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831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Between Pacific and Jackson was Trenton Street, a little place of little import in Little China, down in San Francisco. On this street stood Weifei Plaza, an apartment block built way back in the early part of last century. Homes were built smaller then, which meant that, in living-space-starved San Fran, you reeeally had to squeeze to fit in to the place. There was one bedroom that just barely fit a queen-size bed and desk, with a closet in the wall, a living room that was feeling full after it was furnished with the couch, coffee table, bookcase and TV in it, it's adjoining kitchen, and a bathroom that oddly felt like the roomiest place in the apartment (it fit a tub!). There was, however, a park just down the street, a lively market for fresh fruit, vegetables, neat baubles, and tasty food just up the road, and a variety of amenities within easy walking distance.

That didn't keep it from feeling even vestigially spacious with the five people crowded around the coffee table, and luggage piled on the floor. A crate filled up what little vacant floor space was left, which contained approximately half of a woman. The other half was currently sitting on the floor next to it, putting bits back on itself.

A young woman sat on the couch, clad in a , tight jeans, and a pair of sneakers, her attire showing off her tanned, golden skin and toned arm quite nicely. A green windbreaker was piled to her side, while a steel choker encircled her neck. Almond eyes were framed by a red, rimless pair of glasses, and colored blonde hair fell over her face as she held her head, trying to comprehend what the fuck was going on right now.

Across from her stood what could have been a bar joke. A young girl, with an adorable face and cute ringlet pigtails, who thought the girl across from her looked rather familiar; a lady getting on in her years, who, while not old enough to have bats in the belfry, did have one on her headband; and a dude in a dress, who had probably lost a bet, as he was in the same get up as the other two were - a French Maid dress.

On the table separating the them was a knife, a little plate of and a bunch of Chinese tea... well, china. A little kettle, steaming from it's spout, a few cups, and a , currently lidded, hiding damp oolong leaves inside. A little tray had a little cake on it, melting candles drooling hot wax all over the little 'Happy Birthday Gabrielė!' and frosting. Off to the side was an empty box, which had previously contained the goodies.

Also on the table were two red envelopes, both still unopened - one was from 'Sasha and Paul Mei Zhen' - Xia Xia and Po Li back home, though their emigration papers re-christened them in America - while the other was from Larry and Diane Mei Zhen. The box with the girl putting herself back together on it, too, had a label from Sasha and Paul.

"So... who the hell you people are again?" She asked, sounding tired and more than a little bewildered. "And are you sure you're not some kinda hallucination, because I'm thought that stir-fry I had last night tasted funny, and when girls are come in pieces they usually don't sew themselves back together like that one's doing right nowwww..."

"And what the hell is this, anyway?" she asked, pointing to a dusty, weatherworn, ancient-looking parchment book, bound with old, grimy-looking twine. "Well, Sally-o-Nightmare-Before-Christmas? It came in your box - I can't even read Chinese! Why are Nana and Papa sending me antique books??" She flipped it open, only to find two pages stuck together. "Ugh, gross, it's even sticky inside!"

Pulling on the pages, they came apart as she roughly teared at them... and amazingly, managed not to damage the book as she did so. As soon as they were peeled apart, though, the room got even more cramped, as a huge gust of wind flung blew the cake, tea, and essentially everything else all over the room, and another girl, with strange, pale-blue-looking skin, suddenly materialized, spilling out onto the buffeted trio, naked.

Too stunned to make further comment, Gabriele just sat there, recoiled in shock... though, a thumping came from below, along with vaguely intelligible yelling. A lot of angry gibberish, with a 'Keep it down!' somewhere in the middle.
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A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (SirOni, Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

With cake and tea and all manner of thing getting blown around the apartment you'd think there would be a chorus of screaming rushing all around them. And while that may be true one soul simply didn't care. One hand ran up to catch and keep his headdress where it belonged, and another shot out into the small vortex before it caught a small bundle of feathers that immediately started cowering against him as it was cradled. But with both hands occupied it left the rather manly maid to get thrown around a bit, and once everything had cooled down he relaxed only to find someone's gloriously round ass nearly sitting on top of his face. Some people may wonder how he could even see that butt let alone catch that bird when his eyes didn't have even the slightest of pupils, but blind as he was he knew where what was on him and where his little pet was cowering as it nervously let out a small whistle of a hoot before poking its head to see if the commotion had finally stopped.

A few seconds later some banging could be heard from the apartment downstairs, but that was largely ignored in favor of the naked woman practically in the man's arms. There were a number of ways one could play this scene out, but for Tim there was only one thing he could do. And that was to sit himself up. But with the small body on top of him he also reached out and cradled the girl, his hands calmly bracing her posterior as he rose up to his feet before he calmly set the girl down on her own feet. And during all that he got a rather unique feel for the woman he held. She was obviously short, there was no denying that, but with her body 'innocently' pressed against him there was no denying that she was a sexy little thing.

"Oh my..." But that was nowhere near as obvious as the pair of wings and tail he soon found. But this made the man curious, and while one hand kept planted on the small of her back the other came up and very gently brushed against her face. "You're certainly quite the exotic little beauty, aren't you?" Though a part of him wanted to use his hands to learn even more about this woman he managed to pull himself back enough to give the girl some space while still managing to hold her hand. "Allow me to be the first to welcome you to Lady Gabrielė's manor." With that the man bowed as any other man would, and though many a servant would have balked and snidely called this 1/1 a manor there wasn't even the slightest hint of disgust in the male maid's voice. "I am Timothy Cheung, recent addition to my lady's staff." As he straightened he made a humble gesture to himself before making a more flourished motion toward the modest chateau's master, but despite how much he was trying to act like a prim and proper servant the fact that he was wearing a French dress only made it seem that much more ridiculous. But he didn't seem to care in the least, and though his blanks eyes would never truly see he still looked directly toward the other maids there, a silent signal to have them each introduce themselves to the lady that appeared before them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (SirOni, Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Unable to understand why she ended there. The young hibrid remain trapped between the odd smelly pages at an old book, unable to see the light after her captor bind and even mock a last time of her with the sticky translucid white substance, always at the same stance and not able to even cry for help, as the strange spell stop any noise to reach someone. The eternal darkness was starting to feel worse than the many times than the unknown mortal made fun of her before seal completely the ancient paper.

Her questions soon turn on needs to avenge herself to find a way to escape, yet there just was not a wat ro escape for herself and the lck of energy from her world made her lost any hope exceept for her urge of make someone pay for this, her inocent mind could not see herself hurting someone but she wanted baddly to do anything else to make that man pay for all her long torture. The book owner must pay... i will make that mortal desire never had lock me here. She repeat for ages in the book, just dreaming and resting waiting for that moment thinking many childrish ways to make that human pay.

Suddenly a light appear, noises and a great event happened making her awake of her usual deep sleep as she feel the sudden strange feelings on her body. Half sleep she could feel once again a warm source bellow her, she still unable to understand if it was just another dream, slowly cleaned her eyes and instinctively arch slowly her body in a seductive way as she get used to the light at the place, before heard the man maid spoke and call her attention. Hmm? Oh no, my cute one, you really are really the exotic beauty here. "giggle" I must be dreaming again, but you feel so warm with these clothes. The winged girl say as slowly rise and huge the uniformed man as this end to talk.

Nice to meet you TimmyChung and also is really a pleasure to meet your bird, it looks so... big and warm. I want to pet it without stop before this crazy dream end. Her sexy cute voice and nude body pressing against the male could missunderstand her intentions to anyone yet slowly she tried to reach the bird at the slighty big man her curvilineous lusty nude body slowly wiggle to the sides as also her sharp heart tail, slowly clossing her wings at both persons. Until all the eyes at her make her turn to the remain people at the room,

Uhm? The half demon frown and turn to Timmothy again and then to the others girls. Oh why nearly all the others are dressing the same clothes as Timo...? Aww... cake! Her stomach start to growl and break the sexy moment, as she feels the needs to eat that food that certainly should be false as all the others at her eternal punishment dreams. Loosing herself to the temptation and then she moves and eat the cake not caring for the others could start thinking of her until suddenly the sweet taste and feeling on her belly to have something make her blink as she lost herself to the amazing flavor.

Confused turn everywhere until notice the book close Gabriele. You!!

She tried to get up quickly and use an spell or run for her life until find out what had happened but she feels just so tired than she just remain stunned and with plead eyes she the not maid woman, she was at least sure than Gabriele was not the summoner because she looks to be just a normal human female. Im so sorry, i was thinking than this was a dream, but im so hungry and this cake looks so yummy. She said in a pleading tone, licking softly her fingers and sucking them in an attempt to eat the remains of the cake at her hands, dont noticing her sexy way of do it and just wishing to end all the cake no mather the actual state of this.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (SirOni, Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Oh god what.

Somehow, the whole scene in front of her was not quite what Karin had expected from her amends-making scheme. Trying to make up for what she had caused to this woman was all fine and good, but all the weirdness around her was making it a bit less appealing, birthday set-up or no. Even in her Triad days, she had not seen a thing quite like it, and she had been in S&M porn movies dammit. It was not enough that there was someone putting themselves together with thread. There just HAD to be further oddity that came from a book, the thing seemingly spawning yet another female upon them. When everything had settled down, she was not sure what to say. But she had to try something.

Getting up from her seat, Karin did a very brief and small curtsy. "I wish I could tell you what this was, as it is quite a hassle, and I have seen some unusual scenes here and there. Buuut, I am Karin Souchan and most assuredly not a hallucination. The primary reason of me being here is what my uniform suggests. Don't think I have much more to say, aside from wishing that we can get along, mistress." she introduced herself primarily to the one girl that she was supposed to be serving. As much as the situation was self-imposed, calling someone else a master was still a thing that then tiny girl had to adjust to. Her, the dark mistress of countless men, should have not been doing something like that.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (SirOni, Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

A bar joke indeed. Taki sat in place with a completely stoic expression. But on the inside, she was sweating something awful. What was with all of these unnatural people? It all began with that vanishing maid, and went even deeper into strange as time went on. There was a blind man dressed like a maid, who was dressed in such a way that it took Taki a moment to realize that it was Tim, her childhood friend that she had spent time with when no one else would due to them mistaking her age. She was dumbfounded to find the only person she thought she could associate with now dressing like a woman. There was also some kind of monster piecing herself back together, but Taki was honestly of a mind to completely ignore that lest she lose her sanity and go crazy from the terror of seeing such an unnatural and illogical thing. The naked woman flying out of the book was something that shocked Taki, but the maid was happy to COMPLETELY ignore what happened. It was merely a mad woman streaking about, naked. Yes. Everything is normal, this job will be normal. She will acquire the true soul of a maid and look like a young and beautiful girl to everyone, just as she should. Yes, everything will be normal. Normal. Normal.

She chanted those words until someone broke the silence. 'ONEE-CHAN!?' Taki thought to herself in absolute shock. In that moment, Taki had already met the end-boss of all the challenges she'd face here. That woman, of all people. That strange woman who enjoys acts of sadism and bondage. Sweat began pouring down Taki's face as she began to panic. 'This job is too high-level for me!' she thought in her fear. Nervously, she stood up straight in a flash.

Taki made a quick bow forwards towards who would be her new master. "I-I'm Taki M-" her head slammed straight into the table. Following the impact, Taki flopped down onto the floor. She seemed unconscious for a moment, before she got up as if she was completely used to it. "Taki Maemi... Pleased to be of service..." she said with embarrassment.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (SirOni, Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Gabrielė: Stress: 0/20 Favor: -
Karin: S 0/20 F 8
Timmy: S 0/30 F 4
Isidia: S 0/10 F 6
Taki: S 1/30 F 4

Luck check!
Karin rolls 5. Times luck 3, that's 15.
Timtam rolls 5. Times luck 2, that's 10.
Sid rolls 6. Times luck 4, that's 24. Hue.
Taki rolls... 1. At luck 0, that's 0.

Luckily, Taki continues to lowball. 1d6 rolled for stress, and she gets a 1! Yaaaaaay!

The half-girl sewing herself together just shrugged when Gabrielė questioned her. "Something from Nana, I guess?" She said, continuing to put herself back together.

The cake, along with the rest of the tea and other goodies, had whipped off the table in the sudden wind. During it all, Taki suddenly noticed something flying her way. Luckily, it hit her in the chest, where there was so much squishy boobage it barely mattered. Stuck in her cleavage, she found that it was the Mistresses' teapot - which was now spilling all over her. Or at least, it would have - thanks to the wind, it was more spraying out, and though Taki was mist-blasted by the hot tea, the wind managed to keep her from getting burned - instead, mostly just quite moist.

The cake stayed relatively intact once it was on the floor, whereupon Isidia quickly burrowed her fingers into it, scooping up chunks to eat. After stuffing her face, she looked out at Gabrielė, cried out 'You!' and then apologized, the demonic-looking woman saying she thought it was a dream.

"Uuuuuggghh and now my hallucinations are telling me they think I'm a dreammmm..." She said, burying her face in her hands.

"Nice to meet you Karin, Taki. The fuck kinda name is that? I'm like, totally sure you're not hallucinations." she continued, voice colored with the bite of sarcasm. "Well, if you guys are maids, can you clean this shit up? Imma gonna try and get over this here food poisoning that's causing you lot."

Gabrielė stood up and picked her away across the scattered knickknacks and sweets that now littered her apartment's carpet, past the upside-down stitched together girl (now with the knife used to cut the cake stuck in her thigh), and into the kitchen, where she dug some instant noodles out of a drawer, filled it up with water and stuck it in the microwave. She then pulled out a bunch of old-looking jars and bottles, from which she extracted strange things - mostly plants, occasionally little vermin-esque critters, all totally dried up and dessicated - and tossed into a metal teakettle, which also got filled up with water, had an egg cracked in it, and was set to boil.

Surveying the apartment, all the books had come off the bookshelf. A lot weren't very interesting - an old dictionary, a few novels, a couple manuals on the human body, magazines, a manual for some old car - though there were a few magazines of Women's Health. A few had Gabrielė on them... and there was a Sports Illustrated issue, with their 'Mistress' posing on it. Swimsuit edition! There was also a book of pictures of cats.

It looked like Gabby also kept DVDs on the bookcase, as well... eww, next to a copy of The Matrix was a hardcore looking S&M title, with two guys in leather harnesses on it... and over there, a mature looking lady in tight latex, holding a leash, attached to some beefy-looking guy that she was sitting on...?!

There was also a copy of that one Mario Bros movie. You know, if you're into that sort of thing.
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (SirOni, Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

In what was most likely totally random chance, Karin managed to be on the good side of the luck spectrum and leaned over the armrest of the couch they were sitting on just at the time of the outlandish wind burst hit the things on the table. Not a single thing managed to fly onto the small-ish maid, instead ending up on her sister, who was sitting next to her. The sis had always been bad with things like these, so it was actually not a surprise to her at all.

After hearing some further commentary from the girl they would work under, Karin decided that she needed to slap Gabriele on the butt sooner than later to make the point clear that she was not seeing things. As the tan body expo retreated from the initial gathering into her own little things in the kitchen, Karin too got up. It looked like they had their first assignment. Not feeling like doing the nasty and dirty things first, she poked Taki's cheek with a finger for a few times. "You heard the lady. Since you are so dirty already, I think you and that nudist down there can manage this mess. I will take care of the literature and such." she told her, basically ordering her younger sister to do a particular chore, following it up with another verbal poke. "And try to look and act a bit more graceful now. That is silly."

Regardless of what the others tried, the smallish lady moved to occupy herself with the return and rearrangement of the books and movies that were scattered in the vicinity of the shelf. She would set them into order only by their type for the most part, magazines into their own row, the books after them, and finally what movies there were. The dirtier ones she would try to set into less visible positions if at all possible, maybe behind other things on the shelf if the space was there. A few of them looked particularly concerning, so those would be set away in the most careful manner.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (SirOni, Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

The moment looks to be dangerous, after realise what had just happened, the Young nude woman was between the impulse to fill her empty stomach or get focused.

Of course, i will do my best to clean all this. with a cooe she answer to Gebriele glad than all has ended so great and continue her dinner as she manage to notice the others things than had fall at the floor, like the magazines and discs, it was the first than she had saw a disc and she just suppose than the one than made all these pictures must be really a great artist to make so amazing realistic portraits.

Her mind and body were getting better as she continue her dinner and soon a blonde maid say some words than make her realize many things. She get unsure of why all were looking her like a weird bug until she heard the word nudist, she has been nude all these ages, because that vile human trapped her like that to see her gorgeous body every day until decide to completely seal her with that fluid, she covered herself with her hands. My appologize, its not my fault to appear like this... The fear of being looked like something dangerous make her shiver.

Her heart shape tail recoil around her and her dark wings cuddle at her light blue body, once ended the cake she dont think twice and used what energy she have left, she bright for a moment before a dark aura surround parts of her body and then a skimpy silver armor appear, like final touch a headmaid hat appear over her head and then she nearly faint for the lack of energy, she just suppose than she could get recovered later, but for the moment she needed to act as a maid, helping these people until she could find a way to get all better for her, maybe even return from her home, but before that she needed to take care of that book to avoid any other posible new magic user.

My...Just before introduce herself, she stop and give a more mortal name. My name is Mica, your humble servant and i would love to do my best, but im a Little tired after the long travel, so maybe i could need some rest before get recovered. she add making a long bow at the floor toward Gabriele and then looks the others around the room.

Soo... who made the cake, it was really delicious, i havent tasted something like that in years

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (SirOni, Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Taki pouted at her state of appearance, and then at how she was ordered to clean the mess while in such a state. To say it was embarrassing was putting it lightly. With a blush of shame, Taki fetched some things to clean the floor with, as well as herself, before getting on her knees and getting to work.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (SirOni, Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

If this truly was a dream thin Tim would gladly sleep until eternity had passed. This luscious little creature pressing up against him was a sight, even without actually having any sight, and as she wiggled up even tighter and started reaching for the little owl on his shoulder Tim simply let it happen. In a way it was almost surreal how receptive this woman felt, but feeling the contours of that soft and sexy body slowly rubbing on his own practically had him melting. And people said he would be doomed as a maid...

But maybe they were right. This sexy little thing suddenly dived after the discarded cake, and in a rather odd show she started eating off the floor. While he couldn't quite see what was happening he had a very good idea of where everyone was and what they were doing, and picturing this woman stuffing her face was... Well... Huh...

It was impossible to figure out how to feel about that, and while everyone else made their introductions Tim simply looked contemplative. Maemi-san was her usual klutz-mother-of-the-year self, the girl stitching herself back together was preoccupied with that to bother with anything else, and the other girl sounded a bit stuck up for a maid. But it takes all kinds, or that's at least what Tim thought, and once Gabrielė managed to avoid that aneurism it sounded like she was about to have she finally gave her staff their first task of the day. And it was 'clean this shit up'. A knock followed that order, the result of Tim tapping the heel of his shoe against the floor, and after listening for a bit he took a look around and found there was a lot of 'shit' to clean up. Knick-knacks, books, magazines, movies, spilled tea, spilled cake, lovely woman eating said cake...

Well, might as well get to it. "As you wish." At that he simply started moving through the random things that lay at his feet. There was a kaleidoscope of random debris everywhere, and the man maid started by simply sorting things as he found them. That Karin girl was already getting herself started by working on the media, and as he came across those pieces he simply handed them over to the woman. The first thing to pass was the Swimsuit Edition featuring their mistress. The next was the DVD featuring the MILF riding her stallion. And then came the S&M men. It was quite odd how he managed to find those things almost immediately, and as he handed them over he looked at each piece as if he was studying them. "You know, I feel as if I'm missing something because of my blindness..."


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Gabrielė: Stress: 0/20 Favor: -
Karin: S 0/20 F 8
Timmy: S 0/30 F 4
Mica (make up your mind dammit): S 0/10 F 7
Taki: S 1/30 F 4

Skill checks!
Karin rolls a 4; times Skill 3, that's 12.
Timtam rolls a 3; times Skill 1, that's 3.
Mica rolls a 5; times Skill 3, that's 15.
Taki rolls a 1; times Skill 4, that's 4. :<

Mica gets a point of favor for being amusing, also.

To the rather damp Taki, their apparent Mistress called, "Cleanin' spray's under the bathroom sink, broom n' mop's over here." The poor girl found the cupboard guarded by possibly the biggest fucking spider she'd ever seen - though, mercifully, at the sudden intrusion of bright light when she opened the door into the under-sink cupboard, the thing retreated... somewhere, vanishing into a crack in the wall. While the man and her sister seemed to have gotten started on picking up the bookshelf's contents, the blue girl was 'helping' by grabbing up fistfuls of cake and (rather lewdly) eating them. The Franken-girl, seeing Taki's sullen face and her partner's rather unhelpful occupation, scooted forward and took a towel from Taki, helpfully scrubbing a few wet spots on the floor. She was mostly put together, too! One leg was sorta still loose, but... if Taki didn't look too close, it was almost as if she wasn't a freaky undead monstrosity!

"Dunno who made it," Gabrielė said in response to the winged maid's question. "Dunno why I'm talking to a figment of my imagination either. Dunno what it tasted like, either, buuut hey, you wanna rest, that's fine - I mean, it's not like that wind you made when you puffed outta the book wrecked my apartment and blew my birthday tea and cake - which I didn't get to have any of, did I mention that part? - all over my carpet or anything, whatever, it's cool. The sarcasm was strong with this one.

Karin and Timmy, in the meantime, picked up a bunch of DVDs and books. With unusual precision, he seemed to single out the raciest bits of the pile, his fingers leading him to pick up solely the dirty DVDs and a few not-dirty-only-technically magazines before ever laying a finger on the normal movies and literature. A few more particularly concerning cases found their way into Timmy's fingers as he passed them over to Karin, but thankfully, no one's delicate and totally chaste sensibilities were injured.

"You might be, blind boy," Gabby said as she poured steaming black liquid out of her kettle into a shotglass - it stunk up the tiny apartment something fierce. Making an incredibly grim face at it, she said, "That's 'Lace Lesbos Love the Lash'. Without much explanation further, Timmy hurt horrific gagging and retching coming from the kitchen area - the tea did not taste very good, apparently!

A clink and soft fizzing came shortly thereafter, as Gabrielė tried to clean the taste away with half of a glass bottle of beer. Her eyes having been squeezed tight since she drank down that horrible black tea, when she opened them again she did a double take at the sight of the five people that were apparently not actually hallucinations.

"So - let me get this straight. You lot are actually real?" she said, in clear disbelief. "And you're my maids. I... where the hell are you staying? Am I supposed to pay you lot or something?"
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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

"Ah... Thank you," Taki said in response, getting up and going over to find some cleaning supplies. When she would find the cupboard, there was the spider. It didn't have a chance to run away, Taki was screaming at the sight of it and falling backwards onto her bottom. "HIYAAAAAAAAA!!!" she screamed, before reaching into her maid outfit, and pulling out a bomb suddenly. "KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT!" she demanded, before throwing the bomb at the spider as it retreated. The bomb hit the top edge of the square hole in the cupboard, bounced off of it, bounced off of the floor, and landed into Taki's lap. Taki's eyes were closed as she waited for the spider to meet it's end at the hands of an explosion, before she heard that the sizzling of the fuse was awfully close and opened her eyes.

"Kya-!" she squeaked before it exploded. Covered in black soot, Taki fell over on her side, her eyes spinning. She'd lay there a moment, before springing to her knees as if she had a full recovery. Either that, or she used an extra life.

Taki x 3


Taki x 2

As if nothing happened, she reached into the cupboard and got out the cleaning supplies, cleaning herself off as best she could, before going back out to clean up the rest of the mess that was Gabriele's birthday. Taki gave a start when that was announced. "B-birthday!? I... I'm so terribly sorry, miss!" Taki said as she was cleaning, before bowing her head, an act that seemed to invite misfortune upon her as one of her knees gave out on a slippery part of the half cleaned floor, and she fell over, her head hitting the wall hard. She flopped over again, as if knocked out, before zipping back up to her knees once more.

Taki x 2


Taki x 1

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

With her work going as good as expected, Karin almost wanted to compliment herself, doing much better than the others. The blind trans guy came over to help her, the gesture being one that she respected enough, though she wished that the other person did their work better. There appeared to be a good amount of ability to determine things in this Tim however, as he could tell something was amiss. "Well, there are a lot of raunchy things here. It should not be a big deal." she told the guy, a further quip from their so-called mistress only serving add further information. "Like she says. Taki, get your act together. You are not helping that way." she also called to what was unfortunately her sister, not being all that satisfied with the antics that just seemed to go on and on. The place would only end up being more destroyed if something was not done to prevent the mishaps that seemed to be a constant fix in her silly little sister's existence.

After confirming that they had set everything in the shelf and it was in good order, Karin went ahead to confirm the suspicions that still seemed to bother Gabriele. Going to the kitchen and looking for the opportunity, she threw a harsh slap at the mistress' rear, preferably when she was not drinking or carrying something precariously. "Is that enough to confirm? Yes, we are real, though I find some of these things I am seeing pretty unbelievable myself. And I have seen some bizarre things, despite my young age. These other things you speak of, I am sure we will stay here. Not so much concrete knowledge on the payment stuff, though the dress that I currently wear pretty much tells it all about me being a maid. I am new to this though, so I might not be the best. I am competent still."
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Mica (who true name was in part Isidia but she wanted to hide it) made a great job cleaning the floor and then dressing herself with her naughty skimpy maid metal armor, but getting really tired after using that small magic quantity, a rest should be needed soon so she could get restored completely, she suppose.

The blue demoness was ending her cleaning when she Heard the words of her Mistress.Aw, dont worry mylady, even if this cake was amazing, i can cook you even better ones as much as you want. She yawn cutely and slowly get up cleaning the last of the cake at her hand with soft licks and moving her head to move her long hair to place it in place, but the many noises from Taki make her turn to the clumsy maid for a while.

Her surprise ended when the human send a bomb tan explode at the same maid, making the blue skined girl giggle and then she moves and hug Timmy when this confess his blidness and also when Gabrielle say what is inside the videos. Im so surprised to heard than you are blind Timmy, bacause you are a very handsome healthy young man. Her hand soon go up and and rubs the man back and head, feeling pitty for him and finally cuddling at his back to confort him. Even blind you are really a great maid, all that cleaning and without be able to see these amazing portaits than show the beauty of the human body, Mistress body looks amazing at that bathsuit she ended wishpering at the man ear and after that she went to see if her Mistress was fine after that noise at the kitchen, managing tor each before the maid spank the poor Gabrielle's rear, making a Little grind at the event.

Oh dear, it was not easy for me too, find yourself nude and surrounded by many maids dont happen to one ussually, but that cake made my day. She get close to the two and then check a little the others maids. This could work... dunno why im so tired, but you are really a wonderful good person, my Mistress, the enoght at least to give me your birthday cake and let me rest. She then went to her knee and stay at the floor making a bow.

The destiny has guide me to you and as a birthday gift, let me offer you my service, i just need to be close you, be feeded and rest when i need it.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

"I... I see..." Though that was obviously impossible for Tim he still took a moment to look the DVD he found over, and as he handed over to his fellow maid his empty gaze slowly crept toward his sarcastic mistress. When he first arrived he was able to catch a somewhat vague sense of her appearance with all the noise bouncing around the small apartment, and he didn't mind what little he had seen, but now things were different. He had seen another side to his new mistress, a private side that revealed a rather surprising and somewhat enticing look into the lady's fantasies. Somehow he was going to need to get an even more private look into her-

COUGH That... That smell... COUGH COUGH COUGH Oh good lord did that reek! COUGH COUGH COUGH HACK! "M-Mistress! If you really wish to punish yourself than I'm sure there's a more pleasant way to do so!" A little more subtle coughing was given before a far more feminine hand rose to wipe away a few tears from those sightless eyes. That was suddenly interrupted by Maemi-san screaming at the spider, which was quickly followed by a small explosion that had Tammy blinking at all the commotion. She didn't respond to they angel-demon's comments on Gabby's fine body, but once she heard Maemi-san continuing her tradition of total klutz Tammy rose and was sliding up to meet the mature woman. "Maemi-san..." Tammy caught Taki's fingers in her own hand and held them rather affectionately. "Why don't you sit down for a second and rest? It's been a rather exciting few minutes, don't you think so?" With that Tammy turned on the charm, and a moment later the little owl on her shoulder let out a squeak of a hoot in agreement.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Gabrielė: Stress: 2/20 Favor: -
Karin: S 2/20 F 8
Timmy: S 0/30 F 4
Mica: S 0/10 F 7
Taki: S 1/30 F 4

Spanking happens!
2 stress for Gabby. (1d6 = 3, div 2 and round up)
2 stress for Karin. (Same thing, but she rolled a 4)

A dull boom accompanied the tiny black tongue of smoke drifting out from under the door to the bathroom, which promptly set off another round of knocks from downstairs, and even less intelligible yelling than last time. Shortly, Taki opened the door, letting out a rolling cloud of soot that got all over the nearby furniture and the stuff still on the ground - which, given the tight quarters of the apartment, was essentially all of it.

"Oh, what the fuck?!" Gabrielė swore as Taki re-emerged. "Was ruining one room not enough for you people. And that shit wasn't a punishment - why would I be punishing myself for? It was an old family cure for hallucinations. You could have said something about not bei-"


"Owww!" She cried out, before glaring at her tiny aggressor. "Nooo," she said after a moment - and with a swift snap, she countered, her hand making a loud 'thwack' against Karin's rear. "But that is,"

Meanwhile, the girl that came out of the book was on her knees, bowing, and talking about not working... to which Gabrielė responded by poking her with her foot. Many times. Quite insistently!

"Whoa whoa whoa, who said anything about not working?! If you're actually real, then get my apartment cleaned up! You're the one that caused this mess when you popped out of that book, after all! And speaking of which... how are you lot supposed to live here?! I, by myself, barely fit in this tiny little rathole! And, what, am I supposed to pay you guys or something? I don't have that much money!"

Gabby was breathing pretty hard by now, quite obviously distressed, temper already flaring. Glancing into the living room, she found the other two maids sharing a moment together... and immediately flung out an arm, as if asking 'What is this?'.

"And now those two are lezzing out! Wait, wasn't he a dude before?!"

This seemed to be the final straw for Gabby. "Uuugh! Whateverrr! Fine, whatever, just... clean up! You're maids, right? No more weird shit, just, just clean up!" Walking past Karin, Mica, and the little maid that seemed to have finally put herself together, Gabrielė stomped into the bedroom. "I just... I just need to think for a minute. Need to calm down and think, try to process all... this."

The door clicked shut behind her, and the five girls were left with a newly-sullied bathroom and yet more mess to sort through. The Mistresses' empty beer bottle was on the counter, while the book Mica had come out from lay open on the floor - little red envelopes littered the ground here and there, as well, all of which were still unopened.

The Frankenmaid, though - she'd seemed quite cheerful as she put herself together, but now, she seemed... sick. Nauseous, almost. She leaned forward, dry-heaving... and then... she burped. Loudly.

When she looked up, she had a letter sticking out of her mouth.

"Oh! So that's where that went."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

At her kness with her face down, Mica dont expected to feel pokes and the human words against her idea of rest for a while, for the winged girl a small break sound really reasonable after pass hundred of years traped in that book, in nearly the standing same position and with that salt odd smelly substance on her nude body. Mica endure it and just remain there until her Mistress ended with her and pass to place her anger in the others, at least now all could notice tan the human named Gabrielle havent digested what is happening.

Given her time to calm herself, Mica get up and strench herself making a little yawn at the end, covering softly her mouth. What is money?. She ask in a whisper to herself before return where Timmy and Maemi were making a lot of noise, there she notice many things happening, the altered woman has closed herself in another room and now Maemi was close another strange maid woman with Timmy 's owl at her shoulder, making her think than Timmy has leaved too for a while and had given his bird to that new mortal. She wanted to ask them where he was when then she notice that damn book alone at the floor and without thinking twice, she goes quickly to take and close it, she however dont have a bag at her clothes to store it and just decide to continue cleaning with the book at hand, taking the strange papers at the place than looks to have something sealed inside, she nearly thinking than more por creatures were trapped inside, but not any single of these looks to have the same time than the book at her hand.

Turning to the others as she clean, she just suppose than do all this without a Word looks to be really bored and she could fall sleep if this continue. Ehm... so i suppose than is also the first day of all of you working here. Where is Timmy? He really is a charm skilled male, i wanted to ask him to teach me some things... and know more of him... in private Ask worried and dont really trying to make any innuendo or naughty talk at the moment. Her work collecting the cards continue and if there could be more work after end, she could help someone else with their work, as faster as they end she could find out how use this book to return to home and also rest, she dont see the use of get all this completely cleaned if the Mistress will find another way to make a mess, but at least in a fun way.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

"Hm?" Tammy turned her head to half-listen to Miss Gabriele as she seemed to rage on everything that was happening around her. Tammy didn't appear all that bothered by it. Soot starting to cover everything? That could be cleaned, no problem. Gabby getting slapped on the ass? Thaaat didn't quite seem right, not from one maid to her mistress, but then again Gabriele did appear to have some odd kinks. It probably wouldn't matter all that... Oh, well there we go. Mistress Gabriele took matters into her own hands and exacted her punishment on the offending maid. All was made right!

But then that attention turned to Tammy and Maemi-san. That seemed to really get on Miss Gabby's nerve, especially as she sounded desperate in figuring out how to pay and house her newly acquired help, but even then Tammy didn't seem all that bothered by it. "Don't worry about me, Mistress, this happens from time to-" *shut* "...time?"

Well, this was a first. Tammy was actually at a loss for words on how to speak with Gabby about this. Sure, she could simply walk in, sit down, and calmly tell her about this weird gender-bending thing Tim/Tammy did, but Miss Gabby obviously wasn't in the mood for that right now. Wait, she had a small letter of introduction somewhere... Unfortunately with the small cyclone and all the other letters of congratulations there was little to no way for the maid to find it. And that was a shame. It had a pretty good explanation for Tim's rather eccentric skill...

Oh well, one simply couldn't sit around moping about lost letters and whatnot. This place truly was a mess now, even someone as blind as Tammy could see that. Might as well get started. "Maemi-san..." Of course not once had she dropped Taki's fingers, and Tammy gave them a light, affectionate brush before she stepped closer and brought herself flush against Taki's mature figure. "Let's work together and make sure Mistress can enjoy her birthday!" A winning smile beamed out from the woman's face, and once Taki gave her answer Tammy finally pulled away and started moving over toward the now ashen bathroom.

But before she made it she heard someone asking for Timmy. And that voice belonged to that sexy little number with the wings. At that Tammy came to a stop and turned toward the now properly clothed-ish hybrid. "I'm still here!" The owl on her shoulder hooted in acknowledgement before sneezing a bit at all the soot that was starting to bother it, and Tammy gave it a comforting pat before continuing. "Don't worry about what I look like, I'm still Tim underneath all this." At that Tammy couldn't help but pose a little to accentuate and flatter her somewhat petite but well-developed curves. "And if you'd like me to teach you some things, well..." At that a small smirk played across her face before she started slipping into Taki's little ground zero. "...I'll be in here."

Skill for cleaning is 1, so don't expect much.
Last edited:

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Taki hung her head as she was scolded by her nee-chan. 'She's completely treating me like an outsider... She's as cruel as always.' Taki thought to herself with a depressed sigh before she picked up and sought to get to work. But, Tim was there to offer some comfort. Taki simply smiled and shook her head. "N-not at all, Timmy! I'm quite fine, I am simply cursed with a little bad luck is all. I'll get this cleaned up right..." and then the strange winged girl was apparently flirting with Tim.

Immediately, it would seem as if Taki was a mile away from the situation. 'I don't know if this is the best time to be flirting, when everything is in such chaos...' Taki looked back at the winged woman. 'It pisses me off a little too... Women like you who are treated like their real age should just explode.'

But then, a little more support came from Tammy, who looked more like a girl now, something Taki was sort of used to. "Yeah! Let's do our best, Tim!" Taki announced. "Ah, Tim..." Taki noticed Tim getting closer, but from where she was cleaning, Tim was somewhat out of her view. "Tim...?" Taki inquired nervously while Tim was talking with the pervy angel and getting closer to her. Then something was said about where he'll be.

"In where!?" Taki exclaimed. "Why are you saying something like that while near me!? How embarrassing!" she complained, though she looked a little happy. She had an urge to gloat in front of the angel over the apparent preference Tim has.

(Taki cleans stuffs. 4+1=5 Skill towards cleaning.)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Getting a slap back in return was something that Karin should have expected from the mistress, considering what there was in her shelves, all those S&M deals. It was a sign that Gab was most likely a person in the same vein as the tiny maid herself was when it came to matters of leadership and subservience. She would have to think about ways to deal with this, getting treated like a sub would just not cut it with this one-time mistress of all men (and women). But at for the time being, she had other things to focus on, namely getting that ordered cleaning going. Rebelling against the order came to mind briefly, but that was not most likely a wise move at this point in time. Once she was more accustomed to how the place and the other people were, then would be the time to play tricks with the others.

Just as she was about to get to work, Karin noticed further lifesigns in the one member of the team that had not done anything else besides fix herself up to that point. Looking on, she saw the strange flesh golem of a girl burp up some kind of paper that was most likely a letter. "Hmm, let's see what this is about..." she thought, intent on going for the letter and see what it said before she would do any cleaning.