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東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~


Jul 4, 2010
Reputation score

I’ll just leave this here ^_^


Re: 東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~

some more information would be nice as well as some clarification of whether or not this is Loli. ;)
Re: 東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~

I looked around, and I'm almost positive this has absolutely no H-Content. It plays a bit like Megaman.
Re: 東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~

It's not teeechnically loli, since it's Touhou, a world full of demons and mytical creatures whom just age differently... Remilia, the blue haired girl in the picture, is something like 504 years old, while her maid is 18... It's just the art style of touhou is generally very "cute" and what not.

That being said, this doesn't really look like a hentai game...

... Uhm... Also.... Hi. >.>a
Re: 東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~

i heard it was because zun had trouble drawing breasts so thats why he drew them as lolis. also this is a fan game and since the loli bodies are what the touhou are best known for, thats what their drawn as in most of the fan games.
just cuter
Re: 東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~

Everything touhou related can be considered loli, for in drawn porn the virtual age doesn't matter, it is considered loli if it looks loli.

Then again, if there is no sexual content it doesn't really matters.
Re: 東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~

Everything touhou related can be considered loli, for in drawn porn the virtual age doesn't matter, it is considered loli if it looks loli.

Then again, if there is no sexual content it doesn't really matters.

Touhou doujinshi don't necessarily have to be drawn in a loli-esque style.


This game is not hentai. Therefore, it doesn't belong in the "hentai games" section.

This game also absolutely sucks. Here's a review from doujinstyle:

Incidentally, Touhou Kouhentan ~Accident Outside Wall~ is an absolutely crap game. Remilia starts off with no ability to attack opponents under her, and you get knocked-backed significantly if you get hit. To get additional skills (or upgrades like double-jump), you need XP, which you get by defeating enemies. (there are some one-time xp powerups, but this is largely moot since you need to at least be able to double-jump to get to them). Defeated enemies generally grant double digit XP. All upgrades require at least 1000 XP, with further upgrades costing more. Some skills have prerequisites, with most of the prerequisite skills (yes, plural) needing to be at level 2~4 before you can even get them.

So yeah, the game expects you to grind enemies to get XP. You kill enemies, wait for them to respawn (or restart the stage), and then kill them again. Which is a big pain in the rear end to do with Remilia's initial shitty abilities. And it is nearly impossible to hit enemies under you without getting hit several times in the process. And this game absolutely loves throwing pits and downward stairs at you.

Did I mention that this game is a platformer, without a jump attack? (landing on top of an enemy hurts you instead AND knocks you back a lot, so the temporary invincibility isn't that useful) If I want to grind in a platformer I'll play Maple Story instead. (and that game isn't all that good either.)

Bosses do give a nice chunk of XP, but fat chance of getting to them with Remilia's initial loadout. Expect to grab a few upgrades before you can even reach them.

Skills and magic require directional button inputs (like a fighting game) to work, which is arguably the best part of the game... except that the engine is wonky and sometimes doesn't know which direction you're facing. (thereby messing up the button inputs).

It can be enjoyable if you memory-hack the game to get enough XP for the skills you want (which I did, I'm not going to grind.). The game is rather short though, and all bosses can be killed by spamming Spear the Gungnir 2~3 times. (and no, I didn't give myself MAX skills either) Stages are short, though fiendishly hard if you don't have enough upgrades. Stages are also completely linear, with alternate paths leading only to power-ups. (except the one on Youmu's stage which allows you to skip almost all the way to the boss.) There seems to be no bonus content either. (unless you count Sanae and Suwako stages, but they are more like Megaman's later stages which are unlocked after defeating the initial bosses. And is part of the main story instead of post-game content.)

The written dialogue (pre-boss battles and post-defeat) are also sort of...mediocre. (ignore this if you can't read Japanese.)

The whole game can be completed under an hour (took me 30 minutes) if you hack in the xp for the skills. Otherwise, you probably need to spend 5~10 hours to grind for the skills you need. If not more. The game just stinks of Fake Longevity.

It's a nice way to spend 30 minutes by breezing through the stages though. Sort of like a nice flash game if you disregard the required xp grind. 'though with a game clocking in at 600+ megabytes, I expect more.

Rebuttal of sorts:
I've been playing it for an hour and progressed 4 stages out of 8 (only 8 revealed of course) and have a good number of upgrades. I feel like the balance is alright, but its true I grinded killing Reimu three or four times. The trick being to ignore the entire stage and just rush to the boss, as it is, indeed, the only good source of exp.

Something is horribly, horribly wrong with the game design.
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Re: 東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~

ya because the idiot who did the review didn't even talk about how the actual controls were. it was just a page full of the idiot complaining about grinding which is pretty much every mmo known to man (not including games like rumble fighter) but no one bitches about them. at least this game is unique as a platformer. that reviewer was just finding a reason to trash the game if that was his/her only complaint.
Re: 東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~

ya because the idiot who did the review didn't even talk about how the actual controls were. it was just a page full of the idiot complaining about grinding which is pretty much every mmo known to man (not including games like rumble fighter) but no one bitches about them. at least this game is unique as a platformer. that reviewer was just finding a reason to trash the game if that was his/her only complaint.

The problem is that this is not an MMO. I'm sure nobody is going to want to play Maple Story offline, if they don't get to mess around with the Exp rate.

A lot of game reviews don't go into specifics about controls. They may complain or point out stuff about the controls, or say things like "the B button" when it's relevant, but most won't write a guide describing how to control your character. They are not walkthroughs.

The review pointed out flaws in the game controls, specifically with how it handles directional inputs.

The review also mentions that the game has a lot of enemies or hazards placed underneath the player despite the player having no means to reasonably deal with such enemies in the early game. Grinding for basic competence is not fun. (at least to the writer)
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Re: 東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~

You want grinding?

Go play Disgaea or Shin meagami tensei titles, even FFXIII has become a grinding machine.
Re: 東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~

You want grinding?

Go play Disgaea or Shin meagami tensei titles, even FFXIII has become a grinding machine.

Disgaea doesn't need any grinding for the 'normal' content. (unless you field and replace a lot of troops) I'm not sure about the other games.

Grinding is also sort of acceptable in RPGs; not so much in a platformer unless it has RPG elements that are done well.

Grinding can be sort of fun if you can massacre your opponents or if the battles themselves are fun; less so when you need to grind starting from the beginning of the game.

(or Metal-Gear-Solid stealth your way through Stage 1 to grind only on the Stage boss, but that's sort of a genre change.)
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Re: 東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~

actually Zun alway has his drawing trouble, but never has trouble with his idealy design :D
Re: 東方紅変譚~Accident outside wall~

It's not an h-game, but we don't have a section for just normal games. The only place I can think of to put this is the trash. And seeing as how things are already going off topic, I may as well then.