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Ashley (thetwo)


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Ashley Autumn.
Age: 19
Physical Description: A short redhead with bright green eyes and moderate build. She is faintly pretty, and doesn't take the effort to appear excessively attractive when she isn't actively dating, which she currently isn't.

Mental Description: Brought up to value education, she is attending college on a scholarship. Promising her mother that she wouldn't let drink or parties interfere with her study, and that she wouldn't have casual sex, was hardly unusual, but her dedication to keeping her word was.

So naturally when her friends tried to convince her to help test out a new "game" the weekend before finals, with vague hints that it might be risqué in nature, she refused. But they didn't let up, and eventually they made her promise to play through an entire game. And to let them choose the settings, since they knew what they were doing.

She would, of course, keep her word. One game, all the way through, no matter what. It never occurred to her that her friends might give her settings that they themselves wouldn't use themselves, just to see if she'd really do it.

Ashley has a fairly dirty mind at the moment, as she's abstained from sex for the entire school year, and no longer has studies to focus on. She doesn't let it show, but it's capable of surprising even her.

Ashley arrived at the large building, home of CHAMBER Corp. Headquaters. She'd been told by her friends that they'd gotten her all set up for a testing of the new EGG, but her friends made her promise not to look it up. She arrived inside, the receptionist being a nice lady who told her she was all set to go in, apperntly her friends had managed to prearrange the game settings for her.

Humans: Y 2
Male/Female: Y 2
Female/Female: Y 3
Pregnancy: Y 4
Birthing: Y 4
Non Consent Sex: Y 5
Slavery: Y 4
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 4

Already started up, Ashley sat down in the comfortable plush chair, the thing quickly closing around her. She was presented with a few choices, she was informed that usually settings come first, but again, that had been prearranged.

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)
Haunted Ship(?)
Cursed Castle(?)
And an odd fourth option, with a field to perhaps enter her own idea.
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Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley settled herself down into the chair, and tried to relax. Her friends had each done this several times, and they'd gone ahead and fine-tuned the settings for her. Great.

The way they all seemed to be laughing up their sleeves as they told her what to do... less great. Sarah had even blushed. So there was probably some sort of sex. Well, it had been a while since she'd had any, but it wasn't like she was a virgin. It might even be fun, in a controlled setting and without the risk of... consequences.

She looked at the screen. Difficulty. She hesitated a moment with her finger over "insane", remembering that Sarah had told her that the others were far too easy. But she hadn't actually promised to do that, and they hadn't gone out of their way to choose the difficulty for her, so it probably wasn't important. She choose hard, figuring it would be a nice balance between the "too easy" she had been warned about and her general lack of skill at video games.

As for which level... she'd been told they all were good, and furthermore changed fairly often. After another moment's thought, she selected Labyrinth
figuring her good sense of direction might give her an edge. After all, if she was going to play, she was going to play to win.

Then she settled back and waited for it to start.
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Re: Ashley (thetwo)

The world faded to black around her. It was loading, taking just under a half a minute, Ashley watched as her world constructed around her. Though there wasn't much to see, starting in a small room, lit with a torch on the wall, a doorway into a hallway, with another torch.

But it was detailed, the stones having cracks, the ceiling dripping some sort of liquid here and there, and the cold feel of stone...wait, the cold feel of stone?

Looking down, she saw that most of her clothes were gone. She was wearing partial thighhighs which only covered part of her feet, leaving most of it open for the cold stone. A small skirt which barely hid the simple white panties, and only a ragged shirt, her bra also a simple white.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Interesting. They weren't kidding when they said "full VR." I had rather assumed that it would be just vision and sound. This is actually kinda cool.

She looked over her person. Her body seemed exactly the same, but they seemed to have left off most of the clothing. Typical video game designers. Still, could be worse. They could have done that and given her breasts so large she shouldn't be able to walk.

Ashley peered down the torch-lit hallway. Then she gathered her resolve and called out.

"Ready or not, here I come!"

Having gotten that out of her system, she took her first steps out of the room, staying on the left side of the corridor.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Stepping outside the room, Ashley looked around, noticing quickly a large blue green creature, looking something like...puddy? Slime?

Well, whatever it was, it had noticed her and was coming towards her. Taking a quick look around, she saw a worn spear, which she grabbed, it was better than her hands after all.

Slime 3/3 HP
Ashley 4/4 FP 0/3 AP
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley hesitated for a moment. Sticking spearing into everything that moved was of course wrong, but this was a video game, however real it felt. And for that matter, an animated puddle was hardly the most realistic thing in the world, no matter how real it looked.

She awkwardly jabbed the spear into it, not really sure how best to hold the thing, but at least getting the right end pointed at what she could only assume was an enemy.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

15 vs 20+2
Jabbing the spear forward, Ashley looked like she would get a good hit, but the thing just sort of formed itself away from it...
5+2 vs 6
She saw the slime leap at her, unable to do anything in time as it lands on top of her, encasing her legs up to her knees. The slime feels odd, as if it's trying to tickle her legs, but she manages to keep focus, except for the draining feeling the slime was having on her strength

Slime 3/3 HP
Ashley 3/4 FP 0/3 AP
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley shuddered, more at the obviously artificial tiredness that she felt then at the feel of the slime. It was obviously some sort of health system in a world where the clients probably don't want to feel actual puncture wounds and similar.

"Well, you're more agile then you look, but maybe I can use that."

Ashley held her spear just to the right of her right leg and stabbed down, hoping that she'd either hit the slime or force it to move enough to pull her leg free.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

7+1(good idea!) vs 6+2
Stabbing down, she saw as the slime hesitated to chose between letting her go and taking the blow, it hesitated a bit too long, the spear jamming into it, flicking the spear forward, the slime going with it, releasing her legs.
20+2 vs 7 (Crit)
The slime wasn't very happen at this, and rushed forward, almost expanding as it bowled her over, knocking her off her feet. She didn't land on the ground those, as she found herself stuck chest deep in the slime, she watched as her clothes dissolved where the slime was, feeling a tingly feeling, but managing to ignore the effect for the moment, keeping her head clear.

Slime 2/3 HP
Ashley 1/4 FP 0/3 AP
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"Frick, my clothes! That's not cool."

Ashley felt herself color with mixed embarrassment and anger. She managed to resist the urge to call out to her friends, who she somehow imagined to be watching, but there was a perfectly acceptable target for her anger right here.

There was no attempt at finesse or trickery this time, just a good old fashioned stabbin' of the "more full of holes then a cheesecloth" variety. She could feel the exhaustion weighing her down, and already regretted choosing hard mode, if this was the first enemy.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

3 vs 17+2 Counter
Just as Ashley is about to stab downwards, she watches as the slime surges upwards completely, engulfing the entirely of her body, she feels as the slime takes the spear away from her and discards it.

She finds, to her surprise, that the slime is breathable. As she discovered this, she feels herself unable to move. Part of the slime starts to feel hard, grinding against her pussy as the rest of her clothes dissolve away, excepting her leggings.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Oh, good. I get to keep my shoes. That's nice. It would be terrible if I had to walk over all this stone in bare feet.

The thought was detached, an attempt to find any sort of plus side to what was happening. The breathing thing was fine. Of course. She wasn't really covered head to toe in slime, some machine was just making her feel that way. So naturally it could allow her to breathe even if she wouldn't were she actually in that dungeon.

But all of this was just a means of distracting her from the most pressing concern, which was whatever was going on between her legs. How far would the thing go? Any doubts she might have had that there would be sexual content were officially gone, but what would the thing do to her. It wasn't like the slime had a penis, but here she was naked and helpless.

She felt a slight arousal at the friction of the slime over her pussy, and then immediately a blush at realizing she was being turned on.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley didn't have to wonder long, though entering her was not the first thing the slime did.

First she felt herself being turned upside down, so she could watch as the floor fell away, the slime latching into the ceiling above. She felt warm, the slime obviously having something to do with it. Then she felt odd all over, as if she was being licked, everywhere, all at once, including her nethers. This feeling was far to overpowering for the girl, who came to an orgasm almost instantly from it. This feeling continued as she felt hard tendrils of the slime form and enter her, both holes at once. They pounded in hard and relentlessly, causing pain, she cried out, starting to cry and wail in pain, as another tendril forced itself in her mouth and down her throat, now she understood why she could breath the slime.

The slime pushed her into all sorts of positions as it ravished her for hours, she quickly noticed that although she was tired when the slime was attacking her, she didn't seem to be getting tired, and she couldn't fall asleep or unconscious. She realized that no matter how hard the slime fucked her, she wouldn't black out, she'd be awake for it all. She started to cry as it was even more painful. It had already released its seed inside her multiple times, filling her and expanding her belly, just as she had climaxed almost four time already.

Hours passed.
When the slime finished, it deposited her on the ground, she blacked out instantly. Unable to stay awake any longer.

She woke up later, remembering everything vividly.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

As the slime lifted her to the ceiling and began licking her body, Ashley shuddered with arousal, the almost-forgotten feeling of an impending orgasm building already.

Maybe this won't be so bad, I mean, I'm really safe in a chair back in the real world, and I can think of worse ways to be reintroduced to sex then being gently licked all over my body...

At which point the slime's attention brought her to a shuddering orgasm. And it felt good. Instantly her breasts and pussy felt tender, as they usually did immediately after an orgasm. She waited for the beast to release her to the floor, punishment delivered... and instead let out a scream as twin rods seemed to push into her, causing pain rather then pleasure. Another hardened portion of slime forced itself deep into her throat and she started choking before she remembered that she could breathe through it.

For a moment she wondered if her actual body was being penetrated, or if it was as much imagination as the slime itself, but she didn't have the luxury of stray thoughts for long. Even as each thrust of the three thick phallic extrusions brought a scream of pain, it also slowly built pleasure, and before long she came again. And at the same time, she felt something hot shoot into her from all three penetrations, what felt like gallons of hot liquid, though it surely couldn't have been so much.

Okay... so that was bad. I'll be more careful...

But the things were already thrusting again, and her tortured body was forced to another orgasm. She tried to scream, but no words would come out, and she was reduced to silently begging, between orgasms, to at least be allowed to go unconscious as minutes stretched into hours.

Finally the beast let her go, and she blacked out.


Ashley awoke with a start and then a groan, as she remembered what had happened to her.

So. I guess that's why they didn't want me to see the settings. Hilarious. And I'm still here, that wasn't a "game over". Probably so they can do it again. Okay, think positive. This isn't really real. And probably if this is the sort of thing that goes on inside here they don't let anybody watch. That explains why Sarah didn't go into the building with me, I guess.

Ashley sat up slowly and took stock of her situation. She had a already planned to get out of here as fast as she could, but now there was an additional reason to never come back. Remembering how the slime had started, she mentally amended that to "never come back and let someone else choose the settings", blushing slightly.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley work up, tired and sore. The spear she had used was still lying next to her, and she spotted a pack nearby. Inside of it was a change of clothes and some rations.

The game had a few pop ups explaining how to use the items, rations could be used to restore fatigue, and clothes can actually be changed into any outfit the players wants.

(1 Change of clothes, 10 FP of rations)
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley tried to ignore the world around her for a moment while she collected herself properly. The clothing came out of the sack and she mechanically put it on, wincing as it pressed against her still-sore nethers. She tried to imagine what clothing she might want if she really could pick anything. Probably some iron panties to start... and while she was at it, perhaps iron everything else as well.

But for now she just put on what was there, and then tried to figure out how she was meant to change it before she went and designed an outfit.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

A small pop up properly explaining the clothes changer appears.

"In Game Knowledge Base - Clothes Changer
Whenever you have a set of clothes, or a change of clothes, you can change these clothes to whatever type of outfit you want, just by entering the clothes changer and thinking of the outfit you want!
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley reached out and tried to touch the blue words with her hand, not wanting to get stuck with the barely-rags she had worn before the slime.

Just thinking about it brought back an intense memory of it filling her with its cum while she helplessly orgasmed, and the pain as it kept pumping at her tender pussy. She tried to block it out, but whatever devices regulated her mind to make her feel tired after being knocked over by a slime, but refused to let her black out during hours of rape, seemed to go further then that, keeping the memory fresh.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

As she touches the blue words, the world fades for a moment, turning to grey as everything stops moving. She sees mirrors appear all around her, giving her a good view of herself from every side.

A helpful prompt.
"Welcome to the clothes changer! Design whatever outfit you like, just think!"
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley looked at the mirrors and decided to give the machine a test, imagining three outfits in turn.

First, she imagined herself with hair about a foot longer and done up in elaborate curls, extensive makeup, and a lacy green dress in the sort of antique fashion she'd always admired, complete with elbow-length white gloves. She also imagined her breasts as a size or two larger then they really were, with the intent of seeing just what she could get away with.

Next she put all that out of her mind and imagined a full suit of plate mail with a sword attached to the right gauntlet, as a medieval knight might wear, and a few spikes on the helm. Her intent here was to gauge the effect of something heavy in this fantasy world, and to see if it would let her get away with a weapon as part of her clothing.

Finally, she imagined the clothing she was wearing in the real world, but reinforced with carbon nano-tube mesh. Then she examined her work and tried to decide on how to use what she had learned of the rules to craft her final outfit.