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A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

With her magical vision sparking to life, Lena looked towards the door before down to her hands, and then she saw the bony ghost like hand guiding her own around. Her other hand was pinching and tweaking her nipples like crazy and the other ghostly hand was guiding it it seemed. It wasn't truly hurting her sure, but she knew she'd be sore... albeit a good sore, later, and she also didn't want to let this thing just keep possessing her like this. "C-Come on now... l-let me go please... I n-need to go," Lena pleaded with the ghostly figure, before she tried to focus her mana into some sort of means, any means, and then she remembered her succubus powers.

Reaching down deep into her darker powers, Lena tried to focus on them and harness them in any way she could, trying to visualize a weapon, or some sort of magic attack that she could hurl back behind her at this... thing that was possessing her, fueling it with her mana pool that was now incredibly full she could tell.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Slow uneven breaths filled the air, her mind wandered, drifted pulled away from the panic of seeing the thing and back into a haze of lust and desire. She relented, let pleasure take over. The little tremors of pleasure were the best, when she was so sensitive that little touches were enough to start bringing her close, cock already erect once more.

She let out a gasp, opened her eyes and knew she had to fight back! She could feel the power, when she tried she could manipulate that energy, pull it throughout her body. She tried to focus it, harness it out into something tangible, a weapon, and attack, something.

She could, through her new sight, see a glimmer of power as she manifest that inner power into the real world. It was, for a moment just a glimmer, a single mote of her 'mana' but once she opened the gate it stayed open.

The room grew warm, filled with intense heat almost instantly. Lena felt hungry, full, thirsty, angry, furious, elated, aroused, desperate, gleeful, agony and joy in rapid measure. Pain shot through every part of her body as that power expanded, poured out of her the moment she let it go.

She heard a roar behind her, the spirit ripping itself free of her soul as the world shuddered and groaned.

Then the chapel exploded.

A shower of masonry and rock shot in all directions shattering the walls, bringing low each wall, instantly shattering the stain glass window. Lena was utterly untouched by the vicious shrapnel, but not unharmed. Her legs gave out, like a puppet with strings cut she fell to the ground gasping, struggling to draw a breath.

Then, after a few moments, darkness. She drifted for a time in it, senseless, feeling a gentle tug, did she follow it?

FP ??/10, ??/8AP, Empty MP

Lena attempts a spontaneous cast! ++-+! Wild magic surge!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena's cock was so hard it hurt, and with how sensitive she was from her previous orgasms, Lena knew that each successive one would feel better and better. Then, she reached for her magics that she knew had to be deep down in there somewhere, and when she felt a flurry of emotions washing through her, Lena gasped, feeling frightened. Letting go of all that magical energy, Lena let out a soft cry, as she... well, quite literally exploded, or rather, her magic did all around her. The chapel was shattered in a fiery explosion of magic, while the spirit that had gripped her soul was flung off of her finally.

As her vision faded and she collapsed to the ground when the chapel exploded, she was terrified, and the gentle tug she felt was... compelling. She wanted to follow it, for curiosity's sake, but before she did, she called to whoever was causing said tug. "W-Who's there? What happened?" Lena called to whatever was tugging at her.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

The darkness faded away as she reached out towards the thing that pulled her. She felt warmth, heard the faint crackling sound of a flame and found herself sitting half up. She drew a short breath and saw that she was in the stables, her clothes missing dressed only in a long sheet that covered her body.

"You're awake that's good," said Akemi whom Lena now noticed crouched near the flame. "Hear the explosion and decided to take a look, what luck to have such a powerful mage with no control over that power." He smirked, perhaps playfully but Lena got the sense he wasn't entirely amused. "Are you well?" She felt a little tired but ultimately fine, a quick look over herself showed everything in order, no lasting injuries which was pretty remarkable.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena gasped as she felt the hand, of presence, or whatever it was, pulling her along, and as she opened her eyes, she found that she was in the stables again with Akemi. "Ugh... w-what the... hell happened?" Lena groaned, coughing a couple of times as she woke.

She gave a nod when asked if she was fine. "I... I think so. Just tired is all, after that. I've... n-never really used magic before. That... spirit thing in the chapel. Couldn't... g-get it to let me go. Just only recently learned how to use my magical sight, as they say. I didn't expect anything to work to be honest," Lena replied softly, trying to raise up a bit. "W-Where's my armor, and my spear and shield?" Lena asked, looking around with a bit of hope in her eyes that they hadn't all been destroyed.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

He exhaled softly and nodded. "You're alright, whatever nasty beast you encountered was long gone by the time I arrived, and getting you back here was easy enough. Spent about 8 hours recovering though so, try not to do it again."

The flame is still as warm as ever but there's moments where it flickers where it did not before. It's healthy, but you get the impression it won't last forever. "What's the plan?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"It was some strange spirit like thing that... was m-making me masturbate. And, I'm not sure. Going to the chapel was a bit... troubling. If I encounter another thing like that one, I don't think I'll be able to manage again," Lena said, groaning softly as she raised up and noticed the fire flickering a tiny bit and looking a bit... dimmer than it had almost.

"But I've got to go back out there. You can't, since you're the only one that can maintain that fire. And we need the fire to be able to rest and recover. I'll head into the keep proper this time around though I think," Lena said after a few moments, getting to her feet and grabbing her things, though she wasn't sure if her clothing and armor were still there and intact, but she could hope at least.