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Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1


El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score

CONNECTION - Dreana and Hooker
CONNECTION - Plmnko and BurningGold
CONNECTION - Hooker and Keylo
CONNECTION - Dreana and Dematt
CONNECTION - Dematt and Keylo
CONNECTION - Dematt and TentanariX
CONNECTION - SiphonTalvesh and TentanariX
CONNECTION - ToxicShock and Dematt
CONNECTION - ToxicShock and Surie
ASCEND - Dematt
CONNECTION - Dematt and Hooker


The Game
Angels and Demons is a game of bluffing, deception, teamwork, and stabbing your friends in the back. At the start of the game, you will start as either an angel or a demon, and you will know which one you are. As there are 11 players, there will be 2 demons and 9 angels at the start of the game. I'm still refining the numbers and the rules, so we will take this game as an experiment to see how it goes and how unfair it is. The demons do not know who each other are.

The Object of the Game
The game will usually have 3 winners. There are two ways to win the game.

Firstly, if there are 3 or more angels alive at the end with 4 or more halos then out of those that have reached this target, three random angels will be chosen to win the game. The more halos you have the more chance you have of being chosen randomly. This means once there are 3 of you who have succeeded in getting your halos, you have no reason to help the others, in fact, you don't want anyone else to reach their target.

If there are not 3 or more angels who have reached the target of 4 halos, then the two original demons, plus the other demon(s) that converted the most angels throughout the course of the game win.

What's this about converting? Well, you see, for everyone to attempt to reach their goal, people are going to need to connect. If two players both agree, then they can join hands and connect. The two people lock minds and mix souls. Depending on what the two people are, different things happen. It is important to note that while everyone else will know that you have connected, they will have no idea what has happened between you.

If an angel connects with an angel
They both obtain one halo. You are the only one who knows how many halos you have. You can only gain one halo from each other player in this way. So, if you two connect again as angels, nothing happens. You cannot trade halos between players.

If a demon connects with a demon
Nothing happens.

If a demon connects with an angel with no halos
The angel experiences a terrible nightmare, as chosen by the demon. The demon will choose what the angel experiences, but most choose to make the angel experience hours if not days of continuous tentacle rape. The angel is then converted into a demon.

If a demon connects with an angel with at least one halo
The angel is still turned into a demon, but the demon is turned into an angel! The angel (who is now a demon) loses one halo.

Don't worry, even if you have been turned into a demon, you can recover. If you have any halos (which you collected from your time as an angel) you can ascend. You can do this in secret by PMing me, or you can declare to everyone that you are ascending.

When you ascend, if you are a demon, and you have at least one halo, you become an angel again and lose one halo.

What does this mean? It means, if you have 2 halos, and you are an angel, and you have a friend who is a demon, you can save them by first connecting with them, and turning them into an angel (and you into a demon), and then ascending, so that you yourself turn back into an angel.

Therefore you can effectively save any demon for 2 halos!

Every 24 connections or so, the round will be over, and a new one will start. All this means is that if there are 3 angels with 4 halos, the game will end and the angels win, or if the existing angels have exhausted their connections to get halos and haven't managed their target, the game will end and the demons win. If neither of these are true the game continues and I announce currently how many angels and demons there are.


Things that are secret
*Whether you are an angel or a demon
*How many halos you have
*What happened when you connected with another player
*You are allowed to communicate with PMs - trust me, teamwork is vital
*You can ascend in secret if you want

Things that are public
*When two people connect
*You are allowed and encouraged to talk with everyone in the main thread
*You can declare in public that you are ascending

What you need to think about
*Am I going to try and win as a demon or an angel?
*Should I try and team up with one or two other people, and trust them implicitly?
*Who's in the lead, and how can I stop them winning?
*Who can I tell that I'm a demon?

Example of Gameplay
There are 4 players:
Ann - Angel, 1 halo
Bonnie - Angel, 0 halos
Claire - Angel, 0 halos
Dianne - Demon, 0 halos

Ann: "Anyone want to connect?"
Dianne: "Claire, I want to connect with you... as long as you're not a demon!"
Bonnie: "I'm happy with that, Ann. Connecting with Ann"
Claire: "Sure, let's do that. Connecting with Dianne"
Ann: "Connecting with Bonnie"
Dianne: "Connecting with Dianne"
Aika: "Ann has conencted with Bonnie, Claire has connected with Dianne"
((Aika also sends PMs to everyone saying what happened. Ann has 2 halos and Bonnie now has 1 halo, and Claire gets raped by Dianne and turned into a demon.
Claire: "Aah! I got turned into a demon!"
Dianne: "Liar, she turned me into a demon!"
Ann: "Don't worry Dianne, I can save you. Connect with me? Connecting with Dianne"
Dianne: "Connecting with Ann"
Aika: "Ann has connected with Dianne"
((Aika also sends PMs. Ann is now a demon with 1 halo, Dianne is an angel with 0 halos.))
Ann: "I ascend."
Aika: "Ann has ascended."
((Aika sends a PM to Ann confirming she is now an angel with 0 halos.))
Dianne: "Connecting with Ann, conencting with Bonnie"
Ann: "Connecting with Dianne"
Bonnie "Connecting with Dianne"
Aika: "Dianne has connected with Ann and Bonnie."
((Aika sends PMs to everyone telling them how many halos they now have.))

At the end of this example, the standings are as follows:
Ann - Angel, 1 halo
Bonnie - Angel, 2 halos
Claire - Demon, 0 halos
Dianne - Angel, 2 halos

Ann, Bonnie and Dianne cannot make halos by connecting with each other any more.

NB. This is an unrealistic scenario, as declaring out loud you are a demon will just get you boycotted by everyone else - nobody is likely to want to connect with you ever again. It's very unlikely that Ann will want to waste a halo in this example saving Dianne.


1) TentanariX
2) Keylo
3) Plmnko
4) Dematt
5) Dreana
6) Goldstein
7) SiphonTalvesh
8) Hooker
9) ToxicShock
10) BurningGold
11) garfield751

I will PM the two demons, if you have recieved no PM you are an angel with 0 halos.

Two final things: please put any actions you want me to notice in bold, and blindly rushing in and connecting with lots of people is unlikely to win you the game (unless you're a demon!)

Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

So, just as a quick clarification: you can only make one connection per round? Or can you make as many as you please?
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

If this is following Liar Game, than it's as many as you please.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

Yes, as many as you want, but remember you can only ever make one halo from the same person.

Also, Pale says I should give you some more detailed information on your situation: In your first post, if you are so inclined, you may want to give a short description of what you look like. The only guidelines I have are that you are female and look human to everyone else (even though, of course, you are not).

As for your whereabouts, you are actually all trapped in an abandoned bowling alley, so you can expect seats, bowling balls, pins, lanes, and lots of bright lights. However there is lots of room to take people off to the side unnoticed and talk to them individually (hence you can PM).
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

sounds fun. I just finished watching the first Jibiru on H-Fap. The angel and demons sound like that. especially with making them be tentacle raped.

((On a non related note, I know its a hentai, but i cant help but to facepalm at the angels' impractical power source and thinking that the woman who gets the power is just going to automatically be a slut. :rolleyes: ))
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

well no point in really keeping quiet we do want this to start off right dont we? well fellow ladies..is anyone willing to join hands with me come on lets not be shy girls.

Desc: 5'8" brown hair green eyes wearing a knee-length brown skirt, dark blue button-up shirt, cotton undies, and those crappy bowling shoes. (short and simple)
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

First to go is a little suspicious...But so is waiting. And I'm not getting any better odds by waiting, really. Connect with Dreana

Description: 170cm, bright red hair, amber coloured eyes, wearing a loose white t-shirt and tight jeans with casual leather shoes. Silk underwear.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

Would anyone like to connect with me? Come on, no need to be shy about it.

Description: 5'5" Black hair, hazel eyes, wearing a white cotton dress with white underwear and leather sandals.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

Ok lets do it

Connect with BurningGold

Desc: 5'7" blue hair, green eyes jeans Tshirt
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

(its either someone posts first or no one ever posts.0

alright Hooker i'll connect with ya

Connect with Hooker
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

Dreana and hooker have connected.

I am going to keep a log of all public happenings in the first post.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

(Waahl, Ah guess Ah shud really play, then...)

"I-I guess I'll take you up on the offer, Dreana..."

A black-haired, bespectacled girl shifts nervously in a scorer's chair. Her blue jeans and pink T-shirt show much wear, but no holes or rips, and are both unusually light in colour.

Connect with Dreana
Last edited:
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

" Great! Let's do this then! " Replied a happy looking black haired woman, eager to connect with the seemingly innocent looking blue haired girl.

Connect with plmnko
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

Surie bends over to straighten out her hose, giving the other girls a good glance at her black thong underneath her tan pantyhose. "So would anybody care to connect with me?" She asks in a sultry tone as she stands back up.

Description: 5'8" tall, slender frame, d cup breasts, short blonde hair, green eyes, tight navy blue sweater, black micro mini skirt, black lacy bra and thong, tan pantyhose and brown shoes.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

A white-haired woman about 5'3, red eyes, wearing a long flowing black gown approaches Hooker.

"Care to connect?"

Connect with Hooker
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

Cassandra nods before standing in front of Surie.

"I'll take you up on that offer."

Connect with Surie.

Description: 5'9", green eyes and red hair, wearing a t-shirt and faded short jeans.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1


Connect with Keylo
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

BurningGold and Plmnko have connected.
Hooker and Keylo have connented.

I want a few more connections before I declare the stats.

Also, I'm going to assume for now that the slow posting is because people are PMing each other.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

Damn, I'd be really good as a demon.
Re: Angels and Demons Game 1 Round 1

I have had the inner debate of whether or not i should connect at will...or be patient about my connectins Dematt thats why i havnt decided yet but i cant really figure it out either way so this time i'll go ahead and say sure.

Connect with Dematt