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(BETA: CD) Ashior

Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

The Alpha silently pointed to a hut, slightly larger than most of the small ones, with a distinctive marking over the door, and headed off towards it, leaving Ashior to the women's lodge.

Walking through the door, Ashior glanced around and took in her surroundings. The hall was mostly filled with what appeared to be sleeping places; piles of dead undergrowth and the like that seemed designed to cushion one from the hard wooden floor. Some of these were filled by slim and shapely female werewolves, lounging idly as naked as the rest of the pack has been that Ashior's seen.

Down one end was a circular wooden tub, already filled with water that was steaming slightly; either it was always ready for use or much more likely, word had been sent ahead and they prepare fast. "Well well well, if it isn't the trophy slut," came a voice, cold and condescending. To one side, leaning against the wall was one of the women, larger and more muscular than the others. "And just look at you, covered in their seed. You must have looooved that, you dirty little whore."

Ashior got the distinct impression this one didn't like her, somehow.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashior turned toward the source of the condescending voice, examining the muscular female werewolf with a slight smile, and a blank look in her golden eyes. This was probably the tribes alpha female, and the angel was hardly surprised to find her hostile given the method by which Ashior had been introduced to the tribe. That would likely have resulted in hostility even without the corruption apparently stemming form the werewolves leader, and so Ashior decided that something of an act was in order. The easier she was with the women of this tribe, the less resistant they'd be, or at least that was the line of reasoning Ashior rolled with as she responded; "Of course I did. It is my proper place, is it not?" The angel turned and started toward the bath before the larger female could respond, letting her hips sway slightly as she walked despite any reply the beast woman could come up with. The more she acted like a brainless whore, the less the creatures would think of her, and the more they would say that might be of use.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

"And where do you think you're going?" the larger female snapped as Ashior turned her back on the werewolf. "If you're gonna be the pack's trophy slut, it's your job to satisfy and serve the pack, right? Well you may have got yourself covered in satisfaction from our men, but I'm not satisfied. Are you satisfied?" she asks one of the other girls.

"Whatever you say Roxy," she replies somewhat meekly. Looking around the room, some of the girls are looking uncomfortable with this, others merely disinterested and a few are eyeing Ashior hungrily. She suddenly felt a sense of deja vu about the whole thing...
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashior cursed inwardly as her ruse backfired on her. She hadn't thought it a possibility that the female beastmen might be as lewdly inclined as their male counterparts, but she felt quite certain that she at least had had enough of sex for one day. Besides which, she'd squared herself with the beasts, and that meant that she had no obligation of any sort to put up with this sort of behavior from them. The responses of the other females were mixed, some of them apparently indifferent or against their alphas idea while some appeared agreeable to it. Well, at least they hadn't rushed her, that was always a plus, especially given her lack of her weapon. So, options. The angel thought for a moment as she turned back toward the alpha with a sweep of one of her wings and a soft glow around her golden eyes.

Keeping up her act might result in her in much the same situation as before, being gang-banged by a bunch of werewolves, and that idea was hardly ideal. But, if she abandoned it, she'd be left with her only option being a direct refusal, which probably wouldn't go over so well with the angry female before her. Particularly given that she would hardly be arguing from a position of strength, since her mace and shield were well out of her reach, leaving her with only her limited magics with which to defend herself. She'd never been one with a silver tongue, and she doubted that she could easily talk her way out of it, but for the moment, her whore act offered the best solution, and so she stuck with it for the moment.

Ashior offered the alpha a seemingly disarming smile, though it might look slightly condescending, and she replied; "Why, to bathe of course! I must be ready for the feast tonight. Your leader has said that he will call for me then, and I'm sure you would know just how he is. I wouldn't want to disappoint him." Her voice was high and energetic, though if any of the males she'd entertained had been listening they would likely have noticed just how inconsistent this was compared to her earlier behavior.

(Mostly exposition except for the last paragraph.)
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

The female who was apparently named Roxy glowered for a moment, before a sly grin replaced her expression. "Well, in that case you'll be pleased to know that both I and some of the more senior sisters have certain spells that revitalise energy. You can leave you in perfect state to serve the pack leader even if you spend from now until then serving us. How do you like the sound of that, you dirty little whore? Imagine never having to worry about getting tired, you could keep going until they grew bored of you..."

Her smile was malicious as she began to strut towards the angel, some of the other female also getting up and beginning to close on her. "So I point out again, I'm not satisfied."
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

This wasn't going according to plan. She'd been hoping to deflect the werewolves amorous intentions, but that didn't look like it was going to happen. The idea of getting a spell which would restore her strength piqued her interest, however, and so she said; "That would be nice, I imagine. Not that I'd ever need it, of course. I'm sure you've had plenty of times to use, Roxy? I know your males have a decent amount of stamina, at least when there's over a half dozen of them, but I can't imagine you lasting very long yourself. At least, not compared to an angel like me." She put a challenge to the female lycan into her tone, thinking that if she had to go through this again, she might as well try to minimize the number of partners. She stepped back, and her creamy thighs pressed against the edge of the tub. The warm water was, at the moment, highly inviting to her, and she could hardly wait to get herself cleaned off, but if she was about to get filthy again anyway.....
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashior's taunts were responded to by force, the back of the she-wolf's hand slapping Ashior with force across the cheek. "Shut up! Just shut up you stupid whore!" she screamed. "What do you know about us? Nothing! You're just some slut they found while hunting and decided to bring home! You're nothing! You don't belong here!"

It seems Roxy's temperament had come completely unravelled as she reverted to violence, causing a mixed reaction around the room. As before, some seemed to side with Roxy, adding their jeers and encouragement, leering at the angel. Others shrunk away in fear, unwilling to speak up but clearly not comfortable with the situation. One ran, bolting out the door on light footfalls.

And from the water behind Ashior, a now familiar voice. "You're not going to take that, are you?" it taunted, the mocking amused voice of the shadowy figure, although a glance behind would reveal the water to be exactly as it appeared before. "But then, you have been very willing to simply take abuse, haven't you? Shouldering the sins of others, perhaps? Or do you revel in having them imposed upon you?"
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashior was stunned briefly by the slap across her face, her cheeks turning red both from the hit and from emotion. She listened to the female werewolfs violent rant as the angel slowly turned her head back to stare at her assailant. Her face was set in a grim glare, anger evident in her features and her 'dumb whore' act dropped completely. She flinched slightly as she heard the shadows voice once more, and turned around to find nothing behind her. She turns back toward the alpha female, trying to discern if she could hear the shadow as well, or if his voice was only in her mind.

If she could hear him as well, Ashior first said; "No. This time, I do not think that I shall take the abuse. I have put up with quite enough from these people, methinks."

That said, or if the female werewolves could not hear the voice of the shadow, Ashior would continue; "I clearly know how to manipulate you, given how easy I have managed to anger you, cretin." She spat the words, deliberately insulting the creature before her, which probably wasn't a very good idea given her current lack of her mace and shield. Still, she went on, her voice a bit more even, but still filled with an edge of contempt; "You are also evidently easy to fool, if you believed the show I put on when I entered here. I am, perhaps, being a poor guest, but you are far worse as a host. I was offered sanctuary, and instead I have to put up with your pathetic posturing and general malcontent." Fully expecting the alpha to respond with rage, Ashior was at least partially ready for it. If the alpha wound up to swing at her again, or made any other obviously aggressive motion, she was prepared to cast the spell that the spirit had taught her on the woman. It was time to see what 'Idrinel's Punishment' was capable of. If she didn't Ashior would simply continue to glare at her, ready to respond with words rather than magic.

(And now to find out that it's some sort of horrible torture spell.)
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

"Cocky bitch," Roxy growled in response, sure enough winding up for another attack. Reacting, Ashior quickly let loose her spell, getting in faster than the werewolf could strike, although she was not prepared for what she saw.

A circle of darkness appeared at Roxy's feet, dark chains launching from it and quickly binding her, wrapping around her limbs and across her torso. "Argh! Fucking bitch! How dare you- AAARGH!" As the chains begin to constrict, trying to pull her in every direction, she gives a great shove and they break, the spell shattering and sending shadowy links of chain in every direction, each of which vanish before they strike anything.

The she-wolf takes a pair of deep breaths as Ashior stares at what she had just done... or tried to do... only to quickly snap to her senses as she notices the wolf diving at her, quickly sidestepping as Roxy crashes into the tub of water.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Even Ashior is somewhat taken aback by the results of her spell, though she quickly regains her composure, her expression returning to an irritable glare. She manages to pull herself aside just in time to avoid Roxys charge, the werewolf slamming into the tub of water with a loud crash. "I would rather not harm you. Desist." Ashior shouted sternly, taking a defensive stance as she desperately tried to pull together enough energy to cast another spell.

Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

"The hell I will after that, bitch," the werewolf shouted back as she took to her feet, climbing out of the water basin, wet and angry. She struck out at Ashior once more, but her blow was clumsy with rage, even without her shield the angel could still read and avoid attacks with a great degree of skill. And in her brief meditation, she felt some of her energies restored to her.

Looking around, it seemed that this was still a 1 on 1 fight, but it was only a matter of time before others got involved...
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashior pulled aside to avoid another awkward tackle, trying to gather more of her energies before things got out of hand. Which, granted, they most certainly already were, given the fact that Roxy was attacking her. She glanced sideways at the other werewolves, trying to see how things stood with them, though she doubted that anyone would come into the fray for her benefit. "Why not?" She shot back irritably; "You hit me first. It was a preventative measure. To prevent this." She held her left wing out wide, while her right remained close to her body, almost like a shield, and she prepared to dodge aside when Roxy attacked her next.

Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Roxy calmed down somewhat, beginning to actually study Ashior and her movements rather than blindly lashing out in anger. "Oh, so that's what your'e doing... well I won't let you," she declares, making another grab at the angel, this time getting a firm hold on her and bringing her to the ground, herself atop the girl, but not yet in a secure pin.

(With her atop you like this, you need to throw her off before you can stand or move. Likewise, if she completes a pin, which she seems most likely to try and do next turn, you'll be unable to cast while pinned. That said, you'll be acting before she can try and complete her pin.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashiors wings beat helplessly against the floor as Roxy forces her to the ground, occasionally slapping lightly against the werewolfs sides and back. On the ground like this, she was definitely at a disadvantage, Roxy almost certainly being the stronger between them. She was hardly about to give up, however, so Ashior put all her might into pushing the angry lycanthrope off of her. Her wings slapped more determinately at her sides while she tried to push Roxy enough to get a leg between them. She could have tried that spell again, but she hadn't exactly liked the look or feel of it the first time, and she'd prefer a less painful method of immobilization to the black chains it had produced.

(All AP into escaping before she pins me.)
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

With an almighty shove, Ashior pushed the wolf off of her with all of her energy, knocking her off the angel and pushed back a short distance. Still, there was little time to act before the wolf was upon her once more, a claw raised and ready to strike when a loud shout cut her off abruptly.

"Stop!" From the entrance of the women's lodge, came a deep and commanding voice, a familiar Alpha looking less than pleased. "Calm yourself Roxy, this is not how we treat guests!"

"The little slut had it coming Maenus, baiting me like that. But I suppose you'll take her side, won't you? She's still covered in your fluids, after all, isn't she?"

"And what if she is? Jealous? All you have to do is come and kneel before me, beg a little, and I'll be happy to arrange that you're gangbanged until you're barely concious, if that's what you really want. This girl has been through enough and her trials aren't over. So if you're gonna have a problem with her, then I'm going to have a problem with you, do I make myself clear?"

The she-alpha gave him a harsh glare, but didn't respond, most of the other females were trying to pretend they were in no way involved, although the one who had fled the room did slink in behind him, apparently trying not to be noticed; she could certainly end up in trouble if Roxy decided to come down on her for running for help like that.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

(The jerk or the nice guy? I'm guessing the jerk.)

Ashior grunted with effort as she threw Roxy off of her, rising quickly, but clearly not quickly enough as Roxy was already on her again, claws raised to strike. Not having time to do more than raise her arms in an attempt to block, the angel froze in place as she heard the male alpha shouting from the doorway. She watches the two alphas, glancing between the two, as they argue, until the werewolf that had gone for help slunk in behind him, trying not to be noticed. Hoping to distract the alpha female from the one who'd helped her, Ashior first bows lightly to the male alpha, showing gratitude that he'd defused the situation, and then turns to Roxy and grins, smugly saying; "May I take my bath now? You've gone and soiled it in your clumsiness, but I suppose that it should still do."
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Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashior received a cold glare from Roxy at her smug response. "Do what you like, I'm going for a walk," she declared, strutting angrily out of the room, although as she passed the alpha, she added "You're coming too." The alpha shrugged and looked back to Ashior. "Remember," he said simply to her and followed the angry she-wolf out, leaving Ashior alone with the females of the wolf-tribe.

Some ignored her, others watched her with mixtures of feelings, from distrust or dislike to curiosity or awe. But no one spoke, and no one moved towards her.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashior watches the pair leave, and then for several seconds more, before she glances around the room at the other werewolves. Her whore act was a wash, and to try it again would be insulting, so she simply took in the myriad of different reactions to her presence impassively. After another moment, she stepped into the tub, and began washing the by now dried cum off of and out of herself. As she did, she peaked around, looking for the one who'd gone to get help when she'd set Roxy off, and trying to make eye contact. Cleaning herself off didn't take very long, the only tricky part being that she had to be careful not to get her wings wet, while still washing off her chest and face, which were the filthiest parts of her. As she cleansed herself, Ashiors mind was left to wander, wondering what the after-effects of the

Once she was done with the bath, the angel stepped out, still nude, but at least she was clean now. She glanced around at the female werewolves questioningly, and if any of those that weren't openly hostile to her were fairly close Ashior turned to them and asked; "What do you wish done with the water?"
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

"Just leave it," someone declared in a dismissive tone, one of the ones not even looking at her. Perhaps someone of importance amoungst the group, since Ashior suddenly became a lot less interesting, many of the others suddenly finding something else to do.

"There's a small clothes chest behind it," the same voice added, directing the angel's attention to a small wooden chest sitting in one corner. "Put on the clothing inside it."
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashior turned to look at the speaker immediately, but simply nodded. She turned to the small chest and opened it, and removed the contents. She held them up in order to observe them, not yet putting them on. The females at least didn't seem to be hostile to her, except for Roxy of course, but Ashior doubted that she would be able to get any aid from them, and as she examined the clothes she was meant to wear, the red-haired angel glanced about the room, looking for any that still looked at her with any hint of emotion. She particularly kept her eyes open for the one who'd gone to get help for her, as she would probably be the best one to speak to about learning the spells Roxy and the more helpful of the male alphas had mentioned.