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Ark City, North District

Re: Ark City, North District

"It is unlikely that your absence for the short time I will keep you will be catastrophic. The presence of the interloper, however, will be. The Survivors cannot deal with this presence. But you are outsiders. You can do whatever must be done to prevent this threat from growing."
Re: Ark City, North District

"Uh, when you say survivors... do you mean people DIRECTLY involved? Otherwise I might not be so helpful, but sure I'll do what I can."
Re: Ark City, North District

Max seemed puzzled for a moment, then spoke up. "Okay... Not sure how, but okay..."
Re: Ark City, North District

"You must think unconventionally to stop this. The Old One can help you. Return now, but remember my words."

A circle of fire appeared in the air in front of them and expanded into a ring that showed the doors of the school through it.
Re: Ark City, North District

Max sighed, then passed through.
Re: Ark City, North District

They found themselves standing just outside the doors of the school. Oddly enough, though aware that something was occurring in front of them, both men found it very difficult to focus; thoughts seemed to slip away almost as soon as they formed...
Re: Ark City, North District

James began to draw upon the will he'd developed when learning to re-form. Taking a long drag from his cigarette.

"Just... throw us right into the, uhhhhh, shit why don't you?"
Re: Ark City, North District

Max takes about half a step past the "portal", then stops to shake his head slightly, as if trying to clear it.
Re: Ark City, North District

Ahead of them, in front of the doors, things seemed almost frozen, as if in tableau.

The coach had one arm extended, holding back the blond biker girl from the pub, who had her hands over her mouth. A tall, exotic-looking student in workout gear had Kelly in a bear-hug around her waist and was holding her up off the ground despite her efforts to break free. Another student was standing over a figure on the ground, hands raised in an attack pose, magic formed over her fists like fiery orange bucklers. The figure on the ground...

Every time they tried to focus on that figure, their thoughts flowed away like swift water. The only thing they could say for certain was that black leather flowed away from it; probably a long coat. The figure had one end of a heavy black chain in hand. The chain seemed to be surrounded by a sickly green glow.

The other end of the chain was wrapped around a hovering figure that the others were all staring at. An odd pinkish-purple energy swirled around her like winged armor, and shadow swirled over her face, so that all that could be seen were her glowing blue eyes.
Re: Ark City, North District

After taking a moment to finish re-orienting himself, Max quietly checked his armor's systems, making sure that the better options for a non-lethal capture were set. He also prepared to cloak, just in case. Taking a bit of a breath, he took a full step closer.

((Loadout settings: Injectors set for the sedatives, Cannisters set for net.))
Re: Ark City, North District

James flicked his cigarette to the ground.

Can't take it with me...

"There's a pretty good chance that I can free the 'captive', but I'm not sure I should... Your call, we're out of my element now."
Re: Ark City, North District

"Neither am I." Max shook his head.
Re: Ark City, North District

The glowing eyes fell on the two men. A short phrase in a harsh, gutteral language, and the chain snapped with a loud crash. The armored figure rose up above the school and flew off into the darkness.
Re: Ark City, North District

Max flat out stopped. "Oh, that can't be good..."
Re: Ark City, North District

There was a leathery crack, and the fog cleared from their minds almost immediately. For just a split second, they could see that the "long coat tails" were in fact black wings before they disappeared. The wings were attached to a student in a cheerleader's outfit; in the back of their minds, the animal-instinct part of them was saying she was the most beautiful thing they'd ever seen - flawless porcelain skin and long, flowing strawberry-blond hair. But now, she was curled into a tight ball on the ground.

The coach spoke up. "Lem, put Kelly down and get everyone back inside while we deal with this."

"But, Dad, I can-"

"Ko a koutou kaumeá iho, ka haere i roto i teie nei!"

With a sigh, he put Kelly down, but didn't let go; as soon as her feet hit concrete, she began trying to pull away toward the other girls. Before she could say anything, however, the biker spoke up.

"Allen...that wa...that...that was Cara!"

"No, Amelie, it wasn't. Not anymore."

Amelie shook herself out of her shock as best she could. She turned to the students and said, "Desi will be all right, you'll see. I don't think that - whatever it was - did anything to her. Cherie, get your sister inside and find out what happened, as best you can." Once the students had left, she turned to Allen. "We have to find Winter NOW."

"I think you're right..."
Re: Ark City, North District

Max shook his head slightly, again as if trying to clear it, before stepping forward and slightly to the side, clearing a path for the students. "Coach Allen... Whatever that was... We," he gestured towards James in order to make clear his meaning, "...were taken to the Chimney. Castellan said something about an "Old One" would be able to help. I guess that means Winter."
Re: Ark City, North District

"See now, if I was a succubus and knew I'd drive men insane with lust at just the sight of me that's EXACTLY what I'd be wearing."

Well, glad I'm wearing jeans. No need for everyone to get a look at the goods. Still though, this is almost as good as porn! Girl would probably make no1 cam model in the world 10 minutes into her first show!

"Maybe it's time to get the ARTEMIS relay working before that thing comes back? I assume that would re-activate the school's dampening fields? Sorry about the delay, we were taken away at a seemingly inopportune moment."
Re: Ark City, North District

Allen stopped whatever gesture Amelie was starting to make, and moved in to loom somewhat menacingly over James. He whispered, "You do realize you just made that inappropriate remark. About an underage teen. To her mother."