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Angels and Demons Signup

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El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
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I have a brilliant new version of DTT which comes from Series 2 of Liar Game (watch/read Liar Game if you haven't, I really do recommend it.)

Ideally I would like 12 players but really it doesn't matter how many I get, I'll still run it.

Please play, it should be really interesting.

Another reason this should be more interesting for y'all than regular DTT is people don't die, you play from the beginning to the end. For this reason you don't have to worry about losing halfway through or at the beginning and then having to sit out.

1) TentanariX
2) Keylo
3) Plmnko
4) Dematt
5) Dreana
6) Goldstein
7) SiphonTalvesh
8) Hooker
9) ToxicShock
10) BurningGold
11) garfield751
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

Ive never heard of it. I would play but I have no idea what you're trying to do. sorry :eek:
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

Look at the previous DTT threads. It will be played like that, but with different rules.
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

As I am all out of RP juice lately, and would still like to do SOMETHING that requires a bit of thinking, sign me up. That and I'm an avid fan of Liar Game anyway.
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

when I tried to look up the rules for the original i get sent to a dead site. from the DTT one thread. :confused:
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

show interest
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

I have interest to show. and show it. but I am clueless of char creation and rules. :(
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

Eh, why not, I'll play. Never heard of this "Liar Game" thingy, but I assume you'll post up a set of rules for us?

when I tried to look up the rules for the original i get sent to a dead site. from the DTT one thread. :confused:
Hrmph, I'll explain, so people can point at this thread instead.

  • "Defeat The Tentacles", or DTT, is a variation on "Mafia".
  • It is normally played in a group of six to eight players, depending on the ruleset.
  • One player is secretly designated the Tentacle Monster; he's out to rape and murder the other players, but can only do one player in each night.
  • One player is secretly designated the Gifted Girl; she can determine whether a given player is the TM or not - but takes the entire night to do so.
  • One player is secretly designated the Protector; she can protect a player against the TM's attack - but can only pick one player each night to protect.
  • Everybody else is a normal girl, with no special abilities.
  • Gameplay alternates between nights, when the three players with abilities use them, and days, when all the players vote on which player to lynch (if any).
  • The TM wins when they're the only player still alive; everybody else wins if the TM gets lynched.
Us being the fantastically unfocused group that we are, we've added many different roles to the basic ruleset, as well as modifying the basic roles. Example additions include the Lyncher (wins if a particular player gets lynched), the Fool (wins if SHE gets lynched), and the Watcher (can find out who targeted a player for their action in a given night).
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

i'll join ya know i'm always in for games like this.
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

Don't know the game in question your referring to, but count me in anyway.
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

I'm in.
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

trying to look it up, but i still have no idea what's going on.

That's never scared me away before, Toxic's in
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

Awesome. Signup will be open for another 12 hours or so.
Re: Angels and Demons Signup

if im comeing back to the forms i might as well do this while im here
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