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Beginning (Loli)


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Elisha wakes up in her new room, she didn't know where it was, just that the priests didn't let her out and there were strange symbols on the walls. For some reason the room makes her feel tired and sad like a butterfly trapped in a jar. "Well Elisha how are you feeling today?" A man comes in who's obviously a bishop with a try of food.

HP:30 MP:6 STR:30 INT:60
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Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha looks up, she had been praying for most of the time she was in the room and slowly sits up, accepting the tray of food,
"Thank you for the food, father."
A customary title, no more, she returns to her sitting position, giving thanks for the food before she starts to slowly eat, "..this room makes me feel sad and distressed, I do not like it in here."

Elisha eats a few bites of the food before stopping, and pushing the tray slowly aside, her appetite just wasn't there today.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

"Well I'm afraid you'll have to dear, you're very important and this is to keep you safe from harm." The bishop smiles and pulls out a choker and places it on her neck. "Now you'll have to wear this whenever you're outside...it'll keep you safe." He smiled and took Elisha's hand and led her out of her room, the feeling of being trapped remained though and she had absolutely no idea where she was other than it being a very elaborate church. "You are going to help the church more than you could have expected young lady."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha closes her eyes and accepts the collar, resisting the urge to tug at it as she moves her head around a little, getting used to the feeling. She takes the bishop's hand as she follows him, looking around the church, quickly lowering her head in prayer as she listens to the man, responding with a small smile, "I will gladly do anything that God or the church requires of me."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

"That is comforting to hear.....the last few who came were...less than helpful." He takes Elisha underground and removes her collar before leaving her in a large circular room and closing a heavy metal door as he leaves, the feeling of being bound was gone but she was now surrounded by strange and unsettling noises coming from other doors around the room.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha looks around, rubbing her neck as she keeps her head lowered, quietly looking at the man as he leaves, "Father...? Wait...!" But he was already gone, she looks up, stretching a little, the feeling of tiredness was at least somewhat disappearing, and that was a good sign, "Where am I anyway...? No... I must not doubt the church, I will simply wait here for his return."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Soon one of the doors slides open and a large wolf like beast walks out with glowing red eyes staring at Elishia, a bit of flame coming from it's mouth and it's intent not benevolent.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha looks at the wolf, fear clear on her face as she shakes her head, trying to reassure herself and regain her courage, "Protect me holy father in heaven..." She clasps her hands together, closing her eyes tightly as she prayed for an intervention, the air around her starting to shimmer slightly before she was suddenly seemingly encased in ice. She opens her eyes with a gasp as the ice explodes outwards, shards firing out like miniature daggers as she fell over, "What was that...?"
Re: Beginning (Loli)

(19, a good start and the proper element to boot)

The warg leaps towards her only to be impaled by many shards of ice and hitting the ground dead. Her rest is short lived though as another door opens and several skeletons walk out advancing on Elisha.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha continues to quietly pray as she moves forward, raising one arm and waiting until she got close, then with a swing, as she had remembered when she set the church on fire, she quickly tries to cook all the skeletons, hoping it would be effective. She was also starting to wonder why such creatures were in a holy place...
Re: Beginning (Loli)


One skeleton manages to launch it's skull before the group is set aflame giving Elisha a nasty bump on her head as a small victory. The bishop and several other people watch Elisha on a TV monitor quietly. "Father I do not think this is right, she could be injured." The outspoken woman was quickly silenced by a glare and the bishop pressed another button. Back where Elisha was one last door slid open and a 6 foot tall suit of armor with a bastard sword marched out towards Elisha.

(Last fight don't worry :) )

HP:25 MP:4
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisa rubs the wound on her head as she looks over at the door, faltering a little as she backs away, her hands shaking as she clasps her hands together again, "P..protect me... father...!" There was a crackle of energy as a small ball of electricity was launched from her hand, aiming at the large monster.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

(14, almost made it unscathed)

Both opponents seem to fire lightning at the same time and both fly backwards, the only difference being the young maid stands back up though a little frazzled from being struck by lightning, the front of her uniform scorched through. As she gets up the door behind her opens and a woman in normal clothes steps in and puts her choker back on. "This way please miss...."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha almost unleashes another blast of fire before she realizes it wasn't a monster. She accepts the collar and lowers her head, meekly following the girl, ashamed at herself for doubting the church. She would have to repent after this, after all, Father in heaven would not allow her to perish in such a way, and they were in a church, the creatures must've been put there to test her faith, which had wavered...
Re: Beginning (Loli)

The woman lowers her head as she leashs Elisha back to her room. "I'm...so sorry....please rest, they'll put you in there again tomorrow..." She hands Elisha a new outfit to replace her burned one along with another tray of food.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha gladly takes the food and says her pre meal prayers before starting to eat, feeling a lot more hungry now as she looks up with a smile, "Do not say it like it that sister! If the church wishes for me to do such a thing, then I will continue doing so, I have faith in the father that these tests will guide me to do his work better." She sets her clothing aside as she quickly finishes eating, setting the tray aside then getting changed, before laying down on her bed, trying to get some rest.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha gets awoken in the middle of the night and hears a familiar female voice, "Please wake up we must leave....."
Re: Beginning (Loli)

She groggily gets up, rubbing her eye as she begins her morning prayers, then blinks, realizing it's not morning, she shakes her head a few times, "Are these orders from the Bishop?" She yawns and stretches, getting up regardless, already wearing her maid uniform.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

"No...the bishop has gone mad, we must leave now or we will surely perish." She feels her choker come off and a tugging on her arm in the dark.
Re: Beginning (Loli)

Elisha scrambles for the choker as she gets up, confused, "No, I have to wear that to stay safe, what are you talking about sister? The Father in heaven would have sent us a sign if he had gone mad, what basis do you have for that serious accusation?"