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Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Regina again bit her tongue from laughing, but had to say something this time.

"I think he's just a tad uncomfortable right now. Hey, is that ..."

Leena spotted the biker, and nodded.

"Yes, it is. Son of a gun, ok pulling up by the building."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

"What the hell is he doing here?" Roger wondered aloud. "And who said I wasn't comfortable?" he said loud enough for Regina to hear, and everyone else to know he said something, and gave Regina a playful tap on the side of her rear.

As soon as they got into the parking lot, and parked near Sean, Roger looked over at the man, thoughts of curiosity running through his mind as to why the man thought it necessary to pay them a visit.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena shrugged, and the only reply RJ got out of Regina was a very wide, almost evil grin.

Regina broke the silence first as the window rolled down.

"Sean you son of a gun, what's it been, four years, five? What are you doing here?"
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Sean looked at Regina. "Keeping my boss from potentially making Atlanta look like Banner and Blonsky visited the city. Also, one of us needed to check on the sudden disappearance."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

"Gotcha. Let me guess, your boss is Chris right?"
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger face flushed at the grin Regina gave him. He hadn't been expecting that! "She's... Serious..." he realized, and began to wonder who really felt more lust towards the other...

After the exchange of words, Roger peeked his head from behind Regina, in such a way that Sean would very likely notice the way the two were in the car, with Regina on his lap. "What disappearance?" he asked.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Sean sighed at Regina's remark. "His idea to say nothing, not mine. And I'm guessing that you've already met the reason why I was concerned. As for the disappearance, Regina's locator beacon on her communicator blinked out under suspicious circumstances."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena nodded to Sean.

"Something tells me that there's more your not telling us, what's up?"

Regina nodded to Sean.

"Remind me to kick his ass later then, for four god damn years he's let me think he was dead? And you too?"
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Sean shook his head slightly at Regina's comment, and seemed to be about ready to reply, when he suddenly stopped and blinked once. RJ would realize that it was the first time he'd seen Sean blink. Even when he'd been giving the briefing before Chris came in prior to the Nigeria mission, he'd never blinked the entire time.

Leena, however, would by now know the significance of that: Something had majorly surprised Sean.

Before anyone could ask, he pointed at the stone RJ had around his neck. "Where the hell did you get that?" Sean's emphasis of the last word was clear.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger jumped a little, and looked surprised himself, "Oh-shit! I'd forgotten about it!" Looking down at the stone. Roger suddenly got lost in it for a moment, and suddenly, Sean heard Roger utter a phrase, almost as if under some trance,

"The danger is great, yet the path must be walked..."

Roger blinked, and looked up at Sean, a little confused himself.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

The immediate response wasn't verbal, but Sean blinked again. Then, he managed to speak again. "The hell? Where did you hear that? And why the hell do you have one of my great grandfather's mementos?"
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger realized he needed to be in a better position, and looked over to Regina, who was still on his lap, "I hate to break your heart," he told her, grabbing her by the hips, and gently giving her a nudge, "but I've got some explaining to do." he said, silently suggesting she free him from being trapped under her ass...
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Regina obliged, moving swiftly out of the car, a tad confused but a thought forming in her mind that she was sure was impossible.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Once he was free, Roger moved out of the car, though not quite as swiftly as Regina, given how worn, and a little banged up he was. He walked over to Sean, and past him, patting him on the shoulder, "Come on, I'm pretty sure this is only meant for you." he told him.

One way or another, if Sean agreed to let it be secret or not, Roger explained all he knew, "Something happened that caused us, me, Leena, and Regina, to be caught in a time rift, about a few hours from now, I think. We got warped to a time where Wesker pretty much won the fight, and we had to find our way back." he explained, "I'm pretty sure there are alternate versions of our past selves in the city right now, and-wait..." Roger suddenly stopped, and thought for a moment, putting a hand to the side of his head, "We didn't take the car with us into the rift... And when we came back, the car was just kinda there... What happened to our past selves if we have your car!?!" he shouted in Leena and the other's direction.
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Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Regina answered.

"I'm betting that our past selves got erased from the space-time with the adjustments I made. Which means events have already changed. Wesker obviously hasn't come here, so where DID he go then?"
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Sean nodded at Regina's explanation. "That, as far as I know of the rifts, is exactly what happened. And yes, I have been keeping up with that development, in case someone who shouldn't develops an interest in it." It's left unsaid, but it would be fairly obvious from his tone that he meant Wesker by that last comment. "As for where he went...We're working on that."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger thought for a moment, and shrugged, shaking his head, and finishing what he started before getting riled up over Wesker again. His vengeance will have to come at another time.

"Anyway," Roger continued, "this guy with purple eyes showed up, I'm guessin' it was you, now that I think about it, stranger shit's already happened." he said with a shrug, "Then, the guy gave me this stone, and said that someone I know would recognize it, and that if I said, 'The danger is great, yet the path must be walked,' you'd understand." he explained.

"I'm guessing it's something your pop used to say," he said, "But, that sounds like encouragement to go on, no matter what if you ask me. And that's just stupid." Roger lifts his left hand, and points it at himself, "Real motivation comes from within, you can't do anything, not even suck on your own thumb if you don't believe in yourself."

He then laughed a little, and scratched his nose with the thumb he used to point at himself, "Hell, just look at me. I'm just a normal human," he hesitated on the last part, as if unsure, "and yet I can still get just as much shit done as you or Chris. That's because I don't give up, I keep going, and push myself to the limit.

"You never lose until you give up."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Sean kind of paused for a minute before responding. "It's possible it was me...I do have one ability that causes my eyes to glow a dark purple, and I'd thrown the stone in a temporal rift a few years back, because a bunch of crazy fucks became convinced that it had some kind of mystical powers or something like that...I had been carrying it with me for some years, and no signs of anything unusual had come prior to that. If you don't mind, though, I'd kind of like to have it back. You've gotten into enough of a mess already because of us, you don't need those nuts to deal with, as well. As for the comment..."

He sighed before continuing. "It wasn't encouragement, or anything my father said...It was a warning. For some years now, even before the whole mess six years ago, I'd been tracking Wesker, as well as a man named Spencer, trying to determine what they were really up to. Things had begun to become clear about four months prior to her bringing you folks in. I'm thinking whoever it was that you encountered was wanting to warn me that we need to be able to go all out on this one at a moment's notice. Which means getting back, and soon."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger grabbed the loop around his neck, taking the stone off, and handing it to Sean. "Damn straight," he said in total agreeance, "Sounds like this guy knew what he was talking about. Never hesitate, and you can count on your opponent to do the same." Roger scratched his head with his left hand idly, "One thing's for sure though, I got a really strong feeling that if anything's going down, it's going to be back at Nigeria." he claimed, "I don't know what it is, but certain things, and this feeling in my gut is telling me that if I want a piece of Wesker, I need to go to Nigeria."

If Leena was feeling around at the time, she'd likely pick up a very... alien feeling from Roger at that moment, as if it wasn't Roger at all she was feeling, but something else entirely...
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Sean puts the stone around his own neck, stuffing inside his shirt, under the leather jacket, then responds to RJ's Nigeria comment in a military officer style tone. "Base first. No one is going after Wesker without a plan. Or backup. I'm not going to allow any of you to go after him without at least getting better weapons and gear. We've already lost people because they jumped in to a situation too fast, and I'm kind of tired of having to drag out the damn suit."