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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"oh what happened? how did they find me i thought i was a gonner for sure, when they found me what was going on?"

Vina said weakly looking around her voice was strained slightly from all the screaming in extasy she had, she looked up and down as her eyes began focusing, how many others are there who was rescued?
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Meredith had taken her time going down the stairs only to decide to go up again to the roof. She hadn't been to the roof in a while and wondered if there were any people she could meet or perhaps she could introduce David to Stacy.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River enters the main area of the Inn, looking around slowly at the random people collected before striding out the main doors and starting her morning run, taking laps around the building once again. The air felt heavy today, somehow stale, and she didn't manage to get the same satisfaction from it, finally slumping down on the opposite side of the building as the door. She watched with half interest as the few creatures she saw were picked off from the rooftop, probably David again, before her gaze drifted to the buildings themselves, dull and lifeless. A few lines of song came to her mind, but she couldn't gather the energy to sing them aloud, instead reaching up to her ear and fiddling with the radio there a moment.

"Regina? Can you hear me?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Vina didn't notice anyone else in the room with her, as the purple haired doctor shrugged.

"You came in pregnant, so one can only imagine," she answered her question.


Meredith noticed the helicopter was gone from the roof, leaving David all alone on top of the building, as he was all who Meredith could see. David didn't seem to notice Meredith and Stacy up there with him, as he didn't seem to react to them opening the roof door, and walking through into the fresh air.


After River changed frequencies to Regina's radio, she heard rustling, as if the headset was being bumped around a little, until she heard Regina's tired voice, as if she had just woken up, "Yeah...?" she asked breathlessly, and slowly, "River... That you? What's up?" she asked, the ending question being the beginning of a yawn.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River waits a moment to let the woman on the other side collect herself before replying.
"Sorry, didn't realize you'd still be sleeping. I'm going stir crazy, I need to find someone that can keep up with me on the rooftops. Do you know anyone over there perhaps? I know there were a few other Runners in the city, but most of them were men."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River hears Regina stretch, then she started to sound happy to have River calling her, "Well, right offhand, I'd say Daisy. You remember, that little blond girl? She's the fastest one around here, I think. And she's always running off on her own through the town, I've even seen her outrun those dogs around the town..." She heard Regina take another small yawn, "You want me to tell her to come see you, or something?" she asked River indifferently.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Vina sits up in the bed using the covers to conceal herself she really didnt know what to say or what to the doctor there, she ached from the real workout that the dog gave her, no doubt it tried a little harder after all the pain she inflicted on it.


Is it ok if i can leave? are there any clothes around for me?
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The purple haired doctor gestured to the cloth hanging around Vina at the moment, covering her decency.

"There's not much clothing left, so you'll have to make due with that. Or you could convince whoever's running the supplies to give you one of our last pairs, if you're lucky," she exaggerates.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Vina nodded as she slowly gets out of the bed, she sighs looking at what she's got as she heads to the store, secretly she hopes that Jesse isnt there she doesnt think that Jesse would be too charitable since she turned her down the other night.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River replies quickly.
"Yeah, I remember her. It might be best if we ran off somewhere in town, I think David's got rooftop patrol here, I think you guys ran into him at the mall, he seemed to dislike Daisy in particular..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Vina breathed a sigh of relief to see a blond, strong looking guard sitting at the table in Jesse's place. She seemed to ignore Vina's approach at the most part, seeming to be more occupied with sleeping in the chair, resting her legs on the counter as she slouched lazily on the job.


Regina let out a sigh at the mention of the man at the mall, "Don't get me wrong, I thought he was cute, but Daisy..." she trailed off for a second, then took up where she left off, "Well, she decided to pounce him... And really gave off the wrong impression about us..."

Regina quickly remembered herself, and changed the subject, "Uh, Daisy isn't one to wait long, so if you two tried to meet up somewhere, she'd likely just wonder off somewhere else if she waited longer than a minute. Why don't you come down here to the prison to pick her up? Just give me a ring when you show up, and I'll send her out," she suggested to River, "Until then, I'll keep her occupied," she told River with what she picked up as a sexual hint.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"This is where the snipers are. Have you seen them before Stacy? Here.. lemme introduce you to David. He's a reaaal good sniper."

Meredith begins to drag Stacy by her arm over to the man before shouting out to him as if he heard her previous statement about his skills in sharpshooting.


"Aren't ya David?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Stacy seems to recoil a bit from David as Meredith drags her, acting afraid of him as he lets out a quiet, "Mmm, Hmm," acknowledging Meredith's statement about his skills.

Stacy, as soon as Meredith stopped dragging her along, hid her face in Meredith's chest, pushing her face between her breasts as she cowered shyly from David.

"M-Meredith... He's scary..." she says aloud, her voice fearful.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River twitched and frowned a little, suddenly glad she wasn't talking to Regina face-to-face.
"Alright then, uh, don't get too busy, I won't take too long." She says into the mic as she pushed herself back into a sitting position, starting off towards the prison at a walk, staying in David's line of sight for as long as possible, breaking into a flat-out run once she has to turn the first corner out of his sight.

((Off to new thread now I guess?))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Meredeith giggled and gave David a mock dirty look. She wrapped her arms around her friend and tried to bring her along while doing so. This cause Meredith to waddle over awkwardly but she didn't mind, she just had to show Stacy the view and the skill of the sniper. David wasnt't a bad person anyhow.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Stacy fought with Meredith weakly as she was brought over to David, only to freeze in place as the man looked at her directly in the eye, as if petrifying her for some time, only to let out a laugh as he shook his head, and returned to looking through the scope, and took a perfect shot at a gargoyle in the sky.

Stacy swallowed a lump in her throat, and was still reclining from David a bit, his rugged appearance obviously still scaring her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"He's not a bad guy as far as I can see but he's not exactly friendly."

Meredith peers over the edge of the building and invites her friend to do so as well.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As Stacy grudgingly looked over the ledge with Meredith, trying to ignore David, she complains in a whisper to Meredith after David kills a few more monsters with one, or sometimes two, shots, never missing one shot.

"Meredith... Why are we here... This guy is so weird..." she commented on David, trying not to look at him.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I don't know actually. I just figured he'd know of anything that happened in my absence."

Meredith considered talking to the director despite the fact that she was weirder than the sniper. She'd most likely hold tidbits of information about other people in the city anyways.


"Wanna go talk with the director instead?"