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A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

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Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Aethelwulf nodded politely and said. "I fear I know little outside of Albion but rumors. If you say you're homeland is as thus then I fear for the safety of our opponents no matter how much magic they can bring to bear. I suppose the best way to draw the other party for aid would be through the use of animal allies. I shall take the area closer to the village with my soldiers and you and Lysandra can take the deeper forest. If we should come across anything of interest we then simply ferry a message to the other party. An imperfect solution but speed is of the essence. Good hunting, Lady Vezina."

With that the ancient looking Gangrel gave 2 swift signals to his men to follow and started through the forest as silently as possible. They quickly disappeared through the brush as Lysandra looked about uneasily at the ancient forest before she nodded and whispered. "Lead the way, milady."
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Vezina gave a curt nod, stifling any nagging doubts until after the Gangrel warrior was marching away. The Tzimisce had perhaps been a bit boastful. Having never been more than a mortal in her homeland, she had not truly understand the dangers that existed while she lived. Gyulu had referenced enough horrors dwelling in those lands that she oft wondered how she had survived past childhood.

These woods felt old and primal. Perhaps there was something powerful tied to this area, something that had attracted the sorceror and his apprentice here. Her sire had told her of fonts of spiritual power that were held sacred to the voldun sorcerers. They might be just as useful to the workers of blood magic as well.

"Into the woods we go, Lysandra."

Vezina stepped forward, unhooking her bow from her shoulder and sliding an arrow out of her quiver. She moved into the darkness of the forest, her arrow notched. The moonlight was obscured by the canopy overhead. To make up for this, she accentuated her sense of sight through use of Auspex.

"Tread with care. Blood magic is not the only thing to beware in an old place like this."
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

There was no trail to follow in woods as untouched by mortal as these and the darkness was almost stifling. However Vezina had little trouble in seeing the details thanks to her augmented sight. The trees were indeed old and tangled together making the search seem to drag on forever.

Still the forest didn't seem to be that unusual at first as she moved through the brush with Lysandra staying close behind her. Than she noticed the utter lack of wild life as they got deeper within the primeval wood. No birds or smaller creatures seemed to flee at their approach as if they natural creatures shunned the place. Several of the oldest trees she came across were so gnarled and tangled that they seemed like some dangerous creature about to reach out and grab them. They also held the first sign of habitation in these woods, each of the oldest trees had at least one wicker basket in it's branches and several strange markings near their wide bases. Symbols that were like nothing she had ever seen or learned of in her time in this country.

Lysandra said nothing as she followed keeping as silent as possible in the undergrowth. Though she seemed worried as they passed the larger trees and often made efforts to remain close to her companion.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"I do not recognize these symbols. But there are enough of them to warrant a message to Aethelwulf," Vezina said, before closing her eyes and reaching out with the call of the blood to summon the owl companion she had recently ghouled, waiting for it to come to her so that she might pass on the message to Aethelwulf.

"Lead the one matching this description to this place and tell him to follow our tracks. Our prey is close." She told the owl, then let it flutter away.

"Speaking of tracks, search for them Lysandra. Someone who uses these woods must tread through the mud with some frequency."

The Tzimisce used her heightened senses, searching and sniffing and listening for signs of life - or unlife - in this area.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"They're Druidic, though I have little idea what they might say." Lysandra whispered as if in awe as she looked up at the trees. "The druids would burn people and animals in wicker baskets as a means of observing future events. This whole forest seems to be some sort of temple to nature itself. Now I understand why Aethelwulf said it felt old and perhaps even a little dangerous."

While Lysandra spoke in a whisper Vezina's couched call pierced the silence and they waited for her ghouled companion to rejoin them. It took several minutes in the overbearing dark of the ancient forest temple but eventually Vezina's keen sight spotted the owl as it returned to her side. Landing on her outstretched arm it first answered her earlier query. Confirming Vezina's fears that at least one of the churches gargoyles was alive as it had flown away earlier in the night.

While Vezina was busy with her ghoul Lysandra closely searched the ground near the trees for any signs of a trail or their prey. Having sent her owl off to deliver a message to Aethelwulf and his men Vezina joined in the search of the grounds and they soon found a faint trail leading deeper past the trees into what seemed the darkest part of the forest.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"Druidic? So they are something from Albion and not the mainland?" Vezina frowned at this. From a deciphering of Abetorious' journal, it didn't seem that the sorcerer and his forebears were attuned to the worship of nature. Had she stumbled onto something different here? Was she walking into a trap?

"My creature confirms that a gargoyle was on the church tower, for it has fled off to hunt or perhaps send word to its master of our arrival. We must take care. Deception and entrapment are the wiles of sorcery."

Keeping her arrow nocked and ready to be drawn, Vezina strode towards the thick darkness at the heart of these woods. Fear assailed her will, but the inbuilt superiority she felt as a Tzimisce bolstered her resolve. Gyulu had embraced her and annointed her as a mistress of the dark wilderness. She would not tread these paths at the mercy of fear when it was she who was the hunter and the predator.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"Yes, the nature worshiping priests of the Celts must have once gathered in these woods. A few pockets still remain in Albion despite the best attempts of christianity to stamp it out. These do not look to be very recent however so perhaps this Tremere is simply using it as a base of operations." Lysandra said her fear seeming to fall away as she stalked beside Vezina, her own weapons at the ready.

The path grew ever darker as they followed and more and more the trees seemed to be filled with baskets and the runic carvings of the Druids. Finally they came upon a dark clearing, the trees seemed to grow together only at the tops of their branches creating a dome of sorts. Beneath this dome sat ring of menhirs carved to look like people, though surprisingly enough the people seemed to be fanged if you looked at them in the right light. A squat mausoleum or temple of stone slabs sat at the very center of the clearing. Upon which perched one of the stony guardians, though this one could be seen to be moving as it watched the clearing.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Vezina frowned at the sight of the stone guardian. She had little desire to meet with these thralls, she only wanted its master. Silently she caught Lysandra by the arm to halt her, then with her fingers, indicated that she would sneak around to the right, so as to flank the stone beast.

While she moved, she drew upon her blood to quicken herself, keeping her bow ready just in case the guardian noticed her and she would need to loose an arrow quickly. She would aim for its head, knowing that arrows did not do much to undead flesh.

If it got close, she would drop her bow and unsheath her dagger. This creature needed to die one way or another. She would not suffer another tool of the usurpers to live.

Use 2 BP to raise Dexterity by two. If it doesn't notice her, she'll take time to aim and then loose an arrow at its head. On the next turn, she'll use another two BP to raise her strength and stamina by one each, drawing and firing another arrow while Lysandra runs to attack it in melee. By that point, Vezina will draw her dagger and run to join in stabbing it to death. If it tries to flee by flying away, she'll continue to shoot at it with arrows to take it down.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Lysandra simply nodded as Vezina caught her arm and crouched at the end of the woodline to wait for Vezina to move into a flanking position. She ran her hand along the edge of her seax in preparation for combat after a moment of concentration.

Vezina felt her muscles loosen giving her the grace and dexterity of dancer as she quickly moved to the side of the clearing. Just as Vezina crouched into the perfect firing position the creature turned as though it sensed her and with a powerful flap of it's wings dove from it's perch in her direction. Vezina's first arrow struck deep into the stony hide of the creatures shoulder causing a yelp of pain though the creature did not slow in it's approach.

It was however caught of guard by the battle cry of the Lamia as she charged directly at the beast with her targe to the front. Crashing against it with a tremendous crush that sent the creature crashing to the ground a few feet away.

12/14 BP (10/14 after the next turn), 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

With the Lamia in contact, Vezina dropped her bow, pulled her dagger and with a feral hiss launched herself forward, increasing her strength and stamina with the blood of Caine as she plunged her dagger towards the grey beast's flesh, eager to spill it's blood and cleanse the world of the wretch's presence.

This doesn't unleash the humor power does it?
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

The creature struggles to it's feet with a roar and swipes at Lysandra with a mighty blow that could crush most mortals. Instead of the massive harm it intended to heap on it's attacker all it succeeded in was cleaving the wooden shield in twain.

Vezina leapt to the attack slashing the creature across it's side with her now enhanced strength. As with the previous creature it seemed to do little more than scratch it's stony hide but Vezina knew it was quite possible to take down these creatures with enough blows.

Lysandra's own blade seems to have added effect as she cleaves on of the creatures wings in one fell blow. Causing a massive roar of pain to erupt from the gargoyle as it fell back to the ground desperately clutching at it's stump.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][]. No, the humor ritual is completed by actually touching the creature with your hand and the briefest moment of concentration. So you won't discharge the power by accident.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Vezina was content to have her small blade bequeath a death of a thousand cuts, and she continued to throw herself at the creature along with Lysandra, like a pair of she-wolves bringing down a larger, but outnumbered and overwhelmed prey.

The Tzimisce huntress-turned-noble was giddy with the anticipation of a kill. Hissing more with lethal intent, she lashed with her dagger again, slashing viciously towards its upper torso or even its neck if she were lucky.

Continue the attack. She'll keep this tactic up until it's dead. If it tries to flee, she'll attempt to tackle it to prevent a getaway and let Lysandra hack him apart.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

The gargoyle's unearthly howls of pain were sure to draw the attention of any other defenders near the ancient grove of power. Which it seemed to realize as it made not one hint that it might flee under the vicious assault. A guttural scream of, "Master, they have come," issued from the hideous creatures mouth as it struck another blow on Lysandra. A blow that appeared as though it could cripple Vezina merely drew a gnash of fangs and a smile from the Lamia however.

Vezina slashed her dagger across the creature's chest and upwards towards it's neck drawing a satisfying splash of ichor. While Lysandra's second blow missed the creature by the merest of inches at almost the exact same moment. The three had been so engrossed in their own combat that they had not seen the arrival of aid at the woodline. What seemed like hundred's of little red eyes suddenly surged forth and around Vezina and Lysandra. The swarm of rats directed itself at the stony gargoyle quickly overwhelming the creature in a multitude of disgusting bites just as Richard stepped from the shadows.

The creature was not yet dead though it soon would be after such a horrendous assault should they press their attack. Vezina's attentions however were drawn to the unearthly wind that suddenly seemed to stir up and the sound of hobnailed boots marching towards them through the impenetrable forest.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Vezina cared nothing for the dying gargoyle, allowing Richard's rats to finish the job as she rushed to retrieve her bow. Then, taking another arrow from her quiver and notching it, she hissed to Lysandra.

"The usurper approaches! Take the far side of the stone circle, we shall give him no easy direction to flee."

She craned her neck to look over her shoulder at Richard, nodding and acknowledging his presence and his aid before moving towards the underbrush at the side of the clearing and drawing back the string of her bow.

How many allies would Abetorius bring? Would her owl reach Aethulwulf in time? Just in case, she let out a loud, long howl into the night sky, hoping to summon to her a wolf, a predator of the night, something that could sink its teeth into undead flesh. At the very least, the call might double as a signal to the warmaster that battle was about to be joined.

Attempting to summon a wolf (or wolves if possible) to come towards the fight. I know this is a long shot given that there aren't many animals in this part of the woods, but just in case, she'll make the attempt. And of course, it will be trying to get Aethulwulf to show up as well with the ghouls.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

The unearthly howl of the wind in the clearing only seems to worsen as Vezina retrieves her bow and begins to hiss orders. Lysandra finishes the gargoyle off with a downward thrust of her seax to it's neck. The creature almost immediately dissolves to what looks like old clay and bones as the Lamia warrior moves to take a position on the far side of the circle with a worried nod.

Vezina's howl rings loud and clear through the ancient forest even over the sound of the wind as it blows through the circle. It seems like several minutes before a distant howl is heard in return. Though Vezina has no way of telling if it is a wolf she hears or merely the war master answering her call.

The swarm of vicious black rats having returned to the sheriff, they soon melted back into the shadows along the edge of the clearing as their master had.

The source of the strange marching sound that seems to carry on the wind soon becomes apparent as a half a dozen soldiers seem to materialize at the opposite end of the clearing. No normal soldiers but something that fills even Vezina with worry, pale ghostly shells of former soldiers from an older time. They seem a mix of barbarian and Roman, as she had heard Gyulu speak about during the fist days of being a fledgling.

From the cairn in the middle of the circle stepped a tall, imposing figure who cast a cold glare about the circle. His thick black beard blew wildly in the winds of the clearing as he shouted what seemed to be a powerful command in some strange tongue reminiscent of the barbarians far to the north of Vezina's homeland.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][]. I'm not honestly sure if Vezina would be familiar with the barbarian tribes of Latvia and Lithuania but we'll just go with it.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Vezina growled low like an animal, then loosed an arrow at the tall, bearded man's throat. Was this Abetorius? Perhaps just his apprentice. Those soldiers looked as if they were hundreds of years old, remnants of the Roman legions who once attempted dominion over Dacia - Vezina's mortal ancestors. They had succeeded to an extent, subjugating the mortals, but they had never been able to assert complete control, for elder powers resided in the mountains, and the Romans had never conquered the night, instead moving on to Byzantium.

This history, taught to her extensively by Gyulu, flickered in her mind as the bow string snapped and the arrow's fletching left a mark on her pale cheek before piercing the space between her and its target.

When the arrow had sailed, she rushed forward, following it up intending to place her hand upon the chanting man and distilling the yellow bile ritual into him to prevent any further witchcraft.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Vezina's arrow flew true even through the high winds blowing within the ancient stone temple. It pierced his throat causing his chanting to stop as he stumbled to the side even as Vezina charged forward to engage in melee. As the chanting stopped a few of the ghostly soldiers seemed to fade into nothingness as the remainder suddenly flew forward to attack.

The majority flew at Lysandra as she stood her ground on the far side of the circle. They swarmed Vezina's ally seemingly intent on causing her harm though they seemed incapable of physically harming the Lamia. Two of the ghosts flew directly at Vezina, their faces twisting horribly as a piercing scream seemed to fill her ears. A momentary stab of fear unlike any she had ever felt passed through her as the ghosts flew right through her and continued on faded after a few seconds. Even the dead would not sway the single minded determination of the Tzimisce as she continued her charge.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

They were only visions. Ghostly visions. Real in some fashion perhaps, but they were not real enough to daunt Vezina from grasping what she wanted. What she desired most in this conflict, and that was to destroy the Tremere utterly. She would dine on his blood. She launched herself forward, intent on unleashing the curse on him that Lysandra's ritual had infused her with.

She would attempt to tackle him to the earth and with that touch, transfer the melancholic haze upon her foe.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Vezina had charged through the ghostly attempts to slow her down, though she was too focused to notice their powers coming to bear on her allies. By the force of their wills they hurled whatever loose objects lay on the ground within the ancient temple.

Vezina was far to focused on the Tremere to notice these attacks however and charged headlong at the bearded mage turned Cainite. He recovered from the arrow to his throat in time to momentarily concentrate and fling his hand at her as though throwing something. The air seemed to buckle in front of Vezina's eyes as a bolt of air knocked her from her feet as she charged. The blow hurt though it was mostly her dignity as she recovered from the blow and grasped his outstretched hand to transfer the ritual's power.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [/][][][][][][].
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

The blow hurt, and she fell in an undignified manner to the soft, muddy earth. Her hands clawed at the ground as she pushed herself up again, her legs churning beneath her. She was still in control of her body, but she could feel the beast there beneath the surface, urging her on, and she let it do so within reason. Her eyes were wild when she refocused on her target and her mouth was agape with fangs bared. She hissed again and propelled herself forward with hands and feet.

Her left hand stretched out to grasp the Tremere with her curse, while the right hand gripped her dagger with the point turned downward, preparing to plunge into him again and again with feral, unbridled fury.

Nothing would divert her righteous furor.

Touch attack to use the yellow bile stuff. Then follow up next round with a stab attack.
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