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Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

Re: Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

Having avoided implantation by an Alarune, the two friends start towards the North once more. They hadn't gone far when the Celeste stepped on something that pricked her foot. Her cry of pain grabbed Hali's attention, the Descendant spinning around, sword at the ready. Celeste managed to hop away on one foot, revealing her attacker: Cotton, ripe to be picked. Laughing at the odd circumstance, Hali began to pick up the cotton, trying to explain to Celeste it was just Cotton - nothing more, nothing less.

[9 Cotton found. Since you can only hold 6 items each, you'll have to split the loot between one another.]

[Current Position: 0,2]
Re: Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

Celeste hadn't been about to set fire to the offending plants, but that didn't mean she wasn't annoyed at them. Grumbling, she helped gather up the cotton as best as possible, mostly just taking what Hali handed her.

"Shall we continue our journey, or return to drop this stuff off?" She asked her friend once they had gathered all they were going to take.

((I'd suggest gathering it all. 4 for each, and the remainder going to one or the other; could coin toss it, or Celeste can take it if Hali doesn't want to.))
Re: Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

Hali giggled, cheerfully collecting the cotton. Practiced fingers wove about the plant, avoiding most of the thistles as she pulled the plant's seeds away and began to fill her bag. She handed Celeste about half, keeping a little more for herself before ushering her companion to continue.

(Keep 5 for Hali)
Re: Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

After picking the cotton, the women are surprised to find their bags have multiplied nearly ten times in size! While it puzzled Celeste, Hali urged the woman on, pushing them forward, towards the North, into unexplored territory...

[Don't forget to put down how much Cotton you both took in your character sheets, please. Also, don't forget EXP from your last battle!]

[Current Position: 0, -3]

...The forest here was no different than the part they had just left. There didn't seem to be anything the Elder was protecting them from by leaving the confines of the hunter's area. As they began to wander towards the North again, a scream reached the sensitive ears of the half-elves, coming from the East. Moving in the direction the cries came from, the two came across a large clearing. Near the northern side of the clearing was a large hole leading into the ground, about 8 meters in diameter. They could see it sloped sharply into the ground, and there was light coming from hole... And then, they heard the scream, coming from the cavern:

"Oh, Aedus, someone, help me!"

Was that... Shania?...
Re: Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

Hali could see that the cave sloped sharply into the ground... Celeste at least heard the call for help.

"Shania?!" She called, moving towards the noise. By the way it reverberated, she could tell it was coming from a cavern of some kind, so she was cautious not to get too far out of Hali's reach. "We have to go help her."
Re: Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

"Well then we should go carefully. If we have any rope we should tie it to something out here so we can climb back up." Hali suggested, "And we should make sure to go slowly." She said, peering into the cave a shrewd look on her face as she studied the mouth of the cave.
Re: Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

Celeste turned to Hali. "I don't have any rope, and I don't think we have enough time to return to the village to get some if you don't have any." She turned back to the cave, thinking. "And I don't have any spells that could help..." She mumbled the last mainly to herself.
Re: Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

While the two debated about what exactly to do, Hali spotting a rat crawling up out of the hole and running off. After investigating, she realize it sloped down into a cavern - that seemed fairly well lit. Grabbing onto Celeste, who was still standing in the tree line, the Descendant drags her blind companion down into the cavern.

Despite the ramp was only about 10 meters long, and covered in dirt; the entry way had a nice, smooth stone for a floor, which seemed to be meticulously crafted. All along the walls were sconces that didn't hold torches, but a magical flame that burned brightly. Hali could see a hall that lead to the West, the floor cracked near the hall.

Celeste didn't see anything.

[This situation isn't treated as a combat situation. However, if you would please let me know who enters into a hallway or adjacent room first, that would be wonderful.]

Re: Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

Celeste protested a bit as she was suddenly pulled into the cave, but trusted her friend.

Though she couldn't see, Celeste could tell the cave continued to the west, it sounded differently there, but she waited for Hali to go first. Afterall, her friend could see, and fight, in case it came to that.

((Vote Hali go first))
Re: Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

Hali gave her partner's arm a little tug, looking deep into the cave, "It goes back this way, we should keep going, see what that was!" She announced, her eyes never leaving the eerie image of the magically endowed cave before her. "Obviously someone has been here!"
Re: Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

[C-c-c-combat... Kinda.]

Celeste and Hali make their way deeper into the man-made cavern. Only the entrance seemed extremely dirty; several meters beyond it was a clean, well-carved floor. However, as Hali turned the corner to take the lead, she finds the floor isn't as well carved - no longer an intricate tile pattern, but a flattened, brown rock. The hall twisted at an odd angle, and she had to keep Celeste close behind her to keep the girl from blind half-elf from bumping into the walls. The hall was twisty, with some very odd, sharp angles. It was one of these sharp turns that landed the two Descendants into trouble.

Hali comes around a corner, checking behind her to make sure Celeste cleared the sharp turn; spinning around, she spots the danger in the new room: Three dog-like creatures, bigger than Kobolds. They wore tattered leather clothing, one with some simple leather armor, all staring at the two humans with pairs of red, blue and yellow eyes. Their fur was a dusky, mottled yellow, with several black spots in patterns; their chest was a lighter brown, and their maw was black, as well as their hair.


"...We've got huntin' slaves now?" One asks, his ears flicking back and forth, looking to his other companions in an unsure way. They hadn't reached for their weapons yet.

"I guess. Someone's gotta resupply the food stocks," The one with the leather armor replies, "S'good, cause I'm hongry. 'Ay! You!" He snaps his fingers at Hali, "Lemme see what's in yer pack there," He grumbles.

Re: Adventure Time (Hali and Maikochan)

Celeste was about to ask who, or what was speaking, but quickly realized they weren't nice, with talk of slaves and all. Still, that did present an opportunity for them.

"Play along with them for now." She whispered as quietly as possible to Hali, possibly too quiet for the red-head to hear, but making sure the two other people in the room didn't hear.