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Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

You're going to get fur everywhere. Probably make it itchy in the morning.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

You're mean phoenix. Let wallpaper decide.
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Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Thank you screw. See phoenix, why can't you be more like screw j/k
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

That was just my guess as to why wallpaper was a bit iffy on furry tails for penetration.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

XD I'm not into furries (ooc anyways) so yeah, sorry! I also imagine that jamming a fluffy tail into something means that it's going to be the bristly-side-in-first, which makes me D: -- just a personal thing!

Also, Screw, I'm pretty sure it's spelled 'madam' without the apostrophe. That would come into play if you were spelling 'ma'am'! :p (Just since if you're going to be nitpicking other's spelling, it's good to be 100% free of errors if possible, yourself! XDD)
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

I figured that was the case. I just kept going hoping no one noticed... and then started a trend XD
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

By furry, do you mean more animal than human, or just anything with animal characteristics? I've never quite been sure what exactly to characterize characters with a furry tail and ears are. (Other than catgirl or something)
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

From what I understand, if it has a humanoid body with animal characteristics, and has genitalia, then it is a furry.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

I've always classed 'human with ears/tail/wings' in a different group as 'humanoid body with animal head/fur (or scales or feathers)/other animal features', which is furry or anthro. I guess I should be more clear in that I don't mind furries that are played in ways that make sense to their build, traits and features, they're just not my thing. ^_^"

I'm going to be a huge hypocrite here in a moment and say that what squicks me is the combination of furry/anthro stuff in combination with describing a sexual act in a way that would be really uncomfortable in real life -- furry, bristly tails getting crammed up an anus, being a prime example, at least from my point of view. >.>" -- I've been rubbing elbows with the furry community for YEARS (it overlaps with my like for fantasy art somehow) and I've seen people within that community representing sex in writing and art in a way that makes me quite sensitive to the two in combination, and not in a good way. 9.9"" I hope that doesn't offend anybody or make them feel uncomfortable! I'm ironically fine with cat/dog/whatever people and have fun with interacting with those characters when they're written well. XD Since I have never played a character who is a stand-in for myself (which I have to admit makes me a mite uncomfortable. >_>""""""" I always view sex-based RP as RP, and not, like, cybering.... XD Which this feels very much like an attempt to do.... augh.) so I'm kind of wall-of-texting to defend myself.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

*pats* I don't think you offended anyone.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

X3 I'm sure this will get easier as time goes on, anyhow.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Personally, my biggest thing against complete furry stuff is I tend to like the people to have a human face. However, I'm fine with characters with slight characteristics that for the most part still seem mostly human, but might have stuff ranging from tails to animal ears to animal eyes. Basically, I tend to find neko level stuff of any animal type on a different level that full blown furry.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

X33 Hee hee, ditto. I have a couple of anthro characters but they're not for sex-related games/stories! Besides, we're here for the tentacles, m'yesss?
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

X33 Hee hee, ditto. I have a couple of anthro characters but they're not for sex-related games/stories! Besides, we're here for the tentacles, m'yesss?

Yes. Yes we are :D. Heheheheheh.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Mmmm mmm mmm, that was some good 2Fort. I lost track how many games were played after our 6th straight win.

*kisses his spanner* You dun well.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Wallpaper, where are you? Waiting on your post.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Sorry Dia, I'm withdrawing. :\ I'm just not enjoying this particular game that much, and I don't think that just changing the name will help. >.>" The style isn't working for me.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Ah.... Okay Wallpaper. Now every ranch has one person...

Hmmmm. Time to advertise this. To my sig as a link it goes.
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Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Sorry Dia, I'm withdrawing. :\ I'm just not enjoying this particular game that much, and I don't think that just changing the name will help. >.>" The style isn't working for me.


Teamon's going to miss you...