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A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

Yuka and Jolyne made their way through the woods, walking slowly and alert to what was happening around them.

((Yuka's intelligence check: 65 -> barely passed))
((Jolyne's intelligence check: 26 -> passed))

Yuka can't shake off the feeling that something followed them. She heard small skittle noises all around them. Meanwhile, they arrived at a small area of the woods covered with egg sacks, where big webs traced lines accross the trees.
"Watch out! Above!" Jolyne shouted.
Thanks to the mouse-girl's timely warning, Yuka lunged on the side, just in time to avoid something grazing her shoulder.

"Aw, too bad."
Slowly reeling up her thread, a drider hoisted her back in mid-air after failing to ambush the kitsune.
"You would have been so cute, filled with my eggs. Too bad there are only women passing around here. But I'm sure you'll stay here a moment and play with me and my babies, right?"

Around Yuka and Jolyne, several eggs shuffled, as if what was inside reacted to the drider's words.
"I don't like this." Jolyne complained.

Enemy party:
Drider 5/5 RP - 0/5 LP
Egg A - 2/2 RP
Egg B - 2/2 RP
Egg C - 2/2 RP

Enemy informations:
* Drider
PHY 50 | INT 50 | SEX 50
5/5 RP | 0/5 LP
* Evasion: the drider cannot counter; the drider cannot be countered, only blocked or evaded
* Snatching: upon hitting an ally, the drider will restrain her. If the drider is not damaged until her next turn, she will go back to the tree branches, isolating herself with her prey. If the captured ally manages to get free from their restraints, he can choose to descend back down
* Webbing: adds a stack of restriction to the target

* Spider egg
PHY (shell's resistance) 60
2/2 RP
Passive: cannot attack, cannot counter
Hatching: each turn, the egg rolls 1d10. If the roll is 8 or higher, a spider hatchling joins the fight. Otherwise, the egg adds 1 to its next roll
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

"KYA!" Yuka cried out as she would manage to dive off to the side out of the dirders path at the last moment thanks to Jolyne's timely warning. "Th-Thank you, Jolyne! Stay close to me" she said as she would getting back to back with the little mouse woman "I am sorry, whoever you are, but I am afraid I cannot - at the current time - take your eggs or spend too much time with your off spring. I need to find the succubus corrupting these woods and stop her somehow. She has corrupted a large group of alurane as well as abducted an entire village and many of my fellow kitsune from my settlement. However, if you would please be generous to allow me and my cohort here to continue onward, I would gladly extend to you an invitation to our festival tomorrow. We will have plenty of human men, women and Herm's there; as well as a few guests. I might even be persuaded and willing to take your eggs then. Just not now, please?" She would try to reason and bargain with the spider woman, her hand resting on the hilt of her blade; not threatening but ready for battle if it should come to that.

((Try persuasion first.))
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

((Your roll: 61 + 65 = 126
Drider's roll: 56 + 50 = 106))

"Aaaaaw. C'mon, don't be like that? It's been dayyys since I fucked someone" the drider answered. Around Yuka and Jolyne, the eggs seem to calm down, as if they listened to the drider's reactions.
"You'll get caught and fucked silly by these nutjobs, past the marsh, like all the people they brought there, anyway." she added.

"Whelp, if you want to go to your doom, you can go. But that girl stays with me and my pets. We'll have fun together while you go rescue your precious villagers."
"Yuka, please tell me you're not considering this?" Jolyne asked worryingly.
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

"I'm sorry... That's not acceptable. Im afraid Jolyne isn't interested. And I really can't be held up much more than I have already. I told you I wouldb be willing to once I settled this. And I always at least try to keep my word. If you are actually worried about us, come along with us. The more help we could have the better. It'll make it easier and quicker for us to achieve my objective. And the sooner I could get this mess taken care of the sooner I'd be able to take your eggs and 'play' with you, as I promised. So please, don't make this any harder than it needs to be. I don't wish to harm you or your offspring." She said holding Jolyne close to her, her hand still resting on her blade, but not acting or moving in a way indicating she was preparing to attack yet.

((Try persuasion one more time.))
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

((Sorry for the wait. Fortunately, the rest of the week should see me go back to a more regular posting ryhtmn))

((Your roll: 57 + 65 = 122
Drider's roll: 52 + 50 = 102))

"Urg. Fine. But once you'll start crossing the marsh, you'll wish you left me take care of you, because you sweet words won't work there. Until then, we'll meet again... Or not."
On these words, the drider pulled herself up, while grommeling about how she was too good for Yuka and Jolyne, etc.

"I suggest we do not stay here any longer." the mouse-girl said. Continuing their walk, the two adventurers found themselves at the start of the marsh. It ran for several hundred meters, but after it the Alraune village was on sight.
A floating wooden path crossed the marsh, but it looked derelict, and some parts were either almost or completely submerged in the opaque water. Jolyne pointed out that there were small islands of earth scattered, and that they could jump from place to place, while spending as little time in the waters of the marsh as possible.
"Both paths leave me a bad feeling about this. I'd go with crossing by the small islands, though. It feels safer than these weak-looking wooden bridges. What do you think about it?"
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

Yuka looked up in the tree with a concerned if not slightly miffed look on her face as the drider climbed back up into the tree. At Jolyne's words, the fox girl would nod at her mousie friend before proceeding onward on the path they had started until they had eventually come to a marsh which presented them with the choice of either trying to hop around the small islets scattered around the swamp or try their luck with the roughshod bridge going across the murky waters. At Jolyne's words, Yuka would grasp the mouse girl's hands and nod at her, "I think you are right, Jolyne. I don't trust that bridge any further then I could throw it. Watch your footing though, and try to hold onto my hand. With any luck we can cross this safely and avoid any further altercations till we get to the succubus." She try to comfort and encourage her companion before attempting to jump the islands.

((Attempt jumping across the islands.))