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Another RP Idea

Re: Another RP Idea

Sorry. Life went to hell for a bit there. But I'm back, baby.
Re: Another RP Idea

Ok going to put this up here since this has been idle too long for my tastes.

Who all is still in this game, and who all wants to vote for speed moving this up a day or two and getting moving towards the first main event of the game?
Re: Another RP Idea

*Raises hand to all of the above notions*

Also, since time will be advancing that far, Siphon, your character would know about my character's history. Just pointing that out.
Re: Another RP Idea

OK, been a couple of days, only 2 replies.

I'll be sending PM's to everyone who didn't post to see if they are still in. Hopefully will get one more person otherwise this may end up dying off.
Re: Another RP Idea

Absolutely unfortunate, as this has made great reading!
Re: Another RP Idea

Alright, it appears as though there are only 2 or 3 other people interested in this.

Right now it looks like Lurker, Burrito and possibly Loli are still in, and that might be it.

I need to work on some way of removing Toxic's char, RJ's char and possibly a couple more who's names I've neglected to mention. I'd like to continue this if it's 4 of us, but if it's only going to be 3 and Loli decides she's out ... Well, I probably won't have enough variety to manage it. I may try to get some fresh blood in here and see what happens since I think we lost Shrike, so I might ask Copper if she has a vampire idea. If we don't get another one, I may very well go ahead and do something I was originally planning on doing, but was going to hold off for a long time on.

I need both of you, Burrito and Lurker to one more time confirm your still in this while I work on the scenes. I'm most likely jumping this to the point where you folks will be back to the Warehouse talking with Tesla and getting geared up to go after Wesker.
Re: Another RP Idea

Second comformation go!
Re: Another RP Idea

Confirming interest for the GM.
Re: Another RP Idea

Ok, so for right now I have confirmation for Lurker (Sarah), Burrito (Kevin), Shrike7 (Ellen) and Loli (Akira). That makes 4 people, which makes this a go! Time jump has been initiated, and the post is made. Let's rock and roll!
Re: Another RP Idea

I'll a bit more... sporatic with my posts, as my home intraweb is down until further notice.
Re: Another RP Idea

Copy that. Do you want for me to assume that Sarah is ready to go and move accordingly when everyone else is?
Re: Another RP Idea

or better, internet comes back on! but ya, basicly she 'ghosted' behind everyone
Re: Another RP Idea

Name: Murasame

Age: unknown, but at least 800 years old

Appearance: Murasame is a cat spirit in a physical form. He stands at 3'2" from his feet to the tips of his ears. His fur is similar to that of a tortoise shell cat, it is speckled black, brown and ginger though his stomach and mouth/nose area is white as is his hind legs and the tip of his tail. At night Murasame's eye's glow a brilliant red, this even happens during the day though it is only fully noticeable at night. Murasame wears a pale grey-green kimono and on top of that he wears a black travelling cloak as well as a pair of tatami sandals. With him, Murasame also carries around a human-sized katana, and while its to big for him to wield it doesn't seem to hamper his movements in any way. Murasame also carries around with him a long, thin pipe that he smokes catnip from.

Background: Murasame was the guardian spirit of some little known Japanese family in the Muromachi period, though one night he had been dabbling in a bit too much catnip and bandits broke into the family home. Too drugged up to defend them the family were all slaughtered. Racked with guilt over his inability to do anything Murasame decided to seal himself away and enter an eternal slumber, believing that he didn't deserve to go back to the spirit realm from where he once came from.

He had slept for almost 700 years, during that time his coffin, a cerimonial coffin built for him by the family, was sold and traded off multiple times though the possessors could not open it however hard they tried.
Re: Another RP Idea

Updates will resume tomorrow and Monday, then break on Tuesday before resuming a more normal schedule.
Re: Another RP Idea

I was wondering if there was something up. Okie dokie, take your time!
Re: Another RP Idea

Char Name: Alexandra "Alex" Werner



Background History: Alex was born in Long Beach, California. She was the daughter of a local police officer and looked up to her father very much. When Alex was 13 her father was murdered during a drug bust. The killer was never found. After her father was murdered she dedicated herself to become an officer as well. After she graduated from school she enlisted into the police department. After three years of service she was assigned to a drug case in Los Angeles. During that bust she encountered her father's murderer, where she was shocked to find out he was a corrupted cop, before killing him in a duel before wrapping up the case. Disillusioned and disheartened by the unreliable system, she left the force to become a bounty hunter.