maybe. Matter though... We've plenty mages that can manipulate energy and matter but none who seem able to generate matter itself. I suppose that's what seperates the gods from the wizards."

DM62: The fire elf shrugs, finishing off his bread and bloodfruit. "Tasty meal." He produces a wineskin, washing down his meal with what smells like a strong red wine.

Vand: "I'll pay for it when we get back, Ulyana.," Vand sighs, shrugging, "Lord knows I at least have resources back there."

DM62: Ulyana shrugs. "Not like I owned the bar. I was a prisoner there, same as you guys. Only they didn't feel like keeping me in a cage, for some reason, or making me fight."

Vand: "Yeah you're a mystery to me, can't say I follow any of it, but right now I just want to go give my report and get you all to relative safety."

Hareng: "Well, it made it easier to find you, so I'm not complaining."

Rowenna: "No point getting tangled up about it now. There's work to be done."

DM62: Scarlett nods. "If you guys are ready, I guess all we can do is plant one foot in front of the other."

Vand: "Hey now, I can slither."

DM62: The plantwoman nods. "And that's vine with me."

Miter: "Either way, getting out of here's a good idea. No offense Scarlett but the rest of the place around here's not hospitable."

Vand: "Lady, you're lucky you're from a dimension that's forgotten the goddesses or I'd write you a fine for that vine."

DM62: Argash shrugs. "Seems like a thorny subject." Boris bleats in protest, stamping his feet, as the party continues southwest.

Vand: "Don't make me rescind that offer you."

DM62: Roland, meanwhile, is happily licking the breastplate clean.

Don: "This is truly terrible" Don said, before taking the breastplate from Roland and frowned at it. "Mind just a quick water blast here Vand?" If she did then he'd hold it out and let her wash it off, before putting it back on.

Hareng: "It's my utmost belief we're going mad here." Hareng commented with a smile as he got up, feeling just a little better than before. "We'll be growing roots if we stay here any longer."

DM62: Simone nods. "Indeed. But at least our efforts bore fruit." She continues with the group.

Vand indeed washes it off. "Okay, when we get back I'm court martialling the lot of you."

DM62: Chu'Gris shrugs. "Fern by me. I'll just leave before then." The party continues their trek, and they run across a second Biter Shrub toward the end of the day, permitting Vand to obtain another batch of the bloodfruit in the same manner. This one screams just as loudly as it is denied food... but then it manages to latch onto the root of a nearby tree, pulling it into its maw before vanishing.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Fourth Session, 11 June (part two, swordbills, the Hollow Bog)
Sarah: "...Am I the only one unbelievably terrified by those things?" Sarah finally speaks up, having been resting all this time in the arms of one of her zombies as he carries her.

Hareng: "Well, only until you get used to them... but that scream still leaves my ears ringing."

Don: "No, they terrify me as well, if only on the principle of giant worms pretending to be trees and eating other trees."

DM62: As the screaming subsides, dark shapes fly overhead.

Rowenna: "This whole place terrifies me. Especially with literally everything being able to kill me or wanting to eat me."

Hareng: "If this is what I think it is... I think I want to say... I called it, Vand." Hareng grinned as his hand moved to theh grip of his knife, grabbing onto it tightly.

Sarah: "Look on the bright side. If anything happens, you don't need blood to keep living if you've got me around." Sarah says with a coy smirk on her face once the screaming stops and she lifts her ears from her head.

Don: "Great, the birds around here are probably blood thirsty too aren't they."

DM62: Scarlett frowns. "Only if they're swordbills. And they usually don't come this far south, close to the bog." The fire elf looks up, squinting. "Well... there's... a few Sunflyers... shit, that's Zerius cult. And... yup. Swordbills. Lots of them."

Vand: "So let's just duck under the trees til they fly by? Pun unintended."

Hareng: "I don't really think that counts as a pun."

Don: "Agreed, at the very least the cover might eat a few of them on the way down if they see us."

Vand: "Guess you've never heard of a duck. Anyways, use the tre cover and wait em out if we can."

Rowenna: "Yeah, no. Fuck that. Names like that, I know they're not friendly. We're staying under as much cover as possible and avoiding anything that might hurt us."

Sarah: "Hmmm...I vote for hiding, but if it comes to a fight I call first dibs on the bir corpses." the necromantic kitsune says, hugging the neck of her lead zombie as he carries her about behind the group.

Miter: "Aw crap. Fly monkeys, fly..." Miter snarks, glaring at the sky. Her guns are back in her hand, but she's quickly trying to shove her rather visible cart into the nearby brush.

DM62: Scarlett growls, vines forming with large thorns, weaving through the air. The rest of the forest seems to sway as well. "Swordbills feed on blood and tree sap... so we're basically a tasty meal for them... including the trees. But they also HAVE blood... so let's see who eats whom." There's a shrill horn sounding above the party, and then the flying creatures begin to dive at the party, pointed bills aimed at the group.

Vand: "Well, alright then.," sighs Vand, before trying to send up a blast of wind to throw them off course into the angry tre vines

Don would join Vand in throwing magic at the creatures, lightning shooting out of his hand toward the creatures, hopefully he could knock a few out of the sky for the trees to deal with.

Sarah lets out a rather girlish "EEP!" as she leaps out of her zombie's arms, and into a safe area amidst all four of her animated warriors, keeping herself small as they ready their weapons, horrific faces curled into twisted representations of anger.

Hareng prepared himself, hoping he his reaction time was still good enough to cut back at the beasts as he moved somewhat closer to Ulyana again. Just in case.

Rowenna: "We're going bird hunting then? See if I can't use my rifle here." She'd try to aim out and open fire at any of the approaching beasts

Miter: "Woot! Someone get me an annoying dog to catch these with!" Miter cries out as her bullets begin spitting into the air as well.

Hareng: "I don't think these are ducks, though." Hareng chuckled as he steadied his hand.

DM62: Chu'Gris brandishes his axe, and Simone pulls her katana, ready for the creatures. The magical attacks are effective on some of them, shocking or diverting them, and the wall of plant vines seems to catch the majority of the creatures, but a large number still manage to break through the cover of the trees. One of them embeds a sharp bill in Scarlett's thigh before she lops the head off its body, grimacing in pain. Rowena manages to shoot one down, but its bill still scrapes her side, giving her a small gash. Miter also brings one down. Two of them fly by Don, turning into meat at the axes of the zombies, and a third slams into Don's breastplate, breaking the bill and the bird. Hareng, Chu'Gris, and Simone manage to avoid injury, while slicing through them. One of the swordbills gets too close to the fire elf, and is instantly incinerated, as he grins. Another embeds itself into Vand.
Aisalla manages to kill a few of them, but also receives a small gash. The few remaining shapes in the sky seem to have turned northward.

Hareng let out a quick sigh as the beasts went down one after another. His posture did not relax for the longest time as he looked around. "Is that all of them?" He exclaimed.

Vand looks down at the Swordbill impaling her, and just grabs it and shoves it all the way in, engulfing it and then moves over to Rowenna and Scarlett. "Anyone got bandages?"

Rowenna: "Damn. Stinking things hurt like hell. I may have some medical supplies in my pack as I often had to treat my own injuries out in the field." She would look into her pack and see if her few supplies were still there or if the people back at the arena took her bandages.

DM62: Aisalla moves forward, bringing along some of the carcasses. "I can repair minor injuries... Sarah, this should be good practice for you. Fix that cut on Rowenna." She uses the flesh of one of the birds, healing the Garden Watcher's wound completely after carefully removing the bird.

Vand: "...Oh yeah, I've a bird in my chest if you need another. If someone makes a booby joke, I'll sodomize them with the bird."

Hareng: "We could use some pieces of cloth if we're lacking in actual bandages for the moment." The assassin seemed to reach for his own belongings, as few as they were. Though he stopped as soon as Aisalla moved in. "Tweet, tweet, Vand." The man chuckled.

DM62: The fire elf chuckles. "That would be rather fowl. But we WILL be eating breast meat, I think."

Vand: "...Right, both of you cmere, I think some divine retribution is in order."

Sarah nods as she moves towards Rowena, looking at the wound and placing a hand on one of the fresh corpses, her Zombies lightly kicking the others to ensure they were dead, as the Kitsune closes her eyes, and begins to focus on Rowena's wound, trying to use what little knowledge of fleshcrafting she had to fix the wound.

Rowenna: "I've made it a habit to not anger beings that have a direct line to their goddesses. It's saved my life plenty of times."

Miter: With the birds chased off, the goblin smirks a little bit, reloading her guns after the short scuffle. "Hey, not bad. Guess they did give a crap about losing the whole pit thing after all."

DM62: "I thought it was a sick burn." The fire elf grins. It takes her a little time, and it exhausts Sarah, but Rowenna's wound closes most of the way, finally only leaving a small pink mark, hidden by the fur, where the cut occurred.

Sarah pants as she sways on her feet, her head zombie thumping over to steady her. "Ah...F-Forgot about that part..." she pants out, her ears drooping as she tries to stay on her feet.

Rowenna: "That's good Sarah. You did good." She strokes the wound for a moment, at least releived the pain and bleeding were out of the way. "Thanks."

Vand: "I will start fighting fire with fire shortly. And I have all of forever. I will be there telling puns to your grandchildren. Their entire life will be surrounded by endless puns. There will be no mercy, nor rest. Your enternal punishment."

The fire elf crosses his arms. "So you'll be following me to my afterlife, in the great flaming pits of Mordensi? Interesting."

Hareng: "That... that is definitely a punishment worthy of hell... my utmost apologies, servant of the godesses." Hareng replied quickly, bowing down with the same speed, though definitely chuckling as he did.

Rowenna: "Hey, I haven't been telling any puns or anything of the sort. My records clean, Vand. You got nothing on me."

Vand: "I've fire elemental sisters who owe me favors. I mean I could, but I'd be high as fuck the whole time. So not just puns. Baked out of my head puns."

Hareng: "Ah, right. Scarlett, are you okay?" The assassin exclaimed, finally bringing out some small bandages from within his clothes.

DM62: The fire elf's grin widens. "Sorry to have gotten you all hot under the collar. Didn't know you'd be so steamed." At this point Chu'Gris moves forward. "Elf... one more pun. And I knock you out and carry you... or maybe just leave you here." Scarlett nods, her wound healed by the centaur. "I'm alright, dear. Thank you, though. We should get moving... I'd like to be at the edge of the bog before we set up camp."

Vand: "Right! Let's gt moving before I get started up, cus I really won't stop. I'm also refrigerating lunch. Swordbills are edible right?"

Hareng: "Ah, more for me then." Hareng let out a bit of a relieved sigh as he pocketed his bandages again. "We could stand to find out."

Sarah hums as her zombie picks her up and carries her. "I vote for carrying on. Much as I'd love to reanimate these things, we just don't have the time."

DM62: "Everything but the bill." The fire elf shrugs. "I feel like there might have been a pun there... but it wasn't intentional." Chu'Gris' grip on his axe tightens, but he stomps off to the southwest, as the party continues on their way. Within a few hours, the massive red sun is no longer in sight, and the party can definitely smell a bog ahead. Another half-hour, and they can see the pink and purple bulbs rising above the bog, the only visible vegetation in the wetlands to the south and west.

Rowenna: "I would hope so. A little bird meat might do good about now. Shame it isn't anything proper like proper fowls" Once they reached the bog though, the wolf would look on rather curiously, seeing the bulbs mentioned before. "Well, ain't this a pleasant sight."

Miter: "Joy..." mumbles to goblin, seeing the near sea of bulbs. "This can only end so not well."

Vand: "Here we are. And hey, lucky us. They really are pretty big huh... Right, well let's make camp and we can dethaw the bird." She yanks the iceberg bird out of her chest.

Hareng stood within what he thought was safe distance from the bulbs, looking at the things with mild curiosity. "I'll help with the camp, otherwise I'll start feeling a bit useless."

Vand takes her tent set off Roland. "Here you go!"

DM62: Argast nods. "Master Duarnar said that this was... well, basically one of the more hostile wilderness areas of the Riftlands. Everything out here wants to eat or fuck you. But there ARE places with civilization, even great strongholds where the old Lunarians and Solarians live as the used to. Still... most of this world seems to have... soured." Scarlett sets down roots, a vine canopy rising up over the party and around them, keeping intruders out.

Hareng: "Alright, thanks." The young assassin replied with a chuckle before he got to work.

Sarah hums as she hops down from her zombie's arms, threee of them moving to gather wood on her order, her wanting a nice, warm fire so she doesn't freeze to death. "Least we never have to worry about clean water thanks to Vand, hm?"

Vand: "Yup. And thanks to Vand, a magically temperate tend for people to share. But remember the rules, you use it, you help take it down in the morning."

Rowenna: "Have fun with that, kid." Rowenna joked, but would actually help him set up even if she wasn't sure if she was going o use it or not.

Hareng: "Heh, thank you." The man replied at Rowenna. "I'm probably not going to use it either, though. But it's hard standing around doing nothing."

Vand: "I've a giant tent and the only one to use it is Rowenna and her lover. Sheesh.," grumbles Vand, "Bunch of fuggin stoics."

Sarah: "I'd use it, Vand, but my friends are a little...Ripe at this point, and they insist on being near me." Sarah says with a chuckle. "I may have made them a little too protective."

Hareng: "Well, I can get comfortable anywhere if I put my mind to it, so I figured others could enjoy the tent more."

Vand: "Blech. Yeah if I actively had to breath I'd probably have insisted you kept them down wind. Look the tent could probably fit everyone in here, if they didn't mind some piling happening. Either way settle in folks. Cus tommorow you lot are getting to be plant candies."

DM62: The evening passes uneventfully, and Scarlett wakes the group just before dawn, as the forest begins to brighten. "We need to be on our way, somewhat quickly. It's a full day's journey to the portal... and I don't think we'd survive spending the night among the bulbs."

Vand: "Sounds bout right. You guys ready? Cus while I can distract purples if need be, it won't be for long so you guys gotta be up for it. Msot I can do is make sure we're on solid ground and not trudging in the gunk or hitting quicksand."

Miter eyes the cart, giving a sigh. "We'll really suck if that sinks in," she mumbles, shaking her head and looking tired already.

Hareng: "As ready as could be." Hareng exclaimed, as he got up from his stone bed. Stretching to let everyone hear how placidly he slept through his whole spine cracking pleasurably. "Ah... much better."

Vand: "No worries there. I can freeze the water thick enough to give us a flat "dry" surface for a bit but the plants are gonna have to be dealt with regardless."

Sarah yawns herself awake, clambering onto the shoulders of her lead zombie, which she has elected to name Tim, as the others fall in behind him. "If all else fails we can send my thralls to check for quicksand or the like." she says, pointing forward, as the most-decayed of the zombies shambles towards the front of the group.

Rowenna: "If possible, we should travel through the night. No stopping till we reach the portal. Least if I had to add my opinion to the mix. But yeah, we should get moving."

Vand: "That's the plan."

DM62: Argast sighs, tightening his belt. "Everything wants to eat us... and nothing really fills us up. I'm good at living off the woods back home... not so much here." Chu'Gris nods, his stomach grumbling as he rises. "Not enough meat on those birds." Scarlett looks at the group. "Right... remember. We aim to stay close to the pink bulbs when possible. If they're satisfied, the purple bulbs will leave us alone. If a purple bulb attacks, well... they eat. And we need to be careful to not attack the bulbs... or they all turn hostile."

Miter: "So in other words, we fuck up, we all lose..."

Sarah: "Don't attack, and feed the zombies to the hungry bulbs, gotcha." the Kitsune says, her undead not even flinching at the mention of being thrown away.

Hareng: "If push comes to shove, I guess I could give the bulbs a mangled hand." Hareng chuckled.

Vand: "Yup. I'll try to throw myself into any purple bulbs. worse case scenario, I need to find a new portal and you guys can send a letter to the Frostwolves for me. The info will get where it has to go."

DM62: "I doubt they're going to show any interest in zombies or water elementals." The fire elf shrugs. "But they might spit out Vand. No flavour."

Vand: "Exactly."

Miter: "Remind me again why someone didn't kill this place with fire when they first realized this was happening?"

Hareng: "From what I gather, 'Because it was already too late.'"

Vand: "Well the problems with lighting water on fire..."

Rowenna: "Laziness or the inability to purge litearlly thousands of acres? This is a large swath of territory and it would take years to purge everything."

Vand: "Plus it's a bog."

Miter simply frowns, fingering the same ratty old package she had found in the cart for a bit as she pushes.

DM62: Argash shrugs. "As I understand it, their big apocalypse happened when they asked Lilorious to help them fight the cultists. And instead of helping, the Goddesses blasted open the landscape, and unleashed swarms of horrible demons on the land, striking out from the center of the newly-broken continent. In other words... they've been fighting a losing battle ever since, the Lunarians and Solarians."

Vand: "Yeah I'm still really sure that's not actually what happened. They can be dicks but that's beyond the pale for them. I'm getting to the bottom of that."

DM62: Scarlett nods. "Alright... who's going to offer themselves to the first pink bulb? Preferably someone who sweats and breathes."

Hareng: "I think I will." Hareng stepped up, letting out a bit of a confident smile. "I'm kind of feeling like trying my luck."

DM62: The plantwoman nods again. "Remember... they just want salt. From your sweat... your saliva... your sperm... and your anus. They... search thoroughly, as I understand it. You might want to have Vand replenish your water afterwards, but you'll be low on body sodium... a bit tired." She gestures, letting Hareng lead the way toward the first massive pink bulb along the way.

Vand: "Yeah can't help salt.," chuckles Vand, "I've not been to the ocean recently enough and I'd have to take the time to filter the right kinds of salt out of me to boot."

Rowenna: "I'm not sure how much I sweat exactly in my hybrid form. I know as a wolf I act like any other breed of canine. But the hybrid form is...well mixed and I may or may not have certain qualities."

Hareng: "Got it." The assassin nodded, certainly hoping his luck would hold "Let's see what this one's gonna do." He approached carefully, aiming to entice the thing from some recently wiped sweat from his brow. "Heads we win, tails my dignity goes down the drain..." He muttered.

DM62: The bulb seems to sway as the assassin approaches, and it opens slightly, a tendril... moving like a tongue, licking its lips. It continues to sway, seeming to smell the approaching human.

Hareng: "Alright, that's a start." He mused as he took another step closer to the bulb, his held towards the tendril.

DM62: It moves forward, sniffing... then the tendril wraps around Hareng's waist, lifting him off the ground and pulling him into the bulb. His head manages to stay outside the bulb, but he can feel more tendrils slipping into his clothing, tugging on his cock. Another presses into his anus insistently, and there are sucking sounds as the bulb licks him clean.

Rowenna: "That...dose not look pleasant at all. You ok in there, kid?"

Hareng: "W-well, good bye dignity." Hareng proclaimed. Focusing his mental power into clenching his hindquarters, though the continuous stimulation up front was slowly robbing him that power. "It's... not very pleasant, I guess." He said with a troubled smile. "I'm definitely fine... but I'll just say this, you better be kinky if you're gonna offer yourself next..." He sighed, a mix of pleasure and annoyance.

Vand: "I am, but I'm not allowed. Fuggin plant luddites."

DM62: Unfortunately, the plant isn't quite satisfied with what it has so far, and as Hareng reaches the "o" of "offer," another tendril buries itself in Hareng's mouth, robbing him of what little dignity remains. It yanks him through an orgasm, slurping him clean before depositing him in the thin swamp water of the bog, near the party.

Miter: "...Not sure if aroused or just squicked out..." Miter quips.

Vand: "Mmm, right... Well I got point, gonna freeze us a trail to walk on, avoid plants and feed the pinks as we go. Ready?"

Hareng quickly attepted getting back to solid ground, panting heavily. "I... cannot be a groom anymore." He muttered with a bit of an embarrassed smile as he attempted fixing his clothes. "That was something..."

Rowenna: "Understood. And someone help the kid up. Get him dressed. And we all had to do something shameful in our life. Don't be so hard on yourself."

DM62: Scarlett chuckles, pulling him up and helping him get sorted out. "Relax, dear. Happens to women in these games all the time. At least you didn't get knocked up, like all the ship girls in that other game."

Sarah giggles as she watches the plant effectively chew Hareng up and spit him out. "I'd have taken your place, dear, but my thralls probably would have gotten the wrong idea. Empty heads and all."

Hareng: "... Pregnant? I don't think I'd want something like that happening to me..." Hareng sighed, as he forced a smile out. "That's fine... I'm okay, and my body is in one piece... It just felt a bit gross..."

DM62: Scarlett moves up behind Vand, and the bulbs around the party, for a few miles, seem to droop slightly, stopping their slight sway as they seem to collectively digest their little "feast." It's a few hours of walking, before the plants begin to stir again, bulbs pointing at the party. Unfortunately, there seems to be a group of purple bulbs surrounding the group at this point... the nearest pink ones are outside of the rough circle. Scarlett curses. "Worst damned timing. I'm starting to think you guys are unlucky."

Hareng: "Can't one of us fly over to the pink bulbs?"

Miter: "Just starting?" Miter mumbles, trembling behind her cart and eying the large bulbs around it. "Dammit, I shoulda been thinking of some device to try and counter this shit..."

DM62: Sonja glares at the assassin for several long moments. "Fuck."

Miter: "It's either that or become Miracle Grow with a side of Kentucky Fried Chicken," Miter quips.

Hareng: "... Sorry." Hareng replied, clapping his hands in front of him with a small bow.

DM62: "Yeah, yeah, Mister Cheerful." The harpy curses under her breath, flying up and over the purple bulbs. One of them snaps at her, but she skillfully dodges it, soaring at one of the far pink bulbs... which happily slurp up the harpy, making her squawk and moan as it violates her for salt. Several minutes later, the bulbs all around sag, and is able to continue.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Fourth Session, 11 June (part three, the gate, Arteryxt, two deaths)
Miter: "Right, next time let's make sure we're not stuck like that again. Don't wanna wear out one of the few trump cards we have going for us?"

DM62: Sonja grumbles, pulling her clothing back on. "Next time... I'm dropping you into the bulb, instead, gobbo." Chu'Gris shakes his head. "It was well done, Sonja. Let's move along."

Hareng: "Well, maybe we could spread a little bit. Make it hard for the purple bulbs to surround all of us at the same time."

DM62: Argast raises an eyebrow. "Maybe... but not all these bulbs are connected. At some point we'll find a new... big... plant... mass... right?" The plantwoman nods. "Yes... I think it's best we stay together. But that was quick thinking, using the harpy." Sonja grumbles, "I have a name, sappy."

Miter: "Personally I'm surprised something of that size can be sated with just tormenting someone so quickly... Thing must have a hell of a low motabolism..."

Hareng: "Thanks.. and sorry again... Maybe next time we could throw someone instead of hahving Sonja do it everytime.?" The kid's eyes veered towards the goblin for a second, but he quickly looked away.

Sarah: "A shame zombies aren't good for salt or I'd say we start chucking them in." the Kitsune pipes up with a laugh.

DM62: Sonja grins. "Goblin-tossing sounds like the ticket." The massive orc nods and laughs. "I used to be a champion goblin-tosser, in my youth."

Vand: "Unit cohesion minimal. Must make members make out to rectify."

Miter is not amused. "The only tossing I really saw was getting tossed into a cannon in my youth. But hey, whatever keeps us alive I guess..."

DM62: Several more hours pass. Simone and Miter both end up getting "fed" to the pink bulbs, and it's nearing nightfall. Scarlett nods. "I think we're close. Maybe another hour... and we should be at the portal. It's on a rather large brick platform, held up by dirt and the plants." There seems to be something approaching in the sky, from the north.

Vand: "Incoming. Sonja, use your eagle eyes."

Miter's groaning, resting at the top of the cart while the tetra's helping to push it for her. She groans as she peers outwards. "...Dammit, do I gotta dig out my gunpowder...?" she mumbles woozily.

DM62: "Looks like... lots of flying creatures. And... lots... lots and lots of those... swordbills."

Vand: "Yay. All those in favor of hurrying? If me and sparky work toghether we might be able to start up a tornado but I'd rather that be a last resort sorta deal."

Hareng's hand immediately moved to the grip of his dagger, readying himself. "Right, another attack then?" He said, moving to Ulyana again, "Hope you don't mind if I stick close by." The assassin smiled. "I'm in favor."

Miter: "If there was a way to fire an explosive fast enough to get us there, I'd be doubly for it!"

DM62: Scarlett nods. "I think hurrying is... a very wise idea." Chu'Gris frowns. "I don't like the idea of running from these bastards."

Vand: "I don't like the idea of fighting an aireal army being the only one who can feasibly fly. Besides Sonja."

Miter: At this point, Melodious pipes up. "I'm in similar mindset, rifsef-kin, but good luck doing that in a field of carnivores that could wake up at any time?"

Sarah nods, bonking Tim on the head. "Onward fast as we can. I'm not about to be lunch for a bunch of giant ducks." the Kitsune says, her zombies shambling at a brisk pace to try and hurry towards where Scarlett indicates the temple should be.

DM62: Sonja nods. "There's some of those... Sun-flying things from before. Humanoids with wings and... looks like some kind of thrull." The party moves along quickly, but the black cloud of flyers is moving faster, nearing the party, and swordbills are starting to duck in low for the attack.

Vand: "Right. Sparky, I'll set up the air tube, you ignite it! Ready...?" She starts genrating a tube of pure oxygen upwards to create an wall of explosion in preparation, "When they dive, light it, the pressure will send em scattering."

Miter: "...Some kind of thrull...?" Miter whimpers, remembering something from before. "Faster, faster, faster! NOW! NOW!" As the birds dive down, the Desert Scarab drags her blades free, slicing at a few that go at her as she tries to keep pushing the cart.

Hareng: "This isn't good." Hareng sighed as he put his hand on Ulyana's shoulder, trying to keep her covered with his body if he could. "Hope you're not getting too annoyed there." He said to the girl.

DM62: Scarlett frowns. "That WILL upset the bulbs..." At this point a swordbill slams beak-first into one of the bulbs, eliciting a high-pitched shriek... and the rest of the bulbs seem to shift color, turning into an ugly reddish-purple. The fire elf laughs, grinning. "Ready? This is EXCITING!" Aisalla scoops up Rowenna onto her back. "Right... we need to GO!"

Vand: "Right... Running now, just... Just run and throw what you've got over your shoulder and upwards! I've got your backs!," growls Vand, cursing as she runs behind them.

Rowenna: "ARe you freaking kidding me?! Do those damn birds have brains or what?!" Rowenna yelped as she was picked up, quite surprised the centaur could pick her up in her presant form. "Fucking birds."

Vand: "They are birds."

Miter slides atop the tarp on the cart, holding onto the harpoon launcher she had installed in it and twisting it around to bring to bear on pursuers. "Motherfu... Leave it to the crazy assholes to fuck with the plan!" Melodious similarly focuses on pushing the cart with four limbs, two others armed and deflecting nearby Swordbills.

Sarah: "Shamble faster, Tim!" Sarah shouts as she slaps her zombie on the back of the head, as the other three zombies hosit their weapons up and groan in unison.

Hareng prepared his arm to swing if he needed but he definitely forced a faster pace out of his legs. "This is cutting it close, not good."

Vand: "Sarah, You might want to just run and send the zombies to distract the bulbs, I guaruntee you're faster than the shambling dead."

DM62: The party charges on, Simone and Chu'Gris helping to slice swordbills apart. At this point Miter feels something lashing around her waist, pulling her into a purplish bulb, closing around her.

Vand: "Shit!"

Sarah nods, patting Tim on the head. "Go kill some plants for me, Tim!" she says, leaping off of him and high-tailing it after the others, as her four zombies turn and shamble towards the bulb that had grabbed Miter, their weapons raised to strike at it.

Miter: "Waaagh! Halp!" the goblin squeaks, gripping onto her turret as best she could to fight the vine's control. A pair of swordbills suddenly dive down as well, distracting Desert Scarab enough to not react to this.

Hareng: "Not good!" Hareng shouted, moving his hand towards one of his pockets, trying to fetch one of his knives. "Come on, come on." He threw the dagger, aiming at the tentacle if he could.

Vand: "Keep running, I'm on it!" She curses, darting forward as she jams a hand at the bulb, trying to force her water between it's lips, so she can start freezing a pillar to try and carjack it's mouth open.

DM62: The zombies charge, but swordbills slam into two of them, taking them down. Two of them reach the bulb, hacking at it, and Hareng's dagger strikes it as well. Vand's ice pillar manages to force the bulb open, though the tendril is still wrapped around the goblin, insistently yanking on her. Simone and Chu'Gris seem to have their hands full, fending off another bulb. Sonja swoops in, ripping at the tendril around Miter's waist with her claws. "Grab on, idiot." At which point another tendril latches onto Sonja, yanking her in as well... but the bulb still can't shut.

Miter winces as the tentacle tightens for a second before it falls lifeless. Having been holding onto the harpoon launcher, she grows angrily and quickly twists it to bear, a sizable bolt of iron pointed for the bulb's stem and quickly launching with a KACHUNK towards it. With the continued swordbill threat, the Scarab's got four swords out now, rapidly knocking the flying beasts away as they try to near them.

Hareng gasped as the harpy was taken and tried to find another dagger he could part with. His eyes focused on the tentacle as soon as he grabbed onto on, and pulled and threw as fast and as accurately as he could, aiming at the tentacle again. "Come on, hit!"

Sarah is nowhere to be seen in this debacle, still high-tailing it towards where Scarlett had pointed out the temple should be, her fluffy tail swishing behind her as she runs.

DM62: Aisalla, Rowenna, Boris, Argast, and the other NPCs that Hoap has forgotten about are all charging toward the portal.

Vand curses, concentrating on keeping the maw open. "Thank god for clusterfucks paying off for once..." She sent a tendril to grab the dagger and tried to stab it into the tendrils holding Sonja and Miter.

DM62: Miter's shot is dead-on, and the bulb gives a squeal, dropping to the ground, and releasing the harpy and goblin. Sonja grunts, grabbing the goblin and carrying her in the direction of the temple, flying quickly. The brick platform is in sight now, and the portal is visible now, a glimmer of bluish-purple light between a pair of monoliths. Ulyana nods. "Well... guess now you guys should tell me how I'm supposed to open this thing."

Vand: "No idea! Hug it!," she yells as she moves to back up Chu' Gris and Simone. "Get going you two!"

Miter: "Good bloody question! Anyone know the language in half of these so we can see if they got a guide to dimensional fuckery?!?" Miter replies.

DM62: The two warriors nod, charging behind the others, helping pick off swordbills as they soar after the party. The fire elf is grinning, releasing flame about the party to scorch the diving swordbills as well. Ulyana folds her arms, glaring at the portal. "Well... I can see... green plants through the little portal. I guess I could channel some magic into it... but I need... I need people to target me with magic. Offensive, defensive... anything. Magick me up."

Vand hisses and wards off the other bulb as she backs up, "Thats your guys department, leave defense to me right now! Charge her!"

Miter just settles for firing her flintlocks upwards, falling a few more birds occasionally as she eyes the host of flyers. She was looking around, concerned about what else Sonja had said they were up there..."

Sarah pants as she arrives with the others, and the woman asks for magic, the Kitsune panting as she tries to conjure up her own necromantic energies to feed into Ulyana, her fluffy tail and ears droopign as she does so.

DM62: The fire elf shrugs. "You asked for it, lady." He releases a torrent of fire into the under elf, and Don starts to release lightning... and Ulyana begins to glow brightly. Ulyana turns, channeling the energies into the monoliths, and the portal begins to widen. Then there's a slamming sound, as a humanoid being with thrull appendages lands upon the platform, along with another Blot creature. The humanoid looks about the platform with a glare, then spots Ulyana. "I... have been... looking for you... Ulyana." It rasps at her in a deep-throated, gravelly voice.

Vand grunts and makes her way over swiftly, using a blast of air to launch herself to land between him and Ulyana. "You saw her. There, you can go home now. They're under my protection. Run back to your mistress."

Miter, uncharacteristically, is looking dead serious as she again grabs the harpoon launcher, staring daggers at the bug-creature. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't impale you three ways before whatever dumb villain monologue begins!" she hisses.

DM62: The thrull-like creature grins, teeth almost as fangs. "An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of Man comes crashing down!" Chu'Gris turns, pulling his massive axe and speaking, "But it is not THIS day." He charges at the thrull-creature, who whips up a thrull wing with sharpened ends into the were-bull, impaling him in a burst of blood. The orc champion slumps, and the creature tosses Chu'Gris against the stairs, the lifeless body falling in a heap. He swings another wing at Vand, decapitating her (although having no practical effect).

Sarah eeps as the lifeless body tumbles towards the stairs, rushing over to him, since her own combat prowess wasn't very good. She'd examine his body, trying to determione if she could heal him with her fleshcrafting, her hands checking for a pulse, and her fluffy ear pressed to his chest to listen for breathing.

Vand snarls loudly as her head hits the ground, before she stomps forward, generating a huge fist of ice to slam at the creature to knock him at the pods, hoping them eating him might delay him and the blot. "GET THAT GATE OPEN! Fuck skaes Dicen, I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A HARVESTER!"

Miter: With the charge by Chu'Gris failing, Miter growls and releases the bolt with an angry hiss. "That was MY KINSMEN DUMBASS! NOW I'M PISSED OFF!" Not bothering to reload her little gun after firing it, she leaps atop the cart and unloads her flintlocks again. The Scarab is rapid in her approach as well, rushing after the bug-man in her lithe, swaying manner. "Monster... beast... NOW IS THE TIME TO END THIS SUFFERING!"

Vand: "Damn it, He's out of our league right now, keep back! Where's a freaking fateweaver when you need one!"

DM62: Ulyana grunts, and the gate seems to be wide enough for the party to use, for the moment. "RUN! THROUGH THE GATE!" Hareng shakes his head, "Not leaving without you, Ulyana." The blot moves to intercept the fist, getting hurled back with an angry howl, and the thrull-creature raises an eyebrow. "So the Goddesses wish to play as well?" He gestures, and Vand can feel a wall of force closing in around her, fully encasing her. Miter's bolt and bullets strike the creature, but he seems to shrug off the attacks, turning to swing a wing at the Scarab, giving her a deep gash in her gut. Chu'Gris has no pulse... and Vand does not seem to have a way out of the force cage. Aisalla, however, requires no further urging, and she carries Rowenna through the portal, dragging Boris (and Argast) through behind her.

Vand: "Hnng, Damn it! Run you idiots! Go, run through! Tell them it's begun! That the man who will destroy the world's arrived!," she snarls, as she slams against the cage, "Take care of Roland! If you die here Scarab, you'll have done a shit job repaying me for freeing you!"

Miter: The Scarab staggers with the gash, wincing but raises the shieled hilts of two of her blades for parrying duty, now playing more defensive as she eyes the two combatants and tries to intercept them from interfering with the others. Miter seems shocked as the metal javelin seems to simply splinter on hiting the Thrull-beast. "...Riiiight..." she mumbles weakly, but leaps down and follows the advice of the others, pushing at the cart.

Sarah growls as she grabs at the orc, looking to see if any of her zombies had survived the battle and caught up. "Someone! Help me get him through the portal!" the Kitsune shouts, trying to lift the orc's corpse up off the ground, not about to leave someone who fought so hard behind.

Vand: She tries to drill through the floor, remembering the cubite’s trick last time

DM62: Don nods, scooping up the Scarab over one shoulder and Chu'Gris over the other, running through the portal. The fire elf and Scarlett have also fled, Scarlett dragging the yowling Roland away from the trapped Vand, and the party manages to escape through the portal, Hareng practically tackling the under elf to push her through, the last couple to escape. Vand discovers that she's trapped in a force cube... and the thrull creature frowns as the portal closes behind the party, open just a little. "Destroy the world?" He grins. "Only if it refuses to bow. But I have... NO use... for you."

Vand: "Bite me."

DM62: Lightning fills the cage, instantly shredding the elemental, and the world goes white...

((end of session))
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Vand (the Aether)
DM62: Vand awakens in her Aether-form, in an aquatic area. Kirania is gently stroking Vand's hair as she awakens. The goddess is in her water form, irritatingly beautiful, smiling down at the elemental.

Vand was in her shark mermaid form, when she awoke and promptly jerks to sitting up. "MOTHERFUCKER! That sonovabitch smoked me! Well I got the last laugh they got away, but I am going to tear his god damned buggy legs off and feed them to him!" She snarls, gnashing her sharp teeth before blinking, then promptly, snapping into a salute. "Investigator Vand, reporting for debriefing, my goddess."

DM62: Kirania chuckles. "Saluting, now? You've been away from the Aether for too long, dear." She smiles gently. "Take a few moments... re-orient yourself. And then maybe we can talk about what you saw."

Vand: "Felt appropriate.," shrugs Vand as she wriggles herself up into proper position with a grumble, shaking her head, "And I don't exactly miss it that much, everythings too floaty around here. Not real feeling enough by comparison. I can definetly say it's bad. Not unsolvably bad but... Pretty bad."

DM62: Kirania nods. "Go on, Vand." She sits next to the elemental upon the soft bed of kelp.

Vand: "As expected, the magical spikes and radiations are a side effect of planar portals opening up. I haven't been able to identify the actual openers specifically but they all go to the Riftlands it seems. Cultists of the Nether Beasts seem to be the source of it, and are preparing an invasion. There's a few key players in this one though. We've got an Kaliferian woman with a grudge against the heroes of that hot mess from a few years back. I'm sure you heard all about her from the smuggler. Ateryxt is in play as expected, he took my head clean off. No sign of his handler yet, but she's still around by all mention. He's been spreading plagues into our world, so prepare for an influx. In addition there are still worshippors of you all in the Riftlands but faiths waning after their last attempts to call on you all ended with some enormous disaster and they think you forsook them. Seemed out of character of you all though."

Vand: "The cultists have some real strange magics though. They can heal injuries, and there's been strange mutations they seem able to cause. Not sure what else they can do. But it seems serious. They don't all seem to be allies though, so it might be possible to put some of them to use. There's at least one that basically worships fire anyways and seems about as usual as most pyromancers. Crazy, firey, and likes to start shit up. So yeah. We're in for plagues followed by invasion. And whatever follow up those collective nutjobs manage."

DM62: "The Riftlands... they tried to use a binding spell on Lilorious, to make her fix their realm's problems with Nether Beasts and cultists. They also tried to open a gate directly to the Aether... but they ended up opening a gate to the Void, and calling forth... a fragment of a dead goddess, which caused massive damage to their planet. We... can't interfere in that situation. Technically, we're not supposed to interfere at all... when I sent you on your last mission, I... didn't exactly get the permission of Lilorious. Dicen and I saw a growing problem, and decided to investigate on our own. Lilorious is... not exactly pleased right now."

Vand: "Seriously? Oh dear lord. Well great. For all we know they might try to do the same thing to Kalifer, by accident or on purpose. Either way we know they want Ulyana, the magical battery elf, but me and Chu' Gris died to get her clear. The enemy seems a bit disorganised but dangerously capable. In any case, I'm not sure where they are now. But I've got a score to settle with that asshole. Need to cover myself in rubber..."

DM62: "Yeah... getting you back there might not be easy. Generating you a body down there will be... noticeable. But... Dicen and I might be able to work something out. It's a little tricky." She brushes Vand's hair back. "For now, though... take a little time to recharge. Join us in the Great Hall, when you are ready."

Vand: "Yeah... Yeah alright. Well meantime, maybe prod the priest in the Frostwolves, maybe you can set them to dealing with plagues. Spent a lot of time setting them up as useful hands and fists for situations like this, outta use em somehow. Think I'm gonna go head over to see if the archmage made it here.”

DM62: "Yes. Yes, I did make it here." Master Duarnar is gently smiling, at the back of the chamber. "As it turns out... the Goddesses did not abandon the Riftlands... and yet in another sense, I suppose they did." He casts a sideways glance at Kirania, who's frowning at him. "Oh, I understand the reasons. Even in the Aether, everyone's basically a bureaucrat." Duarnar is no longer Gurnold, the horns gone from his head, and his skin has a slight bluish hue. In fact, he looks about seventy years younger. "Come on, Vand... let's go have a drink."

Vand: "Heh. Yeah, sure.," she smirks and swims through the "air" beside him, "One things nice about the Aether, I don't have to obey the same sorta rules. Takes some of the fun away, but it means I can take the form most natural to me everywhere I go."

DM62: Duarnar chuckles. "Well, my back stopped hurting. I've got more energy... and it doesn't hurt when I pee. Mostly because I don't ever have to pee, anymore." He grins, moving with Vand through the Aether, before arriving at the Great Hall. There are scattered Servants in the Great Hall, along with a large number of slain warriors. Grendin is drinking with the new demi-goddess, Malgra... and there's a figure wearing a harlequin mask sitting at the bar, who turns and raises a glass to Vand as she enters.

Vand smirks as she sees the two demigods. She had an idea who that was. "So you arrived after all. Let me guess, you're going to disappoint me with not chewing her out over adding to your torture."

DM62: Tollwyn pulls off the mask. "Aww, I was hoping to be mistaken for Dicen. Suffice it to say... I did not climb to my position in Kalifer by chewing out immortals. But it's also hard to yell at someone when your cock is buried in her throat." He chuckles, sliding a pair of drinks over to Duarnar and Vand.

Vand smirks and drinks hers, "Yeah, I knew about that bit for awhile now. Felt wrong to tell it to you then though. But so it goes. Least you got to go out quietly. I got electrocuted to death."

DM62: "Bummer." The smuggler shakes his head. "But I understand we're trying to sneak you back into Kalifer."

Vand: "Something like that.," grunts Vand, "Course there's no telling what I might be stuck in the body of in this case. Gonna be honest, I've always had a hard time with keeping one mortal body form for long, it's torture. I endure it for my goddess but if I end up in a static form for the duration I might shriek."

DM62: The smuggler chuckles. "Tell me, Vand. What do you know about Rabeernst?"

Vand: "Some. It's misty as hell, cept the desert. Long time ago a lot of my kin were mucking about down there, sired a lot of kids. And that's why I'm not allowed to have children."

DM62: "Yes, well... every once in a while, we have to send in more djinn, because somehow other realms keep summoning djinn from Kalifer. It's one of those little holes in our existence that causes constant problems for Dicen, keeping djinn at a steady population in the mortal realm."

Vand: "So basically you're saying we're sent down there to gt pregnant or impregnate others cus we're running out of our kids? And so the plans to send me in with that batch."

DM62: "You're going to be sent to take the place of a djinn that was summoned away to another realm entirely. All part of maintaining continuity... and it lets you get back into the action, even if you've gotta be a djinn."

Vand: "...So I'm going to be my own daughter? You know djinn are half elementals right?"

DM62: "No, this particular djinn was the daughter of a different elemental. She's actually part fire elemental, part water elemental, part human. Purple hair, fun attitude, real firebrand. But yes, I know the basics of djinn."

Vand: "Wait, she's... A steam djinn? Sheesh... So... Guess I'm getting reincarnated. Man. Well, hopefully I enjoy being static for awhile. Won't be the first time I've been a new species I suppose. Wonder how much I'll remember this time."

DM62: "You should remember most of it. And Dicen has a hunch that your friends will be heading to Rabeernst pretty soon. Downside... you're going to have a harder time shapeshifting, and be a lot more... well, mortal."

Vand: "Well being a whole new person tends to have an affect on it all, y'know? But long as the goals intact I'll do my best to keep at it I'm sure.," says Vand wryly, "Well, never was allowed kids as an elemental, maybe I'll be allowed the chance as a mortal."

DM62: "Yeah, well... you're also going to have a Master. Celtasha was attached to one, and you're taking her place."

Vand: "I'm confused right now. Okay so I'm being reincarnated as a copy of an existing person and being bound to someone then?"

DM62: "You're essentially taking the place of Celtasha in the binding device of a summoner in Rabeernst... but we can keep your body close to how it used to be, if you prefer. Only takes a couple of minor shifts in the Master's memory."

Vand: "Given my body used to be female puddle, I think thats hard to manage heh. Just give me a fun body I suppose," says Vand with a shrug, "And best start backing up my own memories for when I do finally pass away down there again. This whole becoming mortal thing tends to cause stuff to go missing in the process. Goal should stay clear but I'll probably be someone new til I'm back. but that's alright."

DM62: At this point a centaur clops over to the table, with elven ears and a lordly demeanor. "Ah. Good, everyone's hear." He gives Vand a nod, and the elemental recognizes Lathis Leafspar, a demigod servant of Ashea, and a patron of honor and honesty. "As much as I might... disapprove of this plan..." he frowns, "Lady Ashea has told me that there is a certain wolf that you associated with, in Kalifer. I've been authorized to relay a message to the wolf for you."

Vand: "Roland? Oh, Rowenna probably, that makes more sense. Shit, hell am I gonna tell her... Oh! I know... Who's my master supposed to be anyways? Whats his or her demeanor?"

DM62: "Actually... I believe it was the wolf. Roland." He shrugs. "Rules are rules. Technically this information should be relayed to Lilorious... but Ashea has given me my orders." The elf sighs, and the smuggler chuckles. "Right, well... you're being sent to Artisan Gno, an Anubite artist of considerable renown. The binding device, and djinn, was a gift for Gno's sculptures."

Vand: "I see. Not surprised it's an Anubite. Cute lil buggers, always had Djinns about. Not sure what I'm gonna tell Roland then. He's a wolf. Smart for a Wolf but still. Tempted to get you to say who's a good boy, who's a good boy, have a biscuit."

DM62: Duarnar leans in close to Vand, whispering, "Don't forget about what Argast can do. Simple messages might work."

Vand: "I don't actually understand what he does. Animals like him and he exerts a control thingy.," says Vand, "But fine. Tell him to seek out the sculptor in the sands, who has help for them."

DM62: The smuggler raises an eyebrow. "That could be interpreted as the Grut'rok desert."

Vand: "Given we're doing simple messages, interpretation is sort of an issue, but if they're popping out in Rabeernst, that's the closest desert. And I can't exactly give them a riddle. Though I'd be tempted. And I'm not sure He'll recognise a name. Go to Artist Gno, might be interpreted as go to artist no. As in don't do that."

DM62: "They're not heading to Rabeernst first. The portal opens up to mainland Kalifer." The smuggler shrugs.

Vand: "Well then why are they going there at all? ...Are they going just to pick me up? Cus this seems like a pretty big detour if so."

DM62: The smuggler shakes his head. "Dicen won't say. Said she couldn't risk muddling the timeline by giving you too much knowledge of the future."

Vand: "Well chances are I'm not gonna remember it once I arrive anyways. Being reincarnated's really traumatic. You lose a lot of it. Something divinely mandated will stick out but I'm probably not gonna remember msot of this conversation, and most of thems gonna be a deja vu more than actual familiarity. But it is what it is. For now, why not just wait to deliver the message til they're in Rabeernst?"

DM62: Lathis shrugs. "How about I just give Roland a general idea of your whereabouts? He's not going to be communicating with Argast in words, anyway... it's closer to mental images."

Vand: "Sure. I don't know where those are though. Should pretty much be talking to him.," she points at the smuggler wryly.

DM62: The smuggler shrugs, pouring another set of drinks for everyone. "Well... for now, let's have a few more of these. There's going to be a shortage of decent beverages in your existence for a while, Vand."

Vand: "No kidding.," she grumbles, "But hey, steam djinn, now thats rare as heck."

DM62: Lathis frowns. "Steam djinn? That what they told you, smuggler?" The smuggler chuckles. "You know, I have a name here. It's Tollwyn."

Vand: "Well you put half fire, half water, half human, you get a steam person. That's what you get when a fire and water elemental cuddle y'know. And a high as fuck water elemental. And a mellow as hell fire elemental."

DM62: Lathis shakes his head. "Celtasha's a Primal Djinn. Karania's just embarrassed because she doesn't have the ability to duplicate her heritage."

Vand: "...so she's every elemental combined. And what? She's a god, how the hell can she not recreate what she herself basically is? And how the hell did Gno get something of that power?"

DM62: "Lilorious won't permit more primal djinn to be made... balance of power and all that. As for Gno, well... I don't think the giver knew what was being given to Gno. Not sure if Gno had any idea, either. As I understand it, Gno's not exactly a stickler for wording his requests, either... but he's such a nice guy that Celtasha pretty-much indulged him."

Vand: "I see. Well, steam elemental is what I'll be regardless evidently. wonder what I'll be like, heh. Guess I'll find out. So in any case I don't know where gno lives or anything anyways so I can't tell them where to find me."

DM62: "Well, Artisan Gno is in the Artisan Caste of the Kingdom of the Sun. Southern Rabeernst."

Vand: "And most of thats gonna be lost on Roland I suspect. What's Gno's specialty?"

DM62: Lathis shrugs. "I'll be able to give him some mental images and a few scents to follow. He'll be particularly interested in Gno's scent." The smuggler looks at Vand, finishing off his drink. "He's a Master Sculptor, but he's also got a hand in architecture."

Vand: "Yeah Rolands not gonna recognise any of that probably. Scent works. I was hoping he was a painter. He could smell paint."

DM62: "Clay and plaster... well, and Anubite, of course. But he'll also be able to transmit enough to Argast to set the group on the right path, I think. Meanwhile, you'll have to quickly adapt to working with Master Gno. He's not going to have any clue that you're not the original djinn."

Vand: "Works for me. I'm sure that's gonna be fun. Never been a slave but then, that's the good thing about reincarnation. I'll just sorta mentally start adapting into what I think I am. So shouldn't be a problem. Wonder what I'll be named."

DM62: The smuggler nods. "Fair enough. You should probably know that Celtasha was... well... fond of Gno, and she often... pleasured him, quite willingly. But I don't think he ever used his mastery to force that issue. To be honest, I'm not sure if he was ever into the idea of having a slave. But still... show caution."

Vand: "Eh, sleeping with a cute Anubite? Doesn't bother me much really. Dunno if it'll bother the new me but I guess we'll find out, right?"

DM62: The smuggler nods. "Actually, this isn't exactly a reincarnation. A Fateweaver is going to be hand-delivering you, in essence. Like I said... Dicen and Karania worked this out, and even got some help from Ashea... and they're trying to keep it quiet from Lilorious. Technically, they're not breaking her rules... technically."

Vand: "I see. So it's just me stuffed in a body I wasn't born with? I almost think I'd prefer the reincarnation, but I suppose I'll endure the torment of stasis to protect our world."

DM62: "Your consciousness will be transferred, along with certain magical energies, to the token of binding. When Artisan Gno activates the device next, it will be you instead of Celtasha that appears. But to his mind, it will be the same djinn, more or less. Fateweavers are good at these sorts of deceptions. It actually happens quite often." The smuggler pours a fresh round of drinks. "You see... well... how familiar are you with ships, Vand?"

Vand: "Intensely. I did a stint as a pirate queen in one of my alter egos, when my previous one got too hot to keep using. Same reason I was JAeger Vand when we met. And... So we're just pretending I'm a Djinn but still an elemental? This plans confusing the hell out of my dumb not god brain equivalent."

DM62: "No, you'll be a djinn. Like I said, we don't want to plop another elemental down in the mortal realm. That would certainly draw the attention of Lilorious. But the reason I mentioned the ship is that a realm of existence is much like a ship. It requires constant maintenance. Leaks. Chips. Warping. Rot. Stench. Barnacles. Grime. Even damage from battle. Like a ship, there are thousands of circumstances that erode the fabric of reality... and fixing those holes and leaks and warps, that's Dicen's job. People give her a hard time, because sometimes things escape her notice, particularly that gnome. But for every little thing she misses, there are thousands or millions of little paradoxes and other problems that she fixes. Like if a djinn gets summoned away from our world, leaving a hole in the continuity."

Vand: "I see. Okay. I'm gonna have to get used to being actual flesh and blood and being static then. Joy. Alright, I can do this. I have to do this. And yeah, I give her crap when she pulls stuff like tossing you to the torture chambers cus she's jealous."

DM62: The smuggler chuckles. "You could. Or you could come back to my quarters, and I could show you what you missed out on. Of course... I'm a demi-god, now, so my technique has improved considerably. Oh... and you WILL have limited shapeshifting abilities. Not as strong as you used to have... but still considerable. But you won't be nearly as durable as you once were."

Vand: "Guess I'll find out my limits when I have em.," she smirks, "Well suppose I could then. May as well enjoy one last fling before I'm stuck figuring out how the fuck you fleshy folks work organs."

"Honestly, we don't have to think about them. And neither will you." He laughs, and Duarnar nods. "Have fun, you two. I've got a date with a couple of hot Warbearers that I don't want to miss." Lathis simply shakes his head, walking away.

Vand: "Heh. You earned it, stud.," she grins at Duarnar before swimming with Tollwyn, "You say that but I don't sleep, I don't eat, I don't tire, and I don't feel pain, and obviously I never get thirsty. I've never been mortal, so this is going to be a whole thing for me."

((end of session))
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Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Fifth Session, 18 June (part one, a new swamp, a battle, new allies)
DM62: The party finds themselves coming to... and they're all rather wet, laying in puddles of foul-smelling marsh water. Travel through the rift gate was... taxing, and there's a strong but fading feeling of vertigo, as well. The party can hear distant shouting and growling, further in the marsh.

Hareng would try to reincorporate as soon as he gained any sort of lucidity. Powering through his complaining body to get kneeled on the puddle of unidentified substances. His first reaction was to look around, trying to find Ulyana, and then the rest if they were all there. Heaving a quick sigh, he said, with a hushed voice. "Is everyone okay?"

Rowenna: The Valhal woman pulled herself up, still in her hybrid form despite being back on the right side of reality. "Fucking hell...my first transformation was less taxing then this. God I miss the snow. Cold as hell but it's better then all the swamps and marshes we've had to slog through..."

Miter, laying in a pile of junk and books, groans weakly as she tries to focus herself somehow at the sounds somewhere around them. A little ways away, Melodius squirms out of the marsh muck and standing back up while gripping at various bruises from the teleport and the blows before.

Hareng: "Keep your voices quiet if you can..." The young assassin reminded Rowenna as he tried looking around now that his mind was a bit more alert.

DM62: Ulyana groans, slowly rising. "Fuck... that was some bullshit. But at least this is a Kaliferian swamp." Boris bleats, nudging at something in the water, and Argast surfaces, gasping for air. "Fucking... hate that." He spits. Simone raises a hand. "Hareng is right... keep it down." Sure enough, the party can hear what sounds to be a human female shouting nearby. "Fire!" There's a whooshing sound... arrows, it sounds like. But the party doesn't see the distant fight, and no arrows are coming at or near the party.

Hareng: "W-well... there's obviously a fight nearby." Hareng muttered. "Try to be careful."

Miter, finally becoming lucid, looks at her dented-up cart and mumbles, quietly tossing a few things back into it. Scarab however is more focused at the arrow that thunks next to her. "Seems this world isn't quite as peaceful as some of you have said," she can't help whispering the snark.

Hareng: With those words, Hareng got further up, standing with a bit of a crouch as he looked around, trying to get everyone accounted for. "... Are we missing someone?" He said, teeth clenched.

DM62: Sarah is rushing over to the body of Chu'Gris, starting a quiet chant and drawing symbols in his flesh with a knife. Simone looks about. "I don't see the fire elf." Argast nods. "Or Vand. Did Vand get through?"

Hareng: "I... I didn't see her get through." Hareng said, his head drooping slightly.

Rowenna: "I didn't see what happened to her. Know her she would have been the first one up since, you know, she's something of a god compared to the rest of us. Someone get a headcount."

Miter: "No idea, though maybe we were all laying in her?" Miter quips about the local weather.

DM62: Aisalla looks around. "I think... everyone but Vand. Though Chu'Gris... well... at least we brought his body over." Sarah is still quietly chanting over the orc's body. Argast sniffs at the air. "Right... I smell humans... elves... gators... but mostly just swamp."

Hareng: "Well... We're still not safe then... does anybody know where we are?" Hareeng mentioned, forcing a bit of a confident smile on his face.

Hareng: "And please, don't just say 'A swamp'." The assassin said, grabbing the grip of one of his knives.

Rowenna: "Like the swamp wasn't evident enough. God damnit, I can't be walking around like this anymore, it's starting to put a strain on me..." Rowenna would grab her gear out of her pack and shift back to human form, quickly dressing in her armor and taking her proper weapons in hand. "Gods I needed that."

DM62: Argast opens his mouth... then closes it, glaring at Hareng as he's pre-empted. Ulyana nods. "Close to Forest's Heart, I think." Aisalla produces her axes, trident, and net. "Right... shall we investigate the noises?"

Hareng: "I can go ahead of the party, I'm the least likely to be spotted... Unless we had a someone who could pass for a normal animal in the party." The assassin chuckled, pulling out his own knife. "Unless someone has an objection to that."

DM62: Roland gives an affirmative bark, padding along to join Hareng.

Hareng: "Heh, anyone else? If no, excuse me while I go ahead." The assassin noted, before pulling some cloth from the neck of his attire to cover the lower half of his face, and pulling the hood over, not really caring how wet or discreated his clothing was for the moment.

Miter: With her gear filled in the cart again, Miter grunts and quickly moves to hop on the ballistae, examining it before she does much else.

DM62: Argast shrugs. "Stay, Boris." He pulls two daggers, moving to accompany the assassin. They spot a small clearing in the marsh... where a group of fifty gator-men are charging at a line of human females, dressed in jungle attire. There's a dismounted and armored knight with an axe, standing near a pair of impressive-looking Shiriti who are coordinating the humans. One of them, carring a spear, shouts, "Archers, fire at will!" The Shiriti line begins to pour arrows into the charging gatormen... and, coming along the flank, a Blot is also charging at the Shiriti, seeming to shrug off the arrow fire. On the other flank, a small hooded figure is walking around towards the Shiriti flank.

Rowenna: "Shiriti? And a knight? Wait...we can't be on that island of theirs can we? Gods where did that portal dump us? Whatever the case, it seems like those tribals are in a bit of a rough spot. Think we should offer them our assistance? Cause there seems to be plenty that can mess them up."

Hareng: "So it's like that." Hareng muttered, before he turned Argast. "Well... Y-your name was Argast, right?" He said, with a bit of embarrassment to his voice. "Think you have the general gist of what's in front of us?"

DM62: "Well... we're close to Forest's Heart... and the Ritzil Jungle. That's what Ulyana said. And Shiriti have been known to occupy the Ritzil Jungle. Looks like those Deathrollers are working with the Nether cultists... That's a Blot-creature and... shit. That might be an Avatar of Fear. That might turn the tide against the Shiriti, if they aren't already in trouble." The Shiriti shout another order, and spears come out, ready for the onslaught of the gatorfolk. The Braxilian knight and the Shiriti spearwoman go charging at the Blot-creature, and the small hooded figure seems to be unnoticed at the moment. The ballista seems to be in good working order.

Hareng: "So we're siding with the Shiriti?" Hareng asked, looking at both Rowenna and Argast. "That hooded guy might mean trouble in that case... hmm… Well, no matter, you can tell me later. For now... think you could keep a secret for the time being?"

Rowenna: "What's that, kid? Wouldn't we want to get back to the others? Get out numbers up and offer them aid?"

DM62: Argast rolls his eyes. "Well, we're not siding with the Nether cultists, I hope. They ARE the fuckers we just escaped from."

Hareng: "I can definitely tell that to the Shiriti leader so we don't get arrows to any particular limb or center mass, miss Wolfy." The assassin joked, before his body started disappearing in front of both of them. Leaving only a wolf looking at them. "Just don't want more people than necessary to know I can do this." He chuckled. "I could try getting close to the Shiriti leader to warn them about where her new reinforcements are coming from, if you'd like... Not to mention there's one sneaky fellow there I'd like to talk to."

Sarah, having been elsewhere all this time, is bent over the corpse of one of their fallen protectors, her hands moving carefully as she incants her best necromantic spells, using what she knows about fleshcrafting to aid her in the dark work she performs on Chu'Gris' body, intent on giving him a second shot at life in this world.

DM62: The incantation is difficult, but finally Chu'Gris' eyes snap open, with the small haze of undeath. "I... Goddesses..." His voice is lower and more gravelly. "I think... I'm really starting to piss of Lunis." The undead orc looks up at Sarah. "Interesting."

Sarah smiles when she hears Chu'Gris' voice, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I...Didn't know what to do...I figured, you fought so hard trying to protect us, you deserved a second chance...And no, I didn't bind you to me like those earlier zombies." she says, her fluffy tails swishing behind her happily, pleased she managed to do it right this time.

DM62: Meanwhile, the gatormen have spread further out, looking to flank the Shiriti. The spearwoman next to the knight gives a whistle... and dark shapes fall upon the flanking gatorfolk. Tarantula driders, laying into the enemy with webbing, weapons, and fangs. Still, as the remaining gatorfolk reach the Shiriti line, they seem to hold the advantage. The knight is having a hard time holding off the Blot-creature. Then there's another whistle, and small figures spring out of the swamp stabbing at the gatorfolk.

Yarl: One of the biggest driders grins, whirling a big chain over her head like a flail, lashing out with it, roaring as she tackles against the gators with her heavy bulk. "Take prey!"

Hareng: "Hmm, now it actually seems like we could be caught in cross fire if we come out. What a shame, right?" Hareng exclaimed, as he turned to look at the battle more closely, trying to find the hooded figure again, before he turned at Argast and Rowenna. "Well, I'm still going to go on a walk if you don't mind." Hareng chuckled, before he tried to find and intercept the hooded figure.

DM62: Chu'Gris grunts. "Technically... This is the third time that I should have died." He rises, sighing.

Sarah rises with him, grabbing his hand and leading him over to where his axe rests, half-buried in the muck. "I heard how touchy you get about your axe...So I left it where it fell, and got to work on you as quickly as possible..." she says, hugging onto his left arm. "Sorry if...I denied you a peaceful rest, Chu'Gris."

Don would look at the battle, and see how the gatormen were still doing rather solidly even with all the things that were being thrown against them. He was rather hoping Hareng would hurry up, as he felt the itch of battlelust as he looked to the blot. Eager to help the embattled women.

DM62: As Hareng approaches, the small hooded figure reaches the other Shiriti flank. It gives a wail, and the effect is almost immediate. The Shiriti and the driders seem to quail, fear grasping and clawing at their hearts, even as the gatormen seem to strengthen their resolve to fight. The knight continues to struggle against the Blot, although it looks like a losing battle for the knight, despite his valiant efforts.

Hareng: "Alright, this guy needs to go." Hareng said between clenched teeth as he started racing for the hooded figure. Knife at the ready. He'd ditch his previous form to attack as a human, trying to grab the hooded figure by the throat and press his knife on their neck and chest. "Alright, that's enough with you." He said, pulling back if he could to keep the figure off balance.

Don: "Screw it, in I go." Don said with a growl as he gripped his axe and headed for the blot. If he saw anyone on the Amazon's side looking like they were about to attack them, he'd growl out. "On your side, your knight here looks like he needs help."

Yarl gasps, trembling and gritting her teeth, before roaring,"Predators don't quake before prey! Hunt better! Make prey ours! Stop hissing and start hitting!" She moved forward, lashing out, more scared of failure than the enemy.

DM62: Chu'Gris shakes his head. "It is... my curse, I suppose. I did not die when I should have, initially. And it would seem that Dicen will not let me come to the afterlife, while I have not avenged the slaughter of my kin at the hands of that... accursed kitsune sorcerer."

Rowenna: "No no. This can't be good." Rowenna was not eager to see the fight take such a turn. Thankfully, she was trained to fight smarter then her enemy. She'd take aim with her rifle at the gator line and open fire, dropping her rifle and trying to work the enemy flank by herself. If she had to, she'd shift form and really take the fight to them.

Zyanya was, quite unhappy with this. Her people shouldn't be folding so easily. They needed to stand firm. "Take heart sisters! Do not let yourself be controlled by fear! We're not about to let such craven beasts defeat us with some cowardly tactics! FIGHT! The Goddess is watching you now. Show her you are worthy of her attention and fight with the fury she blessed you with!" She'd take her spears, launching one at any that looked important before turning to help Fiske against the blot. She wasn't about to lose anyone today.

Sarah whimpers gently as her kind is mentioned. "Well...If it makes you feel any better...You're a lot harder to kill now, Chu'Gris...And I promise to help you out, knowing that one of my kind hurt you in some way." she says, hugging his arm. "Let's go find the others, hm? You can make sure I didn't make any mistakes..."

Miter: There's a rattling of various materials as the group starts to filter to the fight, Miter finally gets her cart close enough for her little mounted weapon to be inrange, the goblin quickly sliding into the grips and moving herself to try and angle it towards the onrushing blot beasts.

DM62: The small figure turns, staring at Hareng with golden eyes, sending a vision into the human's mind, snarling with black fangs instead of teeth. It holds a dagger in one hand. Meanwhile, the Blot-creature knocks Fiske on his back, though he manages to block a killing blow with his shield, hacking back at the Blot ineffectually. At this point Don and Zyanya reach him, and a ballista bolt from Miter sinks into it, though the bolt doesn't seem to affect the Blot much. Chu'Gris shrugs. "Alright... let's see what they're up to." He rises slowly, picking up his axe and accompanying the rest of the party to see what the commotion was. Argast is charging with Boris at the gatorfolk flank, the billy-breaker slamming into one of the Deathrollers, sending it crashing into two of its mates.

Sarah nods and moves with Chu'Gris to the battle line, her tails lowering in fear as she hears the sounds of combat. "Oooh. This isn't good...I'm not good at fighting, Chu'Gris." she says, her ears dropping in shame.

Yarl keeps lashing out, trying to egg the driders on and to quit being puffed up cowards in front of prey

Don: "You looked like you could use some help." Don grumbled as he channeled lightning through his axe and struck at the creature. Hoping to dig deep and mess with the creature enough for the others to help strike as well.

Hareng would let go in an instant, jumping back in desperation though not before swinging his arm forward to try and cut the devil's apparition as he tripped and disappeared into thin air as he hit the floor. His voice was gone, and he wasn't breathing as he clutched his chest.

Miter: As Miter reloads the spear-launching device, a blur flies past the group as the Desert Scarab launches herself into the fray, going right for the massive gator beasts with her many blades. She moves rapidly, though more cautious than usual- this was a beast she had little knowledge of, making it hard to know where to strike.

Zyanya: "Hands off him you cretin. I may not be as nimble as I was, but I can still destroy you like everything else I've come up against." Zyanya was determined now, doing her best to pull Fiske back and stand him up to get him back into the fight. "Not yet hun. We got alot more to do." She'd take a stance, trying to find a weakness in the blot. It would be rough but she'd figure it out. Rowenna meanwhile continued to do what she could at the gators line, her shield high and her halberd swinging away at the foe that easily outnumbered her. "Come on you scaled fucks! I'm not about to let you win."

DM62: Chu'Gris nods, then charges the Deathrollers, along with Simone and Aisalla. The gatorfolk seem to be crumbling, at this point. The small hooded figure falls back, cut by Hareng's dagger, breaking the illusion cast upon the human, but glaring and turning to shriek at the battle again, sending fear into the hearts of the party, the Shiriti, the driders, and the small figures helping to kill the gatormen. Melodious notes that they are... gnomes in black leather armor, wielding short swords and daggers with uncanny precision. A Deathroller attacks Zyanya from her flank, only for one of Phoebe's arrows to strike it in the skull. Fiske rises, blocking an attack against Zyanya with his shield. Don's lightning axe attacks seem to be driving the creature back. Rowenna, meanwhile, cleaves through two more of the gatorfolk, also noticing the odd gnomes that are helping the Shiriti.

Melodius is only staggered for a moment by the fearful burst, shaking her head a little before she moves along to the fight again. She's turned herself into a monster to get to this point, it was a minor inconvenience. She watches the gnomes, mimicking them with the strike patterns as she goes back to the fight. Miter, however, is less lucky, clenching her ears and falling back into the cart as the illusions take her, putting her out of the fight for now.

Hareng: "... Ah..." Hareng blinked. Somewhat confused about what had just happened, was that illusion magic...? No matter, he was failing in his task. The assassin kept silent as he approached again, definitely pissed off this time. His dagger in hand, he'd simply walk to the figure, and push his knife forward, aiming just right of their spine from the back, to silence the figure by means of collapsing their lung. "It's time you close your mouth." He said with a growl as he pushed hard with his body weight, as light as it was.

Yarl whimpers a bit then snarls in anger once more. "Stop that! Pesky shrieky noisy thing, shut up! Prey is not scary! Stop no sensing!"

Sarah whimpers as she moves to hide behind a tree, watching the battle unfold and cursing her for choosing the life of a necromancer rather than a useful school of magic.

Zyanya: "Silence that abomination NOW!" The older Shiriti woman yelled as she once again focused on rallying her troops. "Do not give into fear!" She would see the Dethroller fall to a familiar looking arrow, Zyanya nodding towards Phoebe with a welcome smile. Fiske too would cover her from attack, the woman doing her best to play both leader and soldier at the same time. Once she was certain she was free, she'd focus back on the fight. Rowenna meanwhile was quite pleased with her result. No way was she about to let these beasts win. Even if she had to become one to win. They were crumbling now, so she just had to keep up the pressure.

Don continued to strike away at the blot. "Damn, this thing is tough. And the hell is with that screeching whatever the fuck it is?" Don growls, trying to put more power into his axe, both in physical force and his magic.

DM62: Hareng's knife seems to silence the small creature, which turns and tries to bite at him... but misses, before it rapidly decomposes, turning into a small skeleton with sharp fangs, falling back. The gatorfolk have lost the battle now, and their ranks are broken... most of them are fleeing as rapidly as they can. The Blot is finally slowing down under the repeated attacks, until a last blow from Don decapitates the humanoid inside the mass, sending it falling back into the swamp. The battle is over.

Yarl: "Hah! See! Now makes sense! Prey runs predator! Run them down! Hunt the prey, catch them all! No escape from the Strong Ones!"

Don: "Damn creature." Don grumbled as he flicked his axe clean. "Hope you don't I mind if I took your kill Sir Knight." Don chuckled, he and the knight probably both looked rather out of place here given their plate armour and everything. "But you seemed like you needed a bit of help."

Sarah pokes her head out from behind the tree as the sounds of battle die down. "I-Is it safe yet?" she says shakily, her ears twitching.

DM62: Sir Fiske raises an eyebrow. "Braxis? That you?"

Hareng: "Crap... I shouldn't have taken so long." Hareng lamented, as he let himself be visible again and lowered the cloth covering his face. Looking over at the battle, it seemed like it was thankfully over, despite his worst attempts. He'd walk towards the main group, trying to head in the direction of the Shiriti leaders if he could at all. A smile in his face as he tried to appear the least threatening possible, knife held where it could be seen. "Hello there."

Zyanya: "Victory sisters! Ensure none of those creatures see the sun again!" She ordered a small detachment to hunt down any fleeing enemies before taking a deep breath and trying to relax. "Your entry was well timed, boy. I thank you and my people thank you." Zyanya commented as Hareng approached. Rowenna meanwhile put her weapons away, returning to the others as they began to mingle with the Shiriti

Miter: The tetra quietly moves back to a stand, still eying the gnomish forces as she crosses her many arms, blades at her sides. Miter meanwhile clambers back out of the cart, looking woozy but unharmed, shaking the last of the terrible visions from her head.

Don: "Close, but Braxis' dead. I'm Don, Braxis' son." Don grunted. "I'm guessing you were part of my parent's old adventure group?"

Hareng: "Thanks for the praise, but I hardly did anything. Compared to the rest, anyways." Hareng spoke with a bit of shyness as he twirled his knife and sheathed to make it more clear he definitely didn' mean harm, just to be safe. "We're glad we made it in time at the very least. Though admittedly, it didn't really look like you were going to lose." The assassin said, finally stopping at a respectful distance from the leaders, waiting for the others to congregate too.

Zyanya: "You put down that abomination that was sowing fear in my peoples hearts. Our battle could have easily collapsed with that thing around. You and your companions earned the praise. I am Zyanya. Tribal leader. What brings you to this neck of the woods?"

Hareng: "Coincidence brings and leads us, ma'am." Hareng replied with a chuckle. "It might be a bit of a long story, admittedly."

DM62: As they pursue the fleeing gatormen, the Shiriti and Drider forces find the "loot" of the Deathrollers: a few dozen elf women, chained up and loaded into carts, prisoners from the recent attack of Forest's Heart. There is also a locked chest... that seems unusually heavy. Sir Fiske nods. "Yes... I adventured with Braxis. I am... so very sorry to hear of his loss. Is... Is Thraexyra alright?" Fiske is in his late thirties now, a full black beard with a streak of gray on his chin.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Fifth Session, 18 June (part two, Ashur returns, the Ulfdranii, the black shards)
Sarah hops out from behind the tree she was cowering behind, rushing over to hide behind Chu'Gris, looking like she was wearing naught but a long black shirt made for a much bigger male. "So what was all that about?" she asks, a single eye poking out from behind the newly-zombified Orc.

Yarl whoops, and picks up one of the carts and begins carrying it back. "Yaya, squishy prey people like these things yeah? If give, will you help Strong Ones faster?

Miter's able to keep up with her cart at the back, while Melodious rushes towards the front of the group, trying to catch up with the fleeing lizard beasts.

Don: "Unfortunately I have no idea where my mother is at the moment." Don said with a sigh, "But they didn't have her in chains atleast so she is probably safe somewhere in the realities."

DM62: Sir Fiske turns to Sarah. "Ah. Another necromancer. Wonderful. Well, my fox-tailed friend, we arrived to help Forest's Heart... only to discover that they had already been attacked and raided by an army of Nether cultists and Deathrollers. That... THING... that used to be Arturus... he slew Tela Greenleaf, before we arrived. Their army moved on before we arrived... but there was a smaller force of Deathrollers who stayed to do some extra looting and slaving. We just managed to catch them."

Sarah: "Th-The lady Greenleaf is dead?!" Sarah asks, having heard she was someone important before leaving the Islands for this strange mission. "This is not good...Not good at all..." the Kitsune whimper, pressing into Chu'Gris' back, seeming to take comfort in being near her Zombie friend. "But wait...We're back in Kalifer, right?"

Miter: "Aw hell..." Miter grumbles, her head hanging down. "Great, as if the last war wasn't damn bloody enough..."

Don: "Dammit, we need to warn everyone else left from your old adventuring group, and that entire incident Fiske. They are deliberately targeting everyone majorly involved with the crusade." Don gritted his teeth.

DM62: Sir Fiske grits his teeth. "Aye, well... they already seem to have done a number on Grand Forge. Word has it that the Great Gates of Grand Forge are sealed... and King Helvoque Magmahammer is in grave condition. Apparently, he was poisoned somehow."

Zyanya: "Braxis was...a good warrior. I'm sorry for the loss of your father, Don. He was a good man." She'd pat the minotaur on the shoulder before her scouts returned with the report of the loot. Prisoners from the Forest's Heart. Damn things were attacking them for fresh slaves. She couldn't stand slave hunters. "Well Don, they came after us but they can't put us down so easily. Goddess take me before that happens. But things seem to be going from bad to worse with these damn Nether cultists. And getting those Deathrollers involved only made things worse.

Yarl: "...Yaya ignoring me... Guess I shall keep this.," hums Yarl, starting to wander off with the cart in her arms.

Sarah: "Oh no...Has there been any word from Underfell?" Sarah asks hesitantly. "Or from the Scaletail Islands?"

Zyanya: "Yarl. Stop. I'm a little busy at the moment. Can you show a little patience?"

Hareng nodded, quick to realize he didn't have much else to add to the conversation. With a smile he took a step back, deciding to go see how the others were faring, starting with Ulyana.

Yarl: "Hmph, Yarl has been patient..."

Sarah reaches a hand out to grab at Hareng's shirt. "Oh no, pretty boy. You and I are gonna have a talk."

Zyanya: "Those people belong at the Forest's heart Yarl. I think they'd rather go home. If anything, I'd ask them, though they must be quite scared right now."

Hareng: "G-guess we are." Hareng nodded with a surprised hint to his voice. Not really struggling with the fox girl, so she could lead him around.

Sarah: "Chu'Gris...Would you be a dear and make sure nobody eavesdrops on us?" the Kitsune asks in her most pleasant voice, before dragging Hareng behind a tree and planting his back against it. "Alright, pretty boy. Spill the beans. Which Master do you work for?"

Miter flails a bit as her cart's picked up. "H-hey!" she whines. Melodious is still looking around warily as the others speak, holding her arms crossed still.

DM62: Ulyana is also rejoining the group, looking around. "Unless I'm mistaken, we're not far from the Spiderbloom." The Shiriti with the bow nods. "Yes... the Underlands are in a state of civil war. Apparently the Nether cultists backed a Darkrazor insurrection against the other two houses. It's... unusually bloody down there, from the reports we have received." Chu'Gris nods, moving to block anyone from listening in on Hareng and Sarah.

Don frowned further. "These cultists seem to be everywhere, how did they get so much strength without anyone noticing?"

Zyanya: -Sigh- "The fact we've survived as long as we have is nothing short of amazing. Better warriors are falling while I hide on my island...But I can't be everywhere at once and that infuriates me."

Yarl: "Well, Yaya can decide what she does with the prey, Yarl wants their bargain to go faster so is giving up her claim on them if Yaya promsies to hurry!"

Hareng smiled at the question. Feeling quite relaxed as he answered. "Master Jenna is my master, Miss Sarah. Should I imagine that's a problem?"

Yarl: "Also has boxy thing thats heavy, bet Yaya finds interesting. Can tear open?"

Sarah loosens her grip on the man when Jenna's name is spoken. "Oh...That's actually good..." she says, moving a bit closer. "You can help me, then...See...I kinda want to move into Underfell, but I'm guessing unless I have a sponsor, there's little chance of that..." she says, a devious smirk on her face. "I figure you can have words with your Master about that..."

Zyanya: "Fine. You can open the box, but we'll deal with the prisoners in a moment Yarl. And they’re not prey."

DM62: Ultimately, the victors are able to round up a dozen of the fleeing Deathrollers. The rest are able to skillfully vanish into the surrounding swamp. There's also a thirteenth figure, dressed in a ragged black robe, that steps towards the pursuing victors. "I would like to surrender." The woman's voice brooks no argument, and the hooded female holds up her hands peacefully.

Yarl: "They aren't predators. So they are prey.," shrugs Yarl, setting the cart down before reaching down to tear the chest open… Meh, just holds black rocks.," huffs Yarl, turning it over and dumping it into the cart, "DISAPPOINTED."

Hareng: Well, that was a bit of a problem. The assassin's smile turned a bit distressed for a second at the request, given his current position. "I can, yes." The kid nodded. "Though I'm not sure how much my word weights on my master's mind."

Yarl: "That's fine Yarl. Just...keep an eye on the prisoners. I need a moment to think."

DM62: "Idiot!" The surrendering, black-hooded figure strides forward, shouting at Yarl. "Even shattered, that treasure is of greater value than anything you or your group have ever laid eyes upon!"

Yarl: "...Is prey talking back to me..?," says Yarl, turning a cold set of eyes to the figure yelling at her.

Melodius has her swords drawn, leveled towards the surrendered warriors, eying the black thing. "...What's this all about?" she asks with a growl.

Sarah: "That's too bad...Because anyone who might help me deserves a reward..." the Kitsune says teasingly, hopping back. "Just do what you can, pretty boy." she says, a smile on her face as she moves back to tap Chu'Gris on the arm. "Thanks for that, dear." she says with a smile, moving over to inspect the cart full of strange black rocks. "Ooooh. What's all this?"

DM62: "If someone surrenders, but could rather readily dispatch her captors... then she is not prey." The hooded figure folds her fingers in front of her. "Those are the shattered remnants of the Ulfdranii. The sword of Lathis Greenleaf, passed down to his daughter, Tela Greenleaf. The razor that gave the Goddess Zestaz her scar. Shattered in battle against Arteryxt, forcing even that creature to retreat. Even broken, it is beyond price." The "black rocks" are pieces of a black-metal sword. Five in all.

Hareng heaved a sigh as he looked over at the fox girl. Hopefully nothing bad would come out of helping her. He walked closer to the group as well, keeping quiet for the moment, figuring everyone had already briefed everyone else on matters he probably needs to know.

Yarl blinks looking at the pieces then picks it up, then tries gluing it back toghether with webbing

Hareng: "Miss spider. I don't believe that'll be useful." Hareng commented with a big smile as he witnessed Yarl.

Miter blinks a bit, hopping over and grabbing one of the sword shards. "Huh. Never thought I'd see a primal artifact with my own eyes. Ooh, it feels tingly..."

Don raised an eyebrow at the woman's attitude. "You are quite confident."

Sarah's tail fluff suddenly stands on end as she looks over at the robed figure, before darting back behind the zombified Orc, seeming incredibly scared. "D-Don't...Don't make her angry! She's strong. Like, really strong. Like, she could kill us all strong..."

Yarl shrugs, then frowns. "Little prey, I need that for fixing. Also, if stone fang is so good, why it so shattered? And if she predator, why surrender? No sense."

DM62: "Even broken as I am... I could break you." She pulls back her hood, revealing a beautiful, feminine face, surrounded by straight black hair, with a single strain of white. "I was once known as Ashur. Ashur the Sage. And... I have come to face the consequences of my madness."

Hareng: "Guess those are good points." Hareng whistled in agreement with the spider girl as he took a few steps back, hanging at the edge of the group, meaning to just listening for the time being.

Yarl: "Too long. You Ash now.," grunts Yarl, looking over the blade she has tried to glue toghether with the pwoerful drider webbing.

Miter: Again, Miter perks a little. "Wait... You were that bitch that fucked up Malgra's final duel and glassed a chunk of the desert about five or ten years ago... Or however many years it is now, it's a bit hard to tell right now."

Don: "....I wonder if Braxis is going to spring from his grave or something." Don said with a sigh. "I thought you were supposed to be dead?"

DM62: Chu'Gris growls, producing his axe. "Good... then it's time for me to end your wretched life." Ashur shakes her head. "Not yet. Not if you believe that this world is worth saving. And... yes. I was the one who unleashed her wrath, when Sir Arturus was sacrificed for political nonsense and the delusions of a powerful gnome wizard."

Hareng: "Well, I guess we could stand to listen to you for the time being. Unless someone has an objection to that?" Hareng exclaimed with a smile. Personally curious about the turn of events. Truth be told, he didn't expect to survive if something bad happened with Ashur around anyways.
Yarl: "Yarl objects. Is not sure what has to do with Strong Ones. But, Ashu has funny hair, so will listen while figures out how swing stone fang."

Hareng couldn't help but to snort uncouthly at the spider's words, struggling for a few seconds before he finally managed to silence himself. "S-sorry. Maybe I could help you figure that out later." The man joked. Quite unaware of how dangerous that could be.

Sarah reaches out and hugs Chu'Gris' left arm, shaking her head. "I think my new friend here is a little too ready to claim your head as a trophy, Ashur...But tell us why we should let you live, if it's for the good of the world?"

DM62: Ashur smiles. "Well, that's rather simple. Because Arteryxt intends to take this world from you... to break it and mold it to his will. And I..." She looks wistful and sad. "I did not want to believe that he had fallen so far. I thought that, surely, this was merely a side-effect of saving his life. That he would recover and awaken. That my friend Arturus could live once more. But... but he must be stopped. Tell me... do you have a plan for killing HIM?"

Yarl: "Yarl doe snot know whom Arte is, but if he is All Eater, then Strong Ones Fight."

DM62: Argast looks over at the drider. "Varl, Yarl, or Vand? You're getting me ALL confused here."

Yarl: "Yarl not good at stupid prey talk."

Hareng: "I'm pretty sure I'd die. I don't know how to feel about that. But I'd probably fight. Lady Ashur." The assassin smiled. Being quite aware of how small his chances would be.

Miter: The goblin shrugs. "Well, judging from what we saw trying to leave the Nether, going to assume the bug-armed monster was this... Arturus?"

DM62: "Yes. I used thrull body parts due to their... special properties... while I was trying to save his life. But something didn't go... right. And now he goes by Arteryxt... that was the best he could say his old name, when he awoke." She sighs. "I tried to stop him myself. I... failed."

Sarah: "There's your first problem, stupid. You don't use parts from a different race!" the Kitsune says with a mixture of disgust and shame at someone perverting her craft.

Yarl: "You made dead not dead, course goes bad. Live or dead. Anything else is not good." YArl hums, looking at the sword and giving it a practice swing.

Miter frowns, thinking for a minute, fighting with something in her hand before realizing it was a fragment still of the mysterious elf sword. "Hey, you said... elf sword name here, ugh, freakin panzy words... anyway, you said that this managed to make a dent on him before he busted it to pieces? What's stopping us from getting a bunch of the other artifacts like this and then just finding him in a back alley and mob-pummeling him? I mean, normal stuff ain't gonna work, I launched one of my harpoons at it and all he did was give me a stinkeye."

DM62: The sword immediately falls apart, the webbing not seeming to stick to the strange metal at all.

Yarl: "...Stones is stupid."

Hareng ducks at such swings. Looking just a tiny bit worried. "Well, guess I did tell you it wouldn't work." He sighed, as he rubbed the back of his head.

Miter: "I mean, I may be a gobbo but even I know the dwarves got ahold of one too!"

Hareng: "I could lend you my knife if you want to practice something." He added, mostly as a joke.

DM62: Ashur scowls at the kitsune. "There are limits to fleshcrafting and resurrection. Only the regenerative properties of the Riftlands thrull could save him... DID save him. But unfortunately it would seem he was lost to me, after all. Still... call me stupid again and I'll be taking your tails with me, dear." She looks at the shards of the sword. "The primal artifacts are powerful, indeed... but they can only last so long, whilst being used to fight against the immortals. I suspect that the great Ulfdranii was cracked when Lathis Greenleaf chased the Goddess Zestaz away, all those years ago. No... it must be refreshed. And that is where you come in."

Yarl: "Stone fang so good, why it break, can't fix. Yarl has stone jinglies to hit prey with. Much better, not break. No practice, broken. Maybe hold piece, feed to prey, make explode if so strong...," grumbles Yarl, looking at Hareng, and looking at his sword, then putting a hand in front of her mouth, and starts giggling. "Hee... Tiny stone fang. Is like baby Strong One teeth." She bares her big fangs, "See, proper fangs. No need tiny breaking fang."

Sarah: "Try it and my friend here will take your head as s trophy. Ain't that right, Chu'Gris?" the Kitsune says with a smirk, hugging the zombie orc's arm.

Miter: "Huh. So the elves were working with a broken blade all this time. That's not good," Miter muses. She hums a little. "...So how do we fix it then?"

Don: "Yes, how would we repair a blade that was broken in a fight with immortal beings."

DM62: Ashur looks at Chu'Gris, shrugging. "If you want him destroyed, then... by all means." Chu'Gris clutches his axe, looking to Sarah for permission to strike the kitsune. The sage continues. "You have a great number of books in your cart, goblin. One of them has a nullmetal binding and cover. I'm quite sure Master Duarnar would have sent it with you. It is actually a Kaliferian book... written in a somewhat archaic goblin script. It contains theories on how the artifacts were forged."

Hareng: "Alright, you got a point, again." Hareng smiled at the spider. "You can't say I didn't try to be nice, though." The kid said, patting the spider's abdomen playfully and without any real reservation or fear.

Miter blinks, before diving into the cart for furious rummaging sounds.

Sarah: "Hold back, Chu'Gris...Let's hear her out before we kill her." the Kitsune says with an affectionate pat on his chest.

Yarl: "...So... Bored....," groans Yarl, looking around, then something catches her eyes, her putting the pieces on the cart then walking up to Scarab, looking at her, scuttling to one side, then the other, then courching low and staring at her. "...Are you... Half drider...?"

Hareng: "Do we even have a shot at killing her?" Hareng muttered.

Miter: The tetra raises an eyebrow at the drider. "...I do not even know what a... drider?... is?" Miter eventually comes back out, the nullmetal-coated tome clutched in her hands. There's a slight squeak as the book's hinged cover is slid open, and she flicks madly through the pages. Her face falls. "Er... we got a problem. Mainly, the fact that this crap was built during the whole 'magic lightning' age of things..."

Yarl: "Me either. Yarl is called Strong One. Yarl is one of strongest! Others call Yarl drider, so Yarl guesses is dumb prey name for Strong Ones. Saw you fight. You seem strong. But are small like prey. So maybe is half me half prey? Not sure how but makes sense!"

DM62: "There are a few things you'll need. In particular... there are black shards, formed by the friction between realms. They are densest... in the portions that... nevermind. You'll need to seek them across the sea, in a land known as Rabeernst. You'll also need some nullmetal ore, and some magically-attuned silver." The sage frowns. "There are a few more details, naturally. But Arteryxt has plans for the shards in Rabeernst... so you'll want to race to get there before he can. That means you'll need to travel faster than any ship can take you."

Hareng: "So you're saying we need to fly or teleport?" The assassin exclaimed.

Yarl: "Yarl hates stupid prey water trees!"

Sarah: "So basically, we're going to reforge some ancient sword so we can kill that bug monstrosity that tried to kill us?" Sarah asks with a pout on her face. "Will this nightmare of a journey ever end?"

DM62: "There is only one faster path... but it will involve passage through the Spiderbloom, into areas where even the Under Elves dare not delve. Into the lairs of the Arakian Lichkings... and from there, up to the surface of Rabeernst." She raises an eyebrow at Sarah. "Our journeys only end when we are taken to Lunis."

Yarl: "Yeah, fight and hunt and breed then die! That life!," grins Yarl, "Only prey thinks otherwise!"

Sarah: "Yeah, well, I'm sick of my journey being full of potholes and bumps." she says with a pout.

DM62: Ulyana chuckles. "No worries, Sarah. It looks like the next part of your journey will involve carefully treading over spider silk."

Hareng shuddered at the mention of Lunis, letting out a bit of an exasperated sigh. "There's other options for beings that live in more peaceful sectors, miss Yarl." He said, looking just a bit tired. "In any case. Not doing this means we face a rather grim ending, doesn't that work as incentive enough, miss Sarah?"

Yarl: "Prey walking on silk? Willingly? Wow. Easy prey.," blinks Yarl, "And yeah, prey say that. Then predators come to them and prey cry and then get hunted and bred. So is false lie caused by hiding."

Miter shuts the book, taking in all of this information. "Oh geeze... this just gonna keep getting more and more complex as we go..." she mumbles, but nods a little. "Well, it's either this or the world probably blowing up or something silly like that..."

DM62: At this point the beautiful Garden Watcher rejoined the group. "Oh. New people." She caresses Yarl with a vine. "Cute people. Makes me so hungry."

Hareng: "I'd like to think life is about being free. But I guess it's just a matter of perspectives." Hareng said with a shrug, deciding he'd like just a different opportunity to talk more throughly with the drider... admittedly having just a little bit of hope he could at least make her consider other stances. "Ah, Scarlett."

Sarah: "Waah. We're going through what now? What's the Spiderbloom?" Sarah asks, having not actually heard of it before.

Melodius shrugs as the weird spider thing talks to her. She also looks to Scarlet when she arrives again. "Do I wanna know where you've been?"

Yarl looks at the compartively tiny plant, her leaning down and looking at her. ".. Yarl not prey. Yarl predator. But you plant. Not Yarl prey. Leave you to giant wigglenommers."

DM62: The Garden Watcher shook her head. "Either someone forgot that I existed, or I fell out of the portal a short distance away, and it took me a little time to find you all. Let's just assume the second option." Scarlett chuckles. "If you have blood in your body, you're prey for me, dear. But don't worry... I met a couple of... weird lizard men on my way here. Feeling pretty sated right now." At this point the party remembers that they haven't eaten in SOME TIME, due to the lack of food in the Riftlands.

Miter: "Fair enough," Miter mumbles, before her belly rumbles. "Speaking of... We should prep something for meals before trying to adventure and murder?"

Yarl: "Yarl say you try bite, Yarl chew you to mulch, so no bite Yarl. And Yarl not squish plant.," huffs Yarl.

Hareng: "Yarl, she doesn't eat plants." Hareng chuckled, letting out a sigh as he felt the harsh pang in his stomach. "Neither do I, though..."

Yarl: "...Neither does Yarl...? Dumb Prey. Yarl said if plant bites Yarl, Yarl will bite plant. Just won't eat cus give Yarl sicky tummy."

Hareng: "Ah, I misheard then, sorry." Hareng sighed. "I guess I'm feeling a bit weak."
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Fifth Session, 18 June (part three, hunting, wyvernkin, a day no friendly characters would die)
Sarah: "Much as I'd love to watch this barbaric argument unfold..." Sarah says, her own stomach rumbling. "I think everyone would agree we need some food in our bellies before we start racing off to save the world..."

Yarl: "Prey is weak! But you make hungry sounds. Yeah, fluff prey who ruins life is right, food good. Should go find prey food like grass. Or corpses. Lots of corpses around."

Hareng: "I'd rather not eat corpses, unless they're well cooked." Hareng side, not a shred of a joke in his comment.

Sarah: "Ruins life?! How'd you like to become an empty husk bound to my every whim you little..." the Kitsune says, her tails fluffing out and her face contorting in anger.

Miter: "Can't be worse than war rations!" Miter quips

DM62: Argast looks around the group. "Um... surely we're not planning on eating those... gator guys? Especially since we're keeping a dozen of them as prisoners."

Yarl: "Yarl not little. Yarl biggest here! And yeah. You just say you ruin Yarl life. So you ruin life, see?"

Hareng: "Now, now, Sarah. Let's not commit murder between friends." Hareng joked as he tried calming the kitsune.

Miter: "Nah. I kid... Should be something to eat in these woods..." Miter convinces the kobold. "After all, the elves all live out here somehow, so there's gotta be game or other edibles around here."

Sarah: "I don't ruin life! I bring immortality!" the Kitsune says angrily, hugging Chu'Gris' arm tightly. "More than can be said of a barbarian like you!"

Don: "Yes, lets not try to kill each other. Though I must admit I am rather hungry myself." Don admitted, and couldn't help but glance around to see if Sonja was nearby. Though the harpy would have to eat first before he'd let himself possibly feed from her.

DM62: Sonja flies back toward the group, a dead deer clutched in her talons. "Well... it's not enough for all of us to gorge ourselves... but it's a start."

Zyanya: "You look around hard enough you might be able to find some easy hunting prey. Course if Yarl doesn't find it first."

Yarl: "Yarl doesn't know what that means, but if it not live or not dead then is ruined cus bad! Predator who never leaves is an All Eater and All Eaters is bad, nothing for predators or prey! And prey who never dies feeds nothing! And if does not predator or prey then is not anything! So shouldn't exist. Hmph, Yarl ate plenty. Good hunt. Yarl not All Eater."

Miter: "...Huh. Ask and ye shall receive. Still, yeah, not gonna be enough." Miter hops from her perch, dragging out her now-empty rucksack. "I'm gonna scavenge around a bit, see what plants I can find that may still be somewhat edible..."

Sarah: "I'm not even going to begin to try to understand that awful logic of yours..."

Hareng: "Well, I suppose I can hunt something. I'm no stranger to it." Hareng said as he looked at the deer, figuring out the more important parties could feed themselves with it while he found something for himself. "Anybody mind if I go for a bit?" Not like I'm having anything important to say here.

Don: "Good work Sonja." Don said with a nod as he saw the deer. "Hopefully this time we can borrow some proper cooking utensils from the Shiriti instead of having to fake up a cooking pan."

Yarl: "Cus Prey have dumb voice sounds talk instead of proper speech.," huffs Yarl, "Can't understand proper webtalk." She moves over to Don, looking him over. "Hmm... You big, but hatcher told Yarl that horned ones bad breeders, just make horned ones... So you predator or prey? You look predator. Big fangs."

Zyanya: "Always a good place to start boy." Zyanya would comment as she would arrange a few of her warriors to find some things to hunt. Spread out, find something good and hearty. Rowenna had also since departed in wolf form to find food

Miter: The scarab meanwhile just sticks near, swords out and watching the new strangeness of the world she has found herself in.

Hareng: "Knock yourself out, Don." Hareng chuckled as he saw Yarl coming at him, figuring he could make his exit from the scene and hunt something to his taste. "See you guys in a bit." He said as he took off to find something as well.

Sarah shakes her head, looking over at the freshly-caught deer and smiling. "I say we let the hunters eat their fill and find more for those of us who are less than qualified in that regard."

Don: "Like to think myself as not a prey." Don said as he looked at the tarantula. "And your hatcher told you right. My kind only produces more of my kind. Otherwise I'd be a drider myself right now." The minotaur chuckled.

DM62: At this point one of the gnomes in black leather approaches Zyanya. "Lady Zyanya, we have interrogated the prisoners, briefly. I'm afraid we've only regained about half of the captured elves and other folk from Forest's Heart. The rest were... flown away, I fear."

Miter: The tetra tilts her head, looking at the gnome. "...Flown away? By what, people with wings on the back or some other critter?"

DM62: "Wyvernkin, I'm afraid. Not aligned with the cultists... they actually stole about half of the prisoners from the Deathrollers."

Zyanya: "Flown away? That's a new one. And Wyverns. Lovely. So now we have to negotiate with them in order to get them back. Other than people do we know of anything the'd want?"

Miter: "...What's a wyvern?" Melodius asks in confusion. Miter eventually returns with a loaded backpack, shrugging as she offers some of her findings around."

Sarah: "W-Wyvernkin?! Those exist?!" Sarah exclaims. "I-I thought they were only legends passed down from the Dragons..."

Don: "You don't negotiate with Wyvernkin from what I've heard. More or less all of them are little more then animals."

Hareng would return, using enough brains to haul his few catches back to the group, "Anyone fancy squirrels?" Hareng said with a chuckle as he set down the alligator nearby. Fully intending on gutting it on preparing it on the side by himself. "Haven't eaten one of those in a long time."

DM62: Ashur sighs. "While the Dragonkin do claim that they are the the trueborn of the great dragons, the Wyvernkin are visibly a close second. With just legs and wings, and a poisoned tail, manelike hair, and scaled hide, the Wyvernkin are a mix of harpy and dragonoid, but are truly wild and feral, much closer to the Beastmen and Monsterkin. The wyvernkin have one other minor difference- they are entirely hermaphrodite, feminine forms with sizable cocks. Often when in the need to breed, they will swoop down to capture a target, raping them in midair before returning them to close to where they found them. Wyvernkin's tails contain a powerful paralyzing toxin, with minor aphrodisiac qualities, often used to subdue prey and breeding partners."

Hareng: "That sounds fun. Remind me to keep my eye out for one." Hareng said with a chuckle, as he did away with the alligator's eyes.

Yarl: "What?! Cultists stealing Strong Ones Wyverns too?!"

Miter: "...Someone's been reading the strategy guide," Miter remarks around a few fruit. Scarab crouches a little. "...So in other words, a bit hard to take on in a direct fight... But why did they drag them off instead of just returning them afterwards then?"

Yarl snarls, rearing up a bit, venomous pedipalps wriggling and exposing her large lower breast sets, "Where?! I will hunt this prey and take back Scaled Seekers!"

Sarah: "It sounds even worse than the legends. Yuck!" Sarah says, shaking her head as she looks over at Hareng. "Save the hide. I can make that into some proper clothing for myself."

DM62: Ashur grumbles at Miter. "I'm a sage. Copypasta is one of my abilities."

Rowenna: "Fuck. And we just had a hard enough time dealing with those damn gators." She sighed as she began pacing the staging area. "Any idea where they went or where they're based out of? Figure we'd need to send people to go after the damn things. I'd hunt them myselves if I had the chance."

Don: "Though at the very least that means most of the elves will be released eventually does it not?"

Zyanya: "Calm down Yarl. You'll do no good getting this angry."

Yarl: "Many Ones steal Seekers! Now cult prey steals Seekers! Yaya said she help Strong Ones get back Seekers from Many Ones! Yarl say Yaya helps now!"

Hareng sighed in the background, taking one bite at the raw meat to decide if he really needed to cook it or not. "Hmm... Guess I'll need a fire after all." He said after chewing throughly for a while.

DM62: The gnome commando nods. "I know where their aerie is, yes. It's a few days journey, though." Ashur frowns. "A few days that we cannot afford to lose."

Melodius is the first to pipe up. "...What's to stop us from splitting forces? Some of us going after these shard things before... bugbutt? gets them, and the rest helping to stop these creatures?"

Yarl: "Yes! Come hunt with Yarl! Hunting pack with prey, is new, unknown, but Yarl will do this for Seekers! Who comes with Yarl? Yaya better come. Yarl help Shirprey, now Yaya help Strong Ones."

Sarah: "Nope! I'm not going to take on Wyvernkin! No way no how!" the Kitsune says as she hides behind her zombified Orc. "I'd rather move on to saving the world, thanks!"

Hareng is seen in the background, trying to get a fire of his own for his own meat.

Yarl: "That kay, Yarl doesn't want bring that mess around Strong Ones home. Bleh."

Don: "I would much rather see to these shards. While rescuing folks is definately in my job description I think saving the multiverse from destruction is a bit higher on the scale"

Zyanya: "It's Shiriti Yarl. I'm not going to repeat myself again. But yes, I'll go with you. I may be getting up there in years but I will see this through. I'm not about to let those prisoners be made breeding stock by those wyverns"

Hareng: "Well, I'm willing to help, though not sure how much help I'd be." The kid commented, before his eyes widened as well as his smile, after managing to start a bit of a fire for himself.

Yarl: "Yarl is okay with this, Shir is better so less need argue is less time wasted. Who cares about prey, they're stealing Strong Ones Seekers! Them making more Seekers is fine."

DM62: Phoebe sighs. "I suppose we had best help rescue the remaining elves and other prisoners. Though, usually, the Wyvernkin return their captives immediately after breeding." Ashur chuckles. "Yes... but they were taken from captors by the Wyvernkin. Hence there's not really somewhere to return them TO."

Sarah looks over at HAreng, glaring daggers at him. "Oh no...You aren't going anywhere, pretty boy."

Hareng: "Hmm... when you put it that way, I'm left with doubt." The kid replied at Sarah with a bit of a chuckle.

Miter: "Doesn't help that if this lore shenanigan was true, they'd have been dropped down by now already?" Miter asks. "Something feels weird that they'd be flocking like this if there's competition for mates or hoarding em." She frowns, but eyes the shard of sword she held onto. "Still, if we get all this stuff together, we're gonna probably need something outta these books to glue this back together."

Hareng: Though at this point. Hareng's face would actually be a bit bloodied from his earlier taste tasting, just as well as his hands, from preparing the alligator.

Zyanya: "The prisoners are my concern just like how the Seekers are yours. We all have our priorities, but it leads to the same end. And as Ashur said, those things would just put them back here and then they'd be unarmed civilians in the middle of nowhere. They need our help to get them home safe. Thank you Phoebe. No need to sigh, love."

DM62: Ashur nods. "Yes... once you have the components, you must head North."

Melodius shrugs. "You all seem quite capable of defending yourselves. I would gladly assist with saving these prisoners... If only to see more of this strange, strange land..."

Yarl: "Yes! Strong Half One comes with Yarl!"

Sarah: "Enjoying your meal, pretty boy?" the Kitsune says, moving over towards Hareng's little fire and squatting down next to him. "Care to spare some of that gator meat for me?"

Yarl: "So, Yarl, Yaya, and Strong Half One, who else want hunt with Strong Ones!"

Hareng: "Ah, of course, of course, miss Sarah." The young man replied eagerly, managing to hand over to Sarah a few chunks of well cooked meat while he still took on or two small bites in the raw before throwing some more for cooking at the fire. "Hope you can apologize my manners..." He said, trying to wipe a bit of the extra blood from his hands.

DM62: Sir Fiske nods. "I shall see the prisoners returned... though the DMs might decide to split the NPCs differently." Phoebe rolls her eyes.

Rowenna returns, some food in jaw as she begins to munch on some dead animal she caught. Before long she'd switch back, hearing the conversation at hand. Course, eveyone couldn't go at once. "Not everyone can go. Too many and the Wyverns might think we're trying to invade them."

Miter just sighs, using a fan to blow out some of the meta off the campfire.

Yarl: "Hmph, if they wild, Yarl will tame. And if stolen, Yarl will free. And then get fresh Seeker Eggs from prey."

Hareng: "Now that's a cool breeze, thanks Miss Miter."

Sarah: "Who cares about manners out here in the wild? I certainly don't." Sarah says with a smile as she begins to bite into the cooked gator meat, letting her hunger take over for a few moments. "I better get to work on that hide before the rot starts to set in and it becomes useless..." the Kitsune says, finishing up her meal and moving over to the dead gator, puzzling it over in her head just how to fleshcraft the hide to make it a more usable leather AND form it into something that would at least cover up her modesty.

DM62: Sonja spots something tucked into one of the carts... a lute. She smiles. "I suppose we had best camp for the night, either way. Enjoy some strength in numbers, good food, and unique opportunities for side-smuts. But... in the meantime..." She pulls the lute, starting to strum a gentle melody, the song soothing the spirits of the group.

Hareng: "That might be a good idea, miss Sarah. Though I'd admit that would make my peeping eye a bit sad." The kid said with a smile before finally having his first proper chunk of cooked meat. "Just as good as I remember it." He said with a very big smile. "I'm sad I have no coins to spare for your singing, miss Sonja." The kid chuckled.

Yarl blinks as music starts to play, wandering over and staring at the lute. "...Yarl has mixed feelings on this."

Hareng: "Do those mixed feelings feel good or bad, miss Yarl?"

Yarl: "Both, is why are mixed."

Zyanya: "Something wrong Yarl? Talk to me. It's just music. You make it sound like you've never heard it before."

Yarl: "It sounds like flappy prey and she looks like flappy prey so it makes Yarl want to pounce but is supposed to be aprt of hunt pack and this is confusing to Yarl. Yarl knows supposed to work but..."

Hareng: With a bit of a chuckle, and a smile, Koel continued eating his own food, realizing soon enough he'd struggle for a bit without some beverage to ease the way's food down. "Maybe you could distract yourself with something else to think about, miss Yarl?"

DM62: Sonja smiles gently. "There are no words to this song... though I suppose I could sing the elven ballad of the Kinslayer Wars. It's very beautiful... but very, very sad." She continues softly strumming on the instrument. "As for payment, I'm sure you could set aside a few choice pieces of meat? I don't mind singing for my supper."

Hareng: "You got it, miss Sonja, I can't finish this by myself anyways." The assassin replied as he leaned back on whatever he could rest his back.

Miter debates doing a bit of snark at the harpy, but manages to repress it, instead sitting at the top of the cart and figiting with a stick. Someone a bit more keen-eyed may note her staring at it intently and then looking to a book she has open- as well as the nullmetal book that described the artifact weapon they had the pieces for.

DM62: Ashur only takes a few berries for her meal, sitting next to the goblin. "You know... goblins are actually one of the oldest races... and they were once the most powerful among the craftsmen of the world. Their hands could be felt in the creation of all of the primal artifacts. Wise sages and great inventors... but, as with all races, they diminished eventually."

Yarl: "Yarl will manage. Yarl needs remember not all prey is prey for Yarl at all times. Yarl has to... Work with prey, like Many Ones work with each other or else strong ones never have Seekers again. SO! Yarl will be strong for Strong Ones! She hunts big ones. Though Yarl... Should make sure next biggest strong One thinks same way."

Zyanya: "It's your call, Sonja. You are the artist after all and you should be able to sing what you want." Zyanya would smile at Sonja before sitting back down. "Goddess...Got in over my head when I got into this life...Can't imagine how life would have been had I stayed home all those years ago."

Sarah stands from the gator corpse, which is now lacking most of its hide, grabbing the shirt she was wearing and pulling it off, now sporting a gator-leather two-piece. "Hmmm...Doesn't breathe as well as my old outfit, but I suppose it'll do." she says, making sure she had at least crafted it together properly to cover what few shreds of modesty she had.

Don meanwhile would make sure his axe was in good shape, before starting to strip off his armour for the night, the whole time listening to Sonja's song. It truly was a good song. "It is quite the song Sonja, thanks for letting us hear it."

Miter: "Happens to everyone, lass," Miter snarks to the cloaked kitsune, still giving a queer look to the stick. "Though really, hard to do jack when you get stuck to one way of think'n." Miter huffs, glaring at the books with a ever-growing glower. "Really don't get how the rest of you lot can figure this stuff out. I can piece together half a dozen crazy ideas on blueprints, hell more than I probably got the lifespan to explore, but someone start talking about this hokus-pokus stuff and it's like trying to read some of these rift-language books in here. Causes a headache and not much else."

DM62: Sir Fiske raises an eyebrow, moving close to Zyanya and sitting down. "If you'd stayed home... well, Axetan would likely have fallen. I'd be dead... or worse, I'd be alive, but without having met you, my love."

Hareng: "I might start shedding a few tears." Hareng added too, looking to busy himself a bit to ignore the small feeling of choking up he had with his now dry throat.

Rowenna: "It looks fine Sarah. I'm sure once we reach civilization we can get you a proper outfit instead of that patchwork monstrosity." Rowenna would comment, having shifted back into her human form but keeping the armor off in the meanwhile since it seemed close to bed time.

Yarl grumbles and decides to had over by Scarab again. "So, you say you don't know here? Where you from then? Yarl can teach strong Half One what's prey, what's predator and whats danger."

Zyanya: "I know hun. Just an old warrior having a bit of a mid life crisis. Can you blame me?"

Hareng: The kid sighed, while letting himself rest on the few rocks he could use to prop his back up a bit. "Finally we get to enjoy some actual rest for a bit. I would have never thought I'd cherish the rocks I'm sleeping on." He joked.

Sarah: "Aye. I want my yukata back. Damn that demon bitch for shredding it." the Kitsune says with a pout, moving to sit between HAreng and the zombified ORc. "I've never really made a zombie with free will. Do you think you still require sleep, Chu'Gris?"

DM62: Aisalla looks at the gator-skin two-piece Sarah is wearing. "You know... I could probably help you make that into a decent set of armor, if we use some of the Deathrollers we just killed. Wouldn't be too hard. And you might be able to get in a little more flesh-crafting practice."

Sarah: "You could, Aisalla? I...I'm not very good at fighting, so what point would armor be for me?"

Rowenna: "Aisalla, you're always coming up with some of the best solutions." Rowenna would say in a rather pleased tone. "She's right though. Never hurts to get some practice in."

DM62: The centauress smiles. "Well, even if you aren't that great in combat, it never hurts to LOOK like you're great in combat. Not to mention leather is good protection."

Melodius gives a glance over at Yarl as the spider thing speaks to her again. "I come from..." she starts, trying to think of a better word. "... A place far, far away from here... I've seen some of the things from here, but not that many, really... And of course, never seen this type of... stuff..." she mumbles, gesturing towards the tree canopy above.

Sarah: "You make a fair point...So, teach me some more. I'd like to be as good as I can be whenever the world is saved and I can actually slow down." the Kitsune says, springing to her feet with a smile.

Rowenna: "You go teach her, Aisalla. I'll be around if you want to relax later. It's been a long day for everyone."

Hareng: With little else to do, Hareng proceeded to simply watch at the different parties enjoy themselves while he rested. His body already getting used to his proverbial bed of rocks he was resting on. Finding it just the right amount of comfortable.

Yarl: "Not see trees? Yarl has heard of placeswith no canopy. Yarl saw them when was carried on water tree to here by Shir. Yarl get's really sick and seeing no trees makes her and other Strong Ones nervous. So must be same for Strong Half One. Prey is all resting, does Strong Half One wish to ride Yarl and let Yarl show new place?"

DM62: Argast looks around nervously. "Huh. I'll be damned. This is rather unusual, guys."

Yarl: "What is, small prey?"

Hareng: "It definitely is, Argast. It definitely is." Hareng sighed contentedly.

Melodius is about to reply before focusing on the kobold. "Hrm?"

Boris huffs and bleats at Yarl angrily, but the kobold calms him. "Well... it's the end of a session. And nobody important died!"

((end of session))
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Vera (the wyvernkin nest)
ShardDM: While Wyvernkin mostly hunt solo or in pairs, they have been known to flock in aeries. As was the case here- dozens of the humanoid wyverns had made roost here, hoarding eggs, prey and occasionally treasures that caught the near-beastial minds of the creature's fancy. However, that all changed a week ago, when a much larger Wyvern had crashed into the place. Now, the creature was snorting in annoyance, looking at the flock of creatures around it and sniffing at the captives that many of them had landed back with, after it had bullied them to seek them out. Vera would be among them, though maybe not quite the same as her more feral kin.

Vera didn't let it show, but she was rather frustrated at what was going on. The aerie was going along just fine before this bigger wyvern had shown up, and she didn't like being constantly on her toes around her larger kin. It really didn't help that she was starting to get a bit sick of living with her fellow, feral, Wyvernkin as it was, but still this was much worse. At the very least they had some prey to play with, depending on if the larger one let them have any fun after she picked whoever she liked, or if the larger wyvern was just going to horde them all to herself.

ShardDM: The larger, dragonish beast growls a little as the smaller wyvernkin tries to horde a little, huddled around nests as the bigger, nastier half-dragon claws a bit on the wood of the roost. Finally however, at least for now Vera got some slack- one of the smaller wyvernkin decides to leap on the wyvern's back, chewing in a partly playful-partly annoyed manner. The larger beast growls angrily and starts to buck, taking wing out of the roost for now and snapping after the quickly-flying smaller wyvernkin. Several others take off after them, clearly a scrape happening now. It wouldn't last, probably, but it allowed the rest of the roost to relax for a moment as the massive monster flies out for a bit.

Vera gave a sigh, at least the big Wyvern was away from the pack for a while, but that meant the captives were free. Vera couldn't quite help herself on that front, even if she was more intellegent then most wyvernkin, she was still a wyvern. Looking toward the captive group, she'd look for any one that caught her eye, ready to pounce as soon as she found one that was interesting.

ShardDM: The wyvernkin would quickly note someone of interest- a red-haired woman, squirming in her bindings and with a sizable travel pack on her back. The other wyvernkin were similar in mind, dashing down and grabbing captives to snuggle themselves. The sound of attacks and roars would soon echo into the distance of the skies above.

Vera would leap down and grab the redhaired woman. Noticing that whoever caught her left that large bag on her back for some reason. Still it would help make it easier to grab her, and leap right back up to her nest, dropping the woman into it as she landed on her again. Sniffing at the woman a bit as she got herself warmed up for some snuggling.

ShardDM: Apparently the woman had been held captive prior to getting snagged. She eyes the creature with unsure eyes, the grey orbs focused on the creature even as she keeps struggling against the ropes. Gagged and tied arm-to-legs, and still clothed, unlike the others that the wyvern's tribute had been forced into prior to capture, she only jerks more when she lands in Vera's nest, starting to panic a little.

Vera would tilt her head, and cut her gag with a sharp talon, though she didn't cut her binds. She was somewhat curious, and she did like to hear her prey talk and moan as she fucked them. Unlike many of her kin she actually understood language, and she liked to listen to it in the throws of passion. After cutting the gag she started on the woman's clothes, starting to strip her shirt off first.

ShardDM: The redhead gives a bit of a yelp as she's had her gag severed, stuttering as she tries to back up. "S-stay back..." she mumbles weakly, her bag rustling. "I-I'll be forced to fight back..." she tries to threaten, though another yelp leaves her as the claw starts to work on her clothing, shirt starting to tear from the squirms and fumbling. The long coat around her shoulders would prove to be a little harder, or her jeans.

Vera leaned in, and hissed in a rough voice, still not totally used to using the language the prey used. "Mmmm, fight back is fun. But I am nicer then sisters, so be grateful." Vera tilted her head at the bag, and tried to get it off the girl as she was stripping her. Once she was naked, the redhead would be able to see Vera's draconic member already starting to come out of its slit, and she'd also see her stinger ready to poke her if the woman tried to resist to much.

ShardDM: Naturally this catches the woman's attention. "Y-you can... t-talk?" she mumbles in confusion. The bag rattles with the sound of wood and metal, leaving the woman naked as she stares up at the creature above her, darker skin exposed in full glory.

Vera: "Yes, smarter then sisters." Vera said with a grin as she noticed the girl stopping her fight. Popping the top of the bag she'd take a quick peak, before she'd come back to the girl, licking her exposed nipple to get her moving a bit, before pinning her down further with her wings. "Want turn before big wyvern comes back. Stay quiet, she might forget you exist." With that Vera would line her draconic shaft with the woman's slit, using her taloned feet to force her legs apart, and then start to poke against her, pushing into the darker skinned woman after just a moment of lining up.

ShardDM: With the threat of the larger wyvern, the girl stays quiet now, shuddering as the wyvernkin quietly start to play with her. She tries to seal her jaw, hiding back the whimpers as the creature's body teases more delicate places

Vera: Starting to thrust into the woman, Vera would grin, before leaning down and starting to lick at her breasts again, then move to the nape of her neck, then kiss her and have some tongue play, before going back to her breasts. Shifting her hips a bit she'd start to prod around, looking for sensitive spots as she tried to work the girl into a puddle that she could keep playing with.

ShardDM: The redhead continued her squirms as she starts to thrust, soft gasps and whimpers leaving her as the wyvern works her towards the eventual lustful frenzy. She moans louder as the thrusts grow deeper, the licking causing her to softly wrap her hands around her and into her back, holding herself gently against her.

Vera: As long as the girl stayed relatively quiet with her lustful noises Vera would let her keep making them, if she started to get loud the Wyvernkin would move to kiss the girl again and suppress her sounds. At the same time though her hips picked up in pace, starting to push fast and deep into the redhead as her tail came around, now with the stinger retracted, to tease at the redheads asshole. Poking at it lightly as she gauged the redhead’s reaction.

ShardDM: The redhead's mewls were getting louder, resulting in her mouth getting caught by the wyvern's to mute the noise. She'd stiffen slightly at the tail's intrusion, even as her belly and body squirm along with the harder, faster thrusts, her eyes starting to flutter from pleasure.

Vera was having fun, even if she couldn't quite have all the fun she'd like to have given she needed to keep the redhead quiet. Instead she decided to just focus on the mating, and as she continued to kiss and tease the woman with her tail, her shaft continuing to drive into the girl faster and faster as she felt a familiar tension starting to build in her, until after a few more minutes she let out a low growly purr and unleashed her pent up seed into the redhead's womb. Holding her close as she made sure to get her cum as deep into the woman as she could.

ShardDM: The redhead gives a weak hiss as she's filled, her belly trembling hard with her own orgasm as well as Vera unloads. With her body trembling and shuddering in bliss, the glow is certainly broken a little as there's a loud thudding sound as the larger wyvern lands back in, snorting and hissing as it stomps to it's chosen corner of the nesting land.

Vera would duck herself deeper in her nest, and keep the redhead pinned down, if they were lucky, the larger wyvern would pick one of the other captives, either one that was left behind or one that was much more obvious, and her own little redhead would be missed so that she could keep her, at least for a while longer.

ShardDM: Luckily, Vera would be able to keep the redhead's body out of line of sight and mostly quiet, losing herself to the din caused by the other wyvernkin and the wyvern snorting at and turning his attention to the remaining captives. The animalistic beast would be brutal, pouncing on them and mercilessly raping them, snarling at any wyvernkin that dared get close to the captives. At least for now, however, Vera had a nestmate who clearly shared her desire to not get devoured by the monster…

((end of session))
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Hareng (Ulyana)
Hareng would have had enough resting for a while as the party continued to merrily split into the usual groups again. Thankfully, he didn't seem like the only loner, as there were some others who shared his 'unfortunate' situation. His eyes looked at somoene in particular... he'd been a little irresponsible on separating from Ulyana so long even though she was currently his mission. So he got up quietly, figuring no one would notice as he headed over the to the girl, while taking a bit of an opportunity to wave and thank Sonja again for the songs on the way. "Miss Ulyana?" He asked quietly as he approached. "How are you faring?"

DM62: "Oh goodie. The bodyguard." Ulyana rolls her eyes a little at Hareng. "Well, I'm happy to be away from the Pit. Getting pawed at by randy cubites every day was getting on my nerves. But I don't much like the sound of our new journey. Traveling through the Spiderbloom to the Under Elf lands is one thing. Entering the Dead Webs... that's something else." She gives a little shudder.
Sonja does smile at Hareng for the expressed gratitude, still strumming a soft melody to help the party relax.

Hareng: "I share that feeling a bit." The assassin admitted, though Ulyana would probably not notice with his unchanged smile. "If this weren't so time sensitive, I would definitely try to help your personal travel end somewhere safe." He said, looking over with a bit of a sigh. "I was never much of a protector or bodyguard to begin with." The quiet laugh he let out was a bit forced as he looked over at the rest of the party.

DM62: The half-under-elf frowns. "Why exactly ARE you following me about to protect me? Things have been so stressful and crazy that I actually have neglected to ask, I'm afraid." She folds her arms, trying to keep herself warm in the cool of the evening, moving a little closer to the campfire.

Hareng: "I guess it's a bit of a long story, but the part that matters for your question starts with a life-ending outcome for me if I don't protect you." The kid said with a bit of laugh, not a fake one this time. "You see, I'm too afraid of death to ignore something like that." Hareng closed in a little bit more, figuring he could help a bit with his own clothing and body if Ulyana allowed it.

DM62: Ulyana doesn't seem to object to Hareng's movements. "If you don't protect me, you're going to die? In other words... you're acting out of self-preservation right now?" Ulyana raises an eyebrow.

Hareng: "A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Aren't we all acting out of self-preservation by trying to stop the threat of the rift?" He asked with a bit of a shrug, looking over at Ulyana in response to her inquiry. "Though I have to admit. I was a mercenary before I ended in my current situation, I don't know anything else other than acting out of self preservation." Hareng chuckled... before letting a bit of a sigh.

DM62: The under elf nods with a little smile. "Hey, self-preservation is a motivation that I share AND respect. Wanting to save your own hide is pretty universal." She glances over. "Oh boy. A long sigh. Come on, out with it. What's up, survival-boy?"

Hareng: "I guess I just never did expect the crazyness this would all involve. The most normal thing so far for me had been the little battl here... and the fights I had in the arena. Guess I'm really glad I'm seeing a familiar sky again." He let out a pleasant smile as he said that. "Guess I'm just a little melancholic now that everything has really calmed down for the time being."

DM62: "Moody, eh?" She sighs, leaning up against Hareng, as much for warmth as anything else. "I guess I can understand that. So... survival-boy. Tell me about your youth. Were you always a bodyguard sort?"

Hareng: "I think that would be a bit far from what I did before." Hareng smiled, not resisting the urge to surround Ulyana with his arm to pull her into a bit of a hug. "My original trade was assassination." He admitted without any real reservation. "A bit foreboding, isn't it?"

DM62: Ulyana shrugs. "Considering our company... not as foreboding as you might think. But surely you weren't born into assassination." She leans in, sharing the warmth. "How did you get set down that particular path?"

Hareng: "Well, I guess I'm the product of war. I lost my family when I was young, though I was very lucky to be taken by someone else." The kid smiled, letting the memories flood back for the time being. "Growing alone with a kitsune is a very interesting experience, I have to say. Anyways, I grew up wanting to prevent wars and wanting to spare as many lives as I could so to speak. I figured killing one or two important people could go a long way in preventing wars... Heh, it's a bit of a childish dream."

DM62: "I see. So your parents were killed in war... and you decided to kill people to prevent wars. That's... unusual, to say the least." She is quiet for a moment, watching the dying campfire. "So... how did you go from assassination to protection?"

Hareng: "You could say that's a bit of a sore spot... But I was hired to kill... Master Jenna." He said with a coy smile. "You can imagine how things went from there."

DM62: "Sent to kill... a Master of Underfell?" She looks confused for a moment. "How do you kill someone who's already dead?"

Hareng: "There are... ways, but I'm not good enough." Hareng sighed, deciding his life was worth on or two lies here and there. "In the end I got beaten." He said, lifting his mangled left hand as if to trying to prove it. "And now I serve her. It's funny how things turn out, right?"

DM62: "I see. I don't suppose she gave you any sort of reason for keeping me alive?" Her expression is one of surprise and some sympathy as she sees the mangled hand. "Looks like you were given a rather rough task."

Hareng: "Well, I guess I was given a reason, but it was definitely vague." Hareng sighed, his smile growing. "To be honest, I agree. But I try not to think about it." He would go on to give Ulyana a bit of a grope. "It would keep my eyes away from all the good things that are still around."

DM62: The under elf gives a small moan as she's groped by the human. "My, my, cheeky, aren't we?" She chuckles. "That's alright, I guess. I like bold men. But we're not going to be fucking tonight... I'm not ready to be a mother just yet."

Hareng nods, instead tightning the hug a little bit. "I understand. It wouldn't do if I caused any problems." He smiled, deciding to just enjoy Ulyana's soft mounds if she allowed it.

DM62: "Mmm... we can still have a little fun." Her hand slips inside Hareng's garments, softly wrapping around his cock and tugging at it. "Nice... very nice..."

Hareng's smile turned into a bit of a grin as he let out a satisfied sigh, his hand managing to slip under Ulyana's clothes to grope at her bare skin with a gentle touch. "I would very much enjoy that." He said, pinching Ulyana's nipple as she played with his engorged member.

DM62: The woman gives a bit of a moan, and she softly works his cock with her fingers, pressing her body back against him. "It's good to find someone who can protect AND appreciate my body." She undoes her top, giving Hareng complete access to her full breasts.

Hareng would definitely appreciate Ulyana's body, his hands getting to work on the girl's breasts to his heart's content, allowing his own clothing to be taken off to allow Ulyana access to his own skin, his body relatively unharmed, except for a couple of deep scars running on his back and on his right forearm. "I would believe anyone who can't appreciate your body to be a lunatic." He said before pulling and kneading on the girl's breasts playfully.

DM62: "You don't have a bad body yourself, dear." She grins, pushing the man onto his back and removing her lower garments. Then she rises, moving up to straddle Hareng's face, her damp pussy just inches from the assassin's mouth. "Go on, then... appreciate me, Hareng."

Hareng: "As you wish." Hareng replied with as big a smile as he could give before he started lapping at Ulyana's moist folds, his tongue running and tasting her love pot without any shame, making sure to be loud for the girl to hear him eat her pussy out. His hands wouldn't be idle, unless she restrained him, and would add to the pleasure, one rubbing the outside of her folds while the other playd with her clit, pinching it and twisting it lightly.

DM62: Ulyana pants, and she shifts, tugging at the assassin's cock a few more times before bringing her tongue to the tip, licking at Hareng's cockhead tentatively at first, then sucking the tip into her mouth and beginning to take it deeper. She moans around his cock, letting him enjoy the vibrations.

Hareng would keep his own moans down, focusing more on Ulyana's pleasure than his own, as impossible as it was. His tongue would finally start going into Ulyana's pussy, twisting it around and thrusting it as deep as he could for his partner's pleasure. Ulyana would feel her attentions work on Hareng quickly as his cock started twitching and then pulsing as he got closer and closer to his own high.

DM62: Ulyana's moans grow louder, and she begins to hump against the human's tongue, taking Hareng's cock deeper and deeper into her mouth. Her soft fingers deftly caress Hareng's testicles, and her lips move down deeper, eager to taste the bodyguard's spunk as she urges him toward climax.

Hareng wouldn't last long, as Ulyana would tell from his moaning into her pussy, though the kid still soldiered on through the pleasure to satisfy her as well, his hands working into overtime to speed her own climax as he groaned, his body stiffening before he thrusted his hip upwards, sending his cock into Ulyana's throat before he exploded, cumming hard right down her gullet with another pair of thrusts from the attention given to his balls.

DM62: The moaning into Ulyana's pussy is enough to set her off as well, and her pussy spasms, girl-cum flowing onto Hareng's tongue freely as the under elf moans around the cock in her throat, drinking down Hareng's own semen. She holds her pussy on the assassin's face, needfully humping onto him, until finally she's too sensitive and she rolls off of the bodyguard with a pleased pant.

Hareng would help Ulyana on rolling off his body, his face hurting just a little bit from her humping into his face, breathing hard for air that Ulyana denied him with her excitement. "If you get like this just from cunniligus, I can't wait for the sex." The assassin chuckled, moving his hand to his still erect shaft to stroke it lazily. "Though I wouldn't mind staying stuck just drinking your juices."

DM62: The under elf chuckles, moving up to kiss the assassin, letting him taste his own cum, mixed with hers. "It'll be a while before we fuck, I think. I don't like the idea of being stuck raising someone's quest brat... but maybe at some point, once I get to know you better." She gently trails her fingernails over Hareng's chest.

Hareng would show just a little bit of surprise as the woman shared his own cum with him, but he took it in stride, swallowing everything down before heaving a long sigh as he nodded at Ulyana's words. "Heh, like I said. I understand." He smiled. "I don't mind something like that. I'm not about to cause troubles for you or anyone else here in our group." His arm would surround Ulyana, bringing her close to him so that her soft mounds rested on his bare skin.

DM62: The under elf chuckles, her soft fingers wrapping around Hareng's cock again. "No need to rest just yet... I think you've got a few more rounds left in this bad boy... and you're going to sleep well, tonight." She starts to stroke him again, bringing him to hardness.

((end of session))
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Zyanya and Phoebe
DM62: Phoebe is watching the fire, listening to Sonja sing a slow, wistful song in old Elvish about the war between the elves that resulted in their great split. Her bow and quiver of arrows is resting nearby, and she's let her hair down for once, looking thoughtful.

Zyanya, finally complete with her duties for the evening and leaving Fiske with the soldiers, would return to the fire herself. She'd spot Phoebe listening to Sonja's lovely song, prompting the older warrior to join her husband. "You did well today Phoebe. Saved me more than once today."

DM62: The archer looks up, giving Zyanya a small smile. "Yes, well, if you'd maybe listen to me once in a while and NOT charge at the most dangerous thing you can see... you wouldn't need saving quite so often, and I could stop worrying so much."

Zyanya: "It's my job as the leader to make those decisions, hun. Someone has to. Admit it, you like saving my pretty little behind." She'd give the archer a quick peck on the cheek. "I couldn't ask for a better protector, dear."

DM62: Phoebe folds her arms. "Leaders make decisions. They don't make every charge. As much as I like looking at your pretty little behind... I don't like being afraid for your life every time I do so." She sighs, as Sonja finishes the ballad and begins playing an instrumental song, Kaliferian from the sound of it. "But you're welcome, I guess. Just... now that we've got more fighting specialists, maybe you can stay back from the front and try THROWING your spear on occasion."

Zyanya: "We live in trouble times dear. I need to be just as much a leader to my people as a soldier. Even at my age it hasen't changed one bit. I don't want to sit on the laurels of my past glories and let others die for me. Besides, I threw those spears of mine plenty back in the day. And I got stuck into real fighting. It's hard to break me of these habits."She'd pause for a moment to really consider what she said though. "But...I get what you're saying. I'll try to be more careful next time and not throw myself into danger so rashly. Especially now that I have so many depending on me."

DM62: "Good. I'd rather not have to tell our daughters that I lost their mother." She sighs, then pulls a citrus fruit out of her pack, handing it to Zyanya. "Lemon? I snagged a bunch of them before we left the island."

Zyanya: "I know. I know. And that's the last thing I want to put them through either." She'd see the lemon and smile, glad to see that little slice of home. "Sure. Would be good before we call it a night. I need to blow off some steam after all this. But that's just the daily grind I suppose."

DM62: "Well... You know how I feel about... sharing a bed with that... man... that you're with." Zyanya's love for Sir Fiske was a constant sore spot with Phoebe, not only because she had to share her wife, but also because the love of men was considered a perversion among the Shiriti, as all of their children were born female. "I can't spend the evening in the same tent as... him." She blushes, frowning at the fire and pulling out another lemon for herself.

Zyanya: "Honey, I know what I'm doing is...strange for our people. And you should know I love you as much as I love Fiske. If I had not wanted you, I'd have fled home when I was told of the marriage." She'd try to pull herself in close to Phoebe. "Besides, Fiske is going to be with the soldiers tonight. It'll just be you and me, just like on our wedding night. And you remember how nice that was, now don't you?"

DM62: The bulge beginning to tent the front of the Shiriti's battle-dress suggests that, at the very least, Phoebe's body is ready for a repeat performance. "I... of course I remember." She sighs, leaning close to Zyanya, who notices that Phoebe is trembling slightly. "Sorry... I know it's not anyone's fault, really. And I try not to be jealous, because it's... I don't want to get in the way of you guys."

Zyanya: "You aren't geting in anyone's way, love. You both mean the world to me and I wouldn't want either of you to feel left out or abandoned. We're in this together." She would notice the trembling, a little surprised from someone like her. "Come on. Let's find somewhere a little more private. I'm sure the rest of the camp won't want to listen to us fuss and worry. And besides...you're pitching a tent." She'd say that last part rather playfully before standing up and offering Phoebe a hand.

DM62: Phoebe stands carefully, not wanting her cock to stick out too far in front of the rest of the party. "Um... alright." She takes the offered hand and follows the Shiriti to a bedroll that's not exactly in view of the campfire and the main area.

Zyanya: "Perfect placement." She'd comment on the location of their little hiding spot. Out of the way and out in the open. The Shiriti woman had a small love of being outside with her parter when they made love, even convincing Fiske to go along with it once or twice. She still loved playing with him even now. "It reminds me of that night. We first joined under the stars, the goddess watching and blessing our union."

DM62: "I remember." She nods, her cock nearly bursting the front of her battle-dress. "I... I wasn't sure what to expect. And I... just wanted to please my new bride. To... to please you." She blushes, biting her lip.

Zyanya: "And you did spectacularly. As you did ever night afterwards. And you gave your blushing bride some lovely daughters as well." She'd smile, giving her lovely partner a kiss before stepping back and undressing from her battledress. Her full mature figure would be on display, reflecting the stark change from their first night together: Wider hips, larger breasts, and an extra bit of meat on her bones with the accompanying muscle. She was stronger sure, but her best days as a warrior were behind her for sure. "Goddess, I did not age well, did I? All this and battle scars. We live interesting lives..."

DM62: Phoebe raises an eyebrow, moving closer, pressing her body against Zyanya. She was a little younger than Fiske, even, with the body of a twenty-year old woman, tanned and perfect. She leans in to kiss a scar on Zyanya's right shoulder. "You look more beautiful every day... and you know the scars are a turn-on for me." She begins to unfasten her battle-dress, fumbling a little with the straps and knots. "Damned... new armor..."

Zyanya: "I remember you telling me that. It surprised me, but when I showed my cuts from the war you were impressed. You listened to me tell stories for hours. I was surprised we didn't go at it that night considering it was just before our wedding." She giggled as she helped her partner out of the battle dress. "Blame my mother for the design on that one."

DM62: "Yeah, I think she made it just to make us both a little hornier." She slips out of her armor. The younger futa Shiriti had less scars, but she tended to be a pragmatist in battle, staying away from the front line and destroying enemies with her archery skills. Still, she stayed ready for melee, always in peak physical condition. Naked, she leans in close to Zyanya, and the tip of her cock brushes against the older woman, leaving a line of pre-cum across her left thigh. Breathing a little heavier, Phoebe kisses another scar, this one on Zyanya's neck.

Zyanya: "Look at my pristine husband." She ran her hands down her partners side, resting them on Phoebe's hips as the two were pulled close together. OF course, the focus on the scars was always fun. "So you wanna be on top or should I? You did save my life today so I figured I'd give you the choice."

DM62: "Well... since I get to be in charge today... how about you ride me, show your appreciation like a good wife." She lays down on the bedroll, her cock fully engorged, standing tall in the dim light.

Zyanya: "Of course, husband. Your wish is my command." She played up the moment a little, playing the part of a submissive wife from the mainland. She had to admit, it might be fun. She'd bring herself over the cock, holding it still as she lowered herself down. She'd push herself down slowly, really getting a feel for her husband before pushing herself all the way down, trying to get as much of it as she could inside her. "Goddess I missed this..."

DM62: "Oh... fuck..." Phoebe gasps as her wife presses down onto her cock, but resists the urge to thrust upwards into her. "So... good..." Phoebe's cock isn't as long as Sir Fiske's... at seven inches, Phoebe has a respectable size, but it's actually girthier than Fiske's cock, in particular the head, which Zyanya has to work a little to take. The futa warrior pants as her wife takes a little more, reaching up to gently tease Zyanya's full breasts. "So... tight... so beautiful..."

Zyanya: Sure she wasn't as big as Fiske length wise, but she made up for it elsewhere and she didn't mind that at all. It would take a little effort before she could finally get it in, but when she did she'd enjoy every inch of it. Zyanya also couldn't help but giggle as Phoebe began playing with her breasts. "Don't be afraid to give them a good suck. Sure they're is some milk left over." She'd then begin to bounce up and down, giving her husband a good ride like she deserved.

DM62: "Mmm... Goddesses..." She leans up, softly suckling at Zyanya's right breast, her other hand softly teasing at the Shiriti's clit. She groans aloud as Zyanya begins bouncing and riding on the fat cock. "I... I never expected... such a beautiful... wife..." Her cock is already throbbing, as the young futa's had a few days without any relief.

Zyanya would hold her husband close, letting her suck as much as she wanted and drinking what milk remained in her bountiful bosom. Her groans would turn to a moan as the archer played with her clit and the older warrior began grinding her hips after each down thrust. Really swirl her cock around an let her husband fel as much as possible. "And...I..never though...I'd have...such a spectacular husband. R...really fill me up...I know you can!"

DM62: The warrior needs no further urging... she grabs Zyanya's hips, starting to thrust powerfully up into her wife... then she gives a fierce cry of passion as her cock releases a heavy load of her seed inside Zyanya. She pants, holding herself deep inside the woman... then finally falling onto her back, her toned body covered in sweat.

Zyanya cried out too, te older warrior cumming as her husband did. Feeling her husband hold tight against her hips, thrusting strongly into her like she has many times before. It always sent her over the moon and back. As she sat above her husband, She smiled back down and looked upon her sweat covered lover. "Goddess, you want to give me another daughter so soon?"

DM62: Phoebe pants softly, smiling up at her wife. "If I had my way, love... I'd have already fathered a whole tribe with you." She leans up, softly kissing Zyanya on the lips, holding her close. "Thank you, my wife... I needed this."

Zyanya: "Some day love. Some day. For now, we have to set the world right." She'd stroke Phoebe's face as the two kissed. "Your welcome. We still have all all night, so this dosen't have to be the end."

DM62: "Mmm... hopefully tomorrow's an easy day." She rolls Zyanya onto her back, still hard, thrusting into the woman. "Because we're not getting any sleep tonight." She gives Zyanya a fierce kiss, rutting into her.

Zyanya: "Tomorrow will be just as busy, but I think we can afford to stay up a little tonight." She eeped as she was rolled over, still smiling as her lover went back to thrusting. "I wouldn't have it any other way though." She held Phoebe close as they kissed, letting her go and encouraging her onward.

((end of session))
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Yarl (Simone)
Yarl approaches, the approach of the massive spider hard not to notice given how the ground tends to vibrate fairly noticebly with her passage. She moves over across from Simone, and looking at the fire with a bit of distaste but looks across. "...So is ruining life a her thing, or a fluffy tailed prey thing?," asks Yarl, gesturing over towards Sarah

DM62: Simone glances over at Sarah... then looks at Yarl. "She is a necromancer. Her magic does not ruin life directly. When she takes hold of a body, life has already left." She indicates Aisalla. "That one seems to alter life. If anyone could ruin a life, it might be her. But I think... the ones who ruin lives are normally the same ones who live that life." She nods, looking at the slowly diminishing campfire, then turning to give Yarl a bittersweet smile.

Yarl pauses then waves her hand. "Yarl is not good at stupid prey voice words. Yarl guesses ruins death better? Is important either way that not ruin. but she leaves, and is just one. Long as does not make All Eater..." She sighs, then looks at Aisalla, then back to Simone. "Yarl not sure what mean. Life is change. Always changing. Change only stops when dead. Yarl once small, then Yarl big. YArl get bigger still. Sometimes Yarl predator. Sometimes prey. Always changing. What she do that diffrent?" She peers across, looking her over. "...You seem diffrent, for prey. Have stone fang, strong body. No stone shell though..."

DM62: Sonja's smile becomes a smirk. "Stone is heavy. Stone shells are heavy. Why take a hit, when one can move faster... and strike in retaliation, before a blow even lands? One does not need stone or chitin for defense. Only to not be in the path of the weapons of one's adversary." She stares at the drider. "And... yes. Life always changes. That is my point. If someone does you harm, it changes your life... but it does not ruin it. What does ruin your life is despair... and despair is a choice that one makes alone."

Yarl tilts her head. "Despair is prey think. Despair is when prey stops running from predator and is eaten. If have time for despair, then are not being predator enough." She smiles and stands up more to her full height and raps a fist on her chest, looking confident. "Yarlnot despair. Shrieky bad thing use magic to try make Yarl despair and prey. Very strong. But Yarl knows secret. Whenever Yarl feels like prey, Yarl remembers am not prey, is strong and when wasn't strong, went and got strong! So is prey choice and am not prey, so is never a choice to make!" She grins, showing her dangerous teeth, "Yarl agreed she ruins death then. If life does not die, can't be food for prey. It ruins death so ruins life for those who need food. If all did as such, no more life, no more death, no more change. So is bad. Also, so fluffy prey is fast, but what hapens when predator faster? Yarl is very fast. She is big and strong, and cus strong can move really fast! But then you have no shell so go squish. Why not be hard and fast? Why trade? Be both!"

DM62: Simone has an odd smile. "So. We understand each other." The kitsune sits up. "Prey. Predator. There is no difference, truly. What matters to either is the same. One keeps running. One keeps fighting. If you stop running, or if you stop fighting... you starve or you are eaten."

Yarl: "There is no diffrence because always changing. You all prey to Yarl. You are predator to smaller things. Some might get stronger then Yarl is prey. But Yarl always gets stronger too so does not happen. Predators eat the prey. Prey eat what eats the dead. Or just the dead, Yarl seen both. And some prey predators don't eat. Like... that." She points at Scarlett, "Bleh. Yarl can't swallow that... So what fluffy prey called?"

DM62: Simone raises an eyebrow. "I do not answer to 'prey.'"

Yarl: "Yeah. So what does fluffy prey answer to? Stupid prey tongue, Yarl hates it! Can't just talk webtalk, cus then nobody understands Yarl and ignores her or looks at her funny. Yarl can't use big words cus they come out wrong then they say Yarl dumb! Hmph!"

DM62: The kitsune sighs. "I am a kitsune named Simone. I came to help Braxil, to fight off the legions of the Undead. Now, it would seem, I am fighting to save the entire world from destruction at the hands of this... thrull demon elf." She shrugs. "And you are not dumb. You have language barriers to overcome. As a foreigner from the Scaletail Isles, I sympathize."

Yarl: "Simo! Yarl call Simo then.," nods Yarl, "Yeah, Yarl say such but they look at her like dumb. They say no don't touch that, don't break that, no don't dig there, no that not YOUR prey. Course it Yarl prey, Yarl caught it. Yarl doesn't know where Scaletail is though. Seen them though. There one right there!" She points towards Argast, "Yarl seen several of em. And other kinds too. So Simo kills Un... Undy. Good, Yarl help. But now All Eater comes and Simo fights All Eater. Also good! Yarl helps, or no food and all is prey! But is Simo strong to beat All Eater?"

DM62: Simone pauses, raising an eyebrow. "All Eater... tell me about this All Eater." She looks at the drider inquisitively.

Yarl: "Strong Ones speak of the All Eater. Maybe others, Yarl not sure. Strong ones and Many Ones not talk much. Mostly fight. All Eater eats all. Yarl... Can't really recite cus Simo can't webtalk so Yarl not say much words. But All Eater comes to eat all, and Strong Ones fight to take it's eyes. Some Strong Ones say all other Ones do diffrent parts to take from it so it cannot eat Life. Yarl does not know. But all Strong Ones hunt and fight and breed so they are many and strong and when All Eater's Eyes look at Life, Strong Ones eat eyes and then is blind and goes away." Yarl smirks a bit, "Hmph. Maybe Many Ones role is stuff All Eater's mouth full their weak bodies so it too busy to attack Strong Ones."

DM62: Simone nods. "This... All Eater. Seems to be a threat. We may deal with it... when the time comes." She looks at the dying campfire.
"Yarl seems to know many things. How to hunt. How to flee a hunter. Has Yarl ever learned that there is a time for stillness?"

Yarl: "Stillness? Like sleep? Yarl sleeps. She digs hole. Usually day time. YArl see good in dark. Yarl have to be day time cus Yaya and Shir not see good in dark. Or maybe Simo means hold still so prey not see Yarl? Yeah, Yarl must do cus if Yarl walks, ground wiggles unless Yarl magics. Or Simo mean other thing?"

DM62: The kitsune smiles. "I meant the second option, yes. Sometimes the best thing is not to chase, nor to hide, but simply to stand and wait. Show neither strength nor weakness. Let an enemy make the wrong assumptions, and strike at the right moment."

Yarl tilts her head, looking a little confused. "Why? Why not seem strong so predator goes and finds prey and prey runs so can run down?"

DM62: "Sometimes a predator is too big and dumb to see the difference. But they might not notice someone who stands still. Or the predator chases someone who moves."

Yarl: "Mmm, bad predator if cannot see prey. Yarl see's movement better than still but can see still find. But Yarl doesn't think Simo means that. Maybe show Yarl instead so Yarl understand? Yarl is trying not to hunt Yaya... Yarl does not have word for this? Yarl try not hunt you if showing Yarl new fighting? Yarl has urges but Yarl is better than other Strong Ones. Most not understand why fight with others. Yarl finds hard but needs... Mmmf..." she looks a bit annoyed and embaressed about something, "Yarl not have word for either. Yarl needs more fight but can't fight more cus too many so Yarl needs more Yarls but since can't have more Yarls needs Yaya fight and Yarl fight... Yarl can't blame prey speak for this, Strong Ones have no word for this."

DM62: Simone smiles. "Not just stillness in your body. Stillness in your mind. Look into my eyes. Breathe in. Then breathe out. For this moment, there is nothing but for you to breathe in, and to breathe out. Forget your prey. Forget your predators. Forget Strong Ones and Prey. Simply Breathe." She demonstrates, looking at the drider as she guides her breathing.

Yarl seems confused but looks Simone in the eyes and begins breathing, trying to do so, it seeming confusing to the Drider but she seems to be willing to try, settling down her main body a bit, giving a slight squeak briefly and a flush before calming.

DM62: "Good. Forget all the other things. Focus on your breath. In. Out. In. Out. There is nothing... except your center." The kitsune nods, breathing, helping the drider to forget everything else.

Yarl keeps watching, breathing in and out, seeming to have a knack for rhythmatic things at least.

DM62: "Now... you've got focus on yourself... focus on your breathing. All those other things are falling away. Tell me, Yarl. Are you predator? Are you prey?" The kitsune continues her deep breathing.

Yarl: "Mmm... Yarls... Yarl. Neither. Both. Doesn't matter right now...," murmurs Yarl a bit.

DM62: Simone has a small smile. "Yes. Neither and Both. That is what we are... all of us. Until the end." She continues to guide the drider through the breathing exercise, in a state of utter calm.

Yarl nods as she breathes, "Mm... Reminds Yarl of her magic. Yarl speaks to earth without words. Not thoughts, not feeling, just... Knowing. Earth always there. Life comes, goes. Earth there. Always. Yarl feels everything like this. All the vibrations... Tells Yarl things. Earth cares not. but knows much."

DM62: Simone nods, stopping the breathing exercise. "See? Calm. Forgetting predator or prey. A moment of stillness. When I enter battle, I calm myself. Then when my sword strikes, it does so without error or hesitation. Only truth."

Yarl tilts her head. "Mmm. Yarl understands. But there is disadvntage too." She gets up and gives herself a shake with a grin, "When like that there is truth but no feeling and feeling is powerful too. No fear, but no passion and passion can give drive, dedication. Sometimes truth is wrong. Sometimes must make own truth, and the will and drive to make it! Bring rage to enemy, not unfocused, but on one goal, make it mean something, and one can do much. Calm tells me much. But when Earth becomes driven..." She sweeps a hand up, making a spear of earth rip forth from the ground beside herself, before sweeping her other arm into it, cracking it over, shaking her hand after the hit. "When earth driven, there is no stopping it, only hoping to avoid it's path. Fly or fall, because earth is all. Hehe, that sounds nice to Yarl ears. Still, Simo is not wrong, just diffrent. Yarl might use both a bit. Maybe Simo teaches Yarl calm and Yarl shows Simo how Yarl does things?"

DM62: The kitsune smiles. "So... you fight with passion. And you wish to teach me your passion... and you with to learn my calm. I agree." She rises, placing a hand upon her katana. She draws the blade... then sticks it into the earth. She then takes the scabbard in hand. "I do not wish to harm you, Yarl-san. I shall spar with you, but I do not mean to hurt you." She breathes, watching the drider's movements. "I will let you attack first... but be warned, my scabbard might be the first thing to actually strike."

Yarl blinks then grins, standing up and unwinds her chain off her body and tosses aside. "Yarl not use stone jingly. Yarl not sure she can avoid hurting Simo, and does not want accidents. Yarl not good at hold back best, but if Simo hurts Yarl with not sharp wood stick, Yarl surprise. But Simo not touch Yarl's far back. Right here." She turns around, gesturing to the long almost needle looking hairs on the back of her abdomen. "these real dangerous to Simo, no touch. Rest is kay." She turns back, grinning a bit, "Yarl has reach advantage so time will tell. But let's move over there more. This gonna be loud and lots rumbly, disturb everyone else if not. Want ride?" She offers a hand.

DM62: The kitsune looks at the offered hand, blinking. Then she nods, giving Yarl a small smile. "Of course, thank you." She accepts the ride, moving with Yarl to a clearing where they might spar alone.

Yarl smiles and helps Simone up behind her, plenty of room to relax on her. A few people could lie out back there in the soft warm fluff without risking the dangers close to her spinerettes. Once out there she lays down with a shiver to let Simone down, before letting Simone get some distance. "Ready? Mmm, shoulda found out who fluffier.," laughs Yarl.

DM62: The kitsune smiles. "You are quite fluffy. My tails are fluffier... but they are quite small, compared to you." She stands facing the drider, her scabbard held loosely. "Now... I believe I promised you the first attack, Yarl. Please. I am prepared, as best one can prepare." She is in a calm state, but looks ready to spring.

Yarl grins, before nodding, before moving with surprising speed for something of her size. IT's hardly stealthy, but for anyone not with Simone's calm and training, the sight of such a massive predator bearing down might be intimidating. She doesn't lunge too close though, and instead swipes out with one of her forward legs, using her very long reach to her advantage, though she is holding back a a fair bit of force.

DM62: Simone doesn't move much... at all. She moves one foot back, shifting her body, letting the swipe swing harmlessly past her. Then her foot moves back, and she looks at Yarl, with an eyebrow raised.

Yarl seems pleased with her test before darting closer, swiping outwith her first forward limbs, then ifthey were dodged, used the gripe to suddenly yank the rest of her body forward to try and bounce Simone off her body, not quite tackling so much as bumpercarring her

DM62: Simone ducks... then she leaps forward, dodging Yarl's movement, and swinging her scabbard in a vicious arc to try to bruise the drider's thorax. Her movements are quite fast, though Yarl might be able to avoid the attack.

Yarl growls and rears back to dodge the swing at her, revealing the large rows of breasts underneath her in proper view, before she swings her abdomen forwards to try and knock Simone away with the underside of it.

DM62: The kitsune jumps back... knocking her scabbard into one of Yarl's legs, then rolling back, though she seems a little caught offguard by the sudden forward movement by the large drider.

Yarl moves forwards, her heavy chitin making her just wince a bit before pressing forwards swiftly, swiping forwards with her pedipalps, trying to give her a swat to knock her to the ground, even as she moves in close, clearly very comfortable being in the mix with smaller creatures, using her many limbs to threaten ehr from many angles.

DM62: Simone is knocked back by the pedipalps... but she turns the fall into a roll, coming up with the scabbard to push the tip of the blunt object into Yarl's thorax. Then she pulls back, watching for Yarl's next move.

Yarl squeaks as her cleavage is thrust up against, her growling a bit, before seeming to decide a new tactic, before jumping straight up, and crashing down, not trying to hit Simone but rather to bring her full weight down only on the ground, making the ground shake violently, before she promptly tries to press forward and pin down Simone while she's hopefully offbalance.

DM62: Simone is surprised by the jump, trying to move out of the way, but the violent shaking of the ground throws her offguard. Still, she brings the scabbard up, using it to push back against Yarl and hold her at a short distance. "That... was impressive."

Yarl: "Yarl is really heavy. Using weight is to advantage. Yarls tries not jump on enemies though cus underside is vulnerable.," grins Yarl as she's pushed against, "Yarl also is not putting all her strength or else she does this.," she grins, and pushes more full force, just trying to bowl Simone over, "Though Simo is going easy too. Yarl would got cut more by real stone fang, and Simo would have to avoid earth and Yarl at once. Still, Simo is good. Not easy prey."

DM62: This raises the kitsune's ire. "I... told... you..." She leaps, spinning and bringing the scabbard around, smacking one of Yarl's pedipalps from atop the drider. "I am... NOT... prey." She spins, bringing her scabbard up, trying to bring it to Yarl's human neck.

Yarl yelps as she's suddenly smacked and the scabbard to her neck. She doesn't seem surprised, instead she's grinning brightly. "Hah! There it is! Simo did calm, was on back foot. YArl pokes right button and there it is, Anger towards goal! Simo still needs practice for it though. Passion is own focus too. Yarl saw it coming, and if wanted..." She swiftly brought her arms up to grasp and lock Simone's arm, and yank her close, "Could respond. Still, Simo did good! Really hard, if kept clear head probably beat Yarl like this. Hard to do proper and hold back for Passion. Yours much betetr for sparring! Yarl looks forward to elarning from Simo! Maybe we find prey, Yarl can show Simo hers in real action! Yarl really impressed! And erm, excited, so maybe give Yarl a few seconds so can remember Simo is not for hunting?"

DM62: Simone chuckles. "Take all the time you need. And... I wish you could have seen my fight against those two so-called "Champions" of the Bloodlust Pits in the Riftlands... it was... nevermind. I suppose you had to be there." She sighs, slumping next to Yarl. "But you are not an easy opponent, Yarl."

Yarl smiles, taking a deep breath and trying this calm breathing thing for a minute before answering. "Yarl is... Well better is close enough. Simo is not easy either. Yarl is sure Simo claimed many prey. Many strong Simo's in the world. All Eater not stand chance against Strong Ones and... Um... What is Simo race? Fluffy Tailed Ones? Still, Simo lot's of potential. And if Simo comes save Wyverns with Yarl, Yarl get to see Simo calm at full way and Simo can see Yarl passion, one see truth, other make truth, none can beat! Um... Simo will come with Yarl?"

DM62: Simone smiles. "I'm a kitsune... and I'll be coming with you, I think. My skills will be more useful to your team." She chuckles. "But there are creatures that might beat us. This... this Arteryxt. The Thrull-Man. He... he broke Chu'Gris. He captured Vand. And I know that there are artifacts... or ways to build artifacts to break him. But I'm not sure that even that will defeat him. He seemed... impervious."

Yarl snorts. "All Eater can't be killed. All stories say that. But don't need kill. Take eyes and it cannot see. Take ears it cannot hear. Takes it's senses, take it's limbs, take all it has, and does not matter how much it can devour if it cannot find what it seeks, cannot reach it's food. Eventually will starve. How long, dunno. If this All Eater is one thing, why he not come and devour all by self? If so not stoppable, why show fear, why do this... thing where get''s others do things? Why do that? It needs them. They are eyes and limbs. It seeks, so we take eyes, we take limbs. We punish. And eventually when it can no longer do things..."

DM62: The kitsune raises an eyebrow... then she starts to laugh. Not a mocking laugh, just a full laugh of surprise. "Yes... yes, all of that is true." She's still chuckling. "You know... the funny thing..." She snuggles close to the drider's upper body. "Despite your feelings, you might be the most optimistic person I know."

Yarl tilts her head, smiling and hugging the kitsune. "Yarl not sure what that is, but if makes Simo happy, Yarl will keep being Yarl! Yarl has had lots of practice." She grins a bit, "So no despairing, Simo! You not prey, said so, so no despairing! And if start, Yarl gonna remind you you not! Simo wanna go back now? Could do more. Or Yarl can dig nest and can keep Simo warm until we leave. Simo's choice, Yarl can dig anywhere."
Yarl doesn't look to have any lustful intent, well more than she regards most things with her offer.

DM62: "We can keep each other warm... but only if you promise not to fill me up with babies or eggs." She smiles. "And I'm not gonna despair. Even if all hope is lost, I intend to die with a sword in my hand."

Yarl: "Yarl said wasn't gonna hunt Simo. Unlesss Simo wants her too.," shrugs Yarl with a smile, "Can't do babies, just eggs. Will wait to find Vera. Vera happy to carry." She reaches a hand forwards to the ground and concentrates, before parting the ground, forming a large tunnel, before she moves in and begins spinning soft fluffy web bedding around it. "Not sticky, is fine. Just for Yarl sleeping and sensing danger. Hope never lost. Make own truth. Hope only misplaced really. Can't find, make yourself. Sying fighting fine. But never believe will die. Not take foolish action, but if gotta fight, fight to win! But for now... Sleep to win!" She grins and makes her way down to the bottom, before flopping on her back and stretching a bit upwards before sighing pleasedly. "Can lie wherever Simo, even on Yarl soft spot if Simo wants. Yarl not hunt."

DM62: "Sleep to win... I love it, Yarl. I'll sleep however it makes you comfortable." She smiles, snuggling close to Yarl's upper body.

((end of session))
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Don (a faun, Sonja, elves, Scarlett overeats)
Don sighed as he settled against a tree to rest. The minotaur really hoped they'd get a quite period for a while that would give him a chance to organize his thoughts and memories of the past while. He could kinda do such during the night, but he still seemed to find himself caught offguard much more regularially then he'd like. It really didn't help that he was hungry again, both his vampire side, and minotaur side were.

DM62: As Don rests, he feels his minotaur side stirring worse than usual. Even without a female in contact with him, Don's cock is starting to engorge. There's... a scent in the air. He can't seem to place it... but something is definitely nearby that's getting to him. It seems to be coming from the direction of the nearby stream.

Don: "....I must really be even more in need then I thought." Don said with a small frown as he looked down at his slowly growing member, but then he noticed the scent on the air. Whatever it was, it smelled...interesting, and was likely the source of his growing issue. Standing up, and trying to cover his growing member with his loincloth if only so that he wasn't flashing everyone he passed, he'd grab his axe and head in the source of the smell. Given he had no idea /what/ was causing it, he might as well make sure he wouldn't walk into a predator or something without at least a weapon on hand.

DM62: Through a few shrubs, Don spots the source of the scent: a female faun is using the stream to wash her clothing. Blonde, with delicate features, the woodland creature is upwind of the minotaur, and does not seem to have noticed Don. She's humming a tune to herself as she scrubs her top in the flowing water. The scent coming off the faun is unmistakable--she's in heat and likely quite fertile at the moment.

Don: 'Well, she doesn't seem like a trap.' Don thought with a quite chuckle to himself. 'Or at the least its a trap I don't think I'd mind walking into.' The minotaur would put his axe to the side and approach the stream. While he could feel his minotaur instincts telling him to just get closer to the unaware faun and grab her and have his merry way with her. His politeness conditioning won out in the end. "Hello Miss." He wasn't sure how much the heat would have affected the woman, but at this point he was rather hoping that the faun wouldn't just like, bolt, that would leave him frustraited.

DM62: The faun gives a yelp as the minotaur steps on a branch, dropping her top into the stream and leaping away from the minotaur. She runs behind a tree for partial cover, blushing--she seems to be extremely horny, but also rather frightened. "Wh-Who are you?" she demands, looking about for any sort of weapon... and finding nothing but a stick.

Don: Well, she didn't bolt as far as she could have, so that was a start at least, and she looked nearly as horny as he felt at the moment. The idea of the woman trying to take him on with the stick though was rather entertaining. "I am Don, and sorry for surprising you miss but your...scent attracted me here I must admit."

DM62: She nods. "Don. Alright... my name is Saffron. Sorry about the scent... I usually stay deep in the forest to the south, in my own cave, to avoid attacting... mates. But I've been chased by weird... creatures, and wyvernkin, and gatorfolk... And the heat just gets worse, the more I'm around them." The faun frowns, but her legs shake a little as she tried desperately to control her impulse to let the minotaur breed her.

Don: "Ahh, well if everything goes as planned you may not need to worry about the Wyvernkin as much soon enough, not terribly sure on the weird creatures or deathrollers though unfortunately." Don couldn't help but get a bit closer, it was rather hard not to when the woman's scent was still in his nose. "Though if it is not to forward, have you ever considered dealing with your heat in other methods? Though I guess your neighbors around here may not be the gentlest for such."

DM62: The faun is practically clinging to the tree to remain standing, and her scent is growing even stronger. She bites her lip, having a very good idea what sort of solution the minotaur wanted. "Well... it's not getting any better. Especially with a minotaur here. What... did you have in mind?"

Don: "Heh, sorry about that." Don scratched the back of her head. "But umm, well I think you might know what I have in mind." He was a minotaur after all, most people that knew what a minotaur was knew what one would usually want. "It would help us both with our problems."

DM62: Saffron's eyes wander down the minotaur's body, lingering on the loin cloth that is doing virtually nothing to hide the minotaur's massive erection. "Um... it... looks... kinda big, for me." She blushes, shaking her head as she realizes she's staring, and forcing herself to look back at Don't face. The scent grows just a bit stronger, though now Don can smell nothing else.

Don: "Don't worry, I have enough control to keep it slow till you adjust." Don said with his own mild blush, it was hard not to when he had a woman staring so blatantly at his erection, even if it had happened to him before. He had to hope that he was actually telling the truth though, because as he approached the faun, Saffron's sent was threatening to render him senseless with how potent it was.

DM62: "Okay... Not...n-not like there's much... choice... now." She turns, her small doe tail raised, and the scent of her heat strikes Don full-force. He can see her fertile pussy, with her natural lubricant dripping down out of it at this point, the physical heat rolling off of her. Her upper body is flushed, and a vein is standing out on the side of her neck... she looks like a three-course dinner for a starving minotaur dhampyr. She doesn't seem to realize quite how strong the effect is on Don, because she's saying something, but Don can't hear her over the throbbing need to stuff her with gallons of his potent spunk.

Don wasn't quite sure when he lost the ability to hear, or whatever the woman was saying now, all he /was/ certain of was that he needed to empty his balls in her and he needed to do it /now./ Putting his large hands on the faun's flanks he would pull her back to his shaft, pressing against her pussy for a moment, and even with his incredible need, he took the time to take his initial entrance slowly at least. Giving the faun a few moments to adjust before he'd go with her at full force. At the same time he couldn't help but move to her neck, tracking along that vein with his fangs. Holding back for just now before he'd get his other meal.

DM62: The faun gives a small shriek, her needy entrance clamping down around the minotaur's cock, as tight as anyone he's ever been with. Still, it's slick enough from her arousal that Don's able to work his way in, and with his level of force his cock rams into the tight pussy, filling her completely. She shakes and her legs nearly give out, and she's clinging to the tree just to remain standing, the vein standing out against Don's fangs. Her blood smells delicious, like a forest mammal that lived off of berries and other fruits. Her blonde hair is already damp with sweat, clinging to her brow as the massive minotaur takes her.

Don would rapidly start to pick up the pace, even if the woman was terribly tight, she could still obviously take his entirety. Slamming deep into her he'd start to set up a rapid pace that he might have been worried about doing with a smaller woman. At the same time he bit into the faun, sucking her blood as he sated both his hungers in a single go.

DM62: The faun's shriek turns into a set of needful whimpers as Don ruts into her, and her mouth opens in a wordless scream as his fangs sink into her neck. The result of the overstimulation is immediate: her pussy tightens even further around the minotaur's cock, and he can feel her juices spurting out from around his cock as she cums, dripping down his swollen testicles and bulky thighs.

Don could not help but feel a bit of pride in how quickly he had brought the faun to orgasm, but at the same time, he certainly wasn't done yet. Even with how tight she was he continued to hammer into her even as he drank more of her blood. It would be a bit longer before he finally would start to hit his own peak, his pace would picking up even further in the last stretch, before with a groan he would climax, a torrent of seed being emptied into the faun's womb as he held himself within her.

DM62: The faun is a spurting, whimpering mess, incapable of coherent thought, let alone speech. She doesn't seem to stop cumming, more-or-less... every time she begins to come down from an orgasm, Don's cock slams back into her in just the right way, and she gets set off again. She gasps as his hot seed begins to spurt into her, making her abdomen begin to swell slightly as he overstuffs her with cock and semen.

Don hoped he hadn't broken the faun, but at the same time, it felt /so good./ Continuing to pump more and more seed into Saffron, the minotaur would keep sucking out her blood until his flow of seed stopped, and he'd pause. He was mindful of what he had done to Sonja before, and he didn't want to do it to another person... Pulling back from her neck, after making sure to help keep the puncture wounds from bleeding any more. He'd try to measure himself and the faun girl, to see if he could get away with pulling out, or if his body would even allow him.

DM62: At the moment, the faun's pussy seems to stubbornly cling to his cock... but there's outward pressure from all the semen inside her, and Don is able to work himself loose from her slit with considerable effort. Finally, his cock pops loose, and the overstuffed faun crumples in a heap of mixed fluids, mostly Don's hot cum. She seems to be quite out of it.

Don felt a bit bad about the state he left the girl in, so he went to check the stream, to see if her top had been swept away or hadn't gotten away, and if it was there still he would grab it, if not he would just go back to the faun and pick her up. He'd bring her back to their camp and throw a blanket over her, before sitting down beside her and trying to drift off to sleep.

DM62: Don sees her top, snagged on a branch a little ways downstream. As he returns with the top... he spots Sonja and another elf, crouched near Saffron and eagerly lapping up the spent seed of the minotaur. They occasionally give each other a shove, trying to hog it all for themselves, but there's enough of a mess that they're both getting a good dose. They haven't spotted Don yet, and Saffron is still unconscious.

Don: '......Huh, I was not expecting that...I am not sure why.' Don thought as he looked at the two licking away at his spilled seed. He could understand Sonja, but where did the elf come from? Still, he couldn't help but notice that he was still quite 'hungry.' A single round with the faun not exactly enough. So instead of his origional plan, he put Saffron's top beside his axe, and approached the two that were licking away at the faun, his shaft hardening once more, and he couldn't help but say. "Ahh, you two don't have to lick it up off the ground you know? I'm right here."

DM62: Sonja and the elf eye each other, then Don's cock... then each other. At this point, the harpy suddenly reaches out, her talons clamping around the elf's left nipple and twisting, as she squeals in pain. "Slut... you get to clean out the faun. This load is MINE." The elf looks like she's going to protest for a moment, but Sonja gives another sharp twist, and the elf nods in pained compliance, returning to her cum-cleaning. Sonja gives Don a smile, practically pouncing him, starting to lap at his cock aggressively.

Don wasn't sure if he should chuckle, or feel a moment of fear, at the way that Sonja acted with the elf, but he was still a bit more confused about why this elf was addicted to his seed, wondering if it had something to do with the deathrollers somehow? Either way though Sonja won out of the elf woman for now, and would start licking at his member, and he couldn't help but give a small groan at that. He'd give her a few moments of acting on her own, before he'd reach down and wrap one of his hands around the back of her head, bringing her mouth to the tip of his member, prodding at her lips until she let him in.

DM62: The harpy is all-too-eager to take Don's cock into her mouth, doing her best to take the beastly cock into her throat, though she has a little trouble with the flared tip. Still, her enthusiasm for the task is boundless, and she grabs Don's thighs to basically force herself to take him deeper in her throat. Don can smell Sonja's arousal, now. A second elf has found her way to the site, and is struggling with the first for a taste of the cum still dribbling out of Saffron. The first one seems to be complaining that Sonja promised HER all of the spent cum.

Don would indulge the harpy woman's eagerness. Pushing his shaft further down her throat he'd start to use her mouth with only enough care to ensure he wouldn't do any damage, though he did notice the second elf arriving, and it set of a small warning bell in his head. Unfortunately said warning bell was rather firmly drowned out by the 'fuck the harpy' bells that were going on at the same time.

DM62: Sonja is happily deepthroating the massive bull-man, and he notes that her fingers are jilling the harpy's slit as fast as they can. Don is somewhat aware of more elves arriving, making a total of six of them, rapidly cleaning up the faun and doing their best to scoop out more, lapping the spunk off of the grassy ground near the stream... and eyeing the harpy with growing jealousy. Sonja, of course, is too blissed-out on mino-cock to notice.

Don: Warning lights were going off even more in Don's head, and then he put together what was happening. At least part of it. "Ahh shit...the wind." He had entirely forgotten, and now the elves were already here. He was momentarily paralyzed, unsure if he should just push Sonja off of him, grab the harpy, and make a break for it till things passed over. Or suffer what he had started....He could half imagine the hiding his mother would give him if she knew, but in the end he ended up picking the second one. A small boyish thought in his head about how this was technically the fulfilling of at least one of his puberty caused dreams that he had more or less forgotten long ago.

DM62: Don's decision to stay has rather immediate consequences, as four pairs of hands latch onto the harpy and immediately drag her off of Don's cock and away from the minotaur. Sonja tries to protest, but with the flared tip dragging through her throat, all she can do is make a BLUHHH sound in protest, until she's tossed rather gracelessly into the nearby stream. Two more of the elves are immediately on the minotaur, fondling his testicles and licking at his shaft. Sonja stands, drenched but with rage in her eyes, and picks up a small, smooth stone from the river. She grabs the faun's top, placing the stone within it and starting to slowly twirl the makeshift sling in a circle. "Alright you... *cough* cock-stealing skanks... who's first?" The four elves are spreading out and trying to close in on the threatening harpy.

Don: Thankfully, Don was still a minotaur, and still quite able to be bulky and imposing, and also quick given how big he was. Guess it was time to beat a retreat. Wrapping his hands around the two elves that were right beside him, he'd throw them over one shoulder and make a run for his axe, which was right beside Sonja anyways, grabbing it with his spare hand and tossing it into his 'occupied' one but making sure not to hit the elves, and then with his freed hand, grab Sonja around the hip as he passed. He'd try to get some distance from him to the elves, rather hoping that with their numbers thinned a bit they would turn around and go back to licking Saffron for the time being, or hopefully, would just give up entirely while he hopefully could get downwind of them so they couldn't track him.

DM62: Don makes it about halfway to his axe before something wraps around his foot, tripping and snaring him. A seventh elf with raven-black hair is approaching, quietly chanting as the marsh wildlife wraps around the minotaur and the harpy... and the other six elves. She grins as Don's pulled flat on his back, moving up to his erect cock. "Such a lovely beast... such a beastly scent." She moves forward, sliding her pussy against the thick minotaur cock... then pressing down upon the minotaur, taking him into her tight elven snatch.

Don: Well, that worked too he guessed. He really needed to look into binding magics himself somewhere along the line. For now though he was rather stuck, but at least no one was killing eachother, and the raven haired elf wasn't exactly bad to look at. Guess he was back to the 'suffer for what you have sown' plan. He couldn't help but groan again when the elf woman dropped onto his shaft, she was incredibly tight, and he figured this was likely going to be what he should get used to for the next while. Bucking his hips he'd try to hit a bit deeper in the elf, hoping to drive her silly sooner rather then later before something else crazy happened.

DM62: The vines continue to wrap around the elves, the harpy, the faun, and the minotaur... and even the seventh elf, lightly wrapping around her throat. She looks mildly annoyed by this, but pays it no heed, riding the minotaur as hard as she can, giving an appreciative moan as the beastman bottoms out inside her. Don notices that the vines are growing little thorns, digging ever so slightly into his flesh, tasting his blood. He can see little pinpricks on the others, as well, though nothing is pricking into the black-haired elf just yet. A voice whispers softly into Don's ear. "Should I interrupt? Or would you like to let your new friend finish?"

Don: "And I just fed too." Don muttered to the voice in his ear, but chuckled a little bit between a few groans from the tight elf woman. "I would say let her finish, unless you want to leave me rather grouchy or take her place. Might bring more elves here for you, to spread the feeding among too." Don continued to thrust into the elf woman, her building up to another climax rather rapidly.

DM62: Most of the vines are softly caressing the minotaur and the raven-haired elf, teasing at her nipples and his testicles, trying to coax a larger load. It works Don almost to the point of climax... then a vine wraps around the base of Don's cock tightly, preventing his orgasm. Scarlett chuckles. "First, I want to know... why you taste so different. I've had minotaur blood before... but yours is... thicker. Stronger... older?" She sounds inquisitive. The vine wrapped around the cock is unrelenting, and the elf mewls, trying to work the cum out of the thick cock.

Don: 'Argh, that's just not fair.' Don growled in his mind as his orgasm was denied, but he wasn't against telling Scarlett the answer to her question. "Cause I'm not entirely a minotaur. My mother was a vampire, so I inherited some of her traits." His voice was strained, as his bodied continued to rail against the vine that was keeping him from finishing.

DM62: Scarlett chuckles... "It's delicious, dear. Alright... you can cum." The vine loosens, then tightens again immediately. "If you ask me nicely." The elf atop Don is nearly going crazy now, humping as fast as she can, sweat pouring down her body... and not even noticing the little prickles from the vines, small trickles of blood coming down from tiny cuts. There are several more elves that Don notices now, caught by more of the vines, being drained in a similar fashion.

Don: "Gwah... Dammit" Don would growl out at immediatly getting denied again. "Please let me cum Scarlet, otherwise I think I might just explode." The minotaur was also farily sure the elf was going to screw herself crazy if she didn't get his cum shortly, and at the same time it wasn't like Scarleet didn't have enough people to feed off of as it was.

DM62: Scarlett giggles... she sounds almost... tipsy? The vine releases Don's cock, moving to stroke his testicles, trying to coax as much of his spunk into the elf as possible. "Mmm... knock this one up for me. Teach her not to use nature magic on the vines of a Garden Watcher..." She giggles again.

Don wouldn't need to be told twice, and he'd push up hard into the elf, unleashing everything his balls had been building up, especially after he started to get denied by Scarlett. The amount of cum, would surely knock the elf up, as it would likely cause her belly to swell even before it started to flow out of her, assuming it even could with how thick he had gotten.

DM62: The elf is too far gone to scream, merely convulsing on Don's cock as the hot, thick spunk fills her to the point where she looks ready to burst. She spasms helplessly, and Scarlett laughs, still draining blood from the entrapped participants. Finally, the vines recede, and the pale Garden Watcher begins walking back toward the party camp, slightly unsteady. She seems to have more vines and roots... thicker ones... and her breasts and ass seem to have swelled up somewhat as well, making her look like some sort of pale, red-haired bimbo. The elf gives a startled yelp as the pressure from the cum actually forces her off of the minotaur's cock, sending her crashing into the cum-covered grass. The recently-released elves crawl forward to lap at the spilled spunk, except for Sonja, who is being picked up and carried back to the camp by a softly smiling Saffron.

Don noticed the woman about to slip off, and tilted his body just enough that he hoped that most of his seed would avoid falling on his own body, and would instead fall upon the grass, or the elf woman that ended up being tossed off. Something that he hoped would distract the other elves before they could jump on him too. Grabbing his axe and making a break back to camp, jumping in the river for a moment if he needed to wash any seed off his lower torso. Either way he'd head back to camp, leaving the elves to lick over their companion.

((end of session))
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Sixth Session, 25 June (part one, morning, Swampedge, Haven, odd scents)
DM62: It's the morning after the party escaped from the Riftlands. Most of them spent their night in some form of snuggling or smuttery--even Miter ended up curling up with a good book on the Avatars of the Nether Beasts. Sir Fiske is explaining the current mission to his troops: the mixed race force is going to return to Forest's Heart to finish scouring the area for cultists, and Sir Fiske is going to make the informal alliance between the elves and the jungle folk an official one.

Miter's working on getting the cart back up to working order, figiting slightly all the while as she checks over the wheels, ensuring there's no breaks she has to really worry about.

Yarl: "Point ear prey later, Scaled Stalkers now!," comes the distant rawr of a fuzzy giant drider.

Hareng would come out taking a deep breath as he looked around, everyone was still alive for a change. He didn't have much to add to the discussion really, though he'd was definitely hoping if there would be a particular task for someone like himself.

DM62: Argast is trying to smooth out Roland's fur, much to Roland's amusement as he occasionally knocks the kobold over by nudging up against him. "Oof... damn it, Roland... what are these... Scaled Stalkers?" He looks at the drider inquisitively. Simone is straightening out her gear and sharpening her katana.

Miter: "...She may be talking about Stalkers in general. Scaley sorta hunting lizards, I know a few trolls that keep em' as pets," Miter pipes up, tilting her head a little from her work.

Sarah yawns as she exits just after Hareng, her outfit having taken on a much less revealing appearance over the course of the night thanks to help from Aisalla. "Morning, lovelies..." she says, stretching as she looks around for her oversized meat shield.

Yarl: "They Strong Ones hunters! No little lizards no good, too small. Scaled ones have flappy wings, and poison wiggle butts! Strong Ones train them to help them hunt."

Hareng: "Now that looks good on you, miss Sarah." The assassin commented on the side before Yarl started her spiel, "Ah, you mean the wyvern?"

Don woke up while trying to not remember what happened the night before, having to make a run from a large number of elves hungry for his cock was not something he had been expecting to do, and not one he hoped happened again. Getting himself ready for the days adventures, he'd listen to the others conversing, and go look to see if that faun had stuck around, he should probably appologize a bit..

Yarl: "If Wyvern means Scaled Stalker then yes?"

Scarab meanwhile was staring into the sky, resting as she waits for the word to move from the current operation to the new one.

Yarl moves over to Scarab. "Is Strong Half One coming to saves Scaled Stalkers or is she leaving to fight All Eater?"

DM62: The kobold is knocked over again, finally giving up on straightening out Roland's fur. "Ow... Who's the All Eater?" Chu'Gris moves up near Sarah, axe in hand. "This whole... undeath thing is weird. But I assume you had a good evening?"

Zyanya: "We could use any amount of help to be honest. We're not sure if there's going to be a fight or if we'll simply be negotiating. But if I know these things, there might be something of a scrape." Zyanya was busy preparing her supplies for the trip as she explained this.

Sarah: "Not really, no. A certain wimp likes to play hard to get." Sarah says as she hugs one of the undead Orc's arms. "What do you think, big guy? Which way should we go?" she asks the Orc, looking up at him expectantly.

Miter shrugs. "No idea, this spider's making my head hurt..." Scarab shrugs as well. "I will be assisting with saving the captives, do not worry," she mumbles to the giant spider-thing.

Yarl: "Yaya has Yarl and Simo, there is only victory!," smirks Yarl, before looking to Argast, "All Eater eats all. Devours world so nothing for others. You fight All Eater, we eat All Eater's eyes and hands. We all fight and all win! Aha, Strong Half One too!," grins YArl as she swoops Scarab into a one armed hug, "None can keep Scaled stalkers from Yarl! Gonna get Vera back! Oh. We should get one for Strong Half One! Strong Half One is small enough, she could be carried about and can fly! Yarl is jealous."

Hareng would simply shrug, just happy enough everyone seemed to be in high spirits. A rest like that was something they really did need after all.

Sarah hums for a moment. "Hey, Pretty Boy, who are you going to help, hm?"

DM62: Ashur shakes her head. "Arteryxt is our main adversary, at this point. We must travel via the Spiderbloom to Rabeernst, to gather the shards of black, to rebuild the Ulfdranii. That is the most important thing, at this point."

Hareng: "Ah, I'm not really sure just yet. My thinking would be to head for the artifact. Though that could change depending on where miss Ulyana prefers to head." Hareng replied, though he was still unsure just how much help he could be in either case.

Sarah: "How do you feel about reforging an ancient artifact, big guy?" Sarah asks as she hugs her Orc companion's arm tightly.

Yarl: "Funny haired prey has her task. Yarl thinks prey plan not work but Yarl has own job, prey can do as likes. Yarl will wreck All Eater's senses and limbs. Or as prey put it, Yarl kill cultists so All Eater has no extra hands to do things. All Eater with no help is just one thing. Blind, has no knowledge. Deaf, hears no prey speak. Armless, cannot reach across world."

Miter shrugs a bit, ensuring her cart was all the way contained before hopping out, ready to shove again. "Either way, ain't gonna do a lot sitting somewhere a bunch of grumpy elves and mad plant-things hang out.... No offense Scarlett..."

Yarl: "Yes, plants not good, make tummy icky..."

DM62: Chu'Gris is carrying on a private conversation with Sarah. Eventually, he looks at the sage. "Ashur, I will help you defeat Arteryxt. But once that is done, I will kill you, for the honor of my fallen comrades." Ashur does not answer verbally... she only nods. Scarlett shrugs... she seems to have gained some weight overnight, mostly in her breasts, hips, and ass. "I wasn't planning on joining either quest, to be honest... I helped you escape the Riftlands, and now I'd like to plant some of my seeds."

Sarah: "And where the big guy goes, I follow." Sarah says with a smile. "Hey, PRetty Boy. Wanna help save the world with me?"

Miter shrugs. "I jus wanna get back at that annoying bug-thing. Fucker takes a steel bar without flinchin' and wants to wreck my hime, so of course he's not getting away with this shit..."
Zyanya: "Never hurts to have more help Yarl. Never hurts. Have to be prepared for any eventuality. I'm not the warrior I used to be."

Yarl: "Yarl home is full of plants. Doubt icky thing will make it any worse.," shrugs Yarl, "Don't care, Yarl got lots strong predators. Yarl not going to turn away more predators. But Yarl has these two! If Strong Half One is only half as strong as Yarl she still twice as good as all others and Simo is good predator too! Yarl thinks will be hard battle but will win!"

Hareng: "So, is that a farewell then, Miss Scarlett?" Hareng tilted his head, for the most part not really caring about the declaration Chu'Gris had just made. Since it definitely did not really mess with his own mission. "Ah, Miss Sarah." The assassin could only smile at the question, and nodded quickly. "That does fall in line with my own mission. I'd would like to be able to fulfill it."

DM62: Phoebe shakes her head and folds her arms. "Not the warrior you used to be? Well maybe you should take my advice, once in a while, and stay back from the fucking front line!" She huffs.

Sarah smiles at Hareng's words, then looks over at Rowena, then to Aisalla. "I suppose you two are going to rescue the captives?"

Zyanya: "I told you last night, I'd try! But I need to be involved somehow. I'm not going to just sit back and get fat on my laurels. I have to at least try something."

Yarl: "If Yaya's prey legs too old and tired she can always sit back and throw rocks.," grins Yarl, "Is okay, we all put in much as can, every bit helps. If Yaya fights really hard and kills one enemy, it's one less Yarl has too!"

DM62: Ulyana nods. "I say we kill that thrull-man. He probably killed Vand, and he definitely killed Chu'Gris."

Sarah: "Well, on the bright side, as long as I'm around, death has no meaning." the Kitsune says, hugging the Orc's arm. "Isn't that right, big guy?"

Yarl growls, glaring at Sarah

Hareng: "That's a bit of a relief, though... I'd hope I don't end like the 'big guy' Chu'Gris." Hareng said as he scratched the back of his head with a bit of embarrassment.

DM62: Chu'Gris gives Sarah a deadpan look. "If you believe my existence now is the same as my existence in life..." He sighs.

Sarah: "Well, not right now. But I intend to keep you in tiptop shape until I can copy what the Masters did! Those soldiers they had at the meeting before all this happened were amazing!" the Kitsune says, nuzzling the Orc's arm. "Imagine being that strong, that immortal. It's what every Necromancer dreams of creating."

Yarl: "Hmph, is funny. Mockery of death understands ramifications better than one who is alive. If mockery ever wishes an ending, let Yarl know. Mockery seems like strong predator. Yarl will honor by returning predator to proper death with proper battle when wishes."

DM62: Chu'Gris gives the drider a smirk. "Honor compels me to kill this one." He points at Ashur, who says nothing. "But she's going to help us kill the thrull-man first."

Yarl nods, "Don't mean now. Do what do and when ready, come see Yarl if not gone first. Though if funny haired prey killed all other predators like mockery, Yarl thinks that she won't need to do it. But maybe Yarl wrong! But All Eater first, Yarl agrees. Prey and predator must fight toghether against ultimate predator."

Zyanya sighed, leaving the discussion to go on without her and preparing herself more. Rowenna meanwhile was still debating which group would need her more. She had plenty of reason to go after the cultists honestly. The wyverns were not her concern in the slightest

Hareng: Well, everything was going swimmingly, Hareng though, looking as most of the party he'd joined up with were staying together. And he was specially relieved that Miss Ulyana wanted to come on this side as well... "Having second thoughts, Miss Rowenna?" He said jokingly, having noticed the girl looked somewhat pensive.

Yarl: "...Yarl have question for funny haired prey. You said All Eater died then you brought back but was not same. Why All Eater so strong if died once? Thrull so strong?"

Rowenna: "I wouldn't say that. The scalies aren't my issue, since I don't have as big of an investment in them as Yarl seems to. And Lady Zyanya does what she will so I won't stop her from doing what she's doing."

Sarah: "Yeah, Rowena. You don't wanna come along with us and save the world? All that glory and honor for you to soak up?" Sarah asks the northwoman, a smirk on her face.

Rowenna: "You mean going after the cultists? I'm all in favor of that. Would love to sink my teeth into their throats."

DM62: Ulyana looks about. "Well... for those of us heading to Rabeernst... we should probably get moving soon. If memory serves correctly, there's a full day's hike from here to Swampedge, where we can find a decent inn, baths, and a good meal. The spiced potatoes that the inn serves are... simply amazing. And from there, it's only a few hours to the entrance to Spiderbloom." Ashur raises an eyebrow at the question. "Well... not exactly. Usually, melding two species results in a weaker hybrid. In this case, however... something went terribly right. The thrull portions proved extremely receptive to the surgery and the fleshcrafting... but it DID change Arturus, too. And not for the better."

Yarl: "And thrull super magic so can only be killed with god killer stone fang?," frowns Yarl

Don: "Ahh, I would not mind an actual roof over my head for once. Or atleast a roof that isn't part of a prison cell." Don said from the back of the conversation, rather eager to head out and continue their adventure

Sarah: "Then what are we standing around for? We've got a full day's trek ahead of us." Sarah says, hopping up on Chu'Griss' shoulder and hugging one of the big spikes on his armor, her weight barely noticeable to him.

Rowenna: "See, now if you told me that from the start, I'd have accepted from the get go." Rowenna joked as she slung her shield behind her back.

DM62: Ashur frowns. "I don't know. I do know that I've yet to see a thing that could truly harm him, until Lady Greenleaf swung the Ulfdranii at Arteryxt. So... yes. I suspect it would be a way to kill him. There may be other methods, but they are not known to me."

Hareng: "Sounds so luxurious. I don't know if I belong in a place like that." The assassin said, though he was clearly entralled by the idea of better accomodations. "Maybe the gods are giving us one last chance to enjoy ourselves before our next tribulation." With a chuckle Hareng prepared his few belongings, all neatly hidden within his clothes.

Rowenna: "Oh I'm sure there will be something catastropic happening at that inn. Something will light on fire or explode or someone will try to rob the place. Mark my words. Danger seems to follow us everywhere."

Sarah: "Wait wait wait, I just had a moment of inspiration. You used knowledge of necromancy to keep his Aura from dissipating, right? So I'm guessing you had to use a bit to keep it there to start reviving him. What if we had a master necromancer sever that? Would his aura vanish again?"

Yarl shrugs. "Well, is not Yarls task. Will leave questions to prey who make stone fang that broke once already. Still, if can kill him with stone fang, he is not All Eater. Well, not THE All Eater. But, time will tell. Yarl fight either way cus stole Yarls Vera!"

DM62: Argast smirks. "Based on what I've heard of your goddesses, this is one last chance for disappointment and heartbreak... before you return to more disappointment and heartbreak." He sighs, clambering up on Boris. Roland barks, starting off to the north.

Rowenna: "Hold up boy. Wait for the rest of us."

Yarl: "Mmm, all leaving then. Bye tiny prey! Good luck, am sure will succeed on silly quest! Yarl will take care of Simo and Strong Half One for you! We gonna hunt cultists!," calls Yarl, waving excitedly, "Will be bringing Yaya and Phoe and Frit too! They help beat up Many Ones once All Eater gone!"

Hareng: "I'm used to both of those, Mister." Hareng said with a shrug and a smirk as he followed after Argast. "I'm not the kind to receive kindness, given my line of work."

DM62: Ashur raises an eyebrow at the kitsune necromancer. "In theory, a master necromancer can instantly deal death by wrenching soul from body. I do not know if it would work with Arteryxt... but I do have my doubts." Roland bounds ahead, then circles back to dance about Rowenna excitedly. Then he bounds forward again, and then back to Rowenna.

Sarah: "Then why haven't you found a necromancer to try and do that? Aren't you supposed to be some all-powerful mage?" Sarah asks, a pout on her face. "Bad enough you wanna steal my precious tails."

Rowenna: "That's a good boy. Maybe when we get a moment we can play a little." She pets Roland, thinking it might be her job to take care of Roland now.

DM62: "I could have tried that. But whatever I try, it will have ONE chance to succeed." Ashur shakes her head. Argast smiles, watching Roland play with Rowenna. Roland playfully bumps against Rowenna, continuing to run around.

Sarah: "So you're covering all your bases, are you?" Sarah says, sighing. "Come on. Let's just get going before the wolves decide to scamper off."

Hareng: As eveyone continues ahead, Hareng would try instinctively to take point, still wishing to act as a sort of scout for the team. Everyone else seemed entertained enough with each other as it was.

DM62: To everyone's surprise, the day of hiking passes rather uneventfully... and the town of Swampedge lives up to its name, being a village of wooden structures built on the edge of a swamp to the east. It's evening when the party arrives, and there's a wooden sign placed on the side of the trail that reads, "Village of Haven. No magicks or charms permitted beyond city limits. Magical creatures to declare themselves to the sheriff." Ulyana frowns. "This is definitely Swampedge. The sign is new."

Sarah: "Uhm...Do we classify as magical, big guy? I mean, you're a zombie, and I'm, well..." the Kitsune says, wondering how to interpret the sign.

Rowenna: "I know I might considering my ability to alter my shape at will. It wouldn't hurt for me to at least check in. Though, yeah didn't you call this Swampedge? Why's the sign say Haven?"

Hareng: "Heh, I have my own magic, but I doubt anyone would realize what it is." Hareng shrugged, looking at the other others with a smile as he waited for them. "Perhaps they changed their name?"

Don: "Well I can use magic, but I don't think I quite count as a magical creature." Or at the very least he wasn't going to tell some random sheriff about being a vampire.

Roland seems unconcerned about the sign, being a wolf.

Hareng would bide his time petting Roland, expecting a bite, but trying anyways.

DM62: Roland is the first in the party to notice the smell of homecooked food drifting from the inn... though everyone else notices, soon enough.

Hareng: "Well... at the very least, I can say there's a heavenly aroma. Anyone else can smell this?" Hareng commented, sniffing a bit at the new scent. "I'm actually getting hungry from this..."

Roland whines, staring at the inn.

Miter's soon salivating as she shoves her cart along. "Ugh... fooooood, food that isn't rations or whatever we can find... Ugh, belly's cramping just at the thought."

Sarah sniffs at the air and sighs in delight at the smell of homecooked food. "Mmmm...Let's go get something to eat!" she syas, patting the ORc on the head. "Onward, mighty steed!" she says with a giggle.

Rowenna: "Poor thing is getting hungry. Guess those of us who need to should check in with the sheriff while the rest of you go to the inn. I wouldn't want to cross the villagers too soon after escaping that hell hole."

DM62: Argast sighs. "Not sure if I count as a magical creature, or not." Sonja folds her arms. "Why in the Void would any of you present yourselves to the sheriff? It's not like anyone can tell by looking at you... except for greenie, over here, who looks weird enough." The harpy smirks at Miter.

Hareng stifled a bit of a laugh at the harpy's comments as he took a few steps towards the inn. "I'll be scouting ahead for any danger, anyone feels like coming with me?" The assassin said with a big smile.

Miter rolls her eyes a little. "Aw comeon, I don't spit fire or anything..."

DM62: "You have that weird device with the metal circles. And the other weird crap in your wagon."

Roland stares at the inn unblinkingly.

Rowenna: "Just pray there isn't a full moon then or else I might be exposed. But if you'd rather take the risk, then you can't blame me for trying to be responsible."

DM62: There's also a sheriff's office, a jail (labeled "GAOL"), a stable, a blacksmith, a mead brewery, and several houses.

Roland blinks, his attention turning to the brewery and starts walking towards it, sniffing.

DM62: Argast looks at Roland. "Something is off about the mead brewery." He urges Boris on, the billy-breaker complying for now, following Roland.

Hareng: "Anyone else going with Argast?" Hareng asked inquisitively, still waiting patiently to see wat everyone else would be doing before heading for the inn.

Miter shrugs, quickly moving for the inn as well. Her belly was too hungry for much logic.

Don: "I do not believe that is how one spells Jail." Don said as he looked at the sign. "I would watch yourselves everyone, I do not like the look of any town where no one in the place can even spell something right on a sign.

Sarah: "Oh what the hell, let's see what the wolf is up to." Sarah says, hopping down and walking after Roland and Argast. "Come on, big Guy. Maybe we can find some heads for your to knock together."

Rowenna: "Yeah, those two seem to have the right idea." Rowenna would waste no time and follow behind the others. Roland never did things without reason from her experience

Roland goes over and starts snuffling around, following something towards where it is strongest

DM62: Chu'Gris nods. "Not like I appreciate food too much, anyway." He follows, carrying his axe behind his leg where it's slightly less visible. The inn isn't quite packed, and the party manages to find a table near one of the corners. A buxom blonde human comes over with a smile. "Can I get y'all anything to drink?" She has an odd accent, like a less formal Kaliferian brogue.

DM62: The mead brewery seems to be locked with a bar from the inside, but the group can hear moaning and panting from inside. There's a scent of beastman spunk from inside the brewery... and it sounds like a flute is playing.

Hareng: "Fancy anything in particular, Miss Miter?" Hareng asked out of politeness before he turned towards the woman attending them. "I'll have a mug, please." The assassin smiled back at the waitress.

Roland looks confused.

Sarah huffs as she looks at the door for several minutes. "There's...Something strange in there. Like a beastgirl...But different..."

Miter shrugs as she glances at the barmaid, tilting her head. "Meat would be a good start, got any boar meat?"

Roland snuffles and then sneezes a bit, before looking about, seeming to be deciding if this is a thing or not.

DM62: "Ummm... well... we have bacon! I could bring some bacon and some spiced potatoes... maybe some ale?" The serving wench smiles.

Miter: "That works for me!" Miter agrees with a grin.

Rowenna: "Something wrong boy?" She looked at Roland for a moment, wondering what he had in mind. "Anyone want to see if there's a way in? Or do we want to forget about this and move on?"

Roland looks back at the others, seeming to be waiting to see what they're going to do

Sarah: "That aura I'm sensing in there has me extremely curious. I want to find a way in so I can see her myself."