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Realms and History:

Kalivor - Realm located in the northern section of the Kolvir Mountains. Known for its rare materials, and unusual magic. Thought to be unassailable, due to its harsh climate, and the vicious storms that always seem to hamper and ravage any armed force that attempted to enter the mountains with hostile intent. The key feature of the capital city was the crystalline palace, known by some as the Castle of Storms. The true elite force of the kingdom, after hearing that moniker, took upon themselves the name of the Storm Knights. Ravaged by an apparent bandit ambush, the capital city currently seems to lie in ruins, and the realm is counted as fallen. It enjoyed a brief return during the "Kaliverus Incident", but with the disappearance of Elric Kaliverus, and perhaps the lack of the reformation of the Storm Knights, the realm once again seems lost to ruin.

Iselgarn Empire - Current power in the area. Capital city of Iselgard, ruled by Emperor Muristan. At one time, Iselgard was a small kingdom, much like others in the region. When House Gallias rose to power, however, that started to change. In a short amount of time, much of the southeastern part of the continent was under the control of Iselgard. During the rule of Menethel II, the current style of magic was developed: That of summoning a powerful entity, then dominating it through force to serve the mage. Only the rightful heir of House Gallias may command more than one such entity at a time, and most mages can only manage an entity capable of illusions or mental control. The later half of Menethel II's rule was marked by strained relations with several of the other realms, the most notable of which was Kalivor. Such strained relations escalated to minor conflicts on several occasions when some of the following emperors tried to force the Imperial style of magic on the other realms. Since the beginning of Muristan's reign, and the fall of Kalivor, relations have normalized, and the Imperial style of magic has finally taken precedence.

Magic - Two styles of magic are reported, in various tomes. The most well known is actually the younger method, as it is the Imperial system, developed during the rule of Emperor Menethel II. When a person is determined to have been born with the ability to use it, and reaches a certain age, they are approached by one of the Imperial Summoners, and offered a chance to become a mage. Should they accept, they are then given a year of study and preparation, before the Summoner who approached them summons forth a powerful entity, which the apprentice must overwhelm in combat, and subdue. The new mage then begins calling upon the entity for the magic. What entity is pulled forth at the Summoning determines the type of magic available to the mage, and the willpower of the mage determines the power that the entity is willing to use. This power increases as both the mage strengths their will, and the entity becomes more accustomed to its new master.

The second style is believed to have its origins in Kalivor. To the Imperials, it is both dangerous, and terrifying. The ability to use this form of magic is determined at birth, and usually manifests around adolesence. It also usually manifests in some combative form, such as a blast of some kind. Only in Kalivor, before its fall, was this discipline openly accepted, and often such "wild mages" would be taught by more experienced ones. Now, such a mage faces fear and distrust...Oddly enough, often either leading them to one of the Kaliveran exiles, or leading one of the exiles to them.

Key NPCs:

Emperor Muristan, of House Gallias - Ruler of the Iselgarn Empire, the emperor is viewed as a charismatic leader, and is also the most powerful mage of the Imperial discipline, having two entities under his command. Still in his prime, rumors seem to abound about him. Several scars are visible on the rare occasions he has his arms bare, and he is currently still recovering from some injuries sustained during the most recent conflict.

Codex - One of Emperor Muristan's servitors, Codex appears as an aged scribe in a large chair with a large, floating tome that's being held by chains. Its powers rest in enchanting the minds of others and divining secrets.

Scauld - One of Emperor Muristan's servitors, Scauld appears to be a construct version of Muristan albeit with a flaming aura of sorts. Its powers rest in flames and destruction of foes.

Elric Kaliverus - Believed to be the last remaining member of the Kalivor Royal House, he was behind the most recent conflict. Known to have extreme proficiency with psychic powers, and a great degree of energy control, his current whereabouts are unknown.

Arianna - One of Kaliverus' top commanders, she is of noble birth. However, her family was discredited after a number of incidents, and it is currently believed that she is the only remaining member. While no concrete evidence of it has yet surfaced, it is assumed that she has some kind of "wild talent".
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Re: Background Information

Magic - Wild Magic

What is now know as wild magic is perhaps the oldest form of it, although it is also perhaps the least understood. Ability in it appears to be based on previous generations having the abilities, although it may develop randomly as well. It also may skip multiple generations.

When such abilities do manifest, they are almost always triggered during a point of stress. Furthermore, it usually manifests in some combat-related manner, and rather destructively at that. That's one of the reasons that wild mages, or "freaks" as the extremely prejudiced citizens of the Iselgarn Empire call them, quickly seek out the new member of their ranks: So that they can help teach them how to control their new powers, and not be a threat to themselves or others.

As previously stated, both due to extreme prejudice, and a degree of fear, as well as constant hammering from the government, Imperial citizens hated and fear wild mages, looking on them as freaks and extremely dangerous wild animals. Given this cultural background, a wild mage can expect to be insulted, shunned, and perhaps even hunted by the Imperials.

Wild magic is completely incompatible with Imperial magic. Only the power effects can interact, and that often is quite violent.

Realm Notes - Kalivor

Due to the harsh climate of the Kolvir Mountains and the realm itself, horses don't tend to last very long. However, the early Kaliverans somehow managed to form a bond with a local breed of wolf, one that stands as tall as a horse. These wolves have allowed themselves to be trained as mounts for the Kaliverans, and handle even normal temperate climates without trouble. They also have incredible stamina when running, and significant strength for bearing loads.

Materials - Kalivor

Crystite - Unique alloy made of materials only found in Kalivor. The secrets of its making are only known to the most skilled Kaliveran smiths, and are never taught to outsiders, long-standing allies included in this ban. The reason for this is that it vastly amplifies wild magic abilities, and is rumored to even trigger them in those who have the ability in their bloodline, yet did not manifest on their own. It is used exclusively in the crafting of the gear of the Storm Knights, and is always "bound" in some manner to the person it is intended for. Once bound, the alloy becomes extremely sturdy. However, upon the death of the one it was bound to, the alloy completely dissolves, leaving only unusable dust behind.

Ignite - Crystalline mineral used by the Kaliverans, and others. While not suitable for armor, it is known to be resistant to magical energies. The secrets of crafting this material are sometimes taught to outsiders. The best known weapon made of this material is the staff used by Elric Kaliverus. The material gained further notice during the early raids of the Kaliverus Incident.

Atalanite - Material commonly used in construction, it was actually one of the main trade products of Kalivor. Possessing a great deal of natural beauty, it was commonly used as decoration. After the fall of Kalivor, only the Twilight Elves, and a few of the Irongrad Dwarves still create the material, which is not traded. What Atalanite is in the hands of others is most commonly found in the hands of rich and important people, as home decorations or expensive platters.
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Re: Background Information

Magic - Imperial

Although it existed prior to Menethel II, what is now known as Imperial Magic was only vaguely known. Based entirely on the control of a mysterious and mystical entity, it fit well with the doctrine of control espoused by House Gallias.

Although the names for these entities tends to vary with each user, one thing is common to all: The entity's personality tends to embody some aspect of their controller's own.

Upon reaching the age of majority for their race, a potential will begin to be watched by others of these mysterious entities. As they get closer to the point of being able to control these entities, they begin seeing quick flashes of something out of the corner of their eye. Once the time comes, the entity they've been seeing will appear in front of them, and attack. Only the would-be mage can stop the attacks. Once stopped, the entity will then serve the mage, but only slightly. As time passes, both mage and entity get used to each other, and what the entity is willing to do for the mage expands.

Materials - Imperial

Khazium - Forged by the Stonewright Dwarves, this durable metal is most often used in Imperial Armor, especially that used by the Royal and Palace Guards. Their weapons, also, are made of it.

Arcanium - Crystal used by the Imperial mages as an amplifier. Very rare to find in any size, and brittle. Misuse often leads to an explosive backlash.
Re: Background Information

Realm notes - Iselgarn Empire

Cultural note - Imperial view of Wild Magic

All Imperial citizens, regardless of race, view users of wild magic with extreme prejudice, and often times outright hatred. This view extends to include all Kaliverans, since no distinction is made. An outgrowth of this view is that all wild magic users, or Kaliverans, who are found and captured are executed. The only difference is that the executions are public if the captive is believed to be influential.

Due to the rather random nature of wild magic abilities activating, it isn't too difficult for House Gallias to enforce and strengthen this prejudice. The only Imperial citizens that do not fear or hate wild magic users are on the run, being ones themselves. Most often, they are angry and bitter at other users, believing that it was the actions of the others that "cursed" them. Only over time does this change to anything resembling acceptance of the powers and any others who wield them. Due to House Gallias, however, few ex-Imperials reach that stage.

Cultural Notes - Imperial views on Kalivor

It is illegal in the empire to own more than a few items from Kalivor, with the exception of Atalanite objects, and fully illegal to learn or study any cultural items from Kalivor. Given rumors of a secret group serving as assassins and informants to the throne, as well as the cultural views on wild mages, this law is fully abided by.
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