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Beast Wars (MAF)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Poor Erika hadn't seen it coming - but to be fair, Dexter probably hadn't seen it either. One day, the red-head left to cut down wood for the Elder; and by the time she returned to the village, Dexter had been taken by the beast. No one got a good look at it. Some villagers claimed it must have been an Alpha Krute Hound; some said it was one of the fiendish monster women that lived in the forest; others yet said it was something not known to the village. Whatever was the case, the women knew she would need help, and few of the Hunters in the village could match up to the Maoda's tracking skills. Luckily for Erika, she was the only villager that had visited the nearest Maoda camp.

It wouldn't be that far of a trek, but getting one of the Hunter's there to help her would be the best way to track the creature down.

[Maoda village is exactly two Kilometers Southwest of the Village.]
Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

Picking up her axe, and taking some food for the trip, Erika looks out into the horizon, to the southwest, before turning her eyes away as she'd realize that the sun had been glaring into her eyes for a while. "Waaaah! I'm blind! I can't see!" Erika cried out, whimpering as she let her eyes readjust. "O-okay! I can see again! Let's go! I'm gonna punish the thing that took Dex away!"

With that, she marched with axe in hand, ready to slice up anything that got in her way.
Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

Erika may not have been the brightest woman in the village, but she had taken this trip many times, and new of all the little secrets to get around. Heading Southwest, into the dense forest, purposely avoiding the hunting trail many of the villagers took to get around. While it had been deemed the safest path by the Elder, it didn't take her past a tiny mangrove that seemed to bud all rear round.

Stepping into the little clearing, she scooped up some of the crystal clear water, smiling to herself. It was amazing how this little pond could refill itself! It must have been magic. Or something; but definitely on the rocky crevice in the middle of the depression, 'cause that'd be weird. Not thinking much more about it, she hummed as she picked a few oranges from the tree, throwing them in her sack, as well as the water bladder, before taking off towards the Maoda village once more.

[+2 food and water GET.

Maoda village is exactly one Kilometer Southwest of Erika's position.]

[Current Position: -1,-1]
Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

"Oh!" she exclaimed at the bounty waiting for her. "No one took this stuff recently, lucky!" she giggled as she took what was there. She wasn't one for humming, except when she was thinking, so those humming noises, she had to wonder where they were coming from. Still, she put the water into a clay jug for safe keeping, and the oranges into her pouch. "I should be okay for a while." she said aloud, before continuing her journey.
Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

Stuffing the food in her sack, Erika left the little clearing, hoping that, on next visit, there would be more for her to take.

Heading to the Southwest, she finds the small path the Maoda hunters showed her when she was lost; Smiling to herself, Erika hummed as she plodded along the path, unaware she was being watched... Until it was too late. A stealthy predator was following the human along the tree branches, keeping a practice eye on her movements, studying every muscle movement... until it was time to strike!

"ERRRIKA!" Comes a happy, high-pitched shout. There was a blur of red and pink from the tree branches as the hunter pounced on her long-lost friend, her cheek immediately finds the back of Erika's neck, and her breasts push against the girl's back, "It's been so long since I've seen you!" She squeals rather excitedly.

[Abigail, Exciteable Huntress]

Abigail was one of the party members that found Erika, and took the girl back to her village. She's seen Erika once or twice, but, for whatever reason, has never been able to stop and visit.
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Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

"I wonder if I will have to fight anything bad?" Erika said aloud as she ventured towards the village to seek aid. "Hm, I've heard of a beast that sounds kinda like Dex, maybe I can adopt a new pet~" she pondered aloud, before she was suddenly attacked from behind by her friend.

"W-WAH!!" she exclaimed with surprise. "Abigail!!! Have you gotten the crazy virus? Don't rape me, or else I will have to hurt you up bad."
Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

"Silly!" The cat says, purring as she rubbed her cheek against the human's back. Had she her way, Abigail would have Erika face-first on the ground; but Erika had grown stronger since her last visit, apparently able to withstand the frantic pouncing of the small woman. She squeezed Erika tightly for a few more moments, before letting out a cute little "Mmmm...MM!" Accentuating the snuggle seconds before letting go. Her tails back and forth, opposite whichever foot she steps forward with, until she reaches the tree line. Grabbing onto a low hanging branch with one hand, she pulls herself off the ground, tail twitching as she reaches up into the overhanging leaves, a determined look on her face.

"What brrrings ya' back, Silly Errrika?" She asks; Abigail has always teased Erika about her intelligence. The cat girl finds whatever she was looking for - her spear, apparently - dropping to the ground and turning to look at the human. She bites her lip, resting her spear behind her rear as her tail curled inquisitively, and ears flattened against her head, looking at Erika with bright eyes.

"...Did ya' come back to see me?"
Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

Giggling, Erika turned and faced Abigail. "Yeah!" Erika cheered. "Something bad took Dexter away! I was hopin' you could help me find whatever done it so I can kill it." she said, her tone simple and lacking proper sentence structure and pronunciation. "Dex was a good boy! Woulda made lots of puppies with him if it worked like that!" she giggled.
Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

The catgirl's eyes were bright as Erika said she came to visit, her ears popping up as a big grin suddenly spread across her lips - only for the odd kitty to droop her ears and stick her lips out a little, staring at Erika as the light left her eyes when Dexter was mentioned. "Oh." Comes the soft reply. Why was she acting like this? Was she sad that Dexter was gone too? Before Erika could ask, the Maoda girl spins her spear, around, her attitude suddenly changing. With a determined nod, she claps a hand to her chest.

"Ow. I'll be glad to help you, Erika! Because it's my duty as your friend! Right?!" She says, striking a pose... only to drop it and poke her fingers together sheepishly.

"But, uh, I'd need to ask the village leader if I can leave my post for a few days. He'd get mad if I did without permission.

"H-Hey! You should come with me!"
Abigail beams, "It'll be fun, right?"
Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

"Yeah! I'll put in the good word for ya!" Erika giggled, before hugging Abigail. "Thanks so much Abi! Love ya!" she said playfully, but how serious Abigail wanted to interpret that was up to her.
Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

The catgirl's eyes were bright at Erika's suggestion - and a bright flush came to her cheeks. Weird, how she'd do that around the human. As Erika went to move out, Abigail apparently had different plans, shoving her spear into the ground and throwing her arms about the Descendant in a tight hug, her cheek nuzzling into her neck - she was even purring.

"Thank you! I'm sure Mister Ari will let me help you out after you ask him!" She leans back, still hugging Erika, looking into her eyes... Her smile disappeared for a quick second, the Maoda's blush becoming more pronounced, before she pulls away, grabbing onto her spear and rushing towards the Southwest.

"C'mon! Let's go!" She shouts back at Erika, her tail whipping about happily. Erika followed after her, towards the village.

[Current Position: -2, -2. Kilima Village.]

Erika remembered Kilima, simply because of the odd ways the Maoda lived: Most built their homes in trees. Yes, there were buildings on the ground; but only the gathering hall, where the village would come together to eat every day, stood out from the rest. It was where Ari, the village leader, stayed, until he'd retire to the night to his tree-hut, with his several 'wives'. Abigail had mentioned she was supposed to be one of these, but never went much more into the details with Erika.

As Erika walks through the small village, she's suddenly struck by something odd... Yes, the Maoda females were usually the hunters, but the males would be the warriors, fully trained to fight off any outside attacker - and there were far, far fewer of them than when she was last here, including the younger men.

When they arrive outside the gathering hall, Abigail clears her throat, looking at Erika.

"He's uh... a bit... grumpier than when you last saw him... Kay?" She warns, letting Erika prepare herself before seeing Ari once more.
Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

"Well of course!" Erika said with a frown. "Men like that treat their wives like toys! And a boy without his toys is grumpy!" she announced. "On the other hand, if I had a bunch of cute boys and girls married to me, I'd treat them much better!"
Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

"Ehehehe... I hope so!" Abigail smiles a little at Erika, her hand on the flap to the tent. Taking a deep breath, she opens up the tent, letting the Descendant enter first.

The Maoda had laid wood out along the ground to act as a floor, instead of the loamy earthen surface back at her own village. In the middle was a large fire pit, used for cooking, blessings to the Gods, or enchantments - whatever those were.

[Ari, Grumpy Maoda Leader]

"What in Dyfri's name is she doing here?" A booming voice opposite the entrance demands. Looking over the burnt pile of logs, Erika sees the village leader, Ari, a full Maoda. He wore rather heavy leather armor all the time, hiding most of his thick, white fur; the fluffy mane around his neck had trusses and braids running through it (Abigail had teased the decorations were to take attention away from his eyepatch). Supposedly, he had seen many battles, but the last time Erika had visited, he sat around, letting himself get pampered by his eight 'husbands and wives'. Now, for some reason, he only had three wives rubbing at his shoulders and arms; but when he shouted at Erika, the attention of the Maoda women was suddenly at the front of the entrance.

Abigail slips in next to her human friend, her ears flattened against the back of her head, quietly reaching for Erika's hand - if she'd let her, at least.

"Uh, well, Erika needs our help, Ari-"

"WHAT?" He shouts, pointing one side of his head closer to the group, "Bah! Just come closer!" The leader shouts. Abigail looks at her friend curiously, before leading Erika around the extinguished fire pit, only a few meters away from Ari. He leans in, elbows on his knees, forcing the lion girl to stretch over his back in an attempt to rub his shoulders. He looks Erika over with his one eye, grumbling to himself, before asking in a quite deep voice:
"I don't see that damn dog with you. Did you finally kill it?"
Re: Beast Wars (MAF)

Erika did not reject Abigail's hand, and approached Ari without any signs of fear. "Well, I don't see your sluts with you, did 'you' kill 'them'?" she replied with a slight frown. "I would never kill Dexter, you big brute."