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Beginning (Loli)

Re: Beginning (Loli)

"The bishop lied to you, that choker saps your witch powers so you can't use magic, the same as the paterns in this room. Please I can't explain everything right now we must flee." An unearthly scream echoes through the hallway.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha suddenly looks up and quickly moves out of the room, looking around wildly, shaking, "W..what? Why would the bishop do such a thing to me?" She tries to find the source of the screams, "I..Is the church under attack?!"
Re: Beginning (Loli)

The woman grabs Elisha by the arm and drags her along. "The bishop brought a vampire here to test you against, it got loose and has already turned at least a dozen people. And this isn't a church...." The woman pulls a flintlock pistol out and returns to the room where Elisha had fought the monsters. "Let me find the emergency release for the cages. Stay away from the door."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha nods and stands around the room, frowning as she looks around, this place was not a church? Sure, she had her doubts, but... and a vampire? She had heard of such creatures, but she had always assumed they were nothing more than legends, made up to scare little children who would not go to sleep..
Re: Beginning (Loli)

"Here it is!" The woman flips a hidden switch and the floor starts sliding apart. "Do you know how to swim?" She walks up to the edge and looks around.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha looks down uncomfortably at the pool of water, then looks at the woman, "I can try. Before we go, what is this place? And why was I brought here...?" She prepares to jump at any moment's notice
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Two vampires start trying to break in hissing through the bars. "When we're through! JUMP!" The woman jumps in and vanishes, when Elisha follows she feels suction drag her down and through pitch black tunnels until it all stops and a hand pulls her out into a flooded crypt. "*cough* Fun ride huh? *cough cough*"
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha shivers as she shakes herself, trying to get rid of as much water as possible as she looks at the girl, panting as she sighs, "What was that horrible place... and where are we?"
Re: Beginning (Loli)

"We're under Venice, and that was the order of the moon...." She looks away. "We would conduct experiments for the church involving monsters, you were going to see if we could force magical development in someone with latent talent..." She seems unable to look at Elisha in the eye.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha frowns, then shakes her head, "They were all miracles by the heavenly Father to keep me safe, nothing else, it's not talent or anything..." She shivers a little though, why would the church make her do such things? No, it was not the church, it was the greed of man, she had to pray for their souls, when she had time, she pulls the choker out of her pocket, having shoved it there during the escape, "Where should we go now...? I am not even really sure how to get from Venice back to home..."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

"I'm...not that certain myself, there is a very good chance the monsters and vampires will break loose and start swarming over Venice, we need to leave the city as fast as we can."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha looks at the woman, blinking, shaking her head, "We must get to the surface first, you will go ahead and leave, warn everyone, I will stay behind to fight against the vampires and monsters."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

"I can't leave you, there are too many....I....I've let many perish and watched quietly, I won't do that again, come on." She pulls out a small flashlight and starts moving forward.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha looks down with a pained look on her face, she shook her head, and decided that the woman was right, she had to endure for now, going headfirst suicidal into battle would be defying Father's will, she would do the right thing. She sighs and smiles, following the woman, "Lead the way then..."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

"How can you be so calm, at peace? You're a witch and just barely escaped a twisted facility of death..." She finds a manhole and starts working on getting it open.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha looks at the woman with a smile, waiting for her to open the manhole, after all, she would probably be getting in the way if she tries to help, "I put all my faith and trust in the Father, as long as I do not stray from his holy word, I believe that I will always be safe. For example, he sent you to save me from that horrid place..."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

"Actually you just happened to be on the way to my escape....I would have probably been a coward and left you otherwise...." Her voice carries a tone of shame as she pushes aside the cover and peers around before climbing up, her hand dropping down to help Elisha up.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha raises her hand and holds onto the woman's hand, letting her help her up as she continues to smile, "Like I said, Father put you in such a way that you would have to come pick me up, I will always believe in his protection."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

"Hmph...if that helps you I guess. You're probably safer on your own anyway. My family has a history dripping with betraying people who trust us..." She slides the cover back on and sighs looking around. "Within the hour this city will probably be in a panic when all those monsters get loose." She punches the ground several times, "Damnit! I knew it was folly to capture those things and keep them all in one place! I can't believe I'm one to be blamed for so many innocent deaths...."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha nods, then starts to head back to the building she had just left, "You're right, we should split up, you can go wherever you need to go, I'll prevent this city from being overrun." She whispers a quick prayer as she hurries along, "Good luck to you, wherever you may end up."