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Another RP Idea

Re: Another RP Idea

Eeeeeee! we should have a cameo by Jewel Staite! :D
Re: Another RP Idea

As some of you might have guessed, I haven't had enough free time to update this RP. That will be the case until the 11th or 12th, when I return from my trip to Florida. I do apologize, but as some know, packing and finalizing plans takes time, and in this case it's taken most if not all of the spare time I have had.
Re: Another RP Idea

Alrighty, give yourself another day or two to unpack and settle again, but don't take too long, or I can't be held responsible for what happens, eh? ;)

Missed ya!
Re: Another RP Idea

OK besides myself, Shrike and Lurker, who even is all still in this RP?
Re: Another RP Idea

I am, albeit it a slow poster...
Re: Another RP Idea

I haven't been able to post lately at all...

What with it being summer vacation, I figured I'd have less to do. But I suppose friends count as a job. :p
Re: Another RP Idea

Job not really, but friends are ALWAYS good to have.

No worries was just mostly checking to be sure that it wasn't just 2 or 3 people only in it, since I am assuming Rule is unable to continue with this, and I'm not sure about Burrito.
Re: Another RP Idea

Sarah grabbed the flamethrower's handle and squeezed the trigger, swinging her arm around for a huge swash of burning fame in the general area. "Pyromaniac comin through!"
*waits for Sarah's Alarune buddy to shriek, let her prisoners go, and cower in a convenient corner...* :p
Re: Another RP Idea

It's either that or we get slaughtered by the stalkers, so I think the flames were the lesser of two evils atm >,>;
Re: Another RP Idea

I'm guessing all interest here is gone folks? If so I'm going to declare this dead, maybe restart it with a different theme to it.
Re: Another RP Idea

Interest was sorty iffy for me. I would have liked to have taken Ivy home with Roger though. Get around the block with all sorts of different women of different races~

Of course, I'd totally play Roger as completely uninterested, just to be cool.
Re: Another RP Idea

Aight. I may end up restarting this with a more Sanctuary based theme then, that has more options to explore I think than the Warehouse does. Dunno if I'll make an actual character for it or not.
Re: Another RP Idea

That sounds good. I really like Ellen, but perhaps this isn't the right medium to play her in, so I'll probably try to make a new character. On the bright side, I actually watch Sanctuary, so I know what its about at least.