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Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

There was a slight hiccup to the mans face, almost as if he was hiding a laugh.

"Cute, but not my type. As for who's asking ..."

He stepped closer into view.

"John Druitt is the name. Chris sent me here to ferry you ALL back to the Warehouse. That includes you young lady."

This was directed to Brandy.

Leena turned and smiled when she saw John.

"You son of a bitch. You need to get out of the damn Sanctuary more often and visit us. Where's Tesla?"

Another grin as he responded to that.

"He's back at the Warehouse, we just brought Ellen home. It seems Wesker is alive still, and has done something to Claudia, and nearly killed Ellen. We have reason to believe he's planning a major strike in the near future."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

"And you know what the kicker to all of that is?" Roger jumped into the conversation, "If I had enough power, I could have killed Wesker when I saw him here in Atlanta. It's like you asshole want me to help stop Wesker, but absolutely refuse to give me the power to do so! It's no wonder you retards haven't been able to stop him yet! All you've been sending are grunts that never stood a chance."

Brandy, covered her face with her hands, "RJ... For the love of Jesus, please shut up..." she sighed, and turned to the bald man, "Mister Druitt, I don't know why you wanted Roger to be apart of your group, but won't you please leave him and us out of this? Roger isn't a very good team player, and right now I just know he's going to pick a fight with the guy with the white hair... Sean, I think?" she asked, "Please... Please understand, Roger is... Well, an idiot-"

"I'm standing right fucking here! Who're you calling an idiot!"

"And I really need someone to work with me to help him get under control. I'm sure that if Roger and... Sean, patch things up, everything will be fine. If not... Sean might hurt Roger, badly... So, I'm worried for him..." she confessed. She didn't need to see Sean's abilities twice to know Roger is way in over his head in thinking he's going to get payback over Sean, but even if Roger knows it, she is well aware that he's going to try anyway...
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

John put things to a clear point very fast.

"It's not my call on that mi lady, I'm not his boss, I don't even work for the same person."

He turned to Roger.

"I'll assume your speaking of the Wesker/Chris variant virus. The reason no one else has used it is because no sample of it exists anymore. It was destroyed several years ago. As for the fighting, that won't be happening amongst team members, got it? If need be I have a very nice idea for you to cool off. I have a very nice cold place, tell me young lady, which way is true north?"
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger growled before Brandy could speak, "Listen here, eight ball!" he said, indicating John's bald head, "That son of a bitch attacked ME! You wanna talk about teamwork, you should practice what you mother fuckin' preach! I don't care what any of you say, I'm gonna break that mother fucker's nose!"

Brandy, shook her head, "That's the problem, sir... From what I saw, Sean is just as much of an egotistical idiot as Roger. I mean, I guess all men are like that... But, if someone doesn't do something to get those two to get along, we're never going to see the end of this."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena spoke up in a hushed tone.

"You folks DO realize your arguing with Jack the Ripper, right?"

John's only reply to Leena was a slight grimace.

"I haven't been him in a century my dear, please stop reminding me of that. As for you Roger, let me give you a little bit of advice. Sean doesn't attack team mates like what you said unless they desperately need some common sense knocked into them. At least your lucky and it wasn't Tesla. He'd just use electro-shock therapy."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger nodded, "And I'll just knock a little, 'teamwork' into him, sounds fair to me." he said ignorantly.

Brandy sighed, and turned her back on the group, "I tried, but if no one wants to help me out, you all can just fight with Roger for the rest of your lives. I don't care anymore." she said indifferently. "Why won't anyone listen to me? They think Roger will respond to punishment, but what he really needs is to sit down, and have a talk with that guy. But he just vanished out of thin air, right when I almost resolved this whole mess!" She growled, "You know what! I hope Roger knocks his teeth out! And I hope he beats the shit out of Roger to! Both of those block headed dumb asses need it!"

Meanwhile, Tyler and Eddy were getting a kick out of Roger's antics. Roger constantly getting himself into trouble because of his stubborn attitude was something they always got amusement out of. Tyler laughed, "Damn, I wonder if this is gonna happen all the time."

Eddy chuckled, "Probably. Roger's a damn fool, and it doesn't look like no one wants to try to calm him down, either. Well, that bald dude might do somethin' but he doesn't look like he's gonna do anything more than piss Roger off more."

Tyler shook his head, smiling, "That dude with the bleach hair was fast, though, did you see that?"

Eddy nodded, "Yeah, a lot of weird shit's been showin' up. I just don't get why Roger's in on it. Teleportin' dudes, and fuckin' super man-" he laughed, along with Tyler when calling Sean, 'super man,' "-who the hell would want Roger's ass?"

Tyler cocked his head, "Yeah, that's pretty weird."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

John simply let out an exasperated sigh.

"Let me ask you something Roger. Have you ever stopped to consider that even IF you could acquire a sample of that virus, that the odds are very high you might just turn on your friends, this lovely young woman who seems to care about you and murder them yourself? Could you live with yourself if you killed them, all in a vain attempt to do something that no one can do alone? The mistake hasn't been not sending strong enough people, the mistake that's been made is everyone thinking that brute strength will win this battle. No, it won't be the strongest who survives it, but he who displays some real intelligence and out wits the other. Chris may be Wesker's equal in power, but neither one of them would last very long against someone who was intelligent enough to use that power against them. It's why Chris has never been able to kill Wesker, he's let his emotions get the better of him, while Wesker has remained cold and calculating. And you my friend are playing right into what Wesker wants you to do. I should know about these things, each time I teleport it destroys a part of my brain. I continue to use it, because if I don't periodically, the power build up will kill me and those around me. Ironic isn't it? Something that can be used for so much good has such drawbacks."

A pause and he continues.

"Could you truly live with yourself if you killed your friends in some misguided attempt? Chris went insane looking for revenge after he was infected. It took all of us to stop him and calm him down, and in the process he nearly killed his own sister in his insane rage."

He indicated Regina, who turned pale white at the mention of this.

"If you decide that you can live with killing them all for a very unlikely shot at revenge, then perhaps you shouldn't have returned to save them and just let them die. You'd have done both yourselves a favor."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Brandy took a step forward, "That's not even the worst of it, Roger!" she said, "Some of us care about you a really lot, if you went off, and became some kind of monster, got yourself killed-or-or worse! I-I'd be destroyed!" she said, "Please, think about those that care about you, instead of only thinking about yourself all the time..."

(Stepping in for you over Leena, as since she holds something special for him, she'd want in on the, "I care about Roger" situation.)

Leena walked over to Roger, and put her hand on his shoulder,

"RJ, don't you dare think you're not strong enough. If it wasn't for you, Regina and I would likely be infected with that fucking plaga virus. You saved our lives more than once as well. In my opinion, that makes you an even stronger person than Chris."

"True strength isn't here," she squeezed his muscles, "It's here-" she put a finger to his forehead, "-and here-" then, she placed her hand on his chest. "You're plenty strong just the way you are, RJ. You have a thing or two to learn, but you're fine just the way you are."

Roger sighed, "Maybe..." he said. Then, he folded his hands behind his head, "But, never the less, I'm still gonna bust Sean's teeth in, then I'll beat Wesker's ass."

Brandy growled, "Did you not hear a fucking thing we just said!?!"
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

John just sighs, and reaches out, grabbing the other two men by the shoulders and vanishing with them, returning a moment later to take Regina and Leena.

Finally he returns one last time, and grabs RJ and Brandy, taking them to the warehouse.
