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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

I myself am anxious to join. I am hoping to get to know the members of this site better by role playing with them.
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

haha Not rushing you. It just sounds good enough that I definitely want to be in whatever it ends up as, even if you threw all the plans in a dumpster, lit them on fire and said "WE WILL NOW ALL ROLEPLAY AS GERBILS!" I would still follow.

Don't tempt me...
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

haha Not rushing you. It just sounds good enough that I definitely want to be in whatever it ends up as, even if you threw all the plans in a dumpster, lit them on fire and said "WE WILL NOW ALL ROLEPLAY AS GERBILS!" I would still follow.
..."All Women Must be Impregnated."...
"All GERBILS! Must be Impregnated."
I'm Scared now.
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

*raises hand*

Count me in, this sounds like a blast!
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

Oh RaptorJesus, you know temptation is the tool of the ArodactylSatin. :3
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

Hooray, finally finished with character creation!

Now, I gotta figure out how to make a subforum... >.>

Edit: Turns out, even Raptor Jesus is incapable of making a subforum, I made a thread in the PbP section called, "AWMBI - Character Creation"

If you want to make a character while I get every other gameplay function in order, you're more than welcome to.
Last edited:
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

RJ has made a temporary creation thread in the pbp forum until aika (Who seems to be on a temporary hiatus and/or vacation) gets back and he can get an actual forum.
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

You guys make me laugh. XD *hearts* I'd give rep all around but I think that that is moderated? It's probably not a good enough excuse.

In any case, I really like the idea of being able to interact with other characters in this fashion! Don't know if I'll have enough time to keep up, but I'm'a scoot over to the sign up and see how it's going. <3
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

Indeed, your character won't just be *you* as a possessed woman, she'll be her own person, with fear, hate, and love. Just like anyone else.
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

And this is what perks my interest, actually. XD I like those better than jerking around a skeleton of stats and a pretty face.
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

Perhaps I missed this in the character creation topic, but is there a draw back in there that includes something like "Extreme Sensitivity"?

As I have come to know, women do not all come with equal bodies - some of them have extra sensitive parts, like their nipples for example. Then there's also the possibility that they may have lactated at some point in their life, and as such, may find it easier to start lactating again.

Is this already covered in there somewhere?
AWMBI - Discussion

Anything and everything All Women Must Be Impregnated can be discussed here, if you have a question about stats, gameplay mechanics, or anything that confuddles you, ask away.
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

this has all been moved to its own subforum: All Women Must Be Impregnated
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hrm, I wish I had seen this a minute ago.

I'll past my question here for your convienience:
Perhaps I missed this in the character creation topic, but is there a draw back in there that includes something like "Extreme Sensitivity"?

As I have come to know, women do not all come with equal bodies - some of them have extra sensitive parts, like their nipples for example. Then there's also the possibility that they may have lactated at some point in their life, and as such, may find it easier to start lactating again.

Is this already covered in there somewhere?
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

Perhaps I missed this in the character creation topic, but is there a draw back in there that includes something like "Extreme Sensitivity"?

As I have come to know, women do not all come with equal bodies - some of them have extra sensitive parts, like their nipples for example. Then there's also the possibility that they may have lactated at some point in their life, and as such, may find it easier to start lactating again.

Is this already covered in there somewhere?

This is true, but the creatures desires are different, so things like foot fetishes and the like won't interest them, they only want to breed in one fashion or another, so sensitivity is only covered in the vaginal area, represented by your "Orgasm" stat.

If you wish do discuss further, please talk to me in the sub-thread, AWMBI - Discussion.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Already got to your post, hehehe.

This is true, but the creatures desires are different, so things like foot fetishes and the like won't interest them, they only want to breed in one fashion or another, so sensitivity is only covered in the vaginal area, represented by your "Orgasm" stat.

If you wish do discuss further, please talk to me in the sub-thread, AWMBI - Discussion.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

That's a good point! XD So long as it's covered somewhere... it would be weird to think that we're to make characters who have their own unique traits and that that particular one would be cookie-cutter similar, especially considering the theme of the game.

However, I think it's important to note that it can be purely physical sensitivity -- not, for example, foot fetish related. "Oh god that's too much, this isn't fun any more!" kinds of sensitivity are much different!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I was just sayin' >.>""

But for the most part, only your character's sex will be the subject of stimulation.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


I'm going to be writing up a sheet pretty soon, I've just been busy with other things today! XD Do we -have- to use a character generator like the one that's been provided? Can we draw our own or even write a description?