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Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Leena said nothing in reply, merely nodding her head and laying back. She'd need to be rested if she was going to take over driving at some point, and she didn't intend to be dozing off behind the wheel.

Nevertheless, she placed a hand on his shoulder briefly, giving it a small reassuring squeeze. Unspoken was the thought of "we're doing everything we can. Just get there in one piece and we'll handle it."

((You want to take it to a travel thread or just have them arrive there?))

( A little of both :) )

Roger was once again a little surprised at how kindly Leena would treat him. As her hand touched his shoulder, and squeezed it, he felt a relaxing chill run through his core. For a moment, he was reminded of a time when he was very young, and he was laying in his mother's bed. She was rubbing his back, to help him sleep, just like she did almost every night, before he got older. The calm, wonderful memory, as well as the familiar sensation that ran through him, helped Roger relax.

"... I've gotta check on my mother to..."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Some time passed until she finally stopped, mostly because she had finally fallen asleep. Roger might wonder if she'd even slept since he'd left for Africa, or if she'd trained herself to fall asleep when she knew she might not have the chance for a while.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena would have a rather restful sleep, undisturbed by Roger, even after the sun had risen in the sky, and Roger himself had felt ready for sleep even before Leena passed out. At that moment, when Leena would be slowly waking up, Roger was only awake due to his sheer determination to get to Georgia as fast as possible. As soon as she awoke, she'd notice two things, should she happen to look in the general direction; First, was a sign that mentioned they were in Tennessee, and second, if she looked at Roger, his eyes would appear very bloodshot, and his face looked very stressed out. And, not only was the car just about running on empty, Roger appeared to be running on empty himself, going as far as sacrificing his personal health, just to stay awake.

He was very focused on driving, and it would appear he could focus on little else, as he didn't notice Leena awaken...
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

She softly spoke to him.

"Roger, we need gas amongst other things, about half a mile up the road is a gas station. Pull in there, let's fuel up and I'll finish the driving until we get to Atlanta. Get some rest, your not going to do anyone any good if you keel over from exhaustion."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Despite how much Roger wanted to claim that he was fine to keep driving after they had gotten some gas, he found that there was a severe lack of energy inside him, not even enough to form an argument against Leena. He only remained silent after she was finished speaking, as he pulled into the exit, headed towards the gas station.

Once he pulled up next to a pump, he groggily got out of the driver's seat, and(assuming Leena's action to help things progress, while still going at a desired in-depth pace,) was lead by Leena firmly, to make sure he got some sleep, while she pumped, and payed for the gas.

Once Leena returned to the inside of the car, Roger was easily fast asleep, the position he was in suggestion that sleep came quick, as it looked slightly uncomfortable, with his neck bent over his shoulder...
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Gently, so not to disturb him, she moved him into a more comfortable position, then when she was sure everything was set and ready to go, pulled out of the station and back onto the main roads.

It would be several more hours before they reached Atlanta at least, and the miles passed by them rapidly. Had Roger been awake he would have noticed that she never once looked at a map, it was as if she knew how to get there by memory.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger stayed sound asleep throughout the rest of the day on the road. However, some time into the night, right near when they were reaching the Georgia state line, as if by some sense of familiarity, Roger felt himself taken away from his much needed rest, and Leena would find him stretching, and moaning as he slowly woke up.

"Ugh..." he groaned, "Are we there...?" he asked groggily. If they followed the interstate, by the time Roger began to wake up, it was only half an hour before they'd reach the edge of the city Roger was born and raised in.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

"We're still about twenty minutes or so out, maybe thirty. We've made pretty good time. I'm not sure what part of Atlanta we need to head in to, so once we get near that I'll need you to either direct me, or you can take over, whichever you prefer."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger gestured with his hand at the general road they were following, "Just keep following this road... Once we find the Georgia Institute of Technology, that's when we're getting near my neighborhood." he told her.

Roger would give her directions along the main roads, until they reached a neighborhood district, which he told her to enter. "This is where me and Eddy lived... If anyone knows if the others are safe, it's Eddy." he claimed.

"Eddy's house is just at the culdesac up there..." he told Leena, seeming eager to reach his friend's place, to find out if everyone is okay...
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena continued to drive on, following Roger's directions.

Once they had arrived, Leena stopped the car, looking around.

There was a small black camaro in the driveway, and something about that set off warning bells in her head. She extended her abilities out ever so slightly, and nearly recoiled when hers touched something .... inhuman.

"What the hell is that?"

She didn't seem to realize she'd spoken out loud, nor that she's flinched hard enough for RJ to notice.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger's eyes narrowed at the sight of the black camaro. "Nobody with a car like that would be in Eddy's driveway..." Roger concluded, before quickly turning to Leena, and opening the car door, "Stay here, keep your eyes open, and lock the doors!" he told her, before hopping out of the car, and progressing with silent, but quick footing along the yard of Eddy's house, hoping to find a quiet way inside, so that he might check to see if his friend's alright.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

She nodded.

"Be careful Roger. I connected to something and ... it isn't human."

When Roger got inside, after several minutes of checking, he heard a man's voice behind him.

"Well well, it's about time you arrived here. I would have figured it would have taken you much less time to arrive here Roger. How foolish of you to come without a team, not that it would do you any good."

A look behind him revealed a figure in an army style tank top with a vest matching, blackish shorts and crazily enough, black sunshades. He had blondish colored hair, and stood a good half foot taller than Roger.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

"... Mother fucker..." Roger cursed, before his knife was immediately in his hand, and he was slashing at the man behind him.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger felt the blade swing at the man ....

Who just suddenly was no longer there in front of him, but behind him, slamming him in the back with the palm of his hand, sending Roger flying into the wall.

"Amusing, yet pathetic, but I think you misunderstand my visit here. I lured you here to speak with you."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger let out a breathless gasp of pain as the man's palm connected with his back, and sent him colliding with the wall. Roger landed on the ground, coughing and gasping for air, as the impact did a large number on his lungs. "Damn it... I saw it coming too... But he's just so fucking fast... Even as I tried to move out of the way... He still got me..."

Roger gasped and choked for some time on the ground, before barely getting his footing once more, his legs wobbling from the blow landed upon him, "What's to misunderstand?" he asked with a growl. Roger coughed a few more times, and almost felt like he was ready to cough up blood. "My friend's gone, and there's a mother fucking monster where he should be." Roger did his best to go back into an attacking pose, "No, I think I understand quite fucking well!" he exclaimed.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

The man laughed.

"Your friend as you call him is perfectly fine, just sleeping some. After all, killing him isn't high on my agenda. Unless you want it to be that way."

Another laugh.

"You recently acquired something I want, and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about since I know your working with Chris MacLeod. Now you have two options. You hear me out on my offer and perhaps everything will be fine. Or you can sit here and defy me, and watch as your friend and the two women suffer very slow, painful deaths, followed by yourself."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger twisted his lips, "You want me to play ball? Then how about you answer some of my questions first?" he offered, but didn't wait for a response, "There was an explosion at the prison I was in, and I can't help but think someone planned on killing me... I'm just dying to know who's so much of a fan of mine, that they'd go as far as to blow up an entire fucking prison just to try and kill me..."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

There was a small smirk at this.

"Ah yes, the prison explosion. That was nothing more than a method to toss off the authorities from the real development here. I assure you that you were not the target. Had you been, I could have just as easily killed you right now if I wanted to do that, and we both know it."

This likely meant HE had been responsible for it, but who was he?
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger grunted, "Fine, second question." he announced, "Out of everyone else you could have picked from to fuck with, why me? Because I wasn't a monster like them? An easy target?"
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

"More because your hometown was near where I needed to be anyway and it provided an easy move rather than travel elsewhere. And because deep down, your not all that different from me in the fact you do what you need in order to get ahead, to survive."

He very slightly adjusted his shades up, and for a moment there was a gleam of red under them.