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A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

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Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"I don't really like the thought myself but I certainly wouldn't put it past a prince, or any other Cainite for that matter. I wouldn't mind knowing a bit more myself though." Richard said after Vezina had checked the remainder of the sarcophagus to naught. After replacing the massive stone lid and exiting the barrow they journeyed back together through the still eerily unquiet forest.

Her owl had rejoined them by the point they reached the inn and Richard had taken his leave to find a place to hole up during the day. Leaving Vezina alone at the entrance to ponder the events of the evening and check on Lysandra. She found Lysandra resting in the room with Aethelwulf watching over her. At Vezina's arrival he took leave to his own room for the dawn was fast approaching.

15/15 BP, 4/4 WP, [/][][][][][][]. So the sarcophagus was actually just me being silly and putting a random easter egg in the game, but you can probably get a boon out of trying to return it. I think I may have been too tricky with changing the name to the Flemish variation though. Which makes me sad for some reason.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

The unnatural quiet that hung over these woods was not so much frightening as it was puzzling to the Tzimisce. She had grown up in what were arguably the scariest forests that the world had to offer, living as a poor mortal trapper under the unofficial ownership of beings like her sire, who plucked freely and unapologetically from the human stock for sustenance. Gyulu had raised her up from that low beginning, whisking it away as though it were some bad dream, granting her a new life, a noble life, one in which she could shape her own destiny and plunge into the mysteries of the mind and spirit in both man and beast.

Places too, he had taught her, held within them a certain spirit. The koldunic sorcerers of the Carpathians had tapped into a powerful being within the mountains and woods of her distant homeland, and through their kinship with the spirit had wielded great and tremendous powers over the land - in a sense becoming one with it. The idea appealed to Vezina, to treat with the spirit of realms, and in these woods, she felt that the brooding silence was that of a spirit watching them intently.

By the time they left the woods her owl had returned to her and she bid it to rest during the day and rejoin her on the following night. She then made leave of Richard, thanking him for his aid in this hunt and assuring him that his service would not be forgotten by her. She did this of course without looking at him, as the sight of the Sheriff still disgusted her.

Next she moved to her shared room with the torpored Lysandra, finding Aethulwulf standing watch over her.

"The dawn comes quickly, but our night's hunt was successful, Warmaster." Vezina inclined her head respectfully to the Gangrel. Though he was of the low clans, his aura of authority and his position within the Court of Avalon merited respect that others of his ilk may not inherently deserve. Added to this was her own sire's respect for the clan of beasts - a feeling that had naturally colored her own views. "An abhorrent usurper decays unto ash and his pitiful thralls find peace and release in final death. Better this than to be beholden to the will of these witches who masquerade as Cainites, don't you agree?"

If the Gangrel had no time to speak due to the rapid onrush of dawn, she would simply bid him a safe and undisturbed day and agree to see him tomorrow evening before making her way back to London, and to her meeting with the young mortal nobleman and the girl on whom she had fed earlier.

Vezina lay on her own bed, making certain that the room was locked and barred from the inside and that no hateful light would intrude nor any mortal be able to enter. She then took the two pouches of sacred earth from the sight of her trial by blood and tears, holding the precious soil close to her chest as she entered into a dreamless sleep. Her last thoughts were of her sire, Gyulu, whom she still feared, respected, and in her own way, loved. Now she could look him in the eye as an equal - as his true bride, and together they might truly rule over this new land.

Nah, you've lost me. I don't know who you're talking about with the name variation.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Aethelwulf nodded his head at Vezina's summation of their success. Still he remained the very picture of a stoic military commander as he said. "We have won the first battle it seems but the war still lasts. I fear these usurpers have already entrenched themselves along the edge of our society and it will take more than a few of us to destroy their foul taint. Still I will gladly lead my troops in aid of our cause for these usurpers are beyond distasteful. I'm even willing to work with Richard if need be for he has shown a rather uncharacteristic bravery in this battle. Now I bid you good rest for the dawn approaches too quickly for my tastes."

Her room prepared for any intrusion by sunlight and mortal Vezina lay down with the earth of her grave and soon drifted into dreamless sleep.


Hours later as the sun once more fell below the horizon Vezina felt herself awakening. Ready to work on the nobleman and his sister and her wonderful blood. The thoughts of the usurping Tremere never left her mind for long however even as she began preparations to leave.

Lysandra awoke much like Vezina though she still looked rather wounded and haggard. She seemed pleased to see that Vezina was still there though.

14/15 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][]. Ah well you can't win em all. Baastian Vercruysse would be Sebastian LeCroix, which means you just found the Ankaran sarcophagus.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"Lysandra," Vezina said with a crooked smile as she saw the warrior Lamia awake. She crossed the room to stand before her companion. "You fought well last night, and your ritual had good effect. It pleases me greatly that you did not suffer the true death at the hands of vengeful spirits."

She waited for reply from Lysandra before moving back to her bed, gathering her precious earth and pocketing it on her person before gathering her belongings.

"I am afraid I must make haste, for this evening I am due to dine among the mortals, and this hunter's garb, while excellent and suitable to my tastes, will not go overly well with the delicate sensibilities of the mortal nobility." Vezina laughed at her own amusing thought. Last night's success, combined with the delicious empowerment of the amaranth, had put her in a good mood. She recalled only being this giddy near the dawn of her third night after the Embrace, when Gyulu had taken her to rest in her earth once more, laying beside her and encouraging her to feed from him. The effects of the blood bond had mimicked love for her sire and though he was still understandably distant and aloof, she had never felt so alive. The irony that she had been dead was not lost on her.

Now that she ha reclaimed the might of the Tremere's stolen - but rich - blood, she felt once more that potent self-awareness, the realization of her sanguine inheritance. The potential of the vitae was limitless. If only she could once again taste that sweetness of the elders.

She was still smiling with addictive thoughts of diablerie when Lysandra's movements shook her from her reverie. With everything gathered, she made her way to the stables, preparing her steed for a hard ride back to London, where she would then change into her one remaining dress that wasn't soiled from the ill weather of London. She must remember to have her clothes cleaned at some point as it wouldn't do to be seen as one of the lower class.

As always she would keep the pouches of her earth tucked inside of the secret pockets sewn into the inside of the folds of her dress, but she would leave her dagger and bow and arrows hidden inside her room at the London inn, along with her spare earth and the bag of scrolls and other trinkets she had accumulated on her journey.

If her progress was not interrupted, it would then be her intent to make good on her promise to meet with the nobleman and his delectable sister. Not quite so good as her foe's blood had been, of course.

Ah right. Bloody Ankharan Sarcophagus. I'll have to pack it full of Greek Fire before I send it.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Lysandra shook her head a little as though clearing away unpleasant thoughts and visions. She seemed ready to travel though despite her wounds and rather haggard appearance as she gathered her own gear for the return to London and said. "It pleases me as well. I certainly did not expect these Tremere to know how to summon such spirits or I would have protected myself better. It is nice when one can learn from their mistakes rather than paying for them. I will return with you to London where I can feed without problem, perhaps one day we will have the chance to hunt together again."

Leaving the inn they found Aethelwulf giving orders to one of his ghouls in regards to scouring the village and forest for any remaining signs of the Tremere. He nodded to the pair solemnly as they left and wished them a good hunt before striding towards the village himself. Richard was nowhere to be found though this did not surprise or bother Vezina, as he was better to not be seen.

There saddles and gear packed the pair began the ride back to London with Vezina's owl flying overhead and slightly ahead of them. The trip was thankfully uneventful and they departed ways at Cripplesgate. Lysandra returning to Rodger's library and Vezina to her haven at the inn. Once changed Vezina left for her rendezvous with the mortal nobles, south of London.

Once she had made her way through the slums and docks of Southwark she found herself in pleasant countryside. A thin dusting of snow from the previous evening only lent to her good mood as it reminded her of her homeland in some ways. Ahead she saw the village the nobleman had told her about and the nearby manor where she would meet said noble.

Smiling Jack would be proud even if he hasn't been born yet. Not sure how much of a bond you want with the owl but if you want higher than a 1 step now's probably a good time.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

The chill in the breeze refreshed and invigorated Vezina as she rode her palfrey southward across the pleasant, rolling countryside. The day had brought with it a thin powder of snow that brought to mind the high elevations of the Carpathian mountainsides. She waxed nostalgic of the few good memories she had as a mortal, all during the safety of the daylight hours, when she would be on her own in the wilderness, waiting to round up the day's catch from her many snares. The common mountain breeze was much like it was tonight on the isle of the angles.

High above, her owl glided in wide, lazy circles above her. Its shadow passed through the light of the moon, by which she and her mount made their path through the darkness. Every so often a torch was lit by the roadside, to keep late travelers on their path. Vezina did her best not to notice the fires and to keep a wide berth, lest she test her inner beast unnecessarily.

She hooted for her owl to glide closer and perch upon her leather gloved hand as might a falcon return to its hunting master. Both falcon and owl possessed that same raptor grip and predatory nature, which appealed to the Tzimisce. The brown and white feathered bird came when bidden, and craned its head to regard her, their eyes meeting.

In her land, among the peasantry, the owl was a bird of ill omen. A predator who fed on human flesh and blood, and in some tales they were harbingers of strive and civil strife. In the Greek, they were called strix, or striges, while the word in her tribal dialect was bufnita. One such folktale told of a woman who was turned into a strix for her sin of cannibalism.

"I name thee, Polyphonte, after a woman who underwent her own metamorphosis." Vezina told the bird. "You are more than a bufnita, my little one. My blood makes you strong. Your claws and your beak will tear sharper, your eyes pierce further into the night, your wings carry you like the zephyr. In return for these strengths, you shall be mine eyes, and we shall hunt together in nights when I roam the wilderness."

She brushed the feathers of the owl affectionately, still holding its gaze and imposing her will upon it. When Polyphonte acknowledged her new mistress, Vezina let the owl fly off, to hunt as it willed, with instructions to follow her in the general direction of her destination.

A short while later, she arrived at the manor, where she gazed expectantly for some servant to approach and guide her horse to a stable. If asked who she was and why she was here, she would state plainly that the young lord of this house was expecting her. The Lady Vezina of Banut.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

The manor was of an older style similar to that of the chamberlain's but in much better condition and location. There was a definite air of old nobility about the house and it's lands, true nobility as opposed to the simple richness espoused by the newer merchant class prominent within the city. A people who had shed blood to protect their land, much like Vezina had given of herself to become one with her new home.

A young servant greeted her immediately as she reached the main entrance to the manor to hold the horse while Vezina dismounted. She was greeted at the door by the young heir, Eric and his sister. Vezina remembered the exquisite taste of the young woman's blood well as they both nodded in greeting. "Ah my, Lady Vezina you have impeccable timing. Please come in and join us in the comforts of the main hall. I fear my father is not up to entertaining in his current condition, though he may join us later for a brandy before completely retiring."

Eric's sister seemed pleasant though she said little more than the common pleasantries as they made their way within. The interior was of equal stature to the outside, though perhaps not quite as rich as the outside might indicate. Still they bore all the trappings of true nobility as they made their way to the cozy main hall. Hunting trophies hung on the wall, a great boars head dominating the main wall above the small fire. The chairs and sofa were placed far enough away that Vezina should be able to sit without stirring the other. Eric indicated she should sit and asked if she would care for an aperitif while they waited for dinner.

Been researching owls have we, or have you just been waiting for this opportunity.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

The countryside manor appealed to the Tzimisce. It was in good repair, had sufficient isolation, and came with the trappings of true nobility, just as Gyulu had taught her. There was a history within these walls, a tradition, and it made her sorrowful that she had no domain yet to call her own. But perhaps, with the right incentives and demonstrations of power, she would soon find a remedy to her problem. She knew from her earlier encounter with him that this young Eric was the sort who would take to corruption eagerly, especially if he could have a taste of power. But she would take care to eke it out slowly. Introducing him to things too fast would mean she would get less out of him later on when his ambitions grew.

She sent the blood of Caine through her body and revitalized her demeanor, making an effort to bring some color to her flesh and breath to her decayed lungs. She would actively remember to blink once or twice a minute as well, to give hints of life to her act and make the young lord more comfortable with her presence.

"Milord," Vezina curtsied and showed the deference that female foreign nobility was expected to display before a Norman landowner. "It is a pleasure to accept your invitation into your home."

She passed through the stone threshold, smiling and nodding demurely at the sister. Vezina made a mental note that she should not feed from the poor girl tonight, for a mortal needs time to recover from being fed upon. The brother, on the other hand, might enjoy her sanguine kiss before the night was through.

Arriving in the sitting chamber, Vezina sat where she would not have to look at the fire, preferring instead to keep her gaze on the mortals. She offered a shy look when offered drink and said, "Strong drink has never agreed with me, much to the chagrin of my family and would-be suitors, but I shall accept thy kind offer, milord, as a true guest does not turn their nose up at such things. Pray do not take offense though if I am slow to drink it. Blame it upon a woman's delicate frame."

She waited while Eric went to pour and as he did so, she looked to the sister.

"I do not know that we have been properly introduced, my dear. I am Vezina, daughter of the Prince Glad of the Banat Voivodeship on the north edge of the Bulgar Empire, far to the southeast on the mainland."

The cover story was one that Vezina and Gyulu had practiced early on in the nights when he taught her of nobility. Glad was the mortal ruler of a Tzimisce revenant family, distant enough from Gyulu's own lands so as to not be wiped out by the Magyar migrations and Hungarian invasion from the northwest. As a daughter of this ruler, she would be legitimate as a worthy addition to the Tzimisce hierarchy, and it was likely that no one this far from her homelands would have the means to corroborate her story. Besides, Glad was known to have many daughters and sons, not all of them from the same mother. It was doubtful even he was keeping track of them all according to her sire.

"Might I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" she asked the girl.

When Eric returned with the aperitif she would take it graciously, raise the glass or cup to him, and pretend to sip a small amount from it before setting it down in front of her, and attempting to engage either of them in conversation, letting the drink and her lack of consumption go forgotten.

"My lord Eric, you say that your father is not up to entertaining tonight. Might I dare inquire as to his distraction? I pray he is not suffering from some malady?"

It all started when I was looking up the Romanian word for owl, then I saw a note on the strix and the tale of Polyphonte, so I decided to include it.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Eric having stepped aside to procure the drinks, Vezina turned her attentions to the sister. She certainly seemed the more virtuous of the two mortals, and would make an interesting conquest in regards to corruption. She smiled as she was addressed and politely said. "No, I don't believe we have. It seems I have very little memory of our previous meeting, though I am thankful that you found me and were able to return me to my family. I am Berenice."

Berenice seemed a bit embarrassed by the situation the previous evening, though it was also obvious she remembered little of what truly happened. Eric had yet to return as she continued by saying. "It is a pleasure to meet you in a much more comfortable situation. I am afraid I know little of the lands outside of England, though I am sure you're home is as wonderful as my own"

At this point Eric returned with drinks for the three of them. As might be expected from such a lecherous young man she noted that her drink was particularly strong as she pretended to drink. Smiling the others sipped their own drinks even as Vezina pretended to join them. At her question Eric smiled as he simply said. "My father is suffering from one of those ailments common amongst the elderly. I am afraid they are becoming more and more common though."

13/15 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][]. It actually made me do more digging since it reminded me of the term shtriga, a vampiric witch from Alabanian folklore. Turns out the terms are related so owls were once associated with vampires. It's also where the term stirge in d&d came from. Isn't learning fun.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"Berenice. A positively angelic name. And yes, it is so good to meet you again under happier circumstances and under a warm roof. When I chanced upon you last night I was worried for your condition, dear. You were fading in and out of consciousness, but providence was with you. Your charming, dedicated brother was not far away, and by luck or design, he found me so that I might guide him to you and return you to safety. A few nights of good rest and I am sure you shall be your old happy self."

She placed her hand upon Berenice's forearm, caressing gently across her pale skin. Vezina could still recall the taste of this girl, and looked forward to making her one of her own mortal herd. A finer choice was beyond Vezina's contemplation, and it was a pity that she must hold back her kiss tonight, until the complexion of health returned to the delicate flower of youth sitting next to her.

"My country is beautiful, if I might be allowed to boast. Dense forests of pines full of the sounds of life; streams, lakes, and rivulets dotting the land, and the mountains, my dear Berenice. There are no such mighty peaks that I have seen here that could measure to the majesty of the Carpathians. It fills my soul with bliss to think of them. Many a day have I spent among the wilderness, often under the guidance of my father, learning of and adoring the land itself. It is no insignificant thing, my sweet girl, to attach yourself to the place you call home, to care and tend to it as if it were your own body. Leaving my homeland was nearly impossible for me, but I am content to know that one day I shall return, and in the meantime I shall live here with the aid of my cousins and good retainers, and perhaps find a husband who shall be good to me and to whom I might return with to my lord father.

"Ah, but I speak too much of myself perhaps. How rude of me. Please, tell me first about yourselves, my lovely hosts, who provide me shelter and drink to ward against the chill of the night." She smiled deeply and took Eric's cup, putting it to her lips, and pretended to sip. The spirit was strong, despite her forewarning. This boy, Eric, most certainly had his designs on her, and this perhaps was a good thing. All the better to lure him unto her.

Vezina put a hand to her throat and made a wincing face for a brief moment, before mimicking an attempt to put on a brave face and handle the strong taste with stoicism.

"Mmm, my my..." She eyed Eric with a knowing glance and maybe just the hint of a suggestive smile. "It is a hazard of growing old, isn't it? So many things can harm our frail bodies. Wouldn't it be nice if there were some way to stave away such curses with which time burdens us?"

Laying the seeds for a later time, Vezina stopped talking for a while and listened to the stories that Eric and Berenice had to tell. Specifically, she wondered at the reasons the girl had for running from Eric and her father, and how she mattered so much to the ambitious and deviant young man. His blood smelled rich to her, but not nearly so sweet as Berenice, for a dark heart and cruel emotions could over-complicate the flavor of the vitae, confusing the Cainite palette.

Indeed, learning is fun. Thanks to Vezina, I know more than I ever thought I needed to about medieval history pertaining to Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and the various barbarian migrations before and after the Mongols.

As for owls and vampirism, it was noting the ties they had that led me to bother putting in the notes about naming the owl. Striges, for owl, is linked to the word Strigoi, a Romanian folktale witch that displays many of the traits of a vampire, and along the way I think eventually forms the basis for the monsters themselves.

I'm certainly developing a stronger appreciation for clan Tzimisce in the process.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Berenice smiled happily as Vezina spoke with her about her homeland. She seemed utterly enraptured by the pretty description of the distant mountains. She suddenly coughed as she took a drink from her own glass before frowing slightly and saying. "Eric never has learned that ladies do not like their drinks so strong. I find your homeland to sound absolutely wonderful compared to England. I doubt if the picture in my mind is even half as breathtaking as the view truly is, you would have to travel far to find anything resembling a mountain on this island."

Eric simply smiled as he slipped his own drink, though his gaze currently rested more on his guest than his sister. His eyes quite plainly revealed his lecherous thoughts even without the use of the second sight. Though he did make a show of apologizing for the drink as he responded. "I truly am sorry but I've never been able to get that part of entertaining down quite right. Perhaps it is one of those skills that comes with age. I must say I much prefer the idea of remaining in the prime of my youth rather than growing wiser. Alas there is little one can do to stave off the effects of time so it is best to enjoy things while they are in their prime as well. Wouldn't you agree."

Eric spent the remaining time before dinner regaling Vezina with the history of their family and manor with Berenice occasionally adding a bit to the story. Their family had taken part in the initial conquest of England from the Battle of Hastings to the Harrying of the North, giving them a long proud history. It became obvious that though they were still nobility that the family was not quite as rich as it had once been. Especially with their father's infirmity as of late, he had apparently suffered the dropsy and was now bed ridden on most days. Leaving Eric to run the majority of the holdings. He finished telling of the last bit just moments before the gonging sound to announce that dinner was ready.

Eric was far more charismatic than smart it seemed, similar in some ways to Vezina's own brother Tarbus. Though he did not have quite the honeyed tongue of her master's former voice, though so few did. Berenice seemed to be quite intelligent and less outgoing. There was something off about the pair's resemblance as well for being so close in age, they looked more like cousins than siblings.

Yep, the things I've learned about the dark ages can probably fill a book by now. I'm particularly fascinated by how little I realized there was such a huge difference between the dark and the middle ages. Plus it's actually kind of amusing when you realize that Genghis Khan and Vlad Tepes, and the like haven't even been born yet.

Yeah I learned the term striga when I read Dracula, along with nosferatu vrolok, and a whole bunch of others to describe vampires/demons. I never would have made the connection with owls and vampires myself since the only owls we have around here are well rather silly looking, just look up a barn owl if you've never seen one.

And I'm really beginning to like the Tzimisce as well, I still don't really care for viccisitude of course. But the Tzimisce themselves are cool.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"As I've seen for myself, there are no mountains here, but this does not mean that London and its surrounds are not without character. There is something to take pride in on this isle as well. Any noble family understands the importance of respect for the land. It is our duty."

Vezina found herself growing fond of the young lady. The men would of course overlook her intelligence, but the trapper's daughter could see the potential there. Something to cultivate in this mortal certainly. The same could not be said for her brother however, if that was even their true relation. Eric shared only a smattering of resemblance to Berenice. Certainly they must be cousins, not siblings, which raised the question of why they were lying to her. It may help to separate the two and question them individually. Vezina imagined this wouldn't be too difficult.

"There is no guarantee of growing wiser, milord. Only older."

She grinned, though was careful to keep her fangs retracted as she did so.

"But it's not growing old that is the problem, it's the loss of strength, loss of beauty. We do not all do this at the same rate however. My father is more than twice the age he was when he fought his first battles against the Vlachs, and still he was able to hold his blade high and don his armor when last I saw him. The secret he said was to stay clear of the drink."

She nodded to her glass which remained untouched. Then she listened patiently as Eric and occasionally Berenice spoke of the family history, which Vezina forced herself to pay attention to. All in all, it spoke of a proud noble family that was now facing decline. This was a perfect opportunity for the Tzimisce, who knew that by becoming a patron to this house, could begin to build something of a power base within the city without stepping on too many toes. True, she might be poaching from the Toreador primogen's domain, but that one did not have claim to all the noble families. Vezina would start with just one and see how far she could spread her influence.

When dinner was sounded she rose and followed Eric to the dining room, offering the young man her hand.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Eric gladly took Vezina's hand in his own and led her to the dining room with a smile. Eric joked as he led Vezina to the place of honor at the table and helped her to be seated. "I may be in trouble if staying clear of the drink is the root of growing older. Perhaps I should take the route of temperance if only to retain my looks a bit longer. It certainly seems to have helped you."

The dining room was of course smaller but decorated in much the same fashion as the rest of the house. Eric's father must have been quite the hunter in his youth as more trophies were to be found on the walls, the most spectacular of which was that of a large wolf. On the table sat a silver tray with an excellent goose though Vezina was little interested in the sumptuous meal.

Once the servants had filled their plates and glasses and the others had been seated. The conversation again picked up a bit much the same as before, eventually drifting to the mysterious assassination of Queen Mathilda the previous evening. Of course the information of the two nobles was mostly conjecture and hearsay but it certainly piqued Vezina's interest.

13/15 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"Is that a nice attempt to suggest that I am looking good for my age, milord?" Vezina feigned a look of mock-hurt. "I am in the bloom of my youth, if I might be so bold as to proclaim it. Though I suppose I am a bit old not to be married off as yet. I attribute this to my lengthy travels. I have much to catch up on I suppose."

She sat down in the place of honor and looked to him as he ladled the inevitable food onto her plate. She wondered how much of this she would have to stomach and for how long. She sent blood down to her desiccated stomach to engorge the long dead organ, creating a pocket at least to hide the fare for a while. She would only take bites every so often, trying to stave off looks of inquiry as to her lack of appetite. If there was a dog in the house, she might lock eyes with it and call it to her, intent on using it as an alternative method of food disposal.

The news of the queen's passing took Vezina by surprise.

"That must be the reason there are so many patrols on the road tonight. I confess this is the first I've heard of it. It is shocking, to think that someone found their way to the queen. The royal guards must be quaking in their boots for this failure. What of the king? Has he made a proclamation?"

The news gave Vezina ample opportunity to ignore her food. Worse coming to worse, the idea of mysterious assassins being able to kill the most protected noblewoman in all the land would be ample reason to proclaim a sudden loss of appetite.

"It makes me fear for mine own life. What if it is the beginning of some Saxon uprising? They shall be targeting all Norman households next."

I forget the exact rules about masquerading and handling food. Vezina will try not to eat unless she really has to, and she'll spend a blood point to at least give the food somewhere to go before she has to go and excuse herself to vomit it out.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Eric blanched a bit as he realized his blunder but recovered well by saying. "Ah pardon me, Lady Vezina. I only intended to compliment your looks rather than the implication I made. I certainly must agree that you are in the flower of your youth. Please do forgive my blunder."

Berenice and Eric only picked at their food themselves making the ruse that much easier to pull off as they all became more engrossed in the latest news. It seemed the whole thing was rather hush hush at the moment but news had none the less leaked out. The rest of the meal was spent in conjecture on the part of the pair. The three most common choices being: Welsh rebels, the French, or even King Henry's elder brother Robert recently returned from the crusades.

Though Vezina's last suggestion did cause a shiver through the pair as they pictured a Saxon revolt in their midst.

Not exactly sure myself, but that sounds like a reasonable plan.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Vezina let her smile do the forgiving to the foolish young suitor, and continued on with the discussion of the recent murder of the queen. It was all very good to speculate on mortal troubles, but in the back of her mind she could not help but think that there might be some other, more supernatural cause. Surely for it to have happened during the night, opened up the possibility that it was of Cainite origin. Perhaps the plot was part of the Tremere agenda? There was little in the way of being sure without proper investigation. Certainly, Richard would be called in to investigate the matter on behalf of the court.

After a healthy amount of back and forth worrying over the affairs of state, Vezina folded her hands together and offered a meek smile.

"All this business is frightful, and I would gladly move on to happier topics, for the hour is so late and I dread that i shall have only nightmares." Her eyes met with Eric's at that point, enticing him to play the part of the strong man who would be 'there for her.'

"Indeed I wonder if I should dare travel tonight, all by my lonesome, with killers on the loose."
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Berenice seemed relieved to not be the only one to feel such strange fears though there was also another fear in her eyes. Jealousy perhaps, di this girl actually like her "brother's" attentions perhaps. Another mystery for Vezina to puzzle over as she used these nobles to gain a position of power within her new homeland.

Eric of course couldn't help but take the bait as he smiled at Vezina and stood from the table. He immediately called a servant over and gave orders for a room to be prepared and the guard doubled for the evening. Offering his arm as the servant made his way to carry out the orders he spoke softly. "You are quite right and I insist that you stay with us for the evening. I promise you that no danger shall present itself from without this evening. We shall retire to the main hall while your room is prepared and perhaps enjoy another drink.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Berenice's reaction was interesting. Had she been wrong about the relationship between the young man and young woman? She would have to inquire later on in private. Know what it was these mortals desired was the key.

She had little time to think more on the subject before Eric was offering her his arm in a most gallant fashion, and she was obliged to play the thankful maiden.

"You are too kind, milord, but gladly do I accept your hospitality."

She extended her hand, her fingers pointed downward for him to take her by the wrist and entwine his arm with his as she stood up. "I shall endeavor to repay your kindness in whatever small way that I am able."

She looked from him to the young mortal girl, seeing the hints of jealousy there. Could there be some danger there? She had noticed Eric's choice of words. There was an odd tendency about those who intended deceit to avoid outright lies and he had merely said that she would be safe from danger without. Was there malice intended from him? Or was it merely lust? Quite possibly it was both.

"Berenice, will you join us as well?"
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