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Ashley (thetwo)

Re: Ashley (thetwo)

10 vs 3
14 vs 10

Ashley brings her staff down on the man she attacked earlier, the weaker looking one. A solid hit on the shoulder sends him sprawling before the combat really begins. The other man rushes at Ashley, bowling into her and knocking her off her feet. The bastard even groped her in the attack, it felt good, but after all her torment, she never wanted to be touched again.

Slaver II 2/3
Ashley 4/6 FP
(And already hardened stops Ashley from getting aroused.)
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley growls in anger as the man gropes her naked body, and again manages to ignore what it must be like to be carried on the horse. With her first target already down, she swings goes for the other. She doesn't mess around, or try to show mercy to a slaver, going straight for the head.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

3 vs 6
11 vs 4

Ashley tries for the head, the man dodging out of the side as he bowls into her again, sending her flying and landing face down. Before she can really move, he's started to grope her nether region, and Ashley starts to feel warm.

Slaver II 2/3
Ashley 3/6 FP 1/5 AP
Re: Ashley (thetwo)


Ashley lets out an involuntary shout as the man fingers her, outraged that he seems to be ignoring her attacks in favor of lewdly touching her. Of course, maybe there was a point - she could feel her arousal now, only mild compared to what she'd felt before, but still distracting, and she can feel her mind already placing her on that horse behind the other girl...

She shakes her head and stands up, bringing a sweeping upward stroke against the second man.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

8 vs 17
9 vs 6

Ashley tries to smack the man again, but he breaks off before she can, he charges into her again as she gets up, pinning her against the wall as he moves in to kiss her while his hand fingers her. She can't help but get aroused.

Slaver II 2/3
Ashley 2/6 FP 2/5 AP
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley pushed the man away, all too aware that she was now wet. And the man seemed to be a better fighter then her, easily dodging her blows, and connecting with his own. But it was far too late to back out, and she tried for a blow to his chest with the tip of her stick, hoping to knock him to the ground.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

3 vs 16
5 vs 11

Ashley tries to hit the man again, as he dodges to the side, he really was good at this. But she manages to keep him away the next time he charges her, using her staff to help direct her movements.

Slaver II 2/3
Ashley 2/6 FP 2/5 AP
14 vs 18
5 vs 12

Ashley presses the attack, knowing she has to win this, but the man is too good, evading her blows. But she's also gotten better, as the fight becomes a sort of dance, neither combatant landing a solid hit

Slaver II 2/3
Ashley 2/6 FP 2/5 AP
12 vs 15
18 vs 20

The dance continues Ashley thrusting and waving her staff expertly, while the man dodges and block, also unable to get Ashley again, who knew how long this could continue, all the while the sounds scaring the poor girl, blindfolded and unable to see what's going on, a rescue? Would she be free?

Slaver II 2/3
Ashley 2/6 FP 2/5 AP
12 vs 18
15 vs 21
5 vs 10
11 vs 19
8 vs 5
16 vs 10

The dance continued for a long time, the sounds echoing down the halls, as the two combatants neither gave ground. The man finally gets a hit off on Ashley as she smacks him in the head with her staff, he looks dazed, but a solid hit on either party would spell loss for them

Slaver II 1/3
Ashley 1/6 FP 2/5 AP
9 vs 19
11 vs 2

Sadly, it was Ashley who failed in her defense first, tripping over herself as she tried to evade the man, falling hard to the ground as he placed a booted foot on her...

"That was a workout...I'm gonna enjoy you."

The other captive started to cry as she heard this, her rescue failed.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

As the man taunted her, Ashley felt tears start to run down her cheek. She had escaped... only to get herself captured again, when she could have fled rather then trying to rescue the girl. The computer program who looked like a girl. It was stupid.

And now not only would she face punishment for running away from the man she had to call Master, but she would probably be used by the man she'd tried to knock unconscious. And then it would be much more difficult to escape again.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"I don't know where you came from, but you're a pretty one. I'm gonna make good use of you before we go."

The man pulled down his pants, his member already hard, he pressed down on Ashley's chest to make sure she didn't get any funny ideas before he grasped her hands and forced them down, forcing her legs apart as she lay on her back.

The mans cock was long hard and thick, overall a bit too much in each dimension, as he forced his way inside her not at all gently. He fucked her hard and long. Thrusting his member in deep each time. Eventually he came, pressing inside hard one last time, letting it all go out inside her. "Heh, not bad, I bet you get good use of it, don't you slut?"

He lifts her up and forced her on the wooden horse, facing the girl already on it. She can get a good luck at her now, a slender body, fairly small breasts, her face terror filled. Her long dark green hair going all the way to below her waist. Ashley glimpses the girls ears poking out...an elf? Was all she had time to think before she was forcefully tied down to the horse, it already violating her womanhood, she let out a scream as some panties were stuffed into her mouth and held in with a gag. A blindfold going over her eyes as she felt her her arms being placed like the other girls, in stocks, also connected to her neck.

As a last torment, she felt the man tying the two captive close together, forcing them into an uncomfortable sitting position, with their breasts touching.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley didn't reply to the man's insults, sure that she would only get herself into more trouble. If that were possible. Between the size of his member and her existing arousal, she was brought almost to the point of orgasm by his rape, but some mental fortitude allowed her to hold on to at least some of her dignity by not giving him the pleasure of seeing her cum.

That didn't last once she was positioned on the horse. She orgasmed while the man was restraining her, and heard his nasty chuckle as he roughly finished tying her. The panties in her mouth felt like a strange touch. It wasn't like she had been wearing any when she escaped, which meant he was carrying an extra pair for some reason. Perhaps it was a standard way to humiliate a slave, but with the horse digging into her it was hard to care.

The final indignity was positioning her such that her breast touched the other girl's. Ashley became quickly aware that she was held against a woman, as both of their nipples grew hard and sensitive. It wasn't something Ashley had felt before, but compared to everything else it was a minor discomfort at worst.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Game Over Roll: 2 vs 12
As Ashley was wondering what would happen next, she could see a screen, even with her blindfold.

"Game Over, now preparing to exit game. View Epilogue? Y/N?"
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Finally, I lost. It's over, I don't have to do any more...

Ashley moaned in relief, but she could still feel the horse inside her, and just as she mentally reached out to select "no" she came. And when her mind cleared, the prompt was gone.

She wasn't sure if she had actually somehow selected "yes" in her extacy, or if the prompt had timed out, or if something nefarious had forced the decision for her, but it seemed that her trial wasn't over yet...
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

It seems that Ashley's worries were for not, as the world started to fade away, all senses being lost. She felt weightless and no long tired, violated, or anything.

She opened her eyes and found herself back inside the EGG, as it was opening.

In the room she saw a man in a white lab coat sitting at a table with an empty chair next to it. He wasn't paying much attention and was twiddling his thumbs, as he finally noticed her.

"Oh? That was unexpected, you must have gotten a game over if you were out so quick." the man mentioned. "Anyways, if you have time, we'd like to do a little interview on your experience."
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley gasped and sat up straight, taking a moment to realize that she was out of the game. It had just taken a moment to register her choice, or made a display error... she felt relieved. She wouldn't be punished.

Then her hand went to her crotch, expecting to feel it soaked through from all the times she had orgasmed in the game. But the man had said "short time."

"Short time? How long was I in there?"
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Her crotch was quite dry, the man made no reaction, apparently that was a standard reaction.

"Only about two hours." The man said. "Anyways, was it enjoyable?"
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"It felt... longer. And I don't think I'll be doing it again. I need to talk to my friends."

Ashley tried to keep her cool. She had great reason to be angry, but with her so-called friends, not with this man.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"Well, yes, the game does compress time quite a bit. And no? Very well. Anyways, you're probably hungry, and I'd like to ask you to stop by the nurses office on the way out, so make sure there were no adverse effects." The man mentioned.

"And if you have any questions before you god, I'd like to answer what I can."
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley gets up and walks unsteadily to the door, but stops before exiting to ask one question.
"Were any of the people in there real, or were they all NPC's?"
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"They were all NPCs, we don't currently have multiplayer." The man gives a quick nod. "Well, have a good day, Miss." He says as she leaves.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley feels slightly relieved that she didn't leave someone else to suffer slavery in game, at least not a real person. She also feels somewhat embarrassed that she risked what would surely have felt like days of rape to save a computer program, but then she hadn't actually had to go through with it. Well, not all of it.

She walked to the nurse's office.