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All-Dwarf PF Game.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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So, an idea I'd been tossing around as a backup plan, pretty much since I started my last interest thread is getting its chance. And this time, it's going to be a more familiar system, since I'll use Pathfinder for it.

While there's two possible story ideas at this point, I've already decided on the major character rules:

First and foremost, all PCs must be dwarves.

Second, always take max Hit Die if leveling.

Third, choices for character stuff must either be on the PFSRD or you must provide the GM (me) with a Dropbox link for the book with the rules you want to use.

As for the plotline, I'm thinking either the PCs are part of the force attempting to hold a Dwarven Outpost and expand it into a full settlement, or there's some shenanigans going on elsewhere, and the Dwarves sent a group of their (questionably) finest in to try to find out what's up. Also note, I'm planning on running this with somewhat over-the-top results for rolling Natural 1s or Natural 20s.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Interest shown.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Color me intrigued. Haven't had my pathfinder fix in a good while, so this just might do the trick. Plus, I've not played the race in question, so it should be interesting.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Interest shown.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Okay, at this point, I need some input from the interested parties.

First off, which one of the two ideas seems more interesting? If it's a split, I may end up doing two threads or whatnot, one for both.

Second, for the outpost's name (if that idea is used), should I come up with something reasonably serious, slightly off-kilter but still passable, or just pick something lulzy?
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

I think building up a settlement from an outpost could make for a delightful change of pace from the usual game. Besides, I'm already known for "making a mountain out of a molehill."

As for the name, I'd go with off-kilter but still passable. If the campaign moves in a lulzy direction, the name still works; if things get more serious, the name won't completely ruin the mood.

EDIT: dwarven rogue. Shadow, I removed his background, but can send it to you at any time if you need it.
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Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Building an outpost sounds like a neat change of pace. Could be interesting to try and build up a settlement.

I think Hope has the right idea for the name.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Need ideas for Dorf culture? I found a good thread with some people's ideas that paints dwarves as something more than a bunch of drunken scotish mole-men with axes.

Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Okay, going to go ahead and open character gen for this.

As for the Dwarven deity for this, domains are: Artifice, Community, Earth, Protection, and Rune. All associated sub-domains are also available.

World-wise, there's been a recent history of both conflict and attempts at peace. Due to a previous treaty with a somewhat antagonistic human nation (supported by elves), a small Dwarven outpost, primarily built for guarding purposes, had been abandoned. Due to that specific treaty having be recently nulled, the Dwarven leadership has sent the PCs to support local Dwarven hunting groups in retaking and fortifying the outpost. Given the presence of the local hunting groups, intel is good on the site, and it's currently only held by some wildlife.

Still working on the name for the outpost. At this point, I'm thinking that I'm going to cook up something Dwarven-sounding, and then decide on the name's meaning/Common translation once the serious/funny direction is set.

EDIT: Derp, forgot something. Level 1 start, maximum of two traits. Also, if you choose some form of spellcasting or alternate powers, they will neither be unique nor unknown. Also, if you want, you may choose to roll up a level 1 character with no class. I'll just semi-randomly pick one for the character. Of course, if the character has a Cha score of, say, 6... I won't pick a Cha-based class like Sorcerer or Bard for them, for example. Stats are six rolls of (4d6, drop lowest) arranged as you wish. Use Invisible Castle, unless it's down.
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Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Got room for another? Thinking of going with the Brawler hybrid class if that's acceptable. It's in the PFSRD ( ). Thinking of building chiefly as a disruptor, using combat maneuvers to disable or expose enemies for others to take out easier. Trip, disarm, grapple, dirty trick, etc.

Also, here's a link to some words or phrases translated into the Tolkien dwarven language, Khazalid, might provide some inspiration for a name.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Okay, forgot something:

Max starting cash.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Okay, since it's become a bit of an issue, I'm going to say this publicly:

If you want to reroll your stats until you get a stat-line that's all 10+, that's fine with me.

EDIT: Bit of an extra derp, forgot climate. Mostly temperate, with slight ending towards cold. For those familiar with the northwestern states of the US, I picture the area around the outpost being similar to the Columbia River Gorge, in northern Oregon.
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Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

So no mountain hugging outpost?
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Can I still express interest? Or is it too late?
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

, seasoned sailor and wanton murderer, reporting for duty.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Characters so far look okay. As for further room, yeah.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

, the Mountain Dwarf Gunsmith.

Die rolls for his stats.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Also, improved deities list, now with more options: Work in progress...

Hargund, the Stonefather
Lawful Good, Warhammer
Domains are: Artifice, Community, Earth, Protection, and Rune. All associated sub-domains are also available.
Dwarven creator deity.

Thurafya, the Soulmother
Neutral Good, Heavy Mace
Domains are: Community, Earth, Healing, Protection, and Water. All associated sub-domains are also available.
Dwarven caregiver deity.

Skorgrim, the Dourhand
Neutral, Dwarven Waraxe
Domains are: Earth, Fire, Strength, Trickery, and War. All associated sub-domains are also available.
Dwarven war-god. Promotes Dwarven Supremacy.