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An Overly Extravagant Tome (New Witch's Chess Character Sheets)


Nov 9, 2008
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Thoughts and memories are fleeting as one spins about the abyss...yet the image of a certain book continues to plague one's mind...

Mandatory "exposition" aside, here is the actual template for the new WC's character sheets...which I forgot to include earlier. Credit goes to Incubus for providing it.

Name:                          Virtue: 
Age:                           Vice: 
Player:                        Concept:


Intelligence       xoooo|Strength             xoooo|Presense     xoooo
Wits               xoooo|Dexterity            xoooo|Manipulation xoooo
Resolve            xoooo|Stamina              xoooo|Composure    xoooo

       Skills           |                 Other Traits

       Mental           |       Merits         |       Health 
   (-3 unskilled)       | _______________ ooooo|Max oooooooooooo
Academics          ooooo| _______________ ooooo|Dam oooooooooooo
Computer           ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Crafts             ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Investigation      ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Medicine           ooooo| _______________ ooooo|       Willpower
Occult             ooooo| _______________ ooooo| Max  oooooooooo
Game Mechanics     ooooo| _______________ ooooo|Spent oooooooooo
Science            ooooo|                      |
                        |     Disciplines      |
                        | _______________ ooooo|
     Physical           | _______________ ooooo|       Morality
  (-1 unskilled)        | _______________ ooooo| 10 ______________ o
Athletics          ooooo| _______________ ooooo| 9 _______________ o
Brawl              ooooo| _______________ ooooo| 8 _______________ o
Drive              ooooo|                      | 7 _______________ o
Firearms           ooooo| Size:                | 6 _______________ o
Larceny            ooooo| Speed:               | 5 _______________ o
Stealth            ooooo| Defence:             | 4 _______________ o
Survival           ooooo| Armour:              | 3 _______________ o
Weaponry           ooooo| Initiative:          | 2 _______________ o
                        | Experience:          | 1 _______________ o
      Social            |                      
  (-1 unskilled)        | Weapon/Attack     Dice Mod    Range    Clip  Size
Animal Ken         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Empathy            ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Expression         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Intimidation       ooooo|
Persuasion         ooooo| Equipment         Durability Structure Size  Cost
Socialise          ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Subterfuge         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
                        | ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
     Specialities       |                 Description
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | Age:                  Height:
 ______________________ | Hair:                 Weight:
 ______________________ | Eyes:                 Race:
 ______________________ | Sex:                  Nationality:
      Languages         |              Allies and Contacts

 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________


Edit: Yes, sheets go here too.
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Re: An Overly Extravagant Tome (New Witch's Chess Character Sheets)

Name: Genevieve aka: "Falcon"          Virtue: Faith
Age:  22                         Vice: Pride
Player:BlueSlime               Concept: Girl and Spirit within one Body


Intelligence       xxooo|Strength             xxooo|Presense     xxooo
Wits               xxxoo|Dexterity            xxxxo|Manipulation xxooo
Resolve            xxooo|Stamina              xxooo|Composure    xxooo

       Skills           |                 Other Traits

       Mental           |       Merits         |       Health 
   (-3 unskilled)       | Fast Reflexes______  xxooo|Max xxxxxxxooo
Academics          xoooo| Easy Ride (spirit)  xxooo|Dam oooooooooooo
Computer           ooooo| Fresh Start_____ xoooo|
Crafts             ooooo| Hollow Soul_______ xxooo|
Investigation      ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Medicine           ooooo| _______________ ooooo|       Willpower
Occult             xxooo| _______________ ooooo| Max  xxxxoooooo
Game Mechanics     xoooo| _______________ ooooo|Spent oooooooooo
Science            ooooo|                      |
                        |     Disciplines      |
                        | _______________ ooooo|
     Physical           | _______________ ooooo|       Morality
  (-1 unskilled)        | _______________ ooooo| 10 ______________ o
Athletics          xxooo| _______________ ooooo| 9 _______________ o
Brawl              xxooo| _______________ ooooo| 8 _______________ o
Drive              ooooo|                      | 7 _______________ x
Firearms           ooooo| Size: 5              | 6 _______________ o
Larceny            xoooo| Speed:  13           | 5 _______________ o
Stealth            xxooo| Defense: 3           | 4 _______________ o
Survival           xxooo| Armour:              | 3 _______________ o
Weaponry           xxooo| Initiative: 8        | 2 _______________ o
                        | Experience:          | 1 _______________ o
      Social            |                      
  (-1 unskilled)        | Weapon/Attack     Dice Mod    Range    Clip  Size
Animal Ken         xxooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Empathy            xoooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Expression         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Intimidation       xoooo|
Persuasion         xoooo| Equipment         Durability Structure Size  Cost
Socialise          xoooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Subterfuge         xoooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
                        | ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
     Specialities       |                 Description
 Falcon Taming (An.Ken) | _____________________________________
 Occult (Mythology)_____| _________________________________________
 Quick Strikes (Brawl)__| ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | Age:  22              Height: 5'7"
 ______________________ | Hair:  Black          Weight: 120 lbs
 ______________________ | Eyes: Brown         Race: Red Indian/Caucasion
 ______________________ | Sex: Female         Nationality: USA
      Languages         |              Allies and Contacts

 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________


Genevieve bears the darker colors and the earth toned skin of her Iriquois heritage. Raven colored hair and deep brown eyes, a slight hook to her nose, a few sunspots and freckles on her face. She has a pretty but slightly weathered face, for a girl her age. Here eyes are quick though, deep pools of piercing brown hues. Her stare can pull people in. She has generous lips, and a proud jawline. Her body is lithe and lean, and athletic; a product of many summers and autumns spend working in a camping ground in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Her breasts are an average B cup, and her hips are a touch wide, giving her a slight violin shape, but her legs are long for her body, making her a natural runner.

The clothing she currently wears is your typical modern day fashion. Tight-fit jeans with a faded look, but worn in enough to be comfortable, black halter top covered with a loose, plaid patterned shirt, black sneakers with yellow stripes, a necklace with precious stones and a christian cross, perhaps a gift from her caucasian family. And then a pair of falcon's feathers woven into a small braid on the left side of her head, a traditional symbol of her tribe and a nod to its totem spirit.

Genevieve grew up in the Midwest, split in a custody battle between her red father in Michigan and white mother in Chicago. Her childhood was a twisted mix of homeschooling in an apartment high rise over the Windy City and summers and occassional weekends spent in the forests of the Upper Peninsula, where her father worked at a camp for kids whose parents wanted to pay somebody to watch their kids while THEY took summer vacations. She invariably helped her father run this camp, which was themed along the lines of teaching outsiders about her ancestral tribe's culture and spirituality - communing with the great out doors. Her mother had told her it was all hocus pocus, but her father was very insistent upon the reality of the Great Earth Spirit, and the many other spirits that inhabited the land and watched over the People.

Gen remembered those summers being magical when she was young, but as she grew older and made friends in the city, she lost touch. Adolescence came along and with it grew a sudden new interest in boys and fashion and shoes and boys and music and cute little accessories and yes, boys. Her father lamented it, obviously. He told her that she was unique, that she was special, that she should be proud of standing apart, yet all she'd wanted to do was to fit in. She went to college, studied sociology, not knowing what she was going to use it for. She partied, she clubbed, she dated, and as the years went by she was in danger of truly losing her sense of self.


Falcon lamented the changes occurring within Genevieve. Daughter of the People. Her. People. So few of them now, and of those that remained, all had lost their edge. A few stoics went through the motions, but modern life and the coming of the pale man had changed things. They were no longer Hunters. They had grown soft. They had forgotten. And there was no way to tell them. Or at least there had not been until the girl, Genevieve, had been born. There was a hole in her soul, clear as day to a spirit, and obvious to Falcon, for she was spirit-kin to Gen's ancestors - pledged to guardianship over them. She had known right away, that here was a girl who might one day be a proper Spirit Speaker - such an occurance had not happened in 500 years. Too long ago. Without one to commune with the Spirits, history had taken its course and the Peoples had been lost, cut down and scattered. But now... now there was a potential Speaker.

Falcon watched the girl grow, soaring above her, waiting for the right time to introduce itself, for the girl to hear the language of the spirits. But that time had not come soon enough. Now Falcon resided in the hole in Genevieve's soul, asleep. But She was waking. And as she did, Genevieve would join the dream, becoming it, until she was nothing more than that.
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Re: An Overly Extravagant Tome (New Witch's Chess Character Sheets)

Name:Pollusia Dioscryria       Virtue: Faith, non-religious. Belief that everything is accomplishable.
Age: 19                        Vice: Lust, specifically, targeted to Castea.
Player: Pale                   Concept: Twin sister to Castea, fencer, failed soldier.


Intelligence       xoooo|Strength             xxxoo|Presense     xxooo
Wits               xxxoo|Dexterity            xxxoo|Manipulation xoooo
Resolve            xxxoo|Stamina              xxooo|Composure    xxxoo

       Skills           |                 Other Traits

       Mental           |       Merits         |       Health 
   (-3 unskilled)       | Unearthly Bond  xxxxo|Max xxxxxxxooooo
Academics          ooooo| Fencing         xxooo|Dam oooooooooooo
Computer           ooooo| Greek           xoooo|
Crafts             xxooo| _______________ ooooo|
Investigation      xxooo| _______________ ooooo|
Medicine           xxooo| _______________ ooooo|       Willpower
Occult             ooooo| _______________ ooooo| Max  xxxxxxoooo
Game Mechanics     ooooo| _______________ ooooo|Spent oooooooooo
Science            xoooo|                      |
                        |     Disciplines      |
                        | _______________ ooooo|
     Physical           | _______________ ooooo|       Morality
  (-1 unskilled)        | _______________ ooooo| 10 ______________ o
Athletics          xxooo| _______________ ooooo| 9 _______________ o
Brawl              xxooo| _______________ ooooo| 8 _______________ o
Drive              ooooo|                      | 7 _______________ x
Firearms           xoooo| Size:        5       | 6 _______________ o
Larceny            ooooo| Speed:       11      | 5 _______________ o
Stealth            xxooo| Defence:     3       | 4 _______________ o
Survival           xoooo| Armour:      0       | 3 _______________ o
Weaponry           xxxoo| Initiative:  6       | 2 _______________ o
                        | Experience:  0       | 1 _______________ o
      Social            |                      
  (-1 unskilled)        | Weapon/Attack     Dice Mod    Range    Clip  Size
Animal Ken         xxooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Empathy            ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Expression         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Intimidation       xxooo|
Persuasion         ooooo| Equipment         Durability Structure Size  Cost
Socialise          ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Subterfuge         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
                        | ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
     Specialities       |  Age: 19               Height: 5'10               
 Weaponry : Swords      |  Hair: Blonde          Weight: 65 kg
 Crafts : Jury-Rigging  |  Eyes: Blue            Race: Caucasian
 Medicine : First Aid   |  Sex:  Female          Nationality: First generation Greek-US immigrant.
 ______________________ |
 ______________________ | 
 ______________________ | 
 ______________________ | 
 ______________________ | 
 ______________________ | 
 ______________________ | 
      Languages         | 

 English                | 
 Greek                  |
 ______________________ | 
 ______________________ | 
 ______________________ | 
 ______________________ |

Description :
Taller, stronger, heavier, Pollusia has always quite clearly been the more androgynous of the twins. Rather than avoiding this, she embraces it in every possible way. Blonde hair is cut short, barely past her ears, and the girl favours clothing, if not specially tailored for the opposite sex, that can at least be described as fitting for either. Loose-fitting shirts and suits, jeans and combats rather than skirts, boots rather than heels, one could be forgiven for mistaking her for a rather pretty male at first sight. Subtle touches give her away nonetheless. A voice just half an octave or so too high, blue eyes too large, and highlighted by the only feminine touch she allows herself - a hint of dark mascara to lengthen and darken her eyelashes. On rare occasions, Pollusia can be caught sporting a lipstick not her own, redder than she'd ever allow herself, and mysteriously similar to that worn by Castea.. but only rarely.

When the clothes come off, though, her gender is apparent. Breasts, admittedly, on the smaller edge of B cup, and one could hardly apply the term "undulation" to the slight curve between waist and hips.. but it was there. Her body, though, is a far cry from soft and luxurious femininity. Rough skinned hands, calloused and blistered, scars and pockmarks littering her arms, back, belly, telling of a life of rigorous exercise and a certain lack of care for her own safety. Such a life comes with its own rewards, though, and Pollusia bears the spoils as well as the scars. A toned, well-defined abdomen, taut thighs and rear, legs quite clearly used to running - she's most certainly a woman in excellent physical condition.

Background :
Pollusia's goals in life have always been based around her sister. First it was just being strong enough to protect her from cruel children in the school yard, defend her from the taunts and teases of New York kids picking on the twins with the immigrant mother. AS she grew up, that motivation remained the same, all the way to puberty. Daydreams of her adult life, fantasies mirroring the role of husband and wife, in which she'd work, and come home to Pollusia cooking dinner and minding the children. These collapsed abruptly as the twins began developing, and Castea especially drew attention from the opposite sex. Pollusia herself had a few advances, but was in general too gruff, too boyish to break many hearts. Besides, her eyes lingered more on the soft and feminine features of her own gender. One specific member of her gender, but one ever out of reach. Disillusioned, and already beginning to show the signs of social impairment, she was soon something of a social outcast, spending time with few but her sister. She also struggled academically, without the easy grasp of numbers or words that came so readily to her brighter sister. Sciences made some sense to her, but she was ever-limited by the social atmosphere of the classroom. Instead, Pollusia threw her time into the sports. Tennis, swimming, running, athletics - she quickly excelled in the individual, rather than team sports. It was fencing, though, that really snatched the girl up. Starting at an after-school club with basic foils, within six months Pollusia was competing at a district level. She even made it into the same prestigious high school as her sister, purely on her sporting prowess, and a high grade in, of all things her mechanical and workshop classes. They were the only subjects she could effectively use her -hands- in, rather than puzzle things out with a brain that refused to cooperate. Soon there were whispers of even the Olympics, before she even turned sixteen.

That all changed when the military recruiter visited the school though. Pollusia caught a glimpse of a world in which her social difficulties were eliminated entirely, interactions defined by rank and protocool, by -rules- she could learn and apply. A world where she wouldn't be required to ponder abstract concepts, or do advanced math, but could think in practical and pragmatic terms, which would also prize her athletic skills. She was sold within the first five minutes of the presentation, and from then on, would hear no other option. With a zeal she'd applied to nothing but her fencing, Pollusia threw herself into military preparation. The US Army were naturally excited about having a first-class fencer within their ranks, and soon she was earning sponsorship and scholarship money from them. Despite the attempts of her family, including Castea, to sway her from this course, Pollusia enlisted on the day of her 18th birthday, and was soon on her way to basic training. The fall, though, came in the first week, during the standard medicals. As expected, Pollusia passed every fitness test with flying colours and an enviable ease. It wasn't until the very end of the test, as she stood to shake the doctor's hand and sign her name, that her physician noticed it. A tremor. A shaking, shivering motion in her dominant left hand. A round of far more extensive tests later, Pollusia was officially discharged on medical grounds, with a diagnosis of, of all things, early-onset Parkinson's Disease. Although very manageable with medication, and unlikely to develop into anything life-threatening for many years, it was enough to invalidate her recruitment.

Unsurprisingly, the blonde was plunged into a deep despair, refusing to leave her room, eat, or speak a word for days on end. Eventually Castea's intervention roused her from her fugue, and Pollusia began to act somewhat normally once more. With school behind her and no obvious career looming, she attempted to take up fencing once more at the same level. A lack of practice, and interference from her gradually worsening condition spelled disaster in several tournaments, though, and within six months, Pollusia hung up her sword. Resigned to simple mediocrity, the already jaded ninteen year old called in a favour from some sympathetic friends in the military to acquire a qualification that would allow her to work in entry-level security work. An on-site guard, a mall cop, a girl in a booth - the pay wasn't good, but it got her a rented flat for both herself and Castea and enough to live on. Even enough to fence again, though only at a pale shadow of what she'd done before, fencing at a local club one night a week. Amongst the amateurs there, she was almost unbeatable.. but her string of tournament losses stung too badly to consider a return to the professional sport. Her social skills hadn't improved, leaving her with precious few friends, save, of course, her sister. Without direction, Pollusia's life seemed set on a course to being nothing of consequence, a failed soldier, a failed fencer, and a bad security guard. Despite everything that has gone wrong with her life, Pollusia refuses to give in. Driven by the belief that in the end, everything will turn out alright, as long as she and Castea remain together, she clings to that, has absolute Faith both in her sister, and their conjoined abilities.

Re: An Overly Extravagant Tome (New Witch's Chess Character Sheets)

Name: Castea Dioscyria         Virtue: Hope       Exp: 5
Age: 19                        Vice: Lust
Player: Incubus                Concept: Castea
Flaw: Cowardly

Intelligence       xxxoo|Strength             xoooo|Presense     xxooo
Wits               xxxxo|Dexterity            xxxoo|Manipulation xxxoo
Resolve            xoooo|Stamina              xxooo|Composure    xxooo

       Skills           |                 Other Traits

       Mental           |       Merits         |       Health 
   (-3 unskilled)       | Unearthly Bond_ xxxxo|Max xxxxxxxooooo
Academics          xxooo| Striking Looks_ xxooo|Dam oooooooooooo
Computer           xoooo| Language-Greek_ xoooo|
Crafts             ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Investigation      xoooo| _______________ ooooo|
Medicine           xoooo| _______________ ooooo|       Willpower
Occult             xoooo| _______________ ooooo| Max  xxxooooooo
Game Mechanics     xoooo| _______________ ooooo|Spent oooooooooo
Science            ooooo|                      |
                        |     Disciplines      |
                        | _______________ ooooo|
     Physical           | _______________ ooooo|       Morality
  (-1 unskilled)        | _______________ ooooo| 10 ______________ o
Athletics          xoooo| _______________ ooooo| 9 _______________ o
Brawl              ooooo| _______________ ooooo| 8 _______________ o
Drive              ooooo|                      | 7 _______________ x
Firearms           ooooo| Size: 5              | 6 _______________ x
Larceny            xoooo| Speed: 9             | 5 _______________ x
Stealth            xxooo| Defence: 3           | 4 _______________ x
Survival           ooooo| Armour:              | 3 _______________ x
Weaponry           ooooo| Initiative: 5        | 2 _______________ x
                        | Experience:          | 1 _______________ x
      Social            |                      
  (-1 unskilled)        | Weapon/Attack     Dice Mod    Range    Clip  Size
Animal Ken         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Empathy            xxxoo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Expression         xxooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Intimidation       ooooo|
Persuasion         xxxoo| Equipment         Durability Structure Size  Cost
Socialise          xxooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ ____
Subterfuge         xoooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
                        | ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
     Specialities       |                 Description
 Puzzles - Invest______ | ________________________________________________
 Seduction - Persua____ | ________________________________________________
 Rules - Game Mech_____ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | Age: 19               Height: 5'9
 ______________________ | Hair: Blonde           Weight: 55kgs
 ______________________ | Eyes: Aqua            Race: Caucasian
 ______________________ | Sex: F                Nationality: First generation 
                        |                                  Greek-US immigrant.
      Languages         |              Allies and Contacts

 English_______________ | ________________________________________________
 Greek_________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________

Contrary to her boyish sister, Castea embraces and in a sense revels in her femininity. While she may, at measurement, be only slight shorter than her sister due to a difference in attitude she is often thought of as much smaller, which can in extreme cases cause someone to double-take when they do see the pair together. Castea prefers her hair worn out, straightened it sits just below her shoulders and often makes use of a headband in order to keep it from getting in her face. Her wardrobe varies greatly, depending on the activities she's dressing for at the time; sensible conservative outfits are worn around her parents and at church, usually dresses because that's 'how a lady should look'. During her studies, she typically favours a more casual jeans and top combination, often showing a little skin and showing off her curves slightly, but nothing over the top or particularly slutty. In striking contrast, her evening wear could easily be described as slutty, typically covering only as much as is strictly necessary, although already being towards the tall side for females despite the image she typically projects, she forgoes and heels on the matching black boots that go with those particular outfits.

Back in highschool, more than one person had mode the joke that Pollusia had gotten all the muscle, while she had gotten a better dose of certain other body parts that young men find interesting. In truth, while hers were slightly larger than her sisters, the main difference was in presentation; unlike her sister she took steps to emphasise them. Her skin remained soft and smooth, a product of a highly regimented routine that she had tried on a number of occasions to drag her sister in on to no avail. All this care and attention did pay off, she was a noticeable beauty who often attracted attention due to her looks and retained it due to her passive, almost timid nature that seemed to inspire others to protect her from whatever happened to be on hand; a large dog, traffic, a particularly fierce looking mailbox...

If you were to ask her, Castea would answer that her life had been fairly neat and easy for the most part, no major dramas or problems occurring until fairly recently. An intellectually gifted child, she breezed through school as she grasped difficult concepts quickly and easily and was more than happy to help explain them on to others. As early as grade school, people had high hopes for her as she excelled in her studies; there were even suggestions of maybe putting her up a grade, but those were knocked back firmly due to Pollusia; such an act would be dangerously harmful to her self esteem and the pair didn't cope well separated either. Come highschool, things remained more or less the same, even the onset of puberty and the distractions it brought with it. She dated a little, because it's what was expected of her by her peers, but none of it ever really went anywhere.

Come the mid-teen years, partially to her relief attention and expectations shifted off of her as Pollusia's fencing career began to take off and she was more than happy to slip into a more supportive role, cheering on her sister from the sidelines. As far as she was concerned, this was the greatest part of her life; her sister was succeeding and gaining recognition, the pair of them were receiving nothing but praise, but it did not last. A military presentation at the school saw Poll re-devote herself to a new cause, something that scared Castea to no end. It marked perhaps the only time Castea failed to convince her sister to stay from a course of action when she was sincerely trying, the hours that she begged and pleaded her sister not to pursue this, to concentrate on her fencing, that she could make a good life for herself without having to put herself in personal danger. Castea was scared, scared of losing her sister and scared of being alone for the first time in her life.

Her own studies suffered in this time as stress and concern, both in the classroom and during sleepless nights caused her to simply go through the motions, enough to succeed but not excel as people had become accustomed to. To Castea, none of it seemed important any more and she grew disillusioned, although her desire to fulfil expectations meant that she still did enough to see her scoot through the end of highschool with a respectable grade. It was shortly after their eighteenth birthday during her final year of highschool that her greatest moment of shame occured, one she still feels guilty about over a year later. Her sisters dreams were crushed and at the same time she was diagnosed with an incurable condition, the despair it caused her reducing her to hiding from the world. But what did Castea feel? Relief and joy that her sister would be safe and here with her. Even with the full magnitude of what it meant sinking in, she was still glad that Pollusia would be here; while her sister would suffer for the rest of her life, she would be here with Castea, not dying in a ditch somewhere on the other side of the world, fighting a war for someone else's cause.

Ashamed as she may be about those feelings, they still persist to this day. But they also had other effects on her mentality which caused some fairly significant changes to her life. With the end of highschool looming, she had no idea where she wanted to go on from there in life. Career counselling had proven fruitless, while guilt had suddenly disposed her towards further study in medicine she hadn't taken the subjects needed to follow that pathway and didn't like the option of spending an extra year or two to get the foot in the door. Eventually, she was convinced to pursue an arts degree with a focus in literature, they had always been areas she had particularly excelled. She knew very well that it was a throwaway degree that didn't go anywhere, but expectations were that she'd go to college, so she did.

But as guilt and selfishness consumed her, she developed a darker side that was only fuelled further by new expectations placed upon her by her college peers. She was absorbed into the nightlife and indulged in both underage drinking and social use of other illegal substances, but even this was not enough to numb her sense of guilt, nor give her a direction in life. She became drawn in by an S&M club, eager to be punished by her transgressions, to be demeaned and made to feel like less of a person. It helped numb the guilt, to feel like she was paying a price for it, but it was only a piecemeal gesture. Through a connection met at this club, she got a night time job as a waitress in a club that was more socially acceptable, if only by a hair. A venue for women to meet women, she began working there three nights a week, earning her enough money to feel like she was contributing to the bills of the modest apartment she and her twin lived in, but between work and her night time therapy sessions, she saw only one full night's sleep in an average week. She was floundering at life and slowly but surely beginning to sink...

Change Log:
Gained 5 exp from pregame events
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Re: An Overly Extravagant Tome (New Witch's Chess Character Sheets)

Pictures! Forgot I had these, and updated with the tattoo, no less!


River was born and raised in Regent Park, a seedy suburb in downtown Toronto. She lived with her single mother, who had to spend far too much time working to support the two of them, so she learned to take care of herself from a young age. She was underaged, working at a diner when she saw her first freerunner, and decided that was the path her life would take. She worked and practiced until she moved out at 19, and got a new job doing what she loved, running parcels across the city. She somehow managed to save up enough for a trip to France, where parkour began, and managed to beat someone notable there, Danial Ilebaca, in a footrace across the city, earning a full-arm tattoo of the run she had used as a prize, basically a stylised map of where she had gone and what she did during the race. She travelled back broke and with her arm stinging, but happy.

Arriving back at her apartment shortly before midnight, she found her door busted into, and the place looked like it had been party central since the day she left. She didn't have much of value to steal, so her biggest concern was figuring out how to earn the extra money to fix the door when she walked in her room, grumbling a bit, and found a pair of men watching her.

They had heard her come in the front door and set themselves up to cut off her escape, one drawing a knife while the other stood back, blocking her escape. They taunted and leered while she backed herself out into the tiny living room, trying to reach her little balcony so she could hop to another and get away. The man with the knife lunged at her before she could reach it though, and she was forced to defend herself. She took a nasty gash along her two-day-old tattoo, but she ended up with the man's arm pinned against his back, and got the knife away from him. She told them to fuck off and kick-shoved the man towards his friend and the exit, still holding the knife, but the second guy just laughed and pulled out a gun, shooting her in the chest twice. The last thing she remembers is hitting the floor and staring at the ceiling, hearing their voices, though she couldn't make out the words...

Name: River Faulk            Virtue: Fortitude
Age: 24                      Vice: Pride
Player:  Shrike7             Concept: Self-reliant Freerunner


Intelligence       xoooo|Strength             xxooo|Presense     xxooo
Wits               xxxxo|Dexterity            xxxxo|Manipulation xoooo
Resolve            xxooo|Stamina              xxooo|Composure    xxxoo

       Skills           |                 Other Traits

       Mental           |       Merits         |       Health 
   (-3 unskilled)       | [u]Urban Freeroam[/u]_ xxxxx|Max xxxxxxxooooo
Academics          ooooo| [u]Unobtrusive[/u]____ ooooo|Dam oooooooooooo
Computer           xoooo| [u]Easy Ride[/u]______ xxooo|
Crafts             ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Investigation      xxxoo| _______________ ooooo|
Medicine           xxooo| _______________ ooooo|       Willpower
Occult             ooooo| _______________ ooooo| Max  xxxxxooooo
Game Mechanics     xoooo| _______________ ooooo|Spent xxxxxooooo
Science            ooooo|                      |
                        |     Disciplines      |
                        | _______________ ooooo|
     Physical           | _______________ ooooo|       Morality
  (-1 unskilled)        | _______________ ooooo| 10 ______________ o
Athletics          xxxxo| _______________ ooooo| 9 _______________ o
Brawl              xxxoo| _______________ ooooo| 8 _______________ o
Drive              ooooo|                      | 7 _______________ o
Firearms           ooooo| Size: 5              | 6 _______________ o
Larceny            ooooo| Speed: 10            | 5 _______________ o
Stealth            xxooo| Defence: 4           | 4 _______________ o
Survival           xoooo| Armour:              | 3 _______________ o
Weaponry           xoooo| Initiative: 8        | 2 _______________ o
                        | Experience:          | 1 _______________ o
      Social            |                      
  (-1 unskilled)        | Weapon/Attack     Dice Mod    Range    Clip  Size
Animal Ken         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Empathy            ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Expression         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Intimidation       ooooo|
Persuasion         ooooo| Equipment         Durability Structure Size  Cost
Socialise          xxooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Subterfuge         xxooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
                        | ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
     Specialities       |                 Description
 [u]Athletics[/u]_____________ | [u]Freerunning[/u]_____________________________________
 [u]Investigation[/u]_________ | [u]Body Language[/u]___________________________________
 [u]Subterfuge[/u]____________ | [u]Spotting Lies[/u]___________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | Age: 24            Height: 5'11"
 ______________________ | Hair: Red          Weight: 125 lbs
 ______________________ | Eyes: Hazel        Race: Caucasian
 ______________________ | Sex: Female        Nationality: Canadian
      Languages         |              Allies and Contacts

 [u]English[/u]_______________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
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