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Ashley (thetwo)

Re: Ashley (thetwo)

A woman opened the door to the office at her knocking. A pretty woman, slender, somewhat shorter than shoulder length hair, and a small smile, she beckoned Ashley in.

"Hello, you just left your first time in the EGG, right?" she mentioned, closing the door. "Oh, and everything said in this office is confidential, nothing you say will leave this room."
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"Yes. The man said something about permanent effects? What kind?"
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"Nothing permanent, just possible short term mental changes, usually in sexually related thoughts and inhibitions. We'd like to take a look for a moment, if you'd sit here" She mentions a lab chair with a device that would fit around her head.

"Oh, and I need to ask you a few questions about you experience, if you don't mind."
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley let the nurse guide her to the seat, and put the contraption on. She reached up and felt her neck, halfway expecting to feel a collar, but of course there wasn't one.

"Okay, but I'd appreciate it if I could get out of here as soon as you're sure I'm okay."
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

The nurse nods. "That's fine. Anyways, here's the first set of questions." She clears her thought

"First off, I'd like you to describe your feelings as the game progressed, and how they changed, including what changed them and...how, it changed them"
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"Well I... that's a big question. I felt betrayed and violated, which I was, and that didn't really change most of the time, except for a while when I started beating things, which was I guess kinda satisfying. But then I was captured and we were back to square one."

Ashley thought for a moment, not wanting to let her suddenly flaring embarrassment get in the way of possible health issues.

"I guess the only other change was that one time when it wasn't so rough near the end, I didn't hate it so much."
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"I see..." she nods. He looks back to the machine for a moment before turning back. "And...one last question. Do you think you've majorly changed because of your experiences?"

When she answers, she looks back to the machine, having finished it's scan. "Anyways, the scan is done, interested in what it say?"
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"I don't think so. I mean, I hope not. And yea, I guess I should read the scan."

Ashley accepts the results, and reads them, almost curious to see what they say about her.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"Alright" The nurse says as she reads off the results, which when Ashley glimpses are in a jargon she can't understand.

"I see...it seems that you're actually pretty disturbed at the whole experience, although sexual thoughts are a bit higher, aren't very good. And inhibitions...well I can't quite make sense of that here." She ponders for a moment before continuing.

"Overall, it seems like you had a bad experience, and I'd like to apologize on behalf of the company for that. If you really wish to not remember the time inside, we might be able to help you with that." she says, finishing.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley looks surprised at that last bit.

"You can do that? That... might be for the best, actually. There are certain people I'm not feeling too friendly towards right now..."
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"Well, not all at once" the nurse corrects. "But, if you take these pills." She takes out a small pill container. "Once a day for a week, your memories of the time inside will fade fairly quickly."

She shakes her head sadly. "Although it's somewhat depressing that this has to be an option, we know that not all experiences turn out to well, especially when one underestimates the settings."
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley accepts the pills, and pops one immediately, dry.

"Yes, thank you. Am I free to go?"
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

The nurse nods. "Yes, of course, I think you know where to find the lobby, right? Anyways, have a nice day."

Ashley feels not much from the pill, the sharpest edges are taken off the most painful memories, but they're still mostly their.

When Ashley reaches the lobby, she sees her 'friends' sitting around in a circle, looking bored.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley looks at the girls, astonished that they dared to show their faces so soon after she got out. She wasn't pleased.

"Was this your idea of a joke!? What the hell did you think you were doing?"

Sarah was the one to speak up.

"Um... well, we had fun, but we were kinda curious about what some of the settings were like..."
"And what, you thought that the appropriate way to find out was to turn them all to the worst and send someone in who didn't know what the hell they were doing?"
"Ah, well, at first we just put a few new ones on, and on a low setting. But then we realized you probably wouldn't actually do any of them if you had the choice..."
"Well you were damn right about that. So instead you let it rape me! Over and over!"
"Well... when you put it that way... we just thought you could do with a little, you know, pleasure, now that it's summer. And we maybe helped it along a bit."
"A bit. You told me to use insane mode! I shouldn't talk to any of you ever again, after what you did!"

And for a while, she didn't. But she took the pills, and the memories faded, until eventually she wasn't sure what had been quite so bad. By the end of summer she was only really sure that she'd had a fight, and she slowly came back to her old friends, who didn't bother her about the EGG again. But one of the girls disappeared from their little group. Sarah never showed up again after that day, and since she had been the focus of Ashley's anger, she didn't look too closely into it.

But behind the scenes, everything was not quite as it seemed.
"Sarah. Do you happen to know why she was so upset? When we agreed on settings, there was no mention of 'insane mode', and I seem to recall agreeing that we shouldn't be too hard on Ashley, all in all."
"Well... I might have tweaked things a..."
"Look, I'm not saying that what you did was rape. But I am saying that I don't want to see you again until you've gone through something at least as bad as what poor Ashley had to endure. And if I do see you, or if I find out you've been near Ashley again..."
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Re: Ashley (thetwo)

And thus Ashley's trial was to an end. Her friends had made up somewhat, and someday, might find out exactly what happened to her.

Mostly Bad End

The Unseen Epilogue

It was dark, cold, and scary. Ashley was sitting on a wooden horse, being roughly carried through the labyrinth, pressed against a girl she didn't know. It would probably be easy to blame her for this mess, but Ashley couldn't bring herself to do that.

She eventually passed out, being tired. She woke up, much like she had the first time, in a small cell, a collar with a rope tied to a wall. Though she also felt the wooden horse still there, she was still blindfolded, gagged with a pair of panties held in with a cleave gag. She felt her breasts were held tight, bound up with rope, and also could tell that she was bound to someone else, likely the elf girl she had tried to rescue.

Ashley was bound, back to back with the other girl, both sitting on a wooden horse, somehow with dildos attached so they were both violated, they were slightly too large, likely on purpose. Their hands were bound in front of the others chest, giving them almost no movement as their ankles were tied to their thighs, holding their legs close so that they couldn't use them for any support on the horse. A small tentacle pounded both of them in the ass, with alternating thrusts. Both moaning from the violations, the two wondered when it would end.

It didn't, not for an entire day, which they were both awake for, it seems this tentacle had had lessons from the typical slime. Their first indication it was over was when the blindfolds were ripped off their heads.

Both slaves saw the small room they were in, almost no light except for a small torch on the wall.

"Two pretty slaves, and all mine, to boot." the slaver said as he got them off the horse. They were both able to see each other's face for the first time, and Ashley could see the other girl crying, an apologetic look on her face that Ashley had to endure these torments because she had failed to rescue her.

Both girls were trained for an entire year on how to serve their master, it wasn't long before the elf broke completely and gave in, Ashley still trying to remember it was just a game, as she was going through this all in first person. But eventually she broke too, and the two served their master as slaves, almost never apart, bound to each other and both serving all the time.

Terrible End
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