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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Feeling the creatures still on her doing their best to feed of her juices, Angie moaned softly and wriggled around to try and escape them. Looking down as she turned around to go back the same way she'd come, Angie saw the trail of her juices staining the floor. The critter fucking her pussy sped up and kept pounding her deeper and harder. Spotting the other ones from before, Angie gasped and groaned, knowing that she couldn't handle all of them now. Seeing the things coming at her, Angie tried to stop them, but utterly failed as they got all over her hands and feet, her hands slipping out from under her and causing her to fall to the ground.

Gasping as she felt, Angie squirmed around as her pussy spasmed around the bug thing inside of her, her folds clamping down around it as she came, her cock spurting her seed everywhere. Angie knew that she had to use her magic now to force these little bastards back, before she was fully defeated. Summoning up what little power she had left, Angie sent forth a burst of force out of her, and sent them flying away as best she could. "G-Get back... please!" Angie cried out as she cast her spell.

The great pleasure all over her cause finnaly her first orgasm, creating soon with a huge load a puddle below her which the bugs move to drink from it. Angie was half defeated in the floor surrounded everywhere by the at least 15 inches bugs. But still in fight Angie focus to cast a force wave to repulse them away of her, placing what she could of her mind and soul fo that task.

Her magic get ready and then in middle of her enchantment the bug inside her cunt hole pound wild all the way until her cervix, trying to get inside her womb what made her shoot a not sopowerful wave than only made half the job.

As the bug get pass to her womb she could feel as if something was sealing her magic and opening the entrance of her womb, soon her lust raise even more, most of her instincts get turned in need more bugs in her holes, the one passing to her uterus then load out some warm fluid before stop the vibration and stay inside her womb without make any move...but still something in her insides was pulling more inside the bug. With her magic sealed and almost fighting to willing let the bugs take her, Angelique could see a small passage to try to move and run as fast as possible, until her body couldnt give another step. (9/10 AP )

(Angie have her magic sealed yet her vision spell remain active)

Angie came, and her seed spurted out of her cock onto the floor like crazy, the bug things moving to drink it. Angie's spell blast was going out, when the one inside of her pussy began pounding her deeper and she was moaning like crazy to withstand the sexual assault. It was driving her crazy, and her spell was only half as powerful as it should have been, if that much. Then, her magic was completely sealed away, and her womb was wide open for attack as the bug in her folds went deeper, trying to keep her from escaping obviously.

"No, m-my magic... it's... I c-can't," Angie panted, crawling frantically forward towards the new passage that opened up, though if her body held up, only time would tell.

The angel was losing her focus and mind faster than before, her needs to escape werent shared to the needs of her horny body, but still her completely weak limbs pull her ahead, drolling and moaning as she get close to reach the main hall until suddenly her butt hole was completely open as another bug get inside her and pound her hard as the one at her womb, she could almost imagine two futa succubi pounding hard on her intoxicating her insides with more needs and soon in a last defeated full in need moan she fall face doen on the floor with her legs spread for more bugs to feed of her. Her right hand pull her ahead some inches more but then her cock cum hard than she need to get face up to let him be fully hard up to avoid pain. Her low conciest notice than she was close the slut freenzy face in the wall, as the red shinning gems could make her see, such gracious face almost as the one than she must have now.

The many bugs crawl to her as the remain in her body endlessly pleasure her and feed of her naughty nectars, one by one they get inside her cunt to never get out as also the ones on her butt, all her insides vibrate and get more sensitive, in jow she spread and accept more of the bugs, loving them making them fuck even her mouth and rub such strange shape of bodies with her hands and feet, even her wings give them a warm welcome until finally after fully feed they cream her with their leftovers turned into warm fertile cum, making her drink of it sucking from one and as she does her slutty tongue piercing shine again with cum at her mouth, the light hit some of the face and a noise awaven her softly in her frienzy, she was not sure how much time has passed but the whole floor and herself were a mess. Close her cunt many mummified dickworms dry of cum looks to had been taken out her cunt hole, as the others at her butt insides and over her rest lively and sattled.

As Angie crawled back, she felt her asshole being plunged into by another of the bug things, and she couldn't suppress her moan as her ass cheeks spread to accommodate it. She finally collapsed, unable to resist them anymore, as her hips remained in the air as the bug things kept going, feeding of her juices and her cum. She tried desperately to keep pulling herself along, but when she came again, spurting her seed heavily on the floor beneath her, Angie gave up pretty much.

"I c-cant... f-fight it any longer," Angie murmured softly, before another moan escaped her lips.

As she lie there on the floor, moaning up a storm, Angie's vision noticed the gems and the face on the wall again. The face, Angie thought, had to resemble her own right now. Angie felt bug after bug wriggling into her lower holes, and not a one came back out just yet. They began vibrating and wriggling around, causing her to moan and become more and more sensitive as time passed, and soon, Angie opened her mouth and accepted one into there too, licking and slurping noisily on the thing as her body gave in.

Angie lost track of the time as the bug things kept her cumming like crazy, over and over, and she was only shaken from her reverie when she heard a faint rumbling as she glanced up at the wall again where the gems were, as the light from her piercing shone brightly once again. "W-What... happened?" Angie asked softly, to nobody in particular as she tried to raise up, looking down at her belly and hoping no more of the bugs were still inside of her, after seeing all of the ones around her.

There was soft moves on her womb for some seconds and then slowly another momified worm fall between her legs. Her back door was a different thing as she could feel them lively tasting her leftovers and giving her still some pleasure. These certainly will stay there for a while if she dont do something. Rising up she noticed her completely cum and slimed drenched body. She was not sure how she managed to recover her mind in such full aphrodisiac state. Slighty weak she notice her mouth cum covered still shooting her piercing light to her to advance faster and see than far away of the face with gems and the dickworm trap the line continue to the wall now half opened, she was not sure how long the wall will remain half up to crawl below it

Feeling the soft moved in her womb, Angie sighed softly, and squirmed around a bit, wondering if there were any more of those bug things in there too, or if that was just the remaining ones of Ary's. Noticing the state she was in, Angie knew that she had to move, and decided that she would right herself after getting through the passageway. Crawling under the half opened door, Angie made her way to the next room and then she tried to remove the remaining worm bug things from her rear if she could.

Angie crawl down the wall, but as she does she notice than the passage next after the half lifted wall was warm and of the same size as the wall, she was trying to find a way to get out the arousing worms from her butt when suddenly the wall behind her get closed and slowly the narrow tunnel where she needs to crawl was also getting slowy reduced and changing into a meaty slimy fone

Crawling under the doorway, Angie gasped and looked back as it shut behind her. Looking back, she felt her heart sinking a bit as she felt the floor beneath her. Standing on shaky legs, Angie tried to remain upright, reaching back and trying to get the bug worm things in her butt out. "Please come out, I... I can't take this... t-teasing," Angie pleaded with the bug worm things, stumbling forward as she tried to continue.

Angie tried to get up, but in middle of her attempt her back of her head notice the meat like celing slowly pressing down, her wings wet and giving lovely squirms as the slime drool over them and the angel head. The things in her insides looks to be slighty struck in her insides pressing her butt entrance sealed for them now. The corridor in front of her was large and each step was slow thanks the many bugs in her insides. It was unsure if she could get to the deep dark other side of the corridor before the tunnel get fully closed on her

As she stood up, Angie's head bumped against a meaty feeling ceiling that hung low, forcing her to stay stooped down, and causing her wings to get touched by a strange slime that dribbled down from the thing onto her. Also, the bug worms seemed to not be wanting to come out just yet, and she sighed softly as she tried to move along. Seeing that it could close in one her, Angie hurried along, moving quickly and trying to not get lost in here, and to not fall down, using the wall for support as she walked along.

Angie tried to get a hold in the walls, but as the floor and ceiling these were now a meaty material too, she fight every step to dont fall as her holes wet as a lively image of every corner of the tunnel around her. The worms werent giving truce as her pleasure awaken theirs vibrations and moves inside her. For now she was not sure how long the tunnel in front of her was.
As the meaty walls clung to her flesh, Angie gasped and couldn't help but feel a little grossed out at the feel of it. The worms inside of her were wriggling around like crazy, driving her wild, and making her cock drip with pre like crazy. Angie kept moving, hoping to get to the end before this meaty fleshy wall closed in around her, the image of that very thing happening in her mind, and frightening her.

Just as she imagine herself trapped her support foot slip and she fall face down at the warm and soft meaty floor, making a sluty groan as she get up now with all her front in fire. The adrenaline on her of course act and quickly get up to move faster, her wings now needed to press against her and the hole as she was slowly getting forced to her four. (3 tuns before get fully closed, ?? success to reach the other side

Falling flat on her face in the warm fleshy floor, Angie groaned like a slut as she got back to her feet. Her breasts, her belly, have cheeks and neck, her cock especially, all wanted to be pleased and teased. Her adrenaline was practically all she had left to keep her going, and as she moved along, she pulled her wings in against her as she fell to her hands and knees again. Seeing it closing up now, Angie gasped and frantically began crawling, desperately trying to get to the end and hoping to not be crushed to death.

Getting to her four Angie take much time to move, more allured by the slime and meat touch, her kness and arms sink inches at the slimy meat, stoping then to feel her dick squirm and let free some precum. The angel lost precious seconds before continue her race, the tunnel was now starting to be very small and was pressing against her, her eyes could only see two feet in front of her and if she dont do something she will be pressed all the way until she could only pull herself

The slime and flesh touching her was arousing, and her body wanted to stay and let it close in around her, to pleasure her more. Her limbs began sinking into the fleshy floor beneath her, and her cock spurted some more pre out as she crawled along. She saw the tunnel getting very small now, and she tucked her wings in as close as she could, and the poor angel could barely see two feet in front of her, and the walls were nearly pressing against her. "No please, stop closing in, please don't crush me," Angie pleaded with the wall, stroking it lovingly as she passed through.

Her pass each second was slower, the meat would be soon pressing each inch around her, making her be so arused to care would happen then, many times her limbs fail in her attempts to proceed, her body was getting each second on stroke the wall as her pleads were in an inocent lewd tone, her body get more pressed and mewls come out her as her body made naughty noises by every inch than she move.

The tunnel continue endlessly maybe until she couldnt move any longer, the time was ending as her whole self was struck and it was possible than soon she would be unable to endure it... but she was feeling so great as she was bath fully in slime pampered pressed until she couldnt think straight, her minutes were close to end and she fight to breath before drown almost in the slime. Her whole self was red by the lust and the pression until a last huge noise in the tunnels awake her softly enough to know than something not good would happen to her.

A growl, loud and potent then the slime running in front of her and then her body sliding to the front and for some reason she slide feets away as her whole self rubs everywhere in the walls and then a path below her as a mouth get opened where she fall deep inside. Her eyes notice only darkness, her magic on her eyes face and all was a deep darkness. Her whole self demand just more intoxicating pleasure, more of what the bugs inside her could give. She was in a narrow space, she could feel dicks all over moving and rubbing on her nude in heat body. She could look for an exit yet her mouth was not shining any longer, if the intense pleasure was not bringing light then something placed by the bugs was needed to make her see anything.

The arousal was starting to get to her, as the walls closed in around her, pressing against her tighter and tighter. The tunnel continued on and on, too long for her liking really, and the lewd noises were getting to her as well. The slime was making her not want to keep going much longer, and as she was about to give in and lay down to rest, Angie heard a deep growl from behind her, and Angie couldn't help but gasp before she started crawling again. When the passageway opened up and she was essentially swallowed down it, Angie cried out in fright and slid down the thing.

Once she was down the dark tunnel, her eyes losing their magical vision that allowed her to see in the dark. Then, as she fell further down, Angie gasped as she felt the cocks rubbing all over her body, and her own cock throbbed greatly as she began squirming around, trying to get back up to look around for an exit, worried now that she was in total darkness. "W-Why won't the light come?" Angie whined softly, feeling around for one of the bugs and trying to draw it up to her mouth to suck on it.

The angel get in her four to look for a bug to suck, but all of them were inside her, some resting and others poking at her rear entrance, but without the force to escape. As she was looking some of the mysterious cocks were large enough to poke at her lower holes and mouth. She could escape now from them but the next passage was dark too and she has lost the line to guide her at the path until she could see again

Angie couldn't get any of the worm things out to suck on, and she felt the cocks around her in the passage trying to gain entry to her lower holes and mouth now too. Trying to keep them from getting in her pussy and ass, Angie leaned down a bit and pulled her butt up into the air a little more and opened her mouth and sucked on one of the cocks poking for entry to her mouth instead, hoping that if she sucked on it, that it would recharge her piercing, as she recast her spell on her eyes if she could.

The tentacle in her mouth eagerly take the offer, making her enjoy every slimy inch of it, making her in minutes mewl by the scent and taste warming her senses. Her lower holes wanted so baddly to be taken and as she struggle with this need a hollow tentacle struck at her dick sucking it, her breasts also get poked as all her back and wings, drenching her more with their intoxicating scent. More precum started to fill her mouth and for an eternity in her mind she could sense it coming filling her mouth until this escape of her, her face shine then as the strange dick where she take the tongue ring... just at the time to notice her cock trapped in a strange sheath made of tentacle skin, yet the end of her dick was free to cum when the strange meat device allow it. She was unable to cast her spell still sealed. She could see the small room around her filled with friendly tentacles like cocks and at a side a passage to a white sea.

Sucking hard on the cock in her mouth, Angie moaned softly, and as she did this, Angie's eyes went wide as she felt a hollowed out tentacle wrap around her cock and begin sucking hard. Her breasts also got latched onto and sucked, while her back and wings were drenched with slime, arousing her further. Angie finally sucked an orgasm out of the tentacle cock after a couple of minutes, and as she gulped it down, she found that her tongue piercing was shining again, and the light let her see what was encasing her own cock now.

Angie tried to crawl forward again, towards the white sea, and hoping that she could rest around there for a few minutes, and already guessing that it was a pool of cum.

Without her spell on her eyes, Angie needed to open her cum drenched mouth as the gem eyes sluty face was, there was not clue of the line, so it was possible than she has lost the path when she fall to this place, the dark mist was everywhere even there, caresing her wet body as her dick and ass were constantly pleased too Opening her mouth she could see a vast hall filled with a maybe endless white sea, she was not sure how deep was, she could swim on it at any direction or get close the walls... looking up there was a narrow passage very small to fly opening her wings and for where she has fallen, but there were tentacles more wild in moves and thick to her mind to endure


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Looking around in the large chamber, where the pool of cum seemed to stretch on into a lake, an endless one that stretched on for miles almost, and well out of her sight. The tentacles that were there, flailing wildly, worried Angie, but she knew that she had to rest for now, so she had to take the chance that something might come her way, for she had to catch her breath and rest her weary muscles.

Angie stay in what she suppose was a safe place, away the white sea and a little away of the tendrils at her back. But as she tried to rest her butt wanted too drop a bug or two and her cock remain hard painfully as the shealt of meat dont let her cum escape from her needed dick. The time was eternal and peaceful with every place having a potent scent of the most dirty lust. After maybe hours at least she get recovered in part. There was needed now a choice for Angie to make.

As she sat there resting, Angie looked around, and as she tried to push a couple of the worm bugs out, she felt her cock erupting with a few spurts of seed, which was captured by the meaty sheath that encased her shaft. After resting for a while, Angie decided that she should move on, and tested the waters as the saying goes, as she dipped a foot down into it, testing how warm the cum was, and how deep.

The angel get into position with her ass cheeks pulled by her own hands, what come later was strange yet pleasant, slime going out her butthole before slowly the thick worm crawl out as she try to hide her moans, then a next come both healty and filled with cum at theirs bellies. These remain close Angie resting at a corner as she recover herself a little and then decide to test the warm sea. It was deep until this mostly could reach below her breasts, her leg used for it get out with a cream beautiful silky color, she could bet than some magic allow the jizz remain as if this was still before be released. A good touch and Angie was used to the scent, some in the mix give an arousing scent all on it.

As one of the slimy worm things slipped out of her, Angie moaned deeply, then another came and she felt her seed ready to spurt again. After resting long enough and moving to the cum lake and testing how deep they were, Angie decided it might be faster to wade through it, even if it wasn't quite as safe. Thankfully it wasn't too deep, and so she decided to head on through it for now, keeping close to the nearer of the two sides to keep from getting lost without any land in sight.

The angel decide than she wanted to taste moving at the cum lake, she could open or close her mouth but slowly it would fade as she clean her mouth of the tentacle remains. Below her breasts her skin was in constant enjoyment feeling the warm jizz, loving the move of the waves and the mist reacting together. She wanted to bath on it feed of it... all of her, her hair and face as also her healty wings on this deep huge chamber where her low vision cant see the ceiling or end. Yet there was some move in the jizz from time to time.

The mist and the waves of cum sloshing about against her skin was quite arousing, and her body was feeling a gentle pleasure as it did. As she went, Angie noticed some movements in the cum from time to time, and she was curious she had to admit, and wanted to know what it was, yet at the same time she didn't. Angie moved a tiny bit closer to the shore on the side she was on, and kept going.

Angie keep walking this time close the shore, the feel of her soaked body and the mist get worse but in such close to her peak state keep going until finally after a long time she was completely in darkness again with her ring worn out of what it feed it. As the light compretely fade the sounds get closer and the waves increased in number, still what menaced her safety was a potent move of the jizz caused by something really big or a huge wave from deep inside.

After a while, Angie noticed the light dying down in her piercing again and couldn't help but feel a little worried again. She idly wondered if drinking a bit of cum from the lake here would recharge it and dipped a hand down and got a little mouthful of it to try nad do so, before whatever was in the cum lake attacked or whatnot.

The warm jizz on her hand not only cause the wished effect but made et with her eyes gazed for an instant her mouth opened as her creamy by jizz tongue remain shinning. Not so far she notice a colosal tentacle and at a side a membrane cap as door than opened when the light hit it. The creatures move more wild as they find out the nude in need woman in front of them, yet Angie awakened softly to see the danger, she could act in any way to defend herself without her magic or get to the gate as al do what she could to get out the jizz lake

In the near distance, Angie gasped as she saw the gigantic tentacle rising up. Angie rushed for the door that opened up, hoping to get out before she got caught by the things.
The struggle to get inside was intense and end really fast. The strange creatures swim as fast as they could and below the cream jizz they were inches to hold her legs, but she last until the last of her breath and energy to get inside beore the membrane door closed behind her and the waves with unknown creatures hit the enough to pass some cream water to the other side. Angie was tired and fall at her kness, tired of run, this continuous pleasurethan only build in bigers hights inside her and also exhausted to be almost helpless. The dark mist here was many times more intense, breathing was enough to squirm some of her cum even when this was almost sealed by the meat shealth. She could easily give up and get in full lust here for days yet some of her light managed to see some images in the meat wall and some gems incrusted too

Rushing towards the exit, Angie panted softly as she got through just before it closed behind her, collapsing to her knees as soon as she was through. The foggy mist was even thicker in here, Angie saw, and she was worried that she'd never get out of here. Looking around, Angie saw the images on the walland decided to look at them a little closer while she had the chance, and was resting.

The wall meat have some females and males figures... tentacles were painted too lived in harmony as also some monsters. The gemstones were stars in the sky of many forms and deep inside a very huge tentacle image coil around all the picture not looking to have a start as this is taking a willing naked woman from the town and also a male. Angie would rest there and most of that time her mind lost in the image and the shinning of the gems, was hours or days even but she was with the same need as she awake of her awe

at a side of her a large passage from where the mist come is for her to continue or look for other passage

Looking at the drawings on the wall, Angie was curious what they meant, and couldn't help but believe that she would be lost down here forever maybe. She decided to follow the passage onward after seeing that it seemed to be where the mist was coming from, her cock achingly hard and throbbing, wanting to cum some more, as she hoped against hope that she would find the source of this whole thing and end it, for Ashley.

Angie continue for that path looking for a way to escape be trapped there forever. Her steps were weak and as she continue she forgot than the slut ring in her tongue was in darkness for a long time, but her whole being could see the images in the wall clearly as also the path, as a moth toward a fire she walk lost of her five senses drenched fully in lust to know anything more. Unable to know how long she walked or cum between the path she notice many girls, placing some objects at her body as she was taken deep inside.

There as the same stars were pale against such imponent being, she noticied many girls praising that long tentacle than come from the sky, lost she was picked by the tendril as the potent mist coming from it made her be just a mindless being out of love the instant as she is choiced. As vast as the space the tendril take her to see the feet deep away of the inmense creature in a dark chamber living and loving every there. Many different races of women lick the inmense tentacles of that creature than were just long hairs on the floor below that throne in the stars in a different plane. Angie then see the face a beautiful woman taking flying blue shadows from an oath as huge as the same Sun and eating them as her wet breasts and cunt open to let out women more beautiful of what they were and in new bodies than fade in colors before dissapear and get inside the oath to other world. The creature loved her job giving new life as her and sending it far away, taking more of these shadows in an endless cyrcle until her eyes meet Angie and one of her tentacles hairs move to take that small little spot different of the others.

Angie conciest fade in an orgasm, her whole self soul and mind fade into nothing as she was een by the creature and then she awake tied in vines and surrounded by four elven girls. Her body half turned into meat stone by the dark mist around her.

Welcome back, thief. Now if you can help us to decide if we should let you as decoration or pay serving us for your crime" A red head ef woman said getting close to rub at Angie transformed belly or mostly covered in a strange cap of meat wall

Her legs shaky as she continued, Angie hoped that she would find at least a way out of here, if nothing else. Angie didn't know how long she'd been walking, or how far she'd walked, but she knew for a fact that it had been for quite a while. She gasped as she was scooped up by the long tentacle, and squirmed feebly as it lifted her up. Seeing the strange things around her as she was pulled up further, and Angie would soon cum again, her vision blurring and going black as she finished cumming.


When she woke back up, Angie looked around and gasped as she found the situation she was in. She squirmed a bit as she saw the elven girls around her, and she worried about the stone she was basically fused into. "I... I'm no thief. W-What are you talking about?" Angie replied.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

GM:"Of course you are" The red head elf answer back rubbing her hand at Angie's hair. " We dont know the reason of why you are here, but just walking at our sacred land is enough crime" She add before guide Angie face so she could see some others female trapped in figures like her, yet these ones were gold statues or were diamond mirrors between others kinds of similar objects.

"Now... we will let the dark mist judge you and decide your punishment unless you want to say something... It will show yours true colors so if you are inocent of any sin against us then you dont need to fear" Another elf this one of green hair and gold eyes said, the others two elves were checking the place for more invaders they have light blue hair and blonde hair the other.

MF: "N-No I... I'm not a thief," Angie said, pleading with them before they guided her face to look at the other women trapped like she was.

"I was only in here b-because of the harpy queen. She told me t-that this was her treasury room o-or something like that, and that if I cleaned the creatures out of here, t-that I could have an engagement ring for my beloved," Angie replied, squirming in place and hoping that they would listen to her.
GM: "Certainly, i had heard some similar things from others in your position, but is not really truth than this place belongs to her" The green haired one answer to Angie. " Harpies are a little airhead, they should had forgot to say you about us and our sacred place than they connect with theirs ideas than all the mountain belongs to them" The red head then told to Angie. "But if you are here for just a engagement ring, then you should accept what the dark mist decide, if there is not greed on you then you will be safe of turn into a new piece of decoration" The green haired one continue before end saying. "Would you accept any what the dark mist decide?"
MF: "Well I didn't know that. Y-You can't hold that against me for not knowing that, surely," Angie pleaded, squirming again. "I... I don't want to be a decoration. I want to return to my beloved. I only c-came here to try and find her the most beautiful engagement ring I could, b-because she deserves it, because she means everything to me," Angie went on to say, tears in her eyes now.

GM: "No, but we cant also know if what you has said is true. In any way if you are inocent to dont know about this little confrict there is still your infriction for touch our sacred floor." The green haired elf said before raise her hand toward Angie and soon the the stone like fresh than had Angie turned into dark mist and engulf the angel. Senses fading in instants just for her feel strange needs to breed all the elves when they wish it come to be write at her mind, then she was catched by the red haired one who place her in the floor resting at her kness.

Angie heard chains around her and as she opened her eyes she notice the leather touch of her white boots and gloves, a slave collar at her neck ending into a large gold chain than the green haired elf take, her legs and hands have shackles than could get conected by them and her slighty more silver wings were adorned and such weight extra made her hard to fly again. She could see a white transparent nightie lingery over her body and the meat shealt at her dick was now fine silk... however boots large gloves and what cover most of her cock fees to be alive giving her the arousal enough to be always hard and wet for any use of them. However the worse was the symbol at Angie's belly than reduced most of her powers.

"See? it was faster in that way, but now we will need to take you to see someone to decide your sentence" The red haired one said as this take the gold chain to guide Angie

MF: As Angie was engulfed in the mist as the stone changed shape and whatnot, she gasped and let out a squeal of fright. Feeling an overwhelming urge to breed the elven women, Angie moaned softly, as she heard the chains around her. Then, when she opened her eyes, after clamping them shut in fear, she saw a pair of white leather boots and gloves on her, and the large golden chain connected to her slave collar made her shiver with worry again. Her wings were weighted down too, and the nightie she wore hid nothing of her body, and she also had a cock sheath made of the finest silk.

"W-What is this s-stuff?" Angie asked, whining softly as she wriggled from the pleasure of the clothing she wore. "A-And what's this symbol?" Angie then asked, looking at the symbol on her belly and worrying about what it had done to her.

When they took Angie's chain and tugged on it to guide her along, Angie stumbled a bit and moved along with them. "Who are you taking me to see?" Angie asked softly, fear obvious in her voice.
GM: "Hmhm, a gift from our ancient magic~" The red head answer, as her hand softly rub at Angie's chest, moving her finger between them until get to the strange seal. "Im sure than you will love what will come next, if you are a good girl maybe you could get that engagement ring than yo are looking for" Said this her hands softly pull at the chain to guide Angie as the gree haired one have a silk bandage in her hand what she dont wasted time to start placing to cover the angel's eyes.

"We will take you to see ours elders and make you pay to our race for your infringement, you should be grateful of this... as you could had ended traped like many for ages" The elves guide them the almost complete blind elf toward a passage made for them ages ago and covered by the mist, she could heard the steps of the four one around her and of course theirs soft tease on her body by theirs hands.
MF: Hearing the redhead giggling as she spoke, Angie shuddered softly and whined, but kept going with her. "A-Alright, I d-don't have much of a choice I guess," Angie said softly, following as best she could on her hands and knees. "P-Please, I'm innocent, I swear," Angie pleaded with the one that told her that their elders would make her pay.

Hearing the steps of the elves around her, Angie worried that she would never get out of here now, and she worried that they might try and keep her even if their "elders" found her innocent.
GM: Angie was taken by tunnels and roads, her ass constantly being touched and abused by the elves behind her, caressing her wings yet their pull on her feathers never remove a feather of her, the four elvens dont wanted to hurt her body until the elders decide what to do with her. After a long time between the woods the group reach a hidden place and Angie could sense many persons looking at her always displayed aroused body, making her get inside a room and placed to sit around certainly fertile women, her cock and nose could detect them easily. "This winged woman is taken here from the ancient dream chamber, she swear to be inocent and our ancient magic show no greed on her... however, the ancient power has decided than she should serve to us until we decide to free her" A noble woman voice said and soon a soft silence come, maybe all making their vote. "Now raise up and say your name and what you has seen in these visions, we are interested in why that enchant object in your tongue was given to you" Another voice said to Angie
MF: Angie moaned softly as they groped her ass and wings, and she tensed and whimpered when she felt them pull on her feathers, pleading with them to not pull any out. After a while, they finally made it to where they were taking Angie, and she stopped to rest a little if she could, before they forced her inside a room and made her sit. Angie started to speak up as soon as she was in there, but decided against it until she had been spoken to first.

"I... I'm Angie. I'm an angel of Celestia," Angie said to them in response, unsure what they meant by visions. "What visions? I... I really don't recall any visions right off the top of my head. And... this thing? It came from the tunnels above here. I honestly wouldn't mind getting rid of it, but it's the only source of light I've had in here since I arrived," Angie went on to say.
GM: Angie dont notice too much amusement from the elves after these haerd than she was an angel, of course her eyes were covered in such strange white bandage than it was so soft and light than she many times forget to have it yet there was to blind her.

"The five passages represent some passions than we must face to reach adulthood, it was not random your choice and the mist slowly guide your mind to fall on visions than could be about the past, what you wish or what you will see" One of the unknown elder women answer to her.

Then other come closer to open Angie's mouth and let free to all to see the strange piercing in her tongue. "This is one of our teasures, gifted by an elderl powerful succubi... she said than if one could wear it she should be used to help us to breed a large quantity of ours childrens". Said this they let the angel digest this
MF: Unable to see, Angie was shuddering a bit as she was questioned. She listened to the response she got from one of the "elders" and wondered what this whole place meant. "B-But I... when will I get to leave? I have my beloved, Ashley, to return to, and she's carrying my child, so I can't stay here forever," Angie replied, looking up towards where the voices were coming from through her blindfold.
GM: "That depend on you Angie, if we are pleased with your job you could be free soon before you could expect it" An elder said as the one who had got closer return to her seat. "Is a shame of course, we were curious of what an angel could meet in our trial. Are you sure than you dont remember any of it, something strange?" The elves looks to be close to decide end the small chance than Angie have to talk with them, opening the door where maybe many others elves were waiting for what the elders had decided
MF: "S-So the trials I went through is what you want to know?" Angie asked, telling them what all had happened on her way in as she sat there, not leaving anything out.

When she was done, Angie looked around and cleared her throat. "M-May I have some water to drink please?" Angie asked after she'd gotten done.
GM: "Of course, the trials arent more than passages in circles where the mist show you part of you or visions given by the Gods to advice you... then sometimes who venture at them get gifts as in your case" An elf woman said pointing to the ring than Angie got or her whole slave clothes than were created by the own mist.

The elders of course were interested in such visions. "Interesting, no one has seen somethin like that, we would need time to find out what they mean" Said this and hearing the needs of water of the elf they give some to her and then some start to get up theirs seats.

"We will order a special room for you to stay, there we hope than you help us to solve our lack of males. If your need to stay close your fiance is so great, maybe we will look for her and take her to your side" Said this Angie could be sure than the order inserted in her mind by the ancient magic to breed with as many elves as possibe would be fulfilled soon.
MF: "I... I don't mind talking about it. B-But may I at least have the blindfold taken off first please?" Angie said, drinking the water almost greedily, as it was the first liquid to pass her lips aside from cum since she came in here. "Thank you, but... so long as I'm not kept here for too long, I don't mind staying a little while at least if you really need me. But... please don't make me stay apart from Ashley for too long. I love her with all my heart, and I don't want her to worry about me. I also promised the high spirit of these lands that I would protect her too, and always be there with her," she went on to say.
GM: "My apologize, but yours eyes must remain sealed until this judgment ends." The elders lllllooks to have a hidden fetish on Angie state or really was so needed for their safety, in any way Angie was sattled of her needs to drink something before the talk continue.

"We respect yours feelings Angie and you will be free once your had serve your porpose, we could send a messenger to where she live so she could know than you will return soon to her side" The elders were of course interested to heard which was Angie connection with this high spirit, yet Angie dont needed to say this to them if she thinks than is not right

MF: "B-But why? I mean you no harm," Angie replied, her voice obviously filled with fright.

She was thankful that they gave her the water though, as she'd been very thirsty since for a while now for something other than cum. "I appreciate that. But I can send her a message if only I could use my own magics," Angie replied, unsure if she should tell them her connection with the high spirit lady of these lands.
GM: "Oh, some of yours next mates loves the idea of a helpless cute girl at their care and with yours eyes covered yours others senses will provide you with more enjoyment in your task" One of them get the courage to say a reason or two.

Of course when Angie ask for her magic, the elves were against it, maybe dont trusting fully at the angel yet or they wanted her like that to enjoy her better for a time.
MF: "I... I see. V-Very well then," Angie replied, unable to really refuse.

"But... you promised to give word to my beloved. A-And since none of you know her, you c-can't really do so, therefore it would be left to me to do so. I... I promise I won't do anything more than tell her that I may be a day or two longer. So please... our wedding is set to be soon," Angie pleaded with them, looking around even though she was blindfolded. "If you must, I'll let you reseal my magics afterwards without complaint," she added.
GM: "We could just look for that high spirit, to imform about where you are, but if sending personaly a message to her with your magic will be the best way to calm your worries then we will allow you free a little f magic enough to send a message to any near town" The elves decide and one inform to Angie about theirs wishes, Angie later would feel some few drops of her magic return so she could inform her lover"
MF: "She's resting right now, so she can't speak to anyone at the moment. She used a whole lot of power and had to do so," Angie replied, and when she felt her magics returning, she breathed a little easier and began to calm down.

Angie sent a message to Ashley, telling her that she might be an extra day or two like she'd said to the elves here, but leaving out the part that she'd been captured. She would inform her though that she was exploring a cave, and that she was being offered the chance by some elves to get her one of the most beautiful engagement rings she could find, and that was what was taking so long.
GM: The information about the high spirit alarm a little the elves, so they dont wasted time in ask more about the topic "Why would she spend so much power to need to rest? It was to confront the darkness than take away ours males?" One ask very worried, maybe as many in the room has lost a son or husband, the wound should be still fully open by the small time from that event.

Once her magic get restores, Angie got to notice her message reach her lover but this was still a beginer in use her own magic to send back a message, at least with the speed needed before the angel magic was sealed again. With all sattled the elves invite the ange to enjoy her time there and sattle any need or wish from her mates, as before Angie was taken to be at her fours and enjoy the attention of the needed elves as she move out and the elders declare at the four winds than Angie would be their sexual servant to help them to recover their number. Angie was placed in a confortable small room filled with cushions and others things to use on her than she cant notice by the lack of temporal vision. She was there alone the enough time to try to remove the bandage in her eyes but as many times she try her hands move more up, failing completely.
MF: "To confront a great darkness above yes, that was why she expended so much power, and... to help me. She said that if Ashley was taken by the evil men, then a great darkness would spread across the land, especially if one of them planted their seed in her," Angie told them all.


After sending her message, and assuring Ashley that she would be okay and would speak to her again soon, Angie let her magics be resealed, and she nodded to the elves. She followed them along, until she was placed in a room of some sort that she couldn't see, and onto a soft bed. Angie did try only a couple of times to remove the blindfold, but no more than that, figuring that it was placed on her magically, to prevent her from getting it off there. "So... are you ladies going to use me now?" Angie asked softly.
GM: "Sound than this Ashley is really important for the high spirit, it could be helpful to meet her in the future" The elders were really with many questions about Ashley and this darkness, but the time for Angie to act was near as also high were the needs of their people to have the angel for them.

"Hmhm, someone is in a hurry to be taken, isnt?" A female young voice answer and then many wishpers come before the door get opened again. "I heard from the elders than you will do all... what you can to fulfill ours... more carnal dreams... then at our time together you must be my most humble sex servant, call me... Mistress" A mostly blushing elf said as the door get opened and she sit close Angie "Beg for me... start from my legs" She said waiting to see how the angel would act

MF:"N-No it's not that. I just..." Angie began to say before the elf finished, and informed her that Angie was to call her mistress. "Y-Yes mistress, I... I'll do as you ask," Angie then replied.

"Please... please make me feel good mistress. L-Let me please you," Angie pleaded with the elf girl, leaning down and kissing the top of her left foot, and slowly kissing up her leg, each inch, until she'd made it to the top of the left leg, and then going back down to the right foot and doing the same.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

GM: Angie start the order given by the elf on turn, her senses improved could sense so exquisite skin as she kiss and pamper her perfumed legs with the scent of a fertile elf, a sweet flower scent on her what increased her needs to take her just now, but she tried all what she could to restrain herself. Her head petted, giving her shivers in her almost close to explode meat rod. The elf then sit and raise her leg so Angie could continue with her feet, increasing her time to enjoy the divine celestial pampers. "The elf giggle and as the angel was licking and sucking such delicated foot, the elf said some words in her natal tongue in a sweet wishper and in seconds Angie only cum in her female organs, stunned by the pleasure of the climax but also needed than her dick could soon let free her warm seed as her nectar was now. "hmhm, its so soon to cum by just loving my legs my servant. Do you love so much to touch and elf isnt?" She said as she giggle as the angel could feel somehow weird to be so aroused by serve an unknown. "Maybe you could enjoy my flower if you say me how much you enjoy serving me as yu give me a lovely full massage." She said slowly getting closer until wishper the last to the angel's ear and caressing the dressed cock in need than Angie wants to use as soon as possible. Her ears noticed the sound of the underwear of her mistress fall close and then her hands was guided to the back of this, she may be no able to see but she could sense than her mate of turn was naked and face down ready to be pleassured and maybe then the angel could take her turn.
(Elven's magic for the moment make her be aroused but unable to cum with her cock)

MF: Feeling her senses other than sight being a bit stronger and more sensitive, the soft skin of the elf's legs being so nice to the touch that Angie couldn't help but get quite into it. The perfume was sweet and fragrant, and coax Angie to life even more when she began smelling it, and the pets to her head were also helping to urge Angie along. All of that was nearly enough to make the young angel cum again, but she managed to hold back as the elf took a seat on the side of the bed that she'd been on. Angie kept pampering her legs and feet, kissing both from bottom to top, and back down again before switching legs. After she kissed her legs all over, Angie would gently take one foot in both of her hands, and began massaging it, and after a couple of minutes, she massaged the other one too.

Then, as the elf whispered softly in her ear, Angie came... yet... only from her pussy. Her cock didn't spurt any seed out, and she was left shuddering in ecstasy as she kept trying to pamper the elf. "I... s-something's happening to me," Angie replied, panting softly as she did. "I n-need to cum s-so badly. P-Please..." she then said, pleading for her release.

Angie could hear the elf taking her clothing off, and was anticipating it like crazy, her cock trembling inside of the silky cover it had. She waited for her to come over and ask her to slide inside, licking her lips hungrily as she imagined the feel of it going into the lovely elf girl.

GM: The elf used her index to softly rub at the angel's lips, certainly loving to see the small shinning at the jewel on the angel's tongue. "Hmhm, you need to plead better for what you need my servant~ What do you need of your kind Mistress?" She wait then for Angie to beg for her Mistress's pussy, meanwhile she placed the angel face down resting her wings on the pillows and then softly sit over her to play softly touch on the angel's chest, waiting for her naughty begs to the elf.


Once Angie said the magic words, the elf get close the celestial ear to wishper her " For what you wish will be granted now, my servant... not cum as much as you can for what you deep inside love, an elven fertile flower for you to fill with your seed" Angie could sense each inch of her skin, her ample chest and delicate body yet athletic one, her pussy soon press on the cock and Angie was not sure why she dont cum in the instant as she moan loudly. Her concious almost fade but the shock of pasion with each thrust make her awake. "Hmhm, not yet... i must get to my peak after all~" She said and soon it was up to Angie pleasure her to get her each second more potent orgasm.


Each second was blissful but only until the elf cum Angie get to fill her with her seed. Angie of course needed more and also her mate so they last more time together "Oh well done... dont stop until i can finally earn a chid" The elven said between their time mating. When all end after five loads from Angie, the woman said to come later when her turn come again and Angie should try to think in each of them as their only lover or they would need more than a pair of times to be sure to be impregnated. Angie of course was stunned in bliss after such event yet soon another elf come inside waiting for Angie introduction before they start

MF: "I... I need your pussy mistress... please... give it to me," Angie pleaded, pawing at the elven girl's legs.

Angie let herself be laid back, her wings draped across the soft pillows, while the elf began gently toying with her breasts. Cooing and moaning softly as she was teased some more, Angie's voice quickly filled the room. As soon as she heard the elf whispering in her ear, Angie shuddered, reaching up and gently gripping the elf's hips with both hands and easing her "mistress" down onto her cock. Unsure why she hadn't already exploded in ecstasy, Angie moaned softly and squirmed around as the elf began rocking her hips, though it soon became apparent that the elf was using some sort of magic to prevent her orgasm.

It was sheer bliss for Angie, and while she wanted to cum oh so badly, Angie wasn't allowed to really cum until the elf had gotten her climax out of it. When she was finally able to cum, Angie spurted her seed deep into the elf riding her, and she arched her back mightily as she launched it all up into her lover. Angie was almost certain that she'd impregnated the elf, only for the elf to begin again, with Angie's cock throbbing the entire time as she moaned without a care in the world.


By the time they were finished, Angie was panting madly, barely coherent, yet still hard amazingly enough. She faintly heard the elf tell her she would be back later or something, but after that, she heard her leaving, and another elf coming in. "W-Who's there now? I'm sorry, I... I need a few minutes to rest please, b-before we begin. S-Something to drink would be h-helpful," Angie told whoever it was now in the room with her.

GM: "Of course, sit so i can give you something to drink" A slighty more matured elf answer, Angie sit in her exhausted time waiting for the glass of water, but instead the elf hold her shoulders and stole a deep kiss on Angie's mouth sharing a perfuned warm sweet liquid in that long kiss. "There are hundreds of us waiting for their turn, how much time will take you if you need a break with just one of us?" The elf then softly caress the angel's head and wings to relax the futa as she continue "Our kind tend to polish theirs arts not only the ones on bed, maybe you should do the same and focus on pleasure us in different ways..." Said this the elf stay close Angie, caressing the celestial body as her hands soil her with lotion below her clothes

MF: "T-Thank you mistress," Angie said softly, thanking the new elf woman, raising up, though she shuddered slightly as she did so.

Just as Angie was about to ask where her water was to drink, she felt the woman's lip pressing against her ownagainst Angie's. Angie was taken by surprise, as the kiss was stolen from her by the elven woman, who sounded more mature than the previous one. There was liquid in the elf's mouth too, which Angie drank down eagerly, not really caring she needed a drink so badly. "I... I have to rest a little bit at least, but... I'll do my best for you all. I didn't realize just how many of you were waiting for me," Angie replied, panting softly as she looked around at the new elf, or where she assumed she was anywya.

As her head and wings were caressed softly, Angie relaxed more and more, easing herself back onto the bed. "I... I could do that, b-but I don't think I could and still i-impregnate you all as part of the deal your elders gave me. I promised I would, s-so I'll make do, for all of you. Just... give me a minute or two between each of you, a-and maybe something to drink and eat every now and then, and I'll be okay I think. I'm an angel after all, a-and I've got plenty of stamina, a-as you can see mistress," Angie said, gesturing down at her still hard and throbbing cock, before she relaxed at the massage, cooing softly and reaching up to caress her new elven mistress's breasts and ass.

GM: The woman give a kiss in her forehead as one of her hands move to caress the needed Angel cock. " Certainly will remain ready to be taken, as my kind is blessing you to fulfill your duty. A duty given to you by ours gods to save a whole race." She ended moving a little her face down and share another kind passionated eep kiss at Angie's mouth, her tongue touching the ring than has choiced the angel to increase the elven's population.

Meanwhile, Angie could feel the woman's rear and breasts more endowed than the last elf, just then she noticed than her gloves and boots were now long soft stockings and gloves. "I dont had in mind take you, as i have already three beautiful daughters, my roll here is take care of yours needs, but now so close i cant resist to your beauty Angie, I will take you right now once you get recovered" Saif this the woman continue pampering and teasing the public town mate, giving the needs to recover fast and take the woman over her.

MF: Angie moaned softly as the elven woman gently caressed her cock, and the young angel cooed as the woman spoke in her ear. "W-Well I am an angel, a-and a futanari angel at that. We are supposed to have lots of stamina," Angie panted softly, returning the kiss of the elven woman and pulling her close.

Angie melted in the elf's arms, her hands groping her ass and breasts that were larger and fuller than the previous elf that had taken Angie. When the elf told Angie that she couldn't resist her body, despite having three daughters, Angie felt lust and the need to breed building too greatly in her for her to resist it, where she gently lifted the elven woman up and laid her down on the bed. "I feel much better now, thanks to you love. You made me feel so much better with your kind words and it helped me to get ready much faster, thank you," Angie whispered to the elven woman, kissing her on the lips after finding them, as she was still blindfolded. "May I remove the blindfold? So that I can see how beautiful you are," Angie asked softly, capturing one of the elf's nipples in her mouth and lightly sucking on it.

GM: The angel placed softly the woman to a side in the bed and both shared a warm passionate time kissing each other, the woman helping her to find her mouth and the accesories on Angie increasing the senses of such arousing moment. "Its against the laws remove what the ancient magic has placed on you, but as long you hide than someone help you to removed them it would be alright" The The luscious woman said before place her hands over Angie's eyes and maybe using some magic the angel was able to see finally. Angie was dressed in a silk like nightie, long gloves and stokings, her fingers were exposed in such fine lincery clothes and the nightie over her dont hide anything and only increase the pleasure as tehirs bodies touch at each other. She was over a lovely bed and on the floor were cushions to her to rest with her future mates, the whole place have a soft white or pink tone by some crystals on it and the door was sealed so nobody interrupt their time together. About the woman on front of her, she was beautiful and her elven body was filled with fertility beyond any other elf maybe, the color of her hair was hidden in part for the color lightand Angie was in a deep need to waste a second more without take her. "If you wish, we can make it slow and soft for you to be in shape for the next one." The woman elf invite to Angie, completely naked and without doubt also wishing to start soon, but Angie was in a terrible state when she get inside than she maybe ponder if was healty for the young angel.

MF: Angie shared some more sweet passionate kisses with the elven woman, who drew Angie up to her mouth without any troubles. "But... y-your people put the blindfold on me, not the magics through the caves. The magics in the caves only gave me this tongue piercing. But if I'll get in trouble, then alright, I'll hide that you took it off. I... I just don't see why I'm not allowed to view such beauty as you ladies," Angie replied, where she was soon able to see herself, and the elf she was with.

The nightie didn't bother her any at all really, and when she saw the lovely elf in front of her, Angie felt the aching burning need to breed her. "N-No it's fine, your kindness and caresses perked me back up I believe. You're so kind, mistress," Angie replied, kissing her on the lips as the sight of the elven woman sparked up her lust the more she looked at her. Angie wasn't certain whether or not it was healthy for her to go so quickly, but her lust burning so brightly urged her to take the lovely elf beneath her, her hips thrusting forward and burying her cock inside of the elven woman as she moaned lewdly.

GM: "You are also very kind and lovely to my eyes, Angelique." The woman said as they continue loving each other, her hand on Angie's dick had already prepared the angel for what will come soon, there was not more time to talk for Angie in such need and soon her member pressed against the elven's folder, her narrow skilled love tunnel was better to take than the last elven, pressing at her dick as the whole elven's body wanted the angel to enjoy each second of their mating and than this could last longer of the usual what soon the needed angel accepted and so Angie could enjoy each inch of her lover, their bodies caressing each other and the elven's hands increasing the angel's lust with her touch. The elven's moans were increasing the arousal on Angie, her wish to cum deep and long in her insides. "You are really good on this Angelique... you can take me as much as you like and in any way..." The woman said with some of her remain breath between her lustful sounds shared by Angie in their love nest.

MF: "T-Thank you mistress, I appreciate your kind words. It... feels so good," Angie said, shuddering as the tight pussy of the elven woman squeezed her perfectly, milking at her shaft so much that Angie nearly lost it right then and there.

It took most of her willpower to not cum right then and there, but thankfully Angie held herself back and didn't pop just yet. The elf's moans were increasing Angie's arousal with each one that slipped out of her lips, and Angie was soon very close, and unable to hold back any longer. "A-Alright mistress... t-take my seed," Angie panted, squealing lewdly as she came inside of the elf, not stopping until she felt her seed splashing back out.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

GM: There was a little smirk on the elven's face as easily she notice the angel to cum soon inside her, in a sudden move, she press harder and take deep inside the angel's dick, causing on Angie a deep and long peak as she notice the end of the tunnel pressing against the point of her cock, the pleasure go on as her loads went deep inside the elven's womb, taking every drop than the angel could share before the woman was sure to be pregnant, Angie was released of such wonderful passion tunnel, resting at the side of the elf who continue sharing her kind touch at the blisfull angel. "It was a wonderful moment, Angie. Maybe the next time we could enjoy each other for longer time, but now please rest, think in us as yours mates than you love with all your heart" The elven advice the angel so this could enjoy her service with complete happiness. Meanwhile her hands explore the celestial being, making her moan as the fingers get to notice some erogenous places distant of her cunt and breasts. The elven tehn prepare to leave, yet she give some time to Angie to ask or talk more with her as her touch bring new energy to the angel

MF: As the elven woman pulled Angie in deeper, the young angel squealed and came, the tip of her cock spurting her seed directly into her lover's womb. Angie was almost positive that the elf was now pregnant with her child, but she didn't mind, and figured that she would likely end up impregnating very many women in the mortal world here, not just Ashley and the girls from underneath the temple in the catacombs. Even after she finished cumming, Angie was so sensitive that she could barely stand to move an inch, even to pull out of the lovely elf.

"O-Okay mistress... but if you need me, p-please don't hesitate to ask more of me. I have plenty of stamina, especially for my loving mistresses," Angie replied, shifting a bit and very slowly, and gently, pulling her shaft out, before laying back beside the elf, where she enjoyed the soft and kind touches to her body, her wings fluttering happily every few moments.

"Mistress... could you tell me why you all need me so badly? A-And what I have done to deserve this sentence?" Angie asked softly before the elf got up to leave, her hands roaming and cupping her mistress's ass with one, as the other draped around the elf's back.

GM: Angie could see the warm smile of the woman as this pet the whole angel "We may see again soon, for your nights i will bring some delicate girls to assist you and maybe one of them could be myself or one of my daughters" The woman raise to be taken softly of the angel and her pair of questions.

She nods as she gets closer and hugs the angel, one of her hands petting Angie's hair as she answer "Most of the beastmen in the forest were victim of the strange event some days and our village was the most affected, every male was taken by that dark force and never seen again. This event was predicted time ago by a powerful succubi and give to us that ring than you wear in your mouth. So, you were choiced from a long time to bring us childrens and hope"

The woman said, showing than even when elfs could mate with mortals, it was declared from the fate than would be an angel who will bring them males or futas, so their race remain alive for the future

MF: "Oh goodness... if youre daughters are anything like you mistress, I may go back to heaven, hmhm," Angie cooed softly, giggling in her mistress's ear as she spoke.

Angie lay there and listened to the elf explain why she was being kept here like this, and as she spoke, the more it began to dawn on Angie that all of this, was her fault. "I... didn't really understand that there were no males left. I mean, your elders said as much, but, with me in the situation I'm in, can you really blame me for not completely believing it until now," Angie replied, sighing softly as she nuzzled against the elf. "Who was the succubus, if you don't mind me asking?" Angie asked after a few moments, caressing her mistress's cheek softly.

GM: "Hmhm, yes they are. As long as you stay here we will make you feel as if you were in the paradise" The woman answer about her daughters as she continue her time with Angie, making the winged one melt in her arms.

When the time to answer Angie's question comes, she let her ask a second time. The whole forest was in mourning and would had continue for years but them you come, i know than it was abrupt the weight placed on yours shoulders, but here we are to help to carry it" Said this she casted a small spell forming an ice vassel and then fill it with water for Angie to drink when she need it, the magic ice would resist the actual temperature and would not be so cold for Angie to lift it when she drink from it.

"Oh that succubi had her name in ours old texts maybe, i could look for it, i only know than she is one of the most beautiful, wise, kind and lovely succubi... netween others many talents. I could look and bring you the book for you to read it when your time to recover of mating come" Her loverl in time said, waiting for any other word from Angie before depart

MF: Angie listened to the elven beauty respond to her questions, and graciously took the glass of ice water and sipped at it. "Aye thank you, I would greatly appreciate that mistress. I love to read, and I'd like to know more about the people I'm helping, since... well, you know," Angie replied, kissing the elf woman one last time before she left Angie alone in there, where Angie replaced her blindfold as promised and lay back to rest a little before the next elf came in.

GM: The woman give her final touches on the angel, bringing some more peace and carnal needs on Angie, she said than she certainly will back soon to bring her something to read. With this said she depart and Angie have some time to prepare herself for the next elf who never ponder if the angel has removed the blindfold.

The endless group of elves come and go, each with their personal charm and showing theirs skills to pleasure a mate, of course not all were a simple sex n the bed or floor, Angie had an intensive training in pleasure a woman, the magic placed on her making her love fill theirs wombs with her babycream in more ways than a comon human could think. Some times they used ropes, wax candles, soft hits with paddles or whips, theirs skills on them made Angie enjoy them with soft pain and a huge amount of pleasure. Then many others used runes on Angie's body to increase her virility and lust, others more let Angie dominate them and then others take her in a stroll in her fours without her nightie and with some bondage devices, little girls went then to meet the stranger in such state, placing flowers in her hair and wings and some slighty more matures decided than her member would be the first than they will touch.

Between her service she also was pampered with food given between some mating, alcohol and baths with aromatic perfume than increased her sensibity. All this and more let her in a constant joy and arousal. Her night as said was shared with at least five young elves than just wanted to warm her nights yet she could take them in any moment. She awake with an early sex sesion from an elf stealthy moving to take her before the elves decided theirs turns, Angie cum of course before she could fully awake and the elf run away, maybe thinking in mate her later when her real turn come. Angie could notice some books close her and a note, she still have some hours to prepare herself so she remove her blindfold to read the note letter first, it was maybe from that woman from yesterday, she write than the angel will have a new meeting with the elders in the midday and than she give her four books than she could read at her time.

Angie could heard some steps outside her small love chamber and her pregnant belly was bigger now, maybe she could talk with someone to sattle any need or she could take the time to read what she could.

(Angie got magical jewelry on nipples and in her clit, she never feel any pain to know when they place them) (Angie also got non permanent magic runes over some parts of her body than she can clean with some washing in the areas)

MF: Angie relaxed a bit more as she lay there, waiting for the next elf to enter the room. Once the next one came in, Angie had gotten a second wind of sorts, and eagerly pleaesd her new "mistress" and did her best to make the new elf enjoy herself. After the next couple of elves, she asked that one if she could remove her blindfold now, if only so she could look into the eyes of those she was making love to, because it made her feel more at ease, and telling that one that she could ask their elders for permission even if she had to, and agreed to wait for their response on the matter, and also passing along the word that she felt more at ease when she could see her lovers, and it would make it easier for her to keep going.

After several more elves, whether the one conveyed her request to the elders or not and got her sight back, Angie did all that was asked of her, and more, always pampering the elves that didn't want to just totally dominate her, and always letting them do whatever they desired. When she was taken for a walk by one elf in particular, Angie couldn't help but smile at the younger elf girls and thanking them kindly for the flowers in her hair and wings. The slightly older young ones that wanted to touch her cock brought a smile to Angie, where she maneuvered herself around and sat on her knees for them, proudly thrusting her hips out for them to do so. "Please, feel free to touch it all you want girls. There's plenty of me to go around, and I would be honored to be your first one touched," Angie told the elven girls with a warm smile, reaching blindly out if her blindfold was still on, and gently taking their hands if they were feeling too embarrassed to do it, and guiding them in, letting them feel every bit of the texture and smoothness of her shaft.

After that, Angie got some more food and drink, happily taking it, and relaxing while she had the chance, as she ate. She drank the wine that was brought to her as well, and enjoyed it and any other alcohol brought, and when the bath came, Angie sank into the warm water and sighed softly, instantly feeling another second wind coming on. After she was finished in the bath, Angie got back to the bedroom and found five elves inside, all meaning to warm her bed for the night. Angie happily greeted them and kissed each one of them, before she pulled her towel off from her body to reveal her once again painfully hard cock. She took each of them twice that night, cumming deep inside of them, and imagining that it was the second elf, and her daughters that had come in for the night.

Angie fell asleep still inside one of the elves, pulling her up on top while she went to sleep, and letting the elf woman, the tightest of her five that night, milk the last drops from her cock while they slept together.


The next morning when she woke, it was to immense pleasure, Angie found. She enjoyed the sneaky elf mounting and riding her like crazy for a couple of minutes while she was still woozy from sleep, and not complaining about anything really, save when the elf tried to leave, and even then it was only Angie pawing at her. After she was gone, Angie was left alone again, and she decided to take the blindfold off and read the note, and then the books. While she was reading, Angie took the time to look at herself, noticing the new piercings she got, and not knowing when she got them, though it didn't really bother her much to be honest, though she'd have liked to know when she'd gotten them.

Really, until Angie heard a knock on the door, she'd keep reading the books, learning what she could from them all, and forgetting to replace the blindfold as she was absorbed with her books.

GM: As the mates pass as also the hours of the day, Angie ask them for remove teh blindfold on her, even when she got a negative, the elfs were starting to feel something for her, so they would ask to the elders for the removal of it tomorrow when Angie meet them again. The sex on her was constant until after some food and water she was taken out to feel the light sun over her nude body, the touch on her skin increased by the lack of vision, she could smell the flowers placed on her and as she introduce all her naughty parts to the little girls her neithers started to drowl and her face to blush, her hard dick soon was able to enjoy the inocent touch of the young elf girls, theirs small hands soon produced some precun to start to drip out, but this was part to teach them, some slighty more matured elves invite some of the ones touching her dick to touch and taste the strange nectar coming out the meat rod. Angie could feel than she could cum soon if this get prolonged yet she could endure herself and store that seed for a elven's pussy than to teach the inexperiences elven's childrens.

At night after move endless pleasure and pampering by feeding and clean her, Angie was welcome to enjoy five young yet skilled elvens to pleasure males or females, they said just than some may be daughters of who she meet before or maybe just students and if that skilled elf was with them then Angie must find her with only the touch of htheirs bodies what was hard as some of the elves there were as sexy curvy as her second mistress in that room. Her mind soon dont care as her body was serving theirs mistresses in the moment, so large use made her enjoy every touch of her matings and guide her to remember that second elf, it was as she was all of them, loving her and caring for her needs. Her dick sleep hard and in bliss inside one of them, maybe the best cunt of the five, she bet yet she was not sure all were just great to decide for one.


With the sun comes another day of her mission in this village, a precious goal than she enjoy by wish impregnate each elf citizen here, the girl over her run away before Angie could invite her to stay more. The note now with her eyes able to read talk about the elders have decide what most of her dream means and they needed to talk with her, maybe they wanted to just apologize or something serious could be the reason, but at least they wouldnt punish the angel as her crime was not so high. The books were old yet writed in elven's materials, so the time wouldnt cause damage on them, she read about the powerful succubi than teach many things to males and females on these lands, how she protected with motherly love each being of the village and of course mated with all... tipic of a succubi. She was with them for a long time until she needed to leave the place, maybe she wanted to meet an eternal lover or a new destination needed her help, still she blessed the lands with teasures for some events, between that the ancient magic and the piercing tongue ring. The ancient magic will guide the elfs to get better to know theirs inner self when they had grow correctly, yet also if an elf was not ready for the task the ancient magic could be too much for them and cause them doubts and worries for a not writed future, maybe tha is why the place was protected and sealed by magic as also traps, harpies were bad to see in the darkness, at least most of them as some live in the night time, so the dark mist made them easily run away of the place... but the others races taken there werent so lucky.

Angie's time alone after some time ended, as she heard someone in the foor and then some elves fring her breakfast and some water from the bests fruits and plants for Angie to choice, they were busy serving her to notice her eyes exposed as they asked her what drink she wish or if she needed something more to start her day.

MF: When she was allowed to sunbathe a bit as they took her to the surface, Angie basked in it and sighed softly, enjoying the feel of it, even if she couldn't see the sun any at all. After getting back down and letting the younger elf girls touch her large cock that would possibly one day be pounding into their tight virgin pussies, Angie couldn't help but feel aroused at the feel of their noticeably smaller hands, her pre dripping a bit as the older elves urged them to taste Angie. Angie didn't hold back and even urged them herself to taste her, gently kissing them on their foreheads and cheeks, and guiding their small hands in stroking her to completion, and letting them kiss and lick her if they liked. Angie would moan to let them know they were doing a good job of pleasuring her, and she couldn't help but giggle softly at their ministrations.

"Oh young ones, one day, I'll be taking your first times, and filling your bodies with my seed just like your parents. I'm yours, just as I am the older elves here," Angie told them softly, cumming several times for the children to all get the chance to taste her, and not minding wasting a bit of her stamina for this. "Don't try and drink all of it in one go though girls, because you might choke on so much, because I can easily produce enough to drown someone in," she added, petting the heads of the two closest of the younger ones.

After getting back to bed that night, Angie found that it was tough to tell if the elf girls were the daughters of the second mistress she had that day or not, so she could only hope for the moment. It was simply too hard for her to figure out if that second mistress was one of them too, as they were all so luscious, and felt so good to be inside of, that she quickly lost track of the time and stopped caring. Angie was pretty sure though that at least one or two of this group of elf girls were virgins when she began mating with them all. She slept soundly, and deeply, while her cock was resting deep inside of the tightest elf there, at least she thought that it was the tightest one anyway.


The books she found were about the succubi that had helped to found and later protect this town of elves. She also found stuff about the piercing in her tongue, and decided that she would ask the elders more about it when she spoke to them all. After the knock came and some of the elves brought her food and drink again, Angie smiled happily at them and invited them inside. "Please mistresses, come in," Angie told them, putting the books and note away and completely forgetting about her blindfold for a couple of minutes, where she gasped as she brushed her hair from her eyes, and then she quickly put the blindfold back on. "I... I'm so sorry mistresses, I... I did something bad and took it off. Please, p-punish me for disobeying my orders about keeping my blindfold on. I... I just wanted to read the note a-and books that were brought to me," Angie then told them all, presenting her cute full ass for them to spank as her punishment.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

GM: The reaction of Angie in that moment around the young elves soon started to reduce their shame and ponders if this was right, inocent in sex topic theirs hands made as the angel and theirs superiors wish, feeling the warm and rubbing at the needed cock, giving also light tastes to the translucid liquid. The tutorial continue and slowly some brief licks come as kisses from the smaller ones.

The pampering given to the angel soon made her unable to hold herself any longer cumming pointing to the sky as soft drops fall over the young elves, the most mature of then tried to continue as others get back a little more before her superiors started to collect the cum as Angie end to let her jizz out. With kind tone and skilled elven sasoning, the elves started to increase the sweet in teh cum so the small girls could get used to it and enjoy it as the lustful older elves.

Looking than Angie was loving her time with theirs childrens, they give the angel the change to hug and caress each of them, others youngs decided to get the chance and give to Angie their first kiss, as also they loved sensing her wings before it was time for Angie to leave, yet the ones in charge of the angel promise to this than the young ones will have more chances to meet and talk with the virile celestial.

After their night with the five elves wich ones could be virgins until their meeting, Angie was easily detected without her blindfold and her masochistic put the two girls of good mood. "Oh, you are a bad girl Angelique. After all our care and pampering, you has broken a simple rule of the few given" One ended to say as her hand touch softly across the angel's butt before grope it and then spank her playfully. They get at her sides, spanking with care than the pain were just the enough to turn on heat her little bird in their cage, the little "punishment" continue as Angie loved it, they even used some magic on theirs hands to cause the lustful screams grow on until Angie cum aloud causing her seed get a little wasted in the floor "Such lustful filthy angel, we arent doing this for your pleasure. Instead waste so precious liquid we will milk you as the payment for your sin continue" Said this the two elves take turn, one using the angel's dick as the other continued the kind punishment to the angel until this get soft red marks on her back cheeks and both girls get theirs share of warm fertile cum inside tehirs wombs. "The next time than you want to read something we could with pleasure serve you in your need.

With these last words they leave and others elves come than help the elf to get feeded in the most sensuals ways possibles, Angie of course can take them after take care of her hungry, taking her them to take a bath with her eyes still covered and then after some hours of service she was guided as a proper sex slave of the whole village at her four to her meeting with the elders. The small walk make many kids come to see her as also some elves than Angie has gotten theirs hearts, giving her soft rubs and elvens compliments of her delicious body and great tool.

After that charming threatment Angie was in a great arousal between the elders again. "Welcome again Angelique. We invite you to talk with us again, as we had been trying to decipher what the ancient magic tried to inform you" One said before other continued

"Most of it show your disposal and skills for the job given by us to have a chance than our race survive. But the last half show a terrible danger or fate to our world, we are sure than soon or later you will find more clues about it, in this or your world"

MF: Angie couldn't help but feel wonderful as the younger elves took turns toying with her shaft, and tasted her pre as it leaked heavily out and dripped onto the floor. When she came, Angie couldn't help but moan deeply for them, and felt a wave of lust washing over herself, and she almost reached out to the eldest of the younger elves and tried to take her, but she realized what she was doing at the last second and shook her head as she finished cumming, and made a move to pet her head instead. She hugged each and every one of the young elves, kissing them on their cheeks, and smiling kindly down at them. The few that gave Angie their first kisses were pulled back gently by her and kissed again, giving them a real first kiss, tongue and all, as she submitted her tongue to their smaller ones, even though she could easily overpower theirs.

"If any of you want to use me for your first time, you need only ask it of me, it is what I'm here for after all, to make all of you happy, and the adults, and to help you all carry on your race, hmhm," Angie told them, before she was led away.


"I... I know girls. Please don't punish me too harshly. But... I deserve some punishment though," Angie replied in a whimper to the elf who then touched her butt and groped it, before spanking it a playful time or two.

When they used the magic to change her hands a bit, Angie squealed and outright screamed in bliss, cumming hard on the floor and bed as she wastes her seed. "O-Okay... punish me good," Angie replied squirming around as she was spanked further.

"And I wanna be able to read though, t-the books were teaching me things about your people. A-And I can learn better how to make you girls feel good," Angie replied, whining a little before they began to really punish her, working her cock for several hours.


When they finally finished and decided to take her for her meeting with the elders, Angie crawled on all fours as she's led along. When the young elven children came out to see her again, and she heard them around, she smiled and turned her head to look around, stopping long enough to give them all a chance to touch her wherever they liked, and she couldn't help but hug a few and kiss them too, maybe even stealing the first kisses of a couple here and there without realizing it.

After getting her to the elders chambers, Angie looked around blindly, her cock bobbing up and down a bit as it twitched with need. Listening to the elders speaking, Angie listened as best she could, trying to ignore her lust to do so. "V-Very well my ladies. Might I ask if I may remove my blindfold please? I... I would feel more comfortable if I could see, a-and I'd be able to read some of the books that were sent to my chambers too, w-without, you know... being punished for it," Angie said to the elders, squirming around a bit as she sat there before them, her wings fluttering softly as she did.

GM: The fluttering of her wings made beautiful petals fly around her as the gold thin on them cause soft jingle sounds, the elves meanwhile debated if it was right now free the angel from her bilndfold.

"Its an acceptable proposal now, we will remove the magic of them soon. Just please help us on understand what you faced in your trial inside the cave, it could help us to understand what happened to ours lands and most of our people" An elder said before some curtains were moved and then an elder was moving to free Angie from the blindfold as maybe they skill suppose could be charmed what they may find out the reality soon

MF: Hearing the soft jingling from her wings as they fluttered, Angie couldn't help but smile a little, wondering what they'd done to her wings. "Well... I don't konw what else I could tell you to help you understand it all. I told you everything that did happen on my way into here. I mean, well... I just don't know what else I could tell you to be honest," Angie said, shrugging her shoulders a bit before she heard one of them coming towards her.

"I suppose I could tell you all some things about what's happened before now since I came down from Celestia and whatnot, but I don't know if that would help you any," Angie then suggested, unsure of what else to really tell them, as she'd left nothing out about what happened on her way in here.

GM: As Angie continue their conversation with the elders, the one close them placed her hands at her blindfold and remain sient until told with the angel "You could start telling us who remove the spell on your blindfold, yet its not of importance now" With that said the elder remove the blindfold what let the angel see some curtains where some elders were still hidding, but some others decide the angel to see them.

"We were expecting than some of the many fights on your time here could give us clues of what happened some days ago, in the name of all of the elders of this village i ask for an apologize Angelique" One of the elders told to the celestial, as Angie has maybe talk about all her fights and foes

MF: "W-Well... I don't really know who removed the spell on it. I was... kind of blindfolded, and I've not really been told any of your names. I've only been told to call each of the ones that have come to my bedroom, mistress. But, I do remember she asked me not to tell and I promised I would keep her secret safe," Angie replied, looking up towards the elders where they were behind a large curtain that prevented her from actually seeing them, though she didn't really mind too much as she rubbed her eyes a little.

"Well, there was this elf woman I met in the forest a few days back. Honestly, now that I think back on it, I assumed she was one of your people. But she wore these black robes, and she was a sorceress of some sort, and she... was casting a spell or something on the trees. I... I don't really remember too much about her honestly, Because I was a little busy at the time and didn't really stay to talk with her," Angie said, stretching her wings out a bit and looking back to see the bells that she'd heard jingle when she flexed them.

GM: As she turn to see her eyes, Angie could see many shinning little objects as jewels and thin gold chains between her feathers as also some of the flowers placed by the young elves. The chains and jewels created by magic werent giving her the weight expected by that beautiful ornaments to increase the beauty of her whole self, conntrasting softly with the small shine of silver in her white wings.

If someone of our race was casting something in the woods we could get some information of her objetive, for that we only need your guide to the exact place." An elder told to Angelique as the eyes of some remain on her until in just some moments someone asked to get some time the word. "The birth of the childrens inside you is close to come, it could be this night or until just a pair of days, would this event cause you problems enough to continue your task?"

The elves decided to let closed the needs t know who released Angelique from the blindfold the first time, it looks than the talk was close or could proceed if the ange wanted to ask something more

MF: "Wow... my wings are beautiful decorated like this," Angie commented about her wings and the stuff on them at the moment.

"Well, the exact place is a little tricky, as I was in a hurry at that time. But... if I saw it again, I'm positive I'd know it. It was near the human town above though, down by the lake. Somewhere between the old temple where the high spirit resides, and the town, round about. And no, we angels recover fast, so just a little while to rest would be all I need, and of course breaks to feed them," Angie told the elders, not too worried about herself.

"M-My ladies... y-you wouldn't punish the one who removed my blindfold for me... would you?" Angie asked the elders after a few moments, worried about the elf that had done so.

GM: "Yes, they were blessed by the ancient magic, in order to get all the potencial of the ancients spirits absorbed by your essence you must continue with your task" Angie heard the words of an elder about her wings and the decoration of these.

The angel later talked about some clues about where she meet that mysterious elf, then after end the elvens spoke. "It could take us some time to find the remains of her spell, as the area around the lake is vast, but with your help in the future this search could be not more of a few hours"

"And not fear for the safety of who free yours eyes, as you has said the identity of that woman is even unknown for you" Said this Angie suppose than her second mistress would be free of punishment.

MF: "Well, it was on this side of the lake, nearer to the mountain and all, but even still it's quite a bit of ground to cover I suppose," Angie replied, telling them everything she could remember about that encounter, leading up to it, and directly afterwards.

"A-Alright, I... I just didn't want her to get in trouble because of me is all. S-She doesn't deserve to be punished, because she was only trying to make me happy and feel good is all," Angie told them about the elf in question that had taken her blindfold off.

GM: "We will try to do what we can, thanks to share all what you could" The elders thanks to Angie and inform her than the meeting with them could end now unless the angel wanted to talk with them about another topic. About the woman who helped Angie they said than she will free of punishment.

MF: "It's no problem, my ladies," Angie replied, bowing her head to the elders slightly. "I suppose I must return to my room for now though, and continue making love to your people. I haven't finished my work just yet," she went on to say, preparing to head back to her room, unless the elders wished to keep her there for whatever reason.

GM: Blessed by the elders as they entrusted the future of their race to the angel, the celestial was taken by some young elves to her lair followed and pampered by the soft and kind love of the fey race, Angie could see now the precious hidden city in the disttant part of the woods, still early in the day the faces of such sexy race was now available for her eyes to see, of course the sun hurt her eyes at the start, but before she could get used to it she was once again at her love nest.

"Angelique, now you are close to be in grace with ours elders and the rest of our kind, as we heard your wishes to know us, we will write magicaly ours names in yours wings" One of the guards told to Angelique, using her finger to touch one of the angel feathers on Angie's wings where some few runes were writed in bright before dissapear of the normal eye. Yet the magic remain there to Angie to feel it and get used with the time to the warm name than bring her perpetual bliss in that single feather.

From there three elves were at the same time with Angie, of course they take theiir time to get sattled as they used the angel to sattled theirs more hidden dreams. Angelique cum until need a rest, then they feed, give water and bath softly the angel to relax her as her member get the passion to get fully hard again, if she dont needed a bath Angie was taken out to walk a little to pleasure the little ones, there some few get the courage to try something more on the angel, the angel have the chance to pleasure the virgin elves young girls and teach them sex skills than the celestial has started to learn with the older ones. Few times at the day she have time to read elver lore, mostly she got a vision of the tales of this area, mostly than this was a whole infertile desert many ages ago before the good spirit come to create life yet elves were here before that time and served the dark gods of the caverns as distant ones than present to them in theirs meditation.

As the hours come and go her belly demand her food as she have her powers sealed, of course as Ary was the a maiden based in love, her body dont request exactly food, as her cunt was the one with animal needs. Angie was now with her pussy loving the touch of her lovers even more than what her dick feel for them.

She could beg them for help in the arts similar to the dark mist to sattle her need or just demand more elves to do it manualy

MF: Heading back to the room given to her, Angie smiled at the elves leading her back, looking around the hidden elven city as she went. It took her a few minutes to get used to the light from the sun, and by the time she had gotten used to it, she was already back in her love nest. "A-Alright then. It... it won't hurt will it?" Angie asked with a slightly worried look on her face, as her wings began getting runes drawn on them by the elves fingers.

Angie laid back and enjoyed her time with the three elves that decided to take their turns, and she gave as good as she got, getting on top for some of the fun and knocking away with wild abandon into the elven trio, her cock throbbing like mad as she went. After she got done and rested a little while, got some food and drink, and a quick bath, Angie followed the trio out and into town again.

Being taken out again to see the little ones once more, Angie couldn't help herself as she reached out and petted their heads, caressed their cheeks, and tickled them with her wings. Now that she could see them, Angie fell in love with the young ones even more than she already had been, now able to guide their hands much better than last time and letting even some of the youngest ones allowed to do so touch her cock, which twitched and trembled in their small hands, as she explained to them what to do to make her feel good and love them more. A few of the older children were pulled into Angie's lap, one after the other, where she gently rubbed their tight little virgin pussies and gave them their first orgasms ever with her kind and gentle touch, and a couple got the special gift of Angie grinding her cock up and down their slit as she thrust her hips into theirs from behind, though she never actually penetrated them, unless one of them got the better of her and was able to sneak her hips around just enough to cause Angie to thrust inside of her.

After that, Angie listened to the stories that were told, about how these lands were once a desert of sorts and near lifeless from the sounds of it. Once she was back in her room, Angie got more food and wanted to cast some spells of some sort, just so she didn't get rusty with doing so, but her powers were still sealed. Angie soon felt an aching burning need for more sex, and she begged some elves to make her feel good, explaining to them what was wrong, and pleading for some relief, promising that she would do anything that the elves helping her asked of her.

GM: The elves in turn smile as cares softly at Angie to calm her "This will not hurt chosen one, it will only a small mark for you to remember us when you wish it" She said as the runes of her name were placed for shine and appear when Angie desire it.

The mating with them go on as Angelique was driven to a sweet day filled with lust and love for her hosts, the young ones also have their charm than the angel was unable to hide, deep inside Angie was waiting for the moment to have them for her, as the only being on this tribu with a cock, she was in need to teach them what they needed to do to pleasure her or any other being as her in the future. Angelique soon let some fully undress to enjoy her touch yet as much as the angel tried to control her, the kids were so dexterous and flexibles to move and make the angel take her cock inside them, it was an event than happened at least two times and even with the pain the young elves begged for the angel to continue and make them cum, at least Angie could endure to dont cum inside the as she take them with care.

She after a while return to her room to impregnate more cute elves, they passed some time with Angie away of the carnal needs to meet each other better, some loved some music arts, others asked about Angelique past or how was the angels lives in their plane. But no matter the needs to know of an elf they focus mostly all their time loving each other and when Angelique asked for help as her labor time was close, they come with many ideas for make Angie's pussy happy as possible. One was use summons on Angie, others were magic toys, a more hard to success was more elves to lick her wet love tunnel and the less than they wanted to try was hunt for a male or futa for Angie to enjoy


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

MF: "Well that's good to know at least. Very well then, please, I'd love to remember each of your names, hmhm," Angie said, kissing the first one to kind of magically engrave her name into Angie's feathers.


As Angie was playing with the younger elf girls, letting them play with her cock in turn, she didn't stop the older of the elf children from slipping her dick inside of them, stealing their virginities from them as she hilted inside of them, just barely managing that from how tight they were. She wanted to teach every one of them the joys of sex and pleasure, and as she impaled the first of them, Angie gave them enough time to adjust to her large size, thanking the gods that they were very stretchy, and beginning to gently pound away at them, giving them their first tastes of sex. The first one she took, Angie fucked her young lithe body until she'd driven a total of three orgasms out of her, taking her like a maiden the first time, doggystyle the second, and bouncing her in her lap for the third.

Angie let as many of the young elves take her as they wished, doing her best to hold back her seed, but soon enough at least one of them would work out an orgasm from Angie before she could pull out, her seed filling their small wombs up with new life. Angie would pull out of them at that point and kiss them on the lips, holding them close and letting them get their fill of touching her all they wished, telling them that she didn't mind if they even wished to join them in the love nest room she had to keep going, that all were welcome in there.


After she got back to her love nest and began having the problems with her lusts getting the better of her, and the aching burning need to feel something inside of her, Angie got her wish. Between each session, Angie chatted with the elf girls talking to her about her past, telling them how she grew up and whatnot, and how she'd lived as well. She told them not to worry about finding another futa or male to fill her pussy with a real cock, that their fingers and tongues were more than enough.

When the time came to push, Angie would, until she'd pushed Ary's remaining babies out of her womb, bringing them into the world, and quickly bringing them up to her breasts to drink all they needed.

GM: With the promise of the young elves to visit her soon and learn more of her, but for Angie there were others issues to attend, her pregnancy was reaching the final stages and as childs of a love maiden, her body was getting only pleasure and needs for more instead the usual pain. With the kind pamper of the elves Angie may handle it of course. Some focus on cast spells for the others to add efects to give at the celestial, soft electric volds, cold touch and warm ones as wax. There were ghost touch caressing the angel as also phantom cocks, finally one was in charge every moment bouncing at Angie's cock and few more at the charge of Angie's mouth.

The event continued for a while, many hours where the Angel get the many elves being impregnated and then her loud screams in her peaks get closer until her pussy start to open and the real pleasure of the labor start. Angie could remember the aphrodisiac of the eggs from that time in the cave where she give birth to many spiders, yet this time was more concentrated, her painful hard cock could end in less of a minute filling the womb of her lovers as her many peaks come until a last one potent enough come for her babies come out together. Two winged babies one with her hair color and other blonde, theirs sandy and silver wings arounf them as they hold each other with one of her little hands.

MF: After the elves cast a few spells to help her relax more, and to pleasure her more, Angie squealed out, pulling an elf down to kiss and muffle her moans unless there was one of the phantom cocks that stopped her from doing so. Several hours passed by with Angie in labor, and her loud, lewd screams filled the love nest. The eggs from the last time she birthed Ary's young was much the same way as this time, but this time, she could barely catch her breath, and soon, after yet another climax, Angie pushed one last time, and one, and then a second child was birthed, one soon after the other.

"O-Oh gods... that was... t-too much almost. But... they're beautiful," Angie said, urging the elves to pull the babies up so they could nurse.

GM: "yes, they are... " The elves were maybe with many questions about the one placing the babies on Angie, but the small traces of Ary were easy to make it evident. "We will love to take care of them, but there are already some familiars of them waiting outside. Other told to Angie as the door get opened and Angie could reach some small sounds at the trees

MF: Taking her newborns, Angie smiled down at them and let them nurse as much as they desired of her mother's milk. Looking up at the elves when they spoke, Angie looked a little unsure. "Um... who's out there? Is there a spider girl named Ary out there? If so, then she's their papa," Angie asked curiously, looking hopeful that Ary was indeed out there.

GM: Helped to have them close, Angie could see more than a pair of eyes in her winged babies but they dont have spider legs even when she feels them when they were inside her. "Its mostly her childrens the ones around our lands, not doubt than soon she will come here" The elves answer as the abies started to drink from Angie's breasts.

MF: "I'm sure she will... surely," Angie said softly, looking around at the elves as the babies drink heavily of her milk. "Will you ladies allow Ary inside to claim our children... please? And I'll be able to talk to her and let her know that I'm okay and stuff too, as I don't recall how long I've been here to be honest," she added.

GM: "Of course tahn they are welcome, Angelique. We are grateful with her and her offspring, as they had protected the woods for a long time" The elves then send one to try to comunicate with the spiders at the outsides of the town. "Now, please rest and enjoy your time with yours young ones and we will continue when you decide it" Once said this, the elves wait for angie to ask any than she needs, as they clean her and the babies

MF: "Thank you ladies. I appreciate it," Angie replied, smiling softly before she laid back to rest a bit as her little ones nursed and drank their mother's milk.

"If it's not too much trouble ladies, I'd appreciate some water, and a bit of food, but nothing too heavy for now," Angie said to the elves as she rested, taking her time and relaxing with the little ones and smiling at them, burping them when they were finished drinking milk, and playing with them when they were done.

GM: "As you wish Angelique all this and some more will be prepared and taken here for you" Said this the elvens start to prepare all, meanwhile Angie could enjoy the soft charming suck of her two babies, they were bigger than the normal, of a year old at least as they had been growing more inside her womb all this time even when they were ready to leave with the others Ary's babies. So for Angie was safe play with them and make them laught happily, after eat they were more awake and give soft pulls to the angel wings and hair. Angie could take all the time of the world until Ary come to her what would be soon

MF: "Thank you girls. I... I'm in your debt, truly," Angie told the elves, smiling warmly at them as her babies suckled her breasts.

Angie giggled when they finished drinking and were giving gentle little tugs of her wings and hair. "You like my wings and hair little ones? They are beautiful I know," Angie cooed softly at the little ones, giggling as she did, and kissing both on the cheek as she lay there playing with them, tickling them and play flying them around by holding them above her on the bed and making cute little whooshing sounds to make them feel like they were really flying.

GM: The babies continued loving their time with the angel, clearly smart enough to open theirs wings and get a sticky hold at her mother's hands to dont fall, theirs shining eyes maybe were looking all around them but most of their time they were focused on the celestial. The time pass and as wished some elves come with some food and what the angel could need for the babies. Angelique could almost bet than Ary was moving really fast as the babies looks to look outside very often now

MF: Angie noticed the babies looking to the doors every now and then as she played with them, stopping the playing to eat, and drink what was brought for her. After filling her stomach back up, Angie sighed softly and patted her belly and sat there waiting for Ary to arrive, or for more elves to come in and chat with her, as she had nothing else to do really.

GM: For a long time nothing happened, mostly Angie could see her babies crawling everywhere as any spider girl would do, if she or the elves dont stop them. As Angie cum really hard they werent wishing to place the futa in danger for just fuck her more, so yes it was a calm rest without much to do away of enjoy the pamper of the elves as they were even feeding her and touching her babies in a cute way. Then soon or later the twins were more focused on the door before a giggle come and then Ary peeks out hanging face down from the door "Daddy has come~" She said in her usual sensual but playful tone as the babies crawl toward her.

"Who we have here? Is that a fugitive fiancé and the two most beatiful little angels than i had seen?" Ary then get down and hold her babies as she get close the angel waiting for Angie to defend herself of her little humor

MF: Angie watched the duo crawling all over the bed, stopping them from going over the edges when they got near enough to them. She let the elf girls pamper her all they wished too, cumming anytime the elves drove her to the brink, and not holding back as she did. When Ary finally came in, giggling as she did so, Angie looked over as the little ones crawled towards her. Angie stopped them before they went off the edge of the bed though, scooping one up in either arm and holding them close until Ary sat on the bed, where she then let them go.

"Hmhm, hey Ary. I'm glad you came to get them," Angie told Ary, not minding the teasing right now as she was a bit out of it and all, kissing Ary when she came close enough.

GM: Ary was in her most human like shape, as her usual spider body wouldnt fit by the door. She get close soon and pressing Angie softly in her kiss for her to enjoy it more and longer. She hold the babies and let them enjoy moving at her body and sense it as she frown a little at the angel words before chuckle softly. "And do you think than i only came for them? Maybe someone should be more affective and ask for her future wife" Ary told to Angie as the elves tried to let them in private to talk... at least some of them as they needed to inform the elders for the visit in their town

MF: Angie returned the kiss as Ary took the babies, kissing them both too and simply sitting there and enjoying the closeness of Ary. "Hmhm, maybe I will. But I promised Ashley that I'd marry her first," Angie replied to Ary, smiling softly as she spoke. "So... do you know these elves here, Ary?" Angie then asked.

GM; I dont need a wedding to see you as my wife~" Ary answer back as she nuzzle and cuddle closer to the angel. "Oh yes i know them, is a shame than theirs males dissapeared... most of my babies are from them or merchants~ Hope than we can find them soon, i miss them" Ary said as she tickle the babies and let them mostly to play as they desire, the remain elves were with mixed feelings about how Ary talk about theirs males and her wish to help to find them

MF: "Hmhm, well that's good. But I'd still like to eventually give you a proper wedding," Angie told Ary with a smile.

"And you knew about their men being gone?" Angie asked curiously, wondering if Ary and the others knew about this. "What's the matter girls? Don't you want us to help you find your men?" Angie asked the elves.

GM: "Oh please Angie. My childrens see and heard all in the forest and caves.... it would be fun to imagine what my winged babies would see when they get the age~" Ary told caressing the babies answering not directly the angel question about the males.

"Of course than we wish to see them again and we hope than they are completely fine, we just hope than they stop to being used to hatch eggs" The elvens answer, clearly Ary used theirs back holes for her needs to increase the size of her family

MF: "They are beautiful Ary, just as beautiful as you. I'm sure that they'll bring lots of joy and safety to the world. Because they'll definitely be powerful," Angie told Ary, smiling softly.

"Oh... I see. Well, maybe they'll come back soon, at least I hope so anyway," Angie told them, smiling before she giggled. "Until they get back though, I'll take their place and ensure that your race continues. And who knows, maybe some of your people will have little futanari half angels," she went on to say.

GM: "Im sure they will be as her lovely strong angel mother, most of my time will be placed on them so they can be beautiful charming maidens~" Ary answer as she used some web to start tha babies training.

"Are you sure on stay here until theirs males come back? Im not sure than leave Ashley with Mize was a good idea" Ary told to Angie as if she know some of the state in the town too. The elves of course were glad with the angel "Angelique may always come and go as she wish, once we are all pregnant. " One elf said showing part of the deal to Ary

MF: "Good, I know they'll be beautiful too, so we don't have to worry too much about them when they've grown up, hmhm," Angie giggled, kissing Ary again.

"No no, I meant I'll take their place for breeding purposes hon. And... what has Mize done to my Ashley?" Angie replied to Ary when she spoke, looking worried for Ashley.

GM: "Oh yes, i fall in love in the instant than i see them... of course with the beauty of both of us, they for sure would be cute babies and sexxy ladies when they grow up... Uhm do you wish to name them, is your right for be the lustful mommy" Ary told to Angie bringing to the angel the job of name them, of course Ary has a lot of babies everyday and she should need more than a book name for all of them

"Yes, for your luck, elves need a long time to have theirs childrens or you could be inside a huge problem... not like us the maidens than we get faster and better in each birth...

Im just worried for Ashley, she is like us and inexperienced and Mize... well, my sister loves to tease a lot and is so horny to dont see when has been enough... At least she looks to be holding Ashley on the town, the poor little one should be passing a hard moment without her fiancee, but im sure than she know than you are fine or i would had know any attempt to get to the forest or mountain" Ary end after ponder for a moment

MF: "Hmhm, I think this one can be... Sunny, and this one, Blossom," Angie said, picking up the first born of the two and naming her Sunny, while the other was given the name Blossom.

"Ary, can you keep Mize from being too mean to Ashley for me, please? While I'm away and whatnot I mean. And yes, I already contacted her with my magics and let her know I was okay. It's not too bad though, they're taking really good care of me at least and making sure I'm well fed and stuff. I should be out of here soon. They also promised to let me have a beautiful ring that I could give to Ashley too, so that's one reason I'm staying for now," Angie asked Ary, looking hopeful that she would help take care of Ashley and keep Mize from going too far.

GM: "So, Sunny and Blossom... they are cute names" Ary said as she lift the babies upplayfully and roll them in a web hammock.

"Hmm, i will ask some of my childrens to look for them... this is my best effort to looks as a human and still is enough to scary the damsels and be threatened by the town guards, yet they always end as good incubators~" Ary stop as she get up the bed and wrap her babies in the hammock to have the babies in the front where they could feed of her milk in any moment. "Now, please focus to end soon to fuck silly the whole town and if somehow Mize try anything out the line then i will go and punish her~" The spider woman was ready to leave yet she take some of Angie remain food and give it to the babies and eat some of it too

MF: "Yes, they're cute names for beautiful girls," Angie said, smiling softly at Ary, leaning in and kissing her babies.

"Alright, thanks Ary. And don't worry, I will. And yeah, you can spank Mize if you need to, just don't let her do anything too much to Ashley for me, please," Angie said after a few moments, letting Ary go if she wished, though if she stayed while Angie rested, then Angie would play with the little ones during that time.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

GM: The spider girl soon leave, not before enjoy the angel's body with her free limbs, Ary taking soon with her the two babies. With them away certainly going underground to protect theirs childrens the angel now could fully focus on enjoy her huge amount of mistresses than she needed to fill with her divine seed.

The angel was pampered as she rested, giving her time to read or wish for anything than they could give her. But of course Angie was asked to continue her task once the needed resting time ended. The elves not only focused on get her jizz, but also teach her the art of sex and mating, showing her dark ways to get pleasure and the almost addict way to pleasure herself.

The mnay arts passed from that ancient succubi to the elves and then to Angie caused some small changes on the celestial being, her wings softly change more in tone, passing to a small light grey one, Angie would need more time to get all the skills from them, but she was now more conscious of her divine powers given by the goddess of love to the few ones like her. Angie could focus her lust and passion on any part of her body and share it to her mate or send some of her holy light to arouse someone away in the distance.

The days passed and more fetishes were taught to her, she could now enjoy some pain in her matings, the ropes and whips used on her show her new ways of love, the lack of mobility or vision was welcome too as this help her to get better in sense the pleasure or things around her as also control the small drops of magic than the seal let her to survive as a celestial being.

At the end of her task she was someone else, still inocent and good in heart yet her whole self see the sex as something good and a main focus on any life almost as eat and breath for the mortals. The last day come and almost as a graduation a softly more hard training was placed on her, there was at least eight elvens around her, they started to tie her in a pleasurable yet resistant rope, her eyes closed and some amplify magic placed on her whole self, the beautiful scent of each of them, their delicious nectar taken by her pierced tongue, her skin and wings caressed or softly taking some pain by the tools used by them, her limbs were raised and then she was bend all the way until her cock was just some inches of her face, her two holes were pleasured and pounded by delightful objects as she could smell her own seed inviting her to taste it, she could beg for them to pull more her limbs and she could reach her dick or enjoy the elves wet cunts for her to lick. She could smell the aromatic wax than they mostly will use on her, their magic whip as always will not leave any mark or damage on her body and wings yet this would make her feel some of pleasure mixed with pain. It was all for her to choice or she could be creative for ask or try something more in her bond state.

MF:Angie cooed softly against Ary as she caressed her body, rubbing her hands up and down Ary's skin and enjoying her touch. After that, Angie smiled to the elves around her and began pleasing all of them again, making absolutely certain that they were well good and pleasured and filled with her seed. Angie accepted any and all of the teachings they presented to her, and smiled softly to each of them as she knocked away with wild abandon. Angie was quite worried though when the coloring of her feathery wings changed tone from the radiant white to the silvery grey color, but she had promised to help the elves after all, and this was a part of it she supposed.

As time progressed, the elves would find Angie's thrusts much more passionate and her caressed so much more sensual than ever before. She did indeed focus her lustful powers to make them get more pleasure from her ministrations, and she did her best to make them enjoy it as much as possible.

As the time went by, Angie was taught more fetishes, and they were even teaching her slightly masochistic fetishes, with them spanking her some, and using ropes and whips to tease her some. Angie of course didn't mind and was always up to learning new ways of pleasuring. When the final day of her agreement came about, She looked around at the eight or more gorgeous elves surrounding her, and smiled softly at them, opening her arms wide and welcoming them with open arms. She enjoyed everything they gave her, though she was a little uncomfortable when they bent her forward as they kept pleasuring her.

"Maybe not s-so far forward please, it is a little straining on my back girls. If it's a-alright with you that is. And maybe I could show the younger ones a good time too, a-and how much I've learned. If it's okay with you that is. I'd like to show them how far I've come in the last few days too, as I haven't really gotten too very much since the other day," Angie told the elves with her, straining a bit to try and not be leaning so far forward, but letting them spank and whip her with their riding crops and whatnot and squealing cutely when they spanked her anywhere.

GM: "Maybe we let them see your full display to our whole kind, yet you could need more time to be ready for what we want you to learn now." One of them said, trying to dont show most of her dissapointment in them to untie the angel and do some more common things.

Angelique was untie in part so she could be taken out, they prepare her to get out at the public, dressed as the cute town breeder than she was now, her soft grey wings were filled with the magic invisible names of her many lovers, yet this time the elven magic make them visible for all to see them, to protect her limbs the magic mist wear her arms with white gloves and her feet with long white boots of magic material similar to latex.

It was needed some time for the elves to call all of them to see the last performance of the angel, this get placed in middle of them, theirs eyes could be noticed easily by her even if she could be blinded. "Before continue, why dont you introduce yourself to all Angelique and warm yourself so everybody enjoy your celestial elixir" The same elf voice said as they hold theirs tools to Angie to warm and masturbate herself as she say some words to her public.

MF: Angie moaned softly at their words and smiled warmly at them. "If that's what you desire, then your wish is my command ladies," Angie cooed softly at the elves, kissing them all and following them out on her hands and knees to the crowd outside. "I... I hope that my wings return to normal after this. They were so beautiful being white like they were," she added as she followed them out.

GM: "I love how your wings looks now, they are more charming and lovely" An elf answer caressing some of the wings with runes what made made the angel whimper in pleasure. Other of them spank playfully at Angie butt as a leash guide her to the center of the town.

Collared and dressed as proper holy slut of the whole elven race, the angel introduce herself and start to masturbate in public, her temporal owners touch and move with care her body, spreading her legs as some confortable sopport was placed below Angie for rest her back above the floor, they opened her lower lips as much as possible without hurt her so all could see her insides and guide after some minutes the angel hand on her breasts to her neithers for her to play with herself. Bring the childrens as time of them to enjoy our lover" Maybe an elder said as young ones were guided to each side of Angie, as the elves continue the attention on the celestial breasts until these start to leak some of her milk.

It was natural for Angie to produce it after her birth and the continuous touch there in her mating sesions. The young elves dont have problems with the rings placed on Angie's nipples or clit as her milk was eagerly taken by the small mouths of thems and some frask was used to collect her nectar. The pamper and kind touch soon cause her cock to leak too and so, some slighty bigger young elves were invited to join, taking what they could with licks at Angie's privates and then kissing her before let others enjoy her. Soon or later some of them would get the surprise of the warm cream reaching at theirs mouths, helped by theirs bigger sisters this would be taken as her cock was cleaned again.

The scent of the whip and similar tools as wax were close, so Angie could be sure than once the young ones end, she would be taken to a new joy in her exposition.

MF: "D-Do you? I worry that I might fall if they aren't white. But... if you don't think I will, t-then I won't worry about too much," Angie replied to the elf that spoke, cooing and wiggling her butt as she's spanked and led to the center of town.

After introducing herself in public to all the elves around, Angie kept stroking her cock and massaging her breasts, and let them maneuver her around to their desires. When they made her move her hand down to her pussy, Angie began fingering herself and using her fingers to spread her pussy open for anyone to see inside that wished. Angie moaned softly as her breasts were teased some more and they soon began leaking milk quite heavily, thanks to her recent birthing. Feeling the younger elves lips on her skin, Angie moaned aloud and tilted her head back as her hands left her cock and pussy, to caress them all softly, making them all feel good too. She felt their small mouths wrap around her nipples, and her clit, and the tip of her cock even, and Angie moaned again for them, squirming her body around a bit as they did.

"Please... make me yours girls... j-just take me," Angie told the younger elves, pulling one into a deep kiss as she smelled the scent of the wax and whips nearby, presenting herself to be whipped if they wanted to whip her, though if they wanted to move straight to bringing the younger elves into the realm of womanhood, Angie would welcome them.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angelique could touch the beautiful elvens childrens than eagerly enjoy her holy milk what in the future could make them get improved magic skills and holy powers as the elven's magic placed on her cause such improvements on her milky and sexy fluids. Angelique of course beg for being taken by the elven's childrens, but the townpeople dont answer her back as more of the girls take a turn to feed of her.

The angel between the feeding ritual could notice some elvens chants, she wanted to understand them but the kids were now placing some warm substance like lotion all over her. A motherly wishper come to the angel's ears to calm her, saying than once the purify ritual end then she would help some of theirs childrens to give a huge step to the adulthood, she could feel some calm and increase to cum growing at Angelique as the words of the woman get deep inside her mind, to say her to be the most kind, lustful and perfect lover for these young ones, almost as the best slut teacher than she could be.

The time would come soon, as her body already burns in need to be taken by them, her fluids still drip as some of her magic, yet her training show her than the elves would feed her with the same quantity of holy scent in the woods for her be in constant high stamina. The yooung elves at her cock move a little to give space to the first of them to take the angel, free of any bond at her silk dressed arms, Angie could pamper and teach this young one how to take her and in exchange she could enjoy impregnate the tight virgin place of so kind creature. It could be almost twenty young elves the ones Angelique would take this her last day in the elven's village and then certainly the rough sex will come for give to the youngs a new lesson and way of enjoyment

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie did indeed have oh so much fun with all of the beautiful elven ladies that came over for her to please them. When she felt the younger elven girls lathering her up with lotion, or what felt like lotion at least, Angie moaned and let them go at her as she felt the need to cum more building greater and greater as time went. Knowing that it was going to be a big climax when she came again, Angie watched them as they went, reaching out and caressing the younger elven women that wanted her so badly from the looks of it, making them riled up as much as possible.

When the first of them slipped her dress down, Angie smiled lovingly at her and pulled her down into her lap, where she then pulled her into a deep kiss. Angie kissed the young elf woman several times, before moving to kiss and lick her neck some while lifting her up and laying her down gently, where she positioned herself to take her virginity. Angie was not rough in any way, and after she felt that her lover here was ready, she thrust inside, going halfway, until the girl had gotten used to her size. After that, Angie took them all one by one, the young elven women all so tight, that Angie completely lost herself in the pleasure of the moment, letting herself cum repeatedly inside each of them. Angie added her own magics into the fray as well if she could, combining it with the elven magics to increase her stamina so that her cock would stay hard almost constantly so that she could keep piercing another tight warm pussy after filling the previous one.

When Angie had filled the last of the younger elven women up and ensured they were pregnant, she pulled out and looked back to the rest of the elves and smiled. She was unsure of what to do now, but waited for them to decide, while stroking herself as she awaited them, kind of hoping that they would take her next.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

There certainly will be more for Angelique, yet she will need to wait before be able to use her seed to impregnate another elven. The ceremony continue as the new women of the tribe earn theirs mature names from theirs mothers and ancestors, giving them new tunics to dress and then escorted back to Angelique.

The elves in charge of pamper the celestial ask to Angelique to full open her wings as some more of her feathers would be baptized with a new mistress's name. With some help the just new full matured elves than just now had been impregnated by Angelique placed theirs new names on young feathers, each time the magic went direct to the core of the celestial bringing joy and arousal as her whole self had accepted better the wild energy of nature coming from this people.

The silver wings needed to remain extended as an elven come to the stage with a special whip to use on Angelique, at least seven elves started to pray in their idiom, magic between the words surge and rest inside the whip until this got a gold divine color, then an elder take it moving behind Angelique who by some elves get restrained softly of some of her senses and movility, the ropes of course were welcome as Angelique have some special enjoyment after her training.

The sound of the whip through the wind make her squirm in anticipation, waiting for the usual mix of pleasure and pain, yet when the whip reach her body she could feel as if the instrument went even more deep inside until reach to touch her own soul, not pain at all just pleasure come out in an almost blissful like animal moan, her body get a shock of magic and the runes in her softly silver wings shine in gold illuminating the whole village.

Each hit increase her pleasure beyond the sky yet the main focus was easily noticed by the angel, her power, the earned from the world and the elves was flowing as rivers out of obstacles, turning into an only flow without conflicts.

She was given the help to sit as the ritual continue, this time with an elf matured woman as the fertile scent of her sweet body could be noticed by the trained angel nose when this was blindfolded. Some voices ask her to stay her focus, to place her magic on her member and to try to share it with her jizz to the one using her, meanwhile the woman elf take her for minutes dont leaving to Angelique to cum with her magic until the whip hit again, making the flow get free and fill the woman in turn as better than the best time than Angelique have in her life. The angel of course could use her hands to pleasure the lover in turn as many wait until have the chance to have some minutes with her.

The event ended maybe some hours later in the night, Angelique would had fainted a long time ago without her training, instead the bliss and pleasure on her after her work looks to be many times above her tireness. A little paint on her body and placing her slave outfit on her made her finally a really important person in this comunity, just then at the end a woman hug her from behind.

"Congratulations, your holy service here has concluded yet you should return in some years to share some of your fertile seed to your new home" Angelique remember that seductive voice, it was the woman than was so kind with her days ago, yet when she see her this was without doubts a succubi and not an elf. "Now you are worthy to receive what you were looking for" Said this a bright at her hand make Angelique free of her ring at her mouth, breasts, clit, cock and others places... she closed her hands to cover them and after a pink smoke she receal two diamond rings beyong any beauty seen by Angelique or anyone in this world.

"The treasure of my ancestor is now ready for you to use, one ring will make you be able to restore damaged civilizations giving childrens of the other race, meanwhile the other ring will bring childrens of the owner race, both used together by two persons sharing pure love will bring sacred childrens out of sins and filled with beauty and talents." The succubi told to Angelique as she gift the rings of the town to Angelique as present needed for her weeding and long life with her lover.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As the younger elven women were performing their ceremonies and whatnot, Angie waited patiently for them to come over to her, extending her wings as far out as they could go. She hoped that the names imprinted on her feathery wings wouldn't be permanent, or at least wouldn't show all the time if they were. When the older elven women brought their special whip out, Angie shuddered slightly before she was tied up to wait for the whip strikes to come, her training with the elves having forced her to love it, so that all she felt was just pleasure, with no pain at all.

The only thing that came out of her mouth was moans of pure ecstasy, the magical shocks making her cry out with each one. Angie's body was trembling as they helped her to sit up to be taken by the elves that wanted time with her. Angie moaned lewdly when they finally did take her after however long they teased her body, loving every moment of her time with them, and she let her hands roam all over the lovely elven bodies and let herself cum as much as possible to sow new life in their loins.


"O-Okay... m-mistress. I will, s-someday. Maybe I could bring Ashley with me, to meet you all," Angie mumbled as she was hugged from behind by one of the elves that had been so nice to her a few days before.

Then it dawned on Angie, as she turned to look at the woman, that she wasn't an elf at all, and was a succubus, similar to Mize. "W-What, you're not an elf at all? W-Were any of the others elves?" Angie asked, looking surprised by this revelation as her piercings all disappeared and the succubus took them, and they fused together to become two of the most beautiful diamond rings that she had ever seen in her life, which she took and held them delicately, as if scared that she would damage them by even moving wrong.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The succubi softly chuckle as the suddenly questions from the angel make her use her hand to caress Angelique hair as she anser them. "Only my family have succubi's blood yet still im also part elf... think on me as an high priestess in charge of teach many important things here from my ancestor" She end as her index playfully move over Angelique nude chest.

"Maybe we should give you a little cute box to store them" She later add after create the rings loving how the angel act to protect them. "As new owner of the sacred rings, you are marrying our whole people, as also your lover... so she is also welcome to come and when that day come we will give to both a love nest"

Said this Angelique soon got a small box to store the rings and she could leave now or talk what she need with any of her fiancees

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I see. Do the elves know?" Angie replied, glancing up at the succubus. "And thank you, yes, I would love a box for them to be placed in until I get home to Ashley," she added as she got up, looking around at the elves around her, and the succubus.

"So... what sort of magics do these both have anyway? I mean... you know, all of their magics," Angie asked curiously as she looked at the rings after putting them into the box.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Do you mean my people than make me their high priestress for my bloodline? Of course dear, i just hide myself to make you focus on them and your training" Answer the succubi touching at Angelique shoulder to see to some very beautiful elves. " They also have succubi blood, but some of my childrens cant awaken fully their blood to look like me... an elf than can turn into a succubi at will" She add to show than she was an elf after all and their people know her powers pretty well as also she share this quality with her family.

Given the little box to Angelique the succubi make the angel follow her to a small temple in the center of the village, the elves of course show a great admiration and love to Angie, some maybe could be sad as she was the only mate than they have yet they hide that sadness in the promise than she will still help them in the future to mantain their race alive.

After a moment looking at the old books once she invite to Angie to sit and rest as she look, the succubi take an old book protected of the time with ancestral magic. " You are the first to get all the needed to use these rings in our hystory, most of their powers are rummors as also what was needed to create them a long time ago, some said than turning the ring down will negate the effects from them, the book words are mostly of the principal use of them and this is mantain the races of the planet from the extinction, some elves in many eras supposed than just two persons with a real pure powerful love wearing them could restore the life in the whole world"

"What im sure is than they could hold powerful spells and enchantments than any of the lovers wearing them cast from heart thinking in the other" The succubi ends to say as she close the old book

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh... I didn't know, o-or realize, rather," Angie said, looking over at the succubus elf woman.

Walking through the elven village, Angie smiled to all the elves she passed, completely willing to come back in the future to help keep their population up. She would likely come back not long after they had the children she'd given them all this visit, Angie thought to herself, and at that time she'd bring Ashley to introduce to them all too, probably.

"Well, either way miss succubus, I think these rings are beautiful, and befitting of my beloved Ashley, and her beauty. I can't wait to gift hers to her, when I return," Angie said when the succubus had finished talking, holding the box with the rings in it in one hand, while hugging the succubus with her other. "Thank you for these gifts, miss," she added.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"You can call me Annika or Miss Priestress, my dear" The succubi said smiling and holding Angelique hand used to hold the small box. "As a little tip, when you choice one have in mind which ring you want for yourself, as one will bring childrens of your race and the other will cause your mates gets babies of theirs races, even males"

With these lats words Angelique was ready to go, but it has been a long time there, more of a week at least, she could fly dressed with her slave outfit to return to the town, the temple or any place than seh wish.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Okay, miss Annika. I'm glad to finally know your name," Angie replied, smiling as she bowed politely to the succubus before opening the box up.

"Thank you, miss Annika, and I shall return someday, after these lovely elves have given birth," Angie said, and when she was ready to go, she spread her wings, glancing over at them to ensure that the names of the elves were gone unless she wished for them to be seen, and then she flapped them, and flew off back towards the temple for now, clutching the ring case close against her breasts.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

With the succubi priestress giving a last hug and blessing words to Angelique, the Angel depart from the village. Her full in display wings dont show anymore the gold shine of the names imbued on them yet Angie could bring them to see them when she wish it. The shine of the moon cause her slighty silver wings to shine in the night, a majestical Shine than soon call the attention of all the elves, wishing her luck on her travel, waving and saying than they will wait her soon return.

Angelique was faster than before, she could feel her wings fill with magic as the seal stoping her to drain magic from everywhere was not longer on her, she could feel the energy flow better than before and bring her soft pleasure with each move of her wings. It was if her body was ready to cast some other kind of magic, yet she dont have too much idea of what it could, maybe her training with the elves has awakened new ways to help the needed.

Now, Angelique could go through the mountains making her pass close the harpies or avoid the place and with some minutes more reach the town or temple.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie hugged Annika one last time before she flew off, and once outside again, she noticed the moonlight made her now silver wings glimmer beautifully. She missed the radiance the once had when they were milky white, but this was another kind of beauty that she couldn't deny. "Goodbye everyone. I promise I'll return soon to see how you're all doing, and I'll bring Ashley with me too so you can all meet her," Angie called to the elves as she left, smiling cheerfully and waving to them as she left.

Angie soared through the air as she flapped her wings, feeling the cool night breeze blowing through her hair as she went. She felt... faster than before. The tingling from the magic flowing through her body once again felt amazing, and was oddly, pleasurable. She decided to make her way back to the temple by way of the harpy mountain, though she would try and not get too very close as she clutched her ring box, cherishing the thing as she flew.