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Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

(gonna sneak by with a double post here. Alright people we need something going on...i can imagine it might go a little slow with alot of pm goings ons but hell two days and not a peep from anyone...did half our people forget they signed up?)
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

(Well, at the moment we don't have a lot of people going "he's a demon!" "she's a demon!". Whether they actually believe that person's a demon, or whether they're trying to keep that person from accumulating halos.)

(That, and I think a lot of people are sticking with the usual DTT tactic of not saying anything and being unnoticeable. So, just to be contrarian...)

Holding hands with Dreana, and softly chatting with her, DeMatt whispers "This is kinda fun... I'd heard there were a couple demons trying to infiltrate our group... you don't suppose Surie is one, do you? She seems to be trying too hard to be, um, sexy..."
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

((Well if needed, I'll make another move to keep the game going. Although in terms of strategy, this probably isn't the best move))

The white-haired woman, after having connected with Hooker and wandered around a bit in thought, suddenly cuts into the discussion between DeMatt and Dreana.

"Just might be. Who knows? That said, you in the...whatever, without the glasses. Care to connect?"

Connect with Dreana
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

Dreana and Dematt connected (thanks to previous sentences now being in bold)
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

"who want to hold hands with me?"
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

"It's impolite to eavesdrop. Her name's Dreana, by the way, and I'm DeMatt. If you want, we could make a circle and share all our experiences..."

The pink-shirted girl lifts up a hand, gesturing Keylo down by the twosome.

Connect with Keylo
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

A moment after, I would like to confirm something before I connect with you. Thanks.

Connect ONLY with Dreana, for now.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

no intentions of being rude but i think i am gonna abstain from connecting anymore at the moment. i would like to see how everyone else is doing before i go along with anyone else. I promise though Dematt here is quite safe.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

As you wish, fine then. I'll accept the other offer.

Connect with DeMatt
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

Surie walked over to Dematt and loomed over him with a most sour expression on her face saying, "You know, I don't appreciate you going around spreading unfounded and ugly rumors about me when you don't even know me. Who saids an angel can't be sexy?" She finishes as puts her finger squarely on his nose in a confrontational manner.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

(Psst, we're all portraying female characters - me using my username is just a convenience, a practice copied from DTT.)

DeMatt is taken aback at this obviously confrontational approach, leaning back as Surie waves her finger in her face. "Angels simply ARE sexy, and wear whatever's appropriate for the task at hand. Demons insist on MAKING themselves sexy, dressing provocatively, to try and outshine God's creations. I know which one you appear to be to me. But if you'd like to prove otherwise, show me." She reaches up and grabs the offending hand, pulling it - and Surie - down onto the bench beside her with surprising strength.

Connect with Surie (after connecting with Keylo)

(BTW, if you ARE a demon, I'm going to totally ruin your chances of winning as a demon. :cool:)
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

Dematt and Keylo have connected.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

Surie looked up to the girl with a sly, sultry look on her face before pouting sexily, "Are you going to spank me or something? Go ahead and give my ass a nice whack or three!" She taunts the other girl. Afterwards she extended her other hand out to the red-haired girl in the jeans and t-shirt.

Connect with Dematt and SiphonTalvesh.
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Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

TentanariX has connected with both Dematt and SiphonTalvesh
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

"I really should swat you for that. Lust IS one of the seven deadly sins, after all, and we're not supposed to be inciting mortals to such things."

She looks up, glasses reflecting in the low light.

"You look kinda lonely... why don't you come and join our group?" She waves over at a green-haired individual by one of the walls.

Connect with ToxicShock
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

i see a few of us are prefering silence over everything else still..Keylo if you still care to conect i would be happy to right now.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1


Connect with Dreana
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

TS looked up when someone called towards her.

"Sorry about that, little spacey. Few issues lately."

She quickly ran over to join hands with the friendly girl.

Connect with DeMatt
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

A mischievous grin appeared on Surie's face as she let go of Siphon and Dematt's hands and wrapped TS in a big tight bear hug, her ample bosom pressing into the girl's back. "Here, don't be shy! You can connect with me too~~~!" She chirped out in a sing song, flirty and playful voice.

Connect with Toxicshock
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

TS gasped as she was suddenly gripped from behind tightly, a bit uneasy at feeling the girls chest embedding into her. Despite this she smiled and tried to breathe out to her.

"Ok ok, I will. Just promise to put me down," laughing as she spoke.

Connect with Surie