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RPG RPG Maker Scat Loli Ryona [Ankoku Marimo] トッコー委員会オウカRPG2 ~男尊魔窟編~/ Ouka 2 (RJ263841)


Feb 27, 2009
Reputation score

The Scat and Loli are minor part of the game but figured I'd mention it.

Control is standard RPG MV controls, and the combat is fairly typical except that when enemy grab you there's a quick time event to break out of it.

The game feature combat rape that can progress further depending on the progress of the route you're in.

The game is, once again, about Ouka coming to a school to beat the shit out of the delinquents and reform it for the better.
The progress is essentially:
Run around looking for scenes in school.
Fight boss (Win/Loss changing routes)
In case of losing, spend time captured until the story progress. (Winning just progress the story normally)

Much of the H content seem to be from losing to the boss and ruining your reputation with the students.

It'll feature multiple endings, with at least 3 planned are:
Pure victory
Pure losing
Win some, lose some

Just now the author posted a new trial 0.21 (require paying) that add more scenes and make some changes (like Senka being susceptible to brainwashing even in victory route)

Fetishes: Mostly ryona and rape, scat in some scenes, one loli character, brainwashing on one character.
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Not really a fan of this guys' art... But I love it when there are consequences for losing other than game overs. Like getting tied upside down in the public fountain, dumped into the local trash after being well used, having your humiliating loss pictures posted to the local school bulletin board, etc. So even though I'm not a fan of the art, I really did like the first Ouka, I can definitely look forward to a second.

EDIT: Tried the trial, really enjoyed it. This time around you fight the same group of guys over and over. The battles escalate after each encounter, and the story progresses. If you lose, you're basically done winning, you can't progress the story without losing a few more times to normal mobs (The GOR scene will progress each time until you're rescued), and the boss encounter becomes unwinnable, things get progressively worse for the heroine each time you lose to him. She gets rescued by her friends each time, but eventually they get drug into the scenes too. I think it's great. My only complaint is it's a little to easy to stay on the winning route, but maybe by the 4th or 5th encounter it gets harder (you only progress up to 3 encounters with the boss in the demo). If nothing else, I think some kind of difficulty option would be nice so I wouldn't have to lose on purpose the first time around before going to the loser route.
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When playing the 0.20B version, everytime i get harassed by one of the students, the game crashes due to a bug. Anyone know how to fix that?
I think some kind of difficulty option would be nice so I wouldn't have to lose on purpose the first time around before going to the loser route.

I think the author plan for you to easily stomp your way through Winner route if you want,since the only way you really lose is via the instant-loss item you pick up at certain spots.

Part of the note for 0.21 is that Senka can still get brainwashed even on Winner route.
I've really loved several of Ankoku Marimokan's games before, even if they've stumbled with a lot of them. The best one they've made so far to me have been Kamikaze Kommittee, which featured this specific girl. So yeah, pretty excited for this!
So is "I AM BIG" the main antagonist here? I guess the principal is going to be the final boss but from the demo it seems like you just keep fighting the fat punk several times whether you win or lose against him.
I was expecting more of a boss gauntlet like in the previous game although the combat is way better in this and there are a lot more scenes to discover around the school.
Ankoku Marimokan is by far my favourite circle so I'm really looking forward to this!
I think the author plan for you to easily stomp your way through Winner route if you want,since the only way you really lose is via the instant-loss item you pick up at certain spots.

Part of the note for 0.21 is that Senka can still get brainwashed even on Winner route.

I mean, Ouka DOES start at level 50, since it seems this one is the school after the prior one, or something?
There seems to be something kinda vaguely... almost supernatural-ish at work? If Ouka loses to the boss, aside from the usual losing a level from the "shock of defeat", she seems to get a lot weaker when losing to him. And then there's the like, glowing pink markings. Not sure if that's something special to it, or just some kind of fanciness though.
I mean, Ouka DOES start at level 50, since it seems this one is the school after the prior one, or something?
There seems to be something kinda vaguely... almost supernatural-ish at work? If Ouka loses to the boss, aside from the usual losing a level from the "shock of defeat", she seems to get a lot weaker when losing to him. And then there's the like, glowing pink markings. Not sure if that's something special to it, or just some kind of fanciness though.

That's part of the story, the guy has a special skill that make someone into his sex slave. (the letters are Sex Slave and Meat Toilet)
In fact, that's why he left you to his goons for a 3 days, it was to prepare his skill.

Also, once you get rescued by Yoko, the nurse tell you that they've stuffed you with some kind of 'poison' that the nurse can't cure.

EDIT: I can't wait for him to finish implementing 'this' into the game proper. (it's in the files, just not accessible in-game)
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so i have a question about the first game when you beat it they talk about a other school when walking is this the school there are talking about in the first game?
New trial for ci-en supporters.

Bug fixes
Something about the prologue.
Buffing lewd commands
Make it so mob enemies you defeat don't respawn until you've left the area.
Add healing spot to the room she's held in the first time.
And if the sexual harassment level is 5+, when men demand sexual favor, there's a chance they'll just strip and rape you.

And example of the command mentioned was dogeza, which when used most enemies will just let you escape away from them.
New trial for ci-en supporters.

Bug fixes
Something about the prologue.
Buffing lewd commands
Make it so mob enemies you defeat don't respawn until you've left the area.
Add healing spot to the room she's held in the first time.
And if the sexual harassment level is 5+, when men demand sexual favor, there's a chance they'll just strip and rape you.

And example of the command mentioned was dogeza, which when used most enemies will just let you escape away from them.
Im rather enjoying this so far. Hopefully there will be some sort of free-roam for the end game, unlike the first.
does any one has the latest demo? It would be nice if someone could pm the link. Much thanks in adavance
Well firstly: Dont think the mods take kindly to begging for links, and secondly: im pretty sure he removed the newest demo due to some game breaking bugs.
Free roam would be nice, but I would like to see a larger variant of enemy sexual attacks effect Ouka, as she weakens in levels. Just like Ouka is more accepting of various request through out the rest of the map outside the warehouse to earn money to buy weapons or armor.

Also, Ouka sexual moves that she can perform should increase, as she has less options because she is a lower level. Say for example at level 35 she is willing to strip to her underwear to distract the enemies but lose the ability to use her level 2 fire skill for 150 MP. or at Level 25 to perform a lap dance strip but loses her 2nd wind attack at 120 mp, to Level 15 she will fuck enemies to death but can no longer use the 70 MP * attack that let her punch enemies. etc

To balance the game, then have Ouka sexual attack cost more MP and cause damage like her regular attacks.

Granted it would be a bit more complicated, but it would be a much more interesting game.
well i am worry the game wont come out on the planned time, one month to go before full game will be release and it still at 1/5. I am hoping it wont get delay and also wont be like a certain creator releasing broken game and "lost" his data after people start refunding
well i am worry the game wont come out on the planned time, one month to go before full game will be release and it still at 1/5. I am hoping it wont get delay and also wont be like a certain creator releasing broken game and "lost" his data after people start refunding

Fortunately Ankoku Marimo has a pretty good record for his products and are generally complete. He also has a lot of games under his belt so we should be safe in that regard. Also if its incomplete I rather he delay it and provide a late, but complete product, rather than an early but broken mess.
i played the demo and all i can hope is that there be other bosses like the first game if we only fight the same boss over and over that be little sad
Is he stopping demo release because the game is releasing soon or just no news
Is he stopping demo release because the game is releasing soon or just no news

I think you only get the beta version if you are in the 500 Yen Reward tier

If I understood his latest news correctly

The game is mostly done
What remains to be done is the implementation of Endings, CG and recollection room
Afterwards testing but their he isn't sure how long it will take
I think you only get the beta version if you are in the 500 Yen Reward tier

If I understood his latest news correctly

The game is mostly done
What remains to be done is the implementation of Endings, CG and recollection room
Afterwards testing but their he isn't sure how long it will take

More or less, the new paid trial (0.3) basically should let you clear the game except the ending (you can get the different ending flags, just not get the ending itself)
Am I missing something here, or is it going to be quite small? Only one boss?