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Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

The motion caught Kelly's attention, and she followed Max's gaze to the cooler. A sigh, a "hold-on-a-moment" gesture, and she headed over to the monitoring station. With her organic hand, she scrubbed the frost off of the window and glanced in, then glanced at the screen.

"*sigh* Well, at least I won't be alone in detention..."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

It doesn't get any EASIER, no matter how old are.

"Seems kind of... petty at this point. Guess they could have imposed worse punitive measures though. Detention's not that bad."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Yuki'll be fine once she's chilled out a bit. I really need to get to the Academy, though; something's bugging me about this whole business..." Kelly started back toward the teleporter room.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

After Kelly last comment, Max seemed to come to a decision. Standing, he spoke up, "If you're thinking there might be trouble... I'd better come along. I've run into serious problems before. And I've actually got paramedic training."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

James glanced at Kelly.

"What do you think Red leader? Our party could use a cleric."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max snorted at James' comment. "Less healer and more 'keep them from dying immediately' type, honestly."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Kelly suddenly whirled around to face James as her robotic wrist snapped down. "Sneak attack bonus!" A small, hard object suddenly shot out of her arm and pelted him. On inspection, it was a d20...
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max let out a sound that seemed to be a mix between a snort and a chuckle. 'Well, the girl's got a sense of humor, at least...'
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"I was thinking more: Stand in between me and nasty things with that armor. But sure, keeping others from dying is a priority too."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max shrugged. "Never really tested it against really nasty things yet, to be honest. Usually just go dark and get out of the way of those."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"That's how I like to roll..."

Rubbing his back and glancing back to Kelly.

"But sometimes nasty things get the drop on you."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Kelly shrugged. "What can I say? That's how I roll: really well..."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max chuckled, then glanced back towards the front windows of the clinic. "Well, hopefully there won't be too much nastiness to deal with. VIPER thugs and poorly made robots I can handle. Not sure if my gear can take anything too major..."

'Yet, anyway...'
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"I guess that's settled, you can call me Jim and this is Kelly. I suppose we should get in gear before anyone comes back that might be able to stop us?"

James pocketed the d20 without anyone noticing.

I'll remember this little missy
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Yeah, really. Get on the pad and I'll set it up."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max nodded slightly at the introductions. "I've called myself 'the Night Doctor' in the past when I've had to give a name in this get-up. Been thinking about coming up with something else, though, since I'm not actually a doctor."

He took a deep breath while taking a spot on the pad. 'Suppose I could always just see about trying to finish out and actually get the degree...'
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

James took his own spot on the pad.

"She was right you know, first trip's no joke."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Kelly typed quickly on the control keyboard. "Okay, destination set, and...we...are...ready...to go!"