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Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max sighed as he carried Yuki towards the indicated room. "Okay, let's see how much of it we can get working... Unless it happens to be hardened."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Uh, well, um, no. My hoverboard's fried, and I'm not allowed to drive..."


Alix waved the statement off. "Oh, the clinic's hardened. Everything in here will work just fine."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

James chuckled, more at himself than Kelly.

"Well, that means we're stuck walking, and I'll be getting that extra exercise whether I like it or not. Unless we happen upon a working car that is."

He started walking towards the campus.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max put Yuki down on the bed/chair in the indicated room, and began setting up any automated systems in the room. If need be, he'd also start going through additional emergency care treatments he needed to.

Once the situation with the student was stablized and under control, he stepped out to the clinic's waiting room and sat down.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Kelly hesitated, seeming uncertain. "Ah...how do you feel about, uh, breaking rules...?"


Alix was fiddling with a computer terminal. It didn't seem to be going well...
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Well I suppose that depends on the rule. If it's a rule you made, then I think breaking that is a pretty big deal and you should really try not to. On the other hand if it's a rule that someone else just decided you need to follow 'because'!(James threw his hands into the air and waved them around) Then there's really no reason for you to follow it when they aren't there to make you."

James turned around abruptly.

"Besides, the principal said we needed ARTEMIS online and she didn't mean tomorrow. I'd trust her judgment at this point."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max managed to stifle a bit of a groan when he saw the computer-fiddling. Out loud, he commented, "Technology is so useful when it works..."

Only the densest of listeners could miss the audible sarcasm.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Well...It's a pretty well-kept secret, but there are a handful of Harmon Industries teleporter pads in town. One of them is at the Academy. Another's in the clinic nearby...Nobody's supposed to use them, though."


Alix banged the desk in frustration. "I can't get sensor data from ARTEMIS!"
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max drew in a bit of a breath, then stated, "I overheard something about the linkages not working right now. Probably something to do with the blackout. If memory serves, the publican said something about getting someone named 'Kelly' working on fixing them."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Now that's a GREAT idea."

James began walking in the direction of the clinic.

"Hey kid, buck-up. It's not like we're sneaking your dad's vette out for a joy-ride. If they give you crap anyway you can always blame it on me, a weird masked guy makes for a pretty effective scapegoat."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Oh, that's just great!" Alix stormed out of the clinic.

Connor sighed and activated his communicator as he followed her. "Mom, Alix is headed - I think she's headed in..."


As they approached the clinic, there was a sort of electrical sizzle as what seemed to be a bolt of lightning shot along the overhead power line headed east. Shortly after, a young man in a tuxedo ran by.

"Did you see-"

Kelly just pointed east.

"Right." He ran off, following the lines.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Hell, with what's going on they might not even notice that we're using the thing! You do know how to make it work, right?"
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Kelly just gave him one of those "are-you-really-that-stupid" looks teenage girls are so experienced with. "Have you seen my workshop?! We'll be there in no time."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Oh ho! Well then, I'd think you'd have a pad of your own... It isn't painful right? No chance of coming out the other end with my head up my ass?"
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Um...well...the first time is a little...well, it's a little like...sex. It takes some getting used to. But it's okay, you'll only projectile vomit. It's not too horrible."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max facepalmed as best he could at overhearing James' latest question about the pad.

'Whatever that is. Suppose I ought to listen more.'

Then he heard the response. And sighed, rather loudly.

'Great. I'm going to end up having to do more first aid, aren't I?'
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

The guy from the bar and the girl with the prosthetic limbs (now seemingly much more functional) entered the clinic and started to head for one of the back rooms.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Haha, it won't be the first time I've had my body torn apart and re-constructed on the molecular level. Though I've never thought of it like sex."

It was pretty terrifying trying to figure out how to get back to being me though.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Kelly flushed and muttered something about "being sixteen" as she headed for the room the pad was in.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max shifted like he was about to get up, perhaps to follow, but then paused and glanced towards the room with that Yuki was in. He just sat there, almost as if wavering slightly.